
  1 <template>
  2   <div id="register" v-loading="loadingLocationData" element-loading-text="加载中...">
  3     <h2>{{editMode ? '编辑代理商' : '新建代理商'}}</h2>
  5     <el-form label-position="right" label-width="90px" class="agent-form">
  6       <el-form-item required label="账号类型">
  7         <el-radio :disabled="editMode" v-model="form.agentType" :label="1">正式账号</el-radio>
  8         <el-radio :disabled="editMode" v-model="form.agentType" :label="2">内部账号</el-radio>
  9       </el-form-item>
 11       <el-form-item required label="企业名">
 12         <el-input
 13           placeholder="请输入完整的企业名"
 14           v-model="form.agentName"
 15           @blur="form.agentName = form.agentName.trim()"
 16           ref="focus"
 17           maxlength="40"
 18         ></el-input>
 19       </el-form-item>
 21       <el-form-item required label="地址">
 22         <el-row type="flex" justify="space-between">
 23           <el-col :span="7">
 24             <el-select v-model="form.countryId" placeholder="选择国家" @change="resetCountry">
 25               <el-option
 26                 v-for="item in countryOptions"
 27                 :key="item.countryId"
 28                 :label="item.countryName"
 29                 :value="item.countryId"
 30               ></el-option>
 31             </el-select>
 32           </el-col>
 33           <el-col :span="7">
 34             <el-select v-model="form.provinceId" placeholder="选择省/直辖市" @change="resetProvince">
 35               <el-option
 36                 v-for="item in provinceOptions"
 37                 :key="item.provinceId"
 38                 :label="item.provinceName"
 39                 :value="item.provinceId"
 40               ></el-option>
 41             </el-select>
 42           </el-col>
 43           <el-col :span="7">
 44             <el-select v-model="form.cityId" placeholder="选择市" @change="resetCity">
 45               <el-option
 46                 v-for="item in cityOptions"
 47                 :key="item.cityId"
 48                 :label="item.cityName"
 49                 :value="item.cityId"
 50               ></el-option>
 51             </el-select>
 52           </el-col>
 53           <el-col :span="7">
 54             <el-select v-model="form.districtId" placeholder="选择区/县">
 55               <el-option
 56                 v-for="item in districtOptions"
 57                 :key="item.districtId"
 58                 :label="item.districtName"
 59                 :value="item.districtId"
 60               ></el-option>
 61             </el-select>
 62           </el-col>
 63         </el-row>
 64         <el-col :span="24" class="margin-top">
 65           <el-input placeholder="请输入详细地址" v-model="form.agentAddress"  maxlength="200"></el-input>
 66         </el-col>
 67       </el-form-item>
 69       <el-form-item required label="代理期">
 70         <el-date-picker
 71           type="daterange"
 72           v-model="form.daterange"
 73           placeholder="选择日期范围"
 74           range-separator="至"
 75           class="half"
 76           :editable="false"
 77           :clearable="false"
 78           :picker-options="picker"
 79           @change="onDateRangeChange"
 80         ></el-date-picker>
 81       </el-form-item>
 83       <el-form-item required label="渠道经理">
 84         <el-input
 85           v-model="form.sellerSysUserName"
 86           placeholder="请输入渠道经理"
 87           class="half"
 88           @blur="form.sellerSysUserName = form.sellerSysUserName.trim()"
 89            maxlength="40"
 90         ></el-input>
 91       </el-form-item>
 93       <el-form-item label="管理员信息">
 94         <hr color="#d8d8d8" size="1" style="margin: 17px 0">
 95       </el-form-item>
 97       <el-form-item required label="姓名">
 98         <el-input
 99           placeholder="请输入企业负责人姓名"
100           v-model="form.adminStaffName"
101           class="half"
102           @blur="form.adminStaffName && (form.adminStaffName = form.adminStaffName.trim())"
103           maxlength="40"
104         ></el-input>
105       </el-form-item>
107       <el-form-item required label="账号">
108         <el-input
109           placeholder="请输入大陆手机号或邮箱"
110           v-model="form.adminStaffAccount"
111           class="half"
112           :disabled="isdisabled"
113         ></el-input>
114         <!--
115           total的意义:
116           65536: 格式错误
117           >0: 表示已经是total家企业的管理员
118           =0: 还不是管理员,稳
119           <0: 账号为空,清除提示
120         -->
121         <span
122           v-show="total > 0"
123           style="margin-left:10px;color:#FF4949"
124         >{{total === 65536 ? '提示:账号格式错误' : '提示:该账号已是' + total + '家企业的管理员'}}</span>
125         <span v-show="total === 0" style="margin-left:10px;color:#13CE66">提示:该账号尚未被注册</span>
126         <span v-show="total < 0" style="margin-left:10px"></span>
127       </el-form-item>
129       <el-form-item label></el-form-item>
130     </el-form>
131     <el-row>
132       <el-col :span="8">
133         <div class="grid-content bg-purple">&nbsp;</div>
134       </el-col>
135       <el-col :span="8">
136         <div class="grid-content bg-purple-light">
137           <el-button @click="close_go" class="cancel">取 消</el-button>
138           <el-button
139             type="primary"
140             @click="submit"
141             :loading="loading"
142             :disabled="total === 65536"
143             class="created"
144           >{{editMode ? '保 存' : '创 建'}}</el-button>
145         </div>
146       </el-col>
147       <el-col :span="8">
148         <div class="grid-content bg-purple">&nbsp;</div>
149       </el-col>
150     </el-row>
151   </div>
152 </template>
154 <script>
155 import { format } from '@/lib/format'
156 import { register, update, fetch } from '@/api/agent'
157 import { CHINA_COUNTRY_ID } from '@/constants/location'
158 import { randomn } from '@/lib/utils'
160 export default {
161   data() {
162     return {
163       form: {
164         agentType: 1,
165         agentName: '',
166         countryId: CHINA_COUNTRY_ID,
167         provinceId: '',
168         districtId: '',
169         cityId: '',
170         agentAddress: '',
171         daterange: [],
172         agentStartTime: '',
173         agentEndTime: '',
174         sellerSysUserName: '',
175         adminStaffName: '',
176         adminStaffAccount: '',
177         agentStaffPhone: '',
178         agentStaffEmail: ''
179       },
180       picker: {
181         disabledDate(time) {
182           return time.getTime() < (Date.now() - 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)
183         },
184         shortcuts: [
185           {
186             text: '签约一年',
187             onClick(picker) {
188               const start = new Date()
189               const end = new Date()
190               end.setYear(end.getFullYear() + 1)
191               picker.$emit('pick', [start, end])
192             }
193           },
194           {
195             text: '签约两年',
196             onClick(picker) {
197               const start = new Date()
198               const end = new Date()
199               end.setYear(end.getFullYear() + 2)
200               picker.$emit('pick', [start, end])
201             }
202           }
203         ]
204       },
205       loadingLocationData: false,
206       loading: false,
207       total: -1,
208       agentInfo: {},
209       verify:''//判断管理是否可编辑
210     }
211   },
212   created() {
213     console.log('created钩子~~~')
214     if (this.editMode) {
215       // 编辑代理商,获取代理商信息
216       const query = {
217         optionAnds: [
218           { options: [{ key: 'agent_id', value: this.$route.params.id }] }
219         ]
220       }
221       fetch(query).then(response => {
222         this.agentInfo = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(response.data[0]))
223         this.verify = response.data[0].verify
224         console.log(1111111111111111,this.verify)
225         console.log('response', response, this.agentInfo)
226         if (this.agentInfo) {
227           let {
228             agentType,
229             agentName,
230             countryId,
231             provinceId,
232             cityId,
233             districtId,
234             agentAddress,
235             agentStartTime,
236             agentEndTime,
237             sellerSysUserName,
238             adminStaffName,
239             adminStaffPhone
240           } = this.agentInfo
241           this.form.agentType = agentType
242           this.form.agentName = agentName
243           this.form.countryId = countryId
244           this.form.provinceId = provinceId == 0 ? '' : provinceId
245           this.form.cityId = cityId == 0 ? '' : cityId
246           this.form.districtId = districtId == 0 ? '' : districtId
247           this.form.agentAddress = agentAddress
248           this.form.agentStartTime = new Date(+agentStartTime)
249           this.form.agentEndTime = new Date(+agentEndTime)
250           this.form.sellerSysUserName = sellerSysUserName
251           this.form.adminStaffName = adminStaffName
252           this.form.adminStaffAccount = adminStaffPhone
253           this.form.daterange = [
254             new Date(+agentStartTime),
255             new Date(+agentEndTime)
256           ]
257           console.log('this.form', this.form)
258         }
259       })
260     }
261   },
262   computed: {
263      isdisabled :function(){
264         if(!this.editMode){          
265           return false
266         }else{ 
267           return this.verify
268         }
269       },
270     editMode() {
271       return this.$route.name == 'agentEdit'//通过名字来判断是否为编辑页面
272     },
273     countryOptions() {
274       return this.$store.state.location.countries || []
275     },
276     provinceOptions() {
277       if (this.form.countryId === CHINA_COUNTRY_ID) {
278         return this.$store.state.location.provincesOfChina
279       } else {
280         return []
281       }
282     },
283     cityOptions() {
284       if (this.form.provinceId) {
285         return this.$store.state.location.citiesOfChina.filter(
286           item => item.provinceId === this.form.provinceId
287         )
288       } else {
289         return []
290       }
291     },
292     districtOptions() {
293       if (this.form.cityId) {
294         return this.$store.state.location.districtsOfChina.filter(
295           item => item.cityId === this.form.cityId
296         )
297       } else {
298         return []
299       }
300     }
301   },
302   methods: {
303     resetCountry() {
304       if (this.form.countryId !== '17230') {
305         this.form.provinceId = this.form.cityId = this.form.districtId = ''
306       }
307     },
308     resetProvince() {
309       this.$nextTick(() => {
310         this.form.cityId = ''
311         this.form.districtId = ''
312       })
313     },
314     resetCity() {
315       this.$nextTick(() => {
316         this.form.districtId = ''
317       })
318     },
319     onDateRangeChange() {
320       this.form.agentStartTime = new Date(this.form.daterange[0]).getTime()
321       this.form.agentEndTime = new Date(this.form.daterange[1]).getTime()
322     },
323     validate() {
324       if (
325         !this.form.agentName ||
326         (!this.form.provinceId && this.form.countryId === CHINA_COUNTRY_ID) ||
327         (!this.form.cityId && this.form.countryId === CHINA_COUNTRY_ID) ||
328         !this.form.agentAddress ||
329         !this.form.agentStartTime ||
330         !this.form.agentEndTime ||
331         !this.form.sellerSysUserName ||
332         !this.form.adminStaffName ||
333         !this.form.adminStaffAccount ||
334         (!/^[A-Za-z\d]+([-_.][A-Za-z\d]+)*@([A-Za-z\d]+[-.])+[A-Za-z\d]{2,4}$/.test(
335           this.form.adminStaffAccount
336         ) &&
337           !/^1[0-9]{10}$/.test(this.form.adminStaffAccount))
338       ) {
339         this.$message({
340           message: '信息不完整或不规范,请检查',
341           type: 'warning'
342         })
343         return false
344       }
345       if (/^1\d{10}$/.test(this.form.adminStaffAccount)) {
346         this.form.agentStaffPhone = this.form.adminStaffAccount
347         return true
348       } else if (!/^[\w.-]+@\w+([.-]\w+)*\.\w+$/.test(this.form.account)) {
349         this.form.agentStaffEmail = this.form.adminStaffAccount
350         return true
351       } else {
352         this.$message({
353           message: '账号信息格式填写错误',
354           type: 'warning'
355         })
356         return false
357       }
358     },
359     submit() {
360       // 如果选了非中国
361       if (this.form.countryId !== '17230') {
362         this.form.provinceId = '0'
363         this.form.cityId = '0'
364         this.form.districtId = '0'
365       }
366       if (this.validate()) {
367         const info = `请确认以下关键信息:企业名:${
368           this.form.agentName
369         },账号:${this.form.adminStaffAccount}`
371         this.$confirm(info, '提示', {
372           confirmButtonText: '确定',
373           cancelButtonText: '取消',
374           type: 'info'
375         }).then(() => {
376           this.editMode ? this.update() : this.create()
377         })
378       }
379     },
380     close_go() {
381       history.go(-1)
382     },
383     create() {
384       // 注册代理商
385       console.log('this.form', this.form)
386       const query = {
387         agentEntity: {
388           adminStaffName: this.form.adminStaffName,
389           adminStaffPhone: this.form.agentStaffPhone,
390           agentAddress: this.form.agentAddress,
391           agentStartTime: this.form.agentStartTime,
392           agentEndTime: this.form.agentEndTime,
393           agentName: this.form.agentName,
394           agentStatus: 1,
395           agentType: this.form.agentType,
396           cityId: this.form.cityId,
397           countryId: this.form.countryId,
398           currencyId: 'CNY',
399           districtId: this.form.districtId,
400           provinceId: this.form.provinceId,
401           sellerSysUserName: this.form.sellerSysUserName,
402           timeZoneId: 'Asia/Shanghai',
403           sysSequence: '4' + new Date().getTime().toString() + randomn(3)
404         },
405         agentStaffEntity: {
406           agentStaffName: this.form.adminStaffName,
407           agentStaffEmail: this.form.agentStaffEmail,
408           agentStaffPhone: this.form.agentStaffPhone,
409           agentStaffRole: 1
410         }
411       }
412       register(query).then(response => {
413         console.log('注册结果', response)
414         this.$message({
415           message: '新增代理商成功',
416           type: 'success'
417         })
418         this.$router.push('/main/agentList')
419       })
420       console.log(this.form.agentAddress)
421     },
422     update() {
423       const query = {
424         agentId: this.agentInfo.agentId,
425         sysSequence: '4' + new Date().getTime().toString() + randomn(3),
426         sysVersion: this.agentInfo.sysVersion,
427         adminStaffName: this.form.adminStaffName,
428         adminStaffPhone: this.form.agentStaffPhone,
429         agentAddress: this.form.agentName,
430         agentStartTime: new Date(this.form.agentStartTime).getTime(),
431         agentEndTime: new Date(this.form.agentEndTime).getTime(),
432         agentName: this.form.agentName,
433         agentStatus: 1,
434         agentType: this.form.agentType,
435         cityId: this.form.cityId,
436         countryId: this.form.countryId,
437         districtId: this.form.districtId,
438         currencyId: 'CNY',
439         provinceId: this.form.provinceId,
440         sellerSysUserName: this.form.sellerSysUserName,
441         timeZoneId: 'Asia/Shanghai'
442       }
443       update(query).then(response => {
444         console.log('编辑结果', response)
445         if (response.code === 0) {
446           this.$message({
447             message: '编辑代理商成功',
448             type: 'success'
449           })
450           this.$router.push('/main/agentList')
451         }
452       })
453     }
454   }
455 }
456 </script>
458 <style>
459 .agent-form {
460   width: 700px;
461   margin: 0 auto;
462 }
463 .half {
464   width: 350px !important;
465 }
466 .margin-top {
467   margin-top: 10px;
468 }
469 .cancel {
470   width: 100px;
471   background: #fff;
472   color: #353535;
473   margin-right: 30px;
474   margin-left: 20px;
475 }
476 .created {
477   width: 100px;
478 }
479 /* .center{
480    margin: auto;
481  } */
482 </style>

by the way

 1 // 版本管理
 2 const queryVersion = resolve => require(['@/views/queryVersion/queryVersion'], resolve)
 3 const newVersion = resolve => require(['@/views/queryVersion/newVersion'], resolve)//新建 and 编辑页面
 8    {
 9         path: 'newVersion',
10         name: 'newVersion',
11         component: newVersion//
12       },
13       {
14         path: 'editVersion',
15         name: 'editVersion',
16         component: newVersion
17       }


posted @ 2019-01-30 16:05  山外已有山  阅读(231)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报