
Jena 是RDF数据库
  • The RDF API - the core RDF API in Jena
  • SPARQL - querying and updating RDF models using the SPARQL
  • Fuseki - SPARQL server which can present RDF data and answer  SPARQL queries over HTTP
  • Assembler - describing recipes for constructing Jena models  declaratively using RDF
  • Inference - using the Jena rules engine and other inference algorithms  to derive consequences from RDF models
  • Javadoc - JavaDoc generated from the Jena source
  • Text Search - enhanced indexes using Lucene or Solr for more efficient
  • I/O - notes on input and output of triples to and from Jena models
  • How-To's - various topic-specific how-to documents
  • Ontology - support for handling OWL models in Jena
  • TDB - a fast persistent triple store that stores directly to disk
  • SQL DB - constructing persistent Jena models using SQL databases as  the storage layer
  • Tools - various command-line tools and utilities to help developers  manage RDF data and other aspects of Jena
第一步:进入 apache-jena-fuseki-3.12.0 文件夹下(在linux中如果没有可执行权限需要使用chmod +x赋予权限)
        使用命令./fuseki-server —update —mem /ds启动服务
(之前讲基于本体建模的时候用protégé,而protégé 本身是人与本体对象之间进行交互,而jena可以理解为是应用程序和本体之间进行交互通常会将两者之间配合起来进行使用,就是一个完整的关于本体操作的解决方案)
posted @ 2020-01-06 21:16  小呆蝎子  阅读(1492)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报