


  wdTree is lightweight jQuery plugin for present tree with nested check boxes. Features highlighted:

  • parents/children checking
  • lazy load from database
  • configurable node attributes




cascadecheck cbiconpath clicktoggle data
showcheck theme url


Boolean   Whether node being seleted leads to parent/sub node being selected.


String   Checkbox image path.


String   Whether to toggle node when node clicked.


Object   Tree theme. Three themes provided. 'bbit-tree-lines' ,'bbit-tree-no-lines' and 'bbit-tree-arrows'.

 1 data:[{
 2     id:"node1", //node id
 3     text:"node 1", //node text for display.
 4     value:"1", //node value
 5     showcheck:false, //whether to show checkbox
 6     checkstate:0, //Checkbox checking state. 0 for unchecked, 1 for partial checked, 2 for checked.
 7     hasChildren:true, //If hasChildren and complete set to true, and ChildNodes is empty, tree will request server to get sub node.
 8      isexpand:false, //Expand or collapse.
 9     complete:false, //See hasChildren.
10      ChildNodes:[] // child nodes
11 }]



Boolean   Whether to show check box or not.


String   Tree theme. Three themes provided. 'bbit-tree-lines' ,'bbit-tree-no-lines' and 'bbit-tree-arrows'.


String   Url for child nodes retrieving.


oncheckboxclick onnodeclick

oncheckboxclick(  tree,  item,  status)

Fired when check box is clicked on.

Object tree This tree object.
Object item Node item clicked on.
Number status 1 for checked, 0 for unchecked.

onnodeclick(  tree,  item)

Fired when a node is clicked on.

Object tree This tree object.
Object item Ndde item clicked on.








 1  function getck(items, c, fn) {
 2             for (var i = 0, l = items.length; i < l; i++) {
 3                 (items[i].showcheck == true && items[i].checkstate == 1) && c.push(fn(items[i]));
 4                 if (items[i].ChildNodes != null && items[i].ChildNodes.length > 0) {
 5                     getck(items[i].ChildNodes, c, fn);
 6                 }
 7             }
 8         }
 9         function getCkAndHalfCk(items, c, fn) {//获取半勾选和全勾选状态的节点
10             for (var i = 0, l = items.length; i < l; i++) {
11                 (items[i].showcheck == true && (items[i].checkstate == 1 || items[i].checkstate == 2)) && c.push(fn(items[i]));
12                 if (items[i].ChildNodes != null && items[i].ChildNodes.length > 0) {
13                     getCkAndHalfCk(items[i].ChildNodes, c, fn);
14                 }
15             }
16         }
17         me[0].t = {
18             getSelectedNodes: function(gethalfchecknode) {
19                 var s = [];
20                 if (gethalfchecknode) {
21                     getCkAndHalfCk(treenodes, s, function(item) { return item; });
22                 }
23                 else {
24                     getck(treenodes, s, function(item) { return item; });
25                 }
26                 return s;
27             },
28             getSelectedValues: function() {
29                 var s = [];
30                 getck(treenodes, s, function(item) { return item.value; });
31                 return s;
32             },
33             getCurrentItem: function() {
34                 return dfop.citem;
35             },
36             reflash: function(itemOrItemId) {
37                 var id;
38                 if (typeof (itemOrItemId) == "string") {
39                     id = itemOrItemId;
40                 }
41                 else {
42                     id = itemOrItemId.id;
43                 }
44                 reflash(id);
45             }
46         };
47         return me;
48     };
49     //get all checked nodes, and put them into array. no hierarchy
50     $.fn.getCheckedNodes = function() {
51         if (this[0].t) {
52             return this[0].t.getSelectedValues();
53         }
54         return null;
55     };
56     $.fn.getTSNs = function(gethalfchecknode) {
57         if (this[0].t) {
58             return this[0].t.getSelectedNodes(gethalfchecknode);
59         }
60         return null;
61     };
62     $.fn.getCurrentNode = function() {
63         if (this[0].t) {
64             return this[0].t.getCurrentItem();
65         }
66         return null;
67     };
68     $.fn.reflash = function(ItemOrItemId) {
69         if (this[0].t) {
70             return this[0].t.reflash(ItemOrItemId);
71         }
72     };


  1 <%@page import="cn.gx.ddyzc.domain.GxddyzcFunctionBase"%>
  2 <%@ page language="java" import="java.util.*" pageEncoding="utf-8"%>
  3 <%@ include file="/WEB-INF/tagLibInclude.inc.jsp"%>
  4 <%
  5     List<GxddyzcFunctionBase> functionList = (List<GxddyzcFunctionBase>)request.getAttribute("functionList"); 
  6 Map<String,String> functionIdMap = (Map<String,String>)request.getAttribute("functionIdMap");
  7 %>
  8 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
  9 <html>
 10 <head>
 11 <link href="wdTree/wdTree/css/tree.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
 12 <link href="wdTree/wdTree/sample-css/page.css" rel="stylesheet"
 13     type="text/css" />
 14 <script src="wdTree/wdTree/src/Plugins/jquery.tree.js"
 15     type="text/javascript"></script>
 16 </head>
 18 <script type="text/javascript">
 19 function createNode(){
 20     var root = {
 21             "id" : "###",
 22             "text" : "root",
 23             "value" : "root",
 24             "showcheck" : true,
 25             complete : true,
 26             "isexpand" : true,
 27             "checkstate" : <%=functionIdMap.size()==0 ? '0':functionIdMap.size()==functionList.size()?'1':'2'%>,
 28             "hasChildren" : true
 29           };
 30     var arr = [];
 31     <%for(int i = 0 ;i < functionList.size();i ++){%>
 32     var subarr = [];
 33     <%if(functionList.get(i).getFunctionType().equals("2")){
 34         for(int j = 0 ;j< functionList.size();j ++){
 35             if(functionList.get(j).getParentFunctionId().equals(functionList.get(i).getFunctionId())){//三级菜单
 36                 subarr.push( {
 37                 "id" : "<%=functionList.get(j).getFunctionId()%>",
 38                 "text" : "<%=functionList.get(j).getFunctionName()%>",
 39                 "value" : "<%=functionList.get(j).getFunctionId()%>",
 40                 "showcheck" : true,
 41                 complete : true,
 42                 "isexpand" : false,
 43                 "checkstate" : <%=functionIdMap.get(functionList.get(j).getFunctionId())== null ? '0' :'1'%>,
 44                 "hasChildren" : false
 45                 });
 46           <%}}%>
 47             arr.push( {
 48                 "id" : "<%=functionList.get(i).getFunctionId()%>",
 49                 "text" : "<%=functionList.get(i).getFunctionName()%>",
 50                 "value" : "<%=functionList.get(i).getFunctionId()%>",
 51                 "showcheck" : true,
 52                 complete : true,
 53                 "isexpand" : true,
 54                 "checkstate" : <%=functionIdMap.get(functionList.get(i).getFunctionId())== null ? '0' :'1'%>,
 55                 "hasChildren" : true,
 56                 "ChildNodes" : subarr
 57             });
 58         <%}}%>
 59          root["ChildNodes"] = arr;
 60      return root; 
 61 }
 62         var userAgent = window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
 63         $.browser.msie8 = $.browser.msie && /msie 8\.0/i.test(userAgent);
 64         $.browser.msie7 = $.browser.msie && /msie 7\.0/i.test(userAgent);
 65         $.browser.msie6 = !$.browser.msie8 && !$.browser.msie7 && $.browser.msie && /msie 6\.0/i.test(userAgent);
 66         function load() {         
 67             var treedata = [createNode()];
 68             var o = { showcheck: true
 69             //onnodeclick:function(item){alert(item.text);},        
 70             };
 71             o.data = treedata;                  
 72             $("#tree").treeview(o);            
 73         }   
 74         if( $.browser.msie6){  
 75             load();
 76         }
 77         else{  
 78             $(document).ready(load);
 79         }
 81         function modifyPermissions(){
 82             var idStr = "";
 83             var nodes =  $("#tree").getTSNs(true);//获取所有的勾选节点,包括半勾选
 84             $.each(nodes, function(i,value){      
 85                 var id = value.id;
 86                 if(id!='###'){
 87                     idStr += i ==1 ? id : "," + id;
 88                 }
 89             });
 90             $("#perId").val(idStr);
 91             $("#permissionForm").submit();
 92         }
 93     </script>
 94 <body>
 96     <form id="permissionForm" action="menu.do?method=modifyMenu"
 97         method="post"
 98         onsubmit="return validateCallback(this, dialogAjaxDone);">
 99         <input name="rel" value="${rel }" type="hidden" /> <input
100             name="roleId" value="${roleId }" type="hidden" /> <input
101             name="perId" id='perId' type="hidden" />
102     </form>
103     <div>
104         <div class="tabsContent"
105             style="background-color: #fff;padding-left:18%;" layoutH="50">
106             <div
107                 style=" width: 450px; height: 450px; overflow: auto; border: #ededed 1px solid;">
108                 <div id="tree"></div>
109             </div>
111         </div>
112         <div class="formBar" style="border-width: 1px;">
113                 <ul>
114                     <li>
115                         <div class="buttonActive">
116                             <div class="buttonContent">
117                                 <button type="button" onclick="modifyPermissions();">确定</button>
118                             </div>
119                         </div></li>
120                     <li>
121                         <div class="button">
122                             <div class="buttonContent">
123                                 <button type="button" class="close">取消</button>
124                             </div>
125                         </div></li>
126                 </ul>
127             </div>
128     </div>
129 </body>
130 </html>


2014-01-06 22:46:03

posted @ 2014-01-06 22:48  拔丝苹果皮  阅读(12229)  评论(4编辑  收藏  举报