
ibmcrypt was not found解决方案

摘要: configure: error: *** libmcrypt was not found解决方案./configure提示出错,首先提示*** Could not run libmcrypt test program, checking why…*** The test program failed to compile or link. See the file config.log for the*** exact error that occured. This usually means LIBMCRYPT was incorrectly installed*** or that y 阅读全文

posted @ 2012-10-16 14:35 E猫 阅读(280) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑


摘要: php安装mcrypt在Windows下加载mcryptphp_mcrypt.dll需要libmcrypt.dll支持1,在php.ini配置文件中,搜索 ;extension=php_mcrypt.dll将php_mcrypt.dll前的 " ; "分号去掉改成extension=php_mcrypt.dll2, 从php5中复制 libmcrypt.dll 到system32目录下3,修改完后重起iis(iis必须在cmd下用iisreset 命令重起服务器,在“Internet 信息服务”重启无效)或Apache。在Centos中加mcrypt这里注意的是mcrypt 阅读全文

posted @ 2012-10-16 14:32 E猫 阅读(3272) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑
