【Azure 应用服务】在创建Web App Service的时候,选Linux系统后无法使用Mysql in App


如图上,是App Services在Windows环境中,系统自带了MySQL In App功能。而在,Linux环境中,没有发现Mysql in App功能,是不是无法在Linux中使用呢?


Linux环境中的Mysql In App 功能与windows是不一样的,它需要在Docker容器中自建Mysql


MySQL in-app feature enables running MySql natively on Azure App Service platform.You don’t need to provision a database explicitly as during the creation of the web app when using this feature,  we take care of enabling it if you select “MySQL in-app ” during creation or if the feature is turned ON for existing web app.


Note : This MySQL in-app is specific to Windows version of Azure app service. If you are looking for local mysql on Linux MySQL app service , click here.




posted @ 2022-03-28 21:00  路边两盏灯  阅读(47)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报