今天遇到 支付超时,30min后取消订单, 技术栈中有redis
实现方式 :
最简单的方式,定时扫表;例如每分钟扫表一次十分钟之后未支付的订单进行主动支付 ;
优点: 简单
缺点: 每分钟全局扫表,浪费资源,有一分钟延迟
使用RabbitMq 实现 RabbitMq实现延迟队列
优点: 开源,现成的稳定的实现方案;
缺点: RabbitMq是一个消息中间件;延迟队列只是其中一个小功能,如果团队技术栈中本来就是使用RabbitMq那还好,如果不是,那为了使用延迟队列而去部署一套RabbitMq成本有点大;
优点: java.util.concurrent包下一个延迟队列,简单易用;拿来即用
缺点: 单机、不能持久化、宕机任务丢失等等; (可以通过redis 保存,添加队列时,同时添加到redis, 删除时,同时删除redis)
问题: 目前没有用RabbitMq,但是有redis
1. 添加订单到队列,同时添加到redis
2.弹出队列,同时删除redis 中的订单
1. 简单示例
public class OrderPayTimeOut { /** * 3个线程: * 线程1:向队列中添加数据 * 线程2:从队列中取出数据 * 线程3:向队列中添加数据 * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testDelayQueue() throws Exception { ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(3); // 创建线程池并返回ExecutorService实例 DelayQueue<PaylogX> queue = new DelayQueue<>(); FutureTask<String> add = add(queue,"before",3); FutureTask<String> take = take(queue); Thread.sleep(100l); FutureTask<String> add1 = add(queue,"later",1); FutureTask<String> add2 = add(queue,"then",1); executor.execute(add); // 执行任务 executor.execute(add1); // 执行任务 executor.execute(add2); // 执行任务 executor.execute(take); while(true) {} } /** * 单线程测试 * @description: 延时队列测试 * @author: hh */ @Test public void testRun() throws InterruptedException { PaylogX item1 = new PaylogX("item1", 1, TimeUnit.MINUTES); PaylogX item2 = new PaylogX("item2",3, TimeUnit.MINUTES); PaylogX item3 = new PaylogX("item3",5, TimeUnit.MINUTES); DelayQueue<PaylogX> queue = new DelayQueue<>(); queue.offer(item1); queue.offer(item2); queue.offer(item3); System.out.println("begin time:" + LocalDateTime.now().format(DateTimeFormatter.ISO_LOCAL_DATE_TIME)); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { PaylogX paylogX = queue.take(); System.out.format("name:{%s},time:{%s} date:{%s}\n",paylogX.oTitle,paylogX.timeStamp, LocalDateTime.now().format(DateTimeFormatter.ISO_DATE_TIME)); } } /** * 添加数据到队列 * @param queue * @return */ private FutureTask<String> add(DelayQueue<PaylogX> queue,String name,long expireTime) { Callable<String> callable1=new Callable<String>() { @Override public String call() throws Exception { System.err.println(name+"开始添加数据!!"); IntStream.range(0, 1000).forEach(i->{ PaylogX paylogX = new PaylogX(name+i, expireTime+new Random().nextInt(10), TimeUnit.SECONDS); try { Thread.sleep(100l); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } queue.put(paylogX); }); System.err.println(name+"添加数据结束!!"); return null; } }; FutureTask<String> futureTask1 = new FutureTask<String>(callable1); return futureTask1; } /** * 从队列中取出数据 * @param queue * @return */ private FutureTask<String> take(DelayQueue<PaylogX> queue) { Callable<String> callable1=new Callable<String>() { @Override public String call() throws Exception { while (true) { PaylogX paylogX = queue.take(); // queue.remove(take); System.out.format("name:{%s},time:{%s} date:{%s}\n",paylogX.oTitle,paylogX.timeStamp, LocalDateTime.now().format(DateTimeFormatter.ISO_DATE_TIME)); } } }; FutureTask<String> futureTask1 = new FutureTask<String>(callable1); return futureTask1; } @NoArgsConstructor @Data @ToString class PaylogX implements Delayed{ private String _id=NumberUtils.genNO() ; //uuid private String oTitle ; private long timeStamp=new Date().getTime(); private transient long delayTime; //// 延迟时长,这个是必须的属性因为要按照这个判断延时时长。 public PaylogX(String oTitle ,long delayTime,TimeUnit unit) { this.oTitle=oTitle; this.delayTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + (delayTime > 0? unit.toMillis(delayTime): 0); } @Override public int compareTo(Delayed o) { PaylogX delayed=(PaylogX)o; long diff = this.delayTime-delayed.delayTime; if (diff <= 0) {// 改成>=会造成问题 return -1; }else { return 1; } } @Override public long getDelay(TimeUnit unit) { return this.delayTime - System.currentTimeMillis(); } public void setDelayTime(long delayTime) { this.delayTime = delayTime; } } }
2.1 添加配置 DelayQueue
@Configuration public class PayTimeoutConfig { @Qualifier("payLogTimeoutQueue") @Bean(name = "payLogTimeoutQueue") public DelayQueue<OrderDelayed<Paylog>> payLogTimeoutQueue(){ DelayQueue<OrderDelayed<Paylog>> payLogQueue= new DelayQueue<OrderDelayed<Paylog>>(); return payLogQueue; } }
2.2 自定义通用队列属性 OrderDelayed
@Data @NoArgsConstructor @ToString public class OrderDelayed<T> implements Delayed{ private String id=NumberUtils.genNO(); private transient long delayTime; //// 延迟时长,这个是必须的属性因为要按照这个判断延时时长。 private T data; public OrderDelayed(T data,long delayTime,TimeUnit unit) { this.delayTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + (delayTime > 0? unit.toMillis(delayTime): 0); this.data=data; } @Override public int compareTo(Delayed o) { OrderDelayed<?> delayed=(OrderDelayed<?>)o; long diff = this.delayTime-delayed.delayTime; if (diff <= 0) { return -1; }else { return 1; } } @Override public long getDelay(TimeUnit unit) { return this.delayTime - System.currentTimeMillis(); } }
2.3 添加PayTimeoutHander 添加删除时同时删除redis
@Component @Slf4j public class PayTimeoutHander { @Value("${deposit.cancel.order.paytimeout}") private long DEPOSIT_PAY_TIMEOUT; @Qualifier("payLogTimeoutQueue") @Autowired private DelayQueue<OrderDelayed<Paylog>> payLogTimeoutQueue;/** * 添加paylog 到队列,当用户创建order时 */ public void addQueue(Paylog paylog,Long expireTime) { try { // this.delayTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + (delayTime > 0? unit.toMillis(delayTime): 0); //feeType //Deposit(押金0) if(paylog!=null&&"0".equalsIgnoreCase(paylog.getFeeType())) { //押金 expireTime= (expireTime==null)?DEPOSIT_PAY_TIMEOUT:expireTime; //服务重启的情况,可能已经超时 if(System.currentTimeMillis()-paylog.getTimeStamp()-TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(DEPOSIT_PAY_TIMEOUT)>0) { expireTime=0l; } } OrderDelayed<Paylog> orderDelayed = new OrderDelayed<Paylog>(paylog,expireTime, TimeUnit.MINUTES); payLogTimeoutQueue.put(orderDelayed);
addToRedis(orderDelayed) } catch (Exception e) { log.error("add paylog to PayTimeoutQueue exception and excption : {}",e); } } /*** * 从队列中去取出paylog */ public void takeDataFromQueue() { try { if (payLogTimeoutQueue.size() > 0) { OrderDelayed<Paylog> orderDelayed = payLogTimeoutQueue.take(); checkIsPaidAndDelRedis(orderDelayed); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { log.error("get paylog from PayTimeoutQueue exception :{}", e); } } }
2.4 添加队列监听,(服务启动后自动监听,并且加载redis 中的数据)
@Slf4j @Component public class PayTimeoutQueueListener implements CommandLineRunner{ @Autowired private PayTimeoutHander payTimeoutHander; @Autowired private PaylogService paylogService; @Override public void run(String... args) throws Exception { log.info("^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ start init PayTimeoutQueue ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^"); initPayTimeoutQueue(); log.info("^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ end init PayTimeoutQueue ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^"); log.info("^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ start PayTimeoutQueueListener ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^"); CompletableFuture.runAsync(() -> {listenQueue();}); } private void initPayTimeoutQueue() { List<?> allPaylog = paylogService.getAllPaylogFromRedis(); allPaylog.forEach(paylogobj->{ Paylog paylog=(Paylog)paylogobj; payTimeoutHander.addQueue(paylog, null); }); } private void listenQueue() { while (true) { try { payTimeoutHander.takeDataFromQueue(); Thread.sleep(1000l); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("listenQueue exception :{}",e); } } } }