15 视图 — 精通 MVC 3 框架



In Chapter 12, you saw how action methods can return ActionResult objects. As you learned, the moscommonly used action result is ViewResult, which causes a view to be rendered and returned to the client.

You’ve seen views being used in many examples already, so you know roughly what they do. In this chapter, we’ll focus and clarify that knowledge. We’ll begin by showing you how the MVC Framework handles ViewResults using view engines, including demonstrating how to create a custom view engine. Next, we’ll describe techniques for working effectively with the built-in Razor View Engine. Then we’ll cover how to create and use partial views, child actions, and Razor sections. These are all essential topics for effective MVC development.

Creating a Custom View Engine

We are going to start this chapter by diving in at the deep end. We’ll create a custom view engine. You don’t need to do this for most projects. The MVC Framework includes two built-in view engines that are full-featured and well-understood:

  • The Razor engine, the one we have been using in this book, was introduced with MVC version 3. It has a simple and elegant syntax, which we described in Chapter 5.
  • The legacy ASPX engine (also known as the Web Forms view engine) uses the ASP.NET Web Forms <%...%> tag syntax. This engine is useful for maintaining compatibility with older MVC applications.

The value in creating a custom view engine is to demonstrate how the request processing pipeline works and complete your knowledge of how the MVC Framework operates. This includes understanding just how much freedom view engines have in translating a ViewResult into a response to the client.

View engines implement the IViewEngine interface, which is shown in Listing 15-1.

Listing 15-1. The IViewEngine Interface
清单15-1. IViewEngine接口

namespace System.Web.Mvc { public interface IViewEngine { ViewEngineResult FindView(ControllerContext controllerContext, string viewName, string masterName, bool useCache); ViewEngineResult FindPartialView(ControllerContext controllerContext, string partialViewName, bool useCache); void ReleaseView(ControllerContext controllerContext, IView view); } } 

The role of a view engine is to translate requests for views into ViewEngineResult objects. The first two methods in the interface, FindView and FindPartialView, are passed parameters that describe the request and the controller that processed it (a ControllerContext object), the name of the view and its layout, and whether the view engine is allowed to reuse a previous result from its cache. These methods are called when a ViewResult is being processed. The final method, ReleaseView, is called when a view is no longer needed.

■ Note The MVC Framework support for view engines is implemented by the ControllerActionInvoker class, which is the built-in implementation of the IActionInvoker interface, as described in Chapter 14. You won’t have automatic access to the view engines feature if you have implemented your own action invoker or controller factory.

The ViewEngineResult class allows a view engine to respond to the MVC Framework when a view is requested. You express a result by choosing one of two constructors. If your view engine is able to provide a view for a request, then you create a ViewEngineResult using this constructor:

public ViewEngineResult(IView view, IViewEngine viewEngine) 

The parameters to this constructor are an implementation of the IView interface and a view engine (so that the ReleaseView method can be called later).

If your view engine can’t provide a view for a request, then you use this constructor:

public ViewEngineResult(IEnumerable<string> searchedLocations) 

The parameter for this version is an enumeration of the places searched to find a view. This information is displayed to the user if no view can be found, as we’ll demonstrate later.

■ Note You are not alone if you think that the ViewEngineResult class is a little awkward. Expressing outcomes using different versions of a class constructor is an odd approach and doesn’t really fit with the rest of the MVC Framework design. We don’t know why the designers took this approach, but we are, sadly, stuck with it—at least for the current version of the framework.
注:如果你认为这个ViewEngineResult类有点难用,你不是唯一的。使用一个类的不同版本的构造器来发布输出是一种奇怪的办法,而且并不真正符合MVC框架设计的其余部分。我们不知道为什么设计者要采用这种办法,但悲哀的是,我们被它缠住了 — 至少对当前的框架版本是这样。

The last building block of the view engine system is the IView interface, which is shown in Listing 15-2.

Listing 15-2. The IView Interface
清单15-2. IView接口

namespace System.Web.Mvc { using System.IO; public interface IView { void Render(ViewContext viewContext, TextWriter writer); } } 

We pass an IView implementation to the constructor of a ViewEngineResult object, which is then returned from our view engine methods. The MVC Framework calls the Render method. The ViewContext parameter gives us information about the request from the client and the output from the action method. The TextWriter parameter is for writing output to the client.

As we said earlier, the simplest way to see how this works—how IViewEngine, IView, and ViewEngineResult fit together—is to create a view engine. We are going to create a simple view engine that returns one kind of view. This view will render a result that contains information about the request and the view data produced by the action method. This approach lets us demonstrate the way that view engines operate without getting bogged down in parsing view templates.
正如我们之前所说的,了解其如何工作最简单的办法 — IViewEngine、IView、以及ViewEngineResult如何组合在一起 — 是生成一个视图引擎。我们打算生成一个简单的视图引擎,它只返回一种视图。这个视图将呈现有关请求的信息以及动作方法产生的视图数据。这种办法使我们能够演示视图引擎的操作方式,而不必陷入解析视图模板的困境。

Creating a Custom IView

We are going to start by creating our implementation of IView. This will be the class that is responsible for generating the response to the client, as shown in Listing 15-3.

Listing 15-3. A Custom IView Implementation
清单15-3. 一个自定义IView实现

using System.IO; using System.Web.Mvc; namespace Views.Infrastructure.CustomViewEngine { public class DebugDataView : IView { public void Render(ViewContext viewContext, TextWriter writer) { Write(writer, "---Routing Data---"); foreach (string key in viewContext.RouteData.Values.Keys) { Write(writer, "Key: {0}, Value: {1}", key, viewContext.RouteData.Values[key]); } Write(writer, "---View Data---"); foreach (string key in viewContext.ViewData.Keys) { Write(writer, "Key: {0}, Value: {1}", key, viewContext.ViewData[key]); } } private void Write(TextWriter writer, string template, params object[] values) { writer.Write(string.Format(template, values) + "<p/>"); } } } 

This view demonstrates the use of the two parameters to the Render method: we take values from the ViewContext and write a response to the client using the TextWriter.

Creating an IViewEngine Implementation

Remember that the purpose of the view engine is to produce an ViewEngineResult object that contains either an IView or a list of the places searched for a suitable view. Now that we have an IView implementation to work with, we can create the view engine, which is shown in Listing 15-4.

Listing 15-4. A Custom IViewEngine Implementation
清单15-4. 一个自定义IViewEngine实现

using System.Web.Mvc; namespace Views.Infrastructure.CustomViewEngine { public class DebugDataViewEngine : IViewEngine { public ViewEngineResult FindView(ControllerContext controllerContext, string viewName, string masterName, bool useCache) { if (viewName == "DebugData") { return new ViewEngineResult(new DebugDataView(), this); } else { return new ViewEngineResult(new string[] { "Debug Data View Engine" }); } } public ViewEngineResult FindPartialView(ControllerContext controllerContext, string partialViewName, bool useCache) { return new ViewEngineResult(new string[] { "Debug Data View Engine" }); } public void ReleaseView(ControllerContext controllerContext, IView view) { // do nothing } } } 

We are going to support only a single view, which is called DebugData. When we see a request for that view, we will return a new instance of our IView implementation, like this:

return new ViewEngineResult(new DebugDataView(), this); 

If we were implementing a more serious view engine, we would use this opportunity to search for templates, taking into account the layout and provided caching settings. As it is, our simple example requires us to create only a new instance of the DebugDataView class. If we receive a request for a view other than DebugData, we return a ViewEngineResult, like this:

return new ViewEngineResult(new string[] { "Debug Data View Engine" }); 

The IViewEngine interface presumes that the view engine has places it needs to look to find views. This is a reasonable assumption, because views are typically template files that are stored as files in the project. In our case, we don’t have anywhere to look, so we just return a dummy location.

Our custom view engine doesn’t support partial views, so we return a result from the FindPartialView method that indicates we don’t have a view to offer. We’ll return to the topic of partial views and how they are handled in the Razor engine later in the chapter. We have not implemented the ReleaseView method, since there are no resources that we need to release in our IView implementation, which is the usual purpose of this method.

Registering a Custom View Engine

There are a couple of different ways to register a custom view engine. The first is to do so in the Application_Start method of Global.asax, as shown in Listing 15-5.

Listing 15-5. Registering a Custom View Engine Using Global.asax
清单15-5. 用Blobal.asax注册一个自定义视图

protected void Application_Start() { AreaRegistration.RegisterAllAreas(); ViewEngines.Engines.Add(new DebugDataViewEngine()); RegisterGlobalFilters(GlobalFilters.Filters); RegisterRoutes(RouteTable.Routes); } 

The static ViewEngine.Engines collection contains the set of view engines that are installed in the application. The MVC Framework supports the idea of there being several engines installed in a single application. When a ViewResult is being processed, the action invoker obtains the set of installed view engines and calls their FindView methods in turn.

The action invoker stops calling FindView methods as soon as it receives a ViewEngineResult object that contains an IView. This means that the order in which engines are added to the ViewEngines.Engines collection is significant if two or more engines are able to service a request for the same view name. If you want your view to take precedence, then you can insert it at the start of the collection, like this:

ViewEngines.Engines.Insert(0, new DebugDataViewEngine()); 

An alternative approach is to use the application-wide dependency resolver. When the application starts, the dependency resolver will be asked for any available implementations of the IViewEngine interface. If we were using the NinjectDependencyResolver class we introduced in Chapter 10, we could register our view engine in the AddBindings method of that class, as follows:

private void AddBindings() { // put bindings here Bind<IViewEngine>().To<DebugDataViewEngine>(); } 

You have no control over the order in which the view engines are processed when using this approach, so it is best to use the ViewEngines.Engines collection if you are concerned that view engines will be competing with each other.

We are now in a position to test our view engine. We created a project with a HomeController class and defined the Index action method as follows:

using System; using System.Web.Mvc; namespace Views.Controllers { public class HomeController : Controller { public ActionResult Index() { ViewData["Message"] = "Hello, World"; ViewData["Time"] = DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString(); return View("DebugData"); } } } 

The important part is that the action method uses the View method to return a ViewResult that specifies the DebugData view. If you run the application, the default route that Visual Studio creates will invoke our action method, which will lead to our view engine being used. The result is shown in Figure 15-1.
重要的部分是,这个动作方法使用了View方法来返回一个指定了DebugData视图的ViewResult。如果你运行这个应用程序,Visual Studio生成的默认路由将调用我们的动作方法,这将导致使用我们的视图引擎。其结果如图15-1所示。


Figure 15-1. The output from a custom view engine
图15-1. 自定义视图引擎的输出

This is the result of our FindView method being called for a view that we are able to process. We can see the effect of our dummy location if we change the Index method so that the ViewResult requests a view that none of the installed view engines can respond to, like this:

return View("No_Such_View"); 

When we run the application, the action invoker goes to each of the available view engines and calls its FindView method. None of them will be able to service this request, and each will return the set of locations where they looked. You can see this effect in Figure 15-2.


Figure 15-2. The error when no view engine can service a request
图15-2. 无视图引擎对请求进行服务时产生的错误

You’ve seen this error before, of course, but notice that our dummy location has been added to the list of locations that are reported as part of the error.


A number of view engines are available in addition to the ones that come built in to the MVC Framework. And fortunately, they are all much more richly featured than the one we have created in this chapter.

Four of the most popular third-party view engines are Spark, NHaml, Brail, and NVelocity. Some of these are ports of view engines from other languages or web platforms. NVelocity is a port of the Java Apache Velocity template engine, and NHaml is a port of the Ruby on Rails Haml engine. The most popular, Spark, is particularly interesting in that it allows programming logic to be expressed in the flow of HTML elements, which can make templates more readable.
四个最流行的第三方视图引擎是Spark、NHaml、Brail、和NVelocity。其中一些是来自其它语言或web平台的视图引擎端口。NVelocity是Java Apache Velocity的模板引擎端口,而NHaml是Ruby on Rails的Haml引擎端口。最流行的Spark,是特别有意思的,它允许把编程逻辑表示成HTML元素流,这可以使模板更加可读。

We have not spent any significant time using these alternative engines, but we know some good programmers who swear by them. If the Razor or ASPX engine isn’t what your project needs, you might find what you are looking for in one of these other engines.

Working with the Razor Engine

In the previous section, we were able to create a custom view engine by implementing just two interfaces. Admittedly, we ended up with something very simple that generated very ugly views, but you saw how the concept of MVC extensibility continues throughout the request processing pipeline.

The complexity in a view engine comes from the system of view templates that include code fragments, support layouts, and are compiled to optimize performance. We didn’t do any of these things in our simple custom view engine, and we didn’t need to, because the Razor engine takes care of all of that for us. The functionality that almost all MVC applications require is available in Razor. Only a vanishingly small number of projects need to go to the trouble of creating a custom view engine.

As a reminder, Razor is the view engine that was introduced with MVC 3 and replaces the previous view engine (known as the ASPX or Web Forms engine). You can still use the ASPX view engine, and Microsoft has not said that it is deprecating that engine, but our feeling is that the future of view engines in MVC is clearly Razor.
作为一个提醒,Razor是随MVC 3引入的视图引擎,它取代了以前的视图引擎(称为ASPX,或Web表单引擎)。你仍然可以使用ASPX视图引擎,而且微软也没说这已经是不赞成引擎,但我们的感觉是,MVC引擎的未来显然是Razor。

We gave you a primer of the new Razor syntax in Chapter 5. In this chapter, we are going to show you how to apply that syntax and other features to create and render Razor views. You’ll also learn how to customize the Razor engine.

Understanding Razor View Rendering

The Razor View Engine compiles the views in your applications to improve performance. The views are translated into C# classes, and then compiled, which is why you are able to include C# code fragments so easily. It is instructive to look at the source code that Razor views generate, because it helps to put many of the Razor features in context. Listing 15-6 shows a simple Razor view that takes an array of strings as the view model object.

Listing 15-6. A Simple Razor View
清单15-6. 一个简单的Razor视图

@model string[] @{ ViewBag.Title = "Index"; } This is a list of fruit names:
@foreach (string name in Model) { <span><b>@name</b></span> }

The views in an MVC application are not compiled until the application is started, so to see the classes that are created by Razor, you need to start the application and navigate to an action method. Any action method will do, since the initial request to an MVC application triggers the view compilation process.

Conveniently, the generated classes are written to the disk as C# code files and then compiled, which means that you can see the C# statements that represent a view. You can find the generated files in c:\Users\yourLoginName\AppData\Local\Temp\Temporary ASP.NET Files on Windows 7, or the equivalent folder on your operating system version and installation location.
出于方便,所生成的类被写成磁盘上的C#代码文件,并随后被编译,这意味着你可以看到表示一个视图的C#语句。你可以在Windows 7的c:\Users\yourLoginName\AppData\Local\Temp\Temporary ASP.NET Files文件夹,或其它版本的操作系统的相应文件夹中看到这种生成的文件。

Finding the code file generated for a particular view requires a bit of poking around. There are usually a number of folders with cryptic names, and the names of the .cs files don’t correspond to the names of the classes they contain. As an example, we found the generated class for the view in Listing 15-6 in a file called App_Web_gvaxronl.1.cs in the root\83e9350c\e84cb4ce folder. We have tidied up the class from our system to make it easier to read, as shown in Listing 15-7.

Listing 15-7. The Generated C# Class for a Razor View

Namespace ASP { using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using System.Web; using System.Web.Helpers; using System.Web.Security; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.WebPages; using System.Web.Mvc; using System.Web.Mvc.Ajax; using System.Web.Mvc.Html; using System.Web.Routing; public class _Page_Views_Home_Index_cshtml : System.Web.Mvc.WebViewPage<string[]> { public _Page_Views_Home_Index_cshtml() { } public override void Execute() { WriteLiteral("\r\n"); ViewBag.Title = "Index"; WriteLiteral("\r\nThis is a list of fruit names:\r\n\r\n"); foreach (string name in Model) { WriteLiteral("<span><b>"); Write(name); WriteLiteral("</b></span>\r\n"); } } } } 

First, note that the class is derived from WebViewPage<T>, where T is the model type. This is how strongly typed views are handled. Also notice the name of the class that has been generated. You can see how the path of the view file has been encoded in the class name. This is how Razor maps requests for views into instances of compiled classes.

In the Execute method, you can see how the statements and elements in the view have been handled. The code fragments that we prefixed with the @ symbol are expressed directly as C# statements.

The HTML elements are handled with the WriteLiteral method, which writes the contents of the parameter to the result as they are given. This is opposed to the Write method, which is used for C# variables and encodes the string values to make them safe for use in an HTML page.

Both the Write and WriteLiteral methods write content to a TextWriter object. This is the same object that is passed to the IView.Render method, which you saw at the start of the chapter. The goal of a compiled Razor view is to generate the static and dynamic content and send it to the client via the TextWriter. This is useful to keep in mind when we look at HTML helper methods later in the chapter.

Adding Dependency Injection to Razor Views

Every part of the MVC request processing pipeline supports DI, and the Razor View Engine is no exception. However, the technique is different from what we have shown before, because we are spanning the boundary between classes and views.

Let’s imagine that we have an interface for a simple calculator feature that will sum two numeric values. Our interface for this is called ICalculator, as shown in Listing 15-8.

Listing 15-8. The ICalculator Interface
清单15-9. ICalculator接口

namespace Views.Models { public interface ICalculator { int Sum(int x, int y); } } 

If we want a view to be able to use the ICalculator interface and have the implementation injected, then we need to create an abstract class that is derived from WebViewPage, as shown in Listing 15-9.

Listing 15-9. Deriving a Class from WebViewPage
清单15-9. 从WebViewPage派生一个类

using System.Web.Mvc; using Ninject; namespace Views.Models.ViewClasses { public abstract class CalculatorView : WebViewPage { [Inject] public ICalculator Calulator { get; set; } } } 

The simplest way to support DI is to use property injection, where our DI container injects dependencies into a property, rather than into the constructor. To do this, we must annotate the property we want injected with the Inject attribute, as the listing demonstrates. To take advantage of this in a view, we use the Razor inherits element, as shown in Listing 15-10.

Listing 15-10. Specifying Inheritance in a Razor View
清单15-10. 在一个Razor视图中指定继承

@inherits Views.Models.ViewClasses.CalculatorView @{ ViewBag.Title = "Calculate"; } <h4>Calculate</h4> The calculation result for @ViewBag.X and @ViewBag.Y is @Calulator.Sum(ViewBag.X, ViewBag.Y) 

We can use @inherits to specify the base class we create in Listing 15-7. This gives us access to the Calculator property, which we are then able to get in order to receive an implementation of the ICalculator interface, all without creating a dependency between the view and the ICalculator implementation.

The effect of the inherits tag is to change the base for the generated class. The effect of the inherits tag in Listing 15-10 is that the generated class for the view is defined like this:

public class _Page_Views_Home_Calculate_cshtml : Views.Models.ViewClasses.CalculatorView { ... } 

Since our generated class is now derived from our abstract class, we have access to the Calculator property we defined. All that remains is to register our implementation of the ICalculator interface with the dependency resolver, so that Ninject will be used to create the view class and have the opportunity to perform the property injection. We do this in the AddBindings method of our NinjectDependencyResolver class, as follows:

private void AddBindings() { // put bindings here Bind<ICalculator>().To<SimpleCalculator>(); } 

And just like that, we have DI for Razor views.

Configuring the View Search Locations

The Razor View Engine follows the convention established in earlier versions of the MVC Framework when looking for a view. For example, if you request the Index view associated with the Home controller, Razor looks through this list of views:

  • ~/Views/Home/Index.cshtml
  • ~/Views/Home/Index.vbhtml
  • ~/Views/Shared/Index.cshtml
  • ~/Views/Shared/Index.vbhtml

As you now know, Razor isn’t really looking for the view files on disk, because they have already been compiled into C# classes. Razor looks for the compiled class that represents these views. The .cshtml files are templates containing C# statements (the kind we are using), and the .vbhtml files contain Visual Basic statements.
正如你现在知道的,Razor实际上不会在磁盘上查找这些视图文件,因为它们还没有被编译成C#类。Razor查找的是表示这些视图的编译类。.cshtml文件是含有C#语句的模板(我们正在使用的这种),而.vbhtml文件含有Visual Basic语句。

You can change the view files that Razor searches for by creating a subclass of RazorViewEngine. This class is the Razor IViewEngine implementation. It builds on a series of base classes that define a set of properties that determine which view files are searched for. These properties are described in Table 15-1.

Table 15-1. Razor View Engine Search Properties
表15-1. Razor视图引擎搜索属性
Default Value
The locations to look for views, partial views, and layouts
The locations to look for views, partial views, and layouts for an area

These properties predate the introduction of Razor, which why each set of three properties has the same values. Each property is an array of strings, which are expressed using the composite string formatting notation. The following are the parameter values that correspond to the placeholders:

  • {0} represents the name of the view.
    {0} 表示视图名
  • {1} represents the name of the controller.
    {1} 表示控制器名
  • {2} represents the name of the area.
    {2} 表示区域名

To change the search locations, you create a new class that is derived from RazorViewEngine and change the values for one or more of the properties described in Table 15-1. Listing 15-11 demonstrates a replacement view engine that changes the name of the folder used for shared views and looks only for C# Razor templates (which have the .cshtml file name extension).

Listing 15-11. Changing the Search Locations in the Razor View Engine

using System.Web.Mvc; namespace Views.Infrastructure { public class CustomRazorViewEngine : RazorViewEngine { public CustomRazorViewEngine() { ViewLocationFormats = new string[] { "~/Views/{1}/{0}.cshtml", "~/Views/Common/{0}.cshtml" }; } } } 

We have set a new value for the ViewLocationFormats. Our new array contains entries only for .cshtml files. In addition, we have changed the location we look for shared views to be Views/Common, rather than Views/Shared.

We register our derived view engine using the ViewEngines.Engines collection in the Application_Start method of Global.asax, like this:

protected void Application_Start() { AreaRegistration.RegisterAllAreas(); ViewEngines.Engines.Clear(); ViewEngines.Engines.Add(new CustomRazorViewEngine()); RegisterGlobalFilters(GlobalFilters.Filters); RegisterRoutes(RouteTable.Routes); } 

Remember that the action invoker goes to each view engine in turn to see if a view can be found. By the time that we are able to add our view to the collection, it will already contain the standard Razor View Engine. To avoid competing with that implementation, we call the Clear method to remove any other view engines that may have been registered, and then call the Add method to register our custom implementation.

Adding Dynamic Content to a Razor View

The whole purpose of views is to allow you to render parts of your domain model as a user interface. To do that, you need to be able to add dynamic content to views. Dynamic content is generated at runtime, and can be different for each and every request. This is opposed to static content, such as HTML, which you create when you are writing the application and is the same for each and every request.

You can add dynamic content to views in the four ways described in Table 15-2.

Table 15-2. Adding Dynamic Content to a View
表15-2. 对视图动态内容
When to Use
Inline code
Use for small, self-contained pieces of view logic, such as if and foreach statements. This is the fundamental tool for creating dynamic content in views, and some of the other approaches are built on it.
HTML helper methods
Use to generate single HTML elements or small collections of them, typically based on view model or view data values. The MVC Framework includes a number of useful HTML helper methods, and it is easy to create your own. As we’ll show you later in the chapter, any method that returns an MvcHtmlString object can be an HTML helper method.
Partial views
Use for sharing subsections of view markup between views. Partial views can contain inline code, HTML helper methods, and references to other partial views. Partial views don’t invoke an action method, so they can’t be used to perform business logic.
Child actions
Use for creating reusable UI controls or widgets that need to contain business logic. When you use a child action, it invokes an action method, renders a view, and injects the result into the response stream.

Using Inline Code

The simplest and easiest way to generate dynamic content is to use inline code—one or more C# statements prefixed with the @ symbol. This is the heart of the Razor View Engine, and we have used this technique in almost all of the examples so far in this book.
生成动态内容最简单、且最容易的办法是,使用内嵌代码 — 用@符号做前缀的一条或多条C#语句。这是Razor视图引擎的核心,而且,我们在本书几乎所有的例子中都使用了这种技术。

Chapter 5 covers the Razor syntax, and we are not going to repeat that information in this chapter. Instead, we’ll demonstrate some advanced features that will make sense now that we have explained more of the details about request processing and view engines.


If you have come to the MVC Framework from ASP.NET Web Forms, you might be wondering why we are so keen on inline code. After all, the convention in Web Forms is to put as much code as possible in the code-behind files. It is easy to be confused, especially as the reason for relying on code-behind files is often to maintain separation of concerns.

The difference arises because ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET Web Forms have different notions about which concerns should be separated and where the dividing line should be. Web Forms separates declarative markup and procedural logic. The ASPX files contain the markup, and the code-behind files contain the logic. By contrast, the MVC Framework separates presentation logic and application logic. Controllers and domain models are responsible for application and domain logic, and views contain presentation logic. So, inline code in MVC views fits nicely within the MVC architectural framework. The Razor syntax makes it easy to creating maintainable and extensible views that transform domain model entities into UI components.
差别出现了,因为ASP.NET MVC与ASP.NET Web表单对如何关注分离以、及如何划分有不同的观念。Web表单是对说明性标记和处理逻辑进行分离。ASPX文件含有标记,而后台代码文件含有逻辑。相反地,MVC框架是对表现逻辑和应用程序逻辑进行分离。控制器与域模型负责应用程序和域逻辑,而视图含有表现逻辑。因此,MVC视图中的内嵌代码恰好适合于MVC的结构框架。Razor语法使其易于生成、维护、和扩展的视图,把域模型实体转换到UI组件之中。

That said, the flexibility of the inline code feature makes it easy to blur the boundaries between the components of your application and let the separation of concerns break down. A degree of discipline is required to maintain effective separation of concerns in a way that is consistent with the MVC design pattern. We suggest that as you start out with the MVC Framework, you focus on understanding the features and functions available. As you become more experienced, you’ll develop a feel for the natural division of responsibility between views and the other MVC components.

Importing Namespaces into a View

Razor views are compiled with a set of using statements for commonly used namespaces, sparing you from needing to specify the namespace when you want to use popular classes. You can see the set of namespaces that are imported in Listing 15-7, shown earlier in the chapter. Unfortunately, the list of namespaces doesn’t include the ones in our project that we are likely to use. Listing 15-12 shows an example of referring to a class that is not on that list.

Listing 15-12. Referring to a Class By Its Fully Qualified Name
清单15-12. 通过全限定名引用一个类

@{ ViewBag.Title = "Index"; } Here is some data: @DynamicData.Infrastructure.MyUtility.GetUsefulData() 

In this example, we have a class called MyUtility, which has a method called GetUsefulData that we want to invoke from our view. We have referred to the class by its fully qualified name because the namespace that contains the class, DynamicData.Infrastructure, is not one of those that are automatically added to the generated class when the view is compiled.

Typing in all of the namespace elements like this becomes laborious, and it makes views harder to read. Fortunately, we are able to add using statements to the generated classes that are produced from views, as described in the following sections.

Adding a @using Tag to a View

The easiest way to import a namespace is to use the @using tag in the Razor view. This works just like a regular C# using statement. Listing 15-13 provides an illustration.

Listing 15-13. Adding a @using Tag to a View
清单15-13. 将@using添加到一个视图

@using DynamicData.Infrastructure @{ ViewBag.Title = "Index"; } Here is some data: @MyUtility.GetUsefulData() 

When the view is compiled, the namespace that we have specified is imported using a C# using statement. This allows you to refer to classes, such as MyUtility in this example, without needing to qualify the class name with the namespace.

Adding a Namespace to Web.config

A @using tag affects only one view. If you want to import a namespace to all of the views in a project, you can add the namespace to the Views/Web.config file, as shown in Listing 15-14.

Listing 15-14. Adding a Namespace to the Web.config File
清单15-14. 将一个命名空间添加到Web.config文件

<system.web.webPages.razor> <pages pageBaseType="System.Web.Mvc.WebViewPage"> <namespaces> <add namespace="System.Web.Mvc" /> <add namespace="System.Web.Mvc.Ajax" /> <add namespace="System.Web.Mvc.Html" /> <add namespace="System.Web.Routing" /> <add namespace="DynamicData.Infrastructure"/> </namespaces> </pages> </system.web.webPages.razor> 

■ Caution This is the Web.config file that is in the Views folder, and not the main Web.config file for the project.

Adding a namespace to the Views/Web.config file has the same effect as using an @using tag, but means you don’t need to import the same namespaces into all of your views.

Understanding Razor HTML String Encoding

Cross-site scripting (XSS) is a kind of attack on web sites. Put simply, the attacker puts malicious scripts into the input elements of an application’s HTML forms in the hope that they will be displayed to another user. This can allow the attacker to take over another user’s account or take actions on the victim’s behalf. We show you an example of an XSS attack in Chapter 21.
网站脚本(Cross-site scripting — XSS)是一种对web网站的攻击。简单地说,攻击者把恶意脚本放入应用程序的一个HTML表单中的input元素,以希望把它们显示给另一用户。这可以使攻击者能够从其它地方获取另一个用户的账号,或者对受害人的利益采取一些动作。我们将在第21章向你演示一个XSS攻击的例子。

Razor helps protect against XSS by automatically encoding the output from any @ tag to make it safe to display. This means that characters that have special meaning in HTML are replaced by their escaped equivalent. For example, the < character is replaced with &lt;.

As a simple example, imagine that the GetUsefulData method in our MyUtility class from the earlier listings returns a string that is actually a script. Listing 15-15 shows our problem class. Imagine that this method returns a string that a user had entered into a form earlier.

Listing 15-15. A Class That Returns a Script
清单15-15. 返回一个脚本的类

namespace DynamicData.Infrastructure { public class MyUtility { public static string GetUsefulData() { return "<form>Enter your password:<input type=text> <input type=submit value=\"Log In\"/></form>"; } } } 

This is a trivial example—real XSS attacks can be extremely subtle and tend not to change the appearance of the page—but the problem is obvious. If we were to take the output from the GetUsefulData method and inject it into our response, the browser would treat it as part of the regular HTML of the page. This allows users to be presented with a simple form that we didn’t want them to see.
这是一个价值不高的例子 — 实际的XSS攻击可能相当狡猾,而且不会修改页面的外观 — 但问题是显然的。如果我们要取得GetUsrfulData方法的输出,并把它注入到我们的响应。浏览器会把它视为页面常规HTML的一部分。这就把一个我们并不想让用户看到的表单显示给用户。

Fortunately, when we use the @ tag to call a method or read a variable, the result is encoded. The encoded HTML that the MVC Framework generates for the method result is as follows:

Here is some data: &lt;form&gt;Enter your password:&lt;input type=text&gt;&lt;input type=submit value=&quot;Log In&quot;/&gt;/form&gt; 

You can see how this is rendered in the browser in Figure 15-3.


Figure 15-3. Safely encoded HTML
图15-3. 被安全编码的HTML

You don’t need to take any explicit steps to ensure that your data is encoded, because Razor does it by default.

If you want to disable automatic encoding, a couple of options are available. The first is to return an instance of MvcHtmlString as the result of the method or property. This type represents an HTML string that doesn’t require any further encoding. Listing 15-16 shows how we can apply this to our MyUtility class.

Listing 15-16. Using the MvcHtmlString Class to Bypass Content Encoding
清单15-16. 使用MvcHtmlString类来绕过内容编码

using System.Web.Mvc; namespace DynamicData.Infrastructure { public class MyUtility { public static MvcHtmlString GetUsefulData() { return new MvcHtmlString("<form>Enter your password:<input type=text> <input type=submit value=\"Log In\"/></form>"); } } } 

The string value is passed to the MvcHtmlString object as a constructor parameter and will be injected into the response sent to the client as is. You can see the effect of this change in Figure 15-4.


Figure 15-4. Bypassing encoding of HTML strings
图15-4. 绕过HTML字符器的编码

You can see the problem that raw strings present. We have managed to insert a tiny HTML form into the web page.

■ Caution You might think that a user would spot an addition to a web page such as the one in Figure 15-4. If this is the basis of your security policy, then trouble is heading your way. First, real XSS attacks can be very subtle and sophisticated, and typically change the behavior of the page without changing the appearance. Second, you cannot rely on the attentiveness of users to protect your application from XSS attacks. Security is our job and not the responsibility of our users, however much we might like it to be otherwise.

It is not always possible to change the classes that generate your data, but you can disable encoding by using the @Html.Raw helper in a view, as shown in Listing 15-17.

Listing 15-17. Bypassing HTML Encoding in a Razor View
清单15-17. 在一个Razor视图中取消HTML编码

@{ ViewBag.Title = "Index"; } Here is some data: @Html.Raw(Model) 

Using Dynamically Typed Views

When you create a strongly typed view, the generated class that is produced from the view is derived from System.Web.Mvc.WebViewPage<T>, where T is the type of the view model class. For example, this view:

@model string @{ ViewBag.Title = "Index"; } ... rest of presentation logic and markup 

results in a compiled class that is defined like this:

public class _Page_Views_Home_Index_cshtml : System.Web.Mvc.WebViewPage<string> { ... rest of class } 

The @model type of string is used as the type parameter for the generated class. As we explained earlier, this allows you to use the members of the view model class without needing to cast the object, which is neat and convenient, and makes unit testing simpler.

If you don’t specify the type of the model, you create a dynamically typed view. For example, this view doesn’t specify a view model type:

@{ ViewBag.Title = "Index"; } ... rest of presentation logic and markup 

The class that is generated from this view is defined like this:

public class _Page_Views_Home_InlineHelper_cshtml : System.Web.Mvc.WebViewPage<dynamic> { ... rest of class } 

Notice that the generic type parameter for the base class is dynamic. You can still pass view model objects as you would for strongly typed views, but they are presented to the view as dynamic objects, meaning that dealing with the view model object becomes much like dealing with the ViewBag.

You can call any member you like on the view model object, but it won’t be evaluated until runtime. The positive aspect of this is that you can pass different view model types from the controller to the view. The downside is that unexpected runtime errors will occur if you pass an object that doesn’t have the members that you call in the view.

Listing 15-18 shows a view that is dynamically typed. Programmers who use this feature tend to want to work with the flexibility of a dynamic languages such as Ruby. They know the types of the values they are passing from the controller to the view.

Listing 15-18. A Dynamically Typed Razor View
清单15-18. 一个动态类型的Razor视图

@{ ViewBag.Title = "Index"; } Dynamic view model: @Model[0] Model contents are: @Model 

■ Caution We don’t recommend you use this feature casually. If you can exert any control over the objects that your action methods produce, then you should use a strongly typed view instead.

Using HTML Helpers

A common need is to generate the same block of HTML repeatedly in a view. Duplicating the same HTML elements and Razor tags over and over again is tedious and prone to errors. Furthermore, if you need to make changes, you must do so in multiple places. Fortunately, the MVC Framework provides a mechanism for solving the problem, called HTML helpers. In this section, we’ll show you how to create the two different kinds of HTML helpers that are available and demonstrate the built-in helpers that are included with the MVC Framework.
一个常见的需求是在视图中反复地生成一些同样的HTML块。一次又一次地重复同样的HTML元素和Razor标签是乏味而易错的。进一步地,如果你需要进行修改,你必须在多个地方做同样的事情。幸运的是,MVC框架提供了解决这一问题的机制,即HTML辅助器(注:本章所说的“辅助器”或“辅助器方法”与前面几章的“辅助方法”是一致的 — 译者注)。在本小节中,我们将向你演示如何生成两种不同的有用的HTML辅助器,并演示MVC框架引入的一些内建的辅助器。

Creating an Inline HTML Helper

The most direct way to create a helper is to do so in the view, using the Razor @helper tag. Listing 15-19 contains an example.

Listing 15-19. Creating an Inline Helper
清单15-19. 生成一个内嵌辅助器

@{ ViewBag.Title = "InlineHelper"; } @helper CreateList(string[] items) { <ul> @foreach (string item in items) { <li>@item</li> } </ul> } <h4>InlineHelper</h4> Days of the week: <p/> @CreateList(ViewBag.Days) <p /> Fruit I like: <p /> @CreateList(ViewBag.Fruits) 

Inline helpers have names and parameters similar to regular C# methods. In the example, we defined a helper called CreateList, which takes a string array as a parameter.

The body of an inline helper follows the same syntax as the rest of a Razor view. Literal strings are regarded as static HTML, and statements that require processing by Razor are prefixed with the @character. The helper in the example mixes static HTML and Razor tags to create an unnumbered list from a string array. The output of this view is shown in Figure 15-5.


Figure 15-5. Using an inline helper
图15-5. 使用一个内嵌辅助器

We called the helper twice in the view to create a pair of lists. Without the helper, we would have needed to duplicate the HTML and the foreach loop that each list required.

Although an inline helper looks like a method, there is no return value. The contents of the helper body are processed and put into the response to the client.

Creating an External Helper Method

Inline helpers are convenient, but they can be used only from the view in which they are declared. If they involve too much code, they can take over that view and make it hard to read. The alternative is to create an external HTML helper method, which is expressed as a C# extension method. Listing 15-20 provides a demonstration.

Listing 15-20. Creating an External HTML Helper
清单15-20. 生成一个外部HTML辅助器

using System.Web.Mvc; namespace DynamicData.Infrastructure.HtmlHelpers { public static class CustomHtmlHelpers { public static MvcHtmlString List(this HtmlHelper html, string[] listItems) { TagBuilder tag = new TagBuilder("ul"); foreach (string item in listItems) { TagBuilder itemTag = new TagBuilder("li"); itemTag.SetInnerText(item); tag.InnerHtml += itemTag.ToString(); } return new MvcHtmlString(tag.ToString()); } } } 

The first parameter to an external HTML helper method is an HtmlHelper object, annotated with the this keyword (this is what tells the C# compiler that we are defining an extension method). Any other parameters you define will allow you to pass values from the view to the helper. In our case, we are re- creating our inline helper, so we must define a string array parameter that will contain the list items to be rendered.

The easiest way to create HTML in a helper method is to use the TagBuilder class, which allows you to build up HTML strings without needing to deal with all of the escaping and special characters. The TagBuilder class is part of the System.Web.WebPages assembly, but uses a feature called type forwarding to appear as though it is part of the System.Web.Mvc assembly. Both assemblies are added to MVC projects by Visual Studio, so you can use the TagBuilder class easily enough, but it doesn’t appear in the Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) API documentation.
在一个辅助器方法中,生成HTML最容易的方式是使用TagBuilder类,它允许你建立HTML字符串,而不需要处理各种转义及特殊字符之类的事情。TabBuilder类属于System.Web.WebPages程序集,但使用了一个叫做类型转发的特性,使它看上去好像属于System.Web.Mvc程序集一样。这两个程序集都由Visual Studio加到了MVC的项目,因此你可以很容易地使用TagBuilder类,但它并未出现在微软开发者网络(MSDN)的API文档中。

We create a new TagBuilder instance, passing in the HTML element we want to construct as the constructor parameter. We don’t need to use the angle brackets (< and >) with the TagBuilder class, which means we can create a ul element, like this:

TagBuilder tag = new TagBuilder("ul"); 

The most useful members of the TagBuilder class are described in Table 15-3.

Table 15-3. Some Members of the TagBuilder Class
表15-3. TabBuilder类的一些成员
InnerHtmlA property that lets you set the contents of the element as an HTML string. The value assigned to this property will not be encoded, which means that is can be used to nest HTML elements.
SetInnerText(string)Sets the text contents of the HTML element. The string parameter is encoded to make it safe to display (see the section on HTML string encoding earlier in the chapter for details).
AddCssClass(string)Adds a CSS class to the HTML element.
MergeAttribute(string, string, bool)Adds an attribute to the HTML element. The first parameter is the name of the attribute, and the second is the value. The bool parameter specifies if an existing attribute of the same name should be replaced.

The result of an HTML helper method is an MvcHtmlString object, the contents of which are written directly into the response to the client. Remember that the contents of an MvcHtmlString will be passed directly into the response without being encoded, which means that you must take care to ensure that you encode any data that may present an XSS risk. You can do that by using the TagBuilder.SetInnerText method, which will encode a string for you, or do so explicitly by using the Encode method of the HtmlHelper object that you receive as a parameter to your helper method.

■ Note In order to use a custom external HTML helper method, you must import the namespace that contains the class. See the “Importing Namespaces into a View” section earlier in the chapter for details on how to do this.

Using the Built-in HTML Helpers

The MVC Framework includes a selection of built-in HTML helper methods that generate often-required HTML fragments or perform common tasks. We’ve used some of these helpers in previous chapters. In the following sections, we’ll put them in context and introduce some new ones.

■ Note Using the HTML helpers to generate HTML elements like forms and inputs is not compulsory. If you prefer, you can code them using static HTML tags and populate values using view data or view model objects. The HTML that the helpers generate is very clean, and there are no special meanings to the attribute values. The helpers are there for convenience, rather than because they create essential or special HTML.

Creating Forms

Two of the most useful (and most commonly used) helpers are Html.BeginForm and Html.EndForm. These helpers create HTML form tags and generate a valid action attribute for the form that is based on the routing mechanism for the application. Listing 15-21 shows the use of these helpers.

Listing 15-21. Using the BeginForm and EndForm Helpers
清单15-21. 使用BeginForm和EndForm辅助器

@{Html.BeginForm("Index", "Home");} @{ Html.EndForm();} 

Neither of these helpers returns a value that can be injected into to the output directly, so you need to invoke them inside a Razor code block, which makes for an ugly syntax. A more elegant approach is to employ a using statement, as shown in Listing 15-22.

Listing 15-22. Creating HTML with BeginForm and a using Statement
清单15-22. 用BeginForm和一个using语句生成HTML

@using (Html.BeginForm("Index", "Home")) { } 

This is a neat trick that works because the BeginForm method creates an instance of the MvcForm class, which implements the IDisposable interface. When you exit the using block, the .NET Framework calls the Dispose method on the MvcForm object, which causes it to emit the closing form tag and spares you the need to use the EndForm helper.

The HTML generated by both Listings 15-21 and 15-22 is the same:

<form action="/" method="post"></form> 

The BeginForm helper is overloaded, and the different forms allow you to specify how the action attribute of the HTML form element is created. The version we used in Listings 15-21 and 15-22 allows us to specify an action method and a controller. These details are used in conjunction with the routing system to generate an action attribute value. In this case, the Index action on the Home controller is the default for the application, and so the action URL is set to /. See Chapter 11 for details on the routing system and how it can be used to create URLs.


The default overload of the BeginForm helper takes no parameters and generates a URL that refers back to the current action—that is, the one that processed the current request. This is a common pattern in MVC applications, where the same URL is used to handle GET and POST requests. Typically, a GET request displays the HTML form, and the POST request validates and processed the submitted data. To make this work most effectively, create two action methods with the same name, like this:
BeginForm辅助器的默认过载不带参数,并生成一个回指向当前动作的URL — 即,处理当前请求的URL。这是MVC应用程序的常规模式,用同样的URL来处理GET和POST请求。典型地,一个GET请求显示这个HTML表单,而POST请求校验并处理递交的数据。为了最有效地执行这项工作,最好生成两个同名的动作方法,像这样:

public class SomeController : Controller { public ViewResult MyAction() { /* Displays the form */ } [HttpPost] public ActionResult MyAction(MyModel incomingData) { /* Handles the POST */ } } 

The HttpPost attribute is an action method selector, which we explained in Chapter 14. The process the MVC Framework uses to take the data items from the submitted form and generate the MyModel object (or our project equivalent) is explained in Chapter 17.

Using Input Helpers

An HTML form is of no use unless you also create some input elements. Table 15-4 shows the basic HTML helpers that are available to create input elements. Each of these helpers is overloaded. The table shows the simplest version. The first parameter is used to set attribute values in the generated HTML, such as id and name. The second parameter is used to set the value attribute of the input element (or the inner content for the TextArea).

Table 15-4. Basic Input HTML Helpers
表15-4. 基本的input辅助器
HTML Element
Html.CheckBox("myCheckbox", false)
<input id="myCheckbox" name="myCheckbox" type="checkbox" value="true" /> 
<input name="myCheckbox" type="hidden" value="false" />
Hidden field
Html.Hidden("myHidden", "val")
<input id="myHidden" name="myHidden" type="hidden" value="val" />
Radio button
Html.RadioButton("myRadiobutton", "val", true) 
<input checked="checked" id="myRadiobutton" name="myRadiobutton"
type="radio" value="val" />
Html.Password("myPassword", "val")
<input id="myPassword" name="myPassword" type="password" value="val" />
Text area
Html.TextArea("myTextarea", "val", 5, 20, null) 
<textarea cols="20" id="myTextarea" name="myTextarea" rows="5"> 
Text box
Html.TextBox("myTextbox", "val")
<input id="myTextbox" name="myTextbox" type="text" value="val" />

■ Note Notice that the checkbox helper (Html.CheckBox) renders two input elements. It renders a checkbox and then a hidden input element of the same name. This is because browsers don’t submit a value for checkboxes when they are not selected. Having the hidden control ensures that the MVC Framework will get a value from the hidden field when this happens.

If you want to specify a value, you can do so by using the standard Razor @ syntax, like this:

@Html.CheckBox("myCheckBox", Model) 

A more interesting overload takes a single string argument, which is then used to search the view data, ViewBag, and view model. So, for example, if you call @Html.TextBox("DataValue"), the MVC Framework tries to find some item of data that corresponds with the key DataValue. The following locations are checked:

  • ViewBag.DataValue
  • ViewData["DataValue"]
  • @Model.DataValue

The first value that is found is used to set the value attribute of the generated HTML. (The last check, for @Model.DataValue, works only if the view model for the view contains a property or field called DataValue.)

If we specify a string like DataValue.First.Name, the search becomes more complicated. The MVC Framework will try different arrangements of the dot-separated elements, such as the following:

  • ViewBag.DataValue.First.Name
  • ViewBag.DataValue["First"].Name
  • ViewBag.DataValue["First.Name"]
  • ViewBag.DataValue["First"]["Name"]
  • ViewData["DataValue.First.Name"]
  • ViewData["DataValue"].First.Name
  • ViewData["DataValue.First"].Name

Many permutations will be checked. Once again, the first value that is found will be used, terminating the search. There is an obvious performance consideration to this technique, but bear in mind that usually only a few items are in the ViewBag and ViewData, so it doesn’t take much time to search through them.

■ Note The input helpers automatically encode data values to make them safe to display. See the “Understanding Razor HTML String Encoding” section earlier in this chapter for details of why this is important.

Using Strongly Typed Input Helpers

For each of the basic input helpers that we described in Table 15-4, there are corresponding strongly typed helpers, which we can use in strongly typed views. Table 15-5 shows the strongly typed input helpers and samples of the HTML they generate. These helpers can be used only with strongly typed views.

Table 15-5. Strongly Typed Input HTML Helpers
表15-5. 强类型input辅助器
HTML Element
Html.CheckBoxFor(x => x.IsApproved)
<input id="IsApproved" name="IsApproved" type="checkbox" value="true" /> 
<input name="IsApproved" type="hidden" value="false" />
Hidden field
Html.HiddenFor(x => x.SomeProperty) 
<input id="SomeProperty" name="SomeProperty" type="hidden" value="value" />
Radio button
Html.RadioButtonFor(x => x.IsApproved, "val")
<input id="IsApproved" name="IsApproved" type="radio" value="val" />
Html.PasswordFor(x => x.Password) 
<input id="Password" name="Password" type="password" />
Text area
Html.TextAreaFor(x => x.Bio, 5, 20, new{})
<textarea cols="20" id="Bio" name="Bio" rows="5"> 
Bio value</textarea>
Text box
Html.TextBoxFor(x => x.Name) 
<input id="Name" name="Name" type="text" value="Name value" />

The strongly typed input helpers work on lambda expressions. The value that is passed to the expression is the view model object, and you can select the field or property that will be used to set the value attribute.


Most of the HTML helper methods have an overloaded version that lets you add arbitrary attributes to the generated HTML. You can express the attributes and the associated values using a dynamic type, like this:

@Html.TextBox("MyTextBox", "MyValue", new { @class = "my-ccs-class", mycustomattribute = "my-value" }) 

This creates a text box element that has the additional attributes class and mycustom attribute, like this:

<input class="my-ccs-class" id="MyTextBox" mycustomattribute="my-value" name="MyTextBox" type="text" value="MyValue" /> 

One of the most common attributes to add this way is class, in order to assign CSS styles to elements. You must prefix class with an @ character to stop the C# compiler from assuming that you are defining a new type. This use of the @ character is unrelated to Razor. It is a standard C# feature that permits the use of reserved words as variables.

Creating Select Elements

Table 15-6 shows the HTML helpers that can be used to create select elements. These can be used to select a single item from a drop-down list or present a multiple-item select element that allows several items to be selected. As with the other form elements, there are versions of these helpers that are weakly and strongly typed.

Table 15-6. HTML Helpers That Render Select Elements
表15-6. 呈现select元素的HTML辅助器
HTML Element
Drop-down list
Html.DropDownList("myList", new SelectList(new [] {"A", "B"}), "Choose")
<select id="myList" name="myList"> 
<option value="">Choose</option> 
Drop-down list
Html.DropDownListFor(x => x.Gender, new SelectList(new [] {"M", "F"}))
<select id="Gender" name="Gender"> 
Html.ListBox("myList", new MultiSelectList(new [] {"A", "B"}))
<select id="myList" multiple="multiple" name="myList"> 
Html.ListBoxFor(x => x.Vals, new MultiSelectList(new [] {"A", "B"}))
<select id="Vals" multiple="multiple" name="Vals"> 

The select helpers take SelectList or MultiSelectList parameters. The difference between these classes is that MultiSelectList has constructor options that let you specify that more than one item should be selected when the page is rendered initially.

Both of these classes operate on IEnumerable sequences of objects. In Table 15-6, we created arrays that contained the list items we wanted displayed. A nice feature of SelectList and MultiSelectList is that they will extract values from objects for the list items. For example, suppose that we have a class called Region, as follows:

public class Region{ public int RegionID { get; set; } public string RegionName { get; set; } } 

Now suppose our action method puts a SelectList object into the view data like this:

List<Region> regionsData = new List<Region> { new Region { RegionID = 7, RegionName = "Northern" }, new Region { RegionID = 3, RegionName = "Central" }, new Region { RegionID = 5, RegionName = "Southern" }, }; ViewData["region"] = new SelectList(regionsData, // items "RegionID",// dataValueField "RegionName", // dataTextField 3);// selectedValue 

In this case, <%: Html.DropDownList("region", "Choose") %> will render the following HTML:
在这个例子中,<%: Html.DropDownList("region", "Choose") %>将呈现以下HTML:

<select id="region" name="region"> <option value="">Choose</option> <option value="7">Northern</option> <option selected="selected" value="3">Central</option> <option value="5">Southern</option> </select> 

As you can see, the values of the RegionID and RegionName properties have been used for the inner text and the value attributes of the option items contained within the select element.

Creating Links and URLs

The next set of HTML helpers allows you to render HTML links and raw URLs using the routing system’s outbound URL-generation capabilities, which we discussed in Chapter 11. Table 15-7 describes the available HTML helpers. The output from these helpers is dependent on the routing configuration of the MVC application.

Table 15-7. HTML Helpers That Render URLs
表15-7. 呈现URL的HTML辅助器
Application-relative URL
Link to named action/controller
Html.ActionLink("Hi", "About", "Home")
<a href="http://archive.cnblogs.com/Home/About" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">
Link to absolute URL
Html.ActionLink("Hi", "About", "Home", "https","www.example.com", "anchor", new{}, null) 
<a href="https://www.example.com/Home/About#anchor" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">
Raw URL for action
Url.Action("About", "Home")
Raw URL for route data
Url.RouteUrl(new { controller = "c", action = "a" })
Link to arbitrary route data
Html.RouteLink("Hi", new { controller = "c", action = "a" }, null) 
<a href="http://archive.cnblogs.com/c/a" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">
Link to named route
Html.RouteLink("Hi", "myNamedRoute", new {})
<a href="http://archive.cnblogs.com/url/for/named/route" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">

■ Tip In every case except Url.Content, you can supply a collection of additional routing parameters to aid the routing system in generating the URL. These parameters are expressed as properties and values in an anonymous type. See Chapter 11 for further details and examples.

Using the WebGrid Helper

The WebGrid helper generates HTML to display data items in a grid format, using the HTML table element. This helper is a wrapper around a ASP.NET Web Pages control. It is a nice bonus to be able to use it with the MVC Framework but, as you will see, it is a little awkward.
WebGrid辅助器生成以网格形式显示数据项的HTML,它使用HTML的table元素。这个辅助器是ASP.NET Web页面控件的一个包装程序。这是能够随MVC框一起使用的一个很好的工具,但正如你马上看到的,它也有一点笨拙。

Describing the WebGrid helper makes it seem more complex than it really is, just because there are so many configuration options. To start with, you need a source of items to display. We have created an action method that returns a collection of Product objects from the SportsStore application we built earlier in this book. Listing 15-23 shows the action method.

Listing 15-23. Creating a Sequence of Objects to Be Displayed by the WebGrid Helper
清单15-23. 生成由WebGrid辅助器显示的对象序列

public ActionResult Grid() { IEnumerable<Product> productList = new List<Product> { new Product {Name = "Kayak", Category = "Watersports", Price = 275m}, new Product {Name = "Lifejacket", Category = "Watersports", Price = 48.95m}, new Product {Name = "Soccer ball", Category = "Football", Price = 19.50m}, new Product {Name = "Corner flags", Category = "Football", Price = 34.95m}, new Product {Name = "Stadium", Category = "Football", Price = 79500m}, new Product {Name = "Thinking cap", Category = "Chess", Price = 16m} }; return View(productList); } 

The action method passes an IEnumerable<Product> as the view model object. Listing 15-24 shows how we can display this data using the WebGrid helper.

Listing 15-24. Using the WebGrid Helper
清单15-24. 使用WebGrid辅助器

@model IEnumerable<DynamicData.Models.Product> @{ var grid = new WebGrid( source: Model, rowsPerPage: 4); } @grid.GetHtml( tableStyle: "grid", headerStyle: "header", rowStyle: "row", footerStyle: "footer", alternatingRowStyle: "altRow", columns: grid.Columns ( grid.Column("Name", "Item", style:"textCol"), grid.Column("Price", style: "numberCol", format: @<text>$@string.Format("{0:F2}", item.Price) </text>) )) 

We use the WebGrid helper in two parts. The first part is contained in a Razor code block and defines the WebGrid object. In our example, we set the source parameter to be the view model (the sequence of Product objects). These are the items that will be displayed as the rows in the grid. We have split the definition and use of the grid into two stages (you’ll see why this is useful shortly). The other parameter we have provided a value for is rowsPerPage. The WebGrid supports pagination through a multipage table.

There are quite a few constructor parameters that you can specify to define the behavior of the grid that is generated. Some of the most useful are described in Table 15-8.

Table 15-8. Some Constructor Parameters for the WebGrid Helper Class
表15-8. WebGrid辅助器类的构造器参数
Default Value
SourcenullSets the items to be displayed in the grid
columnNamesnullDefines the parameters from the data source items that will be used for columns
rowsPerPage10Specifies how many rows should be displayed on each page of the grid
canPagetrueEnables or disables paging
canSorttrueEnables or disables sorting the data when the user clicks a column

The second part of using the WebGrid helper is to generate the HTML, which we do by calling the GetHtml method on the WebGrid object we created previously. The parameters that we pass to this method let us control the way that the HTML is rendered, as opposed to the constructor parameters, which let us set up the overall configuration.

Table 15-9 shows some of the most useful parameters that can be passed to the GetHtml method.

Table 15-9. Some Parameters for the WebGrid.GetHtml Method
表15-9. WebGrid.GetHtml方法的一些参数
Default Value
tableStylenullSets the CSS class for the table element
headerStylenullSets the CSS class for the header tr element
footerStylenullSets the CSS class for the footer tr element
rowStylenullSets the CSS class for table rows
alternatingRowStylenullSets the CSS class for alternating table rows
captionnullSets the text for the caption element, displayed above the table
displayHeadernullEnables or disables the caption element
fillEmptyRowsfalseIf true, empty rows are added to the last page
previousText and
nullSet the text for the previous and next navigation links
numericLinksCountnullSets the number of pages that will be displayed in the footer
columnsnullLets you configure individual columns (see the example after the table)
htmlAttributesnullA dynamic type that specifies additional attributes for the table element (see the “Adding Attributes to HTML” sidebar for details)

The columns parameter provides a means to configure individual columns in the table. You use the Columns method to create a collection of column configurations, each of which is created using the Column method:

... columns: grid.Columns ( grid.Column("Name", "Item", style:"textCol"), grid.Column("Price", style: "numberCol", format: @<text>$@string.Format("{0:F2}", item.Price) </text>) )) 

This example selects the Name property from the source objects for the first column and specifies that the column title should be Item and the CSS style should be textCol. The second column is the Price property, and we have formatted the column so that the values are shown as dollar currency amounts.

Table 15-10 describes the parameters you can pass to the Column method.

Table 15-10. Parameters for the WebGrid.Column Method
表15-10. WebGrid.Column方法的参数
CanSortEnables or disables sorting on this column
ColumnNameThe property or field in the source object to display in this column
FormatSpecifies a Func that formats the data
HeaderSets the header text for the column
StyleSets the CSS style for the column

The output from the view in Listing 15-24 is shown in Figure 15-6. We have added some CSS styles to match the ones we assigned to the various elements in the GetHtml method.


Figure 15-6. The result of using the WebGrid helper
图15-6. 使用WebGrid辅助器的结果

You can see the WebGrid helper’s party trick if you click one of the column headers or the navigation links in the table footer. The WebGrid automatically sets up row sorting and pagination through the data. For example, if you click the navigation link 2 in the footer, the page will reload and display the next set of items.

The WebGrid supports these features by invoking the action method again, but with some additional parameters. When you click the 2 link, the browser displays this URL:


You can see that the URL includes query string values for sortdir and page. These are ignored by our action method, but detected and acted upon by the WebGrid object we created in the view.

■ Tip Bear in mind that the action method is invoked each time that the user clicks a column header or a navigation link. This means that the data to be displayed in the table is retrieved from the repository and all but the current page is discarded. If working with your repository is an expensive operation, then you should consider caching your data when using the WebGrid helper.

We like the WebGrid helper, but we don’t like defining the WebGrid object in the view—it feels like something we should be doing in the action method. To that end, we tend to create the WebGrid and pass it to the view using the ViewBag, like this:
我们喜欢WebGri辅助器,但我们并不喜欢在视图中定义这个WebGrid对象 — 感觉这是我们应该在动作方法中所做的事情。说到底,我们倾向于(在动作方法中)生成这个WebGrid,并用ViewBag把它传递给视图,像这样:

public ActionResult Grid() { IEnumerable<Product> productList = new List<Product> { new Product {Name = "Kayak", Category = "Watersports", Price = 275m}, new Product {Name = "Lifejacket", Category = "Watersports", Price = 48.95m}, new Product {Name = "Soccer ball", Category = "Football", Price = 19.50m}, new Product {Name = "Corner flags", Category = "Football", Price = 34.95m}, new Product {Name = "Stadium", Category = "Football", Price = 79500m}, new Product {Name = "Thinking cap", Category = "Chess", Price = 16m} }; ViewBag.WebGrid = new WebGrid(source: productList, rowsPerPage: 4); return View(productList); } 

Then we retrieve it in the view, as follows:

@model IEnumerable<DynamicData.Models.Product> @{ var grid = (WebGrid)ViewBag.WebGrid;} @grid.GetHtml( tableStyle: "grid", headerStyle: "header", rowStyle: "row", footerStyle: "footer", alternatingRowStyle: "altRow", columns: grid.Columns ( grid.Column("Name", "Item", style:"textCol"), grid.Column("Price", style: "numberCol", format: @<text>$@string.Format("{0:F2}", item.Price) </text>) )) 

We still define a local variable in the view, because we need to call methods on the WebGrid object when we set up the columns. There is no particular advantage of one approach over the other, but we like to keep our views as simple as possible.

Using the Chart Helper

As its name suggests, the chart helper produces charts and graphs. This is another ASP.NET Web Forms control that you are able to employ in MVC Framework applications (and are ungainly to use as a consequence). Unlike the other helpers, the chart helper produces images rather than HTML.
如它的名字一样,chart辅助器产生图表和图形。这是另一个你可以在MVC框架应用程序中采用的ASP.NET的Web表单控件(而且它笨拙地用作为一种结果)。与其它辅助器不同,图表辅助器产生图像,而不是HTML(这是为什么说它被作为一种结果使用的原因 — 译者注)。

The chart helper has many, many options and can display a wide range of different chart types and styles—so many that we are going to give you only the briefest introduction in this book. The best way to learn more about the capabilities of this helper is by experimentation. The MSDN section on MVC is pretty thin on details, but the Web Forms coverage of the Chart control is more helpful. The simplest way to use the chart helper is to define an action method that returns void, as shown in Listing 15-25.
Chart辅助器有很多选项,并能够显示各种各样的图表类型和样式 — 本书中我们要给你的如此之多,以致我们只能简单介绍。了解这个辅助器更多能力的最好办法是实验。MSDN关于MVC的内容很不详尽,但Web表单涉及的Chart控制更有用。使用chart辅助器最简单的办法是定义一个返回void的动作方法,如清单15-25所示。

Listing 15-25. Using the Chart Helper
清单15-25. 使用Chart辅助器

public void ChartImage() { IEnumerable<Product> productList = new List<Product> { new Product {Name = "Kayak", Category = "Watersports", Price = 275m}, new Product {Name = "Lifejacket", Category = "Watersports", Price = 48.95m}, new Product {Name = "Soccer ball", Category = "Football", Price = 19.50m}, new Product {Name = "Corner flags", Category = "Football", Price = 34.95m}, new Product {Name = "Stadium", Category = "Football", Price = 150m}, new Product {Name = "Thinking cap", Category = "Chess", Price = 16m} }; Chart chart = new Chart(400, 200, @"<Chart BackColor=""Gray"" BackSecondaryColor=""WhiteSmoke"" BackGradientDiagonalRight"" AntiAliasing=""All"" BorderlineDashStyle = ""Solid"" BorderlineColor = ""Gray""> <BorderSkin SkinStyle = ""Emboss"" /> <ChartAreas> <ChartArea Name=""Default"" _Template_=""All"" BackColor=""Wheat"" BackSecondaryColor=""White"" BorderColor=""64, 64, 64, 64"" BorderDashSolid"" ShadowColor=""Transparent""> </ChartArea> </ChartAreas> </Chart>"); chart.AddSeries( chartType: "Column", yValues: productList.Select(e => e.Price).ToArray(), xValue: productList.Select(e => e.Name).ToArray() ); chart.Write(); } 

We have created a sequence of Product objects to use as the data for the chart. We’ve lowered the price of the Stadium product so that it doesn’t dwarf the others when the chart is displayed.
我们已经生成了一个Product对象序列,以作为这个图表的数据。我们也降低了Stadium(露天体育场,原来的价格很高 — 译者注)产品的价格,以便显示图表时,不会使其它产品显得矮小。

We begin by creating a Chart object. The first two constructor parameters are the width and height of the image that we want to generate, expressed in pixels. The third argument is the tricky one. Almost all of the configuration options for the chart are expressed through an XML document. The underlying charting component is incredibly feature-rich. It supports 35 different chart styles, will render charts in 2D and 3D, and allows almost every aspect of the chart’s appearance to be configured. Unfortunately, all of that complexity ends up in the XML file and its hundreds of options.

Once we have created the Chart object, we can use the AddSeries method to add individual data series. In this example, we have only one data series, which is the price of the Product objects. We specify the type of the chart with the chartType parameter, and the values for the X and Y axes using LINQ to select the properties we want. Notice that we convert the results of the LINQ queries to arrays to evaluate the queries.

The critical method is Chart.Write, which produces the chart as an image directly to the response. The image that is generated by the example in Listing 15-25 is shown in Figure 15-7.


Figure 15-7. Creating a simple chart with the chart helper
图15-7. 以chart辅助器生成一个简单的图表

The easiest way to include a chart in a web page is via a partial view, which we describe in detail later in the chapter.

Using Other Built-In Helpers

We’ve covered the most widely used of the built-in helpers, but there are others available as well. These are described in Table 15-11.

Table 15-11. Other Built-in Helpers
表15-11. 其它内建辅助器
CryptoProvides access to common cryptographic hashing functions
WebMailSends e-mail via SMTP, as used in the PartyInvites application
JsonEncodes and decodes JSON data
ServerInfoProvides information about the server
WebImageLoads images and performs basic image manipulation

The reason that we haven’t provided examples of these helpers is that we don’t think you should use them. These are helpers from other technologies (such as WebMatrix and ASP.NET Web Forms) and perform operations that we think are better handled as code in the action method (the exception being the WebMail helper, which we demonstrated in Chapter 3). For example, if we need to generate JSON data, then we prefer to use the JsonResult action result type we described in Chapter 12. When we want to perform cryptographic functions, we prefer to use the extensive .NET Framework cryptographic support from within an action method.

■ Tip The MVC source code, which you can download from http://codeplex.com/aspnet, contains some additional helpers in the Microsoft.Web.Helpers assembly. These include helpers to integrate with search engines, web analytics services, social networks, and more.

Using Sections

The Razor engine supports the concept of sections, which allow you to provide regions of content within a layout. Razor sections give greater control over which parts of the view are inserted into the layout and where they are placed. Listing 15-26 shows a view that defines some sections.

Listing 15-26. Defining a Section in a View
清单15-26. 在一个视图中定义分段

@{ ViewBag.Title = "Index"; } <h4>This is the view</h4> @section Header { @foreach (string str in new [] {"Home", "List", "Edit"}) { <div style="float:left; padding:5px"> @Html.ActionLink(str, str) </div> } <div style="clear:both" /> } <h4>This is the view between the header and footer sections</h4> @section Footer { <h4>This is the footer</h4> } <h4>This is the view again</h4> 

You create sections using the Razor @section tag followed by a name for the section. In our example, we created sections called Header and Footer. The body of a section is just a fragment of Razor syntax and static markup.

Listing 15-27 shows a layout that uses our new sections.

Listing 15-27. Using Sections in a Layout
清单15-27. 在布局中使用分段

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>@ViewBag.Title</title> <link href="http://archive.cnblogs.com/a/2376540/@Url.Content(" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"> @RenderSection("Header") <h4>This is the layout between the header and the body</h4> @RenderBody() <h4>This is the layout between the body and the footer</h4> @RenderSection("Footer") </body> </html> 

We insert the contents of a section into a layout using the RenderSection helper, passing in the name of the section. The parts of the view that are not contained in a section are available through the RenderBody helper. This helper inserts content from anywhere in the view that is not contained in a @section block, which is why we mingled our Header and Footer sections in Listing 15-27 with the rest of the content.

Figure 15-8 shows how the layout and view render. You can see how the sections are extracted from the view and displayed where the RenderSection helpers appear in the layout. Notice also that the RenderBody helper has inserted all of the content that surrounds the sections.


Figure 15-8. Rendering a layout with sections
图15-8. 呈现带有分段的布局

■ Note A view can define only the sections that are referred to in the layout. The MVC Framework will throw an exception if you attempt to define sections in the view for which there is no corresponding @RenderSection helper call in the layout.

Mixing the sections in with the rest of the view is unusual. The convention is to define the sections at either the start or the end of the view, to make it easier to see which regions of content will be treated as sections and which will be captured by the RenderBody helper. Another approach is to define the view solely in terms of sections, including one for the body, as shown in Listing 15-28.

Listing 15-28. Defining a View in Terms of Razor Sections
清单15-28. 定义一个Razor的分段视图

@{ ViewBag.Title = "Index"; } @section Header { @foreach (string str in new [] {"Home", "List", "Edit"}) { <div style="float:left; padding:5px"> @Html.ActionLink(str, str) </div> } <div style="clear:both" /> } @section Body { <h4>This is the body section</h4> } @section Footer { <h4>This is the footer</h4> } 

We find this makes for clearer views and reduces the chances of extraneous content being captured by RenderBody. Of course, instead of RenderBody, we could have used RenderSection("Body"), as shown in Listing 15-29.

Listing 15-29. Using RenderSection(“Body”) to Define a View
清单15-29. 使用RenderSection(“Body”)定义一个视图

... <body> @RenderSection("Header") <h4>This is the layout between the header and the body</h4> @RenderSection("Body") <h4>This is the layout between the body and the footer</h4> @RenderSection("Footer") </body> ... 

Testing For Sections

You can check to see if a view has defined a specific section from the layout. This is a useful way to provide default content for a section if a view doesn’t need or want to provide specific content. Listing 15-30 provides an example.

Listing 15-30. Checking Whether a Section Is Defined in a View
清单15-30. 检查在一个视图中是否定义了一个分段

... @if (IsSectionDefined("Footer")) { @RenderSection("Footer") } else { <h4>This is the default footer</h4> } ... 

The IsSectionDefined helper takes the name of the section you want to check and returns true if the view you are rendering defines that section. In the example, we use this helper to determine if we should render some default content when the view doesn’t define the Footer section.

Rendering Optional Sections

An alternative to testing to see if a section is defined is to make the section optional, as shown in Listing 15-31.

Listing 15-31. Rendering an Optional Section
清单15-31. 呈现可选分段

... <body> @RenderSection("Header") <h4>This is the layout between the header and the body</h4> @RenderSection("Body") <h4>This is the layout between the body and the footer</h4> @RenderSection("Footer", false) </body> ... 

The overloaded version of RenderSection takes a parameter that specifies whether a section is required. By passing in false, we make the section optional, so that the layout will include the contents of the Footer section if the view defines it, but will not throw an exception if it doesn’t.

Using Partial Views

We often want to use the same fragments of Razor markup in several different places. Rather than duplicate the markup, we use partial views. These are separate view files that contain fragments of markup and can be included in other views.

In this section, we will show you how to create and use partial views, explain how they work, and demonstrate the techniques available for passing view data to a partial view.

Creating a Partial View

You create a partial view by right-clicking inside a folder under /Views, selecting Add → View from the pop-up menu, and making sure that the Create as Partial View option is checked, as shown in Figure 15-9.
通过右击/Views下的一个文件夹,从弹出菜单中选择“添加” → “视图”,并确保复选了“创建分部视图”检查框,你可以创建一个分部视图。如图15-9所示。


Figure 15-9. Creating a partial view
图15-9. 创建一个分部视图

A partial view is empty when it is created. We used the partial view to add a simple message to our layout. We use a partial method through the Html.Partial helper, as demonstrated in Listing 15-32.

Listing 15-32. Using the Partial Helper to Render a Partial Method(这里应当是View — 译者注)
清单15-32. 使用Partial辅助器呈现一个分部视图

@{ ViewBag.Title = "Partial Views"; } <p>This is the method rendered by the action method</p> @Html.Partial("MyPartial") <p>This is the method rendered by the action method again</p> 

The parameter we passed to the Partial helper is the name of the partial view to render. The MVC Framework renders the view and adds the content that is generated to the response to the client, as shown in Figure 15-10.

■ Tip The Razor View Engine looks for partial views in the same way that it looks for regular views (in the ~/Views/<controller> and ~/Views/Shared folders). This means that you can create specialized versions of partial views that are controller-specific and override partial views of the same name in the Shared folder. This may seem like an odd thing to do, but one of the most common uses of partial views is to render content in layouts, and this feature can be very handy.


Figure 15-10. Rendering a partial view
图15-10. 呈现分部视图

Using Strongly Typed Partial Views

You can create strongly typed partial views, and then pass view model objects to be used when the partial view is rendered. To create a strongly typed partial view, simply check the Create a strongly-typed view option and enter the view model type. Figure 15-11 shows the Add View dialog box for a partial view called MyStronglyTypedPartial, which uses an IEnumerable<string> as its view model type.


Figure 15-11. Creating a strongly typed partial view
图15-11. 创建强类型分部视图

The contents of a strongly typed partial view are as you would expect. Listing 15-33 shows a simple example. Once again, we have explicitly disabled the use of layouts.

Listing 15-33. A Strongly Typed Partial View
清单15-33. 一个强类型分部视图

@model IEnumerable<string> <p>This is my strongly-typed partial view</p> <ul> @foreach (string val in Model) { <li>@val</li> } </ul> 

This view uses a foreach loop to create list items for each element in the view model enumeration.

By default, a strongly typed partial view will inherit the view model object from a strongly typed parent view. If you don’t want to propagate the view model from the parent, or you are rendering the partial view from a weakly typed view, then you must pass a view model object as a parameter to the Html.Partial helper, as shown in Listing 15-34.

Listing 15-34. Rendering a Strongly Typed Partial View
清单15-34. 呈现一个强类型分部视图

@{ ViewBag.Title = "Partial Views"; } <p>This is the method rendered by the action method</p> @Html.Partial("MyStronglyTypedPartial", new [] {"Apples", "Mangoes", "Oranges"}) <p>This is the method rendered by the action method again</p> 

Rendering partial views doesn’t invoke an action method (see the next section if that is what you need), so the view model object for the partial view must originate in the parent view. In this example, we have passed a string array as the view model object to the partial view. The result of rendering the view in Listing 15-35 (and, therefore, implicitly the partial view in Listing 15-34) is shown in Figure 15-12.


Figure 15-12. Rendering a strongly typed partial view
图15-12. 呈现强类型分部视图

Using Child Actions

Child actions are action methods invoked from within a view. This lets you avoid repeating controller logic that you want to use in several places in the application. Child actions are to actions as partial views are to views.

You might want to use a child action whenever you want to display some data-driven “widget” that appears on multiple pages and contains data unrelated to the main action that is running. We used this technique in the SportsStore example to include a data-driven navigation menu on every page, without needing to supply the navigation data directly from every action method. The navigation data was supplied independently by the child action.

Creating a Child Action

Any action can be used as a child action. To demonstrate the child action feature, we have defined the action method shown in Listing 15-35.

Listing 15-35. A Child Action
清单15-35. 一个子动作

[ChildActionOnly] public ActionResult Time() { return PartialView(DateTime.Now); } 

The ChildActionOnly attribute ensures that an action method can be called only as a child method from within a view. An action method doesn’t need to have this attribute to be used as a child action, but we tend to use this attribute to prevent the action methods from being invoked as a result of a user request.

Having defined an action method, we need to create what will be rendered when the action is invoked. Child actions are typically associated with partial views, although this is not compulsory. Listing 15-36 shows the Time.cshtml view we created for this demonstration.

Listing 15-36. A Partial View for Use with a Child Action
清单15-36. 一个使用子动作的分部视图

@model DateTime <p>The time is: @Model.ToShortTimeString()</p> 

Rendering a Child Action

You can invoke a child action using the Html.Action helper. With this helper, the action method is executed, the ViewResult is processed, and the output is injected into the response to the client. Listing 15-37 shows a Razor view that calls the action in Listing 15-35.

Listing 15-37. Calling a Child Action
清单15-37. 调用一个子动作

@{ ViewBag.Title = "Child Action Demonstration"; } <p>This is the method rendered by the action method</p> @Html.Action("Time") <p>This is the method rendered by the action method again</p> 

You can see the effect of rendering this view in Figure 15-13.


Figure 15-13. Using a child action
图15-13. 使用一个子动作

When we called the Action helper in Listing 15-38(应当是15-37 — 译者注), we provided a single parameter that specified the name of the action method to invoke. This causes the MVC Framework to look for an action method in the controller that is handling the current request. To call action methods in other controllers, provide the controller name, like this:

@Html.Action("Time", "MyController") 

You can pass parameters to action methods by providing an anonymously typed object whose properties correspond to the names of the child action method parameters. So, for example, if we have an child action method like this:

[ChildActionOnly] public ActionResult Time(DateTime time) { return PartialView(time); } 

then we can invoke it from a view as follows:

@Html.Action("Time", new { time = DateTime.Now }) 


In this chapter, we explored the details of the MVC view system and the Razor View Engine. You have seen the different techniques available for inserting dynamic content into a view, and taken a tour of the built-in helper methods. We demonstrated how to avoid duplication by using partial views and child actions, and how to inject content into layouts using sections.

At this point in the book, you should have a solid knowledge of routing, controllers, actions, and views. In the next chapter, we delve into the M in MVC—models.
本书到了这里,你应该具备了路由、控制器、动作、以及视图的坚实基础。在下一章中,我们将深入到MVC的M — 模型之中。

posted on 2012-06-13 21:02  lucky.net  阅读(371)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报


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