

  1 #region 程序集 UnityEngine, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
  2 // D:\1_WorkSoftware\Unity2017.2.0p4\Unity\Editor\Data\Managed\UnityEngine.dll
  3 #endregion
  5 using System;
  6 using UnityEngine.Rendering;
  7 using UnityEngine.Scripting;
  9 namespace UnityEngine
 10 {
 11     //
 12     // 摘要:
 13     //     Access system and hardware information.
 14     public sealed class SystemInfo
 15     {
 16         //
 17         // 摘要:
 18         //     Value returned by SystemInfo string properties which are not supported on the
 19         //     current platform.
 20         public const string unsupportedIdentifier = "n/a";
 22         public SystemInfo();
 24         //
 25         // 摘要:
 26         //     Are image effects supported? (Read Only)
 27         public static bool supportsImageEffects { get; }
 28         //
 29         // 摘要:
 30         //     Are 3D (volume) textures supported? (Read Only)
 31         public static bool supports3DTextures { get; }
 32         //
 33         // 摘要:
 34         //     Are 2D Array textures supported? (Read Only)
 35         public static bool supports2DArrayTextures { get; }
 36         //
 37         // 摘要:
 38         //     Are 3D (volume) RenderTextures supported? (Read Only)
 39         public static bool supports3DRenderTextures { get; }
 40         //
 41         // 摘要:
 42         //     Are Cubemap Array textures supported? (Read Only)
 43         public static bool supportsCubemapArrayTextures { get; }
 44         //
 45         // 摘要:
 46         //     Support for various Graphics.CopyTexture cases (Read Only).
 47         public static CopyTextureSupport copyTextureSupport { get; }
 48         //
 49         // 摘要:
 50         //     Are compute shaders supported? (Read Only)
 51         public static bool supportsComputeShaders { get; }
 52         //
 53         // 摘要:
 54         //     Is GPU draw call instancing supported? (Read Only)
 55         public static bool supportsInstancing { get; }
 56         //
 57         // 摘要:
 58         //     Are sparse textures supported? (Read Only)
 59         public static bool supportsSparseTextures { get; }
 60         //
 61         // 摘要:
 62         //     How many simultaneous render targets (MRTs) are supported? (Read Only)
 63         public static int supportedRenderTargetCount { get; }
 64         //
 65         // 摘要:
 66         //     Returns true if the 'Mirror Once' texture wrap mode is supported. (Read Only)
 67         public static int supportsTextureWrapMirrorOnce { get; }
 68         //
 69         // 摘要:
 70         //     This property is true if the current platform uses a reversed depth buffer (where
 71         //     values range from 1 at the near plane and 0 at far plane), and false if the depth
 72         //     buffer is normal (0 is near, 1 is far). (Read Only)
 73         public static bool usesReversedZBuffer { get; }
 74         //
 75         // 摘要:
 76         //     Is the stencil buffer supported? (Read Only)
 77         [Obsolete("supportsStencil always returns true, no need to call it")]
 78         public static int supportsStencil { get; }
 79         //
 80         // 摘要:
 81         //     What NPOT (non-power of two size) texture support does the GPU provide? (Read
 82         //     Only)
 83         public static NPOTSupport npotSupport { get; }
 84         //
 85         // 摘要:
 86         //     A unique device identifier. It is guaranteed to be unique for every device (Read
 87         //     Only).
 88         public static string deviceUniqueIdentifier { get; }
 89         //
 90         // 摘要:
 91         //     The user defined name of the device (Read Only).
 92         public static string deviceName { get; }
 93         //
 94         // 摘要:
 95         //     The model of the device (Read Only).
 96         public static string deviceModel { get; }
 97         //
 98         // 摘要:
 99         //     Is an accelerometer available on the device?
100         public static bool supportsAccelerometer { get; }
101         //
102         // 摘要:
103         //     Is a gyroscope available on the device?
104         public static bool supportsGyroscope { get; }
105         //
106         // 摘要:
107         //     Is the device capable of reporting its location?
108         public static bool supportsLocationService { get; }
109         //
110         // 摘要:
111         //     Is the device capable of providing the user haptic feedback by vibration?
112         public static bool supportsVibration { get; }
113         //
114         // 摘要:
115         //     Is there an Audio device available for playback?
116         public static bool supportsAudio { get; }
117         //
118         // 摘要:
119         //     Returns the kind of device the application is running on (Read Only).
120         public static DeviceType deviceType { get; }
121         //
122         // 摘要:
123         //     Are cubemap render textures supported? (Read Only)
124         public static bool supportsRenderToCubemap { get; }
125         //
126         // 摘要:
127         //     Whether motion vectors are supported on this platform.
128         public static bool supportsMotionVectors { get; }
129         //
130         // 摘要:
131         //     Are render textures supported? (Read Only)
132         [Obsolete("supportsRenderTextures always returns true, no need to call it")]
133         public static bool supportsRenderTextures { get; }
134         //
135         // 摘要:
136         //     Is sampling raw depth from shadowmaps supported? (Read Only)
137         public static bool supportsRawShadowDepthSampling { get; }
138         //
139         // 摘要:
140         //     The current battery level (Read Only).
141         public static float batteryLevel { get; }
142         //
143         // 摘要:
144         //     Returns the current status of the device's battery (Read Only).
145         public static BatteryStatus batteryStatus { get; }
146         //
147         // 摘要:
148         //     Operating system name with version (Read Only).
149         public static string operatingSystem { get; }
150         //
151         // 摘要:
152         //     Returns the operating system family the game is running on (Read Only).
153         public static OperatingSystemFamily operatingSystemFamily { get; }
154         //
155         // 摘要:
156         //     Processor name (Read Only).
157         public static string processorType { get; }
158         //
159         // 摘要:
160         //     Processor frequency in MHz (Read Only).
161         public static int processorFrequency { get; }
162         //
163         // 摘要:
164         //     Number of processors present (Read Only).
165         public static int processorCount { get; }
166         //
167         // 摘要:
168         //     Amount of system memory present (Read Only).
169         public static int systemMemorySize { get; }
170         //
171         // 摘要:
172         //     Amount of video memory present (Read Only).
173         public static int graphicsMemorySize { get; }
174         //
175         // 摘要:
176         //     Maximum texture size (Read Only).
177         public static int maxTextureSize { get; }
178         //
179         // 摘要:
180         //     The name of the graphics device (Read Only).
181         public static string graphicsDeviceName { get; }
182         //
183         // 摘要:
184         //     The identifier code of the graphics device (Read Only).
185         public static int graphicsDeviceID { get; }
186         //
187         // 摘要:
188         //     The identifier code of the graphics device vendor (Read Only).
189         public static int graphicsDeviceVendorID { get; }
190         //
191         // 摘要:
192         //     The graphics API type used by the graphics device (Read Only).
193         public static GraphicsDeviceType graphicsDeviceType { get; }
194         //
195         // 摘要:
196         //     Returns true if the texture UV coordinate convention for this platform has Y
197         //     starting at the top of the image.
198         public static bool graphicsUVStartsAtTop { get; }
199         //
200         // 摘要:
201         //     The graphics API type and driver version used by the graphics device (Read Only).
202         public static string graphicsDeviceVersion { get; }
203         //
204         // 摘要:
205         //     Graphics device shader capability level (Read Only).
206         public static int graphicsShaderLevel { get; }
207         [Obsolete("graphicsPixelFillrate is no longer supported in Unity 5.0+.")]
208         public static int graphicsPixelFillrate { get; }
209         [Obsolete("Vertex program support is required in Unity 5.0+")]
210         public static bool supportsVertexPrograms { get; }
211         //
212         // 摘要:
213         //     Is graphics device using multi-threaded rendering (Read Only)?
214         public static bool graphicsMultiThreaded { get; }
215         //
216         // 摘要:
217         //     Are built-in shadows supported? (Read Only)
218         public static bool supportsShadows { get; }
219         //
220         // 摘要:
221         //     The vendor of the graphics device (Read Only).
222         public static string graphicsDeviceVendor { get; }
223         //
224         // 摘要:
225         //     Maximum Cubemap texture size (Read Only).
226         public static int maxCubemapSize { get; }
228         //
229         // 摘要:
230         //     Is render texture format supported?
231         //
232         // 参数:
233         //   format:
234         //     The format to look up.
235         //
236         // 返回结果:
237         //     True if the format is supported.
238         [GeneratedByOldBindingsGenerator]
239         public static bool SupportsRenderTextureFormat(RenderTextureFormat format);
240         //
241         // 摘要:
242         //     Is texture format supported on this device?
243         //
244         // 参数:
245         //   format:
246         //     The TextureFormat format to look up.
247         //
248         // 返回结果:
249         //     True if the format is supported.
250         [GeneratedByOldBindingsGenerator]
251         public static bool SupportsTextureFormat(TextureFormat format);
252     }
253 }



posted @ 2020-05-08 14:23  小·糊涂仙  阅读(2392)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报