17 模型绑定 — 精通 MVC 3 框架

Model Binding

Model binding is the process of creating .NET objects using the data sent by the browser in an HTTP request. We have been relying on the model binding process each time we have defined an action method that takes a parameter—the parameter objects are created by model binding. In this chapter, we’ll show you how the model binding system works and demonstrate the techniques required to customize it for advanced use.
模型绑定是指,用浏览器HTTP请求方式发送的数据来创建.NET对象的过程。每当我们定义具有参数的动作方法时,我们一直在依赖着模型绑定过程 — 这些参数对象是由模型绑定创建的。本章将介绍模型绑定系统如何工作,并演示对它进行定制以实现高级用法所需要的技术。

Understanding Model Binding

Imagine that we have defined an action method in a controller as shown in Listing 17-1.

Listing 17-1. A Simple Action Method
清单17-1. 一个简单的动作方法

using System; using System.Web.Mvc; using MvcApp.Models;
namespace MvcApp.Controllers {
public class HomeController : Controller {
public ViewResult Person(int id) {
// get a person record from the repository Person myPerson = null; //...retrieval logic goes here...
return View(myPerson); } } }

Our action method is defined in the HomeController class, which means the default route that Visual Studio creates for us will let us invoke our action method. As a reminder, here is the default route:
我们的动作方法是在HomeController类中定义的,这意味着Visual Studio创建的默认路由将使我们能够调用这个动作方法。作为提醒,以下是该默认路由:

routes.MapRoute( "Default", // Route name "{controller}/{action}/{id}", // URL with parameters new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional } ); 

When we receive a request for a URL such as /Home/Person/23, the MVC Framework has to map the details of the request in such a way that it can pass appropriate values or objects as parameters to our action method.

The action invoker, the component that invokes action methods, is responsible for obtaining values for parameters before it can invoke the action method.

The default action invoker, ControllerActionInvoker (introduced in Chapter 11), relies on model binders, which are defined by the IModelBinder interface, as shown in Listing 17-2.

Listing 17-2. The IModelBinder Interface
清单17-2. IModelBinder接口

namespace System.Web.Mvc {
public interface IModelBinder { object BindModel(ControllerContext controllerContext, ModelBindingContext bindingContext); } }

There can be multiple model binders in an MVC application, and each binder can be responsible for binding one or more model types. When the action invoker needs to call an action method, it looks at the parameters that the method defines and finds the responsible model binder for each parameter type. In the case of Listing 17-1, the action invoker would find that the action method had one int parameter, so it would locate the binder responsible for binding int values and call its BindModel method. If there is no binder that will operate on int values, then the default model binder is used.

注:本章中必须分清:调用器、默认调用器、绑定器、默认绑定器等这样一些概念,还要理清:请求、请求数据、模型、模型属性、属性类型、控制器、动作方法、动作参数、参数类型、参数值、动作调用器、模型绑定器等概念之间的相互关系及其作用。这些对理解本章内容是很重要的。作为译者,我都深深感觉这些概念及其相互关系十分绕头。如果读者对这些没有清晰的概念,理解本章内容是很困难的 — 译者注

A model binder is responsible for generating suitable action method parameter values, and this usually means transforming some element of the request data (such as form or query string values), but the MVC Framework doesn’t put any limits on how the data is obtained. We’ll show you some examples of custom binders later in this chapter and show you some of the features of the ModelBindingContext class, which is passed to the IModelBinder.BindModel method (you can see details of the ControllerContext class, which is the other BindModel parameter, in Chapter 12).

Using the Default Model Binder

Although an application can have multiple binders, most just rely on the built-in binder class, DefaultModelBinder. This is the binder that is used by the action invoker when it can’t find a custom binder to bind the type.

By default, this model binder searches four locations, shown in Table 17-1, for data matching the name of the parameter being bound.

Table 17-1. The Order in Which the DefaultModelBinder Class Looks for Parameter Data
表17-1. DefaultModelBinder类查找参数数据的顺序
Request.FormValues provided by the user in HTML form elements
RouteData.ValuesThe values obtained using the application routes
Request.QueryStringData included in the query string portion of the request URL
Request.FilesFiles that have been uploaded as part of the request (see the “Using Model Binding to Receive File Uploads” section for details of working with file uploading)

The locations are searched in order. For example, in the case of the action method shown in Listing 17-1, the DefaultModelBinder class examines our action method and finds that there is one parameter, called id. It then looks for a value as follows:

  1. Request.Form["id"]
  2. RouteData.Values["id"]
  3. Request.QueryString["id"]
  4. Request.Files["id"]

■ Tip There is another source of data that is used when JSON data is received. We explain more about JSON and demonstrate how this works in Chapter 19.

The search stops as soon as a value is found. In the case of our example, the form data and route data values are searched, but since a routing segment with the name id will be found in the second location, the query string and uploaded files will not be searched at all.

■ Note You can see how important the name of the action method parameter is—the name of the parameter and the name of the request data item must match in order for the DefaultModelBinder class to find and use the data.
注:由此可以看出,动作方法的参数名称很重要 — 参数名称和请求数据项名称必须与DefaultModelBinder类查找和使用数据的顺序相匹配。

Binding to Simple Types

When dealing with simple parameter types, the DefaultModelBinder tries to convert the string value that has been obtained from the request data into the parameter type using the System.ComponentModel.TypeDescriptor class.

If the value cannot be converted—for example, if we have supplied a value of apple for a parameter that requires an int value—then the DefaultModelBinder won’t be able to bind to the model.
如果这个值不能被转换 — 例如,如果我们给一个需要一个int值的参数提供了一个“apple”值 — 那么DefaultModelBinder便不能绑定该模型。

We can modify our parameters if we want to avoid this problem. We can use a nullable type, like this:

public ViewResult RegisterPerson(int? id) { 

If we take this approach, the value of the id parameter will be null if there is no matching, convertible data found in the request. Alternatively, we can make our parameter optional by supplying a default value to be used when there is no data available, like this:

public ViewResult RegisterPerson(int id = 23) { 


The DefaultModelBinder class uses different culture settings to perform type conversions from different areas of the request data. The values obtained from URLs (the routing and query string data) are converted using culture-insensitive parsing, but values obtained from form data are converted taking culture into account.

注:这里的文化(Culture)是指,在计算机上设置不同的区域或地域(比如,中国、英国、美国等),则计算机便会采用相应的语言(即文化)(如中文、英语、美语等)。不同文化的差异主要表现在日期和货币的表示方式不同。下一段落描述了日期表示差异。货币表示差异不仅在于货币符上,还表现在货币的分位符和小数点的表示上,比如德国的货币小数点用的是逗号 — 译者注

The most common problem that this causes relates to DateTime values. Culture-insensitive dates are expected to be in the universal format yyyy-mm-dd. Form date values are expected to be in the format specified by the server. This means a server set to the U.K. culture will expect dates to be in the form dd-mm-yyyy, while a server set to the U.S. culture will expect the format mm-dd-yyyy, though in either case yyyy-mm-dd is acceptable too.

A date value won’t be converted if it isn’t in the right format. This means we must make sure that all dates included in the URL are expressed in the universal format. We must also be careful when processing date values that users provide. The default binder assumes that the user will express dates using the format of the server culture, something that is unlikely to always happen in an MVC application that has international users.如果日期值不是正确的格式,则不会被转换。意即,我们必须确保URL中的所有日期都被表示成通用格式。在处理用户提供的日期值时(表单中提供的日期值 — 译者注),我们也必须小心。默认绑定器假定,用户将用服务器的文化设置的格式来表示日期,这是具有国际用户的MVC应用程序不可能达到的愿望。

Binding to Complex Types

When the action method parameter is a complex type (in other words, any type that cannot be converted using the TypeConverter class), then the DefaultModelBinder class uses reflection to obtain the set of public properties and then binds to each of them in turn. Listing 17-3 shows the Person class we used in the previous chapter. We’ll use this again to demonstrate model binding for complex types.

Listing 17-3. A Complex Model Class
清单17-3. 一个复合模型类

public class Person {
[HiddenInput(DisplayValue=false)] public int PersonId { get; set; }
public string FirstName { get; set; } public string LastName { get; set; }
[DataType(DataType.Date)] public DateTime BirthDate { get; set; }
public Address HomeAddress { get; set; } public bool IsApproved { get; set; } public Role Role { get; set; } }

The default model binder checks the class properties to see whether they are simple types. If they are, then the binder looks for a data item in the request that has the same name as the property. That is, the FirstName property will cause the binder to look for a FirstName data item.

If the property is another complex type, then the process is repeated for the new type; the set of public properties are obtained, and the binder tries to find values for all of them. The difference is that the property names are nested. For example, the HomeAddress property of the Person class is of the Address type, which is shown in Listing 17-4.

Listing 17-4. A Nested Model Class
清单17-4. 一个嵌套的模型类

public class Address { public string Line1 { get; set; } public string Line2 { get; set; } public string City { get; set; } public string PostalCode { get; set; } public string Country { get; set; } } 

When looking for a value for the Line1 property, the model binder looks for a value for HomeAddress.Line1—in other words, the name of the property in the model object combined with the name of the property in the property type.
在查找Line1属性值时,模型绑定器查找的是HomeAddress.Line1的值 — 即,模型对象的属性名(HomeAddress)与属性类型(Address)的属性名(Line1)的组合。(在这句话中,模型对象指Person、模型对象的属性名是Person中的HomeAddress属性、属性类型指HomeAddress属性的类型Address、属性类型的属性名是指Address中的Line1属性。绕头吧? — 译者注)。


The easiest way to create HTML that follows this naming format is to use the templated view helpers, which we described in Chapter 16. When we call @Html.EditorFor(m => m.FirstName) in a view with a Person view model, we get the following HTML:
创建遵循这种命名格式的HTML最容易的办法是使用我们在第16章描述的模板视图辅助器。当我们在带有Person视图模型的视图中调用@Html.EditorFor(m => m.FirstName)时,我们得到以下HTML:

<input class="text-box single-line" id="FirstName" name="FirstName" type="text" value="Joe" /> 

and when we call @Html.EditorFor(m => m.HomeAddress.Line1), then we get the following:
而当我们调用@Html.EditorFor(m => m.HomeAddress.Line1)时,那么便得到以下结果:

<input class="text-box single-line" id="HomeAddress_Line1" name="HomeAddress.Line1" type="text" value="123 North Street" /> 

You can see that the name attributes of the HTML are automatically set to values that the model binder looks for. We could create the HTML manually, but we like the convenience of the templated helpers for this kind of work.

Specifying Custom Prefixes

We can specify a custom prefix for the default model binder to look for when it is searching for data items. This can be useful if we have included additional model objects in the HTML we sent to the client. As an example, consider the view shown in Listing 17-5.

Listing 17-5. Adding Additional View Model Object Data to a Response
清单17-5. 对响应添加额外的视图模型对象数据

@using MvcApp.Models; @model MvcApp.Models.Person
@{ Person myPerson = new Person() { FirstName = "Jane", LastName = "Doe" }; }
@using (Html.BeginForm()) {
@Html.EditorFor(m => myPerson) @Html.EditorForModel()
<input type="submit" value="Submit" /> }

We have used the EditorFor helper in this view to generate HTML for a Person object that we created and populated in the view, although this could as easily have been passed to the view through the ViewBag. The input to the lambda expression is the model object (represented by m), but we ignore this and return our second Person object as the target to render. We also call the EditorForModel helper so that the HTML sent to the user contains the data from two Person objects.

When we render objects like this, the templated view helpers apply a prefix to the name attributes of the HTML elements. This is to separate the data from that of the main view model. The prefix is taken from the variable name, myPerson. For example, here is the HTML that was rendered by the view for the FirstName property:

<input class="text-box single-line" id="myPerson_FirstName" name="myPerson.FirstName" type="text" value="Jane" /> 

The value for the name attribute for this element has been created by prefixing the property name with the variable name—myPerson.FirstName. The model binder expects this approach and uses the name of action method parameters as possible prefixes when looking for data. If the action method our form posted to has the following signature:
该元素的name属性值是用该变量名作为该属性名的前缀来创建的 — myPerson.FirstName。模型绑定器会预测这种方式,并在查找数据时把动作方法参数作为可能的前缀。如果表单递交的动作方法具有以下签名:

public ActionResult Index(Person firstPerson, Person myPerson) { 

the first parameter object will be bound using the unprefixed data, and the second will be bound by looking for data that starts with the parameter name—that is, myPerson.FirstName,myPerson.LastName, and so on.
第一个参数对象将用非前缀数据绑定,而第二个将以参数名为前缀查找的数据进行绑定 — 即,myPerson.FirstName、myPerson.LastName等等。

If we don’t want our parameter names to be tied to the view contents in this way, then we can specify a custom prefix using the Bind attribute, as shown in Listing 17-6.

Listing 17-6. Using the Bind Attribute to Specify a Custom Data Prefix
清单17-6. 用Bind属性指定一个自定义数据前缀

public ActionResult Register(Person firstPerson, [Bind(Prefix="myPerson")] Person secondPerson) 

We have set the value of the Prefix property to myPerson. This means that the default model binder will use myPerson as the prefix for data items, even though the parameter name is secondPerson.

Selectively Binding Properties

Imagine that the IsApproved property of the Person class is especially sensitive. We can prevent the property being rendered in the model HTML using the techniques from Chapter 16, but a malicious user could simply append ?IsAdmin=true to a URL when submitting a form. If this were done, the model binder would happily discover and use the data value in the binding process.

Fortunately, we can use the Bind attribute to include or exclude model properties from the binding process. To specify that only certain properties should be included, we set a value for the Include attribute property, as shown in Listing 17-7.

Listing 17-7. Using the Bind Attribute to Include Model Properties in the Binding Process
清单17-7. 使用Bind属性把模型属性包含到绑定过程

public ActionResult Register([Bind(Include="FirstName, LastName")] Person person) { 

The listing specifies that only the FirstName and LastName properties should be included in the binding process; values for other Person properties will be ignored. Alternatively, we can specify that properties be excluded, as shown in Listing 17-8.

Listing 17-8. Using the Bind Attribute to Exclude Model Properties from the Binding Process
清单17-8. 使用Bind属性把模型属性排除出绑定过程

public ActionResult Register([Bind(Exclude="IsApproved, Role")] Person person) { 

This listing tells the model binder to include all of the Person properties in the binding process except for IsApproved and Role.

When we use the Bind attribute like this, it applies only to a single action method. If we want to apply our policy to all action methods in all controllers, then we can use the Bind attribute on the model class itself, as shown in Listing 17-9.

Listing 17-9. Using the Bind Attribute on a Model Class
清单7-9. 把Bind属性运用于模型类

[Bind(Exclude="IsApproved")] public class Person {
[HiddenInput(DisplayValue=false)] public int PersonId { get; set; }
public string FirstName { get; set; } public string LastName { get; set; }
[DataType(DataType.Date)] public DateTime BirthDate { get; set; }
public Address HomeAddress { get; set; } public bool IsApproved { get; set; } public Role Role { get; set; } }

The attribute has the same effect as when applied to an action method parameter, but it is applied by the model binder any time that a Person object is bound.

■ Tip If the Bind attribute is applied to the model class and to an action method parameter, a property will be included in the process only if neither application of the attribute excludes it. This means the policy applied to the model class cannot be overridden by applying a less restrictive policy to the action method parameter.

Binding to Arrays and Collections

One elegant feature of the default model binder is how it deals with multiple data items that have the same name. For example, consider the view shown in Listing 17-10.

Listing 17-10. A View That Renders HTML Elements with the Same Name
清单17-10. 渲染同名HTML元素的视图

@{ ViewBag.Title = "Movies"; }
Enter your three favorite movies: @using (Html.BeginForm()) {
@Html.TextBox("movies") @Html.TextBox("movies") @Html.TextBox("movies")
<input type=submit /> }

We have used the Html.TextBox helper to create three input elements; these will all be created with a value of movies for the name attribute, like this:

<input id="movies" name="movies" type="text" value="" /> <input id="movies" name="movies" type="text" value="" /> <input id="movies" name="movies" type="text" value="" /> 

We can receive the values that the user enters with an action method like the one shown in Listing 17-11.

Listing 17-11. Receiving Multiple Data Items in an Action Method
清单17-11. 在一个动作方法中接收多个数据项

[HttpPost] public ViewResult Movies(List<string> movies) { ... 

The model binder will find all the values supplied by the user and pass them to the Movies action method in a List<string>. The binder is smart enough to support different parameter types; we can choose to receive the data as a string[] or even as an IList<string>.

Binding to Collections of Custom Types

The multiple-value binding trick is very nice, but if we want it to work on custom types, then we have to produce HTML in a certain format. Listing 17-12 shows how we can do this with an array of Person objects.

Listing 17-12. Generating HTML for a Collection of Custom Objects
清单17-12. 生成自定义对象集的HTML

@model List<MvcApp.Models.Person>
@for (int i = 0; i < Model.Count; i++) { <h4>Person Number: @i</h4> @:First Name: @Html.EditorFor(m => m[i].FirstName) @:Last Name: @Html.EditorFor(m => m[i].LastName) }

The templated helper generates HTML that prefixes the name of each property with the index of the object in the collection, as follows:

... <h4>Person Number: 0</h4>First Name: <input class="text-box single-line" name="[0].FirstName" type="text" value="Joe" />Last Name: <input class="text-box single-line" name="[0].LastName" type="text" value="Smith" /> <h4>Person Number: 1</h4>First Name: <input class="text-box single-line" name="[1].FirstName" type="text" value="Jane" />Last Name: <input class="text-box single-line" name="[1].LastName" type="text" value="Doe" /> ... 

To bind to this data, we just have to define an action method that takes a collection parameter of the view model type, as shown in Listing 17-13.

Listing 17-13. Binding to an Indexed Collection
清单17-13. 绑定一个索引了的集合

[HttpPost] public ViewResult Register(List<Person> people) { ... 

Because we are binding to a collection, the default model binder will search for values for the properties of the Person class that are prefixed by an index. Of course, we don’t have to use the templated helpers to generate the HTML; we can do it explicitly in the view, as demonstrated by Listing 17-14.

Listing 17-14. Creating HTML Elements That Will Be Bound to a Collection
清单17-14. 创建绑定到一个集合的HTML元素

<h4>First Person</h4> First Name: @Html.TextBox("[0].FirstName") Last Name: @Html.TextBox("[0].LastName")
<h4>Second Person</h4> First Name: @Html.TextBox("[1].FirstName") Last Name: @Html.TextBox("[1].LastName")

As long we ensure that the index values are properly generated, the model binder will be able to find and bind to all of the data elements we defined.

Binding to Collections with Nonsequential Indices

An alternative to sequential numeric index values is to use arbitrary string keys to define collection items. This can be useful when we want to use JavaScript on the client to dynamically add or remove controls and don’t want to worry about maintaining the index sequence. To use this option, we need to define a hidden input element called index that specifies the key for the item, as shown in Listing 17-15.

Listing 17-15. Specifying an Arbitrary Key for an Item
清单17-15. 为数据指定任意键

<h4>First Person</h4> <input type="hidden" name="index" value="firstPerson"/> First Name: @Html.TextBox("[firstPerson].FirstName") Last Name: @Html.TextBox("[firstPerson].LastName")
<h4>Second Person</h4> <input type="hidden" name="index" value="secondPerson"/> First Name: @Html.TextBox("[secondPerson].FirstName") Last Name: @Html.TextBox("[secondPerson].LastName")

We have prefixed the names of the input elements to match the value of the hidden index element. The model binder detects the index and uses it to associate data values together during the binding process.
我们给input元素的name加了与隐藏的index元素匹配的前缀(指[firtstPerson]、[secondPerson] — 译者注)。模型绑定器会检测到这个index元素,并在绑定过程中把它与数据值关联在一起。

Binding to a Dictionary

The default model binder is capable of binding to a dictionary, but only if we follow a very specific naming sequence. Listing 17-16 provides a demonstration.

Listing 17-16. Binding to a Dictionary
清单17-16. 绑定字典

<h4>First Person</h4> <input type="hidden" name="[0].key" value="firstPerson"/> First Name: @Html.TextBox("[0].value.FirstName") Last Name: @Html.TextBox("[0].value.LastName")
<h4>Second Person</h4> <input type="hidden" name="[1].key" value="secondPerson"/> First Name: @Html.TextBox("[1].value.FirstName") Last Name: @Html.TextBox("[1].value.LastName")

When bound to a Dictionary<string, Person> or IDictionary<string, Person>, the dictionary will contain two Person objects under the keys firstPerson and secondPerson. We can receive the data with an action method like this one:
当绑定Dictionary<string, Person>或IDictionary<string, Person>时,该字典在键firstPerson和secondPerson下将有两个Person对象。我们可以用下面这样的动作方法来接收数据:

[HttpPost] public ViewResult Register(IDictionary<string, Person> people) { ... 

Manually Invoking Model Binding

The model binding process is performed automatically when an action method defines parameters, but we can take direct control of the process if we want. This gives us more explicit control over how model objects are instantiated, where data values are obtained from, and how data parsing errors are handled. Listing 17-17 demonstrates an action method that manually invokes the binding process.

Listing 17-17. Manually Invoking the Model Binding Process
清单17-17. 手工调用模型绑定过程

[HttpPost] public ActionResult RegisterMember() {
Person myPerson = new Person(); UpdateModel(myPerson); return View(myPerson); }

The UpdateModel method takes a model object we previously created as a parameter and tries to obtain values for its public properties using the standard binding process. One reason for invoking model binding manually is to support dependency injection (DI) in model objects. For example, if we were using an application-wide dependency resolver (which we described in Chapter 10), then we could add DI to the creation of our Person model objects, as Listing 17-18 demonstrates.

Listing 17-18. Adding Dependency Injection to Model Object Creation
清单17-18. 对模型对象生成添加依赖性注入

[HttpPost] public ActionResult RegisterMember() {
Person myPerson = (Person)DependencyResolver.Current.GetService(typeof(Person)); UpdateModel(myPerson); return View(myPerson); }

As we’ll demonstrate, this isn’t the only way to introduce DI into the binding process. We’ll show you other approaches later in this chapter.

Restricting Binding to a Specific Data Source

When we manually invoke the binding process, we can restrict the binding process to a single source of data. By default, the binder looks in four places: form data, route data, the query string, and any uploaded files. Listing 17-19 shows how we can restrict the binder to searching for data in a single location—in this case, the form data.
当手工调用绑定过程时,我们可以把绑定过程限制到一个单一的数据源。默认地,绑定器查看四个地方:表单数据、路由数据、查询字串、以及上载文件。清单17-19演示了可以如何把绑定器限制到搜索单一位置的数据 — 这里是表单数据。

Listing 17-19. Restricting the Binder to the Form Data
清单17-19. 将绑定器限制到表单数据

[HttpPost] public ActionResult RegisterMember() {
Person myPerson = (Person)DependencyResolver.Current.GetService(typeof(Person)); UpdateModel(myPerson, new FormValueProvider(ControllerContext)); return View(myPerson); }

This version of the UpdateModel method takes an implementation of the IValueProvider interface, which becomes the sole source of data values for the binding process. Each of the four default data locations has an IValueProvider implementation, as shown in Table 17-2.

Table 17-2. The Built-in IValueProvider Implementations
表17-2. 内建的IValueProvider实现
IValueProvider Implementation

Each of the classes listed in Table 17-2 takes a ControllerContext constructor parameter, which we can obtain from the Controller property of the same name, as shown in the listing.

The most common way of restricting the source of data is to look only at the form values. There is a neat binding trick that we can use that means we don’t have to create an instance of FormValueProvider, as shown in Listing 17-20.

Listing 17-20. Restricting the Binder Data Source
清单17-20. 限制绑定器数据源

[HttpPost] public ActionResult RegisterMember(FormCollection formData) {
Person myPerson = (Person)DependencyResolver.Current.GetService(typeof(Person)); UpdateModel(myPerson, formData); return View(myPerson); }

The FormCollection class implements the IValueProvider interface, and if we define the action method to take a parameter of this type, the model binder will provide us with an object that we can pass directly to the UpdateModel method.

■ Tip Other overloaded versions of the UpdateModel method allow us to specify a prefix to search for and to specify which model properties should be included in the binding process.

Dealing with Binding Errors

Users will inevitably supply values that cannot be bound to the corresponding model properties—invalid dates, or text for numeric values, for example. When we invoke model binding explicitly, we are responsible for dealing with any such errors. The model binder expresses binding errors by throwing an InvalidOperationException. Details of the errors can be found through the ModelState feature, which we describe in Chapter 18. When using the UpdateModel method, we must be prepared to catch the exception and use the ModelState to express an error message to the user, as shown in Listing 17-21.
用户不可避免地会提供一些不能绑定到相应模型属性的值 — 例如,无效日期,或对数字值输入文本等。当我们明确地调用模型绑定时,我们要负责处理诸如此类的任何错误。模型绑定器通过弹出InvalidOperationException异常来表示绑定错误。错误的细节通过ModelState特性来查看,我们将在第18章进行描述。当使用UpdateModel方法时,我们必须做好捕捉该异常的准备,并用ModelState把错误消息表示给用户,如清单17-21所示。

Listing 17-21. Dealing with Model Binding Errors
清单17-21. 处理模型绑定错误

[HttpPost] public ActionResult RegisterMember(FormCollection formData) {
Person myPerson = (Person)DependencyResolver.Current.GetService(typeof(Person)); try { UpdateModel(myPerson, formData); } catch (InvalidOperationException ex) { //...provide UI feedback based on ModelState } return View(myPerson); }

As an alternative approach, we can use the TryUpdateModel method, which returns true if the model binding process is successful and false if there are errors, as shown in Listing 17-22.

Listing 17-22. Using the TryUpdateModel Method
清单17-22. 使用TryUpdateModel方法

[HttpPost] public ActionResult RegisterMember(FormCollection formData) {
Person myPerson = (Person)DependencyResolver.Current.GetService(typeof(Person));
if (TryUpdateModel(myPerson, formData)) { //...proceed as normal } else { //...provide UI feedback based on ModelState } }

The only reason to favor TryUpdateModel over UpdateModel is if you don’t like catching and dealing with exceptions; there is no functional difference in the model binding process.

■ Tip When model binding is invoked automatically, binding errors are not signaled with exceptions. Instead, we must check the result through the ModelState.IsValid property. We explain ModelState in Chapter 18.

Using Model Binding to Receive File Uploads

All we have to do to receive uploaded files is to define an action method that takes a parameter of the HttpPostedFileBase type. The model binder will populate it with the data corresponding to an uploaded file. Listing 17-23 shows an action method that receives an uploaded file.

Listing 17-23. Receiving an Uploaded File in an Action Method
清单17-23. 在一个动作方法中接收一个上载文件

[HttpPost] public ActionResult Upload(HttpPostedFileBase file) {
// Save the file to disk on the server string filename = "myfileName"; // ... pick a filename file.SaveAs(filename);
// ... or work with the data directly byte[] uploadedBytes = new byte[file.ContentLength]; file.InputStream.Read(uploadedBytes, 0, file.ContentLength);
// Now do something with uploadedBytes }

We have to create the HTML form in a specific format to allow the user to upload a file, as shown by the view in Listing 17-24.

Listing 17-24. A View That Allows the User to Upload a File
清单17-24. 允许用户上载一个文件的视图

@{ ViewBag.Title = "Upload"; }
<form action="@Url.Action("Upload")" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> Upload a photo: <input type="file" name="photo" /> <input type="submit" /> </form>

The key is to set the value of the enctype attribute to multipart/form-data. If we don’t do this, the browser will just send the name of the file and not the file itself. (This is how browsers work—it isn’t specific to the MVC Framework).
关键是把enctype属性的值设置为multipart/form-data。如果我们不这么做,浏览器将只会发送文件名,而不是发送文件本身。(这是浏览器的工作方式 — 并不是MVC框架所特有的)。

In the listing, we rendered the form element using literal HTML. We could have generated the element using the Html.BeginForm helper, but only by using the overload that requires four parameters. We think that the literal HTML is more readable.

Customizing the Model Binding System

We have shown you the default model binding process. As you might expect by now, there are some different ways in which we can customize the binding system. We show you some examples in the following sections.

Creating a Custom Value Provider

By defining a custom value provider, we can add our own source of data to the model binding process. Value providers implement the IValueProvider interface, which is shown in Listing 17-25.

Listing 17-25. The IValueProvider Interface
清单17-25. IValueProvider接口

namespace System.Web.Mvc { using System;
public interface IValueProvider { bool ContainsPrefix(string prefix); ValueProviderResult GetValue(string key); } }

The ContainsPrefix method is called by the model binder to determine whether the value provider can resolve the data for a given prefix. The GetValue method returns a value for a given data key or returns null if the provider doesn’t have any suitable data. Listing 17-26 shows a value provider that binds a timestamp for properties called CurrentTime. This isn’t something that we would likely need to do in a real application, but it provides a simple demonstration.

Listing 17-26. A Custom IValueProvider Implementation
清单16-26. 一个自定义的IValueProvider实现

public class CurrentTimeValueProvider :IValueProvider {
public bool ContainsPrefix(string prefix) { return string.Compare("CurrentTime", prefix, true) == 0; }
public ValueProviderResult GetValue(string key) {
return ContainsPrefix(key) ? new ValueProviderResult(DateTime.Now, null, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) : null; } }

We want to respond only to requests for CurrentTime. When we get such a request, we return the value of the static DateTime.Now property. For all other requests, we return null, indicating that we cannot provide data.

We have to return our data value as a ValueProviderResult class. This class has three constructor parameters. The first is the data item that we want to associate with the requested key. The second parameter is used to track model binding errors and doesn’t apply to our example. The final parameter is the culture information that relates to the value; we have specified the InvariantCulture.

To register our value provider with the application, we need to create a factory class that will create instances of our provider. This class be is derived from the abstract ValueProviderFactory class. Listing 17-27 shows a factory class for our CurrentTimeValueProvider.

Listing 17-27. A Custom Value Provider Factory Class
清单17-27. 一个自定义值提供器工厂类

public class CurrentTimeValueProviderFactory : ValueProviderFactory {
public override IValueProvider GetValueProvider(ControllerContext controllerContext) { return new CurrentTimeValueProvider(); } }

The GetValueProvider method is called when the model binder wants to obtain values for the binding process. Our implementation simply creates and returns an instance of the CurrentTimeValueProvider class.

The last step is to register the factory class with the application, which we do in the Application_Start method of Global.asax, as shown in Listing 17-28.

Listing 17-28. Registering a Value Provider Factory
清单17-28. 注册值提供器工厂

protected void Application_Start() { AreaRegistration.RegisterAllAreas();
ValueProviderFactories.Factories.Insert(0, new CurrentTimeValueProviderFactory());
RegisterGlobalFilters(GlobalFilters.Filters); RegisterRoutes(RouteTable.Routes); }

We register our factory class by adding an instance to the static ValueProviderFactories.Factories collection. As we explained earlier, the model binder looks at the value providers in sequence. If we want our custom provider to take precedence over the built-in ones, then we have to use the Insert method to put our factory at the first position in the collection, as shown in the listing. If we want our provider to be a fallback that is used when the other providers cannot supply a data value, then we can use the Add method to append our factory class to the end of the collection, like this:

ValueProviderFactories.Factories.Add(new CurrentTimeValueProviderFactory()); 

We can test our provider by defining an action method that has a DateTime parameter called currentTime, as shown in Listing 17-29.

Listing 17-29. An Action Method That Uses the Custom Value Provider
清单17-29. 使用自定义值提供器的动作方法

public ActionResult Clock(DateTime currentTime) { return Content("The time is " + currentTime.ToLongTimeString()); } 

Because our value provider is the first one that the model binder will request data from, we are able to provide a value that will be bound to the parameter.

Creating a Dependency-Aware Model Binder

We showed you how we can use manual model binding to introduce dependency injection to the binding process, but a more elegant approach is to create a DI-aware binder by deriving from the DefaultModelBinder class and overriding the CreateModel method, as shown in Listing 17-30.

Listing 17-30. Creating a DI-Aware Model Binder
清单17-30. 创建一个DI感知的模型绑定器

using System; using System.Web.Mvc;
namespace MvcApp.Infrastructure {
public class DIModelBinder : DefaultModelBinder { protected override object CreateModel(ControllerContext controllerContext, ModelBindingContext bindingContext, Type modelType) {
return DependencyResolver.Current.GetService(modelType) ?? base.CreateModel(controllerContext, bindingContext, modelType); } } }

This class uses the application-wide dependency resolver to create model objects and falls back to the base class implementation if required (which uses the System.Activator class to create a model instance using the default constructor).

■ Tip See Chapter 10 for details of our Ninject dependency resolver class.

We have to register our binder with the application as the default model binder, which we do in the Appliction_Start method of Global.asax, as shown in Listing 17-31.

Listing 17-31. Registering a Default Model Binder
清单17-31. 注册一个默认模型绑定器

protected void Application_Start() {
ModelBinders.Binders.DefaultBinder = new DIModelBinder();
RegisterGlobalFilters(GlobalFilters.Filters); RegisterRoutes(RouteTable.Routes); }

The model binding process will now be able to create model objects that have dependencies.

Creating a Custom Model Binder

We can override the default binder’s behavior by creating a custom model binder for a specific type. Listing 17-32 provides a demonstration.

Listing 17-32. A Custom Model Binder
清单17-32. 一个自定义模型绑定器

public class PersonModelBinder : IModelBinder {
public object BindModel(ControllerContext controllerContext, ModelBindingContext bindingContext) {
// see if there is an existing model to update and create one if not Person model = (Person)bindingContext.Model ?? (Person)DependencyResolver.Current.GetService(typeof(Person));
// find out if the value provider has the required prefix bool hasPrefix = bindingContext.ValueProvider .ContainsPrefix(bindingContext.ModelName);
string searchPrefix = (hasPrefix) ? bindingContext.ModelName + "." : "";
// populate the fields of the model object model.PersonId = int.Parse(GetValue(bindingContext, searchPrefix, "PersonId")); model.FirstName = GetValue(bindingContext, searchPrefix, "FirstName"); model.LastName = GetValue(bindingContext, searchPrefix, "LastName"); model.BirthDate = DateTime.Parse(GetValue(bindingContext, searchPrefix, "BirthDate")); model.IsApproved = GetCheckedValue(bindingContext, searchPrefix, "IsApproved"); model.Role = (Role)Enum.Parse(typeof(Role), GetValue(bindingContext, searchPrefix, "Role")); return model; }
private string GetValue(ModelBindingContext context, string prefix, string key) { ValueProviderResult vpr = context.ValueProvider.GetValue(prefix + key); return vpr == null ? null : vpr.AttemptedValue; }
private bool GetCheckedValue(ModelBindingContext context, string prefix, string key) { bool result = false; ValueProviderResult vpr = context.ValueProvider.GetValue(prefix + key); if (vpr != null) { result = (bool)vpr.ConvertTo(typeof(bool)); } return result; } }

There is a lot going on in this class, so we’ll break it down and work our way through step by step. First we obtain the model object that we are going to bind to, as follows:

Person model = (Person)bindingContext.Model ?? (Person)DependencyResolver.Current.GetService(typeof(Person)); 

When the model binding process is invoked manually, we pass a model object to the UpdateModel method; that object is available through the Model property of the BindingContext class. A good model binder will check to see whether a model object is available and, if there is, use it for the binding process. Otherwise, we are responsible for creating a model object, which we do using the application-wide dependency resolver (which we discussed in Chapter 10).

Our next step is to see whether we need to use a prefix to request data values from the value providers:

bool hasPrefix = bindingContext.ValueProvider.ContainsPrefix(bindingContext.ModelName); string searchPrefix = (hasPrefix) ? bindingContext.ModelName + "." : ""; 

The BindingContext.ModelName property returns the name of the model we are binding to. If we have rendered the model object in a view, there will be no prefix in the HTML that was generated, but the ModelName will return the action method parameter name anyway, so we check with the value provider to see whether the prefix exists.

We access the value providers through the BindingContext.ValueProvider property. This gives us consolidated access to all of the value providers that are available, and requests will be passed on to them in the order we discussed earlier in the chapter. If the prefix exists in the value data, we will use it.

Next we use the value providers to obtain values for the properties of our Person model object. Here is an example:

model.FirstName = GetValue(bindingContext, searchPrefix, "FirstName"); 

We have defined a method called GetValue in the model binder class that obtains ValueProviderResult objects from the consolidated value provider and extracts a string value through the AttemptedValue property.

We explained in Chapter 15 that when we render checkboxes, the HTML helper methods create a hidden input element to make sure we receive a value when the checkbox is unchecked. This causes us a mild problem when it comes to model binding, because the value provider will give us both values as a string array. To resolve this, we use the ValueProviderResult.ConvertTo method to sort this out and give us the correct value:

result = (bool)vpr.ConvertTo(typeof(bool)); 

■ Tip We don’t perform any input validation in this model binder, meaning that we blithely assume that the user has provided valid values for all of the Person properties. We discuss validation in Chapter 18, but for the moment we want to focus on the basic model binding process.

Once we have set the properties we are interested in (we omitted the HomeAddress property for simplicity), we return the populated model object. We have to register our model binder, which we do in the Application_Start method of Global.asax, as demonstrated by Listing 17-33.

Listing 17-33. Registering a Custom Model Binder
清单17-33. 注册自定义模型绑定器

protected void Application_Start() { AreaRegistration.RegisterAllAreas();
ModelBinders.Binders.Add(typeof(Person), new PersonModelBinder());
RegisterGlobalFilters(GlobalFilters.Filters); RegisterRoutes(RouteTable.Routes); }

We register our binder through the ModelBinders.Binders.Add method, passing in the type that our binder supports and an instance of the binder class.

Creating Model Binder Providers

An alternative means of registering custom model binders is to create a model binder provider by implementing the IModelBinderProvider, as shown in Listing 17-34.

Listing 17-34. A Custom Model Binder Provider
清单17-34. 一个自定义模型绑定器提供器

using System; using System.Web.Mvc; using MvcApp.Models;
namespace MvcApp.Infrastructure {
public class CustomModelBinderProvider : IModelBinderProvider {
public IModelBinder GetBinder(Type modelType) { return modelType == typeof(Person) ? new PersonModelBinder() : null; } } }

This is a more flexible approach if we have custom binders that work on multiple types or have a lot of providers to maintain. We register our binder provider in the Application_Start method of Global.asax, as shown in Listing 17-35.

Listing 17-35. Registering a Custom Binder Provider
清单17-35. 注册一个自定义绑定器提供器

protected void Application_Start() { AreaRegistration.RegisterAllAreas();
ModelBinderProviders.BinderProviders.Add(new CustomModelBinderProvider());
RegisterGlobalFilters(GlobalFilters.Filters); RegisterRoutes(RouteTable.Routes); }

Using the ModelBinder Attribute

The final way of registering a custom model binder is to apply the ModelBinder attribute to the model class, as shown in Listing 17-36.

Listing 17-36. Specifying a Custom Model Binder Using the ModelBinder Attribute
清单16-36. 用ModelBinder属性指定一个自定义模型绑定器

[ModelBinder(typeof(PersonModelBinder))] public class Person { [HiddenInput(DisplayValue=false)] public int PersonId { get; set; }
public string FirstName { get; set; } public string LastName { get; set; }
[DataType(DataType.Date)] public DateTime BirthDate { get; set; } public Address HomeAddress { get; set; } public bool IsApproved { get; set; } public Role Role { get; set; } }

The sole parameter to the ModelBinder attribute is the type of the model binder that should be used when binding this kind of object. We have specified our custom PersonModelBinder class. Of the three approaches, we tend toward implementing the IModelBinderProvider interface to handle sophisticated requirements, which feels more consistent with the rest of the design of the MVC Framework, or simply using [ModelBinder] in the case of just associating a custom binder with a specific model type. However, since all of these techniques result in the same behavior, it doesn’t really matter which one you use.


In this chapter, we have introduced you to the workings of the model binding process, showing you how the default model binder operates and the different ways in which the process can be customized. Many MVC Framework applications will need only the default model binder, which is nicely aligned to process the HTML that the helper methods generate. But for more advanced applications, it can be useful to create custom binders that create model objects in a more efficient or more specific way. In the next chapter, we’ll show you how to validate model objects and how to present the user with meaningful errors when invalid data is received.

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