14 控制器可扩展性 — 精通 MVC 3 框架

Controller Extensibility

In this chapter, we are going to show you some of the advanced MVC features for working with controllers. We’ll start by exploring the parts of the request processing pipeline that lead to the execution of an action method and demonstrating the different ways you can take control of this process.

The second part of this chapter demonstrates two types of specialized controllers, known as sessionless controllers and asynchronous controllers. These can be used to increase the capacity of your server. We demonstrate how to create and use these controller types and explain when you should consider using them in an MVC application.

Request Processing Pipeline Components

Figure 14-1 shows the basic flow of control between components. Some of the elements in the figure will be familiar to you at this point. We covered the routing system in Chapter 11, and described the relationship between the Controller class and action methods in Chapter 12.


Figure 14-1. Invoking an action method
图14-1. 调用一个动作方法

Our focus for the first part of this chapter is the controller factory and the action invoker. The names of these components suggest their purpose. The controller factory is responsible for creating instances of controllers to service a request, and the action invoker is responsible for finding and invoking the action method in the controller class. The MVC Framework includes default implementations of both of these components, and we’ll show you how to configure these to control their behavior. We’ll also show you how to replace these components entirely and use custom logic.
本章第一部分我们关注的是控制器工厂(Controller Factory)和动作调用器(Action Invoker)。这些组件的名称暗示了它们的目的。控制器工厂负责生成对一个请求进行服务的控制器实例,动作调用器负责查找并调用控制器类中的动作方法。MVC框架含有这两个组件的默认实现,我们将向你演示如何配置它们,以控制它们的行为。我们也将向你演示如何完全替换这些组件而使用自定义逻辑。

Creating a Controller Factory

As with much of the MVC Framework, the best way to understand how controller factories work is to create a custom implementation. We don’t recommend that you do this in a real project, since it’s much easier to create custom behavior by extending the built-in factory, but this is a nice way to demonstrate how the MVC Framework creates instances of controllers.

Defining a Custom Controller Factory

Controller factories are defined by the IControllerFactory interface, which is shown in Listing 14-1.

Listing 14-1. The IControllerFactory Interface
清单14-1. IControllerFactory接口

namespace System.Web.Mvc {     using System.Web.Routing;     using System.Web.SessionState;     public interface IControllerFactory {         IController CreateController(RequestContext requestContext, string controllerName);         SessionStateBehavior GetControllerSessionBehavior(RequestContext requestContext,                 string controllerName);         void ReleaseController(IController controller);     } } 

The most important method in the interface is CreateController, which the MVC Framework calls when it needs a controller to service a request. The parameters to this method are a RequestContext object, which allows the factory to inspect the details of the request, and a string, which contains the controller value from the routed URL.

One of the reasons that we don’t recommend creating a custom controller this way is that finding controller classes in the web application and instantiating them is complicated. To keep things simple for our demonstration, we will support only two controllers, called FirstController and SecondController. Listing 14-2 shows our implementation of this method as part of the CustomControllerFactory class.

Listing 14-2. The CustomControllerFactory Class
清单14-2. CustomControllerFactory类

using System; using System.Web.Mvc; using System.Web.Routing; using System.Web.SessionState; using ControllerExtensibility.Controllers; namespace ControllerExtensibility.Infrastructure {     public class CustomControllerFactory : IControllerFactory {         public IController CreateController(RequestContext requestContext,                     string controllerName) {             Type targetType = null;             switch (controllerName) {                 case "Home":                     requestContext.RouteData.Values["controller"] = "First";                     targetType = typeof(FirstController);                     break;                 case "First":                     targetType = typeof(FirstController);                     break;                 case "Second":                     targetType = typeof(SecondController);                     break;             }             return targetType == null ?                 null : (IController)Activator.CreateInstance(targetType);         }         public SessionStateBehavior GetControllerSessionBehavior(                     RequestContext requestContext, string controllerName) {             return SessionStateBehavior.Default;         }         public void ReleaseController(IController controller) {             IDisposable disposable = controller as IDisposable;             if (disposable != null) {                 disposable.Dispose();             }         }     } } 

The goal of the CreateController method is to create an instance of a controller that can handle the request. How the factory does this is entirely open. The conventions that you have seen so far in the examples in this book exist because that’s the way that the default controller factory works. We’ll cover the default factory after we complete our custom one. For our factory in Listing 14-2, we have ignored all of the conventions and implemented our own logic. This is a pretty odd thing to do, but it does demonstrate the complete flexibility that the MVC Framework offers.

If we receive a request where the controller value is First or Second, we create new instances of the FirstController or SecondController class. We create instances using the System.Activator class, which lets us create instances of objects from their type, like this:


If we receive a request where the controller value is Home, we map that request to the FirstController class. Again, this is an odd thing to do, but it shows that that mapping between requests and controllers is solely the responsibility of the controller factory. The same cannot be said for the mapping of requests to views, however.

The MVC Framework selects a view based on the controller value in the routing data, not the name of the controller class. For example, if we want to map a request for the Home controller to an instance of the First controller, we also need to change the controller value in the request, like this:

requestContext.RouteData.Values["controller"] = "First"; 

So, not only does the controller factory have sole responsibility for matching requests to controllers, but it can change the request to alter the behavior of subsequent steps in the request processing pipeline. This is pretty potent stuff and a critical component of the MVC Framework.

Two other methods are in the IControllerFactory interface:

  • The GetControllerSessionBehavior method is used by the MVC Framework to determine if session data should be maintained for a controller. We’ll come back to this in the “Using Sessionless Controllers” section later in this chapter.
  • The ReleaseController method is called when a controller object created by the CreateController method is no longer needed. In our implementation, we check to see if the class implements the IDisposable interface. If it does, we call the Dispose method to release any resources that can be freed.

Registering a Custom Controller Factory

We tell the MVC Framework to use our custom controller factory through the ControllerBuilder class, as shown in Listing 14-3.

Listing 14-3. Registering a Custom Controller Factory
清单14-3. 注册一个自定义工厂

protected void Application_Start() {     AreaRegistration.RegisterAllAreas();     ControllerBuilder.Current.SetControllerFactory(new CustomControllerFactory());     RegisterGlobalFilters(GlobalFilters.Filters);     RegisterRoutes(RouteTable.Routes); } 

Working with the Built-In Controller Factory

For most applications, the built-in controller factory class, called DefaultControllerFactory, is entirely adequate. When it receives a request from the routing system, this factory looks at the routing data to find the value of the controller property (which we described in Chapter 11), and tries to find a class in the web application that meets the following criteria:

  • The class must be public.
  • The class must be concrete (not abstract).
  • The class must not take generic parameters.
  • The name of the class must end with Controller.
  • The class must implement the IController interface.

The DefaultControllerFactory class maintains a list of such classes in the application, so that it doesn’t need to perform a search each and every time a request arrives. If a suitable class is found, then an instance is created using the controller activator (we’ll come back to this in the upcoming “Customizing DefaultControllerFactory Controller Creation” section), and the job of the controller is complete. If there is no matching controller, then the request cannot be processed any further.
DefaultControllerFactory类维护着应用程序中这些类的一个列表,因此,每次一个请求到达时,它并不需要每次都执行一个搜索。如果找到一个合适的类,那么便用控制器激活器(controller activator)生成一个实例(我们将在马上要描述的“定制DefaultControllerFactory控制器的生成”小节中回到这一论题),控制器的工作便完成了。如果没有匹配的控制器,那么该请求便不能作进一步处理。

Notice how the DefaultControllerFactory class follows the convention-over-configuration pattern. You don’t need to register your controllers in a configuration file, because the factory will find them for you. All you need to do is create classes that meet the criteria that the factory is seeking.

If you want to create custom controller factory behavior, you can configure the settings of the default factory or override some of the methods. This way, you are able to build on the useful convention-over-configuration behavior and not need to re-create it. We’ll show you different ways to tailor controller creation in the following sections.

Prioritizing Namespaces

In Chapter 11, we showed you how to prioritize one or more namespaces when creating a route. This was to address the ambiguous controller problem, where controller classes have the same name but reside in different namespaces. We mentioned in Chapter 11 that this information was passed along to the controller factory, and it is the DefaultControllerFactory that processes the list of namespaces and prioritizes them.
在第11章中,我们向你演示了,在生成一条路由时,如何安排一个或多个命名空间的优先级。用它解决控制器的多义性问题,即,同名控制器类位于不同命名空间的情况。我们在第11章提到,这种信息(指命名空间优先级信息 — 译者注)被沿途传递给控制器工厂,而处理命名空间列表并对之排序的,正是这个DefaultControllerFactory。

If you have an application that has a lot of routes, it can be more convenient to specify priority namespaces globally, so that they are applied to all of your routes. Listing 14-4 shows how to do this.

Listing 14-4. Global Namespace Prioritization
清单14-4. 全局命名空间优先级

protected void Application_Start() {     AreaRegistration.RegisterAllAreas();     ControllerBuilder.Current.DefaultNamespaces.Add("MyControllerNamespace");     ControllerBuilder.Current.DefaultNamespaces.Add("MyProject.*");     RegisterGlobalFilters(GlobalFilters.Filters);     RegisterRoutes(RouteTable.Routes); } 

We use the static ControllerBuilder.Current.DefaultNamespaces.Add method to add namespaces that should be given priority. The order in which we add the namespaces does not imply any kind of search order. All of the default namespaces will be searched for candidate controller classes, and duplicates will still cause an exception, just as when we performed the same task directly in the route definition.
我们用静态的ControllerBuilder.Current.DefaultNamespaces.Add方法来添加应该给予优先的命名空间。我们添加的命名空间的顺序并不暗示某种搜索顺序。所有默认命名空间都被用来搜索候选的控制器类,而且重义(指有多个相同的包含命名空间在内的控制器 — 译者注)仍然会引发异常,就像我们直接在路由定义中执行同样的事情那样。

■ Tip Global prioritization is overridden by route-specific prioritization. This means you can define a global policy, and then tailor individual routes as required. See Chapter 11 for details on specifying namespaces for individual routes.

If the controller factory cannot find a suitable controller class in the namespaces that have been specified, then the rest of the application classes will be inspected. Notice that we used an asterisk character (*) in the second statement shown in bold in Listing 14-4. This allows us to specify that the controller factory should look in the MyProject namespace and any child namespaces. (Warning: Although this looks like regular expression syntax, it isn’t; you can end your namespaces with .*, but you can’t use any other regular expression syntax here.)

Customizing DefaultControllerFactory Controller Creation

There are a number of ways to customize how the DefaultControllerFactory class creates controller objects. By far, the most common reason for customizing the controller factory is to add support for DI. There are several different ways of doing this. The most suitable technique depends on how you are using DI elsewhere in your application.

Using the Dependency Resolver

The DefaultControllerFactory class will use a dependency resolver to create controllers if one is available. We covered dependency resolvers in Chapter 10 and showed you our NinjectDependencyResolver class, which implements the IDependencyResolver interface to provide Ninject DI support.

The DefaultControllerFactory will call the IDependencyResolver.GetService method to request a controller instance, which gives you the opportunity to resolve and inject any dependencies.

Using a Controller Activator

You can also introduce DI into controllers by creating a controller activator. You create this activator by implementing the IControllerActivator interface, as shown in Listing 14-5.

Listing 14-5. The IControllerActivator Interface
清单14-5. IControllerActivator接口

namespace System.Web.Mvc {     using System.Web.Routing;     public interface IControllerActivator {         IController Create(RequestContext requestContext, Type controllerType);     } } 

The interface contains one method, called Create, which is passed a RequestContext object describing the request and a Type that specifies which controller class should be instantiated. Listing 14-6 shows a simple implementation of this interface.

Listing 14-6. Implementing the IControllorActivator Interface
清单14-6. 实现IControllorActivator接口

using System; using System.Web.Mvc; using ControllerExtensibility.Controllers; namespace ControllerExtensibility.Infrastructure {     public class CustomControllerActivator : IControllerActivator {         public IController Create(System.Web.Routing.RequestContext requestContext,                 Type controllerType) {             if (controllerType == typeof(FirstController)) {                 controllerType = typeof(SecondController);             }             return DependencyResolver.Current.GetService(controllerType) as IController;         }     } } 

Our implementation passes requests on to the dependency resolver, unless they are for the FirstController type. In that case, we request an instance of the SecondController class.

The IControllerActivator interface can be used only if you are also using a dependency resolver. This is because the DefaultControllerFactory class finds a controller activator by calling the IDependencyResolver.GetService method, requesting the IControllerActivator type. So, we need to register our activator directly with our dependency resolver. In this example, that means using the AddBindings method of the NinjectDependencyResolver class, as shown in Listing 14-7.

Listing 14-7. Registering a Controller Activator
清单14-7. 注册一个控制器激活器

private void AddBindings() {     // put bindings here     Bind<IControllerActivator>().To<CustomControllerActivator>(); } 

It is almost always simpler to rely on a dependency resolver to create controllers. However, using a controller activator is a useful niche feature if you want to intercept and manipulate requests, as we did in Listing 14-6.

Overriding DefaultControllerFactory Methods

You can override methods in the DefaultControllerFactory class to customize the creation of controllers. Table 14-1 describes the three methods you can override, each of which performs a slightly different role.

Table 14-1. Overridable DefaultContollerFactory Methods
表14-1. 可重写的DefaultContollerFactory方法
CreateControllerIControllerThe implementation of the CreateController method from the IControllerFactory interface. By default, this method calls GetControllerType to determine which type should be instantiated, and then gets a controller object by passing the result to the GetControllerInstance method.
GetControllerTypeTypeMaps requests to controller types. This is where most of the criteria listed earlier in the chapter are enforced.
GetControllerInstanceIControllerCreates an instance of a specified type.

The GetControllerInstance method is the one that is most typically overridden in projects. We used it to introduce DI into the SportsStore application in Chapter 7.

Creating a Custom Action Invoker

Once the controller factory has created an instance of a class, the framework needs a way of invoking an action on that instance. If you derived your controller from the Controller class, then this is the responsibility of an action invoker. If you created your controller by implementing the IController interface directly, then you are responsible for invoking actions directly. See Chapter 12 for examples of both approaches for creating a controller.

An action invoker implements the IActionInvoker interface, which is shown in Listing 14-8.

Listing 14-8. The IActionInvoker Interface
清单14-8. IActionInvoker接口

namespace System.Web.Mvc {     public interface IActionInvoker {         bool InvokeAction(ControllerContext controllerContext, string actionName);     } } 

The interface has only a single member: InvokeAction. The parameters are a ControllerContext object (which you saw in Chapter 12) and a string that contains the name of the action to be invoked. The return value is a bool. A return value of true indicates that the action was found and invoked. A value of false indicates that the controller has no matching action.

Notice that we have not used the word method in this description. The association between actions and methods is strictly optional. While this is the approach that the built-in action invoker takes, you are free to handle actions any way that you choose. Listing 14-9 shows an implementation of the IActionInvoker interface that takes a different approach.
注意,在这个描述中我们并未使用“方法”这个单词(指上一小节中使用的是“动作”,而不是“动作方法” — 译者注)。动作与方法之间的关联是严格可选的。当这是内建的动作调用器所采取的办法时,你可以采取你所选择的任何方式随意地处理动作。清单14-9演示了另一种不同办法的IActionInvoker接口的实现。

(关于“动作”和“动作方法”:按译者的理解,说得直白一点,动作是一种行为,而动作方法是实现这种行为的代码。动作调用器的作用是实现对一个动作的调用,而控制器中才是实现这个动作的动作方法。根据这一含义,动作名和动作方法名是可以不同的,参见稍后的“使用自定义动作名”小节。 — 译者注)

Listing 14-9. A Custom Action Invoker
清单14-9. 一个自定义动作调用器

using System.Web.Mvc; namespace ControllerExtensibility.Infrastructure {     public class CustomActionInvoker : IActionInvoker {         public bool InvokeAction(ControllerContext context, string actionName) {             if (actionName == "Index") {                 context.HttpContext.Response.Write("This is output from the Index action");                 return true;             } else {                 return false;             }         }     } } 

This action invoker doesn’t care about the methods in the controller class. In fact, it deals with actions itself. If the request is for the Index action, then the invoker writes a message directly to the Response. If the request is for any other action, then it returns false, which causes a 404 – Not found error to be displayed to the user.
这个动作调用器并不关心控制器类中的方法。事实上,它自己处理动作。如果这是对Index动作的请求,那么这个调用器直接把一条消息写到Response。如果是其它动作的请求,那么它返回false,这会引发一个显示给用户的404 — 未找到错误。

The action invoker associated with a controller is obtained through the Controller.ActionInvoker property. This means that different controllers in the same application can use different action invokers. Listing 14-10 shows a controller that uses the action invoker from Listing 14-9.

Listing 14-10. Using a Custom Action Invoker in a Controller
清单14-10. 在一个控制器中使用自定义动作调用器

using System.Web.Mvc; using ControllerExtensibility.Infrastructure; namespace ControllerExtensibility.Controllers {     public class CustomActionInvokerController : Controller {         public CustomActionInvokerController() {             this.ActionInvoker = new CustomActionInvoker();         }     } } 

There are no action methods in this controller. It depends on the action invoker to process requests.

We are not suggesting that you implement your own action invoker. And if you do, we don’t suggest you follow this approach. Why? First, the built-in support has some very useful features, as you will see shortly. Second, our example has some problems: a lack of extensibility, poor separation of responsibilities, and a lack of support for views of any kind. But the example shows how the MVC Framework fits together and demonstrates, once again, that almost every aspect of the request processing pipeline can be customized or replaced entirely.

Using the Built-In Action Invoker

The built-in action invoker, which is the ControllerActionInvoker class, has some very sophisticated techniques for matching requests to actions. And, unlike our implementation in the previous section, the default action invoker operates on methods.

To qualify as an action, a method must meet the following criteria:

  • The method must be public.
  • The method must not be static.
  • The method must not be present in System.Web.Mvc.Controller or any of its base classes.
  • The method must not have a special name.

The first two criteria are simple enough. For the next, excluding any method that is present in the Controller class or its bases means that methods such as ToString and GetHashCode are excluded, as are the methods that implement the IController interface. This is sensible, since we don’t want to expose the inner workings of our controllers to the outside world. The last criterion means that constructors, properties and event accessors are excluded. In fact, no class member that has the IsSpecialName flag from System.Reflection.MethodBase will be used to process an action.

■ Note Methods that have generic parameters (such as MyMethod<T>()) meet all of the criteria, but the MVC Framework will throw an exception if you try to invoke such a method to process a request.

By default, the ControllerActionInvoker finds a method that has the same name as the requested action. So, for example, if the action value that the routing system produces is Index, then the ControllerActionInvoker will look for a method called Index that fits the action criteria. If it finds such a method, it will be invoked to handle the request. This behavior is exactly what you want almost all of the time, but as you might expect, the MVC Framework provides some opportunities to fine-tune the process.

Using a Custom Action Name

Usually, the name of an action method determines the action that it represents. The Index action method services requests for the Index action. You can override this behavior using the ActionName attribute, as shown in Listing 14-11.

Listing 14-11. Using a Custom Action Name
清单14-11. 使用自定义动作名

using System.Web.Mvc; namespace ActionInvokers.Controllers {     public class HomeController : Controller {         [ActionName("Index")]         public ActionResult MyAction() {             return View();         }     } } 

In this listing, we have applied the attribute to the MyAction method, passing in a parameter value of Index. When the action invoker receives a request for the Index action, it will now use the MyAction method. Applying the attribute overrides the name of the action. This means that the MyAction method is no longer available to service requests for the MyAction action.

There are two main reasons why you might want to override a method name in this way:

  • You can then accept an action name that wouldn’t be legal as a C# method name (for example, [ActionName("User-Registration")]).
  • If you want to have two different C# methods that accept the same set of parameters and should handle the same action name, but in response to different HTTP request types (for example, one with [HttpGet] and the other with [HttpPost]), you can give the methods different C# names to satisfy the compiler, but then use [ActionName] to map them both to the same action name.

One oddity that arises when using this attribute is that Visual Studio will use the original method name in the Add View dialog box. So, if you right-click the MyAction method and select Add View, you see the dialog box shown in Figure 14-2.
当使用这个性质时,出现的一个奇怪的现象是Visual Studio将在“添加视图”对话框中使用原先的方法名。因此,如果你右击MyAction方法,并选择“添加视图”,你会看到如图14-2所示的对话框。


Figure 14-2. Visual Studio doesn’t detect the ActionName attribute
图14-2. Visual Studio并不检测ActionName性质

This is a problem because the MVC Framework will look for the default views based on the action name, which is Index in our example, as defined by the attribute. When creating the default view for an action method that use the ActionName attribute, you must make sure that the name matches the attribute value and not the C# method name.

Using Action Method Selection

It is often the case that a controller will contain several actions with the same name. This can be because there are multiple methods, each with different parameters, or because you used the ActionName attribute so that multiple methods represent the same action.

In these situations, the MVC Framework needs some help selecting the appropriate action with which to process a request. The mechanism for doing this is called action method selection. It allows you to define kinds of requests that an action is willing to process. You have already seen an example of action method selection when we restricted an action using the HttpPost attribute in Chapter 8. We had two methods called Checkout, and by using the HttpPost attribute, we indicated that one of them was to be used only for HTTP POST requests, as shown in Listing 14-12.
在这些情况下,MVC框架需要一些选择相应动作以处理一个请求的辅助办法。做这种事情的机制称为动作方法选择。它允许你定义一个动作乐于处理的请求的种类。当我们在第8章用HttpPost性质约束一个动作时,你已经看到了一个动作方法选择的例子。我们有两个名为Checkout的方法,并且,通过使用HttpPost性质,我们指示其中一个只用于HTTP POST请求,如清单14-2所示。

Listing 14-12. Using the HttpPost Attribute
清单14-12. 使用HttpPost性质

... [HttpPost] public ViewResult Checkout(Cart cart, ShippingDetails shippingDetails) {     // action method body } public ViewResult Checkout() {     // action method body } ... 

The action invoker uses an action method selector to remove ambiguity when selecting an action. In Listing 14-12, there are two candidates for the Checkout action. The invoker gives preference to the actions that have selectors. In this case, the HttpPost selector is evaluated to see if the request can be processed. If it can, then this is the method that will be used. If not, then the other method will be used.

There are built-in attributes that work as selectors for the different kinds of HTTP requests: HttpPost for POST requests, HttpGet for GET requests, HttpPut for PUT requests, and so on. Another built-in attribute is NonAction, which indicates to the action invoker that a method that would otherwise be considered a valid action method should not be used, as shown in Listing 14-13.

Listing 14-13. Using the NonAction Selector
清单14-13. 使用NonAction选择器

... [NonAction] public ActionResult MyMethod() {     return View(); } ... 

The method in the listing will not be considered as an action method. This is useful for ensuring that you don’t expose the workings of your controller classes as actions. Of course, normally such methods should simply be marked private, which will prevent them from being invoked as actions; however, [NonAction] is useful if for some reason you must mark such as method as public.

Creating a Custom Action Method Selector

Action method selectors are derived from the ActionMethodSelectorAttribute class, which is shown in Listing 14-14.

Listing 14-14. The ActionMethodSelectorAttribute Class
清单14-14. ActionMethodSelectorAttribute类

namespace System.Web.Mvc {     using System;     using System.Reflection;     [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = true)]     public abstract class ActionMethodSelectorAttribute : Attribute {         public abstract bool IsValidForRequest(ControllerContext controllerContext,                 MethodInfo methodInfo);     } } 

The ActionMethodSelectorAttribute is abstract and defines one abstract method: IsValidForRequest. The parameters for this method are a ControllerContext object, which allows you to inspect the request, and a MethodInfo object, which you can use to get information about the method to which your selector has been applied. You return true from IsValidForRequest if the method is able to process a request, and false otherwise. Listing 14-15 demonstrates a simple custom action method selector.

Listing 14-15. A Custom Action Method Selector
清单14-15. 自定义动作方法选择器

using System.Reflection; using System.Web.Mvc; namespace ActionInvokers.Infrastructure {     public class LocalAttribute : ActionMethodSelectorAttribute {         public override bool IsValidForRequest(ControllerContext context,                 MethodInfo methodInfo) {             return context.HttpContext.Request.IsLocal;         }     } } 

Our action method selector will return true from the IsValidForRequest method only when the request originates from the local machine.

Listing 14-16 shows how to use the selector to differentiate between two action methods with the same name.

Listing 14-16. Using a Custom Action Method Selector
清单14-16. 使用自定义动作方法选择器

... [ActionName("Index")] public ActionResult FirstMethod() {     return View((object)"Message from FirstMethod"); } [Local] [ActionName("Index")] public ActionResult SecondMethod() {     return View((object)"Message from SecondMethod"); } ... 

When this controller receives a request for the Index action, the Local selector will be evaluated. If the request originates locally, then the selector’s IsValidForRequest method will return true, and SecondMethod will be invoked to handle the request. If the request originates from another computer, then the selector’s IsValidForRequest method will return false, and the action invoker will use FirstMethod instead.

Note that we’re not suggesting you should use action selectors as a kind of security check, unless you really enjoy debugging. To handle user-access control in the intended way, use the authorization attributes covered in the previous chapter.


Now that you have seen inside the action method selector base class, you can understand how the action invoker selects an action method. The invoker starts the process with a list of possible candidates, which are the controller methods that meet the action method criteria. Then it goes through the following process:

  • First, the invoker discards any method based on name. Only methods that have the same name as the target action or have a suitable ActionName attribute are kept on the list.
  • Second, the invoker discards any method that has an action method selector attribute that returns false for the current request.
  • If there is exactly one action method with a selector left, then this is the method that is used. If there is more than one method with a selector, then an exception is thrown, because the action invoker cannot disambiguate between the available methods.
  • If there are no action methods with selectors, then the invoker looks at those without selectors. If there is exactly one such method, then this is the one that is invoked. If there is more than one method without a selector, an exception is thrown, because the invoker can’t choose between them.

Handling Unknown Actions

If the action invoker is unable to find an action method to invoke, it returns false from its InvokeAction method. When this happens, the Controller class calls its HandleUnknownAction method. By default, this method returns a 404 – Not Found response to the client. This is the most useful thing that a controller can do for most applications, but you can choose to override this method in your controller class if you want to do something special. Listing 14-17 provides a demonstration.
如果动作调用器找不到一个要调用的动作方法,便从它的InvokeAction方法返回false。当这种情况发生时,Controller类便调用它的HandleUnknownAction方法。默认地,这个方法返回一个“404 — 未找到”对客户端作出响应。这是控制器对大多数应用程序所能做的最有用的事情,但是,如果你想做一些特殊的事情,你可以在你的控制器类中选择采用重写这个方法。清单14-17提供了一个演示。

Listing 14-17. Overriding the HandleUnknownAction Method
清单14-17. 重写HandleUnknownAction方法

using System.Web.Mvc; using ActionInvokers.Infrastructure; namespace ActionInvokers.Controllers {     public class HomeController : Controller {         public ActionResult Index() {             return View();         }         protected override void HandleUnknownAction(string actionName) {             Response.Write(string.Format("You requested the {0} action", actionName));         }     } } 

In this example, our controller has an Index action method. It will write a message to the Response object if any other action is requested, as shown in Figure 14-3.


Figure 14-3. Handling requests for unknown actions
图14-3. 处理未知动作的请求

Using Action Method Selectors to Support REST Services

Over the past few years, many developers have chosen to implement web services using the Representation State Transfer (REST) style instead of more complex alternatives such as the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP).

A REST operation is specified by combination of a URL and an HTTP method. The URL has application-specific meaning. As an example, you might have a URL such as /Staff/1, which refers to the first record in a staff database. The different HTTP methods represent the different operations that can be performed on this record. A GET request retrieves the data, a POST request modifies it, a DELETE request removes it, and so on.

You can provide REST support by combining the ActionName attribute with action method selectors, as shown in Listing 14-18.

Listing 14-18. Supporting REST Web Services
清单14-18. 支持REST Web服务

public class StaffController : Controller {     [HttpGet]     [ActionName("Staff")]     public ActionResult StaffGet(int id) {         // ... logic to get and return data item     }     [HttpPost]     [ActionName("Staff")]     public ActionResult StaffModify(int id, StaffMember person) {         // ... logic to modify or create data item     }     [HttpDelete]     [ActionName("Staff")]     public ActionResult StaffDelete(int id) {         // ... logic to delete data item     } } 

Suppose we add a routing entry to Global.asax, as follows:

public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes) {     routes.IgnoreRoute("{resource}.axd/{*pathInfo}");     routes.MapRoute(null, "Staff/{id}",             new { controller = "Staff", action = "Staff" },             new { id = @"\d+" /* Require ID to be numeric */ });     routes.MapRoute(             "Default", // Route name             "{controller}/{action}/{id}", // URL with parameters             new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }     ); } 

Now each StaffMember entity in our application can be uniquely addressed using a URL of the form Staff/123, and a client can use the GET, POST, and DELETE HTTP methods to perform operations on those addresses. This is called a RESTful API, except by people who claim to be experts in REST, who will tell you that nothing is truly RESTful except their own code. (We joke—sort of).

Overriding HTTP Methods

RESTful APIs are great as long as all of your clients are capable of using the full range of HTTP methods. Server-side clients written in a .NET language, Java, or Ruby, for example, will have no problems consuming your service. Similarly, JavaScript AJAX calls made from a recent version of a major browser (such Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer) will have no difficulties. Unfortunately, some mainstream web technologies support only GET and POST methods. This includes HTML forms and Flash applications. Additionally, a lot of firewalls will allow only GET and POST requests to pass.
只要整个客户端能够使用所有HTTP方法,REST化的API是很棒的。例如,以.NET语言、Java、或Ruby编写的服务器端程序使用你的服务将没有问题。类似地,从当前版本的主浏览器(如Chrome、Firefox、以及Internet Explorer)形成的JavaSctipt的AJAX调用也没有任何困难。不幸的是,有些主流web技术只支持GET和POST方法。这包括HTML表单(HTML的form)以及Flash应用程序。此外,许多防火墙也只允许GET和POST请求通过。

To address this shortcoming, there is a convention where you include the HTTP method that is required, even though the request hasn’t been made using that method. This is done by including a key/value pair in the request, where the key is X-HTTP-Method-Override, and the value is the method that is desired. The key can be specified as an HTTP header, as a hidden input in an HTML form, or as part of the query string. For example, a POST request can contain a header that specifies that the MVC application should operate as though it had received a DELETE request. The thinking behind this is that most web technologies allow arbitrary headers or form inputs to be set, even if they don’t support the same HTTP methods.
为了解决这种缺陷,有一个约定,在这里你可以纳入所需的HTTP方法,即使该请求不是用这个方法形成的。这是通过在请求中包含一个“键/值”对实现的,这里,“键”是X-HTTP-Method-Override,“值”是所期望的方法。键可以被指定为一个HTTP报头、HTML表单中的一个隐藏的input字段、或者是查询字串的一部分。例如,一个POST请求可以含有一个报头,以指示MVC框架应该像接收了一个DELETE请求那样进行操作。其背后要考虑的事情是,大多数web技术允许任意报头或表单的input设置,即使它们不支持相应的HTTP方法(比如,大多数web技术不支持DELETE,但仍然可以把报头或表单中的input字段设置为DELETE — 译者注)。

Overriding HTTP Methods in an MVC HTML Form

The MVC Framework provides support for overriding the HTTP method in both views and controllers. The view support means that you can use RESTful APIs from your HTML forms, and the controller support means that the MVC Framework will treat requests that contain X-HTTP-Method-Override properly. Listing 14-19 shows how to override the HTTP method in a view.

Listing 14-19. Overriding the HTTP Method in a View
清单14-19. 在视图中重写HTTP方法

... @using (Html.BeginForm()) {     @Html.HttpMethodOverride(HttpVerbs.Delete) <input type="submit" value="Delete" /> } ... 

The Html.HttpMethodOverride helper allows you to specify the HTTP method with which you want the request to be processed. In the example, we specified the DELETE method. The helper method adds an input to our form, as follows:

<input name="X-HTTP-Method-Override" type="hidden" value="DELETE" /> 

The MVC Framework looks for this input when processing a form, and then the overridden HTTP method is available through the Request.GetHttpMethodOverride method.

The MVC Framework supports HTTP method overriding only on POST requests. This is consistent with the idea that GET requests are always safe interactions that have no side effects other than data retrieval (see Chapter 11 for more details).

■ Note The value returned by the Request.HttpMethod does not change when an overridden HTTP method is used. So, if a form is submitted with the hidden input shown in Listing 14-19, the HttpMethod property will return POST, and the GetHttpMethodOverride method will return DELETE.

Improving Performance with Specialized Controllers

The MVC Framework provides two special kinds of controllers that may improve the performance of your MVC web applications. Like all performance optimizations, these controllers represent compromises, either in ease of use or with reduced functionality. In the follow sections, we’ll demonstrate both kinds of controllers and outline their benefits and shortcomings.
MVC框架提供了两种可以改善你MVC web应用程序性能的控制器。像所有性能优化一样,这些控制器都表现了一些折衷,或是减弱运用或是减少功能。在以下小节中,我们将演示这两种控制器并概括其优缺点。

Using Sessionless Controllers

By default, controllers support session state, which can be used to store data values across requests, making life easier for the MVC programmer. Creating and maintaining session state is an involved process. Data must be stored and retrieved, and the sessions themselves must be managed so that they expire appropriately. Session data consumes server memory or space in some other storage location, and needing to synchronize the data across multiple web servers makes it harder to run your application on a server farm.
默认地,控制器支持会话状态,这可以用来跨请求地存储数据值,使MVC程序员的工作更轻松。生成和维护会话状态是一个棘手的过程。数据必须被存储和接收,且会话本身必须被管理,以使它们能适当地终止。会话数据消耗服务器内存或一些其它存储单元的空间,而且,多个web服务器之间数据同步的需求使得在服务器场上运行应用程序更加困难(服务器场是指联合运行的多个服务器 — 译者注)。

In order to simplify session state, ASP.NET will process only one query for a given session at a time. If the client makes multiple overlapping requests, they will be queued up and processed sequentially by the server. The benefit is that you don’t need to worry about multiple requests modifying the same data. The downside is that you don’t get the request throughput you might like.

Not all controllers use the session state features. In those cases, you can improve the performance of your application by avoiding work involved in maintaining session state. You do this by using sessionless controllers. These are just like regular controllers, with two exceptions: the MVC Framework won’t load or persist session state when they are used to process a request, and overlapping requests can be processed simultaneously.

Managing Session State in a Custom IControllerFactory

At the start of this chapter, we showed you that the IControllerFactory interface contains a method called GetControllerSessionBehavior, which returns a value from the SessionStateBehavior enumeration. That enumeration contains four values that control the session state configuration of a controller, as described in Table 14-2.

Table 14-2. The Values of the SessionStateBehavior Enumeration
表14-2. SesstionStateBehavior枚举的值
DefaultUse the default ASP.NET behavior, which is to determine the session state configuration from the HttpContext.
RequiredFull read-write session state is enabled.
ReadOnlyRead-only session state is enabled.
DisabledSession state is disabled entirely.

A controller factory that implements the IControllerFactory interface directly sets the session state behavior for controllers by returning SessionStateBehavior values from the GetControllerSessionBehavior method. The parameters to this method are a RequestContext object and a string containing the name of the controller. You can return any of the four values shown in Table 14-2, and you can return different values for different controllers, as shown in Listing 14-20.

Listing 14-20. Defining Session State Behavior for a Controller
清单14-20. 定义一个控制器的会话状态行为

public SessionStateBehavior GetControllerSessionBehavior(             RequestContext requestContext, string controllerName) {     switch (controllerName) {         case "Home":             return SessionStateBehavior.ReadOnly;         case "Other":             return SessionStateBehavior.Required;         default:             return SessionStateBehavior.Default;     } } 

Managing Session State Using DefaultControllerFactory

When you are using the built-in controller factory, you can control your controller session state using the SessionState attribute, as shown in Listing 14-21.

Listing 14-21. Using the SessionState Attribute
清单14-21. 使用SessionState性质

using System.Web.Mvc; using System.Web.SessionState; namespace SpecialControllers.Controllers {     [SessionState(SessionStateBehavior.Disabled)]     public class HomeController : Controller {         public ActionResult Index() {             return View();         }     } } 

The SessionState attribute is applied to the controller class and affects all of the actions in the controller. The sole parameter to the attribute is a value from the SessionStateBehavior enumeration (see Table 14-2). In the example, we have disabled session state entirely, which means that if we try to set a session value in the controller, like this:

Session["Message"] = "Hello"; 

or try to read back from the session state in a view, like this:

Message: @Session["Message"] 

the MVC Framework will throw an exception when the action is invoked or the view is rendered. Also, when session state is Disabled, the HttpContext.Session property returns null.

If you have specified the ReadOnly behavior, then you can read values that have been set by other controllers, but you will still get a runtime exception if you try to set or modify a value. You can get details of the session through the HttpContext.Session object, but trying to alter any values causes an error.

■ Tip If you are simply trying to pass data from the controller to the view, consider using the View Bag or View Data feature instead. These are not affected by the SessionState attribute. See Chapter 12 for demonstrations of both features.
提示:如果你只是简单地把数据从控制器传递给视图,请考虑使用View Bag或View Data特性。这些不受SessionState性质的影响。参见第12章对这两个特性的演示。

Using Asynchronous Controllers

The core ASP.NET platform maintains a pool of .NET threads that are used to process client requests. This pool is called the worker thread pool, and the threads are called worker threads. When a request is received, a worker thread is taken from the pool and given the job of processing the request. When the request has been processed, the worker thread is returned to the pool, so that it is available to process new requests as they arrive.

There are two key benefits of using thread pools for ASP.NET applications:

  • By reusing worker threads, you avoid the overhead of creating a new one each time you process a request.
  • By having a fixed number of worker threads available, you avoid the situation where you are processing more simultaneous requests than your server can handle.

The worker thread pool works best when requests can be processed in a short period of time. This is the case for most MVC applications. However, if you have actions that depend on other servers and take a long time to complete, then you can reach the point where all of your worker threads are tied up waiting for other systems to complete their work. Your server is capable of doing more work—after all, you are just waiting, which takes up very little of your resources—but because you have tied up all of your worker threads, incoming requests are being queued up. You will be in the odd state of your application grinding to a halt while the server is largely idle.
在请求可以被短时间处理完毕情况下,工作线程池的工作方式是很好的。这也是大多数MVC应用程序的情况。但是,如果你有一些依赖于其它服务器、且占用长时间才能完成的动作,那么,你可能会遇到所有工作线程都被绑定于等待其它系统完成其工作的情况。此刻你的服务器能够做更多工作 — 必竟,你只是在等待,只占用了很少资源 — 但因为所有线程都被绑定,传入的请求都被排成队列。你将陷入应用程序处理停顿、而服务器大片闲置的奇怪状态。

■ Caution At this point, some readers are thinking that they can write a worker thread pool that is tailored to their application. Don’t do it. Writing concurrent code is easy. Writing concurrent code that works is difficult. If you are new to concurrent programming, then you lack the required skills. If you are experienced in concurrent programming, then you already know that the benefits will be marginal compared with the effort of coding and testing a new thread pool. Our advice is to stick with the default pool.

The solution to this problem is to use an asynchronous controller. This increases the overall performance of your application, but doesn’t being any benefits to the execution of your asynchronous operations.

■ Note Asynchronous controllers are useful only for actions that are I/O- or network-bound and not CPU-intensive. The problem you are trying to solve with asynchronous controllers is a mismatch between your pool model and the type of request you are processing. The pool is intended to ensure that each request gets a decent slice of the server resources, but you end up with a set of worker threads that are doing nothing. If you use additional background threads for CPU-intensive actions, then you will dilute the server resources across too many simultaneous requests.

Creating an Asynchronous Controller

To begin our exploration of asynchronous controllers, we are going to show you an example of the kind of problem that they are intended to solve. Listing 14-22 shows a regular synchronous controller.

Listing 14-22. A Problematic Synchronous Controller
清单14-22. 一个有问题的异步控制器

using System.Web.Mvc; using SpecialControllers.Models; namespace SpecialControllers.Controllers {     public class RemoteDataController : Controller {         public ActionResult Data() {             RemoteService service = new RemoteService();             string data = service.GetRemoteData();             return View((object)data);         }     } } 

This controller contains an action method, Data, which creates an instance of the model class RemoteService and calls the GetRemoteData method on it. This method is an example of a time-consuming, low-CPU activity. The RemoteService class is shown in Listing 14-23.

Listing 14-23. A Model Entity with a Time-Consuming, Low-CPU Method
清单14-23. 一个带有耗时、低CPU方法的模型实体

using System.Threading; namespace SpecialControllers.Models {     public class RemoteService {         public string GetRemoteData() {             Thread.Sleep(2000);             return "Hello from the other side of the world";         }     } } 

OK, we admit it—we have faked the GetRemoteData method. In the real world, this method could be retrieving complex data across a slow network connection, but to keep things simple, we have used the Thread.Sleep method to simulate a two-second delay. We have also created a simple view, called Data.cshtml, as follows:
是,我们承认 — 我们伪造了GetRemoteData方法。在现实世界中,这个方法可能是一个通过慢速网络连接以接收复杂数据的过程,但为了使事情简单,我们用Thread.Sleep方法来模拟一个两秒的延时。我们也生成了一个简单的视图,名为Data.cshtml,如下所示:

@model string @{     ViewBag.Title = "Data"; } Data: @Model 

When you run the application and navigate to the /RemoteData/Data URL, the action method is invoked, the RemoteService object is created, and the GetRemoteData method is called. We wait two seconds (simulating a real operation), and then return the data that is passed to the view and rendered.

Having shown you the problem we are going to solve, we can now move on to create the asynchronous controller. There are two ways to create an asynchronous controller. One is to implement the System.Web.Mvc.Async.IAsyncController interface, which is the asynchronous equivalent of IController. We are not going to demonstrate that approach, because it requires so much explanation of the .NET concurrent programming facilities.

■ Tip Not all actions in an asynchronous controller need to be asynchronous. You can include synchronous methods as well, and they will behave as expected.

We want to stay focused on the MVC Framework, which is why we’ll demonstrate the second approach: to derive your controller class from System.Web.Mvc.AsyncController, which implements IAsyncController for you. Listing 14-24 shows an asynchronous version of our controller.

Listing 14-24. An Asynchronous Controller
清单14-24. 一个异步控制器

using System.Web.Mvc; using SpecialControllers.Models; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace SpecialControllers.Controllers {     public class RemoteDataController : AsyncController {         public void DataAsync() {             AsyncManager.OutstandingOperations.Increment();             Task.Factory.StartNew(() => {                 // create the model object                 RemoteService service = new RemoteService();                 // call the IO-bound, time-consuming function                 string data = service.GetRemoteData();                 AsyncManager.Parameters["data"] = data;                 AsyncManager.OutstandingOperations.Decrement();             });         }         public ActionResult DataCompleted(string data) {             return View((object)data);         }     } } 

There is a lot going on in this class, so we’ll break it down and explain what’s happening step by step.


In this and the following few examples, we demonstrate how to use the Task.Factory.StartNew method to move the lengthy operation onto a separate work queue controlled by the Task Parallel Library (TPL). One benefit is that the ASP.NET worker thread doesn't need to wait while the operation is in progress, and it can immediately return to the worker pool to service other requests. Another benefit is that the TPL lets you control in detail how its workload is queued and executed.
在这个及以下几个例子中,我们将演示,对于由Task Parallel Library(任务并行库 — TPL)控制的各个工作队列,如何用Task.Factory.StartNew方法来消除在这些队列上的漫长操作。一个好处是ASP.NET工作线程在操作进行时不需要等待,而它可以马上返回给工作池以对其它请求进行服务。另一个好处是TPL让你详细控制它的工作载荷如何排序和执行。

Later in the chapter, in the “Using Asynchronous Controllers” section, we'll demonstrate how you can use asynchronous controllers to invoke I/O operations without blocking any threads at all, which in some cases offers even more performance benefits. This extra benefit is possible only when invoking APIs that internally use a Windows kernel feature called Input/Output Completion Ports (IOCP) to signal completion without blocking .NET threads.

Creating the Async and Completed Methods

Asynchronous action methods come in pairs. The first is called <Action>Async.

In <Action>Async, you create and start your asynchronous operations. When a request for an asynchronous controller arrives, the action invoker knows that the action method will be in two parts and calls the <Action>Async method.

In our example, when we navigate to the /RemoteData/Data URL, the invoker calls DataAsync. (Even though the action has been split into two methods, the URL that you navigate to and the route that processes the URL stay the same. For our example, the URL is still /RemoteData/Data.)

The Async method always returns void. Any parameters that would be passed into a synchronous action method will be passed into the Async method. The call to the <Action>Async method is done using the worker thread, as you’ll see shortly.

The other half of the method part is <Action>Completed. In our case, it’s DataCompleted. This method is called when all of your asynchronous operations are complete and you are ready to return a result to the client.

■ Note Any filters, method selectors, or other attributes must be applied to the Async method, where they will function as expected. Any attributes on the Completed method will be ignored.

Starting Asynchronous Tasks

The Async method is where you create your asynchronous tasks and, critically, tell the MVC Framework how many operations you have started. Here is the skeleton of our DataAsync method:

public void DataAsync() {     AsyncManager.OutstandingOperations.Increment();     Task.Factory.StartNew(() => {         // ...perform async operation here         AsyncManager.OutstandingOperations.Decrement();     }); } 

The first thing we do is tell the MVC Framework that we have started an asynchronous operation. We do this though the AsyncManager class, by calling the OutstandingOperations.Increment method.

The next thing we do is actually create and start the asynchronous operation. There are a number of different ways of performing asynchronous activities in the .NET Framework. We have chosen to use the Task Parallel Library (TPL), which was introduced with .NET 4. It is a really nice library for creating and managing concurrency in .NET applications. We are not going to go into any detail about the TPL, other than to say that whatever statements we place between the brace characters ({ and}) in the StartNew method will be performed asynchronously using a thread that isn’t part of the ASP.NET worker thread pool.
我们要做的下一件事是实质性地生成并启动这个异步操作。在.NET框架中有许多执行异步活动的不同办法。我们选用任务并行库(Task Parallel Library — TPL),这是随.NET 4引入的。它是在.NET应用程序中用来生成和管理并发的一个很好的库。我们不打算介入TPL的细节,而只说明,我们放置在StartNew方法的花括号({及})之间的任何语句都将用不属于ASP.NET工作线程池的一个线程进行异步执行。

■ Tip If you want to learn more about the TPL, see Adam’s book on the topic. It is called Pro .NET 4 Parallel Programming in C# (Apress, 2010).
提示:如果你想了解更多关于TPL的情况,参阅Adam关于这一论题的书籍。书名为Pro .NET 4 Parallel Programming in C# (Apress, 2010)(《精通.NET 4并行编程(C#)》)。

You can start more than one asynchronous task in an Async action method, as Listing 14-25 shows.

Listing 14-25. Starting More Than One Asynchronous Operation
清单14-25. 启动不止一个的异步操作

public void DataAsync() {     AsyncManager.OutstandingOperations.Increment(3);     Task.Factory.StartNew(() => {         // ...perform async operation here         AsyncManager.OutstandingOperations.Decrement();     });     Task.Factory.StartNew(() => {         // ...perform async operation here         AsyncManager.OutstandingOperations.Decrement();     });     Task.Factory.StartNew(() => {         // ...perform async operation here         AsyncManager.OutstandingOperations.Decrement();     }); } 

In this listing, we have created three asynchronous tasks. Notice how we passed a parameter to the Increment method specifying the number of tasks. Also notice that at the end of each task, we call the Decrement method.

Finishing Asynchronous Tasks

The MVC Framework has no way of knowing what you are up to in your <Action>Async method, so you need to give it the information it needs. This is what the calls to the AsyncManager are for. At the end of the Async method, the Increment calls leave the AsyncManager with the number of tasks you have started, and as each task completes, that number is decreased.

When the number of outstanding tasks reaches zero, the MVC Framework knows that all of the work that you wanted your Async method to do is finished, and you are ready to create a result to the client. A worker thread from the worker thread pool is assigned to complete your request, which it does by calling the <Action>Completed method. Here is our DataCompleted method:

public ActionResult DataCompleted(string data) {     return View((object)data); } 

The DataCompleted method looks more like the synchronous action methods we have used in other chapters. We take the parameters that we are passed and use them to create a result that the MVC Framework can process. We can generate all of the same action result types as for a synchronous action method (see Chapter 12 for details). In our example, we take the string parameter and pass it as a view model object to the View method (casting it to object so that the data value isn’t interpreted as a view name).

Passing Parameters from the Async to the Completed Method

The MVC Framework will perform its usual magic and create the parameters for the Async method from the request, but you are responsible for creating the parameters for the Completed method. You do this through the AsyncManager class, using the Parameters collection to define key/value pairs, as the bold statement in Listing 14-26 shows.

Listing 14-26. Creating Parameters in an Asynchronous Action Method
清单14-26. 生成异步动作方法中的参数

public void DataAsync() {     AsyncManager.OutstandingOperations.Increment();     Task.Factory.StartNew(() => {         // create the model object         RemoteService service = new RemoteService();         // call the IO-bound, time-consuming function         string data = service.GetRemoteData();         AsyncManager.Parameters["data"] = data;         AsyncManager.OutstandingOperations.Decrement();     }); } 

We have created a parameter called data and assigned it the value of the local variable also called data. When we have finished all of our asynchronous tasks, the MVC Framework uses the keys we put in the AsyncManager.Parameters collection to pass parameter values to the completed method. In this case, that means the value of the local variable data in the Async method will be passed as the value of the data parameter to the completed method:

... public ActionResult DataCompleted(string data) { ... 

You are responsible for making sure that the type of object you add to the AsyncManager.Parameters collection matches the type of the Completed method parameter. No exception will be thrown if there is a type mismatch. The MVC Framework will still call the Completed method, but the default value (typically null) for the parameter type will be used.

■ Caution It is important to set any parameter values using AsyncManager.Parameters before calling AsyncManager.Decrement. You run the risk that the Completed method will be called before you are able to set the parameter value, in which case the Completed parameter value will be null.

Managing Timeouts

By default, the MVC Framework gives you 45 seconds to complete all of your asynchronous operations and reduce the number of outstanding operations in the AsyncManager class to zero. If you have not completed this in 45 seconds, the request is abandoned, and a System.TimeoutException is thrown.

The timeout exception is handled in the same way as any other exception, and most MVC applications will have an ASP.NET global exception handler. But if you want to treat asynchronous timeouts as a special case, you can override the controller OnException method, as shown in Listing 14-27.

Listing 14-27. Handling Timeout Exceptions
清单14-27. 处理超时异常

protected override void OnException(ExceptionContext filterContext) {     if (filterContext.Exception is System.TimeoutException) {         filterContext.Result = RedirectToAction("TryAgainLater");         filterContext.ExceptionHandled = true;     } } 

In this listing, we have chosen to redirect another action that will generate a special “try again later” page.

You can change the timeout period using the AsyncTimeout attribute on the <Action>Async method, as Listing 14-28 demonstrates.

Listing 14-28. Changing the Asynchronous Action Timeout Period
清单14-28. 修改异步动作超时周期

... [AsyncTimeout(10000)] public void DataAsync() { ... 

The parameter for the AsyncTimeout attribute is the number of milliseconds that the MVC Framework should wait for the asynchronous operations started by the <Action>Async method to complete. In the listing, we specified a period of ten seconds.
用于AsyncTimeout性质的参数是,完成由<Action>Async method启动的异步操作,MVC框架应该等待的毫秒数。在这个清单中,我们指定了10秒的期限。

You can eliminate the timeout entirely be using the NoAsyncTimeout attribute, as shown in Listing 14-29.

Listing 14-29. Removing the Asynchronous Action Timeout
清单14-29. 取消异步动作超时

... [NoAsyncTimeout] public void DataAsync() { ... 

When the NoAsyncTimeout attribute is used, the MVC Framework will wait forever for the outstanding asynchronous operations to complete. This can be a dangerous setting to use. If there is any chance that an operation will fail to complete, and therefore fail to call AsyncManager.OutstandingOperations.Decrement, you risk tying up a thread long after the user has given up waiting.

■ Note The MVC Framework cannot and does not stop any asynchronous operations when a timeout occurs. Tasks will run to conclusion as they would normally, but the <Action>Completed method won’t be called.

Aborting Asynchronous Operations

You can abort your asynchronous action method by calling the AsyncManager.Finish method inside one of your tasks. This tells the MVC Framework that you are ready to call the <Action>Completed method immediately, and that any outstanding operations should be ignored. Any parameter values that have been set using the AsyncManager.Parameters collection will be passed to the Completed method. Parameters for which no values have been set by the time the Finish method is called will be set to the default value for the type (null for objects, 0 for intrinsic numeric types, and so on).

■ Note Calling AsyncManager.Finish doesn’t terminate any asynchronous operations that may still be running. They will complete as normal, but any parameter values they create will be discarded.

Using the .NET Asynchronous Programming Pattern

The .NET Framework supports different approaches to asynchronous programming. One approach is known as the Asynchronous Programming Model (APM). A number of useful classes in the .NET class library follow the APM. You can identify them by the Begin<Operation> and End<Operation> pair of methods.
.NET框架对异步编程支持不同的办法。一种办法称为异步编程模型(Asynchronous Programming Model — APM)。.NET类库中许多有用的类都遵循这个APM。你可以通过Begin<Operation>和End<Operation>方法来标识它们。

You start the asynchronous operation by calling the Begin method, passing in a callback that will be invoked when the operation is completed. The parameter passed to the callback is an IAsyncResult implementation, which you pass to the End method to get the result of the operation. This is a bit indirect, but you can tidy things up by specifying the callback using a lambda expression.

You don’t need to create a task when using a class that implements the APM from within an asynchronous controller method. This will be taken care of by the class you are using. Listing 14-30 shows an asynchronous action that uses the System.Net.WebRequest class, which implements the APM.

Listing 14-30. Using an APM-Compliant Class from an Asynchronous Controller Method
清单14-30. 通过一个异步控制器方法使用一个APM兼容的类

using System; using System.IO; using System.Net; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Web.Mvc; using SpecialControllers.Models; namespace SpecialControllers.Controllers {     public class RemoteDataController : AsyncController {         public void PageAsync() {             AsyncManager.OutstandingOperations.Increment();             WebRequest req = WebRequest.Create("http://www.asp.net");             req.BeginGetResponse((IAsyncResult ias) => {                 WebResponse resp = req.EndGetResponse(ias);                 string content = new StreamReader(resp.GetResponseStream()).ReadToEnd();                 AsyncManager.Parameters["html"] = content;                 AsyncManager.OutstandingOperations.Decrement();             }, null);         }         public ContentResult PageCompleted(string html) {             return Content(html, "text/html");         }     } } 

■ Note The WebRequest.BeginGetResponse method is an example of a .NET API call that uses a Windows kernel feature called IOCP we mentioned earlier to signal completion without blocking any .NET threads. Performing I/O in this manner can greatly increase the capacity of your server, because your application can undertake a large number of these operations concurrently, while still keeping all of the .NET threads actively performing useful work, such as processing new requests.
注:WebRequest.BeginGetResponse方法是.NET API调用的一个例子,它使用了我们前面曾提及的、能够发送完成信号而不阻塞任何.NET线程的、叫做IOCP的Windows内核特性。以这种方式执行I/O能够极大地增加你服务器的能力,因为你的应用程序可以并发地承担大量的这种操作,而仍然保持所有.NET线程有效地执行有用的工作,如处理新请求。

We use the WebRequest object to retrieve the HTML returned by the server for the URL www.asp.net. We start the asynchronous process by calling the BeginGetResponse, passing a callback expressed as a lambda method. This callback calls the EndGetResponse method using the IAsyncResult parameter we receive in the callback. The result from the EndGetResponse method is a WebResponse object, which we use to read the contents of the result from the remote server. We then set the parameter value for the PageCompleted method and decrement the outstanding operations count in the AsyncManager class.

You can see how neatly the APM and asynchronous controller methods can be used together. You will find classes that follow the APM throughout the .NET Framework class library, particularly those that deal with I/O and network operations.

Deciding When to Use Asynchronous Controllers

Asynchronous controllers are significantly more complex than regular ones. They require a lot of additional code, and they are harder to read and maintain. Such controllers create opportunities for subtle and insidious bugs that take endless amounts of effort to re-create and fix.

Asynchronous controllers should be used sparingly and only under the following circumstances:

  • Your actions are I/O bound and not CPU-bound.
  • You are actually experiencing problems due to exhaustion of the worker thread pool.
  • You understand and accept the additional complexity that asynchronous controllers create.
  • You have tried simpler solutions, such as caching results from actions (see Chapter 13 for details).

We don’t want to scare you away from asynchronous controllers, but they solve a niche problem that most MVC applications don’t suffer from, and the complexity that they introduce is rarely justified.


In this chapter, you have seen how the MVC Framework creates controllers and invokes methods. We have explored and customized the built-in implementations of the key interfaces, and created custom versions to demonstrate how they work. You have learned how action method selectors can be used to differentiate between action methods and seen some specialized kinds of controllers that can be used to increase the request processing capability of your applications.

The underlying theme of this chapter is extensibility. Almost every aspect of the MVC Framework can be modified or replaced entirely. For most projects, the default behaviors are entirely sufficient. But having a working knowledge of how the MVC Framework fits together helps you make informed design and coding decisions (and is just plain interesting).

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