Lua 5.3 协程简单示例
Lua 5.3 协程简单示例
生产者->过滤器->消费者 模式的协程示例
function receive(prod) local status, value = coroutine.resume(prod) return value end function send(x) coroutine.yield(x) end function producer() return coroutine.create(function () while true do local x = send(x) end end) end function filter(prod) return coroutine.create(function () local line = 1 while true do local x = receive(prod) x = string.format("%5d %s", line, x) send(x) line = line + 1 end end) end function consumer(prod) while true do local x = receive(prod) io.write(x, "\n") end end --[[ "producer()" 创建了一个"coroutine", 由filter掌控; "filter()" 创建了一个"coroutine", 由consumer掌控. --]] consumer(filter(producer()))
coroutine.wrap 与 coroutine.create 的区别
-- coroutine.wrap 返回函数 co1 = coroutine.wrap(function (a) local c = coroutine.yield(a+1) print("wrap yield before a and c: ", a, c) return 2 * a end) b = co1(20) print(b) d = co1(20+30) print(d) print("----------------") -- coroutine.create 返回协程本身 co2 = coroutine.create(function (a) local c = coroutine.yield(a+1) print("wrap yield before a and c: ", a, c) return 2 * a end) k, v = coroutine.resume(co2, 20) print(k, v) k, v = coroutine.resume(co2, 20+30) print(k, v)
threads = {} time = os.clock() limit_time = 0.111 function cal(from, to) local sum = 0; for i = from, to, 1 do sum = sum + i if(os.clock() - time) >= limit_time then print(string.format("Worker %d calculating, limit_time(%f), time(%f), %f%%.", worker, limit_time, time, (i / to * 100))) time = os.clock() coroutine.yield() end end end function job(from, to) local co = coroutine.create(function () cal(from, to) end) table.insert(threads, co) end job(1, 10000) job(1000, 50000) job(5000, 60000) job(10000, 70000) while true do local n = #threads if n == 0 then break end for i = 1, n do worker = i -- 全局变量 local status = coroutine.resume(threads[i]) if not status then table.remove(threads, i) break end end end