numpy 的下载
| Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): ...working... done |
| Solving environment: ...working... done |
| |
| |
numpy 基本属性
| import numpy as np |
| |
| array = np.array([ |
| [1, 2, 3], |
| [4, 5, 6] |
| ]) |
| |
| print(array) |
| |
| print('number of dimentsion : ', array.ndim) |
| print('shape of array : ', array.shape) |
| print('size : ', array.size) |
| [[1 2 3] |
| [4 5 6]] |
| number of dimentsion : 2 |
| shape of array : (2, 3) |
| size : 6 |
| import numpy as np |
| X = np.arange(20).reshape(4, 5) |
| X.shape, X.size |
numpy 之创建 array
- 注意类型 dtype
- 区分 numpy 和 torch 的区别
- 32 和 64 是在精度和速度之间取舍
一维 array
| import numpy as np |
| a = np.array([2, 23, 4], dtype=np.float32) |
| print(a) |
| print(a.dtype) |
| import torch |
| a = torch.tensor([2, 23, 4], dtype=torch.float32) |
| print(a) |
| print(a.dtype) |
| tensor([ 2., 23., 4.]) |
| torch.float32 |
多维 array
| a = np.array([ |
| [1, 2, 3], |
| [4, 5, 6] |
| ]) |
| print(a) |
使用 np.zeros(), np.ones(), np.randn(), np.empty(), np.arange(),np.linspace()
| print(np.zeros((3, 3), dtype=np.int32)) |
| print(np.ones((3, 4, 5))) |
| print(np.empty((3, 4))) |
| print(np.empty((3, 4)).dtype) |
| [[0 0 0] |
| [0 0 0] |
| [0 0 0]] |
| [[[1. 1. 1. 1. 1.] |
| [1. 1. 1. 1. 1.] |
| [1. 1. 1. 1. 1.] |
| [1. 1. 1. 1. 1.]] |
| |
| [[1. 1. 1. 1. 1.] |
| [1. 1. 1. 1. 1.] |
| [1. 1. 1. 1. 1.] |
| [1. 1. 1. 1. 1.]] |
| |
| [[1. 1. 1. 1. 1.] |
| [1. 1. 1. 1. 1.] |
| [1. 1. 1. 1. 1.] |
| [1. 1. 1. 1. 1.]]] |
| [[1.22847503e-311 2.47032823e-322 0.00000000e+000 0.00000000e+000] |
| [1.22651357e-311 1.31370903e-076 6.81858644e-091 8.75703250e+169] |
| [1.52513173e-052 1.10983758e-047 3.99910963e+252 6.17134893e-062]] |
| float64 |
| x = np.arange(12, dtype=np.float32) |
| X = x.reshape((3, 4)) |
| print(id(x) == id(X)) |
| print(x) |
| print(X) |
| False |
| [ 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.] |
| [[ 0. 1. 2. 3.] |
| [ 4. 5. 6. 7.] |
| [ 8. 9. 10. 11.]] |
| x = np.linspace(0, 10, 100).reshape(5, 20) |
| print(x) |
| print(x.dtype) |
| [[ 0. 0.1010101 0.2020202 0.3030303 0.4040404 0.50505051 |
| 0.60606061 0.70707071 0.80808081 0.90909091 1.01010101 1.11111111 |
| 1.21212121 1.31313131 1.41414141 1.51515152 1.61616162 1.71717172 |
| 1.81818182 1.91919192] |
| [ 2.02020202 2.12121212 2.22222222 2.32323232 2.42424242 2.52525253 |
| 2.62626263 2.72727273 2.82828283 2.92929293 3.03030303 3.13131313 |
| 3.23232323 3.33333333 3.43434343 3.53535354 3.63636364 3.73737374 |
| 3.83838384 3.93939394] |
| [ 4.04040404 4.14141414 4.24242424 4.34343434 4.44444444 4.54545455 |
| 4.64646465 4.74747475 4.84848485 4.94949495 5.05050505 5.15151515 |
| 5.25252525 5.35353535 5.45454545 5.55555556 5.65656566 5.75757576 |
| 5.85858586 5.95959596] |
| [ 6.06060606 6.16161616 6.26262626 6.36363636 6.46464646 6.56565657 |
| 6.66666667 6.76767677 6.86868687 6.96969697 7.07070707 7.17171717 |
| 7.27272727 7.37373737 7.47474747 7.57575758 7.67676768 7.77777778 |
| 7.87878788 7.97979798] |
| [ 8.08080808 8.18181818 8.28282828 8.38383838 8.48484848 8.58585859 |
| 8.68686869 8.78787879 8.88888889 8.98989899 9.09090909 9.19191919 |
| 9.29292929 9.39393939 9.49494949 9.5959596 9.6969697 9.7979798 |
| 9.8989899 10. ]] |
| float64 |
numpy 的基础运算形式1
- 加减乘除四则运算
- 次方,np.log(), np.exp(), np.sin(), np.tan(), np.dot() 矩阵运算
- np.dot(X, Y) = X.dot(Y)
- np.min(), np.max(), np.sum(),或者是 a.min(),具有axis相当于torch里面的dim
| import numpy as np |
| a = np.array([10, 20, 30, 40]) |
| b = np.arange(1, 5) |
| print(a) |
| print(b) |
| print(a + b) |
| print(a - b) |
| print(a * b) |
| print(a / b) |
| print(a ** b) |
| print(np.log(a)) |
| print(np.sin(a)) |
| print(np.exp(a)) |
| [10 20 30 40] |
| [1 2 3 4] |
| [11 22 33 44] |
| [ 9 18 27 36] |
| [ 10 40 90 160] |
| [10. 10. 10. 10.] |
| [ 10 400 27000 2560000] |
| [2.30258509 2.99573227 3.40119738 3.68887945] |
| [-0.54402111 0.91294525 -0.98803162 0.74511316] |
| [2.20264658e+04 4.85165195e+08 1.06864746e+13 2.35385267e+17] |
| -0.8011526357338304 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| NameError Traceback (most recent call last) |
| |
| ~\AppData\Local\Temp/ipykernel_3544/373536527.py in <module> |
| 1 print(np.sin(180)) |
| |
| |
| |
| NameError: name 'pi' is not defined |
| print(b < 3) |
| print(b == 3) |
| print(b.sum()) |
| [ True True False False] |
| [False False True False] |
| 10 |
| X = np.array([ |
| [1, 2], |
| [2, 5] |
| ]) |
| Y = np.arange(1, 5).reshape((2, 2)) |
| print(X) |
| print(Y) |
| print(X * Y) |
| print(np.dot(X, Y)) |
| print(X.dot(Y)) |
| [[1 2] |
| [2 5]] |
| [[1 2] |
| [3 4]] |
| [[ 1 4] |
| [ 6 20]] |
| [[ 7 10] |
| [17 24]] |
| [[ 7 10] |
| [17 24]] |
| a = np.random.random((4, 6)) |
| print(a) |
| print(np.sum(a), a.sum()) |
| print(np.max(a), a.max()) |
| print(np.min(a), a.min()) |
| print(np.sum(a, axis=0), a.sum(axis=0)) |
| print(np.max(a, axis=0), a.max(axis=0)) |
| print(np.min(a, axis=0), a.min(axis=0)) |
| print(np.sum(a, axis=1), a.sum(axis=1)) |
| print(np.max(a, axis=1), a.max(axis=1)) |
| print(np.min(a, axis=1), a.min(axis=1)) |
| [[0.23205598 0.45702942 0.7222314 0.44218721 0.81785802 0.23866066] |
| [0.58904727 0.97667908 0.92215784 0.53217002 0.08417314 0.15867867] |
| [0.08002107 0.15370827 0.91751546 0.25644443 0.19251754 0.60799192] |
| [0.54797931 0.51718364 0.09511536 0.05141212 0.26126018 0.21689572]] |
| 10.070973737257972 10.070973737257972 |
| 0.9766790781521906 0.9766790781521906 |
| 0.05141211685368341 0.05141211685368341 |
| [1.44910363 2.10460041 2.65702006 1.28221378 1.35580888 1.22222698] [1.44910363 2.10460041 2.65702006 1.28221378 1.35580888 1.22222698] |
| [0.58904727 0.97667908 0.92215784 0.53217002 0.81785802 0.60799192] [0.58904727 0.97667908 0.92215784 0.53217002 0.81785802 0.60799192] |
| [0.08002107 0.15370827 0.09511536 0.05141212 0.08417314 0.15867867] [0.08002107 0.15370827 0.09511536 0.05141212 0.08417314 0.15867867] |
| [2.9100227 3.26290602 2.20819869 1.68984633] [2.9100227 3.26290602 2.20819869 1.68984633] |
| [0.81785802 0.97667908 0.91751546 0.54797931] [0.81785802 0.97667908 0.91751546 0.54797931] |
| [0.23205598 0.08417314 0.08002107 0.05141212] [0.23205598 0.08417314 0.08002107 0.05141212] |
| import numpy as np |
| X = np.arange(12).reshape((3, 4)) |
| print(X.sum(axis=0)) |
numpy 的基础运算2
- np.argmax(A),A.argmax(),axis : Returns the indices of the maximum values along an axis.
- np.argmin()
- np.median()
- np.average()
- np.cumsum(A) cumulation_sum 累加
- np.diff(A) 注意原本 3 X 4 --> 3 X 3
- np.nonzero(A) 非零的位置,返回元组的大小和维度一样
- np.sort(A, axis=-1) 注意参数,axis=-1表示按照最后一个维度,axis=None 表示先进行fatten在进行sort
- np.transpose(A) = A.T 转置
- np.clip(A, 5, 9) 相当于 5, 9作为上下两个阈值
| import numpy as np |
| A = np.arange(1, 25).reshape(2, 3, 4) |
| print(A) |
| print('\n\n') |
| print(np.argmin(A, axis=0)) |
| print('\n\n') |
| print(np.argmax(A, axis=0)) |
| print('\n\n') |
| print(A.argmax(axis=0)) |
| print('\n\n') |
| print(np.mean(A)) |
| print('\n\n') |
| print(np.max(A)) |
| print('\n\n') |
| print('\n\n') |
| [[[ 1 2 3 4] |
| [ 5 6 7 8] |
| [ 9 10 11 12]] |
| |
| [[13 14 15 16] |
| [17 18 19 20] |
| [21 22 23 24]]] |
| [[0 0 0 0] |
| [0 0 0 0] |
| [0 0 0 0]] |
| [[1 1 1 1] |
| [1 1 1 1] |
| [1 1 1 1]] |
| [[1 1 1 1] |
| [1 1 1 1] |
| [1 1 1 1]] |
| print(A.argmax()) |
| print(A.argmin()) |
| print(A.sum()) |
| print(np.median(A)) |
| print(np.average(A)) |
| print(np.cumsum(A)) |
| print(np.diff(A)) |
| print(np.sort(A)) |
| 23 |
| 0 |
| 300 |
| 12.5 |
| 12.5 |
| [ 1 3 6 10 15 21 28 36 45 55 66 78 91 105 120 136 153 171 |
| 190 210 231 253 276 300] |
| [[[1 1 1] |
| [1 1 1] |
| [1 1 1]] |
| |
| [[1 1 1] |
| [1 1 1] |
| [1 1 1]]] |
| [[[ 1 2 3 4] |
| [ 5 6 7 8] |
| [ 9 10 11 12]] |
| |
| [[13 14 15 16] |
| [17 18 19 20] |
| [21 22 23 24]]] |
| A = np.arange(0, 18).reshape(2, 3, 3) |
| print(A) |
| print(np.nonzero(A)) |
| [[[ 0 1 2] |
| [ 3 4 5] |
| [ 6 7 8]] |
| |
| [[ 9 10 11] |
| [12 13 14] |
| [15 16 17]]] |
| (array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], dtype=int64), array([0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2], dtype=int64), array([1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2], dtype=int64)) |
| A = np.random.random((2, 3, 4)) |
| print(A) |
| print('\n\n') |
| print(np.sort(A)) |
| print('\n\n') |
| print(np.sort(A, axis=None)) |
| [[[0.99333036 0.19783928 0.31423449 0.699383 ] |
| [0.41002294 0.67969562 0.92446068 0.3547926 ] |
| [0.85395562 0.59284106 0.68725208 0.6029742 ]] |
| |
| [[0.03314733 0.13441676 0.29763166 0.36992482] |
| [0.51003511 0.13022063 0.21054679 0.97082345] |
| [0.89280455 0.1308477 0.04494078 0.80925873]]] |
| [[[0.19783928 0.31423449 0.699383 0.99333036] |
| [0.3547926 0.41002294 0.67969562 0.92446068] |
| [0.59284106 0.6029742 0.68725208 0.85395562]] |
| |
| [[0.03314733 0.13441676 0.29763166 0.36992482] |
| [0.13022063 0.21054679 0.51003511 0.97082345] |
| [0.04494078 0.1308477 0.80925873 0.89280455]]] |
| [0.03314733 0.04494078 0.13022063 0.1308477 0.13441676 0.19783928 |
| 0.21054679 0.29763166 0.31423449 0.3547926 0.36992482 0.41002294 |
| 0.51003511 0.59284106 0.6029742 0.67969562 0.68725208 0.699383 |
| 0.80925873 0.85395562 0.89280455 0.92446068 0.97082345 0.99333036] |
- np.sort(A, axis=-1) 注意参数,axis=-1表示按照最后一个维度,axis=None 表示先进行fatten在进行sort
- np.transpose(A) = A.T 转置
- np.clip(A, 5, 9) 相当于 5, 9作为上下两个阈值
| A = np.arange(18).reshape((2, 3, 3)) |
| print(A) |
| print('\n\n') |
| print(A.clip(4, 12)) |
| [[[ 0 1 2] |
| [ 3 4 5] |
| [ 6 7 8]] |
| |
| [[ 9 10 11] |
| [12 13 14] |
| [15 16 17]]] |
| [[[ 4 4 4] |
| [ 4 4 5] |
| [ 6 7 8]] |
| |
| [[ 9 10 11] |
| [12 12 12] |
| [12 12 12]]] |
numpy 的索引
- A[1,2] == A[1][2]
- :, 0:3, ::2
- 进行 for 循环
- A.flatten() 这是列表
- A.flat 这是迭代器
| import numpy as np |
| A = np.arange(3, 15) |
| print(A) |
| print(A[3]) |
| [ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14] |
| 6 |
| A = np.arange(3, 15).reshape(3, 4) |
| print(A[2]) |
| print(A[2,:]) |
| print(A[:,1]) |
| print(A[0, 0]) |
| print(A[::2,:]) |
| print(A[::2][:]) |
| [11 12 13 14] |
| [11 12 13 14] |
| [ 4 8 12] |
| 3 |
| [[ 3 4 5 6] |
| [11 12 13 14]] |
| [[ 3 4 5 6] |
| [11 12 13 14]] |
| [3 4 5 6] |
| [ 7 8 9 10] |
| [11 12 13 14] |
| for col in A.T: |
| print(col) |
| [ 3 7 11] |
| [ 4 8 12] |
| [ 5 9 13] |
| [ 6 10 14] |
| A = np.arange(3, 15).reshape((3, 4)) |
| print(A) |
| print(A.flatten()) |
| for item in A.flatten(): |
| print(item, end=' ') |
| print('\n') |
| for item in A.flat: |
| print(item, end=' ') |
| |
| [[ 3 4 5 6] |
| [ 7 8 9 10] |
| [11 12 13 14]] |
| [ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14] |
| 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 |
| |
| 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 |
numpy array 的合并
- np.vstack() vertical
- np.hstack() horizontal
- 向量转置、矩阵转置的不同性,向量是没有办法进行transpose的
- A = A[:,np.newaxis],这个维度的变化非常有意思!
- np.concatenate可以进行多个合并,并且指定维度,axis,其实就是 shape 是改的哪个地方
| import numpy as np |
| |
| A = np.array([1, 1, 1]) |
| B = np.array([2, 2, 2]) |
| |
| C = np.vstack((A, B)) |
| D = np.hstack((A, B)) |
| print(A.shape, B.shape) |
| print(C.shape) |
| print(C) |
| print(D.shape) |
| print(D) |
| (3,) (3,) |
| (2, 3) |
| [[1 1 1] |
| [2 2 2]] |
| (6,) |
| [1 1 1 2 2 2] |
| import numpy as np |
| |
| A = np.array([1, 1, 1]).reshape(1, 3) |
| B = np.array([2, 2, 2]).reshape(1, 3) |
| |
| C = np.vstack((A, B)) |
| D = np.hstack((A, B)) |
| print(A.shape, B.shape) |
| print(C.shape) |
| print(C) |
| print(D.shape) |
| print(D) |
| |
| (1, 3) (1, 3) |
| (2, 3) |
| [[1 1 1] |
| [2 2 2]] |
| (1, 6) |
| [[1 1 1 2 2 2]] |
| import numpy as np |
| A = np.array([1, 1, 1]) |
| B = np.array([2, 2, 2]) |
| |
| A = A[:, np.newaxis] |
| B = B[:, np.newaxis] |
| C = np.concatenate((A, B), axis=0) |
| D = np.concatenate((A, B), axis=1) |
| print(A) |
| print(B) |
| print(C) |
| print(D) |
| [[1] |
| [1] |
| [1]] |
| [[2] |
| [2] |
| [2]] |
| [[1] |
| [1] |
| [1] |
| [2] |
| [2] |
| [2]] |
| [[1 2] |
| [1 2] |
| [1 2]] |
| import numpy as np |
| A = np.array([1, 1, 1]) |
| B = np.array([2, 2, 2]) |
| |
| A = A[:, np.newaxis] |
| B = B[:, np.newaxis] |
| print(A) |
| print(B) |
| C = A[np.newaxis, :] |
| D = B[np.newaxis, :] |
| print(C) |
| print(D) |
| E = A[:, np.newaxis] |
| F = B[:, np.newaxis] |
| print(E) |
| print(F) |
| [[1] |
| [1] |
| [1]] |
| [[2] |
| [2] |
| [2]] |
| [[[1] |
| [1] |
| [1]]] |
| [[[2] |
| [2] |
| [2]]] |
| [[[1]] |
| |
| [[1]] |
| |
| [[1]]] |
| [[[2]] |
| |
| [[2]] |
| |
| [[2]]] |
numpy array 分割
- np.split(A, num, axis) 只能进行等量的分割)
- np.array_split(A, num, axis) 可以尽心不等量的分割,前面的会多一些
- np.vsplit() 就是不需要 axis 参数了
- np.hsplit() 就是不需要 axis 参数了
| import numpy as np |
| A = np.arange(12).reshape(3, 4) |
| |
| print(np.split(A, 3, axis=0)) |
| print(np.split(A, 2, axis=1)) |
| |
| |
| print(np.array_split(A, 3, axis=1)) |
| A = np.arange(15).reshape(3, -1) |
| print(np.array_split(A, 3, axis=1)) |
| |
| [array([[0, 1, 2, 3]]), array([[4, 5, 6, 7]]), array([[ 8, 9, 10, 11]])] |
| [array([[0, 1], |
| [4, 5], |
| [8, 9]]), array([[ 2, 3], |
| [ 6, 7], |
| [10, 11]])] |
| [array([[0, 1], |
| [4, 5], |
| [8, 9]]), array([[ 2], |
| [ 6], |
| [10]]), array([[ 3], |
| [ 7], |
| [11]])] |
| [array([[ 0, 1], |
| [ 5, 6], |
| [10, 11]]), array([[ 2, 3], |
| [ 7, 8], |
| [12, 13]]), array([[ 4], |
| [ 9], |
| [14]])] |
| import numpy as np |
| A = np.arange(12).reshape(3, 4) |
| print(np.vsplit(A, 3)) |
| print(np.hsplit(A, 2)) |
| [array([[0, 1, 2, 3]]), array([[4, 5, 6, 7]]), array([[ 8, 9, 10, 11]])] |
| [array([[0, 1], |
| [4, 5], |
| [8, 9]]), array([[ 2, 3], |
| [ 6, 7], |
| [10, 11]])] |
numpy array copy
- b = a.copy(),仅仅是获取数值,deep copy,指向的内存单元不同了
| import numpy as np |
| a = np.arange(4) |
| |
| b = a |
| c = a |
| d = b |
| a[0] = 11 |
| print(b) |
| print(c) |
| print(id(b) == id(c)) |
| (array([2, 2, 2, 3]), |
| array([2, 2, 2, 3]), |
| array([2, 2, 2, 3]), |
| array([2, 2, 2, 3])) |
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· 【硬核科普】Trae如何「偷看」你的代码?零基础破解AI编程运行原理
· 上周热点回顾(3.3-3.9)