摘要:Using SQL Server Management Studio To configure the user connections option 1.In Object Explorer, right-click a server and click Properties. 2.Click t
摘要:print convert(varchar, getdate(), 121) declare @callID as intdeclare @errCode as intdeclare @msg as nvarchar(200) exec [sp_Test_alwayRetTrue] @callID,
摘要:1 : 日期 + 1DECLARE @date DateTimeSET @date = GetDate()SET @date = DateAdd(day, 1, @date)SELECT @date
摘要:1 : c#代码是 SqlConnection connNew = null; connNew = new SqlConnection(@"Data Source="XXX"); ...
摘要:bigint 的数据范围是 从 -2^63 (-9223372036854775808) 到 2^63-1 (9223372036854775807) 的整型数据但是 ,如果这么写 print CAST(POWER(3, 20) AS BIGINT) 会报这个错误 Msg 232...
摘要:Arvixe主机是看不到c盘或d盘的, 所有操作都是通过 Control Panel ,地址是Address: http://cp.meijinaiwo.comAlternate Address: http://cp.dock.arvixe.comAlternate ...
摘要:如果这样用UPDATE Accounts SET Balance = Balance + @Amount WHERE AccountID = @ID_AIF (@@ERROR > 0) GOTO PROBLEM需要注意: When using the @@ERROR value in Transact-SQL, you must be careful tocheck it immediately after each operation. That’s because @@ERROR is reset to 0 when a successfulSQL statement is comp
摘要:A 表 (充值记录表) 有以下的字段 -------hisreload 表ID (递增) , ToMobile(冲往哪个手机号) ,refID (guid ,表示一次事务) ......----------------------------------------------B表(transactions)有以下字段refID(与A表关联) , opTime (操作时间) ........--------------------------------------------想实现的功能是: 查询 所有手机号及其最后一次充值记录 , 并对操作时间过滤, 例如去掉 最后一次充值在 2013-9
摘要:inner join :The INNER JOIN keyword selects all rows from both tables as long as there is a match between the columns in both tables.left join :The LEFT JOIN keyword returns all rows from the left table (table1), with the matching rows in the right table (table2). The result is NULL in the right side
摘要:例如以下的sql语句select * from Tags where Name in('ruby','rails','scruffy','rubyonrails')写成这样, 编译不通过declare @nameList nvarchar(100)select @nameList = 'aaa,bbb,ccc,ddd'select * from Tags where Name in @nameList如果还是想简单的传入一个字符串代表 in 的目标 , 可以:一 : 先建一个函数 , split传入的参数 , 存到
摘要:在维护以前的程序时,遇到这样的情况,需要向远程数据库写非常多的记录。原先的实现是这样的 :一 : 用datagridview显示要写入的记录,假设有10000条二:循环每一条记录,调用存储过程,将该条记录写入 ,代码如下 for (int i = 0; i @EnrollDate设 传进来的记录为 row意思是找出当前表中所有rateplanid 和row的@RatePlanID相同 ,且ExpiryDate大于row的@EnrollDate的记录然后update 这些记录的 expiryDate 然后再insert row-----------------------...
摘要:@@rowcountAfter each Transact-SQL statement, the server sets the value of this variable to the total number of records affected by it. It can be used to verify the success of selected operations: select Make, Model, EqTypeid into OldEquipment from Equipment where EqTypeid = 2 if ...
摘要:1 : ExecuteNonQuery() Executes non-SELECT commands, such as SQL commands that insert,delete, or update records. The returned value indicates the number of rows affected by the command. You can also use ExecuteNonQuery() toexecute data-definition commands that create, alter, or delete database object
摘要:一种是:让 sql server 2008 支持.net 4.0,但如何实现不知道简单方法是 : 用 vs 2005 build程序集或者在 project---->property---->application----->Target Framework 选 .net framework 3.5vs各版本使用的.net 版本分别是1.0: Visual Studio .NET1.1: Visual Studio .NET 20032.0: Visual Studio 2005 / 20083.0 / 3.5: Visual Studio 20084.0: Visual S
摘要:declare @ct as datetimeselect @ct=GETDATE()print @ctselect @ct=dateadd(month,datediff(month,0,@ct), '00:00:00')print @ct
摘要:select 'a' as column1 name1 : wrongselect 'a' as [column1 name1] : ok[] : brackets
摘要:Just to clear up... or sum up...nchar and nvarchar can store Unicode characters.char and varchar cannot store Unicode characters.char and nchar are fixed-length which will reserve storage space for number of characters you specify even if you don't use up all that space.varchar and nvarchar are
摘要:function Binary_CheckSum对大小写敏感,想忽略大小写可用CheckSum.These functions are also valuable for comparing and indexing long string columns. Instead of creating an index on such column, you can add a column based onthe checksum or binary checksum of the value in the string column and index it instead. This typ