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// ## for ie.version < 5.5
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/*@cc_on @*/

/*@if (@_jscript_version < 5.5)
Array.prototype.pop = function() { if (this.length>0) { var r = this[this.length-1]; this.length--; return r; } }
Array.prototype.push = function() { for (var i=0; i<arguments.length; ++i) { this[this.length] = arguments[i]; } return this.length; }
Array.prototype.splice = function() { var aEnd = this.slice(arguments[0]+arguments[1], this.length); var aRem = this.slice(arguments[0], arguments[1]); this.length = arguments[0]; for (var i=2; i<arguments.length; ++i) { this[this.length] = arguments[i]; } for (var i=0,nlen=this.length; i<aEnd.length; ++i,++nlen) { if (typeof(aEnd[i])!="undefined") { this[nlen] = aEnd[i]; } } return aRem; }
Array.prototype.unshift = function() { var aEnd = this.slice(0, this.length); this.length = 0; for (var i=0; i<arguments.length; ++i) { this[this.length] = arguments[i]; } for (var i=0,nlen=this.length; i<aEnd.length; ++i,++nlen) { if (typeof(aEnd[i])!="undefined") { this[nlen] = aEnd[i]; } } return this; }
// ########################################################

// 生成 [0, nMax) 的随机整数
Math.randomInt = function(nMax) { return parseInt(Math.random()*nMax); };

Array.prototype.find = function(e) { for (var i=0; i<this.length; ++i) { if (this[i]==e) { return i; } } return null; };
Array.prototype.findmul = function(e) { var a = []; for (var i=0; i<this.length; ++i) { if (this[i]==e) { a.push(i); } } return a; };
Array.prototype.find_if = function(fnEQ) { for (var i=0; i<this.length; ++i) { if (fnEQ(this[i])) { return i; } } return null; };
Array.prototype.findmul_if = function(fnEQ) { var a = []; for (var i=0; i<this.length; ++i) { if (fnEQ(this[i])) { a.push(i); } } return a; };
Array.prototype.push_not = function(e) { if (this.find(e)==null) { return this.push(e); } return null; };
Array.prototype.push_not_if = function(e, fnEQ) { if (this.find_if(fnEQ)==null) { return this.push(e); } return null; };
Array.prototype.remove = function(e) { var a = this.findmul(e); for (var i=a.length-1; i>=0; --i) { this.splice(a[i], 1); } return a.length; };
Array.prototype.remove_if = function(fnEQ) { var a = this.findmul_if(fnEQ); for (var i=a.length-1; i>=0; --i) { this.splice(a[i], 1); } return a.length; };
Array.prototype.transform = function(fnOp) { for (var i=0; i<this.length; ++i) { this[i] = fnOp(this[i]); } return this; };

RegExp.showCharSet = /[\x00-\x09\x0B-\x0C\x0E-\x1F\x80-\xFF]/g;

String.prototype.chsetReplace = function() { return this.replace(RegExp.showCharSet , "?"); };
String.prototype.chsetAlert = function(v) { if (!this.chsetCheck()) { alert((v?v+"中":"")+'请不要使用"'+this.match(RegExp.showCharSet).toString()+'" 等字符。'); return false; }else{ return true; } };
String.prototype.chsetCheck = function() { return !this.match(RegExp.showCharSet); };
String.prototype.between = function(b, e) { var bp = this.indexOf(b); if (bp==-1) { return (""); } bp += b.length; var ep = this.indexOf(e, bp); if (ep==-1) { return (""); } return this.substr(bp, ep-bp); };
String.prototype.replaceAll = function(s, t) { return this.split(s).join(t); };
String.prototype.asclen = function() { return this.replace(/[\u0100-\uffff]/g, " ").length; };
String.prototype.asccut = function(n) { var i = 0; while (n>0 && i<this.length) { n -= this.charCodeAt(i)>=256 ? 2 : 1; i += (n>=0); } return this.substr(0, i); };
//String.prototype.escHtmlEp = function() { return this.replace(/[&'"<>\/\\\-\x00-\x1f\x80-\xff]/g, function(r){ return "&#"+r.charCodeAt(0)+";" }); };
//用做过滤HTML标签里面的东东 比如这个例子里的<input value="XXXX"> XXXX就是要过滤的
String.prototype.escHtmlEp = function() { return this.replace(/[&'"<>\/\\\-\x00-\x1f\x80-\xff]/g, function(r){ return "&#"+r.charCodeAt(0)+";" }); };
//String.prototype.escHtml = function() { return this.replace(/[&'"<>\/\\\-\x00-\x09\x0b-\x0c\x1f\x80-\xff]/g, function(r){ return "&#"+r.charCodeAt(0)+";" }).replace(/\r\n/g, "<BR>").replace(/\n/g, "<BR>").replace(/\r/g, "<BR>").replace(/ /g, "&nbsp;"); };
String.prototype.escHtml = function() { return this.replace(/[&'"<>\/\\\-\x00-\x09\x0b-\x0c\x1f\x80-\xff]/g, function(r){ return "&#"+r.charCodeAt(0)+";" }).replace(/\r\n/g, "<BR>").replace(/\n/g, "<BR>").replace(/\r/g, "<BR>").replace(/ /g, "&nbsp;"); };
//String.prototype.escScript = function() { return this.replace(/[\\"']/g, function(r){ return "\\"+r; }).replace(/%/g, "\\x25").replace(/\n/g, "\\n").replace(/\r/g, "\\r").replace(/\x01/g, "\\x01"); };
String.prototype.escScript = function() { return this.replace(/[\\"']/g, function(r){ return "\\"+r; }).replace(/%/g, "\\x25").replace(/\n/g, "\\n").replace(/\r/g, "\\r").replace(/\x01/g, "\\x01"); };
//String.prototype.escUrl = function() { return escape(this).replace(/\+/g, "%2B"); };
//用做过滤直接URL参数里的 比如 http://show8.qq.com/abc_cgi?a=XXX XXX就是要过滤的
String.prototype.escUrl = function() { return escape(this).replace(/\+/g, "%2B"); };
//String.prototype.escMiniUrl = function() { return this.replace(/[\x00-\xff]/g, escape).replace(/\+/g, "%2B"); };
String.prototype.escMiniUrl = function() { return this.replace(/%/g, "%25"); };
//String.prototype.escHrefScript = function() { return this.escScript().escMiniUrl().escHtmlEp(); };
//用做过滤直接放到<a href="javascript:XXXX" mce_href="javascript:XXXX">中的
String.prototype.escHrefScript = function() { return this.escScript().escMiniUrl().escHtmlEp(); };
//String.prototype.escRegexp = function() { return this.replace(/[\\\^\$\*\+\?\{\}\.\(\)\[\]]/g, function(a,b){ return "\\"+a; }); };
String.prototype.escRegexp = function() { return this.replace(/[\\\^\$\*\+\?\{\}\.\(\)\[\]]/g, function(a,b){ return "\\"+a; }); };
String.prototype.escape = function() { return escape(this); };
String.prototype.unescape = function() { return unescape(this); };
Date.prototype.format = function(v) { var a={"Y":this.getFullYear(), "m":LENFix(this.getMonth()+1, 2), "d":LENFix(this.getDate(), 2), "H":LENFix(this.getHours(), 2), "M":LENFix(this.getMinutes(), 2), "S":LENFix(this.getSeconds(), 2)}; return v.replace(/%[YmdHMS]/g, function(v){ return (a[v.substr(1)]); }); };


<a href="http://search.msn.com/results.aspx?q1=[Un-trusted-input]& q2=[Un-trusted-input]">Click Here!</a>
function UriComponentEncode(sStr)
 sStr = encodeURIComponent(sStr);
 sStr = sStr.replace(/~/g,"%7E");
 sStr = sStr.replace(/!/g,"%21");
 sStr = sStr.replace(/\*/g,"%2A");
 sStr = sStr.replace(/\(/g,"%28");
 sStr = sStr.replace(/\)/g,"%29");
 sStr = sStr.replace(/'/g,"%27");
 sStr = sStr.replace(/\?/g,"%3F");
 sStr = sStr.replace(/;/g,"%3B");
 return sStr;

// 注:以下所有转义(包括对应的对象方法)都是直接填充模板时使用,不一定适用于属性设置
function escUrl(v) { return v.escUrl(); };
function escHtml(v) { return v.escHtml(); };
function escHtmlEp(v) { return v.escHtmlEp(); };
function escScript(v) { return v.escScript(); };
function escHrefScript(v) { return v.escHrefScript(); };

function toExpTime(v , sFmt)
 if (isNaN(v) ) return 0;
 var nM = truncate (v / 2678400 , 1);




 var nD = truncate (v / 86400 , 1);
 if(!sFmt || sFmt == "M")
 if( nM >= 1)
 return nM + "个月";
 return parseInt(nD) + " 天 ";
 } else {
 return parseInt(nD) + " 天 ";

function truncate (nVal, nNum)
 var nRet = null;
 if (nVal==0 || nNum==0)
 return 0;
 nVal = 1 * nVal;
 nNum = 1 * nNum;
 if (isNaN(nVal) || isNaN(nNum))
 nRet = 0;
 else if (nNum >= 0 && nNum <= 18)
 var strX = nVal.toString();
 var arrX = strX.split(".");
 if ( arrX[1] )
 if (arrX[1].length > nNum)
 arrX[1] = arrX[1].substr(0, nNum);
 strX = arrX.join(".");
 strX = arrX[0];
 nRet = parseFloat(strX);
 nRet = 0;
 nRet = 0;

 return nRet;
// ########################################################

function DebugMessage(v)
 return "["+v.toString()+"]";

// ########################################################

// var _Prm = new PARAM("a=1&b=2", "&", "="); var a = _Prm["a"]; var b = _Prm["b"]
function PARAM(valPairs, elemSep, pairSep)
 if (valPairs)
 var aElem = valPairs.toString().split(elemSep);
 for (var i=0; i<aElem.length; ++i)
 var aPair = aElem[i].split(pairSep);
 (aPair.length>1) && (this[aPair[0]] = unescape(aPair[1]));

// var a = getParam("a=1&b=2", "a", "&", "=");
function getParam(valPairs, sName, elemSep, pairSep)
 var xParam = new PARAM(valPairs, elemSep, pairSep);
 return xParam[sName] ? xParam[sName] : "";

// var sParam = setParam("a=1", "b", "2");
function setParam(valPairs, n, v)
 valPairs = valPairs.toString();
 n = n.toString();
 v = v.toString().escUrl();
 var r = new RegExp("(^|\\W)"+n+"=[^&]*", "g");
 return (valPairs.match(r)) ? valPairs.replace(r, "$1"+n+"="+v) : valPairs+(valPairs ? "&" : "")+n+"="+v;

// var sParam = getURLParam("a", "http://w.w.w/?a=1&b=2);
function getURLParam(sName, sUrl)
 (!sUrl) && (sUrl = window.location.href);
 sUrl = sUrl.toString();
 var nIndex = sUrl.indexOf("?");
 return (nIndex>=0) ? getParam(sUrl.substr(nIndex+1), sName, "&", "=") : "";

// var sUrl = setURLParam("http://w.w.w/?a=1", "b", "2");
function setURLParam(u, n, v)
 u = u.toString();
 n = n.toString();
 v = v.toString().escUrl();
 var r = new RegExp("(^|\\W)"+n+"=[^&]*", "g");

 return (u.match(r)) ? u.replace(r, "$1"+n+"="+v) : u+(u.indexOf("?")==-1 ? "?" : "&")+n+"="+v;

// var sParam = getHashParam("b", window.location);
function getHashParam(n, l)
 l || (l=window.location);
 return l.hash ? getParam(unescape(l.hash.substr(1)), n, "&", "=") : "";

// setHashParam("b", "2", window.location);
function setHashParam(n, v, l)
 l || (l=window.location);
 v = v.toString().escUrl();
 var u = unescape(l.hash.substr(1));
 var r = new RegExp("(^|\\W)"+n+"=[^&]*", "g");
 l.hash = escape((u.match(r)) ? u.replace(r, "$1"+n+"="+v) : u+(u.length ? "&" : "")+n+"="+v);

// ########################################################

// ---- DO NOT call this function in applications ----
function setCookie(sName, sValue, nExpireSec, sDomain, sPath) { var sCookie = sName+"="+escape(sValue)+";"; if (nExpireSec) { var oDate = new Date(); oDate.setTime(oDate.getTime()+parseInt(nExpireSec)*1000); sCookie += "expires="+oDate.toUTCString()+";"; } if (sDomain) { sCookie += "domain="+sDomain+";"; } if (sPath) { sCookie += "path="+sPath+";" } document.cookie = sCookie; };

// ########################################################

function getCookie(sName)
 return getParam(document.cookie, sName, "; ", "=");

function QQCookie(sName, sValue, nExpSec)
 setCookie(sName, sValue, nExpSec, "qq.com", "/");

function QSCookie(sName, sValue, nExpSec)
 setCookie(sName, sValue, nExpSec, "show8.qq.com", "/");

// ########################################################

// 检查是否可信任URL
function CheckUrlCredit(sUrl)
 //return sUrl.match(/^https{0,1}:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9_\-.]+.qq.com(\/|$)/) ? true : sUrl.charAt(0)=="/" ? true : false;
 return (/^(https?:\/\/)?[\w\-.]+\.(qq|paipai|soso|taotao)\.com($|\/|\\)/i).test(sUrl)||(/^[\w][\w\/\.\-_%]+$/i).test(sUrl)||(/^[\/\\][^\/\\]/i).test(sUrl) ? true : false;

// ########################################################

function _MSIE() { return (window.navigator.appName.toUpperCase().indexOf("MICROSOFT")>=0); };

function _FireFox() { return (window.navigator.appName.toUpperCase().indexOf("NETSCAPE")>=0); };

function _MSIEUSERDATA()
 function _USERData(oObj, sName, sCookie)
 this._Object = oObj;
 this._svName = sName;
 this._Cookie = sCookie;


 if (!getCookie(this._Cookie) || parseInt(this._Object.getAttribute(this._Cookie)) < parseInt(getCookie(this._Cookie)))

 if (!getCookie(this._Cookie))
 QSCookie(this._Cookie, new Date().getTime());
 _USERData.prototype.expiresDiscard = function()
 this._Object.expires = new Date(new Date().getTime()-365*86400000).toUTCString();
 this._Object.expires = new Date(new Date().getTime()+365*86400000).toUTCString();

 // ########################################################
 var _userData_ = null;
 // ########################################################

 window.getUserData = function(sName)
 if (!_userData_)
 _userData_ = new _USERData(document.documentElement, "QQSHOW", "QSUDTMmilliSeconds");
 return _userData_._Object.getAttribute(sName);
 window.setUserData = function(sName, sValue)
 if (!_userData_)
 _userData_ = new _USERData(document.documentElement, "QQSHOW", "QSUDTMmilliSeconds");
 _userData_._Object.setAttribute(sName, sValue);
 _userData_._Object.setAttribute(_userData_._Cookie, new Date().getTime());

function _FF2XUSERDATA()
 window.getUserData = function(sName)
 return window.sessionStorage.getItem(sName);
 window.setUserData = function(sName, sValue)
 return window.sessionStorage.setItem(sName, sValue);

function _NOUSERDATA()
 window.getUserData = function(sName)
 return alert("your browser does not support this feature.\nwe suggest you to use Internet Explorer 5.0+ or Firefox 2.0+");
 window.setUserData = function(sName, sValue)
 return alert("your browser does not support this feature.\nwe suggest you to use Internet Explorer 5.0+ or Firefox 2.0+");

// ########################################################
_MSIE() ? _MSIEUSERDATA() : (window.sessionStorage) ? _FF2XUSERDATA() : _NOUSERDATA();
// ########################################################

// ########################################################

function XMLREQ(fnCall, fnFail)
 this._XmlREQ = (window.XMLHttpRequest) ? (new XMLHttpRequest()) : (window.ActiveXObject) ? ((function(){try{return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");}catch(e){return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")};})()) : null;
 var this__XmlREQ = this._XmlREQ;
 this._XmlREQ.onreadystatechange = function() { if (this__XmlREQ.readyState==4) { this__XmlREQ.status==200 ? (fnCall ? fnCall(this__XmlREQ) : null) : (fnFail ? fnFail(this__XmlREQ) : null); } };
XMLREQ.prototype.open = function(sUrl,type)
 var aDat = sUrl.split("?");
 this._XmlREQ.open("POST", aDat[0], type);
 aDat[1] && this._XmlREQ.setRequestHeader("Content-length", aDat[1].length);
 this._XmlREQ.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
 this._XmlREQ.setRequestHeader("If-Modified-Since", "0");
 this._XmlREQ.send(aDat[1] ? aDat[1] : null);
XMLREQ.prototype.close = function()

// ########################################################

// 用户基本信存取 所有用户基本信息请以本功能实现

window.QUSER = {};
window.QUSER.getInfo = function(sName)
 var sData = getCookie("QSUSRINF");
 var oParam = new PARAM(sData, "&", "=");
 return oParam[sName] ? oParam[sName] : "";
window.QUSER.setInfo = function(sName, sValue)
 var sData = getCookie("QSUSRINF");
 QSCookie("QSUSRINF", setParam(sData, sName, sValue));
window.QUSER.getAvSex = function()
 var sSex = QUSER.getInfo("avsex");
 if(sSex.length == 0)
 {QUSER.setInfo("avsex","F");return "F";}
 else return sSex;
window.QUSER.getStyle = function()
 var sStyle = QUSER.getInfo("style");
 if(sStyle.length == 0)
 {QUSER.setInfo("style","1");return 1;}
 else return parseInt(sStyle);
// ########################################################

// 请求XML并以回调函数处理请求成功及失败的情况
// function fnCall(xmlReq){} function fnFail(xmlReq){}
function getXml(sUrl, fnCall, fnFail, type)
 var xmlReq = new XMLREQ(fnCall , fnFail);
 return xmlReq;

// 请求XML并以回调函数处理请求失败及逻辑返回成功失败的情况
// function fnSucc(xmlDoc){} function fnFail(xmlDoc){} function fnError(xmlReq){}
function getQQSHOWXml(sUrl, fnSucc, fnFail, fnError)
 function fnCall(xmlReq)
 var xmlDoc = xmlReq.responseXML;
 (xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("QQSHOW")[0].getAttribute("code")==0) ? (fnSucc ? fnSucc(xmlDoc) : null) : (fnFail ? fnFail(xmlDoc) : null);
 return getXml(sUrl, fnCall, fnError,true);

function getQQSHOWSyncXml(sUrl, fnSucc, fnFail, fnError)
 function fnCall(xmlReq)
 var xmlDoc = xmlReq.responseXML;
 (xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("QQSHOW")[0].getAttribute("code")==0) ? (fnSucc ? fnSucc(xmlDoc) : null) : (fnFail ? fnFail(xmlDoc) : null);
 return getXml(sUrl, fnCall, fnError,false);

// 以mapName映射规则用XML节点内容替换字符串
// mapName = [[xmlName, htmlName(, fnTrans(xmlValue))](, ...)]
function replaceHtmlWithXml(xmlNode, sHtml, mapName, iAbsIndex, iRltIndex)
 var eData = {"@abs(I)":iAbsIndex && iAbsIndex.toString() || "0", "@rlt(I)":iRltIndex && iRltIndex.toString() || "0"};
 for (var i=0; i<mapName.length; ++i)
 var vData = (mapName[i][0].constructor!=Array) ? (eData[mapName[i][0]]||xmlNode.getAttribute(mapName[i][0])) : ([].concat(mapName[i][0]).transform(function(v){ return (eData[v]||xmlNode.getAttribute(v)); }));
 sHtml = sHtml.replace(new RegExp(mapName[i][1].escRegexp(), "g"), (mapName[i][2] ? mapName[i][2](vData) : vData).toString().replace(/\$/g, "$$$$"));
 return sHtml;

// 以XML内容替换并显示HTML文档
// sHtml = "<%--HD--%>...<%--LB--%>...<%--EB--%>...<%--EE--%>...<%--LE--%>...<%--TL--%>";
function showQQSHOWXmlNode(xmlDoc, oParent, xmlNodeName, sHtml, mapName, bi, ei, ne)
 var xmlNode = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName(xmlNodeName);
 (!bi || bi<0) && (bi=0);
 (!ei || ei<0) && (ei=xmlNode.length);
 (!ne || ne<0) && (ne=1);
 var sHtmlHd = sHtml.between("<%--HD--%>", "<%--LB--%>");
 var sHtmlTl = sHtml.between("<%--LE--%>", "<%--TL--%>");
 var sHtmlLB = sHtml.between("<%--LB--%>", "<%--EB--%>");
 var sHtmlLE = sHtml.between("<%--EE--%>", "<%--LE--%>");
 var sHtmlEM = sHtml.between("<%--EB--%>", "<%--EE--%>");
 var aHtml = [];
 for (var i=bi; i<ei; i+=ne)
 for (var n=0; n<Math.min(ei-i, ne); ++n)
 aHtml.push(replaceHtmlWithXml(xmlNode[i+n], sHtmlEM, mapName, i+n, i-bi+n));
 oParent.innerHTML = sHtmlHd+aHtml.join("")+sHtmlTl;

// 请求并显示Xml数据
function showQQSHOWXml(sUrl, oParent, xmlNodeName, sHtml, mapName, bi, ei, ne, fnSucc, fnFail, fnError)
 return getQQSHOWXml(sUrl, function(xmlDoc){ showQQSHOWXmlNode(xmlDoc, oParent, xmlNodeName, sHtml, mapName, bi, ei, ne); fnSucc&&fnSucc(xmlDoc); }, fnFail, fnError);

// mapName = [[xmlName, htmlName(, fnTrans(xmlValue))](, ...)]
function replaceHtmlWithData(xData, sHtml, mapName, iAbsIndex, iRltIndex)
 var eData = {"@abs(I)":iAbsIndex && iAbsIndex.toString() || "0", "@rlt(I)":iRltIndex && iRltIndex.toString() || "0"};
 for (var i=0; i<mapName.length; ++i)
 var vData = (mapName[i][0].constructor!=Array) ? (eData[mapName[i][0]]||xData[mapName[i][0]]) : ([].concat(mapName[i][0]).transform(function(v){ return (eData[v]||xData[v]); }));
 sHtml = sHtml.replace(new RegExp(mapName[i][1].escRegexp(), "g"), (mapName[i][2] ? mapName[i][2](vData) : vData).toString().replace(/\$/g, "$$$$"));
 return sHtml;

// sHtml = "<%--HD--%>...<%--LB--%>...<%--EB--%>...<%--EE--%>...<%--LE--%>...<%--TL--%>";
function showQQSHOWData(xData, oParent, sHtml, mapName, bi, ei, ne)
 (!bi || bi<0) && (bi=0);
 (!ei || ei<0) && (ei=xData.length);
 (!ne || ne<0) && (ne=1);
 var sHtmlHd = sHtml.between("<%--HD--%>", "<%--LB--%>");
 var sHtmlTl = sHtml.between("<%--LE--%>", "<%--TL--%>");
 var sHtmlLB = sHtml.between("<%--LB--%>", "<%--EB--%>");
 var sHtmlLE = sHtml.between("<%--EE--%>", "<%--LE--%>");
 var sHtmlEM = sHtml.between("<%--EB--%>", "<%--EE--%>");
 var aHtml = [];
 for (var i=bi; i<ei; i+=ne)
 for (var n=0; n<Math.min(ei-i, ne); ++n)
 aHtml.push(replaceHtmlWithData(xData[i+n], sHtmlEM, mapName, i+n, i-bi+n));
 oParent.innerHTML = sHtmlHd+aHtml.join("")+sHtmlTl;

// 页码样式
function styleQQSHOWPage(nIndex)
 this.linkHtml = function(u, t) { return t.toString().link(u); };
 this.activeHtml = function(u, t) { return '<a href="'+u.escMiniUrl().escHtmlEp()+'" mce_href="'+u.escMiniUrl().escHtmlEp()+'" class="em">'+t.toString().escHtml()+'</a>'; };
 this.separate = function() { return ('|'); };
 this.positionHtml = function(n, a) { return ('第'+n+'/'+a+'页 '); };
 this.randomHtml = function(u, a) { return (' 跳到<input type="text" id="page_no" name="page_no" class="page_no" size="3" maxlength="4" onkeydown="if(event.keyCode != 13) return;else {var v = parseInt(this.value,10);if((isNaN(v))||(v<=0||v>'+a+')) { alert(\'您输入的页码不正确。\'); } else { window.location=(\''+u('[@_pno]')+'\'.replace(/\\\[@_pno\\\]/g, Math.max(1, Math.min('+a+', parseInt(v))))); };void(0);}"/>页<a onclick="javascript:var v=parseInt(this.parentNode.getElementsByTagName(\'INPUT\')[0].value, 10);if((isNaN(v))||(v<=0||v>'+a+')) { alert(\'您输入的页码不正确。\'); } else { window.location=(\''+u('[@_pno]')+'\'.replace(/\\\[@_pno\\\]/g, Math.max(1, Math.min('+a+', parseInt(v))))); };void(0);" class="go_page"><img src="http://imgcache.qq.com/qqshow/v2_1/global/img/btn_go.gif" mce_src="http://imgcache.qq.com/qqshow/v2_1/global/img/btn_go.gif" alt="GO" /></a>'); };
 this.prevHtml = function(u) { return (u ? "上一页".link(u) : "<a>上一页</a>"); };
 this.nextHtml = function(u) { return (u ? "下一页".link(u) : "<a>下一页</a>"); };

// 显示页面内容信息
function showQQSHOWPage(pno, pall, fnUrl, oParent, nStyle ,thin)
 var iDisPage = thin;
 var iDisPage = pno < 10 ? 10 : (pno < 100 ? 8 : 6);
 pno = parseInt(pno);
 pall = parseInt(pall);
 var oStyle = new styleQQSHOWPage(nStyle);
 var aHtml = [];
 aHtml.push(oStyle.prevHtml((pno>1) && fnUrl(pno-1)));
 var bi = Math.min(Math.max(pno - iDisPage / 2 , 1), Math.max(1, pall - iDisPage));
 var ei = Math.max(Math.min(pno + iDisPage / 2, pall), Math.min( bi + iDisPage, pall));
 while (bi <= ei)
 aHtml.push(bi==pno ? oStyle.activeHtml(fnUrl(bi), bi++) : oStyle.linkHtml(fnUrl(bi), bi++));
 aHtml.push(oStyle.nextHtml((pno<pall) && fnUrl(pno+1)));
 oParent.innerHTML = oStyle.positionHtml(pno, pall)+aHtml.join(oStyle.separate())+oStyle.randomHtml(fnUrl, pall);

// ########################################################

// ########################################################

// 打印FLASH对象
function QQSHOW_CreateFlashObject(sHtml)

// 设置FLASH对象
function QQSHOW_setFlashObject(sHtml, oParent)
 oParent.innerHTML = sHtml;

function QQSHOW_avShow(sShow,iW,iH)
 var nStyle = (sShow.match(/V1#[MFU]_0_/) ? 0 : 1);
 var w = iW || [140, 186][nStyle];
 var h = iH || [226, 300][nStyle];
 var mapName = [["[@_W]", w], ["[@_H]", h], ["[@_SHOW]", escape(sShow)]];
 var sHtml = '<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=8,0,19,0" width="[@_W]" height="[@_H]"> <param name="movie" value="http://qqshow2-item.qq.com/1000000/53/02/" /> <param name="quality" value="high" /> <param name="flashvars" value="sItems=[@_SHOW]"> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"> <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /> <embed src="http://qqshow2-item.qq.com/1000000/53/02/" mce_src="http://qqshow2-item.qq.com/1000000/53/02/" flashvars="sItems=[@_SHOW]" quality="high" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" allowScriptAccess="always" width="[@_W]" height="[@_H]"></embed></object>';
 for (var i=0; i<mapName.length; ++i)
 sHtml = sHtml.replace(new RegExp(mapName[i][0].escRegexp(), "g"), mapName[i][1]);
 return sHtml;

function QQSHOW_photo(sShow , iW , iH)
 var nStyle = (sShow.match(/V1#[MFU]_0_/) ? 0 : 1);
 var w = iW ? iW : 280;
 var h = iH ? iH : 226;

 var mapName = [["[@_W]", w], ["[@_H]", h], ["[@_SHOW]", escape(sShow)]];
 var sHtml = '<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=8,0,19,0" width="[@_W]" height="[@_H]"> <param name="movie" value="http://qqshow2-item.qq.com/1000000/55/02/" /> <param name="quality" value="high" /> <param name="flashvars" value="sItems=[@_SHOW]"> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"> <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /> <embed src="http://qqshow2-item.qq.com/1000000/55/02/" mce_src="http://qqshow2-item.qq.com/1000000/55/02/" flashvars="sItems=[@_SHOW]" quality="high" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" allowScriptAccess="always" width="[@_W]" height="[@_H]"></embed></object>';
 for (var i=0; i<mapName.length; ++i)
 sHtml = sHtml.replace(new RegExp(mapName[i][0].escRegexp(), "g"), mapName[i][1]);
 return sHtml;

function QQSHOW_firendListShow(itemNo , iW , iH)
 var w = iW ? iW : 280;
 var h = iH ? iH : 226;

 var mapName = [["[@_W]", w], ["[@_H]", h], ["[@_itemno]", escape(itemNo)]];
 var sHtml = '<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=8,0,0,0" width="[@_W]" height="[@_H]" id="mlist_flash" align="center"> <param name="movie" value="/img/swf/qqshow_friendlist.swf" /> <param name="quality" value="best" /> <param name="flashvars" value="itemno=[@_itemno]"> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"> <param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff" /> <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /> <embed src="/img/swf/qqshow_friendlist.swf" mce_src="/img/swf/qqshow_friendlist.swf" flashvars="itemno=111" quality="high" bgcolor="#ffffff" width="500" height="350" name="mlist_club_qqshowurl" align="center" allowScriptAccess="always" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" /> ';
 for (var i=0; i<mapName.length; ++i)
 sHtml = sHtml.replace(new RegExp(mapName[i][0].escRegexp(), "g"), mapName[i][1]);
 return sHtml;

function QQSHOW_commonFlash(swf, iW, iH, arrVar)
 var sVar="";
 var mapName = [["[@_W]", iW], ["[@_H]", iH], ["[@_swf]", swf], ["[@_var]", sVar]];
 var sHtml = '<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=8,0,0,0" width="[@_W]" height="[@_H]" id="mlist_flash" align="center"> <param name="movie" value="[@_swf]" /> <param name="quality" value="best" /> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"> <param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff" /> <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /> <param name="flashvars" value="[@_var]"> <embed src="[@_swf]" mce_src="[@_swf]" quality="high" bgcolor="#ffffff" width="[@_W]" height="[@_H]" name="mlist_club_qqshowurl" align="center" allowScriptAccess="always" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" flashvars="[@_var]"/> ';
 for (var i=0; i<mapName.length; ++i)
 sHtml = sHtml.replace(new RegExp(mapName[i][0].escRegexp(), "g"), mapName[i][1]);
 return sHtml;
// ########################################################

// ########################################################

// Q点格式转换为Q币格式
function QBPrice(nQPoint)
 var iPrice = parseInt(nQPoint ? nQPoint : "0", 10) || 0; // set to 0 if invalid
 return (parseInt(iPrice/10) +"."+ parseInt(iPrice%10));

// 取登录用户号码(不进行超时检查)
function GetUin()
 return (parseInt(getCookie('uin').match(/\d+/), 10) || 0);

// 性别格式转换 Mm1->M Uu0->U ...->F
function SEX(v)
 return (v=="M"||v=="m"||v==1) ? "M" : (v=="U"||v=="u"||v==0) ? "U" : "F";

// 性别反转 F->M ...->F
function SEX_reverse(v)
 return SEX(v)=="F" ? "M" : "F";

function SexWord(v)
 return (SEX(v)=="M") ? "(男)" : (v=="F"?"(女)":"");

// 数字转为定长串 长度不足的以前面加0
function LENFix(i, n)
 var sRet = i.toString();
 while (sRet.length < n)
 sRet = "0"+sRet;
 return sRet;

// 是否闰年
function isleapyear(y)
 return (y%4==0 && y%100!=0 || y%400==0);

// 某年某月有多少天
function DAYOfMonth(y, m)
 return [31, isleapyear(y)?29:28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31][m-1];
// ########################################################

// 购物车相关操作

// CARTFmt = [name|no|num|price|price|type|uin|msg|param|itemType]

var QSCART_Name = "CART";


var QSVIPCART_Name = "CART_Free"

function EQCartItem(_1, _2)
 return (_1[1]==_2[1] && _1[6]==_2[6]);
function EncodeCart(aSet)
 aSet[0] = !aSet[0] ? "" : aSet[0].toString().replace(/[#\|%]/g, function(a,b){return "%"+a.charCodeAt(0).toString(16);});
 aSet[7] = !aSet[7] ? "" : aSet[7].toString().replace(/[#\|%]/g, function(a,b){return "%"+a.charCodeAt(0).toString(16);});
 aSet[8] = !aSet[8] ? "" : aSet[8].toString().replace(/[#\|%]/g, function(a,b){return "%"+a.charCodeAt(0).toString(16);});

 return aSet.join("|");
function DecodeCart(sSet)
 var aSet = sSet.split("|");
 aSet[0] = unescape(aSet[0]);
 aSet[1] = parseInt(aSet[1]);
 aSet[2] = parseInt(aSet[2]);
 aSet[3] = parseInt(aSet[3]);
 aSet[4] = parseInt(aSet[4]);
 aSet[5] = parseInt(aSet[5]);
 aSet[6] = parseInt(aSet[6]);
 aSet[7] = unescape(aSet[7]);
 aSet[8] = unescape(aSet[8]);
 aSet[9] = unescape(aSet[9]);
 return aSet;

function CartString(aCart)
 return [].concat(aCart).transform(EncodeCart).join("#");

function CartVector(sCart)
 return sCart.split("#").transform(DecodeCart);

function saveCart(aCart)
 QSCookie(QSCART_Name, CartString(aCart));

function saveVipCart(aCart)
 QSCookie(QSVIPCART_Name, CartString(aCart));
function countCartNum()
 var aPrice = getCartPrice();
 /*var aVipPrice = getVipCartPriceInfo();
 return (aPrice[3] + aVipPrice[3]);*/

function getCart()
 var sCart = getCookie(QSCART_Name);
 if (sCart)
 return CartVector(sCart);
 return [];

function getVipCart()
 var sCart = getCookie(QSVIPCART_Name);
 if (sCart)
 return CartVector(sCart);
 return [];

// 把物品加到购物车 如果已经存在则不作处理
function setCart(aSet)
 var aCart = getCart();
 if (aCart.find_if(function(e){ return EQCartItem(e, aSet); })==null)
 if(aCart.length >=20)
 return false;
 return true;

function setVipCart(aSet)
 var aCart = getVipCart();
 if (aCart.find_if(function(e){ return EQCartItem(e, aSet); })==null)
 if(aCart.length >=20)
 return false;
 return true;

// 增加购物车物品数量 如果不存在则直接加到购物车
function incCart(aSet)
 var aCart = getCart();
 var afind = aCart.find_if(function(e){ return EQCartItem(e, aSet); });
 if (afind!=null)
 aCart[afind][2] += aSet[2];
 if (aCart[afind][2] <= 0)
 aCart.splice(afind, 1);
function incVipCart(aSet)
 var aCart = getVipCart();
 var afind = aCart.find_if(function(e){ return EQCartItem(e, aSet); });
 if (afind!=null)
 aCart[afind][2] += aSet[2];
 if (aCart[afind][2] <= 0)
 aCart.splice(afind, 1);

// 清空购物车
function clsCart()

// 清空vip购物车
function clsVipCart()

// 取购物车价格及数量等信息
// return [price, vipPrice, cartSize, cartCount]
function getCartPrice(aCart)
 var aCart = arguments[0] || getCart();
 var aPrice = [0, 0, aCart.length, 0];
 for (var i=0; i<aCart.length; ++i)
 aPrice[0] += aCart[i][3]*aCart[i][2];
 aPrice[1] += aCart[i][4]*aCart[i][2];
 aPrice[3] += aCart[i][2];
 return aPrice;
function getVipCartPriceInfo(aCart)
 var aCart = arguments[0] || getVipCart();
 var aPrice = [0, 0, aCart.length, 0];
 for (var i=0; i<aCart.length; ++i)
 aPrice[0] += aCart[i][3]*aCart[i][2];
 aPrice[1] += aCart[i][4]*aCart[i][2];
 aPrice[3] += aCart[i][2];
 return aPrice;
function updateHeaderInfo()

// 更新topfra导航购物车数量显示
function setHeaderCartNum()
 if(top.topfra.document && top.topfra.document.getElementById("cart_num"))
 var nlen = countCartNum();
 var sMessage = "";
 sMessage += nlen==0 ? "" : ("("+nlen+")");
 top.topfra.document.getElementById("cart_num").innerHTML = sMessage;
 top.topfra.document.getElementById("cart_num").textContent = sMessage;
 setTimeout(setHeaderCartNum, 1000);
// ########################################################

// 循环添加数字选项到select对象中
function SelectAppendOption(oSelect, bi, ei, nlen)
 if (bi > ei)
 for (var i=bi; i>=ei; --i)
 oSelect.options[oSelect.options.length] = (new Option(LENFix(i, nlen), LENFix(i, nlen)));
 for (var i=bi; i<=ei; ++i)
 oSelect.options[oSelect.options.length] = (new Option(LENFix(i, nlen), LENFix(i, nlen)));

// 年select
function SelectYearOption(oSelect, bi, ei, nlen)
 return SelectAppendOption(oSelect, bi, ei, nlen);
// 月select
function SelectMonthOption(oSelect, nlen)
 return SelectAppendOption(oSelect, 1, 12, 2);
// 日select
function SelectDayOption(oSelect, y, m, nlen)
 return SelectAppendOption(oSelect, 1, DAYOfMonth(y, m), nlen);

function ShowUnsupport()
 top.mainfra.FloatShow('/inc/note.html', 500, 198);
 FloatShow('/inc/note.html', 500, 198);

function ShowLogin()
 if (_MSIE())
 top.mainfra.FloatShow('/inc/login_box.html', 462, 295, null, null, 0, -100 );
 top.mainfra.FloatShow('/inc/login_box.html', 462, 295, null, null, 0, 0);
 //top.mainfra.FloatShow('/inc/login_box.html', 462, 295, null, null, 0, 0 );
 if (_MSIE())
 FloatShow('/inc/login_box.html', 462, 295, null, null, 0, -100 );
 FloatShow('/inc/login_box.html', 462, 295, null, null, 0, 0);
 //FloatShow('/inc/login_box.html', 462, 295, null, null, 0, 0 );

// ########################################################
// iProcType: 1:确认但必须跳转 2--确认可以不跳转
// url:
// target: mainfra,url会在mainfra显示(默认)
// top, 全页面跳转
function CheckLogin(iProcType, url, target)
 var iUin = GetUin();
 if(iUin <10000 || iUin>999999999)
 var loginUrl = "/inc/login_box.html";
 var loginUrlTop = "http://show8.qq.com/login.html";
 if(url && url.length >0)
 if(target && target == "top") loginUrl = setURLParam(loginUrl, "url", url);
 else loginUrl = setURLParam(loginUrl,"url",setURLParam("http://show8.qq.com/show.html","MUrl",url));
 if(target && target == "top") loginUrlTop = setURLParam(loginUrlTop, "url", url);
 else loginUrlTop = setURLParam(loginUrlTop,"url",setURLParam("http://show8.qq.com/show.html","MUrl",url));
 if (iProcType==1)
 if(top.mainfra && typeof(top.mainfra.FloatShow) == "function")
 if (_MSIE())
 top.mainfra.FloatShow(loginUrl, 460, 295, null, null, 0, -100);
 top.mainfra.FloatShow(loginUrl, 460, 295, null, null, 0, 0);
 else if(typeof(FloatShow) == "function") FloatShow(loginUrl, 460, 295, null, null, 200, 0);
 else location = loginUrlTop;
 return false;
 else if(2 == iProcType)
 if (confirm("您还没有登录,是否登录?"))
 if(top.mainfra && typeof(top.mainfra.FloatShow) == "function")
 if (_MSIE())
 top.mainfra.FloatShow(loginUrl, 460, 295, null, function(){location = "/inc/main.html";}, 0, -100);
 top.mainfra.FloatShow(loginUrl, 460, 295, null, function(){location = "/inc/main.html";}, 0, 0);
 else if(typeof(FloatShow) == "function") FloatShow(loginUrl, 460, 295, null, null, 200, 0);
 else location = loginUrlTop;
 return false;
 if(top.mainfra) top.mainfra.location.href = '/inc/main.html';
 else location = "http://show8.qq.com";
 return false;
 else return false;
 return iUin;

// ########################################################

// QQShow请求失败时公共回调函数
function QQShowCommREQError()

// QQShow基本公共返回码基本处理
function QQShowCommXMLError(xmlDoc)
 var iCode = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("QQSHOW")[0].getAttribute("code");
 var sMessage = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("QQSHOW")[0].getAttribute("message");
 if (iCode==-1100 || iCode==-1003)
 return alert("操作失败,请稍候再试。");
 else if (iCode==-1001)
 return !QQShowCommXMLError._onlogin && (QQShowCommXMLError._onlogin=true) && confirm("对不起,您还没登录,现在登录?") && (top.location.href="/login.html?url=" mce_href="/login.html?url="+("http://show8.qq.com/show.html?MUrl="+(top.mainfra||window).location.href.escUrl()).escUrl()) && 0;
 else if (iCode==-1002)
 return alert("您输入的参数有错,请重新输入,谢谢。");
 else if (iCode==-1004)
 return alert("对不起,您操作太频繁,请稍候再试。");
 else if (iCode==-1005)
 return alert("对不起,您还没注册QQ秀。");
 else if(iCode == -1006)
 return alert("对不起,您的好友还没有注册QQ秀!");
 else if(iCode == -1007)
 return alert("对不起,对方不是您的7天好友!");
 else if(iCode == -1008)
 return alert("对不起,您不是对方的7天好友!");

 return true;

// ########################################################

function goCartWithLocation()
 var sUrl = "/mall/inc/cart.html#pmSelect%3DACC";
function goToCartFromSave()
 var sUrl = "/mall/inc/cart.html#"+escape("saveav=1");
function goToCart(sUrl)
 var win = top.mainfra || window;
 if (win.location.href.indexOf("http://show8.qq.com/mall/inc/cart.html")==0)
 else if(win.location.href.indexOf("/mall/inc/cart.html")!=-1)
 QSCookie("mallloc", win.location.href);
 win.location = sUrl;

function goMallWithLocation()
 var win = top.mainfra || window;
 //if (getCookie("mallloc"))
 if ((getCookie("mallloc").length>0) && (getCookie("mallloc").indexOf("/my/inc") == -1))
 win.location = getCookie("mallloc");
 //win.location.href="/inc/main.html" mce_href="/inc/main.html";

// 放进购物车并跳转到购物车页面
function Buy(sName, iNo, iPrice, iPriceVip, iVipItem, vFrom)
 if (CheckLogin(1))
 if (iVipItem==1 && QUSER.getInfo("vip")!=1)
 if(!setCart([sName, iNo, 1, iPrice, iPriceVip, 0, 0, "", vFrom ? vFrom.toString() : "", iVipItem]))

// 赠送商城物品
function Send(sName, iNo, iPrice, iPriceVip, iVipItem, vFrom)
 if (CheckLogin(1))
 if (iVipItem==1 && QUSER.getInfo("vip")!=1)
 else if(iPrice == 0)
 function OnOK(x)
 var _Prm = new PARAM(x, "&", "=");

 var aParam = [sName, iNo, 1, iPrice, iPriceVip, iVipItem, 0, "", vFrom ? vFrom.toString() : "",iVipItem];
 FloatShow("/mall/inc/don.html?info="+EncodeCart(aParam).escUrl(), 440, 300, OnOK);

// 索要商城物品
function Ask(sName, iNo, iPrice, iPriceVip, iVipItem, vFrom)
 if (CheckLogin(1))
 if (iVipItem==1 && QUSER.getInfo("vip")!=1)
 else if(iPrice == 0)
 var aParam = [sName, iNo, 1, iPrice, iPriceVip, iVipItem, 0, "", vFrom ? vFrom.toString() : "", iVipItem];
 FloatShow("/mall/inc/req.html?info="+EncodeCart(aParam).escUrl(), 503, 248)

function AskMul(aCart)
 if (CheckLogin(1))
 if (QUSER.getInfo("vip")!=1 && aCart.find_if(function(v){ return (v[5]!=0); })!=null)
 FloatShow("/mall/inc/req.html?info="+CartString(aCart).escUrl(), 500, 225+aCart.length*27)

function ItemCollectionAdd(ino)
 function onResp(xmlDoc)
 MaskEnd([top.mainfra, top.leftfra, top.topfra]);
 if (QQShowCommXMLError(xmlDoc))
 var node = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("QQSHOW")[0] ;
 var iCode = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("QQSHOW")[0].getAttribute("code");
 var mapCodeMessage = {
 "-1" : "收藏物品号无效",
 "-10": "该物品已经在收藏中"

 if (iCode == 0)
 var irb = parseInt(node.getAttribute("rb"));
 var iret = parseInt(node.getAttribute("set"));
 if( iret < 0 )
 else if( 1 == iret )
 try{ top.mainfra.FloatShow('/inc/col_suc2.html', 524, 320, null , null, 40, -50); }catch(e){alert("收藏成功");} ;
 QUSER.setInfo("bean" , irb) ;
 try{ top.mainfra.FloatShow('/inc/col_suc1.html', 524, 320, null , null, 40, -50); }catch(e){alert("收藏成功");} ;
 else if (mapCodeMessage[iCode])
 function onError()
 MaskEnd([top.mainfra, top.leftfra, top.topfra]);
 MaskStart([top.mainfra, top.leftfra, top.topfra]);
 getQQSHOWXml("http://show8.qq.com/cgi-bin/qqshow_user_itemcollection_add?item="+ino, onResp, onResp, onError);

function ItemCollectionDel(ino, fnCallBack)
 if (!confirm("确定删除吗?"))
 function onResp(xmlDoc)
 setTimeout("MaskEnd([top.mainfra, top.leftfra, top.topfra])", 1000);
 var iCode = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("QQSHOW")[0].getAttribute("code");
 if (iCode == 0)
 else if (QQShowCommXMLError(xmlDoc))
 fnCallBack && fnCallBack(xmlDoc);
 function onError()
 setTimeout("MaskEnd([top.mainfra, top.leftfra, top.topfra])", 1000);
 MaskStart([top.mainfra, top.leftfra, top.topfra]);
 getQQSHOWXml("http://show8.qq.com/cgi-bin/qqshow_user_itemcollection_del?item="+ino, onResp, onResp, onError);

// vData = [sShow, sName, sTags, sDesc, iType]
function ShowCollectionAdd(vData, fnCallBack)
 function onResp(xmlDoc)
 MaskEnd([top.mainfra, top.leftfra, top.topfra]);
 if (QQShowCommXMLError(xmlDoc))
 var node = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("QQSHOW")[0] ;
 var iCode = node.getAttribute("code");
 var sName = node.getAttribute("itemname");
 var mapCodeMessage = {
 "-23": "基本形象不能收藏",
 "-25": "整套收藏时,身上物品不能超过20件,请您删除为20件以下再进行收藏。",
 "-26": "当前形象内"+(sName?"的物品["+sName+"]":"有")+"与您的形象性别不一致,请脱下后再收藏。",
 "-27": "当前形象内"+(sName?"的物品["+sName+"]":"有")+"与您的形象风格不一致,请脱下后再收藏。"
 if (iCode == 0)
 var irb = parseInt(node.getAttribute("rb"));
 var iret = parseInt(node.getAttribute("set"));
 if( iret < 0 )
 else if( 1 == iret )
 try{ top.mainfra.FloatShow('/inc/col_suc2.html', 524, 320, null , null, 40, -50); }catch(e){alert("收藏成功");} ;
 QUSER.setInfo("bean" , irb) ;
 try{ top.mainfra.FloatShow('/inc/col_suc1.html', 524, 320, null , null, 40, -50); }catch(e){alert("收藏成功");} ;

 fnCallBack && fnCallBack(0);
 else if (mapCodeMessage[iCode])
 fnCallBack && fnCallBack(-1);
 fnCallBack && fnCallBack(-1);
 function onError()
 MaskEnd([top.mainfra, top.leftfra, top.topfra]);
 fnCallBack && fnCallBack(-1);

 if (arguments[0][0].length==0)
 return alert("参数错误");

 var sShow = arguments[0][0];
 var sName = arguments[0][1] || "我的收藏";
 var sTags = arguments[0][2] || "";
 var sDesc = arguments[0][3] || "";
 var iType = arguments[0][4] || 0;

 var sUrl = setURLParam("http://show8.qq.com/cgi-bin/qqshow_user_showcollection_add", "show", huffcompress(sShow));
 sUrl = setURLParam(sUrl, "name", sName);
 sUrl = setURLParam(sUrl, "tags", sTags);
 sUrl = setURLParam(sUrl, "desc", sDesc);
 sUrl = setURLParam(sUrl, "type", iType);

 MaskStart([top.mainfra, top.leftfra, top.topfra]);
 getQQSHOWXml(sUrl, onResp, onResp, onError);

// vData = [iID, sName, sTags, sDesc, iType]
function ShowCollectionSet(vData, fnCallBack, vWndMask)
 vWndMask || (vWndMask = [top.mainfra, top.leftfra, top.topfra]);
 function onResp(xmlDoc)
 setTimeout(function(){ MaskEnd(vWndMask); }, 1000);
 if (QQShowCommXMLError(xmlDoc))
 var iCode = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("QQSHOW")[0].getAttribute("code");
 var mapCodeMessage = {
 "-11": "作品名称中含有不能发表的内容",
 "-12": "作品名称不能为空",
 "-13": "作品描述中含有不能发表的内容",
 "-14": "标签中含有不能发表的内容"
 if (iCode == 0)
 fnCallBack && fnCallBack(0);
 else if (mapCodeMessage[iCode])
 fnCallBack && fnCallBack(-1);
 fnCallBack && fnCallBack(-1);
 function onError()
 setTimeout(function(){ MaskEnd(vWndMask); }, 1000);
 fnCallBack && fnCallBack(-1);
 if (!(arguments[0][0]>=0))
 return alert("参数错误");
 fnCallBack && fnCallBack(-1);

 var iID = arguments[0][0];
 var sName = arguments[0][1] || "我的收藏";
 var sTags = arguments[0][2] || "";
 var sDesc = arguments[0][3] || "";
 var iType = arguments[0][4] || 0;

 var sUrl = setURLParam("http://show8.qq.com/cgi-bin/qqshow_user_showcollection_set", "id", iID);
 sUrl = setURLParam(sUrl, "name", sName);
 sUrl = setURLParam(sUrl, "tags", sTags);
 sUrl = setURLParam(sUrl, "desc", sDesc);
 sUrl = setURLParam(sUrl, "type", iType);

 getQQSHOWXml(sUrl, onResp, onResp, onError);

function ShowCollectionDel(iID, fnCallBack)
 if (!confirm("确定删除吗?"))
 function onResp(xmlDoc)
 setTimeout("MaskEnd([top.mainfra, top.leftfra, top.topfra])", 1000);
 var iCode = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("QQSHOW")[0].getAttribute("code");
 if (iCode == 0)
 else if (QQShowCommXMLError(xmlDoc))
 fnCallBack && fnCallBack(xmlDoc);
 function onError()
 setTimeout("MaskEnd([top.mainfra, top.leftfra, top.topfra])", 1000);
 MaskStart([top.mainfra, top.leftfra, top.topfra]);
 getQQSHOWXml("http://show8.qq.com/cgi-bin/qqshow_user_showcollection_del?id="+iID, onResp, onResp, onError);

function ShowCollectionPrepare()
 var oQSAV = document.getElementById(g_sAVId).cQSAV;
 var sItemSn = oQSAV.ToItemSn(0, 0, 0);

 //var itemNum = top.leftfra.document.getElementById("myavatar").cQSAV.ItemCount();

 var count = SpecTypeItemCount(sItemSn,3) + SpecTypeItemCount(sItemSn,4);
 var arrObj = GetItemInfArr(sItemSn);
 var itemNum = oQSAV.ItemCount();
 var itemNum = itemNum - count;

 if(itemNum == 0)
 else if(itemNum > 20)
 var sItemSn = top.leftfra.document.getElementById("myavatar").cQSAV.ToItemSn(0, 0, 0);
 /*Eutopia filter*/
 sItemSn = filterForSpecItem(sItemSn,3);
 sItemSn = filterForSpecItem(sItemSn,4);
 /*Eutopia filter end*/
 ShowCollectionAdd([sItemSn, "我的收藏", "", "", 0]);

// ########################################################

// 试穿物品
function PutOn(iItemNo, chSex, sPlyNo, iFStl, bPoseBind, iDefX, iDefY, bMov, bRot, bSelc, bSpecail, sText, sMallNo)
 top.leftfra && top.leftfra.ShopTryItem && top.leftfra.ShopTryItem(iItemNo, chSex, sPlyNo, iFStl, bPoseBind, iDefX, iDefY, bMov, bRot, bSelc, bSpecail, sText, sMallNo);

// 试穿形象
function PutOnShow(sShow, sFrom)
 top.leftfra && top.leftfra.TryOnShow && top.leftfra.TryOnShow(sShow, sFrom);

function ReturnMallNo()
 if(getHashParam("mallno").length > 0) return getHashParam("mallno");
 else if(top.g_iMallNo) return top.g_iMallNo;
 else return 0;

// ########################################################

// 共用功能显示[进度屏蔽/浮动窗口/...]

function DivCreate(oWin, oParent, sID, zIndex, iLeft, iTop, sWidth, sHeight, sDisplay)
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 try{ oParent && oParent.appendChild(e); } catch(e) { }
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 if (oWin.document.getElementById(sID)) return oWin.document.getElementById(sID);
 else return null;

function PageMaskCreate(oWin)
 if(oWin && oWin.document)
 if (!oWin.document.getElementById("ID_QQSHOW_WAIT_BACKGND"))
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 ebg.style.filter = "alpha(opacity=35)";
 return oWin.document.getElementById("ID_QQSHOW_WAIT_BACKGND");
 else return null;

function ProcessCreate(oWin)
 if(oWin && oWin.document && oWin.document.body)
 if (!oWin.document.getElementById("ID_QQSHOW_WAIT_PROCESS"))
 var epr = DivCreate(oWin, oWin.document.body, "ID_QQSHOW_WAIT_PROCESS", 65530, 0, 0, "100%", "100%", "none");
 //epr.innerHTML = '<table width="100%" height="200" border="0"><tr><td align="center" valign="bottom"><img src="http://show8.qq.com/img/base/wait.gif" mce_src="http://show8.qq.com/img/base/wait.gif" /></td></tr></table>';
 epr.innerHTML = '<table width="100%" height="200" border="0"><tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td width="308" valign="bottom"><div style="width:308px;height:54px;"><span style="display:block;float:left;width:58px;height:54px;background:url(http://imgcache.qq.com/qqshow/v2/img/loading_bg_l.gif);"></span><span style="display:block;float:left;width:250px;height:54px;background:url(http: //imgcache.qq.com/qqshow/v2/img/loading_bg_m.gif);line-height:54px;color: #fff;text-indent:10px;font-size:12px;font-weight:bold;">处理中,请稍候... </span></div></td><td>&nbsp;</td></tr></table>';
 return oWin.document.getElementById("ID_QQSHOW_WAIT_PROCESS");
 else return null;

function PageMaskShow(oWin)
 var e = PageMaskCreate(oWin);
 e.style.height = Math.max((oWin.document.body.offsetHeight), oWin.document.documentElement.clientHeight)+"px";
 e.style.display = "block";

function ProcessShow(oWin, lTxt)
 var e = ProcessCreate(oWin);
 if(!lTxt) lTxt = ["处理中,请稍候..."];
 if(e && oWin.document.body)
 (lTxt) && (e.getElementsByTagName("SPAN")[1].innerHTML = lTxt[0]);
 e.style.height = (oWin.document.body.offsetHeight)+"px";
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function PageMaskHide(oWin)
 var e = PageMaskCreate(oWin);
 e.style.display = "none";

function ProcessHide(oWin)
 var e = ProcessCreate(oWin);
 e.style.display = "none";

function MaskStart(lWin)
 for (var i=0; i<arguments[0].length; ++i)
 try{ PageMaskShow(arguments[0][i]); } catch(e) { }

function MaskEnd(lWin)
 for (var i=0; i<arguments[0].length; ++i)
 try{ PageMaskHide(arguments[0][i]); } catch(e) { }

function WaitStart(lWin, lTxt, bTxt)
 for (var i=0; i<arguments[0].length; ++i)
 if(arguments[0][0] && !bTxt) ProcessShow(arguments[0][0], lTxt);

function WaitEnd(lWin)
 for (var i=0; i<arguments[0].length; ++i)
 try{ PageMaskHide(arguments[0][i]);} catch(e){ }
 try{ ProcessHide(arguments[0][0]); } catch(e) { }

function FloatShow(sUrl, iWidth, iHeight, OnOK, OnCancel, iLeft, iTop, oWin, fras, zIndex)
 var izIndex = zIndex?zIndex:65530;
 oWin = oWin || window;
 iLeft = typeof(iLeft)=="number" ? iLeft : 75;
 iTop = typeof(iTop)=="number" ? iTop : 45;
 var ifras = null;
 if (typeof(fras) != "undefined" && fras != null && fras != "null")
 ifras = fras;
 ifras = [window, top.mainfra, top.leftfra, top.topfra];
 FloatShow.Show = function(sUrl, iWidth, iHeight, iLeft, iTop)
 var e = DivCreate(oWin, oWin.document.body, "ID_QQSHOW_FLOAT_WIN", izIndex, 0, 50, "100%", "1", "none");
 if(e && "object" == typeof(e) && "div" == e.tagName.toString().toLowerCase())
 e.style.top = (Math.max(Math.min(oWin.document.documentElement.scrollTop+100, Math.max(oWin.document.body.offsetHeight-100,100)), 50))+"px";
 e.innerHTML = '<table id="w_head" align="center" style="position:absolute;left:'+iLeft+'px;top:'+iTop+'px;"><tr><td align="center"><iframe allowtransparency=true id="ID_QQSHOW_FLOAT_IFRAME" name="ID_QQSHOW_FLOAT_IFRAME" width="'+iWidth+'" height="'+iHeight+'" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe></td></tr></table><div id="d_border" style="display:none;border:1px dotted #000000; position:absolute;"></div>';
 e.getElementsByTagName("IFRAME")[0].src = sUrl;
 e.style.display = "block";
 else throw "create div failed ";

 FloatShow.Hide = function()
 MaskEnd([window, top.mainfra, top.leftfra, top.topfra]);

 if (arguments[0])
 var fra = arguments[0];
 if (fra && fra.document)
 fra.document.getElementById("ID_QQSHOW_FLOAT_WIN").style.display = "none";
 document.getElementById("ID_QQSHOW_FLOAT_WIN").style.display = "none";

 FloatShow.DireOnCancel = function()
 OnCancel && OnCancel(arguments[0]);

 FloatShow.OnOK = function()
 OnOK && OnOK(arguments[0]);

 FloatShow.OnCancel = function()
 OnCancel && OnCancel(arguments[0]);

 FloatShow.AutoSize = function()
 function FindIFrame(sName) { for (var i=0; i<window.frames.length; ++i) { if (window.frames[i].name==sName) { return window.frames[i]; } } return null; };
 var e = document.getElementById("ID_QQSHOW_FLOAT_IFRAME");
 var w = _MSIE() ? window.frames["ID_QQSHOW_FLOAT_IFRAME"] : FindIFrame("ID_QQSHOW_FLOAT_IFRAME");
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 e.width = parseInt(e.width)+w.document.documentElement.scrollLeft+"px";
 w.document.documentElement.scrollLeft = 0;

 FloatShow.Show(sUrl, iWidth, iHeight, iLeft, iTop);
function RBuyAll(show,from)
 if (CheckLogin(1))
 if (QUSER.getInfo("vip") == 1)
function ShowVipMonthPageAll(show,from)
 function OnOK(x)
 function OnCancel(x)
 if (top.mainfra && top.topfra)
 FloatShow("/mall/inc/buy_tips_box.html", 555, 390, OnOK, OnCancel, 0, -100, top.mainfra, null);
 setTimeout("ShowVipMonthPageAll()", 1000);
function BuyAll(show, from)
 /*Eutopia filter begin*/

 show = filterForSpecItem(show,3);
 show = filterForSpecItem(show,4);

 /*Eutopia filter end*/

 var arrObj = top.leftfra.GetItemInfArr(show);
 var sItemNo = "";
 for(var i = 0; i<arrObj.length; i++)
 if(sItemNo.length > 0) sItemNo += "|";
 sItemNo += arrObj[i]._iItemNo;
 var sUrl = "/cgi-bin/qqshow_item_info?item="+sItemNo.escUrl();
 function fnSucc(xmlDoc)
 var aItemXml = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("node");
 for(var i=0;i<aItemXml.length;i++)
 setCart([aItemXml[i].getAttribute("iname"),aItemXml[i].getAttribute("ino"),1,aItemXml[i].getAttribute("ipriceori"),aItemXml[i].getAttribute("ipricevip"),0, 0, "",from.length>0?from:"", aItemXml[i].getAttribute("itype")]);
 function fnFail(xmlDoc)
 var sMessage = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("QQSHOW")[0].getAttribute("message");
 if (sMessage == "")
 sMessage = "获取物品详情失败";
 function fnError()
 getQQSHOWXml(sUrl, fnSucc, QQShowCommXMLError&&fnFail, fnError);
function sendAll(i)
 var n = i || 0;
 if (CheckLogin(1))
 var oQSAV = document.getElementById(g_sAVId).cQSAV;
 var sItemSn = oQSAV.ToItemSn(0, 0, 0);
 /*Eutopia Filter*/
 var count = SpecTypeItemCount(sItemSn,3) + SpecTypeItemCount(sItemSn,4);

 sItemSn = filterForSpecItem(sItemSn,3);
 sItemSn = filterForSpecItem(sItemSn,4);

 var arrObj = GetItemInfArr(sItemSn);
 var itemNum = oQSAV.ItemCount();
 itemNum = itemNum - count;
 if(itemNum == 0)
 return alert("您的身上没有任何物品,请添加物品之后赠送");
 else if(itemNum > 20)
 return alert("对不起,单次赠送物品数量不能超过20件。");
 if (top.mainfra && "function"==typeof(top.mainfra.FloatShow))
 top.mainfra.FloatShow("http://show8.qq.com/mall/inc/don_mul.html", 596, 461, null, null, 0, -100);
 else if(n == 0)
 top.mainfra.location.href="/inc/main.html" mce_href="/inc/main.html";
 setTimeout(function(){sendAll(n+1)}, 400);
 else if(n < 10)
 setTimeout(function(){sendAll(n+1)}, 400);
function askAll(i)
 var n = i || 0;
 if (CheckLogin(1))
 var oQSAV = document.getElementById(g_sAVId).cQSAV;
 var sItemSn = oQSAV.ToItemSn(0, 0, 0);

 /*Eutopia Filter*/
 var count = SpecTypeItemCount(sItemSn,3) + SpecTypeItemCount(sItemSn,4);

 sItemSn = filterForSpecItem(sItemSn,3);
 sItemSn = filterForSpecItem(sItemSn,4);

 var arrObj = GetItemInfArr(sItemSn);
 var itemNum = oQSAV.ItemCount();
 var itemNum = itemNum - count;

 if(itemNum == 0)
 return alert("您的身上没有任何物品,请添加物品后索要.");
 else if(itemNum > 20)
 return alert("对不起,单次索要物品数量不能超过20件。");
 if (top.mainfra && "function"==typeof(top.mainfra.FloatShow))
 top.mainfra.FloatShow("http://show8.qq.com/mall/inc/req_mul.html",596,401,null,null,0, -100);
 else if(n == 0)
 top.mainfra.location.href="/inc/main.html" mce_href="/inc/main.html";
 else if(n < 10)
// ########################################################

//floatshow 移动事件处理

function EventRouter(event)
 var sType = event.type;
 var oEle = event.srcElement || event.target;
 var oWindow = document.getElementById("w_head");
 var oBorder = document.getElementById("d_border");
 switch (sType)
 case "mousedown":
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function addEventListener (oElem, oEvents, fnHandler) {
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function _addEventListener(oElem, sEvent, fnHandler) {
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function removeEventListener (oElem, oEvents, fnHandler) {
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function _removeEventListener(oElem, sEvent, fnHandler) {
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 if (oElem.detachEvent) {
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// ########################################################
function GetJs(url,loadFn)
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 this.fnOnload = function()
 this.bExec = true;
GetJs.prototype.init = function()
 var t = this;
 var oScript = document.createElement("SCRIPT");
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 oScript.onerror = function()
 t.bExec = true;
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function CheckClientScreen()
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 if( iScreenW <= 800 || iScreenH <=600 )
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// QQ秀帮助框
function QQShowHelpBox(sContent, sTitle, sWinTitle, oWin, iType, bTxt)
 QQShowHelpBox.OnClose = function()
 WaitEnd([top.mainfra, top.leftfra, top.topfra]);

 QQShowHelpBox.init = function(oDoc)
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 var eContent = oDoc.getElementById("ID_Content");

 sWinTitle && eWinTitle && (eWinTitle.innerHTML = sWinTitle.escHtml());
 sTitle && eTitle && (eTitle.innerHTML = sTitle.escHtml());
 sContent && eContent && (eContent.innerHTML = sContent.escHtml());

 QQShowHelpBox.Show = function()
 var sFile = '/help/inc/help_box.html';

 iType && (!isNaN(iType)) && (sFile = '/help/inc/help_box_' + iType + '.html');

 var iWidth = 461;
 var iHeight = 230;
 oWin || (oWin = top.mainfra ? top.mainfra : window);
 oWin.FloatShow(sFile, iWidth, iHeight);

 WaitStart([top.mainfra, top.leftfra, top.topfra], null, bTxt);


function QQShowDialog( iType , sMsg , sTitle , fnOk , fnNo , fnCancel, oWin, iWidth, iHeight, bTxt)
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 var m_sTitle = sTitle ?sTitle : "提示";
 var m_func_ok = fnOk? fnOk: function(){};
 var m_func_no = fnNo ?fnNo: function(){};
 var m_func_cancel = fnCancel ?fnCancel: function(){};
 var _width = iWidth?iWidth:504;
 var _height = iHeight?iHeight:198;

 QQShowDialog.Show = function ()
 oWin.FloatShow('/inc/alert.html', _width, _height);
 else if(top.mainfra)
 top.mainfra.FloatShow('/inc/alert.html', _width, _height);
 FloatShow('/inc/alert.html', _width, _height);
 QQShowDialog.OnOk = function ()
 WaitEnd([top.mainfra, top.leftfra, top.topfra]);

 QQShowDialog.OnNo = function ()
 WaitEnd([top.mainfra, top.leftfra, top.topfra]);
 QQShowDialog.OnCancel = function ()
 WaitEnd([top.mainfra, top.leftfra, top.topfra]);

 QQShowDialog.AddListener = function(oEle , fnEvt)
 addEventListener(oEle ,"onclick" , fnEvt );
 QQShowDialog.init = function(oDoc)
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 // oDoc.getElementById("b_no").innerHTML =
 // oDoc.getElementById("b_cancel").innerHTML =
 oDoc.getElementById("title").innerHTML = m_sTitle.escHtml();
 oDoc.getElementById("msg").innerHTML = m_sMsg.escHtml();
 var oBok = oDoc.getElementById("b_ok");
 var oBno = oDoc.getElementById("b_no");
 var oBcancel = oDoc.getElementById("b_cancel");


 if(m_itype == 1)
 else if(m_itype == 2){
 oBno.style.display = "";
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 oBno.style.display = "";
 oBcancel.style.display = "";

 WaitStart([top.mainfra, top.leftfra, top.topfra],null,bTxt);

function GetTypes()
 return ["休闲","正装","运动","礼服","奇幻","卡通"];

function InitCombo(oEle)
 if(oEle.tagName != "SELECT") return;
 var sType = GetTypes();
 oEle.options.length = 0;
 for(var i=0;i<sType.length;i++)
 oEle.options[i] = (new Option(sType[i], sType[i]));

function encodehuffman(sSrc)
 var mapName = [];
mapName[48] = [1,String.fromCharCode( 0 )];
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mapName[54] = [6,String.fromCharCode( 5 )];
mapName[56] = [6,String.fromCharCode( 37 )];
mapName[52] = [5,String.fromCharCode( 21 )];
mapName[50] = [6,String.fromCharCode( 13 )];
mapName[38] = [8,String.fromCharCode( 45 , 0 )];
mapName[10] = [9,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 0 )];
mapName[70] = [10,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 1 )];
mapName[100] = [15,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 3 )];
mapName[105] = [16,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 67 , 0 )];
mapName[65] = [18,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 195 , 0 )];
mapName[69] = [18,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 195 , 2 )];
mapName[4] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 195 , 1 )];
mapName[5] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 195 , 65 )];
mapName[2] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 195 , 33 )];
mapName[3] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 195 , 97 )];
mapName[8] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 195 , 17 )];
mapName[9] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 195 , 81 )];
mapName[6] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 195 , 49 )];
mapName[7] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 195 , 113 )];
mapName[34] = [22,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 195 , 9 )];
mapName[36] = [22,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 195 , 41 )];
mapName[0] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 195 , 25 )];
mapName[1] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 195 , 89 )];
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mapName[22] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 195 , 5 )];
mapName[23] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 195 , 69 )];
mapName[20] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 195 , 37 )];
mapName[21] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 195 , 101 )];
mapName[26] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 195 , 21 )];
mapName[27] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 195 , 85 )];
mapName[24] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 195 , 53 )];
mapName[25] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 195 , 117 )];
mapName[13] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 195 , 13 )];
mapName[14] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 195 , 77 )];
mapName[11] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 195 , 45 )];
mapName[12] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 195 , 109 )];
mapName[18] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 195 , 29 )];
mapName[19] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 195 , 93 )];
mapName[15] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 195 , 61 )];
mapName[17] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 195 , 125 )];
mapName[62] = [22,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 195 , 3 )];
mapName[64] = [22,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 195 , 35 )];
mapName[59] = [22,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 195 , 19 )];
mapName[60] = [22,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 195 , 51 )];
mapName[84] = [22,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 195 , 11 )];
mapName[91] = [22,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 195 , 43 )];
mapName[78] = [22,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 195 , 27 )];
mapName[83] = [22,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 195 , 59 )];
mapName[41] = [22,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 195 , 7 )];
mapName[42] = [22,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 195 , 39 )];
mapName[39] = [22,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 195 , 23 )];
mapName[40] = [22,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 195 , 55 )];
mapName[47] = [22,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 195 , 15 )];
mapName[58] = [22,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 195 , 47 )];
mapName[43] = [22,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 195 , 31 )];
mapName[44] = [22,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 195 , 63 )];
mapName[67] = [14,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 35 )];
mapName[117] = [13,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 19 )];
mapName[103] = [16,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 11 , 0 )];
mapName[165] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 0 )];
mapName[166] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 64 )];
mapName[162] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 32 )];
mapName[164] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 96 )];
mapName[169] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 16 )];
mapName[170] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 80 )];
mapName[167] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 48 )];
mapName[168] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 112 )];
mapName[156] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 8 )];
mapName[157] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 72 )];
mapName[154] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 40 )];
mapName[155] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 104 )];
mapName[160] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 24 )];
mapName[161] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 88 )];
mapName[158] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 56 )];
mapName[159] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 120 )];
mapName[181] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 4 )];
mapName[182] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 68 )];
mapName[179] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 36 )];
mapName[180] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 100 )];
mapName[185] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 20 )];
mapName[186] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 84 )];
mapName[183] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 52 )];
mapName[184] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 116 )];
mapName[173] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 12 )];
mapName[174] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 76 )];
mapName[171] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 44 )];
mapName[172] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 108 )];
mapName[177] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 28 )];
mapName[178] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 92 )];
mapName[175] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 60 )];
mapName[176] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 124 )];
mapName[132] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 2 )];
mapName[133] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 66 )];
mapName[130] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 34 )];
mapName[131] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 98 )];
mapName[136] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 18 )];
mapName[137] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 82 )];
mapName[134] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 50 )];
mapName[135] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 114 )];
mapName[30] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 10 )];
mapName[31] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 74 )];
mapName[28] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 42 )];
mapName[29] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 106 )];
mapName[128] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 26 )];
mapName[129] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 90 )];
mapName[32] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 58 )];
mapName[127] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 122 )];
mapName[148] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 6 )];
mapName[149] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 70 )];
mapName[146] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 38 )];
mapName[147] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 102 )];
mapName[152] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 22 )];
mapName[153] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 86 )];
mapName[150] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 54 )];
mapName[151] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 118 )];
mapName[140] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 14 )];
mapName[141] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 78 )];
mapName[138] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 46 )];
mapName[139] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 110 )];
mapName[144] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 30 )];
mapName[145] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 94 )];
mapName[142] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 62 )];
mapName[143] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 126 )];
mapName[230] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 1 )];
mapName[231] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 65 )];
mapName[228] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 33 )];
mapName[229] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 97 )];
mapName[234] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 17 )];
mapName[235] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 81 )];
mapName[232] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 49 )];
mapName[233] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 113 )];
mapName[222] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 9 )];
mapName[223] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 73 )];
mapName[220] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 41 )];
mapName[221] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 105 )];
mapName[226] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 25 )];
mapName[227] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 89 )];
mapName[224] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 57 )];
mapName[225] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 121 )];
mapName[246] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 5 )];
mapName[247] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 69 )];
mapName[244] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 37 )];
mapName[245] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 101 )];
mapName[250] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 21 )];
mapName[251] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 85 )];
mapName[248] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 53 )];
mapName[249] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 117 )];
mapName[238] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 13 )];
mapName[239] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 77 )];
mapName[236] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 45 )];
mapName[237] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 109 )];
mapName[242] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 29 )];
mapName[243] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 93 )];
mapName[240] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 61 )];
mapName[241] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 125 )];
mapName[198] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 3 )];
mapName[199] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 67 )];
mapName[196] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 35 )];
mapName[197] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 99 )];
mapName[202] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 19 )];
mapName[203] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 83 )];
mapName[200] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 51 )];
mapName[201] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 115 )];
mapName[189] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 11 )];
mapName[190] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 75 )];
mapName[187] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 43 )];
mapName[188] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 107 )];
mapName[194] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 27 )];
mapName[195] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 91 )];
mapName[192] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 59 )];
mapName[193] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 123 )];
mapName[214] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 7 )];
mapName[215] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 71 )];
mapName[212] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 39 )];
mapName[213] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 103 )];
mapName[218] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 23 )];
mapName[219] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 87 )];
mapName[216] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 55 )];
mapName[217] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 119 )];
mapName[206] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 15 )];
mapName[207] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 79 )];
mapName[204] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 47 )];
mapName[205] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 111 )];
mapName[210] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 31 )];
mapName[211] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 95 )];
mapName[208] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 63 )];
mapName[209] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 139 , 127 )];
mapName[102] = [16,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 75 , 0 )];
mapName[72] = [20,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 203 , 0 )];
mapName[82] = [20,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 203 , 8 )];
mapName[96] = [22,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 203 , 4 )];
mapName[112] = [22,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 203 , 36 )];
mapName[93] = [22,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 203 , 20 )];
mapName[94] = [22,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 203 , 52 )];
mapName[123] = [22,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 203 , 12 )];
mapName[125] = [22,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 203 , 44 )];
mapName[118] = [22,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 203 , 28 )];
mapName[121] = [22,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 203 , 60 )];
mapName[80] = [21,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 203 , 2 )];
mapName[81] = [21,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 203 , 18 )];
mapName[254] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 203 , 10 )];
mapName[255] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 203 , 74 )];
mapName[252] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 203 , 42 )];
mapName[253] = [23,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 203 , 106 )];
mapName[61] = [21,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 203 , 26 )];
mapName[99] = [20,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 203 , 6 )];
mapName[88] = [21,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 203 , 14 )];
mapName[126] = [22,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 203 , 30 )];
mapName[120] = [22,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 203 , 62 )];
mapName[75] = [20,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 203 , 1 )];
mapName[79] = [20,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 203 , 9 )];
mapName[16] = [21,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 203 , 5 )];
mapName[163] = [22,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 203 , 21 )];
mapName[191] = [22,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 203 , 53 )];
mapName[89] = [20,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 203 , 13 )];
mapName[97] = [19,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 203 , 3 )];
mapName[109] = [19,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 203 , 7 )];
mapName[101] = [15,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 43 )];
mapName[107] = [21,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 107 , 0 )];
mapName[122] = [21,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 107 , 16 )];
mapName[85] = [21,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 107 , 8 )];
mapName[106] = [21,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 107 , 24 )];
mapName[71] = [20,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 107 , 4 )];
mapName[76] = [20,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 107 , 12 )];
mapName[63] = [19,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 107 , 2 )];
mapName[87] = [20,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 107 , 6 )];
mapName[90] = [20,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 107 , 14 )];
mapName[92] = [19,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 107 , 1 )];
mapName[73] = [21,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 107 , 5 )];
mapName[98] = [21,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 107 , 21 )];
mapName[74] = [20,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 107 , 13 )];
mapName[114] = [21,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 107 , 3 )];
mapName[119] = [21,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 107 , 19 )];
mapName[104] = [21,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 107 , 11 )];
mapName[113] = [21,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 107 , 27 )];
mapName[68] = [19,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 107 , 7 )];
mapName[116] = [16,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 235 , 0 )];
mapName[37] = [14,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 27 )];
mapName[66] = [16,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 59 , 0 )];
mapName[108] = [17,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 187 , 0 )];
mapName[115] = [17,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 187 , 1 )];
mapName[111] = [16,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 123 , 0 )];
mapName[110] = [16,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 251 , 0 )];
mapName[77] = [11,String.fromCharCode( 173 , 7 )];
mapName[45] = [9,String.fromCharCode( 109 , 0 )];
mapName[86] = [9,String.fromCharCode( 109 , 1 )];
mapName[35] = [8,String.fromCharCode( 237 , 0 )];
mapName[53] = [6,String.fromCharCode( 29 )];
mapName[55] = [7,String.fromCharCode( 61 )];
mapName[51] = [7,String.fromCharCode( 125 )];
mapName[95] = [2,String.fromCharCode( 3 )];

 var curbyte = 0;
 var curbit = 0;
 var result="";
 if (sSrc.substr(0,1)!='V'||sSrc.length>1024*6)
 return "";
 result += String.fromCharCode(Math.floor(sSrc.length/256)%256);
 result += String.fromCharCode((sSrc.length)%256);
 for (i=0;i<sSrc.length ;i++ )
 for (j=0;j< mapName[sSrc.charCodeAt(i)][0];j++ )
 curbyte |= ((mapName[sSrc.charCodeAt(i)][1].charCodeAt(j/8)>>(j%8))&1)<<curbit;

 if (++curbit==8)
 result += String.fromCharCode(curbyte);
 curbyte = 0;
 curbit = 0;

 if (curbit>0)
 result += String.fromCharCode(curbyte);
 return result;

function conv64(instr)
 var mapSymbol =["0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","A","B","C","D","E",
 var sSrc = instr;
 //alert("src length ="+sSrc.length+"<br/>"+sSrc+"<br/>")
 var curbyte = 0;
 var curbit = 0;
 var encode = "";
 for (i=0;i<sSrc.length ;i++ )
 for (j=0;j< 8;j++ )
 curbyte |=(sSrc.charCodeAt(i)>>(7-j)&1)<<(5-curbit);
 if (++curbit==6)
 { //alert("soyml =" + curbyte)
 encode += mapSymbol[curbyte];
 curbyte = 0;
 curbit = 0;
 if (curbit>0)
 encode += mapSymbol[curbyte];
 return encode;
function huffcompress(str)
 return "Z2"+conv64(encodehuffman(str));
Eutopia Item Filter
filter special type items
params: sStr - the show string
 type - the special type of the item
the type means:
return the filted str or the original str if on error

*********this function ignore all showStr errors*********
function filterForSpecItem(sStr,type)
 var retArr = [];
 var defArr = sStr.split("#");
 if(defArr.length < 3)
 //alert("error for filter");
 return sStr;
 var itemArr = defArr[2].split("|");
 for (var i=0; i<itemArr.length; i++)
 var itemSpcArr = itemArr[i].split("_");
 if (itemSpcArr.length < 18)
 //alert("error for item"+i);
 return sStr;
 if (itemSpcArr[8] == type)
 return (defArr[0]+"#"+defArr[1]+"#"+retArr.join("|")+"#");

Eutopia Item Counter
count special type items NUM
params: sStr - the show string
 type - the special type of the item
the type means:
return the count NUM

*********this function ignore all showStr errors*********
function SpecTypeItemCount(sStr,type)
 var count = 0;
 var defArr = sStr.split("#");
 if(defArr.length < 3)
 //alert("error for filter");
 return count;
 var itemArr = defArr[2].split("|");
 for (var i=0; i<itemArr.length; i++)
 var itemSpcArr = itemArr[i].split("_");
 if (itemSpcArr.length < 18)
 //alert("error for item"+i);
 return count;
 if (itemSpcArr[8] == type)
 return count;

function SpecTypeArrayStr(sStr,type)
 var TypeArray = new Array();
 var defArr = sStr.split("#");
 if(defArr.length < 3)
 //alert("error for filter");
 return TypeArray;
 var itemArr = defArr[2].split("|");
 for (var i=0; i<itemArr.length; i++)
 var itemSpcArr = itemArr[i].split("_");
 if (itemSpcArr.length < 18)
 //alert("error for item"+i);
 return TypeArray;
 if (itemSpcArr[8] == type)
 return TypeArray;
function getVipLevel(score)
 var level2 = 400;
 var level3 = 800;
 var level4 = 1600;
 var level5 = 3000;
 var level6 = 5000;
 var level7 = 7000;
 var level_distin = 2000;
 if (score <= 0) return 0;
 else if (score >0 && score <level2) return 1;
 else if (score <level3) return 2;
 else if (score <level4) return 3;
 else if (score <level5) return 4;
 else if (score <level6) return 5;
 else if (score <level7) return 6;
 else return (parseInt((score-level7)/level_distin,10) + 7);
function getVipLevelVal(level)
 case 1:
 return 0;
 case 2:
 return 400;
 case 3:
 return 800;
 case 4:
 return 1600;
 case 5:
 return 3000;
 case 6:
 return 5000;
 case 7:
 return 7000;
 return ((level-7)*2000 + 7000);
function HtmlEncode(sStr)
 sStr = sStr.replace(/&/g,"&amp;");
 sStr = sStr.replace(/>/g,"&gt;");
 sStr = sStr.replace(/</g,"&lt;");
 sStr = sStr.replace(/"/g,"&quot;");
 sStr = sStr.replace(/'/g,"'");
 return sStr;

function HtmlUnEncode(sStr)
 sStr = sStr.replace(/&amp;/g,"&");
 sStr = sStr.replace(/&gt;/g,">");
 sStr = sStr.replace(/&lt;/g,"<");
 sStr = sStr.replace(/&quot;/g,'"');
 sStr = sStr.replace(/'/g,"'");
 return sStr;

(2)该函数不适用于属性名为 style="[Un-trusted input]" 的编码
function HtmlAttributeEncode(sStr)
 sStr = sStr.replace(/&/g,"&amp;");
 sStr = sStr.replace(/>/g,"&gt;");
 sStr = sStr.replace(/</g,"&lt;");
 sStr = sStr.replace(/"/g,"&quot;");
 sStr = sStr.replace(/'/g,"'");
 sStr = sStr.replace(/=/g,"=");
 sStr = sStr.replace(/`/g,"`");
 return sStr;


posted on 2008-02-18 15:34  lcs-帅  阅读(4379)  评论(3编辑  收藏  举报
