[期刊论文写作] 系列(2) 引言的写作章法

关键词:论文写作 引言 章法 作者:ludwig1860 日期:Dec 19-20, 2022


基于我有限的经验来看,我觉得引言所谓的“难写”,更多的是广泛形成的恐惧感,而非真的难写。 抛开畏惧心理之外,引言与讨论考验的无非是我们的相关知识储备对所研究方向的历史发展的把握。如果我们能做好这两点,引言和讨论可以滔滔不绝地写。

1. 明确引言的作用是首要的问题


  • 引言面向的读者是谁?


  • 引言的目的是什么?或者说要给读者呈现什么?


  • 每个审稿人或者读者都会仔细读引言吗?

答案很明显是否定的。审稿人如果是小同行,引言中的论述大多都比较熟悉,可能仅仅会仔细读读不太熟悉的部分,看看本研究所针对的research gap是什么。如果是大同行,可能会仔细读读,以便了解立项依据。 其实引言的作用不仅仅是给读者的,也是让作者自己不断梳理清楚本研究的立项依据的。


2. 引言的写作逻辑


  • 研究的宏观背景,即本研究是在什么应用背景或科学背景下展开。

  • 前人研究的空白或缺口,即历史研究大致是什么样的情况,存在什么样的不足。

  • 当前突破该缺口的机遇,即当前软硬件条件或某个思路有可能突破这个缺口。

  • 本研究的核心工作,即极简地概述本研究做了一件什么事。

  • 本研究要回答的关键问题,即研究要回答什么样的关键的小领域的科学问题。




  • 对于应用型论文(发展某一方法用于某一应用),则需要讲一下应用背景。例如:(由于篇幅原因,我不把英文粘上来了,仅是把文献插入,可点击跳转查看)

(Fernandez-Guisuraga et al., 2021)(Kattenborn et al., 2019)(Baret et al., 2013)(Armston et al., 2013) 的第一段。


(Fisher et al., 2020)(Li et al., 2021)(Kuusk, 1995)(Mu et al., 2017) 的第一段。



通常我们会花几段的篇幅来总结发展、方法分类、梳理脉络、明确不足。 关键在于,要提供足够的坚实的证据(即对前人文献的评述)。注意,既然是评述(review),那就决不能写成文献汇编(literature compilation),即不能写为“A做了……,B做了……,C做了……”

  • 方式一:先概括前人研究特点或问题,后详细阐述或举例说明。 例如:

(Roosjen et al., 2018):The inversion of RTMs is an ill-posed problem due to measurement and model uncertainties, and due to the issue that different combinations of parameters may result in similar reflectance spectra). Therefore, inversion of a single spectrum may result in a range of possible parameter combinations that approximate a similar spectral signature. To reduce the number of possible solutions to the inversion of a RTM model, …………

  • 方式二:先进行方法分类,后对每类进行论述。例如:

(Campbell et al., 2018) : As with many biophysical variables, there are two primary approaches for characterizing forest understory vegetation structure: (1) in the field; and (2) through the use of remote sensing technology. …………

  • 方式三:按时间或空间尺度,不同尺度分别论述。例如:

(Berra et al., 2019):Remote sensing techniques have been used to monitor vegetation phenology to complement traditional ground based manual measurements. ………… On the other hand, ground and near-surface sensors have the ability to observe individual plants at a daily or sub-daily frequency, detecting very subtle variations in vegetation phenology, which in turn makes it possible to accurately estimate phenological metrics. ………… An intermediate level of observation, between ground/near-surface and spaceborne data, can be achieved by airborne sensors. …………





  • 硬件基础:出现了新型的仪器设备和平台(LiDAR, UAV,多角度观测,多/高光谱影像)。例如:

(Schneider et al., 2019):Measuring from a canopy crane or tower can be one way of acquiring high-resolution TLS data from within or above the canopy. Another way is to use miniaturized sensors on unmanned areal vehicles (UAV). UAV laser scanning (UAVLS) offers a new way to provide high-resolution data from above the canopy and might help to bridge the gap between ALS and TLS systems. ……

  • 软件或算法基础:其他学科或者他人的研究带来的启发、算法工具等。例如:

(Sylvain et al., 2019):Deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are deep learning models which have achieved unprecedented performance in object recognition and classification tasks, with applications in fields such as medicine, self-driving cars, image search, or mapping. (Ni-Meister et al., 2001):The GORT model is different from ray tracing models in that it models the integrated radiation regime within plant canopies at tree stand scale. …………This integrated approach corresponds to the way in which foresters and ecologists take measurements in fixed and variable plots, and it suited well to study the large-footprint lidar systems.

  • 宏观思路:加入某种考虑后可改进现有不足,基于某个现象规律可以探索什么什么。例如:

(Yin et al., 2020):Therefore, the same burn severity could correspond to different spectral signatures and the same spectral signature could correspond to different levels of burn severity with the variation of TCC. Consequently, the proportion of TCC plays an important role in relating reflectance to burn severity, and thus should be considered in RTM parameterization and backward inversion. ……


通常只需要在引言的最后一段中陈述本研究的目标是什么,大致要做做些什么或者要回答的问题是什么。该段首句基本都是本研究的目标是blabla. 然后或采用“做些什么”,或采用“回答几个问题”的方式,来结束引言的写作。

  • 做了些什么。 例如:

(Arroyo-Mora et al., 2021): First, with the increasing availability of UAV-HSI, there is a need to determine the utility of low altitude full range HSI acquired under cloudy conditions for which no accurate physical inversion based on radiative transfer models alone is feasible. ………… Second, ……

  • 回答几个问题。 例如:

(Koukal et al., 2012): In particular, we address the following three research questions: 1) can the RPV model be fitted to multi-angular information sampled with a digital aerial frame camera, 2) does multiangular information positively contribute to the classification of forest species and age classes compared to the sole use of spectral information, and 3) what are the necessary sampling conditions (in terms of angular sampling) to retrieve the anisotropic reflectance characteristics of forest surfaces correctly?

Ecarnot et al., (2015) 总结了引言写作的关键要素,与我的总结有类似之处,但没有我总结的详细,但可供参考比较。另外注意,学术论文虽说都是八股文,但是学科之间还是存在一些差异。



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