<?php class client { private $appKey; private $masterSecret; private $retryTimes; private $logFile; private static $zones = [ 'push' => 'https://api.jpush.cn/v3/', 'report' => 'https://report.jpush.cn/v3/', 'device' => 'https://device.jpush.cn/v3/devices/', 'alias' => 'https://device.jpush.cn/v3/aliases/', 'tag' => 'https://device.jpush.cn/v3/tags/', 'schedule' => 'https://api.jpush.cn/v3/schedules/' ]; public function __construct($appKey,$masterSecret) { $this->appKey = $appKey; $this->masterSecret = $masterSecret; } public function push() { return new PushPayload($this); } public function getAuthStr() { return $this->appKey . ":" . $this->masterSecret; } public function makeURL($key) { return self::$zones[$key]; } public function push_res_msg($res_arr) { if(isset($res_arr['error'])){ //如果返回了error则证明失败 $error_code=$res_arr['error']['code']; //错误码 switch ($error_code) { case 200: $message= ['error'=>1,'msg'=>'发送成功!']; break; case 1000: $message= ['error'=>1,'msg'=>'失败(系统内部错误)']; break; case 1001: $message =['error'=>1,'msg'=>'失败(只支持 HTTP Post 方法,不支持 Get 方法)'] ; break; case 1002: $message= ['error'=>1,'msg'=>'失败(缺少了必须的参数)']; break; case 1003: $message= ['error'=>1,'msg'=>'失败(参数值不合法)']; break; case 1004: $message= ['error'=>1,'msg'=>'失败(验证失败)']; break; case 1005: $message= ['error'=>1,'msg'=>'失败(消息体太大)'] ; break; case 1008: $message= ['error'=>1,'msg'=>'失败(appkey参数非法)']; break; case 1020: $message= ['error'=>1,'msg'=>'失败(只支持 HTTPS 请求)']; break; case 1030: $message= ['error'=>1,'msg'=>'失败(内部服务超时)'] ; break; default: $message= ['error'=>1,'msg'=>'失败(返回其他状态,目前不清楚额,请联系开发人员!)']; break; } }else{ $message=['error'=>0,'msg'=>"发送成功!"]; } return $message; } } /** * */ class PushPayload { private $client; private $url; private $message; private $notification; private $options; function __construct($client) { $this->client = $client; $this->url = $this->client->makeURL('push').'push'; } public function platform($platform) { return $this->updateAudience('platform', $platform, 'platform'); } public function audience($audience) { return $this->updateAudience('audience', $audience, 'audience'); } public function options($m_time) { if($m_time){ $options = array(); $options["sendno"]=time(); $options["time_to_live"]=$m_time; //保存离线时间的秒数默认为一天 $options["apns_production"]=false; $this->options = $options; } return $this; } public function build() { $payload = array(); if (is_null($this->platform)) { return ("platform must be set"); } $payload["platform"] = $this->platform; if (is_null($this->audience)) { return ("audience must be set"); } $payload["audience"] = $this->audience; if (is_null($this->notification)) { return ("notification must be set"); } $payload["notification"] = $this->notification; if (is_null($this->notification)) { return ("message must be set"); } $payload["message"] = $this->message; if (is_null($this->options)) { return ("options must be set"); } $payload["options"] = $this->options; return $payload; } public function send() { return Http::post($this->client, $this->url, $this->build()); } public function notification($content,array $msg = array()) { $notification = array(); if(is_string($content)){ $notification['alert'] = $content; //安卓自定义 if(!empty($msg)){ $notification["android"]=array( "alert"=>$content, "title"=>"", "builder_id"=>1, "extras"=>array("type"=>$msg['type'], "txt"=>$msg['txt']) ); //ios的自定义 $notification["ios"]=array( "alert"=>$content, "badge"=>"1", "sound"=>"default", "extras"=>array("type"=>$msg['type'], "txt"=>$msg['txt']) ); } $this->notification = $notification; } return $this; } public function message($msg_content,array $msg = array()) { if(is_string($msg_content)){ $message = array(); $message['msg_content'] = $msg_content; if(!empty($msg)){ $message['extras'] = array("type"=>$msg['type'], "txt"=>$msg['txt']); } $this->message = $message; } return $this; } private function updateAudience($key, $value, $name) { if (@is_null($this->$key)) { $this->$key = array(); } if ($value) { $this->$key = $value; } else { return ("Invalid $name value"); } return $this; } } class http { static function post ($client,$postUrl,$param) { $base64=base64_encode($client->getAuthStr()); $header=array("Authorization:Basic $base64","Content-Type:application/json"); if (empty($param)) { return false; } $curlPost = json_encode($param); $ch = curl_init(); //初始化curl curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,$postUrl); //抓取指定网页 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); //设置header curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); //要求结果为字符串且输出到屏幕上 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); //post提交方式 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $curlPost); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER,$header); // 增加 HTTP Header(头)里的字段 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); // 终止从服务端进行验证 curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, FALSE); $data = curl_exec($ch); //运行curl curl_close($ch); return $client->push_res_msg(json_decode($data, true)); } }
$content = array('tag'=>array($userinfo['tag']));//标签 //$content = 'all';//标签 $alert = option('config.push_alert'); $extras = ['type'=>1,'txt'=>'https://mall.epaikj.com/wap/']; $m_time = 600; import('PushClient'); $client = new client(option('config.push_app_key'),option('config.push_secret')); $res = $client->push() ->platform('all') ->audience($content) ->notification($alert,$extras) ->message($alert,$extras) ->options($m_time) ->send();