Python core

1. REPL: Read, Evaluate, Print, Loop

2. int REPL, type _ to most recently printed value, only in REPL

3. 在REPL里输入多行:


4. PEPs: Python Enhancement Proposals


5. Zen of Python


6. import a library and use help to show the functions in the library, type q to quit the help and return to REPL


 7. 给函数起个别名


 8. / and //


9. type int: unlimited precision signed integer



 10. float type: IEEE-754 double-precision with 53-bits of binary precision, 15-16 significant digits in decimal


 11. None value

 12. Boolen value

 13. Relational Operators


 14. Control Flow

 15. while and break

 16. Augmented (增强) assignment operators: -=, +=

 17. str


 18. Universal Newlines: Python translates \n to the appropriate newline sequence for your platform

PEP 278

19. Escape character \



 20. create a row string with prefix r


 21. convert from int or float to str use str(), Strings in python are called sequence types


 22. str functions

 23. unicode



24. Bytes: 与str类似,但是是单字节的



25. Convert with encode and decode



 26. list

 27. dict, Map keys to values


28. for loop

 29. example of read data from url

 30. 执行一个python文件




 31. define a function


 32: dunder: instead of "underscore underscore name underscore underscore" we say "dunder name", __name__

 33. import a module and run a function, 注意:import只会被执行一次

 34. import a function only


 35. __name__,可以区分modle是在被引用,还是被脚本执行







 36. import




 37. use command argument



 38. docstring






 add more docstring




 39. run .py file directly, which called Shebang in linux



 40. id()





 42. == and is, == means same value




 43. pass parameter to function, 感觉像传的引用











 44. Default argument values



45. Default argument 的值没有变,因为default value只在def被执行时运行一次,所以不要使用会变的default value




 46. Modifying Mutable Default values





workaround of above example



 47. dynamic types





 49. Scopes in python



50. rebinding global names




 51. everything is object

 52. tuple: Immutable sequences of arbitrary objects


 53. return a tuple

 54. tuple unpacking






55. convert to tuple use tuple(), and test if element in the tuple


 56. string


 57. join




 58. partition


 有的系统里会使用_来保存分隔符,使用_的好处是可以避免variable not used的警告

 59. string format


 60. f-string



 61. range





 63. list


 64. copy list, all of these techniques perform shallow copies. 对象里的子对象还是只是copy了引用





 65. 复制list中的子项


 66. index


 67. delete element from list

 68. insert element


 69. 一些操作


 70. reverse and sort



 71. reverse and sort with copy


72. Dictionaries




 73. create dictionary


 74. copy dictionary


 75. dictionary update

 76. dictionary iteration


 by value


 by key





 77. in and out


 78. delete element


 79. update element


 80. 使用pprint更好的显示

 81. set






 82. set 中item的顺序是任意的


 83. in and not in also working for set


 84. add and update set


 85. remove and discard


 86. copy a set

 87. Set Algebra








88. 没有同时出现在两个set里



89. subset, superset or 没有交集


 90. Protocols



 91. exception




 92. example to cause exception




 93. add exception handling




 another exception


 make update




 updated version


 update again




 94. Re-raising Exceptions







 95. example to calculate sqrt




 96. cause a exception and handle it









 98. Exceptions and protocols



99. common exception






 100. LBYL vs. EAFP




use EAFP  

 101. use finally:



 102: 捕获每一次按键和平台相关




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