C++ 标准库之iomanip

C++ 标准库之iomanip


istream & istream::get(char *, int, char = '\n');
istream & istream::getline(char *, int, char = '\n');
作用: 从文本中提取指定个数的字符串, 并在串数组末尾添加一个空字符.
区别: get() 不从流中提取终止字符, 终止字符仍在输入流中. getline() 从流中提取终止字符, 但终止字符被丢弃.


C++ 语言下
头文件:#include <iomanip>


1 setiosflags - 它用于设置格式标志。
2 resetiosflags - 用于重置格式标志。
3 setbase - 它用于设置basefield标志。
4 setfill - 它用于设置填充字符
5 setprecision - 它用于设置小数精度。
6 setw - 它用于设置字段宽度。
7 get_money - 它用于获得货币值。
8 put_money - 它用来设置计算货币的值。
9 get_time - 它用于获取日期和时间。
10 put_time - 它用于放置(或设置)日期和时间。


         控   制   符                             作           用                                     
 dec   设置整数为十进制
 hex  设置整数为十六进制
 oct  设置整数为八进制
 setbase(n)  设置整数为n进制(n=8,10,16)


 setprecision(n)  设置浮点数的有效数字为n位
 setw(n)  设置字段宽度为n位
 setiosflags(ios::fixed)  设置浮点数以固定的小数位数显示
 setiosflags(ios::scientific)    设置浮点数以科学计数法表示
 setiosflags(ios::left)  输出左对齐
 setiosflags(ios::right)  输出右对齐
 setiosflags(ios::skipws)  忽略前导空格
 setiosflags(ios::uppercase)  在以科学计数法输出E与十六进制输出X以大写输出,否则小写。
 setiosflags(ios::showpos)  输出正数时显示"+"号
 setiosflags(ios::showpoint)  强制显示小数点





#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>

int main()
    // 前缀0表示八进制 前缀0x表示十六进制 不带前缀表示十进制
    int a = 123;
    double pi = 22.0/7.0;

    // setbase(n) 设置整数为n进制(n=8,10,16)
    // oct 八进制 dec 十进制 hex 十六进制
    // setiosflags(ios::showbase) 显示进制的前缀
    // 数值默认十进制显示输出
    std::cout << a << std::endl;
    std::cout << "oct: " << std::showbase << std::setbase(8) << a << " " << std::oct << a << std::endl;
    std::cout << "dec: " << std::showbase << std::setbase(10) << a << " " << std::dec << a << std::endl;
    std::cout << "hex: " << std::showbase << std::setbase(16) << a << " " << std::hex << a << std::endl;

    // setprecision(n) 设置浮点数的有效数字为n位
    // 有效位数默认是6位,即setprecision(6),即小数点前面和小数点后面加起来的位数为6个有效数字(注意会四舍五入)
    std::cout << pi << std::endl;
    std::cout << std::setprecision(12) << pi << std::endl;

    // setfill(n) 设置字符填充,c可以是字符常或字符变量
    // setw(n) 设置字段宽度为n位, 若是实际宽度大于被设置的,则setw函数此时失效, 只针对其后的第一个输出项有效
    // setiosflags(ios::left) 输出左对齐
    // setiosflags(ios::right) 输出右对齐 默认右对齐
    std::cout << std::setfill('*') << std::setw(20) << std::setprecision(12) << pi << std::endl;
    std::cout << std::setfill('*') << std::setw(20) << std::setprecision(12) << std::right << pi << std::endl;
    std::cout << std::setfill('*') << std::setw(20) << std::setprecision(12) << std::left << pi << std::endl;

    // setiosflags(ios::fixed) 设置浮点数以固定的小数位数显示
    std::cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(12) << pi << std::endl;

    // setiosflags(ios::scientific)  设置浮点数以科学计数法表示 科学计数法输出E与十六进制输出默认是以小写的,要换成大写需添加uppercase
    std::cout << std::scientific << std::setprecision(12) << pi << std::endl;
    std::cout << std::scientific << std::uppercase << std::setprecision(12) << pi << std::endl;

    // resetiosflags() 终止已经设置的输出格式状态,在括号中应指定内容
    std::cout << std::setiosflags(std::ios::scientific) << std::setprecision(12) << pi << "   " << std::resetiosflags(std::ios::scientific) << pi << std::endl;

    return 0;




 msvc 11.0 Visual Studio 2012  中iomanip头文件内容:

// iomanip standard header
#pragma once
#ifndef _IOMANIP_
#define _IOMANIP_
#ifndef RC_INVOKED
#include <istream>

#include <type_traits>

#include <xlocmon>
#include <xloctime>

 #pragma pack(push,_CRT_PACKING)
 #pragma warning(push,3)
 #pragma push_macro("new")
 #undef new

        // TEMPLATE STRUCT _Fillobj
template<class _Elem>
    struct _Fillobj
    {    // store fill character
    _Fillobj(_Elem _Ch)
        : _Fill(_Ch)
        {    // construct from fill character

    _Elem _Fill;    // the fill character

        // TEMPLATE FUNCTION setfill
template<class _Elem> inline
    _Fillobj<_Elem> setfill(_Elem _Ch)
    {    // return a _Fillobj manipulator
    return (_Fillobj<_Elem>(_Ch));

template<class _Elem,
    class _Traits,
    class _Elem2> inline
    basic_istream<_Elem, _Traits>&
        operator>>(basic_istream<_Elem, _Traits>& _Istr,
            const _Fillobj<_Elem2>& _Manip)
    {    // set fill character in input stream
    static_assert((is_same<_Elem, _Elem2>::value),
        "wrong character type for setfill");

    return (_Istr);

template<class _Elem,
    class _Traits,
    class _Elem2> inline
    basic_ostream<_Elem, _Traits>&
        operator<<(basic_ostream<_Elem, _Traits>& _Ostr,
            const _Fillobj<_Elem2>& _Manip)
    {    // set fill character in output stream
    static_assert((is_same<_Elem, _Elem2>::value),
        "wrong character type for setfill");

    return (_Ostr);

 #if _HAS_CPP0X
        // TEMPLATE STRUCT _Monobj
template<class _Money>
    struct _Monobj
    {    // store reference to monetary amount
    _Monobj(_Money& _Val_arg, bool _Intl_arg)
        : _Val(_Val_arg), _Intl(_Intl_arg)
        {    // construct from monetary amount reference and int'l flag

    _Money& _Val;    // the monetary amount reference
    bool _Intl;        // international flag

        _Monobj& operator=(const _Monobj&);

        // TEMPLATE FUNCTION get_money
template<class _Money> inline
    _Monobj<_Money> get_money(_Money& _Val_arg,
        bool _Intl_arg = false)
    {    // return a _Monobj manipulator
    return (_Monobj<_Money>(_Val_arg, _Intl_arg));

template<class _Elem,
    class _Traits,
    class _Money> inline
    basic_istream<_Elem, _Traits>&
        operator>>(basic_istream<_Elem, _Traits>& _Istr,
            const _Monobj<_Money>& _Manip)
    {    // get monetary amount from input stream
    typedef basic_istream<_Elem, _Traits> _Myis;
    typedef istreambuf_iterator<_Elem, _Traits> _Iter;
    typedef money_get<_Elem, _Iter> _Mymget;

    ios_base::iostate _State = ios_base::goodbit;
    const typename _Myis::sentry _Ok(_Istr);

    if (_Ok)
        {    // state okay, extract monetary amount
        const _Mymget& _Mget_fac = _USE(_Istr.getloc(), _Mymget);
        _Mget_fac.get(_Iter(_Istr.rdbuf()), _Iter(0), _Manip._Intl,
            _Istr, _State, _Manip._Val);

    return (_Istr);

        // TEMPLATE FUNCTION put_money
template<class _Money> inline
    _Monobj<const _Money>
        put_money(const _Money& _Val_arg,
            bool _Intl_arg = false)
    {    // return a _Monobj manipulator
    return (_Monobj<const _Money>(_Val_arg, _Intl_arg));

template<class _Elem,
    class _Traits,
    class _Money> inline
    basic_ostream<_Elem, _Traits>&
        operator<<(basic_ostream<_Elem, _Traits>& _Ostr,
            const _Monobj<_Money>& _Manip)
    {    // put monetary amount to output stream
    typedef basic_ostream<_Elem, _Traits> _Myos;
    typedef ostreambuf_iterator<_Elem, _Traits> _Iter;
    typedef money_put<_Elem, _Iter> _Mymput;

    ios_base::iostate _State = ios_base::goodbit;
    const typename _Myos::sentry _Ok(_Ostr);

    if (_Ok)
        {    // state okay, insert monetary amount
        const _Mymput& _Mput_fac = _USE(_Ostr.getloc(), _Mymput);
        if (_Mput_fac.put(_Iter(_Ostr.rdbuf()), _Manip._Intl,
            _Ostr, _Ostr.fill(), _Manip._Val).failed())
                _State |= ios_base::badbit;

    return (_Ostr);

        // TEMPLATE STRUCT _Timeobj
template<class _Elem>
    struct _Timeobj
    {    // store reference to tm object and format
    _Timeobj(struct tm *_Tptr_arg, const _Elem *_Fmt_arg)
        : _Tptr(_Tptr_arg), _Fmtfirst(_Fmt_arg)
        {    // construct from tm pointer and format pointer
        for (_Fmtlast = _Fmtfirst; *_Fmtlast != 0; ++_Fmtlast)
            ;    // find end of format string

    struct tm *_Tptr;    // the tm struct pointer
    const _Elem *_Fmtfirst;    // format string start
    const _Elem *_Fmtlast;    // format string end

        // TEMPLATE FUNCTION get_time
template<class _Elem> inline
        get_time(struct tm *_Tptr_arg, const _Elem *_Fmt_arg)
    {    // return a _Timeobj manipulator
    return (_Timeobj<_Elem>(_Tptr_arg, _Fmt_arg));

template<class _Elem,
    class _Traits,
    class _Elem2> inline
    basic_istream<_Elem, _Traits>&
        operator>>(basic_istream<_Elem, _Traits>& _Istr,
            const _Timeobj<_Elem2>& _Manip)
    {    // get time information from input stream
    typedef basic_istream<_Elem, _Traits> _Myis;
    typedef istreambuf_iterator<_Elem, _Traits> _Iter;
    typedef time_get<_Elem2, _Iter> _Mytget;

    static_assert((is_same<_Elem, _Elem2>::value),
        "wrong character type for get_time");

    ios_base::iostate _State = ios_base::goodbit;
    const typename _Myis::sentry _Ok(_Istr);

    if (_Ok)
        {    // state okay, extract time amounts
        const _Mytget& _Tget_fac = _USE(_Istr.getloc(), _Mytget);
        _Tget_fac.get(_Iter(_Istr.rdbuf()), _Iter(0), _Istr, _State,
            _Manip._Tptr, _Manip._Fmtfirst, _Manip._Fmtlast);

    return (_Istr);

        // TEMPLATE FUNCTION put_time
template<class _Elem> inline
        put_time(struct tm *_Tptr_arg, const _Elem *_Fmt_arg)
    {    // return a _Timeobj manipulator
    return (_Timeobj<_Elem>(_Tptr_arg, _Fmt_arg));

template<class _Elem,
    class _Traits,
    class _Elem2> inline
    basic_ostream<_Elem, _Traits>&
        operator<<(basic_ostream<_Elem, _Traits>& _Ostr,
            const _Timeobj<_Elem2>& _Manip)
    {    // put time information to output stream
    typedef basic_ostream<_Elem, _Traits> _Myos;
    typedef ostreambuf_iterator<_Elem, _Traits> _Iter;
    typedef time_put<_Elem2, _Iter> _Mytput;

    static_assert((is_same<_Elem, _Elem2>::value),
        "wrong character type for put_time");

    ios_base::iostate _State = ios_base::goodbit;
    const typename _Myos::sentry _Ok(_Ostr);

    if (_Ok)
        {    // state okay, insert monetary amount
        const _Mytput& _Tput_fac = _USE(_Ostr.getloc(), _Mytput);
        if (_Tput_fac.put(_Iter(_Ostr.rdbuf()), _Ostr, _Ostr.fill(),
            _Manip._Tptr, _Manip._Fmtfirst, _Manip._Fmtlast).failed())
            _State |= ios_base::badbit;

    return (_Ostr);
 #endif /* _HAS_CPP0X */

        // TEMPLATE STRUCT _Smanip
template<class _Arg>
    struct _Smanip
    {    // store function pointer and argument value
    _Smanip(void (__cdecl *_Left)(ios_base&, _Arg), _Arg _Val)
        : _Pfun(_Left), _Manarg(_Val)
        {    // construct from function pointer and argument value

    void (__cdecl *_Pfun)(ios_base&, _Arg);    // the function pointer
    _Arg _Manarg;    // the argument value

template<class _Elem,
    class _Traits,
    class _Arg> inline
    basic_istream<_Elem, _Traits>& operator>>(
        basic_istream<_Elem, _Traits>& _Istr, const _Smanip<_Arg>& _Manip)
    {    // extract by calling function with input stream and argument
    (*_Manip._Pfun)(_Istr, _Manip._Manarg);
    return (_Istr);

template<class _Elem,
    class _Traits,
    class _Arg> inline
    basic_ostream<_Elem, _Traits>& operator<<(
        basic_ostream<_Elem, _Traits>& _Ostr, const _Smanip<_Arg>& _Manip)
    {    // insert by calling function with output stream and argument
    (*_Manip._Pfun)(_Ostr, _Manip._Manarg);
    return (_Ostr);

_MRTIMP2 _Smanip<ios_base::fmtflags> __cdecl resetiosflags(ios_base::fmtflags);
_MRTIMP2 _Smanip<ios_base::fmtflags> __cdecl setiosflags(ios_base::fmtflags);
_MRTIMP2 _Smanip<int> __cdecl setbase(int);
_MRTIMP2 _Smanip<streamsize> __cdecl setprecision(streamsize);
_MRTIMP2 _Smanip<streamsize> __cdecl setw(streamsize);
 #pragma pop_macro("new")
 #pragma warning(pop)
 #pragma pack(pop)
#endif /* RC_INVOKED */
#endif /* _IOMANIP_ */

 * Copyright (c) 1992-2012 by P.J. Plauger.  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
 * Consult your license regarding permissions and restrictions.
V6.00:0009 */




_MSC_VER是MSVC编译器的内置宏,定义了编译器的版本,_MSC_VER 值对应版本关系
MSVC++ 11.0 _MSC_VER = 1700 (Visual Studio 2012)
MSVC++ 10.0 _MSC_VER = 1600 (Visual Studio 2010)
MSVC++ 9.0 _MSC_VER = 1500 (Visual Studio 2008)
MSVC++ 8.0 _MSC_VER = 1400 (Visual Studio 2005)
MSVC++ 7.1 _MSC_VER = 1310 (Visual Studio 2003)
MSVC++ 7.0 _MSC_VER = 1300 (Visual Studio 2002)
MSVC++ 6.0 _MSC_VER = 1200
MSVC++ 5.0 _MSC_VER = 1100

#if (_MSC_VER == 1300) //vc7
#import "acax16ENU.tlb" no_implementation raw_interfaces_only named_guids
#elif (_MSC_VER == 1200) //vc6
#import "acad.tlb" no_implementation raw_interfaces_only named_guids
#elif (_MSC_VER == 1400) //vc8
#import "acax17ENU.tlb" no_implementation raw_interfaces_only named_guids
#elif (_MSC_VER == 1500) //vc9
#import "acax18ENU.tlb" no_implementation raw_interfaces_only named_guids

#if _MSC_VER >= 1400 // for vc8, or vc9
#ifdef _DEBUG
#pragma comment( lib, "SomeLib-vc8-d.lib" )
#else if
#pragma comment( lib, "SomeLib-vc8-r.lib" )
#else if _MSC_VER >= 1310 // for vc71
#ifdef _DEBUG
#pragma comment( lib, "SomeLib-vc71-d.lib" )
#else if
#pragma comment( lib, "SomeLib-vc71-r.lib" )
#else if _MSC_VER >=1200 // for vc6
#ifdef _DEBUG
#pragma comment( lib, "SomeLib-vc6-d.lib" )
#else if
#pragma comment( lib, "SomeLib-vc6-r.lib" )


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