USE [CommunityApp] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[sp_count_OwnerInfo] Script Date: 02/24/2016 17:08:51 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO -- ============================================= -- Author: <Author,,Name> -- Create date: <Create Date,,> -- Description: <Description,,> -- ============================================= ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_count_OwnerInfo] @year varchar(30) AS declare @i int, @CommunityID int, @CommunityName nvarchar(50), @yearCount int , @month1Count int , @month2Count int , @month3Count int , @month4Count int , @month5Count int , @month6Count int , @month7Count int , @month8Count int , @month9Count int , @month10Count int , @month11Count int , @month12Count int DECLARE @tCommunity TABLE ( CommunityID int , CommunityName nvarchar(50) ,FlagID TINYINT ) DECLARE @tcount TABLE ( CommunityID int , CommunityName nvarchar(50), yearCount int , month1Count int , month2Count int , month3Count int , month4Count int , month5Count int , month6Count int , month7Count int , month8Count int , month9Count int , month10Count int , month11Count int , month12Count int ) BEGIN insert @tCommunity select CommunityID,CommunityName,0 from CommunityBase.dbo.CommunityList SET @i=1 WHILE( @i>=1) BEGIN set @CommunityID='' set @CommunityName='' SELECT TOP 1 @CommunityID = CommunityID,@CommunityName = CommunityName FROM @tCommunity WHERE flagID=0 SET @i=@@ROWCOUNT IF @i<=0 GOTO Return_Lab SELECT @yearCount=count(*) FROM OwnerInfo WHERE datediff(year,CreateTime,@year+'-1-1')=0 and CommunityID= @CommunityID --年 SELECT @month1Count=count(*) FROM OwnerInfo WHERE datediff(month,CreateTime,@year+'-1-1')=0 and CommunityID= @CommunityID --1月 SELECT @month2Count=count(*) FROM OwnerInfo WHERE datediff(month,CreateTime,@year+'-2-1')=0 and CommunityID= @CommunityID --2月 SELECT @month3Count=count(*) FROM OwnerInfo WHERE datediff(month,CreateTime,@year+'-3-1')=0 and CommunityID= @CommunityID --3月 SELECT @month4Count=count(*) FROM OwnerInfo WHERE datediff(month,CreateTime,@year+'-4-1')=0 and CommunityID= @CommunityID --4月 SELECT @month5Count=count(*) FROM OwnerInfo WHERE datediff(month,CreateTime,@year+'-5-1')=0 and CommunityID= @CommunityID --5月 SELECT @month6Count=count(*) FROM OwnerInfo WHERE datediff(month,CreateTime,@year+'-6-1')=0 and CommunityID= @CommunityID --6月 SELECT @month7Count=count(*) FROM OwnerInfo WHERE datediff(month,CreateTime,@year+'-7-1')=0 and CommunityID= @CommunityID --7月 SELECT @month8Count=count(*) FROM OwnerInfo WHERE datediff(month,CreateTime,@year+'-8-1')=0 and CommunityID= @CommunityID --8月 SELECT @month9Count=count(*) FROM OwnerInfo WHERE datediff(month,CreateTime,@year+'-9-1')=0 and CommunityID= @CommunityID --9月 SELECT @month10Count=count(*) FROM OwnerInfo WHERE datediff(month,CreateTime,@year+'-10-1')=0 and CommunityID= @CommunityID --10月 SELECT @month11Count=count(*) FROM OwnerInfo WHERE datediff(month,CreateTime,@year+'-11-1')=0 and CommunityID= @CommunityID --11月 SELECT @month12Count=count(*) FROM OwnerInfo WHERE datediff(month,CreateTime,@year+'-12-1')=0 and CommunityID= @CommunityID --12月 insert @tcount values(@CommunityID,@CommunityName,@yearCount,@month1Count,@month2Count,@month3Count,@month4Count,@month5Count,@month6Count,@month7Count,@month8Count,@month9Count,@month10Count,@month11Count,@month12Count) IF @@error=0 UPDATE @tCommunity SET flagID=1 WHERE CommunityID = @CommunityID Return_Lab: END select * from @tcount End