第11章 URL、路由及区域 — 精通MVC 3 框架

URLs, Routing, and Areas

Before the introduction ofMVCASP.NET assumed that there was a direct relationship between requestedURLs and the files on the server hard disk. The job of the server was toreceive the request from the browser and deliver the output from thecorresponding file, as follows:

Request URL

Corresponding File






File not found! Send error 404.

This approach works justfine for Web Forms, where each ASPX page is both a file and a self-containedresponse to a request. It doesn’t make sense for an MVC application, whererequests are processed by action methods in controller classes, and there is noone-to-one correlation to the files on the disk.

To handle MVC URLs, theASP.NET platform uses the routing system. In this chapter, we’ll show you howto set up and use the routing system to create powerful and flexible URLhandling for your projects. As you’ll see, the routing system lets you createany pattern of URLs you desire, and express them in a clear and concise manner.

Introducing the Routing System

The routing system has twofunctions:

  • Examine an incoming URL 1100.210 and figureout for which controller and action the request is intended. As you mightexpect, this is what we want the routing system to do when we receive a clientrequest.
    检查一个输入请求(1100.210应当是误输 — 译者注),并想象出该请求想要的是哪个控制器和动作。正如你所期望的,在我们接收到一个客户端请求时,这就是我们希望路由系统去做的事情。
  • Generate outgoing URLs. These are the URLs that appear in the HTMLrendered from our views so that a specific action will be invoked when the userclicks the link (at which point, it has become an incoming URL again).

In the first part of thischapter, we will focus on defining routes and using them to process incomingURLs so that the user can reach your controllers and actions. Then we’ll showyou how to use those same routes to generate the outgoing URLs you will need toinclude in your HTML.


Although the routingsystem is needed by the ASP.NET MVC Framework, it is intended to be used withother ASP.NET technologies as well, including Web Forms. Because of this, therouting system classes are in the System.Web assembly and not inSystem.Web.Mvc.

When you create a new MVCapplication, you will see that Visual Studio has added a reference to theSystem.Web.Routing assembly. This is a holdover from support for .NET 3.5 andhas no effect on your project. You can delete this reference if you wish.
当你生成一个新MVC应用程序时,你将看到Visual Studio已经添加了一个对System.Web.Routing程序集的引用。这是一个延期支持.NET 3.5的程序集(意即在.NET 4.0中仍用它对.NET 3.5进行支持,但对.NET 4.0的应用程序可以不用它 — 译者注),而且对你的项目没有影响。如果你愿意,你可以删除这个引用。

We focus onusing routing with the MVC Framework, but much of the information applies whenusing routing with other parts of the ASP.NET platform. Adam has included a lotof information about using routing with the base ASP.NET platforms and with WebForms in his book Applied ASP.NET 4 inContext.
我们关注于与MVC框架一起使用路由,但大量的信息,在与ASP.NET平台的其它部分使用路由时,也是适用的。Adam在他的《Applied ASP.NET 4 in Context》一书中包含了大量关于ASP.NET基础平台和Web表单使用路由的信息。

Creating the Routing Project

To demonstrate the routingsystem, we need a project to which we can add routes. We have created a new MVCapplication using the Internet Application template, and we called the projectUrlsAndRoutes. We selected this template because it gives us some ready-madecontrollers and actions.

Routes are defined inGlobal.asax. If you open this file in Visual Studio, you will see that routestake up quite a lot of this (admittedly short) file. Listing 11-1 shows theGlobal.asax from our project, which we have edited slightly to make it morereadable.
路由是在Global.asax中定义的。如果你在Visual Studio中打开这个文件,你将看到路由占据了这个文件的很大一部分(诚然,这还是短的)。清单11-1显示了我们项目的Global.asax,我们对它作了点编辑,以使它更可读。

n Note Strictly speaking, routes are defined in Global.asax.cs,which is the code-behind file for Global.asax. When you double-clickGlobal.asax in the Solution Explorer window, Visual Studio actually opensGlobal.asax.cs. For that reason, we are going to refer to both filescollectively as Global.asax.
注:严格地说,路由是在Global.asax.cs中定义的,这是Global.asax的后台代码文件(有些文章或书籍中也叫隐藏代码文件 —译者注)。当你在解决方案窗口中双击Global.asax时,Visual Studio实际上打开Global.asax.cs。出于这一原因,我们把这两个文件都称为Global.asax。

Listing 11-1. The DefaultGlobal.asax.cs File

using System.Web.Mvc; using System.Web.Routing; namespace UrlsAndRoutes { publicclass MvcApplication : System.Web.HttpApplication { protectedvoid Application_Start() { AreaRegistration.RegisterAllAreas(); RegisterGlobalFilters(GlobalFilters.Filters); RegisterRoutes(RouteTable.Routes); } public static voidRegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes) { ... routes are defined here... } publicstatic void RegisterGlobalFilters(GlobalFilterCollection filters) { filters.Add(newHandleErrorAttribute()); } } } 

The Application_Startmethod is called by the underlying ASP.NET platform when the application is firststarted, which leads to the RegisterRoutes method being called. The parameterto this method is the value of the static RouteTable.Routes property, which isan instance of the RouteCollection class.

We have deleted the routesthat are added by default from the RegisterRoutes method because we want toshow you the various techniques for creating routes and the different kinds ofroutes that are available. Before we can do that though, we need to take a stepback and look at something that is central to the routing system: URL patterns.

Introducing URL Patterns

The routing system worksits magic using a set of routes. These routes collectively compose the URLschema or scheme for an application, which is the set of URLs that yourapplication will recognize and respond to.

We don’t need to manuallytype out all of the individual URLs we are willing to support. Instead, eachroute contains a URL pattern, which is compared to an incoming URL. If thepattern matches the URL, then it is used by the routing system to process thatURL.

(上两段的含义可以这样理解:路由系统由若干条路由所组成;每条路由都有一个URL模式;一个URL模式相当于表示URL的一个公式,有若干URL与这个模式相匹配;应用程序中要定义的就是与URL模式相关的路由;对一个请求进行服务时,路由系统查看这个URL与哪个URL模式相匹配,便用这个模式对应的路由对这个URL进行处理。有点绕口,但仔细阅读应该能理解。 — 译者注)

Let’s start with anexample URL from the SportsStore application:


This is the URL that weused to access the administrator’s view of the product catalog. If you referback to Chapter 9, you will see that this URL points to the Index action methodin the AdminController class.

URLs can be broken downinto segments. These are the parts of the URL, excluding the hostname and querystring, that are separated by the / character. In the example URL, there are twosegments, as shown in Figure 11-1.


Figure 11-1. Thesegments in an example URL
图11-1. 示例URL的片段

The first segment containsthe word Admin, and the second segment contains the word Index. To the humaneye, it is obvious that the first segment relates to the controller and thesecond segment relates to the action. But, of course, we need to express thisrelationship in a way that the routing system can understand. Here is a URLpattern that does this:


When processing anincoming URL, the job of the routing system is to match the URL to a pattern,and then extract values from the URL for the segment variables defined in thepattern. The segment variables are expressed using braces (the { and }characters). The example pattern has two segment variables with the namescontroller and action.

We say match to a pattern,because an MVC application will usually have several routes, and the routingsystem will compare the incoming URL to the URL pattern of each route until itcan find a match.

n Note The routing system doesn’t have any special knowledge ofcontrollers and actions. It just extracts values for the segment variables andpasses them along the request pipeline. It is later in the pipeline, when therequest reaches the MVC Framework proper, that meaning is assigned to thecontroller and action variables. This is why the routing system can be usedwith Web Forms and how we are able to create our own variables.
注:路由系统没有任何控制器和动作的专门知识。它只是为片段变量提取值,并沿请求管道传递它们(注意,管道中传递的是 —译者注)。在管道之后,当请求恰好到达MVC框架之时,其含意(指)被赋给controller和action变量。这是为什么路由系统可以被用于Web表单的原因,以及我们能够如何生成我们自己的变量。

By default, a URL patternwill match any URL that has the correct number of segments. For example, theexample pattern will match any URL that has two segments, as illustrated byTable 11-1.

Table 11-1. Matching URLs

Request URL

Segment Variables


controller = Admin

action = Index


controller = Index

action = Admin


controller = Apples

action = Oranges


No match—too few segments
不匹配 — 片段太少


No match—too many segments
不匹配 — 片段太多

Table 11-1 highlights twokey behaviors of URL patterns:

  • URL patterns are conservative, and will match only URLs that havethe same number of segments as the pattern. You can see this in the fourth andfifth examples in the table.
  • URL patterns are liberal. If a URL does have the correct number ofsegments, the pattern will extract the value for the segment variable, whateverit might be.

These are the defaultbehaviors, which are the keys to understanding how URL patterns function.You’ll see how to change the defaults later in this chapter.

As we mentioned, therouting system doesn’t know anything about an MVC application, and so URLpatterns will match even when there is no controller or action that correspondsto the values extracted from a URL. You can see this demonstrated in the secondexample in Table 11-1. We have transposed the Admin and Index segments in theURL, and so the values extracted from the URL have also been transposed.
正如我们提到过的,路由系统并不知道关于MVC应用程序的任何情况,因此,即使在没有控制器或动作与从一个URL提取出来的值相符时,路由系统也会进行匹配。你可以通过表11-1的第二个例子明白这种情况的演示。我们在URL中传递了Admin和Index片段,因此,从这个URL提取的值也已经被传递(路由系统并不管是否有相应的控制器和动作方法— 译者注)。

Creating and Registering a Simple Route

Once you have a URLpattern in mind, you can use it to define a route. Listing 11-2 shows how tocreate a route using the example URL pattern from the previous section in theRegisterRoutes method of Global.asax.

Listing 11-2. Registeringa Route

public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollectionroutes) { Route myRoute = newRoute("{controller}/{action}", new MvcRouteHandler()); routes.Add("MyRoute", myRoute); } 

We create a new routeobject, passing in our URL pattern as a constructor parameter. We also pass inan instance of MvcRouteHandler. Different ASP.NET technologies providedifferent classes to tailor the routing behavior, and this is the class we usefor ASP.NET MVC applications. Once we have created the route, we add it to theRouteCollection object using the Add method, passing in the name we want theroute to be known by and the route we have created.
我们生成了一个新的路由对象,传递了我们的URL模式作为构造器参数。我们也传递了MvcRouteHandler的一个实例。不同的ASP.NET技术提供了不同的类来设计路由的行为,而这个(指MvcRouteHandler类 — 译者注)是我们用于ASP.NET MVC应用程序的类。一旦我们已经生成了这个路由,我们就可以用Add方法把它添加到RouteCollection对象,传递我们给这个路由所起的名字,和我们已经生成的这个路由。

n Tip Naming your routes is optional, and there is an argument thatdoing so sacrifices some of the clean separation of concerns that otherwisecomes from routing. We are pretty relaxed about naming, but we explain why thiscan be a problem in the “Generating a URL from a Specific Route” section later in thischapter.
提示:命名你的路由是可选的,而且有一种争论,这样做牺牲了路由其它方面的一些关注分离(这句可能没译好— 译者注)。我们对命名是相当宽松的,但我们会在本章稍后的“从指定路由生成一个URL”小节中,解释为什么这可能是一个问题

A more convenient way ofregistering routes is to use the MapRoute method defined in the RouteCollectionclass. Listing 11-3 shows how we can use this method to register our route.

Listing 11-3. Registeringa Route Using the MapRoute Method

public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollectionroutes) { routes.MapRoute("MyRoute","{controller}/{action}"); } 

This approach is slightlymore compact, mainly because we don’t need to create an instance of theMvcRouteHandler class. The MapRoute method is solely for use with MVCapplications. ASP.NET Web Forms applications can use the MapPageRoute method,also defined in the RouteCollection class.


We recommend that you unittest your routes to make sure they process incoming URLs as expected, even ifyou choose not to unit test the rest of your application. URL schemas can getpretty complex in large applications, and it is easy to create something thathas unexpected results.

In previous chapters, wehave avoided creating common helper methods to be shared among tests in orderto keep each unit test description self-contained. For this chapter, we aretaking a different approach. Testing the routing schema for an application ismost readily done when you can batch several tests in a single method, and thisbecomes much easier with some helper methods.

To test routes, we need tomock three classes: HttpRequestBase, HttpContextBase, and HttpResponseBase(this last class is required for testing outgoing URLs, which we cover later inthis chapter). Together, these classes re-create enough of the MVCinfrastructure to support the routing system.

Here is the helper methodthat creates the mock objects, which we added to our unit test project:

private HttpContextBase CreateHttpContext(stringtargetUrl = null, string httpMethod ="GET") { // create the mock request Mock<HttpRequestBase> mockRequest = newMock<HttpRequestBase>(); mockRequest.Setup(m =>m.AppRelativeCurrentExecutionFilePath).Returns(targetUrl); mockRequest.Setup(m =>m.HttpMethod).Returns(httpMethod); // create the mock response Mock<HttpResponseBase> mockResponse =new Mock<HttpResponseBase>(); mockResponse.Setup(m =>m.ApplyAppPathModifier( It.IsAny<string>())).Returns<string>(s=> s); // create the mock context, using the requestand response Mock<HttpContextBase> mockContext = newMock<HttpContextBase>(); mockContext.Setup(m =>m.Request).Returns(mockRequest.Object); mockContext.Setup(m =>m.Response).Returns(mockResponse.Object); // return the mocked context return mockContext.Object; } 

The setup here isrelatively simple. We expose the URL we want to test through theAppRelativeCurrentExecutionFilePath property of the HttpRequestBase class, andexpose the HttpRequestBase through the Request property of the mockHttpContextBase class. Our next helper method lets us test a route:

private void TestRouteMatch(string url, stringcontroller, string action, object routeProperties = null, string httpMethod ="GET") { //Arrange RouteCollectionroutes = new RouteCollection(); MvcApplication.RegisterRoutes(routes); // Act -process the route RouteDataresult = routes.GetRouteData(CreateHttpContext(url, httpMethod)); // Assert Assert.IsNotNull(result); Assert.IsTrue(TestIncomingRouteResult(result,controller, action, routeProperties)); } 

The parameters of thismethod let us specify the URL to test, the expected values for the controllerand action segment variables, and an object that contains the expected valuesfor any additional variables we have defined. We’ll show you how to create suchvariables later in the chapter. We also defined a parameter for the HTTPmethod, which we’ll explain in the “Constraining Routes” section.

The TestRouteMatch methodrelies on another method, TestIncomingRouteResult, to compare the resultobtained from the routing system with the segment variable values we expect.This method uses .NET reflection so that we can use an anonymous type toexpress any additional segment variables. Don’t worry if this method doesn’tmake sense, as this is just to make testing more convenient; it isn’t arequirement for understanding MVC. Here is the TestIncomingRouteResult method:

private bool TestIncomingRouteResult(RouteDatarouteResult, string controller, string action, object propertySet = null) { Func<object, object, bool> valCompare =(v1, v2) => { returnStringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase.Compare(v1, v2) == 0; }; bool result =valCompare(routeResult.Values["controller"], controller) &&valCompare(routeResult.Values["action"], action); if (propertySet != null) { PropertyInfo[] propInfo =propertySet.GetType().GetProperties(); foreach (PropertyInfo pi in propInfo) { if(!(routeResult.Values.ContainsKey(pi.Name) &&valCompare(routeResult.Values[pi.Name], pi.GetValue(propertySet, null)))) { result = false; break; } } } return result; } 

We also need a method tocheck that a URL doesn’t work. As you’ll see, this can be an important part ofdefining a URL schema.

private void TestRouteFail(string url) { // Arrange RouteCollection routes = newRouteCollection(); MvcApplication.RegisterRoutes(routes); // Act - process the route RouteData result = routes.GetRouteData(CreateHttpContext(url)); //Assert Assert.IsTrue(result ==null || result.Route == null); } 

TestRouteMatch andTestRouteFail contain calls to the Assert method, which throws an exception ifthe assertion fails. Since C# exceptions are propagated up the call stack, wecan create simple test methods that can test a set of URLs and get the testbehavior we require. Here is a test method that tests the route we defined inListing 11-3:

[TestMethod] public void TestIncomingRoutes() { // checkfor the URL that we hope to receive TestRouteMatch("~/Admin/Index","Admin", "Index"); // checkthat the values are being obtained from the segments TestRouteMatch("~/One/Two","One", "Two"); //ensure that too many or too few segments fails to match TestRouteFail("~/Admin/Index/Segment"); TestRouteFail("~/Admin"); } 

This test uses theTestRouteMatch method to check the URL we are expecting and also checks a URLin the same format to make sure that the controller and action values are beingobtained properly using the URL segments. We also use the TestRouteFail methodto make sure that our application won’t accept URLs that have a differentnumber of segments. When testing, we must prefix the URL with the tilde (~)character, because this is how the ASP.NET Framework presents the URL to therouting system.

Notice that wedidn’t need to define the routes in the test methods. This is because we areloading them directly from the RegisterRoutes method in the Global.asax class.

You can see the effect ofthe route we have created by starting the application. When the browserrequests the default URL (http://localhost:<port>/), the application willreturn a 404 – Not Found response. This is because we have not yet created aroute for this URL, and just support the format {controller}/{action}. To testthis kind of URL, navigate to ~/Home/Index. You can see the result that theapplication generates in Figure 11-2.
你可以通过启动应用程序看到我们已经定义的路由的结果。当浏览器请求默认URL(http://localhost:<端口>),应用程序将返回一个“404 — 未找到”响应。这是因为我们还没有生成用于这个URL的路由,只支持{controller}/{action}格式。为了测试这种URL,导航到~/Home/Index。你可以看到应用程序生成了如图11-2所示的结果。


Figure 11-2. Manuallytesting a URL pattern

图11-2. 手工测试URL模式

Our URL pattern hasprocessed the URL and extracted a value for the controller variable of Home andfor the action variable Index. The MVC Framework maps this request to the Indexmethod of the Home controller, which was created for us when we selected theInternet Application MVC project template.

And so you have createdyour first route and used it to process an incoming URL. In the followingsections, we’ll show you how to create more complex routes, giving you richerand more flexible URL schemas for your MVC applications.

Defining Default Values

The reason that we got anerror when we requested the default URL for the application is that it didn’tmatch the route we had defined. The default URL is expressed as ~/to therouting system, and so there are no segments that can be matched to thecontroller and action variables.

We explained earlier thatURL patterns are conservative, in that they will match only URLs with thespecified number of segments. We also said that this was the default behavior.One way to change this behavior is to use default values. A default value isapplied when the URL doesn’t contain a segment that can be matched to thevalue. Listing 11-4 provides an example of a route that contains a defaultvalue.

Listing 11-4. Providing aDefault Value in a Route

public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollectionroutes) { routes.MapRoute("MyRoute","{controller}/{action}", new { action = "Index" }); } 

Default values aresupplied as properties in an anonymous type. In Listing 11-4, we have provideda default value of Index for the action variable. This route will match alltwo-segment URLs, as it did previously. For example, if the URLhttp://mydomain.com/Home/Index is requested, the route will extract Home as thevalue for the controller and Index as the value for the action.

Now that we have provideda default value for the action segment, the route will also match single-segmentURLs as well. When processing the URL, the routing system will extract thecontroller value from the sole URL segment, and use the default value for theaction variable. In this way, we can request the URL http://mydomain.com/Homeand invoke the Index action method on the Home controller.

We can go further anddefine URLs that don’t contain any segment variables at all, relying on justthe default values to identify the action and controller. We can map thedefault URL using default values for both, as shown in Listing 11-5.

Listing 11-5. ProvidingAction and Controller Default Values in a Route

public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollectionroutes) { routes.MapRoute("MyRoute","{controller}/{action}", new { controller ="Home", action = "Index" }); } 

By providing defaultvalues for both the controller and action variables, we have created a routethat will match URLs that have zero, one, or two segments, as shown in Table11-2.

Table 11-2. Matching URLs

Number of Segment


Maps To



controller = Home

action = Index



controller = Customer

action = Index



controller = Customer

action = List



No match—too many segments

The fewer segments wereceive in the incoming URL, the more we rely on the default values. If we runthe application again, the browser will request the default URL once more, butthis time our new route will take effect and add our default values for thecontroller and action, allowing the incoming URL to be mapped to the Indexaction in the Home controller, as shown in Figure 11-3.


Figure 11-3. Adding aroute for the default URL
图11-3. 添加一条用于默认URL的路由


We don’t need to take anyspecial actions if we use our helper methods to test routes that define defaultvalues. For example, here is a simple test for the route in Listing 11-5:

[TestMethod] public void TestIncomingRoutes() { TestRouteMatch("~/","Home", "Index"); TestRouteMatch("~/Customer","Customer", "Index"); TestRouteMatch("~/Customer/List","Customer", "List"); TestRouteFail("~/Customer/List/All"); } 

The only pointof note is that we must specify the default URL as ~/, since this is howASP.NET presents the URL to the routing system. If we specify the empty string("") that we used to define the route or /, the routing system willthrow an exception, and the test will fail.

Using Static URL Segments

Not all of the segments ina URL pattern need to be variables. You can also create patterns that havestatic segments. Suppose we want to match a URL like this to support URLs thatare prefixed with Public:


We can do so by using apattern like the one shown in Listing 11-6.

Listing 11-6. A URLPattern with Static Segments

public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollectionroutes) { routes.MapRoute("MyRoute","{controller}/{action}", new { controller = "Home", action ="Index" }); routes.MapRoute("","Public/{controller}/{action}", new {controller = "Home", action = "Index" }); } 

This URL pattern willmatch only URLs that contain three segments, the first of which must be Customers. The other twosegments can contain any value, and will be used for the controller and actionvariables.
这个URL模式将只匹配含有三个片段的URL,第一个必须是Public(原文为Customers,不对 — 译者注)。其它两个片段可以含有任何值,并将被用于controller和action变量。

We can also create URLpatterns that have segments containing both static and variable elements, suchas the one shown in Listing 11-7.

Listing 11-7. A URLPattern with a Mixed Segment

public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollectionroutes) { routes.MapRoute("","X{controller}/{action}"); routes.MapRoute("MyRoute","{controller}/{action}", new{ controller = "Home", action = "Index" }); routes.MapRoute("","Public/{controller}/{action}", new { controller = "Home", action= "Index" }); } 

The pattern in this routematches any two-segment URL where the first segment starts with the letter X.The value for controller is taken from the first segment, excluding the X. Theaction value is taken from the second segment. As an example, the following URLwould be matched by the route:


This URL would be directedto the Index action method on the Home controller.


In Listing 11-6, wedefined a new route and placed it before all of the others in theRegisterRoutes method. We did this because routes are applied in the order inwhich they appear in the RouteCollection object. The MapRoute method adds aroute to the end of the collection, which means that routes are generallyapplied in the order in which we add them. We say “generally” because there aremethods that let us insert routes in specific locations. We tend not to usethese methods, because having routes applied in the order in which they aredefined makes understanding the routing for an application simpler.

The route system tries tomatch an incoming URL against the URL pattern of the route that was definedfirst, and proceeds to the next route only if there is no match. The routes aretried in sequence until a match is found or the set of routes has beenexhausted. The result of this is that we must define more specific routesfirst. The route we added in Listing 11-7 is more specific than the route thatfollows. Suppose we reversed the order of the routes, like this:

routes.MapRoute("MyRoute","{controller}/{action}", new{ controller = "Home", action = "Index" }); routes.MapRoute("","X{controller}/{action}"); 

Then the first route,which matches any URL with zero, one, or two segments, will be the one that isused. The more specific route, which is now second in the list, will never bereached. The new route excludes the leading X of a URL, but this won’t be doneby the older route, Therefore, a URL such as this:
那么,第一条路由,它匹配任何具有零、一、二片段的URL,将是被使用的一条。更特殊的路由,现在是该清单的第二条,将是不可到达的。这条新路由去除一条URL的前导X,但旧路由(指第一条 译者注)却做不到,因此,像这样的一条URL:


will be targeted to acontroller called XHome, which doesn’t exist, and so will lead to a 404 – NotFound error being sent to the user.
将以名为XHome的控制器为目标,而这是不存在的,因此,将导致一个“404 — 未找到”错误被发送给用户。

If you have notread the section on unit testing incoming URLs, we suggest you do so now. Ifyou unit test only one part of your MVC application, it should be your URLschema.

We can combine static URLsegments and default values to create an alias for a specific URL. This can beuseful if you have published your URL schema publicly and it forms a contractwith your user. If you refactor an application in this situation, you need topreserve the previous URL format. Let’s imagine that we used to have acontroller called Shop, which has now been replaced by the Home controller.Listing 11-8 shows how we can create a route to preserve the old URL schema.

Listing 11- 8. MixingStatic URL Segments and Default Values

public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollectionroutes) { routes.MapRoute("ShopSchema","Shop/{action}", new { controller = "Home" }); ...otherroutes... } 

The route we have addedmatches any two-segment URL where the first segment is Shop. The action valueis taken from the second URL segment. The URL pattern doesn’t contain avariable segment for controller, so the default value we have supplied is used.This means that a request for an action on the Shop controller is translated toa request for the Home controller. And we can go one step further and createaliases for action methods that have been refactored away as well and are nolonger present in the controller. To do this, we simply create a static URL andprovide the controller and action values as defaults, as shown in Listing 11-9.

Listing 11-9. Aliasing aController and an Action

public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollectionroutes) { routes.MapRoute("ShopSchema2","Shop/OldAction", new {controller = "Home", action = "Index" }); routes.MapRoute("ShopSchema", "Shop/{action}", new {controller = "Home" }); ...other routes... } 

Notice, once again, thatwe have placed our new route so that it is defined first. This is because it ismore specific than the routes that follow. If a request for Shop/OldAction wereprocessed by the next defined route, for example, we would get a differentresult from the one we want. The request would be dealt with using a 404 – NotFound error, rather than being translated in order to preserve a contract withour clients.
一次注意,我们放置新路由的位置,以使它先被定义。这是因为它比后面的路由更特殊。例如,如果一个对Shop/OlaAction的请求被下一条路由定义来处理,我们就会得到与我们想要的不同的结果。这个请求将被处理成一个“404 — 未找到”错误,而不是被转换以保持与我们客户的标准合同。


Once again, we can use ourhelper methods to routes whose URL patterns contain static segments.

Here is an example thattests the route added in Listing 11-8:

[TestMethod] public void TestIncomingRoutes() { TestRouteMatch("~/Shop/Index","Home", "Index"); } 

Defining Custom Segment Variables

We are not limited to justthe controller and action variables. We can also define our own variables, asshown in Listing 11-10.

Listing 11-10. DefiningAdditional Variables in a URL Pattern

public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollectionroutes) { routes.MapRoute("MyRoute","{controller}/{action}/{id}", new { controller = "Home", action ="Index", id ="DefaultId" }); } 

The route’s URL patterndefines the typical controller and action variables, as well as a customvariable called id. This route will match any zero-to-three-segment URL. Thecontents of the third segment will be assigned to the id variable, and if thereis no third segment, the default value will be used.

n Caution Some names are reserved and not available for customsegment variable names. These are controller, action, and area. The meaning ofthe first two are obvious, and we will explain the role of areas in the“Working with Areas” section later in this chapter.

We can access any of thesegment variables in an action method by using the RouteData.Values property.To demonstrate this, we have added a method to the HomeController class calledCustomVariable, as shown in Listing 11-11.

Listing 11-11. Accessinga Custom Segment Variable in an Action Method

public ViewResult CustomVariable() { ViewBag.CustomVariable= RouteData.Values["id"]; returnView(); } 

This method obtains thevalue of the custom variable in the route URL pattern and passes it to the viewusing the ViewBag. Listing 11-12 shows the corresponding view for the method,CustomVariable.cshtml, which we have placed in the Views/Home folder.

Listing 11-12. Displayingthe Value of a Custom Segment Variable

@{ ViewBag.Title = "CustomVariable"; } <h2>Variable:@ViewBag.CustomVariable</h2> 

If you run the applicationand navigate to the URL /Home/CustomVariable/Hello, the CustomVariable actionmethod in the Home controller is called, and the value of the custom segmentvariable is retrieved from the ViewBag and displayed, as shown in Figure 11-4.


Figure 11-4.Displaying the value of a custom segment variable
图11-4. 显示自定义片段变量的值


We included support for testingcustom segment variables in our test helper methods. The TestRouteMatch methodhas an optional parameter that accepts an anonymous type containing the namesof the properties we want to test for and the values we expect. Here is amethod that tests the route defined in Listing 11-10:

[TestMethod] public void TestIncomingRoutes() { TestRouteMatch("~/","Home", "Index", new {id = "DefaultId"}); TestRouteMatch("~/Customer","Customer", "index", new { id = "DefaultId" }); TestRouteMatch("~/Customer/List","Customer", "List", new { id = "DefaultId" }); TestRouteMatch("~/Customer/List/All","Customer", "List", new { id = "All" }); TestRouteFail("~/Customer/List/All/Delete"); } 

Using Custom Variables as Action Method Parameters

Using the RouteData.Valuesproperty is only one way to access custom route variables. The other way ismuch more elegant. If we define parameters to our action method with names thatmatch the URL pattern variables, the MVC Framework will pass the valuesobtained from the URL as parameters to the action method. For example, thecustom variable we defined in the route in Listing 11-8 is called id. We canmodify the CustomVariable action method so that it has a matching parameter, asshown in Listing 11-13.

Listing 11-13. Mapping aCustom URL Segment Variable to an Action Method Parameter

public ViewResult CustomVariable(string id) { ViewBag.CustomVariable= index; returnView(); } 

When the routing systemmatches a URL against the URL we defined in Listing 11-8, the value of thethird segment in the URL is assigned to the custom variable index. The MVCFramework compares the list of segment variables with the list of action methodparameters, and if the names match, passes the values from the URL to themethod.

We have defined the idparameter as a string, but the MVC Framework will try to convert the URL valueto whatever parameter type we define. If we declared the id parameter as an intor a DateTime, then we would receive the value from the URL parsed to aninstance of that type. This is an elegant and useful feature that removes theneed for us to handle the conversion ourselves.

n Note The MVC Framework uses the model binding system to convertthe values contained in the URL to .NET types, and can handle much more complexsituations than shown in this example. We cover model binding in Chapter 17.

Defining Optional URL Segments

An optional URL segment isone that the user does not need to specify, but for which no default value isspecified. Listing 11-14 shows an example. We specify that a segment variableis optional by setting the default value to UrlParameter.Optional, as shown inbold in the listing.

Listing 11-14. Specifyingan Optional URL Segment

public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollectionroutes) { routes.MapRoute("MyRoute","{controller}/{action}/{id}", new{ controller = "Home", action = "Index", id =UrlParameter.Optional }); } 

This route will match URLswhether or not the id segment has been supplied. Table 11-3 shows how thisworks for different URLs.

Table 11-3. Matching URLswith an Optional Segment Variable

Number of Segment

Example URL

Maps To



controller = Home

action = Index



controller = Customer

action = Index



controller = Customer

action = List



controller = Customer

action = List

id = All



No match—too many segments

As you can see from thetable, the id variable is added to the set of variables only when there is a correspondingsegment in the incoming URL. To be clear, it is not that the value of id isnull when no corresponding segment is supplied; rather, the case is that an idvariable is not defined.

This feature is useful ifyou need to know whether the user supplied a value. If we had supplied adefault value for the id parameter and received that value in the actionmethod, we would be unable to tell if the default value was used or the userjust happened to request a URL that contained the default value.

A common use for optionalsegments is to enforce the separation of concerns, so that default values foraction method parameters are not contained in the routing definitions. If youwant to follow this practice, you can use the C# optional parameters feature todefine your action method parameters, as shown in Listing 11-15.

Listing 11-15. Defining aDefault Value for an Action Method Parameter

public ViewResult CustomVariable(string id = "DefaultId") { ViewBag.CustomVariable = id; return View(); } 


The only issue to be awareof when testing optional URL segments is that the segment variable will not beadded to the RouteData.Values collection unless a value was found in the URL.This means that you should not include the variable in the anonymous typeunless you are testing a URL that contains the optional segment. Here is a testmethod for the route defined in Listing 11-14.

[TestMethod] public void TestIncomingRoutes() { TestRouteMatch("~/","Home", "Index"); TestRouteMatch("~/Customer","Customer", "index"); TestRouteMatch("~/Customer/List","Customer", "List"); TestRouteMatch("~/Customer/List/All","Customer", "List", new { id = "All" }); TestRouteFail("~/Customer/List/All/Delete"); } 

Defining Variable-Length Routes

Another way of changingthe default conservatism of URL patterns is to accept a variable number of URLsegments. This allows you to route URLs of arbitrary lengths in a single route.You define support for variable segments by designating one of the segmentvariables as a catchall, done by prefixing it with an asterisk (*), as shown inListing 11-16.
改变URL模式默认保守性的另一个办法是,接收一个可变数目的URL片段。这允许你在一个单一的路由中路由任意长度的URL。通过设计一个叫做catchall(全匹配)的片段变量,以星号(*)为其前缀,你可以定义对可变片段的支持,如清单11-16所示。(所谓“可变长”是指片段数可变 —译者注)

Listing 11-16.Designating a Catchall Variable

public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollectionroutes) { routes.MapRoute("MyRoute","{controller}/{action}/{id}/{*catchall}", new{ controller = "Home", action = "Index", id =UrlParameter.Optional }); } 

We have extended the routefrom the previous example to add a catchall segment variable, which is weimaginatively called catchall. This route will now match any URL. The firstthree segments are used to set values for the controller, action, and idvariables, respectively. If the URL contains additional segments, they are allassigned to the catchall variable, as shown in Table 11-4.

Table 11-4. Matching URLswith a Catchall Segment Variable

Number of Segments

Example URL

Maps To



controller = Home

action = Index



controller = Customer

action = Index



controller = Customer

action = List



controller = Customer

action = List

id = All



controller = Customer

action = List

id = All

catchall = Delete



controller = Customer

action = List

id = All

catchall = Delete/Perm

There is no upper limit tothe number of segments that the URL pattern in this route will match. Noticethat the segments captured by the catchall are presented in the formsegment/segment/segment. We are responsible for processing the string to breakout the individual segments.


We can treat a catchallvariable just like a custom variable. The only difference is that we must expectmultiple segments to be concatenated in a single value, such assegment/segment/segment. Notice that we will not receive the leading ortrailing / character. Here is a method that demonstrates testing for a catchallsegment, using the route defined in Listing 11-16 and the URLs shown in Table11-4:

[TestMethod] public void TestIncomingRoutes() { TestRouteMatch("~/", "Home","Index"); TestRouteMatch("~/Customer","Customer", "Index"); TestRouteMatch("~/Customer/List","Customer", "List"); TestRouteMatch("~/Customer/List/All","Customer", "List", new { id = "All" }); TestRouteMatch("~/Customer/List/All/Delete","Customer", "List", new { id = "All", catchall= "Delete" }); TestRouteMatch("~/Customer/List/All/Delete/Perm","Customer", "List", new { id = "All",catchall = "Delete/Perm" }); } 

Prioritizing Controllers by Namespaces

When an incoming URLmatches a route, the MVC Framework takes the value of the controller variableand looks for the appropriate name. For example, when the value of thecontroller variable is Home, then the MVC Framework looks for a controllercalled HomeController. This is an unqualified class name, which means that theMVC Framework doesn’t know what to do if there are two or more classes calledHomeController in different namespaces. When this happens, an error isreported, as shown in Figure 11-5.


Figure 11-5. An errorarising from ambiguous controller classes
图11-5. 由于多义控制器类引发的错误

This problem arises moreoften than you might expect, especially if you are working on a large MVCproject that uses libraries of controllers from other development teams orthird-party suppliers. It is natural to name a controller relating to useraccounts AccountController, for example, and it is only a matter of time beforeyou encounter a naming clash.

n Note To create the error shown in Figure 11-5, we added a classlibrary project called AdditionalControllers to our solution and added acontroller called HomeController. We then added a reference to our mainproject, started the application, and requested the URL /Home. The MVCFramework searched for a class called HomeController and found two: one in ouroriginal project and one in our AdditionalControllers project. If you read thetext of the error shown in Figure 11-5, you can see that the MVC Framework helpfullytells us which classes it has found.

To address this problem,we can tell the MVC Framework to give preference to certain namespaces whenattempting to resolve the name of a controller class, as demonstrated inListing 11-17.

Listing 11-17. SpecifyingNamespace Resolution Order

public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollectionroutes) { routes.MapRoute("MyRoute","{controller}/{action}/{id}/{*catchall}", new { controller = "Home", action ="Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }, new[]{ "URLsAndRoutes.Controllers"}); } 

We express the namespacesas a string array. In the listing, we have told the MVC Framework to look inthe URLsAndRoutes.Controllers namespace before looking anywhere else. If asuitable controller cannot be found in that namespace, then the MVC Frameworkwill default to its regular behavior and look in all of the availablenamespaces.

The namespaces added to aroute are given equal priority. The MVC Framework doesn’t check the firstnamespace before moving on to the second and so forth. For example, suppose weadded both of our project namespaces to the route, like this:

routes.MapRoute("MyRoute","{controller}/{action}/{id}/{*catchall}", new { controller = "Home",action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }, new[] {"URLsAndRoutes.Controllers", "AdditionalControllers"}); 

We would see the sameerror as shown in Figure 11-5, because the MVC Framework is trying to resolvethe controller class name in all of the namespaces we added to the route. If wewant to give preference to a single controller in one namespace, but have allother controllers resolved in another namespace, we need to create multipleroutes, as shown in Listing 11-18.

Listing 11-18. UsingMultiple Routes to Control Namespace Resolution

public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollectionroutes) { routes.MapRoute("AddContollerRoute","Home/{action}/{id}/{*catchall}", new {controller = "Home", action = "Index", id =UrlParameter.Optional }, new[]{ "AdditionalControllers" }); routes.MapRoute("MyRoute", "{controller}/{action}/{id}/{*catchall}", new { controller = "Home", action= "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }, new[] {"URLsAndRoutes.Controllers"}); } 

n Tip In Chapter 14, we show you how to prioritize namespaces forthe entire application and not just a single route. This can be a neatersolution if you find yourself applying the same prioritization to all of yourroutes.

We can tell the MVCFramework to look only in the namespaces that we specify. If a matchingcontroller cannot be found, then the framework won’t search elsewhere. Listing11-19 shows how this feature is used.

Listing 11-19. DisablingFallback Namespaces

public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollectionroutes) { Route myRoute =routes.MapRoute("AddContollerRoute","Home/{action}/{id}/{*catchall}", new { controller = "Home",action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }, new[] {"AdditionalControllers" }); myRoute.DataTokens["UseNamespaceFallback"]= false; } 

The MapRoute methodreturns a Route object. We have been ignoring this in previous examples,because we didn’t need to make any adjustments to the routes that were created.To disable searching for controllers in other namespaces, we must take theRoute object and set the UseNamespaceFallback key in the DataTokens collectionproperty to false. This setting will be passed along to the componentresponsible for finding controllers, which is known as the controller factory,and which we discuss in detail in Chapter 14.

Constraining Routes

At the start of thechapter, we described how URL patterns are conservative in how they matchsegments and liberal in how they match the content of segments. The previousfew sections have explained different techniques for controlling the degree ofconservatism—making a route match more or fewer segments using default values,optional variables, and so on.
在本章开始,我们描述了URL模式在它们匹配片段方面是保守的,以及在它们匹配片段内容方面又是宽松的。前几小节已经解释了控制保守程度的不同技术— 用默认值使路由匹配或多或少的片段、可选变量等等。

It is now time to look athow we can control the liberalism in matching the content of URL segments—howto restrict the set of URLs that a route will match against. Once we havecontrol over both of these aspects of the behavior of a route, we can createURL schemas that are expressed with laser-like precision.
现在,到了考查宽松机制的时候了,看看我们如何控制匹配URL片段内容方面的宽松机制 — 即,如何限制一条路由将要匹配的一组URL。一旦我们有了路由行为这两方面(指保守和宽松两方面 — 译者注)的控制,我们就可以生成具有激光般精度的URL方案。

Constraining a Route Using a Regular Expression

The first technique wewill look at is constraining a route using regular expressions. Listing 11-20contains an example.

Listing 11-20. Using aRegular Expression to Constrain a Route

public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollectionroutes) { routes.MapRoute("MyRoute","{controller}/{action}/{id}/{*catchall}", new { controller = "Home", action ="Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }, new {controller = "^H.*"}, new[] {"URLsAndRoutes.Controllers"}); } 

We define constraints bypassing them as a parameter to the MapRoute method. Like default values,constraints are expressed as an anonymous type, where the properties of thetype correspond to the names of the segment variables we want to constrain.

In this example, we haveused a constraint with a regular expression that matches URLs only where thevalue of the controller variable begins with the letter H.

n Note Default values are used before constraints are checked. So,for example, if we request the URL /, the default value for controller, whichis Home, is applied. The constraints are then checked, and since the controllervalue beings with H, the default URL will match the route.

Constraining a Route to a Set of Specific Values

We can use regularexpressions to constrain a route so that only specific values for a URL segmentwill cause a match. We do this using the bar (|) character, as shown in Listing11-21.

Listing 11-21.Constraining a Route to a Specific Set of Segment Variable Values

public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollectionroutes) { routes.MapRoute("MyRoute","{controller}/{action}/{id}/{*catchall}", new {controller = "Home", action = "Index", id =UrlParameter.Optional }, new {controller = "^H.*", action ="^Index$|^About$"}, new[] {"URLsAndRoutes.Controllers"}); } 

This constraint will allowthe route to match only URLs where the value of the action segment is Index orAbout. Constraints are applied together, so the restrictions imposed on thevalue of the action variable are combined with those imposed on the controllervariable. This means that the route in Listing 11-21 will match URLs only whenthe controller variable begins with the letter H and the action variable isIndex or About. So, now you can see what we mean about creating very preciseroutes.

Constraining a Route Using HTTP Methods

We can constrain routes sothat they match a URL only when it is requested using a specific HTTP method,as demonstrated in Listing 11-22.

Listing 11-22.Constraining a Route Based on an HTTP Method

public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollectionroutes) { routes.MapRoute("MyRoute","{controller}/{action}/{id}/{*catchall}", new { controller = "Home", action ="Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }, new { controller = "^H.*", action ="Index|About", httpMethod= new HttpMethodConstraint("GET") }, new[] { "URLsAndRoutes.Controllers"}); } 

The format for specifyingan HTTP method constraint is slightly odd. It doesn’t matter what name we givethe property, as long as we assign it an instance of the HttpMethodConstraintclass. In the listing, we called our constraint property httpMethod to helpdistinguish it from the value-based constraints we defined previously.

n Note The ability to constrain routes by HTTP method is unrelatedto the ability to restrict action methods using attributes such as HttpGet andHttpPost. The route constraints are processed much earlier in the requestpipeline, and they determine the name of the controller and action required toprocess a request. The action method attributes are used to determine whichspecific action method will be used to service a request by the controller. Weprovide details of how to handle different kinds of HTTP methods (including themore unusual ones such as PUT and DELETE) in Chapter 14.

We pass the names of the HTTPmethods we want to support as string parameters to the constructor of theHttpMethodConstraint class. In the listing, we limited the route to GETrequests, but we could have easily added support for other methods, like this:

... httpMethod = newHttpMethodConstraint("GET", "POST") }, ... 


When testing constrainedroutes, it is important to test for both the URLs that will match and the URLsyou are trying to exclude, which you can do by using the helper methodsintroduced at the start of the chapter. As an example, here is the test methodthat we used to test the route defined in Listing 11-20:

[TestMethod] public void TestIncomingRoutes() { TestRouteMatch("~/","Home", "Index"); TestRouteMatch("~/Home","Home", "Index"); TestRouteMatch("~/Home/Index","Home", "Index"); TestRouteMatch("~/Home/About","Home", "About"); TestRouteMatch("~/Home/About/MyId","Home", "About", new { id = "MyId" }); TestRouteMatch("~/Home/About/MyId/More/Segments","Home", "About", new { id = "MyId", catchall = "More/Segments" }); TestRouteFail("~/Home/OtherAction"); TestRouteFail("~/Account/Index"); TestRouteFail("~/Account/About"); } 

Our helper methods alsoinclude support for testing HTTP method constraints. We just need to pass theHTTP method we want to test as a parameter to the TestRouteMatch andTestRouteFail methods, as shown in this test method, which tests the routedefined in Listing 11-21:

[TestMethod] public void RegisterRoutesTest() { TestRouteMatch("~/","Home", "Index", null, "GET"); TestRouteFail("~/","POST"); } 

If you don’tspecify an HTTP method, the helper methods default to the GET method.

Defining a Custom Constraint

If the standardconstraints are not sufficient for your needs, you can define your own customconstraints by implementing the IRouteConstraint interface. Listing 11-23demonstrates a custom constraint that operates on the user-agent informationprovided by a browser as part of a request.

Listing 11-23. Creating aCustom RouteConstraint

using System.Web; using System.Web.Routing; namespace URLsAndRoutes.Infrastructure { public class UserAgentConstraint :IRouteConstraint { private string requiredUserAgent; public UserAgentConstraint(string agentParam){ requiredUserAgent = agentParam; } public bool Match(HttpContextBasehttpContext, Route route, string parameterName, RouteValueDictionary values, RouteDirectionrouteDirection) { return httpContext.Request.UserAgent != null&& httpContext.Request.UserAgent.Contains(requiredUserAgent); } } } 

The IRouteConstraintinterface defines the Match method, which an implementation can use to indicateto the routing system if its constraint has been satisfied. The parameters forthe Match method provide access to the request from the client, the route thatis being evaluated, the parameter name of the constraint, the segment variablesextracted from the URL, and details of whether the request is to check anincoming or outgoing URL. For our example, we check the value of the UserAgentproperty of the client request to see if it contains a value that was passed toour constructor. Listing 11-24 shows our custom constraint used in a route.

Listing 11-24. Applying aCustom Constraint in a Route

public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollectionroutes) { routes.MapRoute("MyRoute","{controller}/{action}/{id}/{*catchall}", new { controller = "Home", action ="Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }, new { controller = "^H.*", action ="Index|About", httpMethod = newHttpMethodConstraint("GET", "POST"), customConstraint= new UserAgentConstraint("IE") }, new[] { "URLsAndRoutes.Controllers"}); } 

In the listing, we haveconstrained the route so that it will match only requests made from browserswhose user-agent string contains IE, which includes requests from Microsoftbrowsers.

n Note To be clear, because this is the kind of thing we get lettersabout, we are not suggesting that you restrict your application so that itsupports only one kind of browser. We used user-agent strings solely todemonstrate custom route constraints and believe in equal opportunities for allbrowsers. We really hate web sites that try to force their preference forbrowsers on users.

Routing Requests for Disk Files

Not all of the requestsfor an MVC application are for controllers and actions. We still need a way toserve content such as images, static HTML files, JavaScript libraries, and soon. As a demonstration, we have created a file called StaticContent.html in theContent folder of our example MVC application. Listing 11-25 shows this file’scontents.

Listing 11-25. TheStaticContent.html File

<html> <head><title>Static HTMLContent</title></head> <body>This is the static html file(~/Content/StaticContent.html)</body> </html> 

The routing systemprovides integrated support for serving such content. If you start theapplication and request the URL /Content/StaticContent.html, you will see thecontents of this simple HTML file displayed in the browser, as shown in Figure11-6.


Figure 11-6.Requesting the static content file
图11-6. 请求静态内容文件

By default, the routingsystem checks to see if a URL matches a disk file before evaluating theapplication’s routes. If there is a match, then the disk file is served, andthe routes are never used. We can reverse this behavior so that our routes areevaluated before disk files are checked by setting the RouteExistingFilesproperty of the RouteCollection to true, as shown in Listing 11-26.
默认地,路由系统在评估应用程序的路由之前,会查看一个URL是否匹配一个磁盘文件。如果有一个匹配,那么这个磁盘文件就会被服务,于是就不会使用路由。我们可以通过把RouteConllection的RouteExistingFiles属性(该属性意为,对存在文件进行路由— 译者注)设置为true的办法,保留这种行为,以使你的路由在检查磁盘文件之前被评估。

Listing 11-26. EnablingRoute Evaluation Before File Checking

public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollectionroutes) { routes.RouteExistingFiles= true; routes.MapRoute("MyRoute","{controller}/{action}/{id}/{*catchall}", new { controller = "Home", action ="Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }, new { controller = "^H.*", action ="Index|About", httpMethod = newHttpMethodConstraint("GET", "POST"), customConstraint = newUserAgentConstraint("IE") }, new[] { "URLsAndRoutes.Controllers"}); } 

The convention is to placethis statement close to the top of the RegisterRoutes method, although it willtake effect even if you set it after you have defined your routes. Once theproperty have been set to true, we can define routes that match URLs thatcorrespond to disk files, such as the one shown in Listing 11-27.

Listing 11-27. A Route Whose URLPattern Corresponds to a Disk File

public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollectionroutes) { routes.RouteExistingFiles = true; routes.MapRoute("DiskFile","Content/StaticContent.html", new { controller= "Account", action = "LogOn", }, new { customConstraint= new UserAgentConstraint("IE") }); routes.MapRoute("MyRoute","{controller}/{action}/{id}/{*catchall}", new { controller = "Home", action ="Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }, new { controller = "^H.*", action ="Index|About", httpMethod = new HttpMethodConstraint("GET","POST"), customConstraint = newUserAgentConstraint("IE") }, new[] { "URLsAndRoutes.Controllers"}); } 

This route maps requestsfor the URL Content/StaticContent.html to the LogOn action of the Account controller.We have added a constraint to the route, which means that it will match onlyrequests that are made from browsers whose user-agent string contains Chrome.(This is a contrived example to demonstrate combining these features; we arenot suggesting you do things like this in a real application!)
这条路由把Content/StaticeContent.html的URL请求映射到Account控制器的LogOn动作方法上。我们添加了一条对路由的约束,这意味着它只匹配用户代理字符串含有Chrome(好像应该是IE — 译者注)的浏览器所发出的请求。(这只是一个人为的例子,以演示这些特性的组合;我们不建议你在一个真实的应用程序中做这种事!)

When theRouteExistingFiles property is enabled, disk files will be delivered to clientsonly if there is no matching route for the request. For our example route, thismeans that Internet Explorer users will get the response from the Accountcontroller, while all other users will see the static content. You can see theURL mapping at work in Figure 11-7.
当RouteExistingFiles属性被启用时,只在没有与请求匹配的路由时,磁盘文件才会被投递给客户端。对于我们的例子路由来说,这意味着,Internet Explorer浏览器用户将得到Account控制器的响应,而所有其它用户将看到静态内容。你可以在图11-7中看到映射的URL在起作用。


Figure 11-7.Intercepting a request for a disk file using a route
图11-7. 用一条路由窃听一个磁盘文件的请求

Routing requests intendedfor disk files requires careful thought, not least because URL patterns willmatch these kinds of URL as eagerly as any other. For example, a request for/Content/StaticContent.html will be matched by a URL pattern such as{controller}/{action}. Unless you are very careful, you can end up with someexceptionally strange results and reduced performance. So, enabling this optionis very much a last resort. To demonstrate this, we have created a second HTMLfile in the Content directory, called OtherStaticContent.html, and added a newroute to the RegisterRoutes method, as shown in Listing 11-28.

Listing 11-28. Adding aRoute to the RegisterRoutes Method

public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollectionroutes) { routes.RouteExistingFiles = true; routes.MapRoute("DiskFile","Content/StaticContent.html", new { controller = "Account", action ="LogOn", }, new { customConstraint = newUserAgentConstraint("IE") }); routes.MapRoute("MyNewRoute","{controller}/{action}"); routes.MapRoute("MyRoute","{controller}/{action}/{id}/{*catchall}", new { controller = "Home", action ="Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }, new { controller = "^H.*", action ="Index|About", httpMethod = newHttpMethodConstraint("GET", "POST"), customConstraint = newUserAgentConstraint("IE") }, new[] { "URLsAndRoutes.Controllers"}); } 

When we request the URLContent/OtherStaticContent.html, our request matches against the URL we addedin Listing 11-28, so that the target controller is Content and the actionmethod is OtherStaticContent.html. This will happen with any request for a filewhose URL has two segments. Of course, there is no such controller or actionmethod, and the user will be sent a 404 – Not Found error.
当我们请求Content/OtherStaticContent.html这个URL时,我们的请求与我们在清单11-28中添加的URL匹配,于是,目标控制器是Content,动作方法是OtherStaticContent.html。文件的URL具有两个片段的任何请求都会发生这种情况。当然,这种控制器或动作方法是没有的,于是用户会收到一个404 — 未找到的错误。

Bypassing the Routing System

Setting theRouteExistingFiles property, which we demonstrated in the previous section,makes the routing system more inclusive. Requests that would normally bypassthe routing system are now evaluated against the routes we have defined.

The counterpart to thisfeature is the ability to make the routing system less inclusive and prevent URLsfrom being evaluated against our routes. We do this by using the IgnoreRoutemethod of the RouteCollection class, as shown in Listing 11-29.

Listing 11-29. Using theIgnoreRoute Method

public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollectionroutes) { routes.RouteExistingFiles = true; routes.MapRoute("DiskFile","Content/StaticContent.html", new { controller = "Account", action ="LogOn", }, new { customConstraint = newUserAgentConstraint("IE") }); routes.IgnoreRoute("Content/{filename}.html"); routes.MapRoute("","{controller}/{action}"); routes.MapRoute("MyRoute","{controller}/{action}/{id}/{*catchall}", new { controller = "Home", action ="Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }, new { controller = "^H.*", action ="Index|About", httpMethod = newHttpMethodConstraint("GET", "POST"), customConstraint = newUserAgentConstraint("IE") }, new[] { "URLsAndRoutes.Controllers"}); } 

We can use segmentvariables like {filename} to match a range of URLs. In this case, the URLpattern will match any two-segment URL where the first segment is Content andthe second content has the .html extension.

The IgnoreRoute methodcreates an entry in the RouteCollection where the route handler is an instanceof the StopRoutingHandler class, rather than MvcRouteHandler. The routingsystem is hard-coded to recognize this handler. If the URL pattern passed tothe IgnoreRoute method matches, then no subsequent routes will be evaluated,just as when a regular route is matched. It follows, therefore, that where weplace the call to the IgnoreRoute method is significant. In Listing 11-27, weused this feature to minimize the impact of the RouteExistingFiles property bynot routing any requests for HTML files.

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