lab1 练习1:理解通过make生成执行文件的过程




  1. 操作系统镜像文件ucore.img是如何一步一步生成的?(需要比较详细地解释Makefile中每一条相关命令和命令参数的含义,以及说明命令导致的结果)
  2. 一个被系统认为是符合规范的硬盘主引导扇区的特征是什么?





$ make "V="


$ man make

实验报告 练习1:


在lab1目录下输入 make v=查看编译顺序,得到结果:

+ cc kern/init/init.c
kern/init/init.c:95:1: warning: ‘lab1_switch_test’ defined but not used [-Wunused-function]
 lab1_switch_test(void) {
+ cc kern/libs/readline.c
+ cc kern/libs/stdio.c
+ cc kern/debug/kdebug.c
kern/debug/kdebug.c:251:1: warning: ‘read_eip’ defined but not used [-Wunused-function]
 read_eip(void) {
+ cc kern/debug/kmonitor.c
+ cc kern/debug/panic.c
+ cc kern/driver/clock.c
+ cc kern/driver/console.c
+ cc kern/driver/intr.c
+ cc kern/driver/picirq.c
+ cc kern/trap/trap.c
kern/trap/trap.c:14:13: warning: ‘print_ticks’ defined but not used [-Wunused-function]
 static void print_ticks() {
kern/trap/trap.c:30:26: warning: ‘idt_pd’ defined but not used [-Wunused-variable]
 static struct pseudodesc idt_pd = {
+ cc kern/trap/trapentry.S
+ cc kern/trap/vectors.S
+ cc kern/mm/pmm.c
+ cc libs/printfmt.c
+ cc libs/string.c
+ ld bin/kernel
+ cc boot/bootasm.S
+ cc boot/bootmain.c
+ cc tools/sign.c
+ ld bin/bootblock
'obj/bootblock.out' size: 472 bytes
build 512 bytes boot sector: 'bin/bootblock' success!
10000+0 records in
10000+0 records out
5120000 bytes (5.1 MB) copied, 0.0363158 s, 141 MB/s
1+0 records in
1+0 records out
512 bytes (512 B) copied, 0.0013384 s, 383 kB/s
138+1 records in
138+1 records out
70775 bytes (71 kB) copied, 0.000284194 s, 249 MB/s


  1. 编译 kern/init/init.c
  2. compile readlin.c
  3. compile stdio.c
  4. compile kdebug.c
  5. compile kern/debug/knonitor.c
  6. compile kern/debug/panic.c
  7. compile kern/driver/clock.c
  8. compile kern/driver/console.c
  9. compile kern/driver/intr.c
  10. compile kern/driver/picirq.c
  11. cpmpile kern/trap/trap.cile kern/trap/trapentry.S
  12. compile lebs/string.c
  13. link bin/kernel
  14. compile boot/bootasm.S
  15. compiile boot/bootmain.c
  16. compile tools/sign.c
  17. link bin/bootblock: bootblock.out size is 472 b,but build 512b boot sector, use dd to create 5.1MB ucore.img,then write bootblock to ucore.img first 512byte(addr 0-511),finally write kernel to ucore.img begin at address 512


在tools/sign.c里可以看到, 引导扇区512字节最后两字节必须是ox55aa

buf[510] = 0x55;
buf[511] = 0xAA;
FILE *ofp = fopen(argv[2], "wb+");
size = fwrite(buf, 1, 512, ofp);
if (size != 512) {
    fprintf(stderr, "write '%s' error, size is %d.\n", argv[2], size);
    return -1;
printf("build 512 bytes boot sector: '%s' success!\n", argv[2]);
return 0;

posted @ 2020-12-31 15:25  lsxkugou  阅读(338)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报