Can I fly high in the Sky?

Never say never.



Posted on 2015-08-20 14:25  lsr_flying  阅读(502)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
 1 //比较两个字符串大小
 2 bool compareSub(char* const s1,char* const s2)
 3 {
 4     int i=0;
 5     while((i<strlen(s1))&&(i<strlen(s2)))
 6     {
 7         if(toupper(s1[i])<toupper(s2[i]))
 8             return true;
 9         else if(toupper(s1[i])>toupper(s2[i]))
10             return false;
11         ++i;
12     }
13     return strlen(s1)>strlen(s2);
14 }
16 //比照两个字符串的公共子串
17 int commonSub(char* s1,char* s2,char* comChar)
18 {
19     int i=0;
20     while((i<strlen(s1))&&(i<strlen(s2)))
21     {
22         if(toupper(s1[i])==toupper(s2[i]))
23         {
24             comChar[i]=s1[i];
25             ++i;
26         }
27         else
28             break;
29     }
30     comChar[i]='\0';
31     return i;
32 }
33 //获得最长公共子串
34 int getLongestSub(char* c,char* subChar)
35 {
36 vector<char*> subVector;
37 //获得子串
38 for(int i=0;i<strlen(c);i++)
39 {
40     subVector.push_back(&c[i]);
41 }
42 //子串排序
43 sort(subVector.begin(),subVector.end(),compareSub);
44 //获得最长子串
45 const int n=strlen(c);
46 char* tempChar=new char[n];
47 int max=0;
48 for(int i=0;i<subVector.size()-1;i++)
49 {
50     int temp=commonSub(,,tempChar);
51     if(temp>max)
52     {
53         max=temp;
54         strcpy(subChar,tempChar);
55     }
56 }
57 delete[] tempChar;
58 return max;
59 }
61 //简单示范
62 int main()
63 {
64 //输入
65 char* c=new char[100];
66 cin.getline(c,100);
67 char* subChar=new char[100];
68 int max=0;
69 max=getLongestSub(c,subChar);
70 //输出
71 cout<<"biggest substring of <"<<c<<">"<<endl;
72 cout<<"length:"<<max<<" subString:"<<subChar<<endl;
73 delete[] subChar;
74 delete[] c;
75 system("pause");
76 }