【Azure Redis 缓存】Windows版创建 Redis Cluster 实验 (精简版)
学习Redis Cluster的第一步,即本地搭建Redis Cluster。但是在Redis的官方文档中,是介绍在Linux系统中搭建Redis Cluster。本文主要介绍在Windows系统中如何快速创建一个3主/3从的Redis Cluster(Redis集群)。
1)在GitHub中下载由Microsoft发布的Windows版Redis文件(当前最新版本为3.2.100, 下载ZIP文件,解压后双击 redis-server.exe 就可以启用一个单机的Reids服务)。下载地址:https://github.com/MicrosoftArchive/redis/releases
2)Redis 3版本需要使用 redis-trib.rb create 来执行集群的创建工作,也需要从Github中下载 redis-trib.rb文件(如无法下载,可在本文的附录中复制)。下载地址:https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MSOpenTech/redis/3.0/src/redis-trib.rb
3)Ruby 运行环境(因为redis-trib.rb是Ruby语言编写,所以需要在Windows本机中安装Ruby运行环境)。下载地址:https://rubyinstaller.org/downloads/
4)Ruby Redis驱动 Redis gem。下载地址:https://rubygems.org/gems/redis/versions/4.5.1
For Redis version 3 or 4, there is the older tool called
which is very similar. You can find it in thesrc
directory of the Redis source code distribution. You need to installredis
gem to be able to runredis-trib
.Source: https://redis.io/topics/cluster-tutorial#creating-the-cluster
创建 cluster_test文件夹,这次实验使用7000,7001,7002,7003,7004,7005 这六个端口。
mkdir cluster-test cd cluster-test mkdir 7000 7001 7002 7003 7004 7005
port 7000 cluster-enabled yes cluster-config-file nodes.conf cluster-node-timeout 5000 appendonly yes
注: 每个子文件夹中的端口需要对应修改为7001,... 7005。
复制redis-server.exe文件到cluster-test中,然后打开6个CMD窗口,分别进入到7000, ... 7005 目录中。运行启动Redis Service命令
..\redis-server .\redis.conf
注:需要在6个CMD中对7000,7001,7002,7003,7004,7005 启动Reids Server
第三步: 安装Ruby运行环境
第四步:安装Redis的驱动 Redis gem
复制 redis-4.5.1.gem 文件到Ruby的安装目录,运行 gem install --local C:\Ruby30-x64\redis-4.5.1.gem ,等待安装成功。
第五步:redis-trib.rb create 创建集群
把下载的redis-trib.rb文件放在cluster_test目录中,CMD窗口进入 cluster_test 目录,执行 redis-trib.rb create
redis-trib.rb create --replicas 1
当从日志中看见 [OK] All 16384 slots covered
使用 redis-cli.exe 工具(包含Redis的下载ZIP文件中)可以非常容易的查看Cluster Node信息和 Set, Get Key
redis-cli.exe -c -p 7000 redis> set foo bar -> Redirected to slot [12182] located at OK redis> set hello world -> Redirected to slot [866] located at OK redis> get foo -> Redirected to slot [12182] located at "bar" redis> get hello -> Redirected to slot [866] located at "world"
使用 cluster nodes查看节点信息:
附件1:redis-trib.rb 文件内容

#!/usr/bin/env ruby # TODO (temporary here, we'll move this into the Github issues once # redis-trib initial implementation is completed). # # - Make sure that if the rehashing fails in the middle redis-trib will try # to recover. # - When redis-trib performs a cluster check, if it detects a slot move in # progress it should prompt the user to continue the move from where it # stopped. # - Gracefully handle Ctrl+C in move_slot to prompt the user if really stop # while rehashing, and performing the best cleanup possible if the user # forces the quit. # - When doing "fix" set a global Fix to true, and prompt the user to # fix the problem if automatically fixable every time there is something # to fix. For instance: # 1) If there is a node that pretend to receive a slot, or to migrate a # slot, but has no entries in that slot, fix it. # 2) If there is a node having keys in slots that are not owned by it # fix this condition moving the entries in the same node. # 3) Perform more possibly slow tests about the state of the cluster. # 4) When aborted slot migration is detected, fix it. require 'rubygems' require 'redis' ClusterHashSlots = 16384 def xputs(s) case s[0..2] when ">>>" color="29;1" when "[ER" color="31;1" when "[OK" color="32" when "[FA","***" color="33" else color=nil end color = nil if ENV['TERM'] != "xterm" print "\033[#{color}m" if color print s print "\033[0m" if color print "\n" end class ClusterNode def initialize(addr) s = addr.split(":") if s.length < 2 puts "Invalid IP or Port (given as #{addr}) - use IP:Port format" exit 1 end port = s.pop # removes port from split array ip = s.join(":") # if s.length > 1 here, it's IPv6, so restore address @r = nil @info = {} @info[:host] = ip @info[:port] = port @info[:slots] = {} @info[:migrating] = {} @info[:importing] = {} @info[:replicate] = false @dirty = false # True if we need to flush slots info into node. @friends = [] end def friends @friends end def slots @info[:slots] end def has_flag?(flag) @info[:flags].index(flag) end def to_s "#{@info[:host]}:#{@info[:port]}" end def connect(o={}) return if @r print "Connecting to node #{self}: " STDOUT.flush begin @r = Redis.new(:host => @info[:host], :port => @info[:port], :timeout => 60) @r.ping rescue xputs "[ERR] Sorry, can't connect to node #{self}" exit 1 if o[:abort] @r = nil end xputs "OK" end def assert_cluster info = @r.info if !info["cluster_enabled"] || info["cluster_enabled"].to_i == 0 xputs "[ERR] Node #{self} is not configured as a cluster node." exit 1 end end def assert_empty if !(@r.cluster("info").split("\r\n").index("cluster_known_nodes:1")) || (@r.info['db0']) xputs "[ERR] Node #{self} is not empty. Either the node already knows other nodes (check with CLUSTER NODES) or contains some key in database 0." exit 1 end end def load_info(o={}) self.connect nodes = @r.cluster("nodes").split("\n") nodes.each{|n| # name addr flags role ping_sent ping_recv link_status slots split = n.split name,addr,flags,master_id,ping_sent,ping_recv,config_epoch,link_status = split[0..6] slots = split[8..-1] info = { :name => name, :addr => addr, :flags => flags.split(","), :replicate => master_id, :ping_sent => ping_sent.to_i, :ping_recv => ping_recv.to_i, :link_status => link_status } info[:replicate] = false if master_id == "-" if info[:flags].index("myself") @info = @info.merge(info) @info[:slots] = {} slots.each{|s| if s[0..0] == '[' if s.index("->-") # Migrating slot,dst = s[1..-1].split("->-") @info[:migrating][slot.to_i] = dst elsif s.index("-<-") # Importing slot,src = s[1..-1].split("-<-") @info[:importing][slot.to_i] = src end elsif s.index("-") start,stop = s.split("-") self.add_slots((start.to_i)..(stop.to_i)) else self.add_slots((s.to_i)..(s.to_i)) end } if slots @dirty = false @r.cluster("info").split("\n").each{|e| k,v=e.split(":") k = k.to_sym v.chop! if k != :cluster_state @info[k] = v.to_i else @info[k] = v end } elsif o[:getfriends] @friends << info end } end def add_slots(slots) slots.each{|s| @info[:slots][s] = :new } @dirty = true end def set_as_replica(node_id) @info[:replicate] = node_id @dirty = true end def flush_node_config return if !@dirty if @info[:replicate] begin @r.cluster("replicate",@info[:replicate]) rescue # If the cluster did not already joined it is possible that # the slave does not know the master node yet. So on errors # we return ASAP leaving the dirty flag set, to flush the # config later. return end else new = [] @info[:slots].each{|s,val| if val == :new new << s @info[:slots][s] = true end } @r.cluster("addslots",*new) end @dirty = false end def info_string # We want to display the hash slots assigned to this node # as ranges, like in: "1-5,8-9,20-25,30" # # Note: this could be easily written without side effects, # we use 'slots' just to split the computation into steps. # First step: we want an increasing array of integers # for instance: [1,2,3,4,5,8,9,20,21,22,23,24,25,30] slots = @info[:slots].keys.sort # As we want to aggregate adjacent slots we convert all the # slot integers into ranges (with just one element) # So we have something like [1..1,2..2, ... and so forth. slots.map!{|x| x..x} # Finally we group ranges with adjacent elements. slots = slots.reduce([]) {|a,b| if !a.empty? && b.first == (a[-1].last)+1 a[0..-2] + [(a[-1].first)..(b.last)] else a + [b] end } # Now our task is easy, we just convert ranges with just one # element into a number, and a real range into a start-end format. # Finally we join the array using the comma as separator. slots = slots.map{|x| x.count == 1 ? x.first.to_s : "#{x.first}-#{x.last}" }.join(",") role = self.has_flag?("master") ? "M" : "S" if self.info[:replicate] and @dirty is = "S: #{self.info[:name]} #{self.to_s}" else is = "#{role}: #{self.info[:name]} #{self.to_s}\n"+ " slots:#{slots} (#{self.slots.length} slots) "+ "#{(self.info[:flags]-["myself"]).join(",")}" end if self.info[:replicate] is += "\n replicates #{info[:replicate]}" elsif self.has_flag?("master") && self.info[:replicas] is += "\n #{info[:replicas].length} additional replica(s)" end is end # Return a single string representing nodes and associated slots. # TODO: remove slaves from config when slaves will be handled # by Redis Cluster. def get_config_signature config = [] @r.cluster("nodes").each_line{|l| s = l.split slots = s[8..-1].select {|x| x[0..0] != "["} next if slots.length == 0 config << s[0]+":"+(slots.sort.join(",")) } config.sort.join("|") end def info @info end def is_dirty? @dirty end def r @r end end class RedisTrib def initialize @nodes = [] @fix = false @errors = [] end def check_arity(req_args, num_args) if ((req_args > 0 and num_args != req_args) || (req_args < 0 and num_args < req_args.abs)) xputs "[ERR] Wrong number of arguments for specified sub command" exit 1 end end def add_node(node) @nodes << node end def cluster_error(msg) @errors << msg xputs msg end def get_node_by_name(name) @nodes.each{|n| return n if n.info[:name] == name.downcase } return nil end # This function returns the master that has the least number of replicas # in the cluster. If there are multiple masters with the same smaller # number of replicas, one at random is returned. def get_master_with_least_replicas masters = @nodes.select{|n| n.has_flag? "master"} sorted = masters.sort{|a,b| a.info[:replicas].length <=> b.info[:replicas].length } sorted[0] end def check_cluster xputs ">>> Performing Cluster Check (using node #{@nodes[0]})" show_nodes check_config_consistency check_open_slots check_slots_coverage end # Merge slots of every known node. If the resulting slots are equal # to ClusterHashSlots, then all slots are served. def covered_slots slots = {} @nodes.each{|n| slots = slots.merge(n.slots) } slots end def check_slots_coverage xputs ">>> Check slots coverage..." slots = covered_slots if slots.length == ClusterHashSlots xputs "[OK] All #{ClusterHashSlots} slots covered." else cluster_error \ "[ERR] Not all #{ClusterHashSlots} slots are covered by nodes." fix_slots_coverage if @fix end end def check_open_slots xputs ">>> Check for open slots..." open_slots = [] @nodes.each{|n| if n.info[:migrating].size > 0 cluster_error \ "[WARNING] Node #{n} has slots in migrating state (#{n.info[:migrating].keys.join(",")})." open_slots += n.info[:migrating].keys elsif n.info[:importing].size > 0 cluster_error \ "[WARNING] Node #{n} has slots in importing state (#{n.info[:importing].keys.join(",")})." open_slots += n.info[:importing].keys end } open_slots.uniq! if open_slots.length > 0 xputs "[WARNING] The following slots are open: #{open_slots.join(",")}" end if @fix open_slots.each{|slot| fix_open_slot slot} end end def nodes_with_keys_in_slot(slot) nodes = [] @nodes.each{|n| nodes << n if n.r.cluster("getkeysinslot",slot,1).length > 0 } nodes end def fix_slots_coverage not_covered = (0...ClusterHashSlots).to_a - covered_slots.keys xputs ">>> Fixing slots coverage..." xputs "List of not covered slots: " + not_covered.join(",") # For every slot, take action depending on the actual condition: # 1) No node has keys for this slot. # 2) A single node has keys for this slot. # 3) Multiple nodes have keys for this slot. slots = {} not_covered.each{|slot| nodes = nodes_with_keys_in_slot(slot) slots[slot] = nodes xputs "Slot #{slot} has keys in #{nodes.length} nodes: #{nodes.join}" } none = slots.select {|k,v| v.length == 0} single = slots.select {|k,v| v.length == 1} multi = slots.select {|k,v| v.length > 1} # Handle case "1": keys in no node. if none.length > 0 xputs "The folowing uncovered slots have no keys across the cluster:" xputs none.keys.join(",") yes_or_die "Fix these slots by covering with a random node?" none.each{|slot,nodes| node = @nodes.sample xputs ">>> Covering slot #{slot} with #{node}" node.r.cluster("addslots",slot) } end # Handle case "2": keys only in one node. if single.length > 0 xputs "The folowing uncovered slots have keys in just one node:" puts single.keys.join(",") yes_or_die "Fix these slots by covering with those nodes?" single.each{|slot,nodes| xputs ">>> Covering slot #{slot} with #{nodes[0]}" nodes[0].r.cluster("addslots",slot) } end # Handle case "3": keys in multiple nodes. if multi.length > 0 xputs "The folowing uncovered slots have keys in multiple nodes:" xputs multi.keys.join(",") yes_or_die "Fix these slots by moving keys into a single node?" multi.each{|slot,nodes| xputs ">>> Covering slot #{slot} moving keys to #{nodes[0]}" # TODO # 1) Set all nodes as "MIGRATING" for this slot, so that we # can access keys in the hash slot using ASKING. # 2) Move everything to node[0] # 3) Clear MIGRATING from nodes, and ADDSLOTS the slot to # node[0]. raise "TODO: Work in progress" } end end # Return the owner of the specified slot def get_slot_owner(slot) @nodes.each{|n| n.slots.each{|s,_| return n if s == slot } } nil end # Slot 'slot' was found to be in importing or migrating state in one or # more nodes. This function fixes this condition by migrating keys where # it seems more sensible. def fix_open_slot(slot) puts ">>> Fixing open slot #{slot}" # Try to obtain the current slot owner, according to the current # nodes configuration. owner = get_slot_owner(slot) # If there is no slot owner, set as owner the slot with the biggest # number of keys, among the set of migrating / importing nodes. if !owner xputs "*** Fix me, some work to do here." # Select owner... # Use ADDSLOTS to assign the slot. exit 1 end migrating = [] importing = [] @nodes.each{|n| next if n.has_flag? "slave" if n.info[:migrating][slot] migrating << n elsif n.info[:importing][slot] importing << n elsif n.r.cluster("countkeysinslot",slot) > 0 && n != owner xputs "*** Found keys about slot #{slot} in node #{n}!" importing << n end } puts "Set as migrating in: #{migrating.join(",")}" puts "Set as importing in: #{importing.join(",")}" # Case 1: The slot is in migrating state in one slot, and in # importing state in 1 slot. That's trivial to address. if migrating.length == 1 && importing.length == 1 move_slot(migrating[0],importing[0],slot,:verbose=>true,:fix=>true) # Case 2: There are multiple nodes that claim the slot as importing, # they probably got keys about the slot after a restart so opened # the slot. In this case we just move all the keys to the owner # according to the configuration. elsif migrating.length == 0 && importing.length > 0 xputs ">>> Moving all the #{slot} slot keys to its owner #{owner}" importing.each {|node| next if node == owner move_slot(node,owner,slot,:verbose=>true,:fix=>true,:cold=>true) xputs ">>> Setting #{slot} as STABLE in #{node}" node.r.cluster("setslot",slot,"stable") } # Case 3: There are no slots claiming to be in importing state, but # there is a migrating node that actually don't have any key. We # can just close the slot, probably a reshard interrupted in the middle. elsif importing.length == 0 && migrating.length == 1 && migrating[0].r.cluster("getkeysinslot",slot,10).length == 0 migrating[0].r.cluster("setslot",slot,"stable") else xputs "[ERR] Sorry, Redis-trib can't fix this slot yet (work in progress). Slot is set as migrating in #{migrating.join(",")}, as importing in #{importing.join(",")}, owner is #{owner}" end end # Check if all the nodes agree about the cluster configuration def check_config_consistency if !is_config_consistent? cluster_error "[ERR] Nodes don't agree about configuration!" else xputs "[OK] All nodes agree about slots configuration." end end def is_config_consistent? signatures=[] @nodes.each{|n| signatures << n.get_config_signature } return signatures.uniq.length == 1 end def wait_cluster_join print "Waiting for the cluster to join" while !is_config_consistent? print "." STDOUT.flush sleep 1 end print "\n" end def alloc_slots nodes_count = @nodes.length masters_count = @nodes.length / (@replicas+1) masters = [] # The first step is to split instances by IP. This is useful as # we'll try to allocate master nodes in different physical machines # (as much as possible) and to allocate slaves of a given master in # different physical machines as well. # # This code assumes just that if the IP is different, than it is more # likely that the instance is running in a different physical host # or at least a different virtual machine. ips = {} @nodes.each{|n| ips[n.info[:host]] = [] if !ips[n.info[:host]] ips[n.info[:host]] << n } # Select master instances puts "Using #{masters_count} masters:" interleaved = [] stop = false while not stop do # Take one node from each IP until we run out of nodes # across every IP. ips.each do |ip,nodes| if nodes.empty? # if this IP has no remaining nodes, check for termination if interleaved.length == nodes_count # stop when 'interleaved' has accumulated all nodes stop = true next end else # else, move one node from this IP to 'interleaved' interleaved.push nodes.shift end end end masters = interleaved.slice!(0, masters_count) nodes_count -= masters.length masters.each{|m| puts m} # Alloc slots on masters slots_per_node = ClusterHashSlots.to_f / masters_count first = 0 cursor = 0.0 masters.each_with_index{|n,masternum| last = (cursor+slots_per_node-1).round if last > ClusterHashSlots || masternum == masters.length-1 last = ClusterHashSlots-1 end last = first if last < first # Min step is 1. n.add_slots first..last first = last+1 cursor += slots_per_node } # Select N replicas for every master. # We try to split the replicas among all the IPs with spare nodes # trying to avoid the host where the master is running, if possible. # # Note we loop two times. The first loop assigns the requested # number of replicas to each master. The second loop assigns any # remaining instances as extra replicas to masters. Some masters # may end up with more than their requested number of replicas, but # all nodes will be used. assignment_verbose = false [:requested,:unused].each do |assign| masters.each do |m| assigned_replicas = 0 while assigned_replicas < @replicas break if nodes_count == 0 if assignment_verbose if assign == :requested puts "Requesting total of #{@replicas} replicas " \ "(#{assigned_replicas} replicas assigned " \ "so far with #{nodes_count} total remaining)." elsif assign == :unused puts "Assigning extra instance to replication " \ "role too (#{nodes_count} remaining)." end end # Return the first node not matching our current master node = interleaved.find{|n| n.info[:host] != m.info[:host]} # If we found a node, use it as a best-first match. # Otherwise, we didn't find a node on a different IP, so we # go ahead and use a same-IP replica. if node slave = node interleaved.delete node else slave = interleaved.shift end slave.set_as_replica(m.info[:name]) nodes_count -= 1 assigned_replicas += 1 puts "Adding replica #{slave} to #{m}" # If we are in the "assign extra nodes" loop, # we want to assign one extra replica to each # master before repeating masters. # This break lets us assign extra replicas to masters # in a round-robin way. break if assign == :unused end end end end def flush_nodes_config @nodes.each{|n| n.flush_node_config } end def show_nodes @nodes.each{|n| xputs n.info_string } end # Redis Cluster config epoch collision resolution code is able to eventually # set a different epoch to each node after a new cluster is created, but # it is slow compared to assign a progressive config epoch to each node # before joining the cluster. However we do just a best-effort try here # since if we fail is not a problem. def assign_config_epoch config_epoch = 1 @nodes.each{|n| begin n.r.cluster("set-config-epoch",config_epoch) rescue end config_epoch += 1 } end def join_cluster # We use a brute force approach to make sure the node will meet # each other, that is, sending CLUSTER MEET messages to all the nodes # about the very same node. # Thanks to gossip this information should propagate across all the # cluster in a matter of seconds. first = false @nodes.each{|n| if !first then first = n.info; next; end # Skip the first node n.r.cluster("meet",first[:host],first[:port]) } end def yes_or_die(msg) print "#{msg} (type 'yes' to accept): " STDOUT.flush if !(STDIN.gets.chomp.downcase == "yes") xputs "*** Aborting..." exit 1 end end def load_cluster_info_from_node(nodeaddr) node = ClusterNode.new(nodeaddr) node.connect(:abort => true) node.assert_cluster node.load_info(:getfriends => true) add_node(node) node.friends.each{|f| next if f[:flags].index("noaddr") || f[:flags].index("disconnected") || f[:flags].index("fail") fnode = ClusterNode.new(f[:addr]) fnode.connect() next if !fnode.r begin fnode.load_info() add_node(fnode) rescue => e xputs "[ERR] Unable to load info for node #{fnode}" end } populate_nodes_replicas_info end # This function is called by load_cluster_info_from_node in order to # add additional information to every node as a list of replicas. def populate_nodes_replicas_info # Start adding the new field to every node. @nodes.each{|n| n.info[:replicas] = [] } # Populate the replicas field using the replicate field of slave # nodes. @nodes.each{|n| if n.info[:replicate] master = get_node_by_name(n.info[:replicate]) if !master xputs "*** WARNING: #{n} claims to be slave of unknown node ID #{n.info[:replicate]}." else master.info[:replicas] << n end end } end # Given a list of source nodes return a "resharding plan" # with what slots to move in order to move "numslots" slots to another # instance. def compute_reshard_table(sources,numslots) moved = [] # Sort from bigger to smaller instance, for two reasons: # 1) If we take less slots than instances it is better to start # getting from the biggest instances. # 2) We take one slot more from the first instance in the case of not # perfect divisibility. Like we have 3 nodes and need to get 10 # slots, we take 4 from the first, and 3 from the rest. So the # biggest is always the first. sources = sources.sort{|a,b| b.slots.length <=> a.slots.length} source_tot_slots = sources.inject(0) {|sum,source| sum+source.slots.length } sources.each_with_index{|s,i| # Every node will provide a number of slots proportional to the # slots it has assigned. n = (numslots.to_f/source_tot_slots*s.slots.length) if i == 0 n = n.ceil else n = n.floor end s.slots.keys.sort[(0...n)].each{|slot| if moved.length < numslots moved << {:source => s, :slot => slot} end } } return moved end def show_reshard_table(table) table.each{|e| puts " Moving slot #{e[:slot]} from #{e[:source].info[:name]}" } end # Move slots between source and target nodes using MIGRATE. # # Options: # :verbose -- Print a dot for every moved key. # :fix -- We are moving in the context of a fix. Use REPLACE. # :cold -- Move keys without opening / reconfiguring the nodes. def move_slot(source,target,slot,o={}) # We start marking the slot as importing in the destination node, # and the slot as migrating in the target host. Note that the order of # the operations is important, as otherwise a client may be redirected # to the target node that does not yet know it is importing this slot. print "Moving slot #{slot} from #{source} to #{target}: "; STDOUT.flush if !o[:cold] target.r.cluster("setslot",slot,"importing",source.info[:name]) source.r.cluster("setslot",slot,"migrating",target.info[:name]) end # Migrate all the keys from source to target using the MIGRATE command while true keys = source.r.cluster("getkeysinslot",slot,10) break if keys.length == 0 keys.each{|key| begin source.r.client.call(["migrate",target.info[:host],target.info[:port],key,0,15000]) rescue => e if o[:fix] && e.to_s =~ /BUSYKEY/ xputs "*** Target key #{key} exists. Replacing it for FIX." source.r.client.call(["migrate",target.info[:host],target.info[:port],key,0,15000,:replace]) else puts "" xputs "[ERR] #{e}" exit 1 end end print "." if o[:verbose] STDOUT.flush } end puts # Set the new node as the owner of the slot in all the known nodes. if !o[:cold] @nodes.each{|n| n.r.cluster("setslot",slot,"node",target.info[:name]) } end end # redis-trib subcommands implementations def check_cluster_cmd(argv,opt) load_cluster_info_from_node(argv[0]) check_cluster end def fix_cluster_cmd(argv,opt) @fix = true load_cluster_info_from_node(argv[0]) check_cluster end def reshard_cluster_cmd(argv,opt) load_cluster_info_from_node(argv[0]) check_cluster if @errors.length != 0 puts "*** Please fix your cluster problems before resharding" exit 1 end # Get number of slots if opt['slots'] numslots = opt['slots'].to_i else numslots = 0 while numslots <= 0 or numslots > ClusterHashSlots print "How many slots do you want to move (from 1 to #{ClusterHashSlots})? " numslots = STDIN.gets.to_i end end # Get the target instance if opt['to'] target = get_node_by_name(opt['to']) if !target || target.has_flag?("slave") xputs "*** The specified node is not known or not a master, please retry." exit 1 end else target = nil while not target print "What is the receiving node ID? " target = get_node_by_name(STDIN.gets.chop) if !target || target.has_flag?("slave") xputs "*** The specified node is not known or not a master, please retry." target = nil end end end # Get the source instances sources = [] if opt['from'] opt['from'].split(',').each{|node_id| if node_id == "all" sources = "all" break end src = get_node_by_name(node_id) if !src || src.has_flag?("slave") xputs "*** The specified node is not known or is not a master, please retry." exit 1 end sources << src } else xputs "Please enter all the source node IDs." xputs " Type 'all' to use all the nodes as source nodes for the hash slots." xputs " Type 'done' once you entered all the source nodes IDs." while true print "Source node ##{sources.length+1}:" line = STDIN.gets.chop src = get_node_by_name(line) if line == "done" break elsif line == "all" sources = "all" break elsif !src || src.has_flag?("slave") xputs "*** The specified node is not known or is not a master, please retry." elsif src.info[:name] == target.info[:name] xputs "*** It is not possible to use the target node as source node." else sources << src end end end if sources.length == 0 puts "*** No source nodes given, operation aborted" exit 1 end # Handle soures == all. if sources == "all" sources = [] @nodes.each{|n| next if n.info[:name] == target.info[:name] next if n.has_flag?("slave") sources << n } end # Check if the destination node is the same of any source nodes. if sources.index(target) xputs "*** Target node is also listed among the source nodes!" exit 1 end puts "\nReady to move #{numslots} slots." puts " Source nodes:" sources.each{|s| puts " "+s.info_string} puts " Destination node:" puts " #{target.info_string}" reshard_table = compute_reshard_table(sources,numslots) puts " Resharding plan:" show_reshard_table(reshard_table) if !opt['yes'] print "Do you want to proceed with the proposed reshard plan (yes/no)? " yesno = STDIN.gets.chop exit(1) if (yesno != "yes") end reshard_table.each{|e| move_slot(e[:source],target,e[:slot],:verbose=>true) } end # This is an helper function for create_cluster_cmd that verifies if # the number of nodes and the specified replicas have a valid configuration # where there are at least three master nodes and enough replicas per node. def check_create_parameters masters = @nodes.length/(@replicas+1) if masters < 3 puts "*** ERROR: Invalid configuration for cluster creation." puts "*** Redis Cluster requires at least 3 master nodes." puts "*** This is not possible with #{@nodes.length} nodes and #{@replicas} replicas per node." puts "*** At least #{3*(@replicas+1)} nodes are required." exit 1 end end def create_cluster_cmd(argv,opt) opt = {'replicas' => 0}.merge(opt) @replicas = opt['replicas'].to_i xputs ">>> Creating cluster" argv[0..-1].each{|n| node = ClusterNode.new(n) node.connect(:abort => true) node.assert_cluster node.load_info node.assert_empty add_node(node) } check_create_parameters xputs ">>> Performing hash slots allocation on #{@nodes.length} nodes..." alloc_slots show_nodes yes_or_die "Can I set the above configuration?" flush_nodes_config xputs ">>> Nodes configuration updated" xputs ">>> Assign a different config epoch to each node" assign_config_epoch xputs ">>> Sending CLUSTER MEET messages to join the cluster" join_cluster # Give one second for the join to start, in order to avoid that # wait_cluster_join will find all the nodes agree about the config as # they are still empty with unassigned slots. sleep 1 wait_cluster_join flush_nodes_config # Useful for the replicas check_cluster end def addnode_cluster_cmd(argv,opt) xputs ">>> Adding node #{argv[0]} to cluster #{argv[1]}" # Check the existing cluster load_cluster_info_from_node(argv[1]) check_cluster # If --master-id was specified, try to resolve it now so that we # abort before starting with the node configuration. if opt['slave'] if opt['master-id'] master = get_node_by_name(opt['master-id']) if !master xputs "[ERR] No such master ID #{opt['master-id']}" end else master = get_master_with_least_replicas xputs "Automatically selected master #{master}" end end # Add the new node new = ClusterNode.new(argv[0]) new.connect(:abort => true) new.assert_cluster new.load_info new.assert_empty first = @nodes.first.info add_node(new) # Send CLUSTER MEET command to the new node xputs ">>> Send CLUSTER MEET to node #{new} to make it join the cluster." new.r.cluster("meet",first[:host],first[:port]) # Additional configuration is needed if the node is added as # a slave. if opt['slave'] wait_cluster_join xputs ">>> Configure node as replica of #{master}." new.r.cluster("replicate",master.info[:name]) end xputs "[OK] New node added correctly." end def delnode_cluster_cmd(argv,opt) id = argv[1].downcase xputs ">>> Removing node #{id} from cluster #{argv[0]}" # Load cluster information load_cluster_info_from_node(argv[0]) # Check if the node exists and is not empty node = get_node_by_name(id) if !node xputs "[ERR] No such node ID #{id}" exit 1 end if node.slots.length != 0 xputs "[ERR] Node #{node} is not empty! Reshard data away and try again." exit 1 end # Send CLUSTER FORGET to all the nodes but the node to remove xputs ">>> Sending CLUSTER FORGET messages to the cluster..." @nodes.each{|n| next if n == node if n.info[:replicate] && n.info[:replicate].downcase == id # Reconfigure the slave to replicate with some other node master = get_master_with_least_replicas xputs ">>> #{n} as replica of #{master}" n.r.cluster("replicate",master.info[:name]) end n.r.cluster("forget",argv[1]) } # Finally shutdown the node xputs ">>> SHUTDOWN the node." node.r.shutdown end def set_timeout_cluster_cmd(argv,opt) timeout = argv[1].to_i if timeout < 100 puts "Setting a node timeout of less than 100 milliseconds is a bad idea." exit 1 end # Load cluster information load_cluster_info_from_node(argv[0]) ok_count = 0 err_count = 0 # Send CLUSTER FORGET to all the nodes but the node to remove xputs ">>> Reconfiguring node timeout in every cluster node..." @nodes.each{|n| begin n.r.config("set","cluster-node-timeout",timeout) n.r.config("rewrite") ok_count += 1 xputs "*** New timeout set for #{n}" rescue => e puts "ERR setting node-timeot for #{n}: #{e}" err_count += 1 end } xputs ">>> New node timeout set. #{ok_count} OK, #{err_count} ERR." end def call_cluster_cmd(argv,opt) cmd = argv[1..-1] cmd[0] = cmd[0].upcase # Load cluster information load_cluster_info_from_node(argv[0]) xputs ">>> Calling #{cmd.join(" ")}" @nodes.each{|n| begin res = n.r.send(*cmd) puts "#{n}: #{res}" rescue => e puts "#{n}: #{e}" end } end def import_cluster_cmd(argv,opt) source_addr = opt['from'] xputs ">>> Importing data from #{source_addr} to cluster #{argv[1]}" use_copy = opt['copy'] use_replace = opt['replace'] # Check the existing cluster. load_cluster_info_from_node(argv[0]) check_cluster # Connect to the source node. xputs ">>> Connecting to the source Redis instance" src_host,src_port = source_addr.split(":") source = Redis.new(:host =>src_host, :port =>src_port) if source.info['cluster_enabled'].to_i == 1 xputs "[ERR] The source node should not be a cluster node." end xputs "*** Importing #{source.dbsize} keys from DB 0" # Build a slot -> node map slots = {} @nodes.each{|n| n.slots.each{|s,_| slots[s] = n } } # Use SCAN to iterate over the keys, migrating to the # right node as needed. cursor = nil while cursor != 0 cursor,keys = source.scan(cursor, :count => 1000) cursor = cursor.to_i keys.each{|k| # Migrate keys using the MIGRATE command. slot = key_to_slot(k) target = slots[slot] print "Migrating #{k} to #{target}: " STDOUT.flush begin cmd = ["migrate",target.info[:host],target.info[:port],k,0,15000] cmd << :copy if use_copy cmd << :replace if use_replace source.client.call(cmd) rescue => e puts e else puts "OK" end } end end def help_cluster_cmd(argv,opt) show_help exit 0 end # Parse the options for the specific command "cmd". # Returns an hash populate with option => value pairs, and the index of # the first non-option argument in ARGV. def parse_options(cmd) idx = 1 ; # Current index into ARGV options={} while idx < ARGV.length && ARGV[idx][0..1] == '--' if ARGV[idx][0..1] == "--" option = ARGV[idx][2..-1] idx += 1 if ALLOWED_OPTIONS[cmd] == nil || ALLOWED_OPTIONS[cmd][option] == nil puts "Unknown option '#{option}' for command '#{cmd}'" exit 1 end if ALLOWED_OPTIONS[cmd][option] value = ARGV[idx] idx += 1 else value = true end options[option] = value else # Remaining arguments are not options. break end end # Enforce mandatory options if ALLOWED_OPTIONS[cmd] ALLOWED_OPTIONS[cmd].each {|option,val| if !options[option] && val == :required puts "Option '--#{option}' is required "+ \ "for subcommand '#{cmd}'" exit 1 end } end return options,idx end end ################################################################################# # Libraries # # We try to don't depend on external libs since this is a critical part # of Redis Cluster. ################################################################################# # This is the CRC16 algorithm used by Redis Cluster to hash keys. # Implementation according to CCITT standards. # # This is actually the XMODEM CRC 16 algorithm, using the # following parameters: # # Name : "XMODEM", also known as "ZMODEM", "CRC-16/ACORN" # Width : 16 bit # Poly : 1021 (That is actually x^16 + x^12 + x^5 + 1) # Initialization : 0000 # Reflect Input byte : False # Reflect Output CRC : False # Xor constant to output CRC : 0000 # Output for "123456789" : 31C3 module RedisClusterCRC16 def RedisClusterCRC16.crc16(bytes) crc = 0 bytes.each_byte{|b| crc = ((crc<<8) & 0xffff) ^ XMODEMCRC16Lookup[((crc>>8)^b) & 0xff] } crc end private XMODEMCRC16Lookup = [ 0x0000,0x1021,0x2042,0x3063,0x4084,0x50a5,0x60c6,0x70e7, 0x8108,0x9129,0xa14a,0xb16b,0xc18c,0xd1ad,0xe1ce,0xf1ef, 0x1231,0x0210,0x3273,0x2252,0x52b5,0x4294,0x72f7,0x62d6, 0x9339,0x8318,0xb37b,0xa35a,0xd3bd,0xc39c,0xf3ff,0xe3de, 0x2462,0x3443,0x0420,0x1401,0x64e6,0x74c7,0x44a4,0x5485, 0xa56a,0xb54b,0x8528,0x9509,0xe5ee,0xf5cf,0xc5ac,0xd58d, 0x3653,0x2672,0x1611,0x0630,0x76d7,0x66f6,0x5695,0x46b4, 0xb75b,0xa77a,0x9719,0x8738,0xf7df,0xe7fe,0xd79d,0xc7bc, 0x48c4,0x58e5,0x6886,0x78a7,0x0840,0x1861,0x2802,0x3823, 0xc9cc,0xd9ed,0xe98e,0xf9af,0x8948,0x9969,0xa90a,0xb92b, 0x5af5,0x4ad4,0x7ab7,0x6a96,0x1a71,0x0a50,0x3a33,0x2a12, 0xdbfd,0xcbdc,0xfbbf,0xeb9e,0x9b79,0x8b58,0xbb3b,0xab1a, 0x6ca6,0x7c87,0x4ce4,0x5cc5,0x2c22,0x3c03,0x0c60,0x1c41, 0xedae,0xfd8f,0xcdec,0xddcd,0xad2a,0xbd0b,0x8d68,0x9d49, 0x7e97,0x6eb6,0x5ed5,0x4ef4,0x3e13,0x2e32,0x1e51,0x0e70, 0xff9f,0xefbe,0xdfdd,0xcffc,0xbf1b,0xaf3a,0x9f59,0x8f78, 0x9188,0x81a9,0xb1ca,0xa1eb,0xd10c,0xc12d,0xf14e,0xe16f, 0x1080,0x00a1,0x30c2,0x20e3,0x5004,0x4025,0x7046,0x6067, 0x83b9,0x9398,0xa3fb,0xb3da,0xc33d,0xd31c,0xe37f,0xf35e, 0x02b1,0x1290,0x22f3,0x32d2,0x4235,0x5214,0x6277,0x7256, 0xb5ea,0xa5cb,0x95a8,0x8589,0xf56e,0xe54f,0xd52c,0xc50d, 0x34e2,0x24c3,0x14a0,0x0481,0x7466,0x6447,0x5424,0x4405, 0xa7db,0xb7fa,0x8799,0x97b8,0xe75f,0xf77e,0xc71d,0xd73c, 0x26d3,0x36f2,0x0691,0x16b0,0x6657,0x7676,0x4615,0x5634, 0xd94c,0xc96d,0xf90e,0xe92f,0x99c8,0x89e9,0xb98a,0xa9ab, 0x5844,0x4865,0x7806,0x6827,0x18c0,0x08e1,0x3882,0x28a3, 0xcb7d,0xdb5c,0xeb3f,0xfb1e,0x8bf9,0x9bd8,0xabbb,0xbb9a, 0x4a75,0x5a54,0x6a37,0x7a16,0x0af1,0x1ad0,0x2ab3,0x3a92, 0xfd2e,0xed0f,0xdd6c,0xcd4d,0xbdaa,0xad8b,0x9de8,0x8dc9, 0x7c26,0x6c07,0x5c64,0x4c45,0x3ca2,0x2c83,0x1ce0,0x0cc1, 0xef1f,0xff3e,0xcf5d,0xdf7c,0xaf9b,0xbfba,0x8fd9,0x9ff8, 0x6e17,0x7e36,0x4e55,0x5e74,0x2e93,0x3eb2,0x0ed1,0x1ef0 ] end # Turn a key name into the corrisponding Redis Cluster slot. def key_to_slot(key) # Only hash what is inside {...} if there is such a pattern in the key. # Note that the specification requires the content that is between # the first { and the first } after the first {. If we found {} without # nothing in the middle, the whole key is hashed as usually. s = key.index "{" if s e = key.index "}",s+1 if e && e != s+1 key = key[s+1..e-1] end end RedisClusterCRC16.crc16(key) % 16384 end ################################################################################# # Definition of commands ################################################################################# COMMANDS={ "create" => ["create_cluster_cmd", -2, "host1:port1 ... hostN:portN"], "check" => ["check_cluster_cmd", 2, "host:port"], "fix" => ["fix_cluster_cmd", 2, "host:port"], "reshard" => ["reshard_cluster_cmd", 2, "host:port"], "add-node" => ["addnode_cluster_cmd", 3, "new_host:new_port existing_host:existing_port"], "del-node" => ["delnode_cluster_cmd", 3, "host:port node_id"], "set-timeout" => ["set_timeout_cluster_cmd", 3, "host:port milliseconds"], "call" => ["call_cluster_cmd", -3, "host:port command arg arg .. arg"], "import" => ["import_cluster_cmd", 2, "host:port"], "help" => ["help_cluster_cmd", 1, "(show this help)"] } ALLOWED_OPTIONS={ "create" => {"replicas" => true}, "add-node" => {"slave" => false, "master-id" => true}, "import" => {"from" => :required, "copy" => false, "replace" => false}, "reshard" => {"from" => true, "to" => true, "slots" => true, "yes" => false} } def show_help puts "Usage: redis-trib <command> <options> <arguments ...>\n\n" COMMANDS.each{|k,v| o = "" puts " #{k.ljust(15)} #{v[2]}" if ALLOWED_OPTIONS[k] ALLOWED_OPTIONS[k].each{|optname,has_arg| puts " --#{optname}" + (has_arg ? " <arg>" : "") } end } puts "\nFor check, fix, reshard, del-node, set-timeout you can specify the host and port of any working node in the cluster.\n" end # Sanity check if ARGV.length == 0 show_help exit 1 end rt = RedisTrib.new cmd_spec = COMMANDS[ARGV[0].downcase] if !cmd_spec puts "Unknown redis-trib subcommand '#{ARGV[0]}'" exit 1 end # Parse options cmd_options,first_non_option = rt.parse_options(ARGV[0].downcase) rt.check_arity(cmd_spec[1],ARGV.length-(first_non_option-1)) # Dispatch rt.send(cmd_spec[0],ARGV[first_non_option..-1],cmd_options)
1) 使用 redis-cli.exe -c -p 7000 连接到集群
2) 使用 CONFIG SET requirepass "mypassword" 设置密码
3) 重新连接:redis-cli.exe -c -p 7000 -a password@123
#Set a Password CONFIG SET requirepass "mypassword" #设置密码后的连接方式: C:\tool\cluster-test>redis-cli.exe -c -p 7000> ping (error) NOAUTH Authentication required.> auth password@123 OK> get message1 "value11111"> exit C:\tool\cluster-test>redis-cli.exe -c -p 7000 -a password@123> ping PONG> cluster nodes
Redis Cluster turorial: https://redis.io/topics/cluster-tutorial#creating-the-cluster
在Windows系统下搭建Redis集群: https://www.cnblogs.com/yy3b2007com/p/11033009.html
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