[期刊论文写作] 系列(1) 题目与摘要的写作章法

关键词:论文写作 论文修改 检查单 章法 作者:ludwig1860 日期:Dec 17-18, 2022


  • 经常情况下,老师修改了,学生并不注意看,直接接受修改,导致相同的错误下次依然犯;
  • 学生A改好了,学生B的还有相同的问题,还需要重新修改一遍,极为浪费老师的时间;



1. 题目的四要素


  • 核心目标
  • 关键方法
  • 所用数据
  • 特色之处

例如:Extracting leaf area index using viewing geometry effects—A new perspective on high-resolution unmanned aerial system photography (Roth et al., 2017) 核心目标是Extracting leaf area index,关键方法是using viewing geometry effects, 所用数据为high-resolution unmanned aerial system photography,特色之处为A new perspective。



  • 提问式:例如Validation practices for satellite soil moisture retrievals: What are (the) errors? (Gruber et al., 2020)
  • 回答式:例如Canopy structure explains the relationship between photosynthesis and sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence in crops (Dechant et al., 2020)


Ecarnot et al., (2015) 总结了一个成功的题目所包含的主要元素,由于他们所在的学科为医学,所以他们的总结是侧重于医学方面的。此外,我自认为他没有我总结的好,嘿嘿。


2. 摘要的逻辑结构


  • 将论文宏观研究背景强调出来

相当于扣一个“帽子”,描述本研究是在一个什么样的大背景下开展的。例如:The accuracy of mapping forest extent from satellite imagery largely depends on both semantic definition and estimation quality of tree cover at the pixel level. (Tang et al., 2019)

  • 将本研究所针对的research gap强调出来

也就是把前人研究的不足(本研究所解决的前人的不足)凝练出来。例如: However methodological gaps exist for adapting this technology to heterogeneous natural vegetation and for transferring it among vegetation species or plan functional types. (Zarco-Tejada et al., 2019)

  • 将本研所采用的核心方法或创新性方法强调出来


    • Leaf Area Index (LAI) retrieval performances from gap fraction measurements are investigated over vertically trained vineyards. A 3D vineyard model was constructed to analyze the influence of canopy architecture characteristics and light direction on LAI estimation. (López-Lozano et al., 2009)
    • A detailed dynamic 3D architecture model coupled with a soil water balance model is used to explore the pertinence of 2D approximations of the row structure and describe the light regime and canopy photosynthesis in vineyard. The fraction of intercepted light (fIPAR), the fraction of illuminated leaf area (fILA) and the distribution of light intensity on illuminated leaves (LIDIL) were calculated using Z-buffer and ray tracing techniques under both direct (black-sky) and diffuse (white-sky) conditions. The 2D approximations of the row were based on parallelepiped infinitely extended bounding boxes whose height and width was either defined by the outer envelope of the leaves (2Dmax) or effective dimensions (2Deff) adjusted to simulate the same instantaneous fIPAR diurnal time course as that of the reference 3D model (3D). (López-Lozano et al., 2011)
  • 将本研究的关键结果与发现定量化地强调出来


    • This hybrid approach of combining tie-point features and area- based cost aggregation methods for the parametric coregistration of hyperspectral intensity values to their corresponding lidar intensities results in a root-mean-square error of 1/3 pixel. (Brell et al., 2016)
    • Both LED-NDVI and LED-LAI identified new needle expansion in the overstory canopy and understory canopy development. MODIS NDVI agreed well with LED-NDVI data (R2 = 0.96, RMSE = 0.04) at the deciduous forest site, and we discovered that understory canopy development determined the onset of greenness based on MODIS NDVI data. LED-LAI data agreed well with independent estimates from the other instruments, indicating that LED-sensors could be used to monitor multi-layer canopy LAI. (Ryu et al., 2014)
  • 将本研究的可能的应用价值或前景或不足强调出来


    • The possibility of collecting precise hyperspectral reflectance-factor data from UAS under varying cloud cover makes it more operational for environmental monitoring or precision agriculture applications, being an important step in advancing hyperspectral imaging from UAS. (Koppl et al., 2021)
    • Overall, our findings imply that lidar offers a superior tool for mapping LAI at local to regional scales as compared to optical remote sensing, accuracies of lidar-estimate LAI are affected not only by the choice of models but also by the absolute accuracy of in-situ reference LAI used for model calibration, and lidar-derived LAI maps can serve as reliable references for validating moderate-resolution satellite LAI products over large areas. (Zhao et al., 2009)


Ecarnot et al., (2015) 也总结了摘要所包含的关键点,分别对应了引言、方法、结果与结论中的内容。其总结方式和我总结的有相似之处,不过我依然觉得我总结的要好一些,其实我是自我总结之后,才发现的这篇论文,所以思路没有被带走。


3. 关键词

我不知道关键词在送审系统中扮演什么角色,是否被用于寻找审稿人。但是关键词在论文收录系统(例如Web of Science)中发挥比较大的作用,所以关键词的选择还是要尽量契合自己论文,同时要适当的拓宽。我总结了一个小技巧:

  • 在题目和摘要中寻找关键词,包含描述研究目标、核心方法、所用数据、尺度、特色等等。 例如:

Amazon basin, Canopy chemistry, Carnegie Airborne Observatory, Chemometrics, Data fusion, Hyperspectral, LiDAR, Tropical forest (Asner et al., 2015)


4. Highlights


(Schneider et al., 2014)

  • 3D forest reconstruction based on full-waveform ALS and in situ data;
  • Development and comparison of a voxel grid and individual tree approach;
  • Simulation of at-sensor radiance compared with APEX imaging spectrometer data;
  • Model suitable to describe medium to large-scale features of 3D radiative regime;
  • Results highlight current challenges in RT modeling of forests;


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