12.1 控制器介绍 — 精通 MVC 3 框架

Introducing the Controller

You’ve seen the use of controllers in almost all of the chapters so far. Now it is time to take a step back and look behind the scenes. To begin, we need to create a project for our examples.

Preparing the Project

To prepare for this chapter, we created a new MVC 3 project using the Empty template and called the project ControllersAndActions. We chose the Empty template because we are going to create all of the controllers and views we need as we go through the chapter.
为了做好本章的准备,我们用空模板生成了一个新的MVC 3项目,并将之称为ControllersAndActions。我们选择空模板是因为,随着本章的进行,我们要生成所有控制器和视图。

Creating a Controller with IController

In the MVC Framework, controller classes must implement the IController interface from the System.Web.Mvc namespace, as shown in Listing 12-1.

Listing 12-1. The System.Web.Mvc.IController Interface

public interface IController { void Execute(RequestContext requestContext); } 

This is a very simple interface. The sole method, Execute, is invoked when a request is targeted at the controller class. The MVC Framework knows which controller class has been targeted in a request by reading the value of the controller property generated by the routing data.

You can choose to create controller classes by implementing IController, but it is a pretty low-level interface, and you must do a lot of work to get anything useful done. Listing 12-2 shows a simple controller called BasicController that provides a demonstration.

Listing 12-2. The BasicController Class

using System.Web.Mvc; using System.Web.Routing; namespace ControllersAndActions.Controllers { public class BasicController : IController { public void Execute(RequestContext requestContext) { string controller = (string)requestContext.RouteData.Values["controller"]; string action = (string)requestContext.RouteData.Values["action"]; requestContext.HttpContext.Response.Write( string.Format("Controller: {0}, Action: {1}", controller, action)); } } } 

To create this class, we right-clicked the Controllers folder in the example project and selected Add →New Class. We then gave the name for our controller, BasicController, and entered the code you see in Listing 12-2.

In our Execute method, we read the value of the controller and action variables from the RouteData object associated with the request and write them to the result. If you run the application and navigate to /Basic/Index, you can see the output generated by our controller, as shown in Figure 12-1.


Figure 12-1. A result generated from the BasicController class

Implementing the IController interface allows you to create a class that the MVC Framework recognizes as a controller and sends requests to, but it would be pretty hard to write a complex application. The MVC Framework doesn’t specify how a controller deals with requests, which means that you can create any approach you want.

Creating a Controller by Deriving from the Controller Class

The MVC Framework is endlessly customizable and extensible. You can implement the IController interface to create any kind of request handling and result generation you require. Don’t like action methods? Don’t care for rendered views? Then you can just take matters in your own hands and write a better, faster, and more elegant way of handling requests. Or you could use the features that the MVC Framework team has provided, which is achieved by deriving your controllers from the System.Web.Mvc.Controller class.

System.Web.Mvc.Controller is the class that provides the request handling support that most MVC developers will be familiar with. It’s what we have been using in all of our examples in previous chapters.

The Controller class provides three key features:

  • Action methods: A controller’s behavior is partitioned into multiple methods (instead of having just one single Execute() method). Each action method is exposed on a different URL and is invoked with parameters extracted from the incoming request.
  • Action results: You can return an object describing the result of an action (for example, rendering a view, or redirecting to a different URL or action method), which is then carried out on your behalf. The separation between specifying results and executing them simplifies unit testing.
  • Filters: You can encapsulate reusable behaviors (for example, authentication, as you saw in Chapter 9) as filters, and then tag each behavior onto one or more controllers or action methods by putting an [Attribute] in your source code.

Unless you have a very specific requirement in mind, the best way to create controllers is to derive from the Controller class, and, as you might hope, this is what Visual Studio does when it creates a new class in response to the Add → Controller menu item. Listing 12-3 shows a simple controller created this way. We have called our class DerivedController.
除非你在头脑中有一个非常明确的需求,生成控制器最好的办法是通过Controller类进行派生,而且,正如你可能希望的,这就是Visual Studio在响应“添加”→“控制器”菜单项生成一个新类时为你所做的事情。清单12-3显示了用这种办法生成的一个简单的控制器。我们称之为DerivedController。

Listing 12-3. A Simple Controller Derived from the System.Web.Mvc.Controller Class

using System.Web.Mvc; namespace ControllersAndActions.Controllers { public class DerivedController : Controller { public ActionResult Index() { ViewBag.Message = "Hello from the DerivedController Index method"; return View("MyView"); } } } 

The Controller base class implements the Execute method and takes responsibility for invoking the action method whose name matches the action value in the route data.

The Controller class is also our link to the view system. In the listing, we return the result of the View method, passing in the name of the view we want rendered to the client as a parameter. Listing 12-4 shows this view, called MyView.cshtml and located in the Views/Derived folder in the project.

Listing 12-4. The MyView.cshtml File

@{ ViewBag.Title = "MyView"; } <h2>MyView</h2> Message: @ViewBag.Message 

If you start the application and navigate to /Derived/Index, the action method we have defined will be executed, and the view we named will be rendered, as shown in Figure 12-2.


Figure 12-2. A result generated from the DerviedController class

Our job, as a derivation of the Controller class, is to implement action methods, obtain whatever input we need to process a request, and generate a suitable response. The myriad of ways that we can do this are covered in the rest of this chapter.

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