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在水晶报表(Crystal Reports)中,经常会碰到分组后,在每组之后(之前)会出现空白页的问题。其实这个问题是个小问题,但是在网络中很难搜索到解决方案。我在Google和Baidu中看了许多帖子,终于在国外某网站找到了解决方法:

In design view right click on the "Group Header", Select "Change Group" and make sure the "Keep Group together" option is NOT checked. Do this for all your groups. If you want the group header to repeat on every page make sure the "Repeat Group Header On Each Page" option is checked. Right click on the group header again and select "Format Section". Click on your Group Headers and make sure the "Keep Together" option is checked on all Grups. Click ok and that should do the trick.


posted on 2009-02-04 22:46  Leo.Wang  阅读(3645)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报