SNMP OID Reference - NetScaler 10
SNMP OID Reference - NetScaler 10
System Limits for a NetScaler Appliance
This reference describes the information that can be obtained from a NetScaler appliance through SNMP.
NetScaler Enterprise OIDs
Generic Traps
Enterprise Specific Traps
Hardware Health Attributes
system (
sysDescr (
sysObjectID (
sysUpTime (
sysContact (
sysName (
sysLocation (
sysServices (
interfaces (
ifNumber (
ifTable (
ifIndex (
ifDescr (
ifType (
ifMtu (
ifSpeed (
ifPhysAddress (
ifAdminStatus (
ifOperStatus (
ifLastChange (
ifInOctets (
ifInUcastPkts (
ifInNUcastPkts (
ifInDiscards (
ifInErrors (
ifInUnknownProtos (
ifOutOctets (
ifOutUcastPkts (
ifOutNUcastPkts (
ifOutDiscards (
ifOutErrors (
ifOutQLen (
ifSpecific (
icmp (
icmpInMsgs (
icmpInErrors (
icmpInDestUnreachs (
icmpInTimeExcds (
icmpInParmProbs (
icmpInSrcQuenchs (
icmpInRedirects (
icmpInEchos (
icmpInEchoReps (
icmpInTimestamps (
icmpInTimestampReps (
icmpInAddrMasks (
icmpInAddrMaskReps (
icmpOutMsgs (
icmpOutErrors (
icmpOutDestUnreachs (
icmpOutTimeExcds (
icmpOutParmProbs (
icmpOutSrcQuenchs (
icmpOutRedirects (
icmpOutEchos (
icmpOutEchoReps (
icmpOutTimestamps (
icmpOutTimestampReps (
icmpOutAddrMasks (
icmpOutAddrMaskReps (
udp (
udpInDatagrams (
udpNoPorts (
udpInErrors (
udpOutDatagrams (
udpTable (
udpLocalAddress (
udpLocalPort (
snmp (
snmpInPkts (
snmpInBadVersions (
snmpInBadCommunityNames (
snmpInBadCommunityUses (
snmpInASNParseErrs (
snmpEnableAuthenTraps (
snmpSilentDrops (
snmpProxyDrops (
ifMIBObjects (
ifXTable (
ifNamed (
ifInMulticastPkts (
ifInBroadcastPkts (
ifOutMulticastPkts (
ifOutBroadcastPkts (
ifHCInOctets (
ifHCInUcastPkts (
ifHCInMulticastPkts (
ifHCInBroadcastPkts (
ifHCOutOctets (
ifHCOutUcastPkts (
ifHCOutMulticastPkts (
ifHCOutBroadcastPkts (
ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable (
ifHighSpeed (
ifPromiscuousMode (
ifConnectorPresent (
ifAlias (
ifCounterDiscontinuityTime (
ifTableLastChange (
NetScaler Enterprise OIDs
nsSysGroup (
This provides information about the system properties of Netscaler product.
sysBuildVersion (
This shows the version of the kernel build running on the netscaler.
sysIpAddress (
This shows the configured ipaddress of the NetScaler
sysNetmask (
This shows the configured netmask of the NetScaler
sysHighAvailabilityMode (
This shows whether NetScaler is in standalone mode or whether it is primary or secondary in case of failover mode.
sysGateway (
This represents the default gateway configured on the NetScaler
sysCurMappedIpCount (
This represents the number of Mapped IPs currently configured on the NetScaler system
sysCustomID (
Configurable Identifier for the system
sysHardwareVersionId (
The hardware version ID of the NetScaler system
sysHardwareVersionDesc (
The hardware version description of the NetScaler system
sysTotConfigChanges (
The number of times a configuration change was made on the NetScaler appliance.
sysTotSaveConfigs (
Number of times the system configuration was saved on the NetScaler appliance.
sysHardwareSerialNumber (
The serial number of the NetScaler system.
sysHardwareEncodedSerialNumber (
The encoded serial no of the NetScaler system.
sysModelId (
The model ID is populated if the system is such that it is license controlled. If the system does not support license based models, then the model id will be zero.
nsFeatureInfo (
This provides information about the various features in the Netscaler product.
featureWebLogging (
This represents whether webLogging feature is enabled or disabled on NetScaler.
featureSurgeProtection (
This represents whether surgeProtection feature is enabled or disabled on NetScaler.
featureLoadBalancing (
This represents whether LoadBalancing feature is enabled or disabled on NetScaler.
featureContentSwitching (
This represents whether contentSwitching feature is enabled or disabled on NetScaler.
featureCacheRedirection (
This represents whether cacheRedirection feature is enabled or disabled on NetScaler.
featureSureConnect (
This represents whether sureConnect feature is enabled or disabled on NetScaler.
featureCompression (
This represents whether compression feature is enabled or disabled on NetScaler.
featurePriorityQueuing (
This represents whether priorityQueuing feature is enabled or disabled on NetScaler.
featureSslOffloading (
This represents whether sslOffloading feature is enabled or disabled on NetScaler.
featureGslb (
This represents whether gslb feature is enabled or disabled on NetScaler.
featureHttpDosProtection (
This represents whether httpDosProtection feature is enabled or disabled on NetScaler.
featureContentFiltering (
This represents whether contentFiltering feature is enabled or disabled on NetScaler.
featureInternalCaching (
This represents whether internalCaching feature is enabled or disabled on NetScaler.
featureSSLVPN (
This represents whether SSL VPN feature is enabled or disabled on NetScaler.
featureOSPF (
This represents whether OSPF feature is enabled or disabled on NetScaler.
featureRIP (
This represents whether RIP feature is enabled or disabled on NetScaler.
featureBGP (
This represents whether BGP feature is enabled or disabled on NetScaler.
featureRewrite (
This represents whether Rewrite feature is enabled or disabled on NetScaler.
featureDeltaCompression (
This represents whether Delta Compression feature is enabled or disabled on NetScaler.
featureGSLBProximity (
This represents whether GSLB Proximity feature is enabled or disabled on NetScaler.
featureIPv6ProtocolTranslation (
This represents whether IPv6 Protocol Translation feature is enabled or disabled on NetScaler.
featureApplicationFirewall (
This represents whether Application Firewall feature is enabled or disabled on NetScaler.
featureResponder (
This represents whether Responder feature is enabled or disabled on NetScaler.
featureHtmlInjection (
This represents whether Html Injection feature is enabled or disabled on Netscaler.
featureAGEE (
This represents whether AGEE feature of SSLVPN is enabled or disabled on Netscaler.
featureAAA (
This represents whether Authentication, Authorization and Auditing features for Traffic Management vservers are enabled or disabled on NetScaler.
featurePLATFORM (
This gives platform information AGEE 1 NSVA 2 etc
featureAPPFLOW (
This represents whether APPFLOW feature is enabled or disable on NetScaler.
featureISIS (
This represents whether ISIS feature is enabled or disabled on NetScaler.
nsModeInfo (
This provides information about the mode a certain feature is in, in the Netscaler product.
modeFastRamp (
This represents whether fastRamp mode is enabled or disabled on NetScaler.
l2Mode (
This represents whether l2Mode mode is enabled or disabled on NetScaler.
modeUseSrcIp (
This represents whether useSrcIp mode is enabled or disabled on NetScaler.
modeClientKeepAlive (
This represents whether clientKeepAlive mode is enabled or disabled on NetScaler.
modeTcpBuffering (
This represents whether tcpBuffering mode is enabled or disabled on NetScaler.
modeMacBasedForwarding (
This represents whether macBasedForwarding mode is enabled or disabled on NetScaler.
modeUseSubnetIp (
This represents whether Use Subnet IP mode is enabled or disabled on NetScaler.
modeEdgeConfiguration (
This represents whether Edge Configuration mode is enabled or disabled on NetScaler.
l3mode (
This represents whether l3 mode (ip forwarding) is enabled or disabled on NetScaler.
modePathMTUDiscovery (
This represents whether path MTU discovery mode is enabled or disabled on NetScaler.
modeStaticRouteAdv (
This represents whether static route advertisement mode is enabled or disabled on NetScaler.
modeDirectRouteAdv (
This represents whether direct route advertisement mode is enabled or disabled on NetScaler.
modeIntranetRouteAdv (
This represents whether intranet route advertisement mode is enabled or disabled on NetScaler.
brgBpdu (
This represents whether Bridging of BPDU is enabled or disabled on NetScaler.
modeIpv6StaticRouteAdv (
This represents whether Ipv6 static route advertisement mode is enabled or disabled on NetScaler.
modeIpv6DirectRouteAdv (
This represents whether Ipv6 direct route advertisement mode is enabled or disabled on NetScaler.
aclStatsGroup (
This provides statistical information about the configured ACLs in the Netscaler product.
aclTotPktsBridged (
Packets matching a bridge ACL, which is in transparent mode and bypasses service processing.
aclTotPktsDenied (
Packets dropped because they match ACLs with processing mode set to DENY.
aclTotPktsAllowed (
Packets matching ACLs with processing mode set to ALLOW. NetScaler processes these packets.
aclTotHits (
Packets matching an ACL.
aclTotMisses (
Packets not matching any ACL.
aclTotPktsNAT (
Packets matching a NAT ACL, resulting in a NAT session.
nsAclTable (
This table contains all the ACLs configured
This is indexed on the aclName .
aclName (
The name of the ACL
aclPriority (
The priority of the ACL
aclperHits (
Number of times the acl was hit
aclFullName (
The full name of the ACL
saclStatsGroup (
This provides statistical information about the configured SimpleACLs in the Netscaler product.
saclTotPktsBridged (
Total packets that matched a SimpleACL with action BRIDGE and got bridged by NetScaler.
saclTotPktsDenied (
Packets dropped because they match SimpleACL (Access Control List) with processing mode set to DENY.
saclTotPktsAllowed (
Total packets that matched a SimpleACL with action ALLOW and got consumed by NetScaler.
saclTotHits (
Packets matching a SimpleACL.
saclTotMisses (
Packets not matching any SimpleACL.
saclsCount (
Number of SimpleACLs configured.
acl6StatsGroup (
This provides statistical information about the configured ACLs6 in the Netscaler product.
nsAcl6Table (
This table contains all the ACLs6 configured
This is indexed on the acAclName .
acAclName (
The name of the ACL6
acl6Priority (
The priority of the ACL6
acl6perHits (
Number of times the acl6 was hit
acl6FullName (
The full name of the ACL6
acl6TotPktsBridged (
Packets matching a bridge IPv6 ACL, which is in transparent mode and bypasses service processing.
acl6TotPktsDenied (
Packets dropped because they match IPv6 ACLs with processing mode set to DENY.
acl6TotPktsAllowed (
Packets matching IPv6 ACLs with processing mode set to ALLOW. NetScaler processes these packets.
acl6TotPktsNAT (
Packets matching a NAT ACL6, resulting in a NAT session.
acl6TotHits (
Packets matching an IPv6 ACL.
acl6TotMisses (
Packets not matching any IPv6 ACL.
pbrStatsGroup (
This provides statistical information about the configured PBRs in the Netscaler product.
nsPbrTable (
This table contains all the PBRs configured
This is indexed on the pbrName .
pbrName (
The name of the PBR
pbrFullName (
The Full name of the PBR
pbrPriority (
The priority of the PBR
pbrperHits (
Number of times the pbr was hit
pbrTotPktsAllowed (
Total packets that matched the PBR (Policy-Based Routes) with action ALLOW
pbrTotPktsDenied (
Total packets that matched the PBR with action DENY
pbrTotHits (
Total packets that matched one of the configured PBR
pbrTotMisses (
Total packets that did not match any PBR
sacl6StatsGroup (
This provides statistical information about the configured SimpleACL6s in the Netscaler product.
sacl6TotPktsBridged (
Total packets that matched a SimpleACL6 with action BRIDGE and got bridged by NetScaler.
sacl6TotPktsDenied (
Packets dropped because they match SimpleACL6 with processing mode set to DENY.
sacl6TotPktsAllowed (
Total packets that matched a SimpleACL6 with action ALLOW and got consumed by NetScaler.
sacl6TotHits (
Packets matching a SimpleACL6.
sacl6TotMisses (
Packets not matching any SimpleACL6.
sacl6sCount (
Number of SimpleACL6s configured.
pbr6StatsGroup (
This provides statistical information about the configured PBR6s, in the rs9000 product family of NetScaler products.
nsPbr6Table (
This table contains all the PBRs configured
This is indexed on the acPbrName .
acPbrName (
The name of the PBR6
pbr6FullName (
The full name of the PBR6
pbr6Priority (
The priority of the PBR6
pbr6perHits (
Number of times the pbr6 was hit
pbr6TotPktsAllowed (
Total packets that matched the PBR6 with action ALLOW
pbr6TotPktsDenied (
Total packets that matched PBR6 with action DENY
pbr6TotHits (
Total packets that matched one of the configured PBR6
pbr6TotMisses (
Total packets that did not match any PBR6
nsHighAvailabilityGroup (
This provides information about the High Availability feature in the Netscaler product.
haPeerId (
The unique identifier to represent the failover peer NetScaler
haPeerIpAddress (
This represents the ipaddress of the failover peer NetScaler(Only for HA over IPv4). For HA over IPv6 (as well as IPv4) haPeerInetAddr will contain this information.
haPeerState (
This represents the state of the failover peer NetScaler whether Primary or Secondary
haTotStateTransitions (
Total number of master state changes that the NetScaler appliance has made from primary to secondary and vice-versa.
haTimeofLastStateTransition (
This represents the time since the NetScaler underwent a state change from primary to secondary or vice-versa
haTotStateFail (
haErrSyncFailure (
Number of times the configuration of the primary and secondary nodes failed to synchronize since that last transition. A synchronization failure results in mismatched configuration. It can be caused by a mismatch in the Remote Procedural Call (RPC) password on the two nodes forming the high availability pair.
haErrTotNodeDown (
Total number of heart-beats missed while the peer node was DOWN.
haErrPropMemFail (
Total number of times memory allocation failed during command propagation.
haErrNsbMemFail (
Total number of times memory allocation failed while sending heartbeats.
haErrPortSilent (
Total number of times heartbeat packets were not received on any enabled interface for the duration of the Dead Interval.
haTotTimerRecoveries (
Total number of times HA engine recovered from tight loops. (i.e., Total number of times HA timers are not called for MAX down time).
haNicsMonitorFailed (
Interfaces on which HA heartbeats are not being seen
haLastMasterStateTransitionReason (
The reason for the last master state transition. This gives the conditions under which this node assumed the current state. The current state is available at the oid sysHighAvailabilityMode.0
haPeerSystemState (
HA peer system state
haErrPropTimeout (
Number of times propagation timed out.
haCurDerivedInc (
Derived incarnation based on IOCTLs received.
haCurPeerInc (
The peer's incarnation as seen from heartbeats.
haErrMasterDispute (
Number of HA master disputes.
haTotPktTx (
Number of heartbeat packets sent to the peer node. Heartbeats are sent at regular intervals (default is 200 milliseconds) to determine the state of the peer node.
haTotPktRx (
Number of heartbeat packets received from the peer node. Heartbeats are sent at regular intervals (default is 200 milliseconds) to determine the state of the peer node.
haCurStatus (
Whether a NetScaler appliance is configured for high availability. Possible values are YES and NO. If the value is NO, the high availability statistics below are invalid.
haCurState (
State of the HA node, based on its health, in a high availability setup. Possible values are: UP � Indicates that the node is accessible and can function as either a primary or secondary node. DISABLED � Indicates that the high availability status of the node has been manually disabled. Synchronization and propagation cannot take place between the peer nodes. INIT � Indicates that the node is in the process of becoming part of the high availability configuration. PARTIALFAIL � Indicates that one of the high availability monitored interfaces has failed because of a card or link failure. This state triggers a failover. COMPLETEFAIL � Indicates that all the interfaces of the node are unusable, because the interfaces on which high availability monitoring is enabled are not connected or are manually disabled. This state triggers a failover. DUMB � Indicates that the node is in listening mode. It does not participate in high availability transitions or transfer configuration from the peer node. This is a configured value, not a statistic. PARTIALFAILSSL � Indicates that the SSL card has failed. This state triggers a failover. ROUTEMONITORFAIL � Indicates that the route monitor has failed. This state triggers a failover.
haPeerInetAddrType (
The address type of haPeerInetAddr
haPeerInetAddr (
This represents the Internet Address of the failover peer NetScaler
vlanTable (
The vlan related statistics Table.
This is indexed on the vlanId .
vlanId (
This represents the unique id of the vlan
vlanMemberInterfaces (
This represents the list of interfaces on the NetScaler that are members of the vlan
vlanTaggedInterfaces (
This represents the list of interfaces on the NetScaler that are members of the vlan that carry tagged packets
vlanTotRxPkts (
Packets received on the VLAN.
vlanTotRxBytes (
Bytes of data received on the VLAN.
vlanTotTxPkts (
Packets transmitted on the VLAN.
vlanTotTxBytes (
Bytes of data transmitted on the VLAN.
vlanTotDroppedPkts (
Inbound packets dropped by the VLAN upon reception.
vlanTotBroadcastPkts (
Broadcast packets sent and received on the VLAN.
vlanBridgeGroup (
This represents the bridge group to which this vlan is bound.
vlanAliasName (
This is vlan alias name if configured
nsIpAddrTable (
This table contains information about the IP addresses configured on the NetScaler.
This is indexed on the ipAddr .
ipAddr (
This represents an IP address configured on the NetScaler
ipNetmask (
This represents the Netmask
ipType (
This represents the IP address type
ipMode (
This represents the IP address mode
ipFreePorts (
This represents the number of unused ports free on this IP
ipVlan (
The vlan to which this ip address is bound.
ipBridgeGroup (
The bridge group to which this ip address is bound.
nsResourceGroup (
This provides information about system resources in the Netscaler product.
resCpuUsage (
CPU utilization percentage.
resMemUsage (
Percentage of memory utilization on NetScaler.
numCPUs (
The number of active CPUs.
memSizeMB (
Total amount of system memory, in megabytes.
numSSLCards (
Number of SSL Cards on the system
nsCPUTable (
This table contains information about each CPU in NetScaler.
This is indexed on the nsCPUname .
nsCPUname (
The name of the CPU.
nsCPUusage (
CPU utilization percentage.
nsSysHealthTable (
This table contains information about the System Health status of the NetScaler.
This is indexed on the sysHealthCounterName .
sysHealthCounterName (
This is the health counter name. The counter name is composed with the type of the counter and what it is intended to carry. All voltage counters stats with 'v', fan counters starts with 'fan' and temperature counters starts with 't'. Eg:'v50p' is a voltage counter that carries the value of the +5v counter.
sysHealthCounterValue (
The health counters value. The units are 'mv', RPM and degrees Celsius for voltage, fan and temperatures respectively.
nsSysHealthDiskTable (
This table contains information about the disk space of the NetScaler.
This is indexed on the sysHealthDiskName .
sysHealthDiskName (
The disk name. Disk name always starts with the 'disk' keyword. Eg: disk0, disk1. Currently disk0 is mapped to /flash and disk1 mapped to /var partitions.
sysHealthDiskSize (
The total disk space in MBytes (includes available and used spaces also).
sysHealthDiskAvail (
The total disk space available in MBytes.
sysHealthDiskUsed (
The total disk space used in MBytes.
sysHealthDiskPerusage (
The Percentage of the disk space used.
cpuSpeedMHz (
CPU speed in MHz.
numPEs (
The Netscaler number of PEs running
sysStatisticsTime (
This gives the timestamp of the statistics returned by SNMP counter values. This can be used for calculating the rate of increments for Counter and Counter64 type of OIDs.
nsIpStatsGroup (
This provides information about IP related statistics in the Netscaler product.
ipTotRxPkts (
IP packets received.
ipTotRxBytes (
Bytes of IP data received.
ipTotRxMbits (
Megabits of IP data received.
ipTotTxPkts (
IP packets transmitted.
ipTotTxBytes (
Bytes of IP data transmitted.
ipTotTxMbits (
Megabits of IP data transmitted.
ipTotFragments (
IP fragments received.
ipTotBadlens (
Packets received with a length greater than the normal maximum transmission unit of 1514 bytes.
ipTotBadMacAddrs (
IP packets transmitted with a bad MAC address.
ipTotMaxClients (
Attempts to open a new connection to a service for which the maximum limit has been exceeded. Default value, 0, applies no limit.
ipTotUnknownSvcs (
Packets received on a port or service that is not configured.
ipTotLandattacks (
Land-attack packets received. The source and destination addresses are the same.
ipTotBadChecksums (
Packets received with an IP checksum error.
ipTotReassemblyAttempt (
IP packets that the NetScaler attempts to reassemble. If one of the fragments is missing, the whole packet is dropped.
ipTotSuccReassembly (
Fragmented IP packets successfully reassembled on the NetScaler.
ipTotUnsuccReassembly (
Packets received that could not be reassembled. This can occur when there is a checksum failure, an identification field mismatch, or when one of the fragments is missing.
ipTotTooBig (
Packets received for which the reassembled data exceeds the Ethernet packet data length of 1500 bytes.
ipTotZeroFragmentLen (
Packets received with a fragment length of 0 bytes.
ipTotDupFragments (
Duplicate IP fragments received. This can occur when the acknowledgement was not received within the expected time.
ipTotOutOfOrderFrag (
Fragments received that are out of order.
ipTotUnknownDstRcvd (
Packets received in which the destination IP address was not reachable or not owned by the NetScaler.
ipTotBadTransport (
Packets received in which the protocol specified in the IP header is unknown to the NetScaler.
ipTotVIPDown (
Packets received for which the VIP is down. This can occur when all the services bound to the VIP are down or the VIP is manually disabled.
ipTotFixHeaderFail (
Packets received that contain an error in one or more components of the IP header.
ipTotAddrLookup (
IP address lookups performed by the NetScaler. When a packet is received on a non-established session, the NetScaler checks if the destination IP address is one of the NetScaler owned IP addresses.
ipTotAddrLookupFail (
IP address lookups performed by the NetScaler that have failed because the destination IP address of the packet does not match any of the NetScaler owned IP addresses.
ipTotUDPfragmentsFwd (
UDP fragments forwarded to the client or the server.
ipTotTCPfragmentsFwd (
TCP fragments forwarded to the client or the server.
ipTotFragPktsGen (
Fragmented packets created by the NetScaler.
ipTotInvalidHeaderSz (
Packets received in which an invalid data length is specified, or the value in the length field and the actual data length do not match. The range for the Ethernet packet data length is 0-1500 bytes.
ipTotInvalidPacketSize (
Total number of packets received by NetScaler with invalid IP packet size.
ipTotTruncatedPackets (
Truncated IP packets received. An overflow in the routers along the path can truncate IP packets.
ipTotZeroNextHop (
Packets received that contain a 0 value in the next hop field. These packets are dropped.
ipTotTtlExpired (
Packets for which the time-to-live (TTL) expired during transit. These packets are dropped.
nonIpTotTruncatedPackets (
Truncated non-IP packets received.
nsIcmpStatsGroup (
This provides information about ICMP related statistics in the Netscaler product.
icmpCurRateThreshold (
Limit for ICMP packets handled every 10 milliseconds. Default value, 0, applies no limit. This is a configurable value using the set rateControl command.
icmpTotRxPkts (
ICMP packets received.
icmpTotRxBytes (
Bytes of ICMP data received.
icmpTotTxPkts (
ICMP packets transmitted.
icmpTotTxBytes (
Bytes of ICMP data transmitted.
icmpTotRxEchoReply (
ICMP Ping echo replies received.
icmpTotTxEchoReply (
ICMP Ping echo replies transmitted.
icmpTotRxEcho (
ICMP Ping Echo Request and Echo Reply packets received.
icmpTotPktsDropped (
ICMP packets dropped because the rate threshold has been exceeded.
icmpTotThresholdExceeds (
Times the ICMP rate threshold is exceeded. If this counter continuously increases, first make sure the ICMP packets received are genuine. If they are, increase the current rate threshold.
icmpTotPortUnreachableRx (
ICMP Port Unreachable error messages received. This error is generated when there is no service is running on the port.
icmpTotPortUnreachableTx (
ICMP Port Unreachable error messages generated. This error is generated when there is no service is running on the port.
icmpTotBadChecksum (
ICMP Fragmentation Needed error messages received with an ICMP checksum error.
icmpTotNeedFragRx (
ICMP Fragmentation Needed error messages received for packets that need to be fragmented but for which Don't Fragment is specified the header.
icmpTotNonFirstIpFrag (
ICMP Fragmentation Needed error messages received that were generated by an IP fragment other than the first one.
icmpTotInvalidBodyLen (
ICMP Fragmentation Needed error messages received that specified an invalid body length.
icmpTotNoTcpConn (
ICMP Need Fragmentation error messages received for TCP packets. The state of the connection for these packets is not maintained on the NetScaler.
icmpTotNoUdpConn (
ICMP Need Fragmentation error messages received for UDP packets. The state of the connection for these packets is not maintained on the NetScaler.
icmpTotInvalidTcpSeqno (
ICMP Fragmentation Needed error messages received for packets that contain an invalid TCP address.
icmpTotInvalidNextMTUval (
ICMP Fragmentation Needed error messages received in which the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) for the next hop is out of range. The range for the MTU is 576-1500.
icmpTotDstIpLookup (
Total number of MTU lookup on destination IP info received on a need fragmentation ICMP error message failed.
icmpTotBigNextMTU (
ICMP Fragmentation Needed error messages received in which the value for the next MTU is higher than that of the current MTU.
icmpTotInvalidProtocol (
ICMP Fragmentation Needed error messages received that contain a protocol other than TCP and UDP.
icmpTotBadPMTUIpChecksum (
ICMP Fragmentation Needed error messages received with an IP checksum error.
icmpTotPMTUnoLink (
ICMP Fragmentation Needed error messages received on a Protocol Control Block (PCB) with no link. The PCB maintains the state of the connection.
icmpTotPMTUDiscoveryDisabled (
ICMP Need Fragmentation error messages received when the PMTU Discovery mode is not enabled.
nsUdpStatsGroup (
This provides information about UDP related statistics in the Netscaler product.
udpCurRateThreshold (
Limit for UDP packets handled every 10 milliseconds. Default value, 0, applies no limit. This is a configurable value using the set rateControl command.
udpTotUnknownSvcPkts (
Stray UDP packets dropped due to no configured listening service.
udpTotRxPkts (
Total number of UDP packets received.
udpTotRxBytes (
Total number of UDP data received in bytes.
udpTotTxPkts (
Total number of UDP packets transmitted.
udpTotTxBytes (
Total number of UDP data transmitted in bytes.
udpCurRateThresholdExceeds (
Number of times the UDP rate threshold is exceeded. If this counter continuously increases, first make sure the UDP packets received are genuine. If they are, increase the current rate threshold. This is a configurable value using the set rateControl command.
udpBadChecksum (
Packets received with a UDP checksum error.
nsTcpStatsGroup (
This provides information about TCP related statistics in the Netscaler product.
tcpCurServerConn (
Server connections, including connections in the Opening, Established, and Closing state.
tcpCurClientConn (
Client connections, including connections in the Opening, Established, and Closing state.
tcpActiveServerConn (
Connections to a server currently responding to requests.
tcpCurClientConnClosing (
Client connections in the Closing state, which indicates that the connection termination process has initiated but is not complete.
tcpCurServerConnEstablished (
Current server connections in the Established state, which indicates that data transfer can occur between the NetScaler and the server.
tcpCurClientConnOpening (
Client connections in the Opening state, which indicates that the handshakes are not yet complete.
tcpCurClientConnEstablished (
Current client connections in the Established state, which indicates that data transfer can occur between the NetScaler and the client.
tcpCurServerConnClosing (
Server connections in the Closing state, which indicates that the connection termination process has initiated but is not complete.
tcpSpareConn (
Spare connections available. To save time and resources in establishing another connection for a new client, the connection on the server is not closed after completing the request from the first client and is available for serving future requests.
tcpSurgeQueueLen (
Connections in the surge queue. When the NetScaler cannot open a connection to the server, for example when maximum connections have been reached, the NetScaler queues these requests.
tcpCurServerConnOpening (
Server connections in the Opening state, which indicates that the handshakes are not yet complete.
tcpTotServerConnOpened (
Server connections initiated by the NetScaler since startup. This counter is reset when the NetScaler is restarted.
tcpTotServerConnClosed (
Total number of closed server connections
tcpTotClientConnOpened (
Client connections opened by the NetScaler since startup (after three-way handshake). This counter is reset when the NetScaler is restarted.
tcpTotClientConnClosed (
Total number of closed client connections
tcpTotSyn (
SYN packets received
tcpTotSynProbe (
Probes from the NetScaler to a server. The NetScaler sends a SYN packet to the server to check its availability and expects a SYN_ACK packet from the server before a specified response timeout.
tcpTotSvrFin (
FIN packets received from the server.
tcpTotCltFin (
FIN packets received from the clients.
tcpWaitToSyn (
SYN packets (packets used to initiate a TCP connection) received on connections that are in the TIME_WAIT state. Packets cannot be transferred on a connection in this state.
tcpTotZombieCltConnFlushed (
Client connections that are flushed because the client has been idle for some time.
tcpTotZombieSvrConnFlushed (
Server connections that are flushed because there have been no client requests in the queue for some time.
tcpTotZombieHalfOpenCltConnFlushed (
Half-opened client connections that are flushed because the three-way handshakes are not complete.
tcpTotZombieHalfOpenSvrConnFlushed (
Half-opened server connections that are flushed because the three-way handshakes are not complete.
tcpTotZombieActiveHalfCloseCltConnFlushed (
Active half-closed client connections that are flushed because the client has closed the connection and there has been no activity on the connection.
tcpTotZombieActiveHalfCloseSvrConnFlushed (
Active half-closed server connections that are flushed because the server has closed the connection and there has been no activity on the connection.
tcpTotZombiePassiveHalfCloseCltConnFlushed (
Passive half-closed client connections that are flushed because the NetScaler has closed the connection and there has been no activity on the connection.
tcpTotZombiePassiveHalfCloseSrvConnFlushed (
Passive half-closed server connections that are flushed because the NetScaler has closed the connection and there has been no activity on the connection.
tcpErrBadCheckSum (
Packets received with a TCP checksum error.
tcpErrSynInSynRcvd (
SYN packets received on a connection that is in the SYN_RCVD state. A connection goes into the SYN_RCVD state after receiving a SYN packet.
tcpErrSynInEst (
SYN packets received on a connection that is in the ESTABLISHED state. A SYN packet is not expected on an ESTABLISHED connection.
tcpErrSynGiveUp (
Attempts to establish a connection on the NetScaler that timed out.
tcpErrSynSentBadAck (
Incorrect ACK packets received on a connection that is in the SYN_SENT state. An incorrect ACK packet is the third packet in the three-way handshake that has an incorrect sequence number.
tcpErrSynRetry (
SYN packets resent to a server.
tcpErrFinRetry (
FIN packets resent to a server or a client.
tcpErrFinGiveUp (
Connections that were timed out by the NetScaler because of not receiving the ACK packet after retransmitting the FIN packet four times.
tcpErrFinDup (
Number of duplicate FIN packets recieved
tcpErrRst (
Reset packets received from a client or a server.
tcpErrRstNonEst (
Reset packets received on a connection that is not in the ESTABLISHED state.
tcpErrRstOutOfWindow (
Reset packets received on a connection that is out of the current TCP window.
tcpErrRstInTimewait (
Reset packets received on a connection that is in the TIME_WAIT state. Packets cannot be transferred on a connection in the TIME_WAIT state.
tcpErrSvrRetrasmit (
Packets retransmitted by a server. This usually occurs because the acknowledgement from the NetScaler has not reached the server.
tcpErrCltRetrasmit (
Packets retransmitted by a client. This usually occurs because the acknowledgement from the NetScaler has not reached the client.
tcpErrFullRetrasmit (
Full packets retransmitted by the client or the server.
tcpErrPartialRetrasmit (
Partial packet retransmits by a client or server due to congestion on the connection. This usually occurs because the window advertised by the NetScaler is not big enough to hold the full packet.
tcpErrSvrOutOfOrder (
Out of order TCP packets received from a server.
tcpErrCltOutOfOrder (
Out of order TCP packets received from a client.
tcpErrCltHole (
TCP holes created on a client connection. When out of order packets are received from a client, a hole is created on the NetScaler for each group of missing packets.
tcpErrSvrHole (
TCP holes created on a server connection. When out of order packets are received from a server, a hole is created on the NetScaler for each group of missing packets.
tcpErrCookiePktSeqReject (
SYN cookie packets rejected because they contain an incorrect sequence number.
tcpErrCookiePktSigReject (
SYN cookie packets rejected because they contain an incorrect signature.
tcpErrCookiePktSeqDrop (
SYN cookie packets dropped because the sequence number specified in the packets is outside the current window.
tcpErrCookiePktMssReject (
SYN cookie packets rejected because the maximum segment size (MSS) specified in the packets is incorrect.
tcpErrRetransmit (
TCP packets retransmitted. The NetScaler attempts to retransmit the packet up to seven times, after which it resets the other half of the TCP connection.
tcpErrRetransmitGiveUp (
Number of times NetScaler terminates a connection after retransmitting the packet seven times on that connection.Retrasnmission happens when recieving end doesn't acknowledges the packet.
tcpTotRxPkts (
TCP packets received.
tcpTotRxBytes (
Bytes of TCP data received.
tcpTotTxPkts (
TCP packets transmitted.
tcpTotTxBytes (
Bytes of TCP data transmitted.
pcbTotZombieCall (
Times the Zombie cleanup function is called. Every time a connection is flushed, it is marked for cleanup. The Zombie cleanup function clears all these connections at predefined intervals.
tcpTotSynHeld (
SYN packets held on the NetScaler that are waiting for a server connection.
tcpTotSynFlush (
SYN packets flushed on the NetScaler because of no response from the server for three or more seconds.
tcpTotFinWaitClosed (
Connections closed on the NetScaler because the number of connections in the TIME_WAIT state has exceeded the default value of 7000.
tcpErrAnyPortFail (
Port allocations that have failed on a mapped IP address because the maximum limit of 65536 has been exceeded.
tcpErrIpPortFail (
Port allocations that have failed on a subnet IP address or vserver IP address because the maximum limit of 65536 has been exceeded.
tcpErrSentRst (
Reset packets sent to a client or a server.
tcpErrBadStateConn (
Connections that are not in a valid TCP state.
tcpErrFastRetransmissions (
TCP packets on which the NetScaler performs a fast retransmission in response to three duplicate acknowledgements or a partial acknowledgement. The NetScaler assumes that the packet is lost and retransmits the packet before its time-out.
tcpErrFirstRetransmissions (
Packets retransmitted once by the NetScaler.
tcpErrSecondRetransmissions (
Packets retransmitted twice by the NetScaler.
tcpErrThirdRetransmissions (
Packets retransmitted three times by the NetScaler.
tcpErrForthRetransmissions (
Packets retransmitted four times by the NetScaler.
tcpErrFifthRetransmissions (
Packets retransmitted five times by the NetScaler.
tcpErrSixthRetransmissions (
Packets retransmitted six times by the NetScaler.
tcpErrSeventhRetransmissions (
Packets retransmitted seven times by the NetScaler. If this fails, the NetScaler terminates the connection.
tcpErrDataAfterFin (
Packets received following a connection termination request. This error is usually caused by a reordering of packets during transmission.
tcpErrRstThreshold (
Reset packets dropped because the default threshold of 100 resets per 10 milliseconds has been exceeded. This is a configurable value using the set rateControl command.
tcpErrOutOfWindowPkts (
Packets received that are out of the current advertised window.
tcpErrSynDroppedCongestion (
SYN packets dropped because of network congestion.
tcpCurPhysicalServers (
The number of physical servers that Netscaler has open connections with.
tcpReuseHit (
Total number of client transactions found the server connection in the reuse-pool.
tcpWaitToData (
Bytes of data received on connections that are in the TIME_WAIT state. Data cannot be transferred on a connection that is in this state.
tcpErrStrayPkt (
Number of stray or misrouted packets.
tcpTotClientConnOpenRate (
Rate at which connections are opened in the system per second.
tcpCurRateThreshold (
Current threshold for TCP rate control. By default, there is no rate control for TCP.
nsSslStatsGroup (
This provides information about SSL related statistics in the Netscaler product.
sslCardStatus (
Status of the SSL card(s). The value should be interpreted in binary form, with each set bit indicates a card as UP.
sslEngineStatus (
State of the SSL Engine (1=UP/0=DOWN). This state is decided based on SSL Feature/License status and minimum number of cards UP.
sslSessionsPerSec (
SSL sessions per second between client and NetScaler appliance.
sslTotTransactions (
Number of SSL transactions on the NetScaler appliance.
sslTotSSLv2Transactions (
Number of SSLv2 transactions on the NetScaler appliance.
sslTotSSLv3Transactions (
Total number of SSLv3 transactions on the NetScaler appliance.
sslTotTLSv1Transactions (
Number of TLSv1 transactions on the NetScaler appliance.
sslTotSessions (
Number of SSL sessions on the NetScaler appliance.
sslTotSSLv2Sessions (
Number of SSLv2 sessions on the NetScaler appliance.
sslTotSSLv3Sessions (
Number of SSLv3 sessions on the NetScaler appliance.
sslTotTLSv1Sessions (
Number of TLSv1 sessions on the NetScaler appliance.
sslTotExpiredSessions (
Total number of expired SSL sessions on the NetScaler appliance.
sslTotNewSessions (
Number of new SSL sessions created on the NetScaler appliance.
sslTotSessionHits (
Number of SSL session reuse hits on the NetScaler appliance.
sslTotSessionMiss (
Number of SSL session reuse misses on the NetScaler appliance.
sslTotRenegSessions (
Number of SSL session renegotiations on the NetScaler appliance.
sslTotSSLv3RenegSessions (
Number of session renegotiations done on SSLv3.
sslTotTLSv1RenegSessions (
Number of SSL session renegotiations done on TLSv1.
sslTotSSLv2Handshakes (
Number of handshakes on SSLv2 on the NetScaler appliance.
sslTotSSLv3Handshakes (
Number of handshakes on SSLv3 on the NetScaler appliance.
sslTotTLSv1Handshakes (
Number of SSL handshakes on TLSv1 on the NetScaler appliance.
sslTotSSLv2ClientAuthentications (
Number of client authentications done on SSLv2.
sslTotSSLv3ClientAuthentications (
Number of client authentications done on SSLv3.
sslTotTLSv1ClientAuthentications (
Number of client authentications done on TLSv1.
sslTotRSA512keyExchanges (
Number of RSA 512-bit key exchanges on the NetScaler appliance.
sslTotRSA1024keyExchanges (
Number of RSA 1024-bit key exchanges on the NetScaler appliance.
sslTotRSA2048keyExchanges (
Number of RSA 2048-bit key exchanges on the NetScaler appliance.
sslTotDH512keyExchanges (
Number of Diffie-Helman 512-bit key exchanges on the NetScaler appliance.
sslTotDH1024keyExchanges (
Number of Diffie-Helman 1024-bit key exchanges on the NetScaler appliance.
sslTotDH2048keyExchanges (
Number of Diffie-Helman 2048-bit key exchanges on the NetScaler appliance.
sslTotRSAAuthorizations (
Number of RSA authentications on the NetScaler appliance.
sslTotDHAuthorizations (
Number of Diffie-Helman authentications on the NetScaler appliance.
sslTotDSSAuthorizations (
Total number of times DSS authorization is used on the NetScaler appliance.
sslTotNULLAuthorizations (
Number of Null authentications on the NetScaler appliance.
sslTot40BitRC4Ciphers (
Number of RC4 40-bit cipher encryptions on the NetScaler appliance.
sslTot56BitRC4Ciphers (
Number of RC4 56-bit cipher encryptions on the NetScaler appliance.
sslTot64BitRC4Ciphers (
Number of RC4 64-bit cipher encryptions on the NetScaler appliance.
sslTot128BitRC4Ciphers (
Number of RC4 128-bit cipher encryptions on the NetScaler appliance.
sslTot40BitDESCiphers (
Number of DES 40-bit cipher encryptions on the NetScaler appliance.
sslTot56BitDESCiphers (
Number of DES 56-bit cipher encryptions on the NetScaler appliance.
sslTot168Bit3DESCiphers (
Number of DES 168-bit cipher encryptions on the NetScaler appliance.
sslTot40BitRC2Ciphers (
Number of RC2 40-bit cipher encryptions on the NetScaler appliance.
sslTot56BitRC2Ciphers (
Number of RC2 56-bit cipher encryptions on the NetScaler appliance.
sslTot128BitRC2Ciphers (
Number of RC2 128-bit cipher encryptions on the NetScaler appliance.
sslTot128BitIDEACiphers (
Number of IDEA 128-bit cipher encryptions on the NetScaler appliance.
sslTotNULLCiphers (
Number of Null cipher encryptions on the NetScaler appliance.
sslTotMD5Mac (
Number of MD5 hashes on the NetScaler appliance.
sslTotSHAMac (
Number of SHA hashes on the NetScaler appliance.
sslTotOffloadBulkDES (
Number of DES encryptions offloaded to the cryptography card.
sslTotOffloadRSAKeyExchanges (
Number of RSA key exchanges offloaded to the cryptography card.
sslTotOffloadDHKeyExchanges (
Number of DH key exchanges offloaded to the cryptography card.d
sslTotOffloadSignRSA (
Number of RSA sign operations offloaded to the cryptography card.
sslBeTotSessions (
Number of back-end SSL sessions on the NetScaler appliance.
sslBeTotSSLv3Sessions (
Number of back-end SSLv3 sessions on the NetScaler appliance.
sslBeTotTLSv1Sessions (
Number of back-end TLSv1 sessions on the NetScaler appliance.
sslBeExpiredSessions (
Number of back-end export sessions on the NetScaler appliance.
sslBeTotSessionMultiplexAttempts (
Number of back-end SSL session multiplex attempts on the NetScaler appliance.
sslBeTotSessionMultiplexAttemptSuccess (
Number of back-end SSL session multiplex successes on the NetScaler appliance.
sslBeTotSessionMultiplexAttemptFails (
Number of back-end SSL session multiplex failures on the NetScaler appliance.
sslBeMaxMultiplexedSessions (
Number of back-end SSL sessions reused on the NetScaler appliance.
sslBeTotSSLv3Handshakes (
Number of back-end SSLv3 handshakes on the NetScaler appliance.
sslBeTotTLSv1Handshakes (
Number of back-end TLSv1 handshakes on the NetScaler appliance.
sslBeTotSSLv3ClientAuthentications (
Number of back-end SSLv3 client authentications on the NetScaler appliance.
sslBeTotTLSv1ClientAuthentications (
Number of back-end TLSv1 client authentications on the NetScaler appliance.
sslBeTotRSA512keyExchanges (
Number of back-end RSA 512-bit key exchanges on the NetScaler appliance.
sslBeTotRSA1024keyExchanges (
Number of back-end RSA 1024-bit key exchanges on the NetScaler appliance.
sslBeTotRSA2048keyExchanges (
Number of back-end RSA 2048-bit key exchanges on the NetScaler appliance.
sslBeTotDH512keyExchanges (
Number of back-end DH 512-bit key exchanges on the NetScaler appliance.
sslBeTotDH1024keyExchanges (
Number of back-end DH 1024-bit key exchanges on the NetScaler appliance.
sslBeTotDH2048keyExchanges (
Number of back-end DH 2048-bit key exchanges on the NetScaler appliance.
sslBeTotRSAAuthorizations (
Number of back-end RSA authentications on the NetScaler appliance.
sslBeTotDHAuthorizations (
Number of back-end DH authentications on the NetScaler appliance.
sslBeTotDSSAuthorizations (
Number of back-end DSS authentications on the NetScaler appliance.
sslBeTotNULLAuthorizations (
Number of back-end null authentications on the NetScaler appliance.
sslBeTot40BitRC4Ciphers (
Number of back-end RC4 40-bit cipher encryptions on the NetScaler appliance.
sslBeTot56BitRC4Ciphers (
Number of back-end RC4 56-bit cipher encryptions on the NetScaler appliance.
sslBeTot64BitRC4Ciphers (
Number of back-end RC4 64-bit cipher encryptions on the NetScaler appliance.
sslBeTot128BitRC4Ciphers (
Number of back-end RC4 128-bit cipher encryptions on the NetScaler appliance.
sslBeTot40BitDESCiphers (
Number of back-end DES 40-bit cipher encryptions on the NetScaler appliance.
sslBeTot56BitDESCiphers (
Number of back-end DES 56-bit cipher encryptions on the NetScaler appliance.
sslBeTot168Bit3DESCiphers (
Number of back-end 3DES 168-bit cipher encryptions on the NetScaler appliance.
sslBeTot40BitRC2Ciphers (
Number of back-end RC2 40-bit cipher encryptions on the NetScaler appliance.
sslBeTot56BitRC2Ciphers (
Number of back-end RC2 56-bit cipher encryptions on the NetScaler appliance.
sslBeTot128BitRC2Ciphers (
Number of back-end RC2 128-bit cipher encryptions on the NetScaler appliance.
sslBeTot128BitIDEACiphers (
Number of back-end IDEA 128-bit cipher encryptions on the NetScaler appliance.
sslBeTotNULLCiphers (
Number of back-end null cipher encryptions on the NetScaler appliance.
sslBeTotMD5Mac (
Number of back-end MD5 hashes on the NetScaler appliance.
sslBeTotSHAMac (
Number of back-end SHA hashes on the NetScaler appliance.
sslCurSessions (
Number of active SSL sessions on the NetScaler appliance.
sslTotOffloadBulkAES (
Number of AES encryptions offloaded to the cryptography card.
sslTotOffloadBulkRC4 (
Number of RC4 encryptions offloaded to the cryptography card.
sslNumCardsUP (
Number of SSL cards that are UP. If the number of cards UP is lower than a threshold, a failover is initiated.
sslCards (
Number of SSL crypto cards present on the NetScaler appliance.
sslTotBkendSessionReNegotiate (
Number of back-end SSL session renegotiations on the NetScaler appliance.
sslTotCipherAES128 (
Number of AES 128-bit cipher encryptions on the NetScaler appliance.
sslTotBkendSslV3Renego (
Number of back-end SSLv3 session renegotiations on the NetScaler appliance.
sslTotBkendTlSvlRenego (
Number of back-end TLSv1 session renegotiations on the NetScaler appliance.
sslTotCipherAES256 (
Number of AES 256-bit cipher encryptions on the NetScaler appliance.
sslTotBkendCipherAES128 (
Back-end AES 128-bit cipher encryptions on the NetScaler appliance.
sslTotBkendCipherAES256 (
Back-end AES 256-bit cipher encryptions on the NetScaler appliance.
sslTotHwEncBE (
Number of bytes encrypted in hardware on the back end.
sslTotDec (
Number of bytes decrypted on the NetScaler appliance.
sslTotSwEncFE (
Number of bytes encrypted in software on the front end.
sslTotEncFE (
Number of bytes encrypted on the front end.
sslTotEnc (
Number of bytes encrypted on the NetScaler appliance.
sslTotDecHw (
Number of bytes decrypted in hardware.
sslTotSwDecBE (
Number of bytes decrypted in software on back-end
sslTotHwDecFE (
Number of bytes decrypted in hardware on the front end.
sslTotEncHw (
Number of bytes encrypted in hardware.
sslTotDecSw (
Number of bytes decrypted in software.
sslTotSwEncBE (
Number of bytes encrypted in software on the back end.
sslTotEncSw (
Number of bytes encrypted in software.
sslTotSwDecFE (
Number of bytes decrypted in software on the front end.
sslTotEncBE (
Number of bytes encrypted on the back end.
sslTotDecBE (
Number of bytes decrypted on the back end.
sslTotHwDecBE (
Number of bytes decrypted in hardware on the back end.
sslTotDecFE (
Number of bytes decrypted on the front end.
sslTotHwEncFE (
Number of bytes encrypted in hardware on the front end.
sslTotRSA4096keyExchanges (
Number of RSA 4096-bit key exchanges on the NetScaler appliance.
sslCurQSize (
Current queue size
nsHttpStatsGroup (
This provides information about HTTP related statistics in the Netscaler product.
httpTotGets (
Total number of HTTP requests received with the GET method.
httpTotPosts (
Total number of HTTP requests received with the POST method.
httpTotOthers (
Total number of HTTP requests received with methods other than GET and POST. Some of the other well-defined HTTP methods are HEAD, PUT, DELETE, OPTIONS, and TRACE. User-defined methods are also allowed.
httpTotRxRequestBytes (
Total number of bytes of HTTP request data received.
httpTotRxResponseBytes (
Total number of bytes of HTTP response data received.
httpTotTxRequestBytes (
Total number of bytes of HTTP request data transmitted.
httpTotTxResponseBytes (
Total number of bytes of HTTP response data transmitted.
httpTot10Requests (
Total number of HTTP/1.0 requests received.
httpTotResponses (
Total number of HTTP responses sent.
httpTot10Responses (
Total number of HTTP/1.0 responses sent.
httpTotClenResponses (
Total number of HTTP responses sent in which the Content-length field of the HTTP header has been set. Content-length specifies the length of the content, in bytes, in the associated HTTP body.
httpTotChunkedResponses (
Total number of HTTP responses sent in which the Transfer-Encoding field of the HTTP header has been set to chunked. This setting is used when the server wants to start sending the response before knowing its total length. The server breaks the response into chunks and sends them in sequence, inserting the length of each chunk before the actual data. The message ends with a chunk of size zero.
httpErrIncompleteRequests (
Total number of HTTP requests received in which the header spans more than one packet.
httpErrIncompleteResponses (
Total number of HTTP responses received in which the header spans more than one packet.
httpErrIncompleteHeaders (
Total number of HTTP requests and responses received in which the HTTP header spans more than one packet.
httpErrServerBusy (
Total number of HTTP error responses received. Some of the error responses are: 500 Internal Server Error 501 Not Implemented 502 Bad Gateway 503 Service Unavailable 504 Gateway Timeout 505 HTTP Version Not Supported
httpTotChunkedRequests (
Total number of HTTP requests in which the Transfer-Encoding field of the HTTP header has been set to chunked.
httpTotClenRequests (
Total number of HTTP requests in which the Content-length field of the HTTP header has been set. Content-length specifies the length of the content, in bytes, in the associated HTTP body.
httpErrLargeContent (
Total number of requests and responses received with large body.
httpErrLargeCtlen (
Total number of requests received with large content, in which the Content-length field of the HTTP header has been set. Content-length specifies the length of the content, in bytes, in the associated HTTP body.
httpErrLargeChunk (
Total number of requests received with large chunk size, in which the Transfer-Encoding field of the HTTP header has been set to chunked.
httpTotRequests (
Total number of HTTP requests received.
httpTot11Requests (
Total number of HTTP/1.1 requests received.
httpTot11Responses (
Total number of HTTP/1.1 responses sent.
httpTotNoClenChunkResponses (
Total number of FIN-terminated responses sent. In FIN-terminated responses, the server finishes sending the data and closes the connection.
httpErrNoreuseMultipart (
Total number of HTTP multi-part responses sent. In multi-part responses, one or more entities are encapsulated within the body of a single message.
nsCacheStatsGroup (
This provides information about CACHE related statistics in the Netscaler product.
cacheMaxMemoryKB (
Largest amount of memory the NetScaler can dedicate to caching, up to 50% of available memory. A 0 value disables caching, but the caching module continues to run.
cacheUtilizedMemoryKB (
Amount of memory the integrated cache is currently using.
cacheNumCached (
Responses currently in integrated cache. Includes responses fully downloaded, in the process of being downloaded, and expired or flushed but not yet removed.
cachePercentHit (
Cache hits as percentage of the total number of requests
cacheRecentPercentHit (
Recently recorded cache hit ratio expressed as percentage
cacheCurHits (
This number should be close to the number of hits being served currently.
cacheCurMisses (
Responses fetched from the origin and served from the cache. Should approximate storable misses. Does not include non-storable misses.
cachePercent304Hits (
304 responses as a percentage of all responses that the NetScaler served.
cacheRecentPercent304Hits (
Recently recorded ratio of 304 hits to all hits expressed as percentage
cachePercentStoreAbleMiss (
Responses that were fetched from the origin, stored in the cache, and then served to the client, as a percentage of all cache misses.
cacheRecentPercentStoreAbleMiss (
Recently recorded ratio of store-able misses to all misses expressed as percentage.
cachePercentSuccessfulRevalidation (
Percentage of times stored content was successfully revalidated by a 304 (Object Not Modifed) response rather than by a full response
cacheRecentPercentSuccessfulRevalidation (
Recently recorded percentage of times stored content was successfully revalidated by a 304 response rather than by a full response
cachePercentByteHit (
Bytes served from the cache divided by total bytes served to the client. If compression is On in the NetScaler, this ratio may not reflect the bytes served by the compression module. If the compression is Off, this ratio is the same as cachePercentOriginBandwidthSaved.
cacheRecentPercentByteHit (
Recently recorded cache byte hit ratio expressed as percentage. Here we define byte hit ratio as ((number of bytes served from the cache)/(total number of bytes served to the client)). This is the standard definition of Byte Hit Ratio. If compression is turned ON in NS then this ratio doesn't mean much. This might under or over estimate the origin-to-cache bandwidth saving (depending upon whether bytes served by CMP in NetScaler are more or less than compressed bytes served from the cache). If CMP is turned OFF in NS then this ratio is same as cacheRecentPercentOriginBandwidthSaved.
cachePercentOriginBandwidthSaved (
Percentage of origin bandwidth saved, expressed as number of bytes served from the integrated cache divided by all bytes served. The assumption is that all compression is done in the NetScaler.
cacheRecentPercentOriginBandwidthSaved (
Bytes served from cache divided by total bytes served to client. This ratio can be greater than 1 because of the assumption that all compression has been done in the NetScaler.
cacheErrMemAlloc (
Total number of times the cache failed to allocate memory to store responses.
cacheTotRequests (
Total cache hits plus total cache misses.
cacheTotHits (
Responses served from the integrated cache. These responses match a policy with a CACHE action.
cacheTotMisses (
Intercepted HTTP requests requiring fetches from origin server.
cacheTot304Hits (
Object not modified responses served from the cache. (Status code 304 served instead of the full response.)
cacheTotNon304Hits (
Total number of full (non-304) responses served from the cache. A 304 status code indicates that a response has not been modified since the last time it was served
cacheTotStoreAbleMisses (
Cache misses for which the fetched response is stored in the cache before serving it to the client. Storable misses conform to a built-in or user-defined caching policy that contains a CACHE action.
cacheTotNonStoreAbleMisses (
Cache misses for which the fetched response is not stored in the cache. These responses match policies with a NOCACHE action or are affected by Poll Every Time.
cacheTotRevalidationMiss (
Responses that an intervening cache revalidated with the integrated cache before serving, as determined by a Cache-Control: Max-Age header configurable in the integrated cache
cacheTotFullToConditionalRequest (
Number of user-agent requests for a cached Poll Every Time (PET) response that were sent to the origin server as conditional requests.
cacheTotSuccessfulRevalidation (
Total number of times stored content was successfully revalidated by a 304 Not Modified response from the origin.
cacheTotResponseBytes (
Total number of HTTP response bytes served by NetScaler from both the origin and the cache
cacheBytesServed (
Total number of bytes served from the integrated cache
cacheCompressedBytesServed (
Number of compressed bytes served from the cache
cacheTotPetRequests (
Requests that triggered a search of a content group that has Poll Every Time (PET) enabled (always consult the origin server before serving cached data).
cacheTotPetHits (
Number of times a cache hit was found during a search of a content group that has Poll Every Time enabled.
cachePercentPetHits (
Percentage of cache hits in content groups that have Poll Every Time enabled, relative to all searches of content groups with Poll Every Time enabled.
cacheTotParameterizedRequests (
Total number of requests where the content group has hit and invalidation parameters or selectors.
cacheTotParameterizedHits (
Parameterized requests resulting in either a 304 or non-304 hit.
cacheTotParameterizedNon304Hits (
Parameterized requests resulting in a full response (not status code 304: Object Not Updated) served from the cache.
cacheTotParameterized304Hits (
Parameterized requests resulting in an object not modified (status code 304) response.
cachePercentParameterized304Hits (
Percentage of parameterized 304 hits relative to all parameterized hits.
cacheRecentPercentParameterizedHits (
Recently recorded ratio of parameterized 304 hits to all parameterized hits expressed as a percentage
cacheTotInvalidationRequests (
Requests that match an invalidation policy and result in expiration of specific cached responses or entire content groups.
cacheTotNonParameterizedInvalidationRequests (
Requests that match an invalidation policy where the invalGroups parameter is configured and expires one or more content groups.
cacheTotParameterizedInvalidationRequests (
Requests matching a policy with an invalidation (INVAL) action and a content group that uses an invalidation selector or parameters.
cacheLargestResponseReceived (
Size, in bytes, of largest response sent to client from the cache or the origin server.
cacheTotFlashcacheMisses (
Number of requests to a content group with flash cache enabled that were cache misses. Flash cache distributes the response to all the clients in aqueue.
cacheTotFlashcacheHits (
Number of requests to a content group with flash cache enabled that were cache hits. The flash cache setting queues requests that arrive simultaneously and distributes the response to all the clients in the queue.
cacheTotExpireAtLastByte (
Instances of content expiring immediately after receiving the last body byte due to the Expire at Last Byte setting for the content group.
cacheNumMarker (
Marker objects created when a response exceeds the maximum or minimum size for entries in its content group or has not yet received the minimum number of hits required for items in its content group.
cacheMaxMemoryActiveKB (
Currently active value of maximum memory
cache64MaxMemoryKB (
Largest amount of memory the NetScaler can dedicate to caching, up to 50% of available memory. A 0 value disables caching, but the caching module continues to run.
nsCompressionStatsGroup (
This provides information about Compression related statistics in the Netscaler product.
compTotalRequests (
Number of HTTP compression requests the NetScaler receives for which the response is successfully compressed. For example, after you enable compression and configure services, if you send requests to the NetScaler with the following header information: �Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate�, and NetScaler compresses the corresponding response, this counter is incremented.
compTotalTxBytes (
Number of bytes the NetScaler sends to the client after compressing the response from the server.
compTotalRxBytes (
Number of bytes that can be compressed, which the NetScaler receives from the server. This gives the content length of the response that the NetScaler receives from server.
compTotalTxPackets (
Number of HTTP packets that the NetScaler sends to the client after compressing the response from the server.
compTotalRxPackets (
Number of HTTP packets that can be compressed, which the NetScaler receives from the server.
compRatio (
Ratio of compressible data received to compressed data transmitted expressed as percentage.
compTotalDataCompressionRatio (
Ratio of total HTTP data received to total HTTP data transmitted expressed as percentage.
compTcpTotalTxBytes (
Number of bytes that the NetScaler sends to the client after compressing the response from the server.
compTcpTotalRxBytes (
Number of bytes that can be compressed, which the NetScaler receives from the server. This gives the content length of the response that the NetScaler receives from server.
compTcpTotalTxPackets (
Number of TCP packets that the NetScaler sends to the client after compressing the response from the server.
compTcpTotalRxPackets (
Total number of compressible packets received by NetScaler.
compTcpTotalQuantum (
Number of times the NetScaler compresses a quantum of data. NetScaler buffers the data received from the server till it reaches the quantum size and then compresses the buffered data and transmits to the client.
compTcpTotalPush (
Number of times the NetScaler compresses data on receiving a TCP PUSH flag from the server. The PUSH flag ensures that data is compressed immediately without waiting for the buffered data size to reach the quantum size.
compTcpTotalEoi (
Number of times the NetScaler compresses data on receiving End Of Input (FIN packet). When the NetScaler receives End Of Input (FIN packet), it compresses the buffered data immediately without waiting for the buffered data size to reach the quantum size.
compTcpTotalTimer (
Number of times the NetScaler compresses data on expiration of data accumulation timer. The timer expires if the server response is very slow and consequently, the NetScaler does not receive response for a certain amount of time. Under such a condition, the NetScaler compresses the buffered data immediately without waiting for the buffered data size to reach the quantum size.
compTcpRatio (
Ratio of compressible data received to compressed data transmitted expressed as percentage.
compTcpBandwidthSaving (
Bandwidth saving from TCP compression expressed as percentage.
deCompTcpRxPackets (
Total number of compressed packets received by NetScaler.
deCompTcpTxPackets (
Total number of decompressed packets transmitted by NetScaler.
deCompTcpRxBytes (
Total number of compressed bytes received by NetScaler.
deCompTcpTxBytes (
Total number of decompressed bytes transmitted by NetScaler.
deCompTcpErrData (
Number of data errors encountered while decompressing.
deCompTcpErrLessData (
Number of times NetScaler received less data than declared by protocol.
deCompTcpErrMoreData (
Number of times NetScaler received more data than declared by protocol.
deCompTcpErrMemory (
Number of times memory failures occurred while decompressing.
deCompTcpErrUnknown (
Number of times unknown errors occurred while decompressing.
deCompTcpRatio (
Ratio of decompressed data transmitted to compressed data received expressed as percentage.
deCompTcpBandwidthSaving (
Bandwidth saving from compression expressed as percentage.
delCompTotalRequests (
Total number of delta compression requests received by NetScaler.
delCompFirstAccess (
Total number of delta compression first accesses.
delCompDone (
Total number of delta compressions done by NetScaler.
delCompTcpRxBytes (
Total number of delta-compressible bytes received by NetScaler.
delCompTcpTxBytes (
Total number of delta-compressed bytes transmitted by NetScaler.
delCompTcpRxPackets (
Number of delta-compressible packets received.
delCompTcpTxPackets (
Total number of delta-compressed packets transmitted by NetScaler.
delCompBaseServed (
Total number of basefile requests served by NetScaler.
delCompBaseTcpTxBytes (
Number of basefile bytes transmitted by NetScaler.
delCompErrBypassed (
Number of times delta-compression bypassed by NetScaler.
delCompErrBFileWHdrFailed (
Number of times basefile could not be updated in NetScaler cache.
delCompErrNostoreMiss (
Number of times basefile was not found in NetScaler cache.
delCompErrReqinfoToobig (
Number of times basefile request URL was too large.
delCompErrReqinfoAllocfail (
Number of times requested basefile could not be allocated.
delCompErrSessallocFail (
Number of times delta compression session could not be allocated.
delCmpRatio (
Ratio of compressible data received to compressed data transmitted expressed as percentage.
delBwSaving (
Bandwidth saving from delta compression expressed as percentage.
compHttpBandwidthSaving (
Bandwidth saving from TCP compression expressed as percentage.
gslbGlobalStats (
This provides information about GSLB related statistics in the Netscaler product.
customEntries (
This is the number of custom locations
staticEntries (
This is the number of static locations
gslbSitesTable (
This table contains gslb sites information
This is indexed on the siteName .
siteName (
This is the name of the gslb site
siteIp (
The private IP address of this GSLB site.
siteType (
Indicates whether this GSLB site is local or remote.
siteMetricExchange (
Indicates whether metric exchange is enabled or disabled at this GSLB site.
sitePublicIp (
The public IP address of this GSLB site.
siteTotalRequests (
Total number of requests received by the virtual servers represented by all GSLB services associated with this GSLB site.
siteTotalRequestBytes (
Total number of request bytes received by the virtual servers represented by all GSLB services associated with this GSLB site.
siteTotalResponses (
Number of responses received by the virtual servers represented by all GSLB services associated with this GSLB site.
siteTotalResponseBytes (
Number of response bytes received by the virtual servers represented by all GSLB services associated with this GSLB site.
siteCurSrvrConnections (
Number of current connections to the real servers behind the virtual servers represented by all GSLB services associated with this GSLB site.
siteCurClntConnections (
Number of current client connections to the virtual servers represented by all GSLB services associated with this GSLB site.
siteMetricMepStatus (
Indicates the status of the site metric Metric Exchange connection at this GSLB site.
nwMetricMepStatus (
Indicates the status of the network metric Metric Exchange connection at this GSLB site.
nwMetricExchange (
Indicates whether network metric exchange is enabled or disabled at this GSLB site.
persExchange (
Indicates whether Persistence entries exchange is enabled or disabled at this GSLB site.
gslbSiteInetAddressType (
The address type of gslbSiteInetAddress
gslbSiteInetAddress (
The internet address of the gslb site.
gslbSitePublicInetAddressType (
The address type of gslbSitePublicInetAddress
gslbSitePublicInetAddress (
The internet address of the gslb site public IP.
gslbPoliciesTable (
This table contains the policy information
This is indexed on the gslbPolicyName .
gslbPolicyName (
This is the policy name
totalHits (
Total number of hits on this GSLB policy.
nsDomainTable (
This table contains information about the Hits on the Domains.
This is indexed on the domainName .
domainName (
The domain name
dnsTotalQueries (
Total number of DNS queries received.
nsPolicyStatsTable (
This table contains the statistics for all policies
This is indexed on the pengPolicyName .
pengPolicyName (
Encoded name of the policy
pengPolicyHits (
Total policy hits count
pengBytesIn (
Input traffic of a compression policy
pengBytesOut (
Output traffic of a compression policy
pengPolicyFullName (
Full name of the policy
nsDnsServerStatsGroup (
This provides information about Domain Name Service related statistics in the Netscaler product.
dnsTotQueries (
Total number of DNS queries received.
dnsTotAnswers (
Total number of DNS responses received.
dnsTotUnsupportedResponseClass (
Total number of responses for which response types were unsupported.
dnsTotUnsupportedResponseType (
Total number of responses for which response type requested was unsupported.
dnsTotUnsupportedQueries (
Total number of requests for which query type requested was unsupported.
dnsTotUnsupportedQueryClass (
Total number of queries for which query class was unsupported.
dnsTotInvalidQueryFormat (
Total number of queries whose format was invalid.
dnsTotNonAuthNoDatas (
Total number of responses for which there was a format error.
dnsTotMultiQuery (
Total number of Multi Query request received.
dnsTotStrayAnswer (
Total number of stray answers.
dnsTotCacheFlush (
Total number of times cache was flushed.
dnsTotCacheEntriesFlush (
Total number of cache entries flushed.
dnsTotServerQuery (
Total number of Server queries sent.
dnsTotServerResponse (
Total number of Server responses received.
dnsTotRecUpdate (
Total number of record updates.
dnsTotMultiQueryDisableError (
Total number of times a multi query was disabled and received a multi query.
dnsCurAuthEntries (
Total number of authoritative entries.
dnsCurNoAuthEntries (
Total number of non-authoritative entries.
dnsTotAuthAns (
Number of queries which were authoritatively answered.
dnsTotAuthNoNames (
Number of queries for which no record was found.
dnsTotNoDataResps (
Number of DNS responses received without answer.
dnsTotResponseBadLen (
Number of DNS responses received with invalid resoure data length.
dnsTotReqRefusals (
Number of DNS requests refused.
dnsTotOtherErrors (
Total number of other errors.
nsdnsRegisterTable (
This table contains statistics about each DNS record type
This is indexed on the dnsRecordType .
dnsRecordType (
DNS record type
dnsTotEntries (
Total number of DNS record entries
dnsTotUpdates (
Total number of DNS proactive updates
dnsTotResponses (
Total number of DNS server responses
dnsTotRequests (
Total number of DNS queries recieved
dnsTotErrLimits (
Total number of times we have recieved dns record with more entries than we support
dnsTotErrRespForm (
Total number of times we have recieved malformed responses from the backend
dnsTotErrAliasEx (
Total number of times we have recieved non-cname record for a domain for which an alias exists
dnsTotErrNoDomains (
Total number of cache misses
dnsCurEntries (
Current number of DNS entries
dnsCurRecords (
Current number of DNS Records
nsIfStatsTable (
The interface related statistics Table.
This is indexed on the ifName .
ifName (
The name of the interface.
ifMedia (
The media type of the interface.
ifTotRxBytes (
Number of bytes received by an interface since the NetScaler appliance was started or the interface statistics were cleared.
ifRxAvgBandwidthUsage (
The average bandwidth, in bits per second, at which the specified interface has been receiving packets since the NetScaler appliance was started or the interface statistics were cleared.
ifTotRxPkts (
Number of packets received by an interface since the NetScaler appliance was started or the interface statistics were cleared.
ifRxAvgPacketRate (
Average rate, in packets per second, of incoming packets on the specified interface since the NetScaler appliance was started or the interface statistics were cleared.
ifTotTxBytes (
Number of bytes transmitted by an interface since the NetScaler appliance was started or the interface statistics were cleared.
ifTxAvgBandwidthUsage (
The average bandwidth, in bits per second, at which the specified interface has been transmitting packets since the NetScaler appliance was started or the interface statistics were cleared.
ifTotTxPkts (
Number of packets transmitted by an interface since the NetScaler appliance was started or the interface statistics were cleared.
ifTxAvgPacketRate (
Average rate, in packets per second, of outgoing packets on the specified interface since the NetScaler appliance was started or the interface statistics were cleared.
ifRxCRCErrors (
Number of packets received with the wrong checksum by the specified interface since the NetScaler appliance was started or the interface statistics were cleared. This indicates the number of Jabber frames received instead of CRC errors on the 10G data ports of NetScaler 12000-10G platform and the data ports of NetScaler MPX 15000 and 17000 platforms.
ifRxFrameErrors (
Number of Jumbo frames(frame size greater than 1518 bytes) received by the specified interface since the NetScaler appliance was started or the interface statistics were cleared.
ifRxAlignmentErrors (
Number of packets received with an alignment error (an error that occurs when the total number of bits of a received frame is not divisible by eight) by the specified interface. Since the NetScaler appliance was started or the interface statistics were cleared.
ifTxCollisions (
Number of collisions detected during transmission, on the specified interface, since the NetScaler appliance was started or the interface statistics were cleared. This statistic is applicable only to half-duplex transmissions and is available only on the data ports of the NetScaler 12000 platform and the management port of the NetScaler MPX 15000 and 17000 platforms.
ifTxExcessCollisions (
Number of excess collisions detected during transmission, on the specified interface, since the NetScaler appliance was started or the interface statistics were cleared. This statistic is only applicable to half-duplex transmissions and is supported only on the NetScaler Classic edition.
ifTxLateCollisions (
Number of late collisions detected during transmission, on the specified interface, since the NetScaler appliance was started or the interface statistics were cleared. This statistic is only applicable to half-duplex transmissions. Currently this is supported only on Classic builds.
ifTxMultiCollisionErrors (
Number of multiple collisions during transmission on the specified interface. This counter is deprecated now. (Includes only half-duplex transmissions.)
ifTxCarrierError (
Number of Carrier Sense errors that occur when an interface attempts to transmit a frame but is unable to do so as no carrier is detected. This statistic is applicable only to half-duplex transmissions and is available only on 1G data ports of the NetScaler 12000 platform and management ports of NetScaler MPX 15000 and 17000 platforms.
ifTotRxMbits (
The total data, in megabits, received by an interface since the NetScaler appliance was started or the interface statistics were cleared. This statistic also includes the Ethernet overhead bytes, i.e. preamble, inter-packet gap, and CRC.
ifTotTxMbits (
The total data, in megabits, transmitted by an interface since the NetScaler appliance was started or the interface statistics were cleared. This statistic also includes the Ethernet overhead bytes, i.e. preamble, inter-packet gap, and CRC.
ifTotNetScalerPkts (
Number of packets, destined to the NetScaler, received by an interface since the NetScaler appliance was started or the interface statistics were cleared. The packets destined to NetScaler are those that have the same MAC address as that of an interface or a VMAC address owned by the NetScaler.
ifErrDroppedRxPkts (
Number of inbound packets dropped by the specified interface. Commonly dropped packets are multicast frames, spanning tree BPDUs, packets destined to a MAC not owned by the NetScaler when L2 mode is disabled, or packets tagged for a VLAN that is not bound to the interface. This statistic will increment in most healthy networks at a steady rate regardless of traffic load. If a sharp spike in dropped packets occurs, it generally indicates an issue with connected L2 switches, such as a forwarding database overflow resulting in packets being broadcast on all ports.
ifErrLinkHangs (
Number of times the specified interface detected hangs in the transmit and receive paths since the NetScaler appliance was started or the interface statistics were cleared.
ifLinkReinits (
Number of times the link has been re-initialized. A re-initialization occurs due to link state change, configuration parameter change, or administrative reset operation.
ifErrDuplexMismatch (
Number of times duplex mismatches were detected on the specified interface since the NetScaler appliance was started or the interface statistics were cleared. A mismatch will occur if the duplex mode is not identically set on both ends of the link. This statistic is only available on the NetScaler Classic edition.
ifErrCongestedPktsDrops (
Number of outbound packets dropped from the normal and low-priority transmit (Tx) overflow queues, during congestion on the specified interface, since the NetScaler appliance was started or the interface statistics were cleared. This could be caused by one of the following: 1) Packets that have been in the overflow queue for more than 10 milliseconds. 2) Shortage of free receive buffers on the NetScaler.
ifErrCongestionLimitPktDrops (
Number of transmit (Tx) packets dropped from normal and low-priority transmit overflow queues, during congestion on the specified interface, since the NetScaler appliance was started or the interface statistics were cleared. This is caused when the overflow queue limits are exceeded.
ifErrPktRx (
Number of inbound packets dropped by the hardware on a specified interface since the NetScaler appliance was started or the interface statistics were cleared. This could happen due to CRC, length (undersize and oversize), and alignment errors.
ifErrRxFIFO (
Number packet drops due to insufficient space in the receive queue, on the specified interface, since the NetScaler appliance was started or the interface statistics were cleared. This statistic is only available on the data ports of the NetScaler 12000 platform and the NetScaler MPX 15000 and 17000 platforms.
ifErrRxNoBuffs (
Number of times the NIC hardware reported an error, due to packets drops caused by lack of buffers. This statistic is available on: (1) All ports except management ports on NetScaler MPX 15000 and 17000 platforms. (2) All 1G ports on NetScaler MPX 7500, 9500, 10500, 12500, 15500, 17500, 19500, and 21500 platforms.
ifErrRxFCS (
Number of packets received with Frame Check Sequence(FCS) errors, on the specified interface, since the NetScaler appliance was started or the interface statistics were cleared. This statistic is available only on data ports of the NetScaler 12000 platform and NetScaler MPX 15000 and 17000 platforms.
ifErrPktTx (
Number of outbound packets dropped by the hardware on a specified interface since the NetScaler appliance was started or the interface statistics were cleared. This could happen due to length (undersize or oversize) errors and lack of resources. This statistic is available only for: (1) Loop back interface (LO) of all platforms. (2) All data ports on the NetScaler 12000 platform. (3) Management ports on the MPX 15000 and 17000 platforms.
ifErrTxFIFO (
Number of times the hardware reported an error in accumulating packets for transmission on the specified interface. This statistic is only available on 10G ports of the NetScaler 12000-10G platform and data ports of the NetScaler MPX 15000 and 17000 platforms.
ifErrTxHeartBeat (
Number of 10Mb link heartbeats on the specified interface. This counter is deprecated now. (Informational - 10MbMb half-duplex only)
ifErrTxOverflow (
Number of packets that have passed through the overflow queues, during transmission on the specified interface, since the NetScaler appliance was started or the interface statistics were cleared. This gets incremented only on congested ports.
ifErrTxDeferred (
Number of times packet transmission was deferred on the specified interface. This statistic is only available on data ports of the NetScaler 12000 platform and management ports of the NetScaler MPX 15000 and 17000 platforms. This statistic is only applicable to half-duplex transmissions.
ifErrDroppedTxPkts (
Number of packets dropped in transmission by the specified interface due to one of the following reasons. (1) VLAN mismatch. (2) Oversized packets. (3) Interface congestion. (4) Loopback packets sent on non loop back interface.
ifTotRxXonPause (
Number of Pause frames received on the specified interface with pause time set to zero. This statistic is not available on 10G ports of the NetScaler 12000-10G platform and data ports of the NetScaler MPX 15000 and 17000 platforms.
ifTotRxXoffPause (
Number of Pause frames received by the specified interface with the pause time greater than zero. This statistic is only available on 10G ports of the NetScaler 12000-10G platform and data ports of the NetScaler MPX 15000 and 17000 platforms.
ifTotXoffStateEntered (
Number of times transmission was stopped on the specified interface due to the receipt of Pause frames. This statistic is only available on 10G ports of the NetScaler 12000-10G platform and data ports of the NetScaler MPX 15000 and 17000 platforms.
ifTotXonSent (
Number of pause frames, sent by the specified interface, with pause time set to zero to restart transmission. This statistic is not available on 10G ports of the NetScaler 12000-10G platform and data ports of the NetScaler MPX 15000 and 17000 platforms.
ifTotXoffSent (
Number of Pause frames sent by the specified interface with the pause time greater than zero. This statistic is only available on 10G ports of the NetScaler 12000-10G platform and data ports of the NetScaler MPX 15000 and 17000 platforms. This statistic also includes the Pause frames with pause time equal to zero.
ifnicStsStalls (
Number of times the status updates for a specified interface were stalled since the NetScaler appliance was started or the interface statistics were cleared. A status stall is detected when the status of the interface is not updated by the NIC hardware within 0.8 seconds of the last update.
ifnicTxStalls (
Number of times the interface stalled, when transmitting packets, since the NetScaler appliance was started or the interface statistics were cleared. Transmit (Tx) stalls are detected when a packet posted for transmission is not transmitted in 4 seconds.
ifnicRxStalls (
Number of times the interface stalled, when receiving packets, since the NetScaler appliance was started or the interface statistics were cleared. Receive (Rx) stalls are detected when the following conditions are met: (1)The link is up for more than 10 minutes. (2)Packets are transmitted, but no packets is received for 16 seconds.
ifnicErrDisables (
Number of times the specified interface is disabled by the NetScaler, due to continuous Receive (Rx) or Transmit (Tx) stalls, since the NetScaler appliance was started or the interface statistics were cleared. The NetScaler disables an interface when one of the following conditions is met: (1) Three consecutive transmit stalls occur within 10 seconds. (2) Three consecutive receive stalls occur within 120 seconds.
ifThroughput (
Interface throughput in Mbps
ifMinThroughput (
Interface minimum throughput in Mbps
ifErrDroppedRxPktsRl (
Number of packets dropped due to license limit on the specified interface.
ifErrRxNoNSB (
Number of times the NetScaler failed to allocate buffers, for inbound packets, for the specified interface since the NetScaler appliance was started or the interface statistics were cleared.
ifInterfaceAlias (
Alias Name for the Interface
scPolicyStatistics (
This provides information about Sure Connect Policy related statistics in the Netscaler product.
scPolicyUrlHits (
Total number of incoming requests that matched configured sureconnect policies.
scPopUps (
Total number of in-memory java script served which throws the pop-up window.
scAltContUrls (
Total number of alternate content served which throws the pop-up window.
scSessionReqs (
Total number of requests that were handled in a single SureConnect session.
scPostReqs (
Total number of HTTP POST requests that triggered SureConnect feature.
scThresholdFail (
Total number of times SureConnect was not triggered because the thresholds conditions failed.
scFaultyCookies (
Total number of corrupted SureConnect cookies.
scUnSupBrow (
Total number of requests that came from all unsupported browsers.
scResetStats (
Toal number of times that SureConnect statistics were reset.
scTotCondTriggered (
Number of times that SureConnect conditions were triggered.
scTotReissuedRequests (
Total number of reissued SureConnect requests.
scPolicyConfigTable (
The sure connect policy configuration table
This is indexed on the scPolicyName .
scPolicyName (
The name of Sure Connect policy.
scPolUrl (
The URL in the IOH Policy.
scDelayThreshold (
The delay threshold for sc policy.
scMaxConnections (
The max connections for sc policy.
scActionType (
The type of action that NetScaler takes when initiating on-hold.
scAlternateContentServiceName (
The alternate service name for the content.
scRuleName (
The rule that the NetScaler matches with the incoming request.
scAlternateContentPath (
The alternate path for the content.
sslCertKeyTable (
The ssl certificate key pair configuration information
This is indexed on the sslCertKeyName .
sslCertKeyName (
The certificate key pair Name.
sslCertPath (
The certificate path.
sslKeyPath (
The private key path.
sslInputFormat (
The input format of the certificate key pair.
sslDaysToExpire (
Number of days remaining for the certificate to expire.
sslCrlTable (
The ssl CRL configuration information
This is indexed on the sslCrlName .
sslCrlName (
The name of CRL.
sslCrlPath (
The CRL path.
sslCrlInputFormat (
The input format of CRL.
sslCipherGroupTable (
The Cipher group configuration information
This is indexed on the sslCipherGroupName and sslCipherName.
sslCipherGroupName (
The Cipher group name.
sslCipherName (
The Cipher name.
sslCipherDesc (
The Cipher description.
dosPolicyTable (
The dos policy configuration table
This is indexed on the dosPolicyName .
dosPolicyName (
Name of the policy
thresholdValue (
Threshold surge count to detect an attack, for this DosPolicy
dosPolicyStatistics (
This provides information about DOS Policy related statistics in the Netscaler product.
dosTotConditionTriggered (
Number of times the NetScaler appliance triggered the DOS JavaScript due to a condition match.
dosTotValidCookies (
Number of clients from whom the NetScaler appliance received a valid DOS cookie.
dosTotDosPriorityClients (
Number of valid clients that were given DOS priority.
dosAvgValidClients (
Average number of DOS clients that returned a valid DOS cookie.
dosAvgDospriClients (
Average number of clients that were given DOS priority.
nsExpressionTable (
Expression related configuration
This is indexed on the expressionName .
expressionName (
Name of the expression.
expressionTotalHits (
Total number of hits to this expression.
pqPolicyConfigTable (
The priority queuing policy configuration table
This is indexed on the pqName .
pqName (
The name of the PQ policy bound to Load Balancing vserver.
pqRuleName (
The Rule Name configuration for PQ policy.
pqQdepthThreshold (
The vip threshold value for qdepth in PQ policy.
pqPolQdepthThreshold (
The policy threshold value for qdepth in PQ policy.
pqPriority (
The priority of this PQ policy.
pqPolicyWeight (
The weight of this PQ policy.
pqPolicyStatistics (
This provides information about Priority Queuing Policy related statistics in the Netscaler product.
pqTotalPolicyMatches (
Number of times the Netscaler appliance matched an incoming request using any priority queuing policy.
pqTotalThresholdFailed (
Number of times the Netscaler appliance failed to match an incoming request to any of priority queing policy.
pqPriority1Requests (
Number of priority 1 requests that the Netscaler appliance received.
pqPriority2Requests (
Number of priority 2 requests that the Netscaler appliance received.
pqPriority3Requests (
Number of priority 3 requests that the Netscaler appliance received.
crPolicyMapConfigTable (
The CR map configuration information
This is indexed on the crMapName .
crMapName (
The name of the map policy.
crMapSrcName (
The name of the source domain hosted by the map.
crMapDstName (
The name of the destination domain hosted by the map.
crMapSrcUrl (
The Url to be modified under the given source domain.
crMapDstUrl (
The Url after mapping.
monitorCount (
Number of monitors defined on this NetScaler appliance.
monitorBindCount (
Number of monitor bindings defined on this NetScaler appliance.
htmlInjectionStatsGroup (
This provides information about HTML Injection related statictics in the Netscaler product.
htmlInjectedBytes (
Number of bytes injected during HTML injection.
htmlInjectMemAllocFailed (
Number of times memory allocation failed during configuration of HTML injection.
appFirewallStatistics (
This provides Application Firewall statistics in the Netscaler product.
appFirewallRequests (
HTTP/HTTPS requests sent to your protected web servers via the Application Firewall.
appFirewallResponses (
HTTP/HTTPS responses sent by your protected web servers via the Application Firewall.
appFirewallAborts (
Incomplete HTTP/HTTPS requests aborted by the client before the Application Firewall could finish processing them.
appFirewallRedirects (
HTTP/HTTPS requests redirected by the Application Firewall to a different Web page or web server. (HTTP 302)
appFirewallViolStartURL (
Number of Start URL security check violations seen by the Application Firewall.
appFirewallViolDenyURL (
Number of Deny URL security check violations seen by the Application Firewall.
appFirewallViolBufferOverflow (
Number of Buffer Overflow security check violations seen by the Application Firewall.
appFirewallViolCookie (
Number of Cookie Consistency security check violations seen by the Application Firewall.
appFirewallViolXSS (
Number of HTML Cross-Site Scripting security check violations seen by the Application Firewall.
appFirewallViolSQL (
Number of HTML SQL Injection security check violations seen by the Application Firewall.
appFirewallViolFieldformat (
Number of Field Format security check violations seen by the Application Firewall.
appFirewallViolFieldConsistency (
Number of Field Consistency security check violations seen by the Application Firewall.
appFirewallViolCreditCard (
Number of Credit Card security check violations seen by the Application Firewall.
appFirewallViolSafeObject (
Number of Safe Object security check violations seen by the Application Firewall.
appFirewallTotalViol (
Total number of security check violations seen by the Application Firewall.
appFirewallViolWellformednessViolations (
Number of XML Format security check violations seen by the Application Firewall.
appFirewallViolXdosViolations (
Number of XML Denial-of-Service security check violations seen by the Application Firewall.
appFirewallViolMsgValViolations (
Number of XML Message Validation security check violations seen by the Application Firewall.
appFirewallViolWSIViolations (
Number of Web Services Interoperability (WS-I) security check violations seen by the Application Firewall.
appFirewallViolXmlSqlViolations (
Number of XML SQL Injection security check violations seen by the Application Firewall.
appFirewallViolXmlXssViolations (
Number of XML Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) security check violations seen by the Application Firewall.
appFirewallViolXmlAttachmentViolations (
Number of XML Attachment security check violations seen by the Application Firewall.
appFirewallViolCSRFtag (
Number of Cross Site Request Forgery form tag security check violations seen by the Application Firewall.
appFirewallViolRefererHeader (
Number of Referer Header security check violations seen by the Application Firewall.
appFirewallViolXmlSoapFaultViolations (
Number of requests returning soap:fault from the backend server
appFirewallRet4xx (
Number of requests returning HTTP 4xx from the backend server
appFirewallRet5xx (
Number of requests returning HTTP 5xx from the backend server
appFirewallReqBytes (
Number of bytes transfered for requests
appFirewallResBytes (
Number of bytes transfered for responses
appFirewallLongAvgRespTime (
Average backend response time in milliseconds since reboot
appFirewallShortAvgRespTime (
Average backend response time in milliseconds over the last 7 seconds
appFirewallViolXmlGenViolations (
Number of requests returning XML generic error from the backend server
appFirewallViolSignature (
Number of Signature violations seen by the Application Firewall.
appFirewallTrapsDropped (
AppFirewall SNMP traps dropped due to time limit.
appfwProfileTable (
This is indexed on the appfwprofileName .
appfwprofileName (
The name of the Application Firewall profile
appfwappFirewallRequestsPerProfile (
HTTP/HTTPS requests sent to your protected web servers via the Application Firewall.
appfwappFirewallResponsesPerProfile (
HTTP/HTTPS responses sent by your protected web servers via the Application Firewall.
appfwappFirewallAbortsPerProfile (
Incomplete HTTP/HTTPS requests aborted by the client before the Application Firewall could finish processing them.
appfwappFirewallRedirectsPerProfile (
HTTP/HTTPS requests redirected by the Application Firewall to a different Web page or web server. (HTTP 302)
appfwappFirewallViolStartURLPerProfile (
Number of Start URL security check violations seen by the Application Firewall.
appfwappFirewallViolDenyURLPerProfile (
Number of Deny URL security check violations seen by the Application Firewall.
appfwappFirewallViolRefererHeaderPerProfile (
Number of Referer Header security check violations seen by the Application Firewall.
appfwappFirewallViolBufferOverflowPerProfile (
Number of Buffer Overflow security check violations seen by the Application Firewall.
appfwappFirewallViolCSRFtagPerProfile (
Number of Cross Site Request Forgery form tag security check violations seen by the Application Firewall.
appfwappFirewallViolCookiePerProfile (
Number of Cookie Consistency security check violations seen by the Application Firewall.
appfwappFirewallViolXSSPerProfile (
Number of HTML Cross-Site Scripting security check violations seen by the Application Firewall.
appfwappFirewallViolSQLPerProfile (
Number of HTML SQL Injection security check violations seen by the Application Firewall.
appfwappFirewallViolFieldformatPerProfile (
Number of Field Format security check violations seen by the Application Firewall.
appfwappFirewallViolFieldConsistencyPerProfile (
Number of Field Consistency security check violations seen by the Application Firewall.
appfwappFirewallViolCreditCardPerProfile (
Number of Credit Card security check violations seen by the Application Firewall.
appfwappFirewallViolSafeObjectPerProfile (
Number of Safe Object security check violations seen by the Application Firewall.
appfwappFirewallViolWellformednessViolationsPerProfile (
Number of XML Format security check violations seen by the Application Firewall.
appfwappFirewallViolXdosViolationsPerProfile (
Number of XML Denial-of-Service security check violations seen by the Application Firewall.
appfwappFirewallViolMsgValViolationsPerProfile (
Number of XML Message Validation security check violations seen by the Application Firewall.
appfwappFirewallViolWSIViolationsPerProfile (
Number of Web Services Interoperability (WS-I) security check violations seen by the Application Firewall.
appfwappFirewallViolXmlSqlViolationsPerProfile (
Number of XML SQL Injection security check violations seen by the Application Firewall.
appfwappFirewallViolXmlXssViolationsPerProfile (
Number of XML Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) security check violations seen by the Application Firewall.
appfwappFirewallViolXmlAttachmentViolationsPerProfile (
Number of XML Attachment security check violations seen by the Application Firewall.
appfwappFirewallTotalViolPerProfile (
Number of violations seen by the application firewall on per profile basis
appfwappFirewallRet4xxPerProfile (
Number of requests returning HTTP 4xx from the backend server
appfwappFirewallRet5xxPerProfile (
Number of requests returning HTTP 5xx from the backend server
appfwappFirewallViolXmlSoapFaultViolationsPerProfile (
Number of requests returning soap:fault from the backend server
appfwappFirewallReqBytesPerProfile (
Number of bytes transfered for requests
appfwappFirewallResBytesPerProfile (
Number of bytes transfered for responses
appfwappFirewallLongAvgRespTimePerProfile (
Average backend response time in milliseconds since reboot
appfwappFirewallShortAvgRespTimePerProfile (
Average backend response time in milliseconds over the last 7 seconds
appfwappFirewallViolXmlGenericViolationsPerProfile (
Number of requests returning XML generic violation from the backend server
appfwappFirewallViolSignaturePerProfile (
Number of Signature violations seen by the Application Firewall.
nsRnatGlobalStats (
This provides statistics related to all RNAT sessions.
rnatTotRxBytes (
Bytes received during RNAT sessions.
rnatTotTxBytes (
Bytes sent during RNAT sessions.
rnatTotRxPkts (
Packets received during RNAT sessions.
rnatTotTxPkts (
Packets sent during RNAT sessions.
rnatTotTxSyn (
Requests for connections sent during RNAT sessions.
rnatCurSessions (
Currently active RNAT sessions.
nsRnatPerIPStatsTable (
This table contains statistics related to rnat for the natip
This is indexed on the ipAddr .
ipRnatTotRxBytes (
Bytes received on this IP address during RNAT sessions.
ipRnatTotTxBytes (
Bytes sent from this IP address during RNAT sessions.
ipRnatTotRxPkts (
Packets received on this IP address during RNAT sessions.
ipRnatTotTxPkts (
Packets sent from this IP address during RNAT sessions.
ipRnatTotTxSyn (
Requests for connections sent from this IP address during RNAT sessions.
ipRnatCurSessions (
Currently active RNAT sessions started from this IP address.
nsSslVpnStatsGroup (
This provides information about SSL-VPN related statistics
indexHtmlHit (
Number of requests for VPN login page.
indexHtmlNoServed (
Number of failures to display VPN login page.
cfgHtmlServed (
Number of client configuration requests received by VPN server.
dnsReqHit (
Number of DNS queries resolved by VPN server.
winsRequestHit (
Number of WINS queries resolved by VPN server.
csRequestHit (
Number of SSL VPN tunnels formed between VPN server and client.
csNonHttpProbeHit (
Number of probes from VPN to back-end non-HTTP servers that have been accessed by the VPN client.
csHttpProbeHit (
Number of probes from VPN to back-end HTTP servers that have been accessed by the VPN client.
totalCsConnSucc (
Number of successful probes to all back-end servers.
totalFsRequest (
Number of file system requests received by VPN server.
iipDisabledMIPdisabled (
Both IIP and MIP is disabled.
iipFailedMIPdisabled (
Number of times IIP assignment failed and MIP is disabled.
iipDisabledMIPused (
Number of times MIP is used as IIP is disabled.
iipFailedMIPused (
Number of times MIP is used as IIP assignment failed.
socksMethReqRcvd (
Number of received SOCKS method request.
socksMethReqSent (
Number of sent SOCKS method request.
socksMethRespRcvd (
Number of received SOCKS method response.
socksMethRespSent (
Number of sent SOCKS method response.
socksConnReqRcvd (
Number of received SOCKS connect request.
socksConnReqSent (
Number of sent SOCKS connect request.
socksConnRespRcvd (
Number of received SOCKS connect response.
socksConnRespSent (
Number of sent SOCKS connect response.
socksServerError (
Number of SOCKS server error.
socksClientError (
Number of SOCKS client error.
staConnSuccess (
Number of STA connection success.
staConnFailure (
Number of STA connection failure.
cpsConnSuccess (
Number of CPS connection success.
cpsConnFailure (
Number of CPS connection failure.
staRequestSent (
Number of STA request sent.
staResponseRecvd (
Number of STA response received.
icaLicenseFailure (
Number of ICA license failure.
staRenewSent (
Number of STA renew requests sent.
staRenewRecvd (
Number of STA renew response received.
staReassErr (
Number of STA response reassembly errors.
staRnewNoClnt (
Number of STA renew repsonse for missing clients.
staRenewNoRfsh (
Number of STA renew response missing refesh values.
staValidNoClnt (
Number of STA validate response for clients that have already closed.
staValidNoEst (
Number of STA validate responses for clients not in TCP ESTABLISHED state.
staMonSent (
Number of STA monitor requests sent.
staMonRcvd (
Number of STA monitor responses recieved.
staMonSucc (
Number of STA monitor successful responses.
staMonFail (
Number of STA monitor failed responses.
iipSpilloverMIPused (
Number of times MIP is used on IIP Spillover.
nsAaaStatsGroup (
This provides information about AAA related statistics
aaaAuthFail (
Count of authentication failures.
aaaAuthSuccess (
Count of authentication successes.
aaaAuthNonHttpFail (
Count of non HTTP connections that failed authorization.
aaaAuthOnlyHttpFail (
Count of HTTP connections that failed authorization.
aaaAuthNonHttpSuccess (
Count of non HTTP connections that succeeded authorization.
aaaAuthOnlyHttpSuccess (
Count of HTTP connections that succeeded authorization.
aaaTotSessions (
Count of all AAA sessions.
aaaTotSessionTimeout (
Count of AAA sessions that have timed out.
aaaCurSessions (
Count of current AAA sessions.
aaaCurICASessions (
Count of current ICA only sessions.
nsGlobalConfigSettings (
This provides information about global configurations of Netscaler.
webServerHttpPorts (
The HTTP ports on the Web server. System performs connection off-load for any client request that has a destination port matching one of these configured ports.
maxTcpConnections (
The maximum number of connections that will be made from the system to the web server(s) attached to it. This value is applied globally to all attached servers.
maxReqPerConnection (
The maximum number of requests that the system can pass on a particular connection between the system and a server attached to it. If the Value is zero, then it allows an unlimited number of requests to be passed.
cipInsertionStatus (
This represents the option to control (enable or disable) the insertion of the actual client IP address into the HTTP header request passed from the client to any of the servers attached to the system. The passed address can then be accessed through a minor modification to the server. If cipHeader is specified, it will be used as the client IP header. If it is not specified, then the value that has been set by the set ns config CLI command will be used as the client IP header.
cipInsertionHeader (
This represents the text that will be used as the client IP header.
cookieVersionInserted (
The version of the cookie inserted by the system.
minPathMTU (
The minimum Path MTU of the system.
mtuEntryTimeoutValue (
The timeout value of MTU entries.
ftpPortRange (
The Port range configured for FTP services.
piPolicyTable (
The policy relationship table
This is indexed on the piPolName .
piPolName (
Encoded name of the PI policy
piPolicyHits (
Number of hits on the policy
piPolicyUndefHits (
Number of undef hits on the policy
piPolFullName (
Full name of the PI policy
nsInetAddressTable (
This table contains information about the IPv6 addresses configured on the NetScaler.
This is indexed on the nsInetAddressType and nsInetAddress.
nsInetAddressType (
The address type of nsInetAddress
nsInetAddress (
This represents an IPv4/v6 address configured on the NetScaler
nsInetMaskLenth (
This represents netmask length.
nsInetType (
This represents the IP address type
nsInetMode (
This represents the IP address mode
nsInetFreePorts (
This represents the number of unused ports free on this IP
nsInetVlan (
The vlan to which this ip address is bound.
nsInetBridgeGroup (
The bridge group to which this ip address is bound.
nsNicStatsGroup (
This provides statistical information about the total number of megabits received/transmitted on the Network Interfaces configured in the Netscaler product.
allNicTotRxMbits (
Number of megabits received by the NetScaler appliance.
allNicTotTxMbits (
Number of megabits transmitted by the NetScaler appliance.
clusterTable (
The cluster table.
This is indexed on the clnodeID .
clnodeID (
This represents the unique id of the cluster node
clPeerIP (
This represents the IP address of the cluster node
serviceTable (
The netscaler services table
This is indexed on the svcServiceName .
svcServiceName (
The name of the service.
svcIpAddress (
The ip address at which the service is running.
svcPort (
The port at which the service is running.
svcServiceType (
The protocol type of the service
svcState (
Current state of the server.
svcMaxReqPerConn (
Maximum requests per connection allowed on this service.
svcAvgTransactionTime (
Average transaction time in microseconds between netscaler and the service behind it.
svcEstablishedConn (
Total number of connections in ESTABLISHED state.
svcActiveConn (
Number of connections that are currently active.
svcSurgeCount (
Number of requests in the surge queue.
svcTotalRequests (
Total number of requests received on this service or virtual server. (This applies to HTTP/SSL services and servers.)
svcTotalRequestBytes (
Total number of request bytes received on this service or virtual server.
svcTotalResponses (
Number of responses received on this service or virtual server. (This applies to HTTP/SSL services and servers.)
svcTotalResponseBytes (
Number of response bytes received by this service or virtual server.
svcTotalPktsRecvd (
Total number of packets received by this service or virtual server.
svcTotalPktsSent (
Total number of packets sent.
svcTotalSynsRecvd (
Total number of SYN packets received from clients on this service (only when directly accessed) or virtual server.
svcGslbSiteName (
The name of the gslb site on which this service is defined.
svcAvgSvrTTFB (
Average TTFB between the NetScaler appliance and the server.
svctotalJsTransactions (
Total number of javascripts sent to geniune clients.
svcdosQDepth (
Number of clients waiting currently in priority queue
svcCurClntConnections (
Number of current client connections.
svcRequestRate (
Request rate in requests per second for this service or virtual server.
svcRxBytesRate (
Request rate in bytes per second fot this service or virtual server.
svcTxBytesRate (
Response rate in bytes per second for this service or virtual server.
svcSynfloodRate (
Rate of unacknowledged SYN packets for this service or virtual server.
svcTicksSinceLastStateChange (
Time (in 10 milliseconds) since the last state change.
svcTotalClients (
Total number of established client connections.
svcTotalServers (
Total number of established server connections.
svcMaxClients (
Maximum open connections allowed on this service.
svcActiveTransactions (
Number of active transactions handled by this service. (Including those in the surge queue.)
svcServiceFullName (
The name of the service.
svcInetAddressType (
The address type of svcInetAddress
svcInetAddress (
The Internet address at which the service is running.
serverTable (
The servers table.
This is indexed on the serverName .
serverName (
The name of the server.
serverIpAddress (
The IP address of the server.
serverState (
The state of the server.
serverDelay (
Specifies time in seconds after which all services in this server are brought down.
serverFullName (
The name of the server.
serverInetAddressType (
The address type of serverInetAddress
serverInetAddress (
The Internet address of the server.
serviceScpolicyTable (
The service sure connect policy relationship table
This is indexed on the svcServiceName and scPolicyName.
svcscpolicyPrimaryIPAddress (
The IP address of the service or virtual server to which the policy is bound.
svcscpolicyPrimaryPort (
The port of the service or virtual server to which the policy is bound.
svcscpolicydesIpAddress (
IP address of the destination service.
svcscpolicydestPort (
Port number of the destination service.
svcscpolicyavgServerTransactionTime (
Average server transaction time in seconds for this SureConnect Policy.
svcscpolicytotClientTransaction (
Total number of client transactions processed by this SureConnect policy.
svcscpolicytotOpenConn (
Current number of open connections to the servers matching this policy.
svcscpolicyscPhysicalServiceIP (
IP address of the service for which these statistics are maintained.
svcscpolicyscPhysicalServicePort (
Port of the service for which these statistics are maintained.
svcscpolicyscCurrentWaitingTime (
Value of the currently estimated waiting time in seconds for the configured URL.
svcscpolicyscCurrentClientConnections (
Number of clients currently allowed a server connection by this SureConnect policy.
svcscpolicyscTotalClientConnections (
Total number of clients that were allowed a server connection by this SureConnect policy.
svcscpolicyscTotalServerConnections (
Total number of server connections that were established through this SureConnect policy.
svcscpolicyscTotalRequestsReceived (
Total number of requests received by this SureConnect policy.
svcscpolicyscTotalRequestBytes (
Total number of request bytes received by this SureConnect policy.
svcscpolicyscTotalResponsesReceived (
Total number of server responses received by this SureConnect policy.
svcscpolicyscTotalResponseBytes (
Total number of response bytes received by this SureConnect policy.
svcscpolicyscCurrentSurgeQClients (
Number of clients currently matching the SureConnect policy, but are in the surge queue.
svcscpolicyscCurrentWaitingClients (
Current number of SureConnect priority clients that are waiting for a server connection.
svcscpolicyscTotalServerTransactions (
Number of 200 OK responses received from the web server by this SureConnect policy.
svcscpolicyscTotalServerTTFBTransactions (
Number of Time-To-First-Byte transcations from the web server for this SureConnect policy.
svcscpolicyscTotalServerTTLB (
Server Time-To-Last-Byte in seconds calculated for this SureConnect policy.
svcscpolicyscTotalClientTTLB (
Client Time-To-Last-Byte in seconds calculated for this SureConnect policy.
svcscpolicyscTotalServerTTFB (
Server Time-To-First-Byte in seconds calculated for this SureConnect policy.
svcscpolicyscAverageClientTTLB (
Average value of the client Time-To-Last-Byte in seconds for this SureConnect policy.
svcscpolicyscAverageServerTTFB (
Average value of the server Time-To-First-Byte in seconds for this SureConnect policy.
serviceAdvanceSslConfigTable (
The service advance SSL configuration
This is indexed on the svcServiceName .
svcSslDH (
Whether DH is enabled/disabled.
svcSslDHCount (
The DH refresh count to re-generate public/private key.
svcSslDHFilePath (
The DH file path name.
svcSsleRSA (
The ephimeral RSA support for service.
svcSsleRSACount (
The eRSA refresh count to re-generate RSA temporary key.
svcSslv2Protocol (
The support for SSLv2 protocol for service.
svcSslv3Protocol (
The support for SSLv3 protocol for service.
svcSslTLSv1Protocol (
The support for TLSv1 protocol for service.
svcSslRedirectSupport (
The support for ssl redirect for service.
svcSslClearTextPort (
The clear text port on the backend webserver.
serviceCipherBindingTable (
The service cipher bindings
This is indexed on the svcServiceName and svcSslCipherBindName.
svcSslCipherBindName (
The cipher name bound to this service.
svcSslCipherBindDesc (
The Cipher description.
serviceGlobalStatsGroup (
This provides information about service related statictics in the Netscaler product.
svcCount (
Number of services defined on this NetScaler appliance.
serverCount (
Number of servers defined on this NetScaler appliance.
svcgroupCount (
Number of service groups defined on this NetScaler appliance.
svcgroupmemCount (
Number of service group members defined on this NetScaler appliance.
serviceGroupMemberTable (
The service group member bindings
This is indexed on the svcGrpMemberGroupName and svcGrpMemberName.
svcGrpMemberGroupName (
The name of the service Group
svcGrpMemberName (
The name of the service group member
svcGrpMemberPrimaryIPAddress (
The IP address on which the service is running.
svcGrpMemberPrimaryPort (
The port on which the service is running.
svcGrpMemberServiceType (
The service type of this service.
svcGrpMemberState (
Current state of the server.
svcGrpMemberWeight (
The weight of the service group member tied to the vserver.
svcGrpMemberMaxReqPerConn (
Maximum requests per connection allowed on this service.
svcGrpMemberAvgTransactionTime (
Average transaction time in microseconds between netscaler and the service behind it.
svcGrpMemberEstablishedConn (
Total number of connections in ESTABLISHED state.
svcGrpMemberActiveConn (
Number of connections that are currently active.
svcGrpMemberSurgeCount (
Number of requests in the surge queue.
svcGrpMemberTotalRequests (
Total number of requests received on this service or virtual server. (This applies to HTTP/SSL services and servers.)
svcGrpMemberTotalRequestBytes (
Total number of request bytes received on this service or virtual server.
svcGrpMemberTotalResponses (
Number of responses received on this service or virtual server. (This applies to HTTP/SSL services and servers.)
svcGrpMemberTotalResponseBytes (
Number of response bytes received by this service or virtual server.
svcGrpMemberTotalPktsRecvd (
Total number of packets received by this service or virtual server.
svcGrpMemberTotalPktsSent (
Total number of packets sent.
svcGrpMemberTotalSynsRecvd (
Total number of SYN packets received from clients on this service (only when directly accessed) or virtual server.
svcGrpMemberGslbSiteName (
The name of the gslb site on which this service is defined.
svcGrpMemberAvgSvrTTFB (
Average TTFB between the NetScaler appliance and the server.
svcGrpMembertotalJsTransactions (
Total number of javascripts sent to geniune clients.
svcGrpMemberdosQDepth (
Number of clients waiting currently in priority queue
svcGrpMemberCurClntConnections (
Number of current client connections.
svcGrpMemberRequestRate (
Request rate in requests per second for this service or virtual server.
svcGrpMemberRxBytesRate (
Request rate in bytes per second fot this service or virtual server.
svcGrpMemberTxBytesRate (
Response rate in bytes per second for this service or virtual server.
svcGrpMemberSynfloodRate (
Rate of unacknowledged SYN packets for this service or virtual server.
svcGrpMemberTicksSinceLastStateChange (
Time (in 10 milliseconds) since the last state change.
svcGrpMemberGroupFullName (
The name of the service Group
svcGrpMemberFullName (
The name of the service group member
svcGrpMemberPrimaryInetAddressType (
The address type of svcGrpMemberPrimaryInetAddress
svcGrpMemberPrimaryInetAddress (
The Internet address at which the service is running.
svcGrpMemberServerName (
The name of the server of the servicegroup member
serviceDospolicyTable (
The service DOS policy relationship table
This is indexed on the svcServiceName and dosPolicyName.
svcdospolicydosTotJSSent (
Total number of DoS JavaScript transactions performed for this policy.
svcdospolicydosTotJSBytesSent (
Total number of DoS JavaScript bytes sent for this policy.
svcdospolicydosTotJSRefused (
Number of times the DoS JavaScript was not sent because the set JavaScript rate was not met for this policy.
svcdospolicydosTotNonGetPostRequests (
Number of non-GET and non-POST requests for which DOS JavaScript was sent.
svcdospolicydosPhysicalServiceIP (
IP address of the service to which this policy is bound.
svcdospolicydosPhysicalServicePort (
Port address of the service to which this policy is bound.
svcdospolicydosCurrentQueueSize (
Current queue size of the server to which this policy is bound.
svcdospolicydosCurrentJSRate (
Current rate at which JavaScript is being sent in response to client requests.
svcdospolicydosTotValidClients (
Total number of valid DoS cookies received for this policy.
svcdospolicydosCurServerRespRate (
Current rate at which the server to which this policy is bound is responding.
monitorMemberTable (
The monitor table
This is indexed on the monitorName .
monitorName (
Monitor name
responseTimeoutThreshold (
Monitor Response timeout threshold, above which snmp trap will be fired.It is expressed in milliseconds.
monitorType (
Type of the monitor.
monitorInterval (
Interval between monitoring probes.It is expressed in milliseconds.
monitorResponseTimeout (
Maximum time a monitor probe can take to respond.It is expressed in milliseconds.
monitorDowntime (
Time for which the monitor probes are not fired once it is down.It is expressed in milliseconds.
monitorRetrys (
Number of failed attempts to make server DOWN.
destinationIP (
Destination IP address that is used for monitoring.
destinationPort (
Destination port that is used for monitoring.
drtmDeviation (
Tolerable Deviation of response time for DRTM.It is expressed in milliseconds.
drtmActiveMonitors (
Number of monitors contributing to DRTM average.
drtmCumResponseTimeout (
Total cumulative response time of all active DRTM monitors.It is expressed in milliseconds.
alarmProbeFailedRetries (
Number of failed attempts to generate snmp trap.
destinationInetAddressType (
The address type of destinationInetAddress
destinationInetAddress (
Destination Internet address that is used for monitoring.
monServiceMemberTable (
The moninfo table, bindings of monitors to services.
This is indexed on the monServiceName and monitorName.
monServiceName (
The name of the service to which the monitor is bound.
monitorRTO (
Response time in micro-seconds. (Calculated using LRTM.)
monitorState (
State of the specified monitor. Possible states are UP, OUT OF SERVICE, DOWN, GOING OUT OF SERVICE, and DOWN WHEN GOING OUT OF SERVICE.
drtmRTO (
Monitor probe time in milli-seconds for DRTM monitors. (Round trip time)
drtmLearningProbes (
Current number of pending DRTM monitoring probes.
monitorCurFailedCount (
Current, continuous monitoring probe failure count. (Reset on success only.)
monitorWeight (
Weight assigned to the monitor binding.
alarmMonrespto (
This is the response time taken for the current monitor probe.
monitorProbes (
Number of monitoring probes sent.
monitorFailed (
Number of failed monitoring probes.
monitorMaxClient (
Number of monitoring probes that were not sent due to MaxClients.
monitorFailedCon (
Number of failed monitoring probes due to failed connections.
monitorFailedCode (
Number of failed monitoring probes due to improper response code.
monitorFailedStr (
Number of failed monitoring probes due to invalid response string.
monitorFailedTimeout (
Number of failed monitoring probes due to timeout.
monitorFailedSend (
Number of failed monitoring probes due to inability to send the data.
monitorFailedFTP (
Number of failed monitoring probes due to ftp protocol violation.
monitorFailedPort (
Number of failed monitoring probes due to port unreachable response.
monitorFailedResponse (
Number of failed monitoring probes due to invalid response.
monitorFailedId (
Number of failed monitoring probes due to response id mismatch.
monitorProbesNoChange (
Number of monitoring probes which did not change the state.
monitorResponseTimeoutThreshExceed (
Number of times the response time has exceeded the configured threshold.
serviceGroupTable (
The netscaler services group table
This is indexed on the svcgrpSvcGroupName .
svcgrpSvcGroupName (
The name of the service Group
svcgrpSvcGroupType (
The type of the service Group.
svcgrpSvcGroupState (
The state of the service Group
svcgrpSvcGroupFullName (
The full name of the service Group
vserverTable (
The vservers table
This is indexed on the vsvrName .
vsvrName (
The name of the vserver
vsvrIpAddress (
IP address of the vserver
vsvrPort (
the port of the vserver
vsvrType (
Protocol associated with the vserver
vsvrState (
Current state of the server.
vsvrCurClntConnections (
Number of current client connections.
vsvrCurSrvrConnections (
Number of current connections to the actual servers behind the virtual server.
vsvrSurgeCount (
Number of requests in the surge queue.
vsvrTotalRequests (
Total number of requests received on this service or virtual server. (This applies to HTTP/SSL services and servers.)
vsvrTotalRequestBytes (
Total number of request bytes received on this service or virtual server.
vsvrTotalResponses (
Number of responses received on this service or virtual server. (This applies to HTTP/SSL services and servers.)
vsvrTotalResponseBytes (
Number of response bytes received by this service or virtual server.
vsvrTotalPktsRecvd (
Total number of packets received by this service or virtual server.
vsvrTotalPktsSent (
Total number of packets sent.
vsvrTotalSynsRecvd (
Total number of SYN packets received from clients on this service (only when directly accessed) or virtual server.
vsvrCurServicesDown (
The current number of services which are bound to this vserver and are in the state 'down'.
vsvrCurServicesUnKnown (
The current number of services which are bound to this vserver and are in the state 'unKnown'.
vsvrCurServicesOutOfSvc (
The current number of services which are bound to this vserver and are in the state 'outOfService'.
vsvrCurServicesTransToOutOfSvc (
The current number of services which are bound to this vserver and are in the state 'transitionToOutOfService'.
vsvrCurServicesUp (
The current number of services which are bound to this vserver and are in the state 'up'.
vsvrTotMiss (
Total vserver misses
vsvrRequestRate (
Request rate in requests per second for this service or virtual server.
vsvrRxBytesRate (
Request rate in bytes per second fot this service or virtual server.
vsvrTxBytesRate (
Response rate in bytes per second for this service or virtual server.
vsvrSynfloodRate (
Rate of unacknowledged SYN packets for this service or virtual server.
vsvrIp6Address (
IPv6 address of the v server
vsvrTotHits (
Total vserver hits
vsvrTotSpillOvers (
Number of times vserver expereinced spill over.
vsvrTotalClients (
Total number of established client connections.
vsvrClientConnOpenRate (
Rate at which connections are opened for this virtual server per second.
vsvrFullName (
The name of the vserver
vsvrCurSslVpnUsers (
The current number of ssl users accessing this VIP.
vsvrTotalServicesBound (
The current number of services which are bound to this vserver.
vsvrHealth (
The percentage of UP services bound to this vserver.
vsvrTicksSinceLastStateChange (
Time (in 10 milliseconds) since the last state change.
vsvrEntityType (
The type of the vserver.
vsvrTotalServers (
Total number of established server connections.
vsvrActiveActiveState (
The state of the vserver based on ActiveActive configuration.
vsvrInvalidRequestResponse (
Number invalid requests/responses on this vserver
vsvrInvalidRequestResponseDropped (
Number invalid requests/responses dropped on this vserver
vserverServiceTable (
The vserver service relationship table
This is indexed on the vsvrName and vsvrServiceName.
vsvrServiceHits (
Number of times that the service has been provided.
servicePersistentHits (
Total number of persistent hits.
serviceWeight (
The weight of the service tied to the vserver.
vsvrServiceName (
The name of the service to which the vserver is bound.
vsvrServiceFullName (
The Full name of the service to which the vserver is bound.
vserverFullName (
The full name of the vserver.
vsvrServiceEntityType (
The entity type of the service: service group member or service.
vserverCspolicyTable (
The vserver content switching policy relationship table
This is indexed on the vsvrName and cspolicyName.
cspolicyName (
This represents the name of the policy bound to content switching vserver
cspolicyDestVserverName (
This represents the name of the destination vserver to which the request has to be directed to if the content switching policy evaluates to true.
cspolicyHits (
The number of hits on this content switching policy.
csIndexVserverFullName (
The full name of the cs vserver to which this policy belongs.
vserverCrpolicyTable (
The vserver cache redirection policy relationship table
This is indexed on the vsvrName and crpolicyName.
crpolicyName (
This represents the name of the policy bound to cache-redirection vserver
crpolicyHits (
Hits on the cache redirection policy.
crIndexVserverFullName (
The full name of the cr vserver to which this policy belongs.
vserverGlobalStatsGroup (
This provides information about vserver related statictics in the Netscaler product.
curConfigVservers (
Total number of vservers configured on the NetScaler.
vsvrBindCount (
Number of virtual server bindings on this NetScaler appliance.
vsvrSvcGrpBindCount (
Number of virtual server, service group bindings on this NetScaler appliance.
lbvserverTable (
Table for LB specific configuration
This is indexed on the vsvrName .
lbvsvrLBMethod (
The Policy used for Load Balancing.
lbvsvrPersistanceType (
The type of persistence used.
lbvsvrPersistenceTimeOut (
The timeout set for persistence.
lbvsvrActiveConn (
Number of connections that are currently active.
lbvsvrAvgSvrTTFB (
Average TTFB between the NetScaler appliance and the server.
lbvsvrRdpCookieParsed (
Number of times MSTS RDP Cookie got parsed on this vserver
vserverPqpolicyTable (
The vserver priority queuing policy relationship table
This is indexed on the vsvrName and pqName.
pqpolicytotClientTransactionTime (
Total client transaction time in micro-seconds for this priority queuing policy.
pqpolicytotClientTransactions (
Total number of client transactions for this priority queuing policy.
pqpolicypqDropped (
Total number of dropped transactions for this priority queuing policy.
pqpolicypqQdepth (
Number of clients waiting currently for this priority queuing policy.
pqpolicypqAvgClientTransactionTime (
Average time taken by a priority queuing client to complete its transaction for this priority queuing policy.
pqpolicypqVserverIP (
IP address of the virtual server to which this priority queuing policy is bound.
pqpolicypqVserverPort (
Port number of the virtual server to which this priority queuing policy is bound.
pqpolicypqCurrentClientConnections (
Current number of server connections established for serving clients for this priority queuing policy.
pqpolicypqTotQueueDepth (
Total number of waiting clients for this priority queuing policy.
pqpolicypqTotClientConnections (
Total number of server connections established for serving clients for this priority queuing policy.
pqpolicypqTotQueueWaitTime (
Amount of time spent by priority queuing clients waiting in the priority queue.
pqpolicypqTotAvgQueueDepth (
Average number of waiting clients for this priority queuing policy.
pqpolicypqTotAvgQueueWaitTime (
Average wait time for clients for this priority queuing policy.
pqpolicytotClientTransactionTimems (
Total client transaction time in microsec for this priority queuing policy.
pqpolicypqAvgClientTransactionTimems (
Average time taken by a priority queuing client to complete its transaction for this priority queuing policy.
vserverScpolicyTable (
The vserver sure connect policy relationship table
This is indexed on the svcServiceName and scPolicyName.
vsvrscpolicyPrimaryIPAddress (
The IP address of the service or virtual server to which the policy is bound.
vsvrscpolicyPrimaryPort (
The port of the service or virtual server to which the policy is bound.
vsvrscpolicydesIpAddress (
IP address of the destination service.
vsvrscpolicydestPort (
Port number of the destination service.
vsvrscpolicyavgServerTransactionTime (
Average server transaction time in seconds for this SureConnect Policy.
vsvrscpolicytotClientTransaction (
Total number of client transactions processed by this SureConnect policy.
vsvrscpolicytotOpenConn (
Current number of open connections to the servers matching this policy.
vsvrscpolicyscPhysicalServiceIP (
IP address of the service for which these statistics are maintained.
vsvrscpolicyscPhysicalServicePort (
Port of the service for which these statistics are maintained.
vsvrscpolicyscCurrentWaitingTime (
Value of the currently estimated waiting time in seconds for the configured URL.
vsvrscpolicyscCurrentClientConnections (
Number of clients currently allowed a server connection by this SureConnect policy.
vsvrscpolicyscTotalClientConnections (
Total number of clients that were allowed a server connection by this SureConnect policy.
vsvrscpolicyscTotalServerConnections (
Total number of server connections that were established through this SureConnect policy.
vsvrscpolicyscTotalRequestsReceived (
Total number of requests received by this SureConnect policy.
vsvrscpolicyscTotalRequestBytes (
Total number of request bytes received by this SureConnect policy.
vsvrscpolicyscTotalResponsesReceived (
Total number of server responses received by this SureConnect policy.
vsvrscpolicyscTotalResponseBytes (
Total number of response bytes received by this SureConnect policy.
vsvrscpolicyscCurrentSurgeQClients (
Number of clients currently matching the SureConnect policy, but are in the surge queue.
vsvrscpolicyscCurrentWaitingClients (
Current number of SureConnect priority clients that are waiting for a server connection.
vsvrscpolicyscTotalServerTransactions (
Number of 200 OK responses received from the web server by this SureConnect policy.
vsvrscpolicyscTotalServerTTFBTransactions (
Number of Time-To-First-Byte transcations from the web server for this SureConnect policy.
vsvrscpolicyscTotalServerTTLB (
Server Time-To-Last-Byte in seconds calculated for this SureConnect policy.
vsvrscpolicyscTotalClientTTLB (
Client Time-To-Last-Byte in seconds calculated for this SureConnect policy.
vsvrscpolicyscTotalServerTTFB (
Server Time-To-First-Byte in seconds calculated for this SureConnect policy.
vsvrscpolicyscAverageClientTTLB (
Average value of the client Time-To-Last-Byte in seconds for this SureConnect policy.
vsvrscpolicyscAverageServerTTFB (
Average value of the server Time-To-First-Byte in seconds for this SureConnect policy.
vserverAdvanceSslConfigTable (
The vserver advance SSL configuration
This is indexed on the vsvrName .
vsvrSslDH (
Whether DH is enabled/disabled.
vsvrSslDHCount (
The DH refresh count to re-generate public/private key.
vsvrSslDHFilePath (
The DH file path name.
vsvrSsleRSA (
The ephimeral RSA support for service.
vsvrSsleRSACount (
The eRSA refresh count to re-generate RSA temporary key.
vsvrSslv2Protocol (
The support for SSLv2 protocol for service.
vsvrSslv3Protocol (
The support for SSLv3 protocol for service.
vsvrSslTLSv1Protocol (
The support for TLSv1 protocol for service.
vsvrSslRedirectSupport (
The support for ssl redirect for service.
vsvrSslClearTextPort (
The clear text port on the backend webserver.
vserverCipherBindingTable (
The vserver cipher bindings table
This is indexed on the vsvrName and vsvrSslCipherBindName.
vsvrSslCipherBindName (
The cipher name bound to this service.
vsvrSslCipherBindDesc (
The Cipher description.
snmpTrapVarBindOidsGroup (
This is the group of SNMP trap variable bindings.
alarmHighThreshold (
This is the high threshold value configured for this alarm. When this threshold is crossed an SNMP alarm is generated.
alarmNormalThreshold (
This is the normal threshold configured for this alarm which triggers the return-to-normal alarm.
entityName (
This represents the name of the entity whose state has changed.
nsUserName (
This represents the name of the system user.
configurationCmd (
This represents the configuartion command that was issued.
authorizationStatus (
This represents the authorization status for an attempted configuration change.
commandExecutionStatus (
This represents the command execution status for the attempted configuration change.
unackSynCount (
The number of un-acknowledged SYNs NetScaler has received in the past synFlood time-interval.
alarmLowThreshold (
This is the low threshold value configured for this alarm. When this threshold is crossed an SNMP alarm is generated.
alarmProbeFailedErrorString (
This string represents the error occured on the last monitor probe failure.
alarmVipRhiIpAddr (
This represents the VIP whose RHI state has changed.
alarmVipRhiState (
This represents the changed RHI state of the VIP.
alarmRateLmtThresholdExceeded (
This specifies the name of the rate limit identifier that exceeded the threshold.
ipAddressGathered (
This specifies the list of ip addresses that may have been gathered during the expression evaluation.
stringComputed (
This contains the string computed during the expression evaluation.
alarmEntityCurState (
This represents the state of vserver, physicalservice or servicegroup.
sysHealthPowerSupplyStatus (
This text represents the status of power supply unit
alarmCurrentValue (
This is the current value of the entity when high or normal threshold trap is sent.
alarmVipRhiInetAddressType (
The address type of alarmVipRhiInetAddress
alarmVipRhiInetAddress (
This represents the VIP whose RHI state has changed.
nsClientIPAddr (
This represents the IP Address of the machine trying to access / connect to Netscaler.
ipConflictAddr (
The IP configured in netscaler conflicting in the network.
appfwLogMsg (
This represents the log message of appfw check violation.
dnskeyName (
The name of the DNS key that is due for expiry.
dnskeyTimeToExpire (
The amount of time for the key to expire
dnskeyUnitsOfExpiry (
the units of the time of expiry
entityNewName (
This represents the entity newName after name was changed.
entityOldName (
This represents the entity Name before name was changed.
platformRateLimitPacketDropCount (
This counter has the number of packets dropped due to platform rate limiting since the last check.
haLicenseMatchState (
the state of HA License check
sslCardStatusMsg (
This represents the interpretation details of sslCardStatus.
callHomeUploadEventStatusMsg (
This represents the status of CallHome Upload Event.
Generic Traps
coldStart (
A notification is displayed when the NetScaler system reinitializes itself.
linkDown (
A notification is displayed when a network interface on the NetScaler system goes down.
linkUp (
A notification is displayed when a network interface on the NetScaler system reinitializes.
authenticationFailure (
A notification is displayed when a SNMP management application attempts to access the NetScaler system and this application does not have access privileges.
Enterprise Specific Traps
changeToPrimary (
This trap indicates that the netscaler is now operating in the primary mode.
Varbinds sent in the trap message - sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm HA-STATE-CHANGE
changeToSecondary (
This trap indicates that the netscaler is now operating in the Secondary mode.
Varbinds sent in the trap message - sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm HA-STATE-CHANGE
cpuUtilization (
This trap indicates that the CPU utilization has exceeded the high threshold
Varbinds sent in the trap message - nsCPUusage, alarmHighThreshold, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm CPU-USAGE
entitydown (
This trap is sent when the state of entities such as an interface, vserver, physicalservice or servicegroup changes to DOWN
Varbinds sent in the trap message - entityName, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm ENTITY-STATE
entityup (
This trap is sent when the state of entities such as an interface, vserver, physicalservice or servicegroup changes to UP
Varbinds sent in the trap message - entityName, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm ENTITY-STATE
synflood (
This trap is sent when the rate at which unacknowledged SYNs are received cross a threshold value
Varbinds sent in the trap message - unackSynCount, alarmHighThreshold, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm SYNFLOOD
cpuUtilizationNormal (
This trap indicates that the CPU utilization has come back to normal
Varbinds sent in the trap message - nsCPUusage, alarmNormalThreshold, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm CPU-USAGE
synfloodNormal (
This trap is sent when the rate at which unacknowledged SYNs are received returns to normal
Varbinds sent in the trap message - unackSynCount, alarmNormalThreshold, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm SYNFLOOD
memoryUtilization (
This trap is sent when the memory utilization of the system exceeds the threshold value
Varbinds sent in the trap message - resMemUsage, alarmHighThreshold, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm MEMORY
memoryUtilizationNormal (
This trap is sent when the memory utilization of the system returns to normal
Varbinds sent in the trap message - resMemUsage, alarmNormalThreshold, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm MEMORY
vServerRequestRate (
This trap is sent when the request rate on a vServer exceeds a threshold value
Varbinds sent in the trap message - vsvrName, vsvrRequestRate, alarmHighThreshold, vsvrFullName, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm VSERVER-REQRATE
vServerRequestRateNormal (
This trap is sent when the request rate on a vServer returns to normal
Varbinds sent in the trap message - vsvrName, vsvrRequestRate, alarmNormalThreshold, vsvrFullName, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm VSERVER-REQRATE
serviceRequestRate (
This trap is sent when the request rate on a service exceeds a threshold value
Varbinds sent in the trap message - svcServiceName, svcRequestRate, alarmHighThreshold, svcServiceFullName, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm SERVICE-REQRATE
serviceRequestRateNormal (
This trap is sent when the request rate on a service returns to normal
Varbinds sent in the trap message - svcServiceName, svcRequestRate, alarmNormalThreshold, svcServiceFullName, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm SERVICE-REQRATE
netScalerConfigChange (
This trap is sent when the configuration on the NetScaler is changed.
Varbinds sent in the trap message - nsUserName, configurationCmd, authorizationStatus, commandExecutionStatus, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm CONFIG-CHANGE
maxClients (
This trap is sent when the number of clients hits the maxClients value for a service
Varbinds sent in the trap message - svcServiceName, svcEstablishedConn, alarmHighThreshold, svcServiceFullName, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm SERVICE-MAXCLIENTS
maxClientsNormal (
This trap is sent when the number of clients falls below 70% of maxClients value for a service.
Varbinds sent in the trap message - svcServiceName, svcEstablishedConn, alarmNormalThreshold, svcServiceFullName, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm SERVICE-MAXCLIENTS
netScalerConfigSave (
This trap is sent when the configuration on the NetScaler is saved.
Varbinds sent in the trap message - nsUserName, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm CONFIG-SAVE
serviceRxBytesRate (
This trap is sent when the request bytes/s of a service exceeds a threshold value.
Varbinds sent in the trap message - svcServiceName, svcRxBytesRate, alarmHighThreshold, svcServiceFullName, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm ENTITY-RXRATE
serviceRxBytesRateNormal (
This trap is sent when the request bytes/s of a service returns to normal.
Varbinds sent in the trap message - svcServiceName, svcRxBytesRate, alarmNormalThreshold, svcServiceFullName, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm ENTITY-RXRATE
vserverRxBytesRate (
This trap is sent when the request bytes/s of a vserver exceeds a threshold value.
Varbinds sent in the trap message - vsvrName, vsvrRxBytesRate, alarmHighThreshold, vsvrFullName, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm ENTITY-RXRATE
vserverRxBytesRateNormal (
This trap is sent when the request bytes/s of a vServer returns to normal.
Varbinds sent in the trap message - vsvrName, vsvrRxBytesRate, alarmNormalThreshold, vsvrFullName, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm ENTITY-RXRATE
serviceTxBytesRate (
This trap is sent when the response bytes/s of a service exceeds a threshold value.
Varbinds sent in the trap message - svcServiceName, svcTxBytesRate, alarmHighThreshold, svcServiceFullName, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm ENTITY-TXRATE
serviceTxBytesRateNormal (
This trap is sent when the response bytes/s of a service returns to normal.
Varbinds sent in the trap message - svcServiceName, svcTxBytesRate, alarmNormalThreshold, svcServiceFullName, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm ENTITY-TXRATE
vserverTxBytesRate (
This trap is sent when the response bytes/s of a vserver exceeds a threshold value.
Varbinds sent in the trap message - vsvrName, vsvrTxBytesRate, alarmHighThreshold, vsvrFullName, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm ENTITY-TXRATE
vserverTxBytesRateNormal (
This trap is sent when the response bytes/s of a vServer returns to normal.
Varbinds sent in the trap message - vsvrName, vsvrTxBytesRate, alarmNormalThreshold, vsvrFullName, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm ENTITY-TXRATE
serviceSynfloodRate (
This trap is sent when the number of unacknowledged syns for a service exceeds a threshold value.
Varbinds sent in the trap message - svcServiceName, svcSynfloodRate, alarmHighThreshold, svcServiceFullName, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm ENTITY-SYNFLOOD
serviceSynfloodNormal (
This trap is sent when the number of unacknowledged syns for a service returns to normal.
Varbinds sent in the trap message - svcServiceName, svcSynfloodRate, alarmNormalThreshold, svcServiceFullName, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm ENTITY-SYNFLOOD
vserverSynfloodRate (
This trap is sent when the number of unacknowledged syns for a vserver exceeds a threshold value.
Varbinds sent in the trap message - vsvrName, vsvrSynfloodRate, alarmHighThreshold, vsvrFullName, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm ENTITY-SYNFLOOD
vserverSynfloodNormal (
This trap is sent when the number of unacknowledged syns for a vserver returns to normal.
Varbinds sent in the trap message - vsvrName, vsvrSynfloodRate, alarmNormalThreshold, vsvrFullName, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm ENTITY-SYNFLOOD
svcGroupMemberRequestRate (
This trap is sent when the request rate on a service group member exceeds a threshold value
Varbinds sent in the trap message - svcGrpMemberName, svcGrpMemberRequestRate, alarmHighThreshold, svcGrpMemberFullName, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm SERVICEGROUP-MEMBER-REQRATE
svcGroupMemberRequestRateNormal (
This trap is sent when the request rate on a service group member returns to normal
Varbinds sent in the trap message - svcGrpMemberName, svcGrpMemberRequestRate, alarmNormalThreshold, svcGrpMemberFullName, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm SERVICEGROUP-MEMBER-REQRATE
svcGroupMemberRxBytesRate (
This trap is sent when the request bytes/s of a service group exceeds a threshold value.
Varbinds sent in the trap message - svcGrpMemberName, svcGrpMemberRxBytesRate, alarmHighThreshold, svcGrpMemberFullName, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm ENTITY-RXRATE
svcGroupMemberRxBytesRateNormal (
This trap is sent when the request bytes/s of a service group returns to normal.
Varbinds sent in the trap message - svcGrpMemberName, svcGrpMemberRxBytesRate, alarmNormalThreshold, svcGrpMemberFullName, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm ENTITY-RXRATE
svcGroupMemberTxBytesRate (
This trap is sent when the response bytes/s of a service group exceeds a threshold value.
Varbinds sent in the trap message - svcGrpMemberName, svcGrpMemberTxBytesRate, alarmHighThreshold, svcGrpMemberFullName, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm ENTITY-TXRATE
svcGroupMemberTxBytesRateNormal (
This trap is sent when the response bytes/s of a service group returns to normal.
Varbinds sent in the trap message - svcGrpMemberName, svcGrpMemberTxBytesRate, alarmNormalThreshold, svcGrpMemberFullName, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm ENTITY-TXRATE
svcGroupMemberSynfloodRate (
This trap is sent when the number of unacknowledged syns for a service group exceeds a threshold value.
Varbinds sent in the trap message - svcGrpMemberName, svcGrpMemberSynfloodRate, alarmHighThreshold, svcGrpMemberFullName, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm ENTITY-SYNFLOOD
svcGroupMemberSynfloodNormal (
This trap is sent when the number of unacknowledged syns for a service group returns to normal.
Varbinds sent in the trap message - svcGrpMemberName, svcGrpMemberSynfloodRate, alarmNormalThreshold, svcGrpMemberFullName, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm ENTITY-SYNFLOOD
svcGroupMemberMaxClients (
This trap is sent when the number of clients hits the maxClients value for a service group member
Varbinds sent in the trap message - svcGrpMemberName, svcGrpMemberEstablishedConn, alarmHighThreshold, svcGrpMemberFullName, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm SERVICEGROUP-MEMBER-MAXCLIENTS
svcGroupMemberMaxClientsNormal (
This trap is sent when the number of clients falls below 70% of maxClients value for a service group member.
Varbinds sent in the trap message - svcGrpMemberName, svcGrpMemberEstablishedConn, alarmNormalThreshold, svcGrpMemberFullName, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm SERVICEGROUP-MEMBER-MAXCLIENTS
averageCpuUtilization (
This trap indicates that the average CPU usage in the multi-processor NetScaler system has exceeded the high threshold.
Varbinds sent in the trap message - resCpuUsage, alarmHighThreshold, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm AVERAGE-CPU
averageCpuUtilizationNormal (
This trap indicates that the average CPU usage in the multi-processor NetScaler system has come back to normal.
Varbinds sent in the trap message - resCpuUsage, alarmNormalThreshold, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm AVERAGE-CPU
monRespTimeoutAboveThresh (
This trap is sent when the response timeout for a monitor probe exceeds the configured threshold.
Varbinds sent in the trap message - monServiceName, monitorName, responseTimeoutThreshold, alarmMonrespto, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm MONITOR-RTO-THRESHOLD
monRespTimeoutBelowThresh (
This trap is sent when the response timeout for a monitor probe comes back to normal, less than the threshold set.
Varbinds sent in the trap message - monServiceName, monitorName, responseTimeoutThreshold, alarmMonrespto, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm MONITOR-RTO-THRESHOLD
netScalerLoginFailure (
This trap is sent when a login attempt to the NetScaler fails.
Varbinds sent in the trap message - nsUserName, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm LOGIN-FAILURE
sslCertificateExpiry (
This trap is sent as an advance notification when an SSL certificate is due to expire.
Varbinds sent in the trap message - sslCertKeyName, sslDaysToExpire, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm SSL-CERT-EXPIRY
fanSpeedLow (
This trap indicates that a fan speed has gone below an alarm threshold.
Varbinds sent in the trap message - sysHealthCounterName, sysHealthCounterValue, alarmLowThreshold, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm FAN-SPEED-LOW
fanSpeedNormal (
This trap indicates that a fan speed has returned to normal.
Varbinds sent in the trap message - sysHealthCounterName, sysHealthCounterValue, alarmNormalThreshold, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm FAN-SPEED-LOW
voltageLow (
This trap indicates that a voltage has gone low.
Varbinds sent in the trap message - sysHealthCounterName, sysHealthCounterValue, alarmLowThreshold, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm VOLTAGE-LOW
voltageNormal (
This trap indicates that a voltage has returned to normal.
Varbinds sent in the trap message - sysHealthCounterName, sysHealthCounterValue, alarmNormalThreshold, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm VOLTAGE-LOW
voltageHigh (
This trap indicates that a voltage has gone high.
Varbinds sent in the trap message - sysHealthCounterName, sysHealthCounterValue, alarmHighThreshold, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm VOLTAGE-HIGH
temperatureHigh (
This trap indicates that a temperature has gone high.
Varbinds sent in the trap message - sysHealthCounterName, sysHealthCounterValue, alarmHighThreshold, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm TEMPERATURE-HIGH
temperatureNormal (
This trap indicates that a temperature has returned to normal.
Varbinds sent in the trap message - sysHealthCounterName, sysHealthCounterValue, alarmNormalThreshold, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm TEMPERATURE-HIGH
diskUsageHigh (
This trap indicates that disk usage has gone high.
Varbinds sent in the trap message - sysHealthDiskName, sysHealthDiskPerusage, alarmHighThreshold, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm DISK-USAGE-HIGH
diskUsageNormal (
This trap indicates that disk usage has returned to normal.
Varbinds sent in the trap message - sysHealthDiskName, sysHealthDiskPerusage, alarmNormalThreshold, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm DISK-USAGE-HIGH
interfaceThroughputLow (
This trap indicates that interface throughput is low.
Varbinds sent in the trap message - ifName, ifThroughput, ifMinThroughput, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm INTERFACE-THROUGHPUT-LOW
interfaceThroughputNormal (
This trap indicates that interface throughput has returned to normal.
Varbinds sent in the trap message - ifName, ifThroughput, ifMinThroughput, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm INTERFACE-THROUGHPUT-LOW
haVersionMismatch (
This trap indicates that there is a mismatch in the OS version of the netscalers participating in HA.
Varbinds sent in the trap message - sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm HA-VERSION-MISMATCH
haSyncFailure (
This trap indicates that config synchronization has failed on secondary.
Varbinds sent in the trap message - sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm HA-SYNC-FAILURE
haNoHeartbeats (
This trap indicates that HA heartbeats are not received from the secondary.
Varbinds sent in the trap message - haNicsMonitorFailed, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm HA-NO-HEARTBEATS
haBadSecState (
This trap indicates that the secondary is in DOWN/UNKNOWN/STAY SECONDARY state.
Varbinds sent in the trap message - haPeerSystemState, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm HA-BAD-SECONDARY-STATE
interfaceBWUseHigh (
This trap is sent when the bandwidth usage of any of the interfaces of the system exceeds the threshold value (configured in Mbits/second)
Varbinds sent in the trap message - ifName, alarmHighThreshold, alarmCurrentValue, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm INTERFACE-BW-USAGE
interfaceBWUseNormal (
This trap is sent when the bandwidth usage of any of the interfaces of the system returns to normal
Varbinds sent in the trap message - ifName, alarmNormalThreshold, alarmCurrentValue, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm INTERFACE-BW-USAGE
aggregateBWUseHigh (
This trap is sent when the aggregate bandwidth usage of the system exceeds the threshold value (configured in Mbits/second)
Varbinds sent in the trap message - alarmHighThreshold, alarmCurrentValue, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm INTERFACE-BW-USAGE
aggregateBWUseNormal (
This trap is sent when the aggregate bandwidth usage of the system returns to normal.
Varbinds sent in the trap message - alarmNormalThreshold, alarmCurrentValue, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm INTERFACE-BW-USAGE
vserverRhiStateChange (
This trap is sent when the vserver RHI state changes.
Varbinds sent in the trap message - alarmVipRhiState, alarmVipRhiInetAddressType, alarmVipRhiInetAddress, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm ENTITY-STATE
rateLmtThresholdExceed (
This trap is sent when the client exceeds the ratelimit threshold.
Varbinds sent in the trap message - alarmRateLmtThresholdExceeded, ipAddressGathered, stringComputed, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm RATE-LIMIT-THRESHOLD-EXCEEDED
monProbeFailed (
This trap is sent when the monitor probe fails for configured number of retries in given max retries attempts.
Varbinds sent in the trap message - monServiceName, monitorName, alarmProbeFailedRetries, monitorRetrys, alarmProbeFailedErrorString, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm MON_PROBE_FAILED
temperatureCpuHigh (
This trap indicates that a CPU temperature has gone high.
Varbinds sent in the trap message - sysHealthCounterName, sysHealthCounterValue, alarmHighThreshold, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm CPU-TEMPERATURE-HIGH
temperatureCpuNormal (
This trap indicates that a CPU temperature has returned to normal.
Varbinds sent in the trap message - sysHealthCounterName, sysHealthCounterValue, alarmNormalThreshold, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm CPU-TEMPERATURE-HIGH
entityofs (
This trap is sent when the state of entities such as vserver, physicalservice or servicegroup changes to OUT OF SERVICE
Varbinds sent in the trap message - entityName, alarmEntityCurState, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm ENTITY-STATE
powerSupplyFailed (
This trap is sent when power supply has failed or disconnected from the system
Varbinds sent in the trap message - sysHealthCounterName, sysHealthCounterValue, sysHealthPowerSupplyStatus, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm POWER-SUPPLY-FAILURE
powerSupplyNormal (
This trap is sent when power supply status returned back to normal
Varbinds sent in the trap message - sysHealthCounterName, sysHealthCounterValue, sysHealthPowerSupplyStatus, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm POWER-SUPPLY-FAILURE
entityNameChanged (
This trap is sent when vserver/service/sgroup/lbgroup/server entity is renamed
Varbinds sent in the trap message - entityName, entityOldName, entityNewName, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm ENTITY-NAME-CHANGE
haPropFailure (
This trap indicates that config propagation has failed on secondary.
Varbinds sent in the trap message - sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm HA-PROP-FAILURE
ipConflict (
This trap indicates that ip conflict is present with another device in the network.
Varbinds sent in the trap message - ipConflictAddr, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm IP-CONFLICT
appfwStartUrl (
This trap indicates that AppFirewall Start URL violation occurred.
Varbinds sent in the trap message - appfwLogMsg, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm APPFW-START-URL
appfwDenyUrl (
This trap indicates that AppFirewall Deny URL violation occurred.
Varbinds sent in the trap message - appfwLogMsg, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm APPFW-DENY-URL
appfwRefererHeader (
This trap indicates that AppFirewall Referer Header violation occurred.
Varbinds sent in the trap message - appfwLogMsg, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm APPFW-REFERER-HEADER
appfwCSRFTag (
This trap indicates that AppFirewall CSRF Tag violation occurred.
Varbinds sent in the trap message - appfwLogMsg, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm APPFW-CSRF-TAG
appfwCookie (
This trap indicates that AppFirewall Cookie violation occurred.
Varbinds sent in the trap message - appfwLogMsg, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm APPFW-COOKIE
appfwFieldConsistency (
This trap indicates that AppFirewall Field Consistency violation occurred.
Varbinds sent in the trap message - appfwLogMsg, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm APPFW-FIELD-CONSISTENCY
appfwBufferOverflow (
This trap indicates that AppFirewall Buffer Overflow violation occurred.
Varbinds sent in the trap message - appfwLogMsg, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm APPFW-BUFFER-OVERFLOW
appfwFieldFormat (
This trap indicates that AppFirewall Field Format violation occurred.
Varbinds sent in the trap message - appfwLogMsg, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm APPFW-FIELD-FORMAT
appfwSafeCommerce (
This trap indicates that AppFirewall Safe Commerce violation occurred.
Varbinds sent in the trap message - appfwLogMsg, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm APPFW-SAFE-COMMERCE
appfwSafeObject (
This trap indicates that AppFirewall Safe Object violation occurred.
Varbinds sent in the trap message - appfwLogMsg, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm APPFW-SAFE-OBJECT
appfwPolicyHit (
This trap indicates that AppFirewall Policy Hit occurred.
Varbinds sent in the trap message - appfwLogMsg, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm APPFW-POLICY-HIT
appfwXSS (
This trap indicates that AppFirewall Cross Site Scripting violation occurred.
Varbinds sent in the trap message - appfwLogMsg, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm APPFW-XSS
appfwXMLXSS (
This trap indicates that AppFirewall XML Cross Site Scripting violation occurred.
Varbinds sent in the trap message - appfwLogMsg, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm APPFW-XML-XSS
appfwSQL (
This trap indicates that AppFirewall SQL violation occurred.
Varbinds sent in the trap message - appfwLogMsg, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm APPFW-SQL
appfwXMLSQL (
This trap indicates that AppFirewall XML SQL violation occurred.
Varbinds sent in the trap message - appfwLogMsg, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm APPFW-XML-SQL
appfwXMLAttachment (
This trap indicates that AppFirewall XML Attachment violation occurred.
Varbinds sent in the trap message - appfwLogMsg, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm APPFW-XML-ATTACHMENT
appfwXMLDos (
This trap indicates that AppFirewall XML DoS violation occurred.
Varbinds sent in the trap message - appfwLogMsg, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm APPFW-XML-DOS
appfwXMLValidation (
This trap indicates that AppFirewall XML Validation violation occurred.
Varbinds sent in the trap message - appfwLogMsg, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm APPFW-XML-VALIDATION
appfwXMLWSI (
This trap indicates that AppFirewall XML WSI violation occurred.
Varbinds sent in the trap message - appfwLogMsg, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm APPFW-XML-WSI
appfwXMLSchemaCompile (
This trap indicates that AppFirewall XML Schema Compile violation occurred.
Varbinds sent in the trap message - appfwLogMsg, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm APPFW-XML-SCHEMA-COMPILE
appfwXMLSoapFault (
This trap indicates that AppFirewall XML Soap Fault violation occurred.
Varbinds sent in the trap message - appfwLogMsg, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm APPFW-XML-SOAP-FAULT
dnskeyExpiry (
This trap is sent as an advance notification when an DNSKEY is due to expire.
Varbinds sent in the trap message - dnskeyName, dnskeyTimeToExpire, dnskeyUnitsOfExpiry, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm DNSKEY-EXPIRY
platformRateLimitThresholdHigh (
This trap indicates that the platform rate limit (in Mbps) has exceeded the threshold
Varbinds sent in the trap message - alarmHighThreshold, alarmCurrentValue, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm PF-RL-RATE-THRESHOLD
platformRateLimitThresholdNormal (
This trap indicates that the platform rate limit (in Mbps) has come back to normal
Varbinds sent in the trap message - alarmNormalThreshold, alarmCurrentValue, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm PF-RL-RATE-THRESHOLD
platformPpsLimitThresholdHigh (
This trap indicates that the platform packets per second (pps) limit has exceeded the threshold
Varbinds sent in the trap message - alarmHighThreshold, alarmCurrentValue, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm PF-RL-PPS-THRESHOLD
platformPpsLimitThresholdNormal (
This trap indicates that the platform packets per second (pps) limit has come back to normal
Varbinds sent in the trap message - alarmNormalThreshold, alarmCurrentValue, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm PF-RL-PPS-THRESHOLD
platformRateLimitPktDrop (
This trap is sent when packets are dropped due to platform rate limit (in Mbps) being reached
Varbinds sent in the trap message - platformRateLimitPacketDropCount, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm PF-RL-RATE-PKTS-DROPPED
platformPpsLimitPktDrop (
This trap is sent when packets are dropped due to platform packets per second (pps) limit being reached
Varbinds sent in the trap message - platformRateLimitPacketDropCount, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm PF-RL-PPS-PKTS-DROPPED
DataStreamRateLimitHit (
This trap is sent when requets per second exceed the DataStram Rate Limit
Varbinds sent in the trap message - alarmHighThreshold, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm DATASTREAM-RATE-LIMIT-HIT
haLicenseCheck (
This trap is sent when the NetScaler comes up and tells the state HA license check whether it is matched or mismatched
Varbinds sent in the trap message - haLicenseMatchState, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm HA-LICENSE-MISMATCH
sslCardFailed (
This trap is sent when SSL Card has failed
Varbinds sent in the trap message - sslCardStatusMsg, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm SSL-CARD-FAILED
sslCardNormal (
This trap is sent when SSL Card status returned back to normal
Varbinds sent in the trap message - sslCardStatusMsg, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm SSL-CARD-NORMAL
warmRestartEvent (
This trap is sent when a Warm Restart Event occurred
Varbinds sent in the trap message - sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm WARM-RESTART-EVENT
hardDiskDriveErrors (
This trap is sent when Hard Disk Drive Errors are seen on the system
Varbinds sent in the trap message - sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm HARD-DISK-DRIVE-ERRORS
compactFlashErrors (
This trap is sent when Compact Flash Errors are seen on the system
Varbinds sent in the trap message - sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm COMPACT-FLASH-ERRORS
callHomeUploadEvent (
This trap is sent when an attempt to upload Show Tech Support Archive has been made
Varbinds sent in the trap message - callHomeUploadEventStatusMsg, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm CALLHOME-UPLOAD-EVENT
rsa1024KeyExThresholdHigh (
This trap is sent when RSA 1024 key exchange limit has exceeded the threshold
Varbinds sent in the trap message - alarmHighThreshold, alarmCurrentValue, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm 1024KEY-EXCHANGE-RATE
rsa1024KeyExThresholdNormal (
This trap is sent when RSA 1024 key exchange limit returns back to normal
Varbinds sent in the trap message - alarmNormalThreshold, alarmCurrentValue, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm 1024KEY-EXCHANGE-RATE
rsa2048KeyExThresholdHigh (
This trap is sent when RSA 2048 key exchange rate limit has exceeded the threshold
Varbinds sent in the trap message - alarmHighThreshold, alarmCurrentValue, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm 2048KEY-EXCHANGE-RATE
rsa2048KeyExThresholdNormal (
This trap is sent when RSA 2048 key exchange rate limit returns back to normal
Varbinds sent in the trap message - alarmNormalThreshold, alarmCurrentValue, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm 2048KEY-EXCHANGE-RATE
rsa4096KeyExThresholdHigh (
This trap is sent when RSA 4096 key exchange rate limit has exceeded the threshold
Varbinds sent in the trap message - alarmHighThreshold, alarmCurrentValue, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm 4096KEY-EXCHANGE-RATE
rsa4096KeyExThresholdNormal (
This trap is sent when RSA 4096 key exchange rate limit returns back to normal
Varbinds sent in the trap message - alarmNormalThreshold, alarmCurrentValue, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm 4096KEY-EXCHANGE-RATE
sslCurSessionInUseHigh (
This trap is sent when SSL current session in use has exceeded the threshold
Varbinds sent in the trap message - alarmHighThreshold, alarmCurrentValue, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm SSL-CUR-SESSION-INUSE
sslCurSessionInUseNormal (
This trap is sent when SSL current session in use returns back to normal
Varbinds sent in the trap message - alarmNormalThreshold, alarmCurrentValue, sysIpAddress
To receive this trap enable snmp alarm SSL-CUR-SESSION-INUSE
Hardware Health Attributes
Refer to Hardware documentation for the recommended range for the hardware attributes.
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