python dict和ttl支持自动过期缓存




pip install expiringdict
pip install expiring-dict
from expiringdict import ExpiringDict
from datetime import timedelta

# 创建一个带有过期时间的字典,过期时间为5秒
cache = ExpiringDict(max_len=100, max_age_seconds=5)

# 向字典中添加键值对
cache['key1'] = 'value1'
cache['key2'] = 'value2'

# 从字典中获取键值对
print(cache['key1'])  # 输出: value1

# 等待5秒钟
import time

# 尝试获取已过期的键值对
print(cache.get('key1'))  # 输出: None

# 尝试获取未过期的键值对
print(cache.get('key2'))  # 输出: value2



Create a dictionary with capacity for 100 elements and elements expiring in 10 seconds:

from expiringdict import ExpiringDict
cache = ExpiringDict(max_len=100, max_age_seconds=10)
put and get a value there:

cache["key"] = "value"

from dict or OrderedDict: from expiringdict import ExpiringDict my_dict=dict() my_dict['test'] = 1 cache = ExpiringDict(max_len=100, max_age_seconds=10, items=my_dict) assert cache['test'] == 1

copy from another ExpiringDict, with or without new length and timeout: from expiringdict import ExpiringDict cache_hour = ExpiringDict(max_len=100, max_age_seconds=3600) cache_hour['test'] = 1 cache_hour_copy = ExpiringDict(max_len=None, max_age_seconds=None, items=cache_hour) cache_minute_copy = ExpiringDict(max_len=None, max_age_seconds=60, items=cache_hour) assert cache_minute_copy['test'] == 1

pickle : import dill from expiringdict import ExpiringDict cache = ExpiringDict(max_len=100, max_age_seconds=10) cache['test'] = 1 pickled_cache = dill.dumps(cache) unpickled_cache = dill.loads(cache) assert unpickled_cache['test'] == 1


posted on 2023-10-08 15:29  lshan  阅读(235)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报