GitHub 风格的 Markdown 语法
GitHub 风格的 Markdown 语法
[译] GitHub 风格的 Markdown 语法
- Original: GitHub Flavored Markdown - GitHub Help
- Translated by: cssmagic
声明:原文版权属于 GitHub。中文翻译部分并非官方文档,仅供参考。
GitHub uses what we're calling "GitHub Flavored Markdown" (GFM) for messages, issues, and comments. It differs from standard Markdown (SM) in a few significant ways and adds some additional functionality.
GitHub 使用一种被称为“GitHub 风格的 Markdown 语法”(GFM)来书写版本注释、Issue 和评论。它和标准 Markdown 语法(SM)相比,存在一些值得注意的差异,并且增加了一些额外功能。
If you're not already familiar with Markdown, you should spend 15 minutes and go over the excellent Markdown Syntax Guide at Daring Fireball.
如果你对 Markdown 还不是很熟悉,那就应该花 15 分钟到 Daring Fireball 去复习一下这个精彩的 Markdown 语法指南。(译注:本文末尾提供了简体中文版的 Markdown 教程。)
If you prefer to learn by example, see the following source and result:
Tip: On Markdown-enabled portions of the site, press
on your keyboard to display a cheat sheet.提示:在站内所有可用 Markdown 的场合,按
Differences from traditional Markdown
与传统 Markdown 的差异
The biggest difference that GFM introduces is in the handling of linebreaks. With SM you can hard wrap paragraphs of text and they will be combined into a single paragraph. We find this to be the cause of a huge number of unintentional formatting errors. GFM treats newlines in paragraph-like content as real line breaks, which is probably what you intended.
GFM 引入的最大差异就是对换行的处理。在 SM 语法中,即使在一段文本中插入硬回车,这些文本仍然会被合并为一个段落。我们发现,这个特性导致了大量非预期的格式化错误。GFM 会把段落内容中的换行视为真正的换行,而这很可能正是你所期望的。
The next paragraph contains two phrases separated by a single newline character:
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Multiple underscores in words
It is not reasonable to italicize just part of a word, especially when you're dealing with code and names often appear with multiple underscores. Therefore, GFM ignores multiple underscores in words.
没有理由只把一个单词的 一部分 显示为斜体,尤其是当你在处理代码和那些经常出现多个下划线的名称时。因此,GFM 将忽略单词中的多个下划线。
URL autolinking
GFM will autolink standard URLs, so if you want to link to a URL (instead of setting link text), you can simply enter the URL and it will be turned into a link to that URL.
GFM 将自动为标准的 URL 加链接,所以如果你只想链接到一个 URL(而不想设置链接文字),那你简单地输入这个 URL 就可以,它将被自动转换为一个链接。(译注:Email 地址也适用于此特性。)
Fenced code blocks
Markdown converts text with four spaces at the front of each line to code blocks. GFM supports that, but we also support fenced blocks. Just wrap your code blocks in ```
and you won't need to indent manually to trigger a code block.
Markdown 会把每行前面空四格的文本转换为代码块。GFM 也支持这种语法,同时,我们还支持围栏式代码块。只要把你的代码块包裹在 ```
If you are indenting your code blocks with spaces, keep in mind that code within lists needs to be indented eight times in order to be properly marked as a code block.
如果你使用空格来缩进代码块,请留意列表中的代码块需要缩进 8 个空格,以确保它会被正确地标记为代码块。
Syntax highlighting
We take code blocks a step further and add syntax highlighting if you request it. In your fenced block, add an optional language identifier and we'll run it through syntax highlighting. For example, to syntax highlight Ruby code:
我们在处理代码块方面更进一步,你可以为代码码指定语法着色效果。在围栏式代码块中,你可以指定一个可选的语言标识符,然后我们就可以为它启用语法着色了。举个例子,这样可以为一段 Ruby 代码着色:
We use Linguist to perform language detection and syntax highlighting. You can find out which keywords are valid by perusing the languages YAML file.
我们使用 Linguist 来进行语言识别和语法着色。你可以在 语言 YAML 文件 中查证哪些语言标识符是有效的。
Task Lists
Further, lists can be turned into Task Lists by prefacing list items with [ ]
or [x]
(incomplete or complete, respectively).
不仅如此,列表还可以被转换为 任务清单,只需要为列表项的开头加上 [ ]
或 [x]
This feature is enabled for Issue and Pull Request descriptions, and comments. Task lists are also available in Gist comments, as well as Gist Markdown files. In those contexts, the task lists are rendered with checkboxes that you can check on and off.
这个特性会在 Issue 和 Pull Request 的描述和评论中启用。任务清单同样可用于 Gist 的评论和 Markdown 格式的 Gist。在这些场合,任务清单将渲染出复选框,供你勾选或清除。
See the Task Lists blog post for more details.
详情参见 关于任务清单的博文。
Quick quoting
Typing r
on your keyboard lets you reply to the current issue or pull request with a comment. Any text you select within the discussion thread before pressing r
will be added to your comment automatically and formatted as a blockquote.
按下键盘的 r
键将为当前的 Issue 或 Pull Request 添加评论。在按下 r
Name and Team @mentions autocomplete
@ 提到人名或团队名时的自动补全
Typing an @
symbol will bring up a list of people or teams on a project. The list will filter as you type, so once you find the name of the person or team you are looking for, you can use the arrow keys to select it and then hit enter or tab to complete the name. For teams, just enter the @organization/team-name and all members of that team will get subscribed to the issue.
按下 @
符号将弹出一个列表,列出这个项目相关的人或团队。这个列表会随着你的输入不断匹配筛选,因此一旦你在列表中发现了你要找的人名或团队名,你就可以用方向键来选中它,然后按回车或 tab 键来补全。对于团队来说,只需要输入 @组织名/团队名,那么团队内的所有成员都将收到提醒。
The result set is restricted to repository collaborators and any other participants on the thread, so it's not a full global search. It uses the same fuzzy filter as the file finder and works for both usernames and full names.
Check out the blog posts for more information about @mention autocompletes for users and teams.
Emoji autocomplete
Emoji 表情符号的自动补全
Typing :
will bring up a list of emoji suggestions. The list will filter as you type, so once you find the emoji you're looking for, just hit tab or enter to complete the highlighted result.
按下 :
将会弹出一个表情符号的建议列表。这个列表会随着你的输入不断匹配筛选,因此一旦你在列表中发现了你要找的表情符号,你就可以按回车或 tab 键来补全当前高亮的那一项。
Issue autocompletion
Issue 的自动补全
Typing #
will bring up a list of Issue and Pull Request suggestions. Type a number or any text to filter the list, then hit tab or enter to complete the highlighted result.
按下 #
将会弹出一个 Issue 和 Pull Request 建议列表。输入数字或任何文本可以不断筛选这个列表,然后按回车或 tab 键可以补全当前高亮的那一项。
Zen Mode (fullscreen) writing
Zen Mode allows you to go fullscreen with your writing. You'll find the Zen Mode button on comment, issue, and pull request forms across the site.
禅意模式允许你以全屏模式进行书写。在站内的评论、Issue 和 Pull Request 表单中,你都可以找到禅意模式按钮。
You can also use it when creating and editing files by using the Zen Mode button above the file box.
Zen Mode offers you two themes to choose from, light or dark. You can change which theme you are using with the switcher at the top right of the window.
Check out the blog post for more information about Zen writing mode.
详情参见 关于禅意模式的博文。
Certain references are auto-linked:
- SHA: 16c999e
- User@SHA: mojombo@16c999e
- User/Project@SHA: mojombo/github-flavored-markdown@16c999e
- #Num: #1
- User#Num: mojombo#1
- User/Project#Num: mojombo/github-flavored-markdown#1
The newline and underscore modification code can be seen in below.
关于换行与下划线的差异实现可参见 这个 Gist。
If you find a bug in the rendering, please contact support and let us know.
如果你发现了渲染方面的 bug,请 联系支持团队 让我们知道。
GitHub 的这篇文档组织得不是很有条理,也存在一些笔误(已联系支持团队 原文已修正)。
原文版本:2013-07-07 (由于官方 GFM 文档的组织方式发生了较大变动,本文将不再随之改动,重要的功能变化将在评论区补充。)
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