超轻量级PHP SQL数据库框架
<?php /** * ! Medoo 0.8.5 - Copyright 2013, Angel Lai - MIT license - http://medoo.in */ class medoo{ protected $database_type = 'mysql'; // For MySQL, MSSQL, Sybase protected $server = 'localhost'; protected $username = 'username'; protected $password = 'password'; // For SQLite protected $database_file = ''; // Optional protected $charset = 'utf8'; protected $database_name = ''; protected $option = array(); public function __construct($options){ try{ $type = strtolower($this -> database_type); if(is_string($options)){ if($type == 'sqlite'){ $this -> database_file = $options; }else{ $this -> database_name = $options; } }else{ foreach($options as $option => $value){ $this -> $option = $value; } } $type = strtolower($this -> database_type); switch($type){ case 'mysql':case 'pgsql':$this -> pdo = new PDO($type . ':host=' . $this -> server . ';dbname=' . $this -> database_name, $this -> username, $this -> password, $this -> option); break; case 'mssql':case 'sybase':$this -> pdo = new PDO($type . ':host=' . $this -> server . ';dbname=' . $this -> database_name . ',' . $this -> username . ',' . $this -> password, $this -> option); break; case 'sqlite':$this -> pdo = new PDO($type . ':' . $this -> database_file, $this -> option); break; } $this -> pdo -> exec('SET NAMES \'' . $this -> charset . '\''); } catch(PDOException$e){ echo $e -> getMessage(); } } public function query($query){ $this -> queryString = $query; return $this -> pdo -> query($query); } public function exec($query){ $this -> queryString = $query; return $this -> pdo -> exec($query); } public function quote($string){ return $this -> pdo -> quote($string); } protected function array_quote($array){ $temp = array(); foreach($array as $value){ $temp[] = is_int($value)?$value:$this -> pdo -> quote($value); } return implode($temp, ','); } protected function inner_conjunct($data, $conjunctor, $outer_conjunctor){ $haystack = array(); foreach($data as $value){ $haystack[] = '(' . $this -> data_implode($value, $conjunctor) . ')'; } return implode($outer_conjunctor . ' ', $haystack); } protected function data_implode($data, $conjunctor, $outer_conjunctor = null){ $wheres = array(); foreach($data as $key => $value){ if(($key == 'AND' || $key == 'OR') && is_array($value)){ $wheres[] = 0 !== count(array_diff_key($value, array_keys(array_keys($value))))?'(' . $this -> data_implode($value, ' ' . $key) . ')':'(' . $this -> inner_conjunct($value, ' ' . $key, $conjunctor) . ')'; }else{ preg_match('/([\w\.]+)(\[(\>|\>\=|\<|\<\=|\!|\<\>)\])?/i', $key, $match); if(isset($match[3])){ if($match[3] == '' || $match[3] == '!'){ $wheres[] = $match[1] . ' ' . $match[3] . '= ' . $this -> quote($value); }else{ if($match[3] == '<>'){ if(is_array($value)){ if(is_numeric($value[0]) && is_numeric($value[1])){ $wheres[] = $match[1] . ' BETWEEN ' . $value[0] . ' AND ' . $value[1]; }else{ $wheres[] = $match[1] . ' BETWEEN ' . $this -> quote($value[0]) . ' AND ' . $this -> quote($value[1]); } } }else{ if(is_numeric($value)){ $wheres[] = $match[1] . ' ' . $match[3] . ' ' . $value; } } } }else{ if(is_int($key)){ $wheres[] = $this -> quote($value); }else{ switch(gettype($value)){ case 'NULL':$wheres[] = $match[1] . ' IS null'; break; case 'array':$wheres[] = $match[1] . ' IN (' . $this -> array_quote($value) . ')'; break; default:$wheres[] = $match[1] . ' = ' . $this -> quote($value); break; } } } } } return implode($conjunctor . ' ', $wheres); } public function where_clause($where){ $where_clause = ''; if(is_array($where)){ $single_condition = array_diff_key($where, array_flip(explode(' ', 'AND OR GROUP ORDER HAVING LIMIT LIKE MATCH'))); if($single_condition != array()){ $where_clause = ' WHERE ' . $this -> data_implode($single_condition, ''); } if(isset($where['AND'])){ $where_clause = ' WHERE ' . $this -> data_implode($where['AND'], ' AND '); } if(isset($where['OR'])){ $where_clause = ' WHERE ' . $this -> data_implode($where['OR'], ' OR '); } if(isset($where['LIKE'])){ $like_query = $where['LIKE']; if(is_array($like_query)){ $is_OR = isset($like_query['OR']); if($is_OR || isset($like_query['AND'])){ $connector = $is_OR?'OR':'AND'; $like_query = $is_OR?$like_query['OR']:$like_query['AND']; }else{ $connector = 'AND'; } $clause_wrap = array(); foreach($like_query as $column => $keyword){ if(is_array($keyword)){ foreach($keyword as $key){ $clause_wrap[] = $column . ' LIKE ' . $this -> quote('%' . $key . '%'); } }else{ $clause_wrap[] = $column . ' LIKE ' . $this -> quote('%' . $keyword . '%'); } } $where_clause .= ($where_clause != ''?' AND ':' WHERE ') . '(' . implode($clause_wrap, ' ' . $connector . ' ') . ')'; } } if(isset($where['MATCH'])){ $match_query = $where['MATCH']; if(is_array($match_query) && isset($match_query['columns']) && isset($match_query['keyword'])){ $where_clause .= ($where_clause != ''?' AND ':' WHERE ') . ' MATCH (' . implode($match_query['columns'], ', ') . ') AGAINST (' . $this -> quote($match_query['keyword']) . ')'; } } if(isset($where['GROUP'])){ $where_clause .= ' GROUP BY ' . $where['GROUP']; } if(isset($where['ORDER'])){ $where_clause .= ' ORDER BY ' . $where['ORDER']; if(isset($where['HAVING'])){ $where_clause .= ' HAVING ' . $this -> data_implode($where['HAVING'], ''); } } if(isset($where['LIMIT'])){ if(is_numeric($where['LIMIT'])){ $where_clause .= ' LIMIT ' . $where['LIMIT']; } if(is_array($where['LIMIT']) && is_numeric($where['LIMIT'][0]) && is_numeric($where['LIMIT'][1])){ $where_clause .= ' LIMIT ' . $where['LIMIT'][0] . ',' . $where['LIMIT'][1]; } } }else{ if($where != null){ $where_clause .= ' ' . $where; } } return $where_clause; } public function select($table, $columns, $where = null){ $where_clause = $this -> where_clause($where); preg_match('/([a-zA-Z0-9_-]*)\s*(\[(\<|\>|\>\<|\<\>)\])?\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_-]*)/i', $table, $match); if($match[3] != '' && $match[4] != ''){ $join_array = array('>' => 'LEFT', '<' => 'RIGHT', '<>' => 'FULL', '><' => 'INNER'); $table = $match[1] . ' ' . $join_array[$match[3]] . ' JOIN ' . $match[4] . ' ON '; $where_clause = str_replace(' WHERE ', '', $where_clause); } $query = $this -> query('SELECT ' . (is_array($columns)?implode(', ', $columns):$columns) . ' FROM ' . $table . $where_clause); return $query?$query -> fetchAll((is_string($columns) && $columns != '*')?PDO :: FETCH_COLUMN:PDO :: FETCH_ASSOC):false; } public function insert($table, $data){ $keys = implode(',', array_keys($data)); $values = array(); foreach($data as $key => $value){ $values[] = is_array($value)?serialize($value):$value; } $this -> exec('INSERT INTO ' . $table . ' (' . $keys . ') VALUES (' . $this -> data_implode(array_values($values), ',') . ')'); return $this -> pdo -> lastInsertId(); } public function update($table, $data, $where = null){ $fields = array(); foreach($data as $key => $value){ if(is_array($value)){ $fields[] = $key . '=' . $this -> quote(serialize($value)); }else{ preg_match('/([\w]+)(\[(\+|\-)\])?/i', $key, $match); if(isset($match[3])){ if(is_numeric($value)){ $fields[] = $match[1] . ' = ' . $match[1] . ' ' . $match[3] . ' ' . $value; } }else{ $fields[] = $key . ' = ' . $this -> quote($value); } } } return $this -> exec('UPDATE ' . $table . ' SET ' . implode(',', $fields) . $this -> where_clause($where)); } public function delete($table, $where){ return $this -> exec('DELETE FROM ' . $table . $this -> where_clause($where)); } public function replace($table, $columns, $search = null, $replace = null, $where = null){ if(is_array($columns)){ $replace_query = array(); foreach($columns as $column => $replacements){ foreach($replacements as $replace_search => $replace_replacement){ $replace_query[] = $column . ' = REPLACE(' . $column . ', ' . $this -> quote($replace_search) . ', ' . $this -> quote($replace_replacement) . ')'; } } $replace_query = implode(', ', $replace_query); $where = $search; }else{ if(is_array($search)){ $replace_query = array(); foreach($search as $replace_search => $replace_replacement){ $replace_query[] = $columns . ' = REPLACE(' . $columns . ', ' . $this -> quote($replace_search) . ', ' . $this -> quote($replace_replacement) . ')'; } $replace_query = implode(', ', $replace_query); $where = $replace; }else{ $replace_query = $columns . ' = REPLACE(' . $columns . ', ' . $this -> quote($search) . ', ' . $this -> quote($replace) . ')'; } } return $this -> exec('UPDATE ' . $table . ' SET ' . $replace_query . $this -> where_clause($where)); } public function get($table, $columns, $where = null){ if(is_array($where)){ $where['LIMIT'] = 1; } $data = $this -> select($table, $columns, $where); return isset($data[0])?$data[0]:false; } public function has($table, $where){ return $this -> query('SELECT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM ' . $table . $this -> where_clause($where) . ')') -> fetchColumn() === '1'; } public function count($table, $where = null){ return 0 + ($this -> query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . $table . $this -> where_clause($where)) -> fetchColumn()); } public function max($table, $column, $where = null){ return 0 + ($this -> query('SELECT MAX(' . $column . ') FROM ' . $table . $this -> where_clause($where)) -> fetchColumn()); } public function min($table, $column, $where = null){ return 0 + ($this -> query('SELECT MIN(' . $column . ') FROM ' . $table . $this -> where_clause($where)) -> fetchColumn()); } public function avg($table, $column, $where = null){ return 0 + ($this -> query('SELECT AVG(' . $column . ') FROM ' . $table . $this -> where_clause($where)) -> fetchColumn()); } public function sum($table, $column, $where = null){ return 0 + ($this -> query('SELECT SUM(' . $column . ') FROM ' . $table . $this -> where_clause($where)) -> fetchColumn()); } public function error(){ return $this -> pdo -> errorInfo(); } public function last_query(){ return $this -> queryString; } public function info(){ return array('server' => $this -> pdo -> getAttribute(PDO :: ATTR_SERVER_INFO), 'client' => $this -> pdo -> getAttribute(PDO :: ATTR_CLIENT_VERSION), 'driver' => $this -> pdo -> getAttribute(PDO :: ATTR_DRIVER_NAME), 'version' => $this -> pdo -> getAttribute(PDO :: ATTR_SERVER_VERSION), 'connection' => $this -> pdo -> getAttribute(PDO :: ATTR_CONNECTION_STATUS)); } } ?>