Installing a Sailor 900 VSAT
Installing a Sailor 900 VSAT ( 安装 Sailor 900 VSAT 通讯天线 )
Standard 9.74 antenna mounting pattern ( 标准9.74天线安装图 )

The 4 mounting bolt holes on the bottom of the antenna radome are the industry standard 9.74 inches that most marine satellite antennas share today. If the Sailor antenna is replacing an existing antenna of another brand, the hole pattern will most likely be the same.
( 天线天线罩底部的4个安装螺栓孔是当今大多数船用卫星天线共有的行业标准9.74英寸。 如果Sailor天线要替换另一个品牌的现有天线,则孔型很有可能是相同的。 )
The antenna can be mounted in any orientation, and does not need to point at the bow of the vessel.
( 天线可以以任何方向安装,不需要指向船首。 )
It is most important to provide a safe and easy path to the hatch in the base of the antenna without the need for long ladders, or serious acrobatics to access the hatch.
( 最重要的是,在天线底部提供安全且容易的舱口路径,而无需长梯子或需要杂技的人才能进入舱口。 )
If the antenna is mounted on a flat surface, it should be raised up on, at least, a 12 inch (30cm) stub mast to allow a technician enough room to slide in under the antenna, into the hatch.
( 如果将天线安装在平坦的表面上,则应至少将其抬起至12英寸(30厘米)的短柱上,以使技术人员有足够的空间滑入天线下方并进入舱口。 )
The single coax N-connector is offset to the side of the mounting base, but can be custom modified to enter from the center of the mounting base post.
( 天线天线罩底部的4个安装螺栓孔是当今大多数船用卫星天线共有的行业标准9.74英寸。 如果Sailor天线要替换另一个品牌的现有天线,则孔型很有可能是相同的。 )
The antenna can be mounted in any orientation, and does not need to point at the bow of the vessel.
( 天线可以以任何方向安装,不需要指向船首。 )
It is most important to provide a safe and easy path to the hatch in the base of the antenna without the need for long ladders, or serious acrobatics to access the hatch.
( 最重要的是,在天线底部提供安全且容易的舱口路径,而无需长梯子或需要杂技的人才能进入舱口。 )
If the antenna is mounted on a flat surface, it should be raised up on, at least, a 12 inch (30cm) stub mast to allow a technician enough room to slide in under the antenna, into the hatch.
( 如果将天线安装在平坦的表面上,则应至少将其抬起至12英寸(30厘米)的短柱上,以使技术人员有足够的空间滑入天线下方并进入舱口。 )
The single coax N-connector is offset to the side of the mounting base, but can be custom modified to enter from the center of the mounting base post.
( 单个同轴N形连接器偏移到安装基座的侧面,但是可以自定义修改以从安装基座柱的中心进入。 )
Opening the hatch Torx 20 ( 打开舱口Torx 20 )
( 由于天线出厂时已完全校准且没有任何运输限制,因此他们说在安装过程中没有理由打开天线天线罩。 )
If one does need to open the radome to inspect the antenna, it is very important to know that it requires a Torx 20 screwdriver to first release the security catches before unlatching the antenna base hatch.
( 如果确实需要打开天线罩来检查天线,知道它需要Torx 20螺丝刀首先松开安全钩,然后再打开天线基座舱口,这一点非常重要。 )
Single crossdeck IF cable ( 单层中频电缆 )
( BDE和ADE之间的一条50欧姆同轴电缆承载IF发送信号(L波段),10MHz参考信号,下转换后的接收信号(625MHz),A&C和ACU之间的M&C上调(54MHz)和下调(36MHz)。 天线和天线的直流电源电压。 )
The coax must have a maximum of ( 同轴电缆的最大长度为 )
20-25dB attenuation (including the connectors) at 1700MHz, ( 在1700MHz时衰减20-25dB(包括连接器), )
2dB attenuation at 10Mhz, ( 在10Mhz时衰减2dB, )
4dB attenuation at 36 and 56 MHz, ( 在36和56 MHz下衰减4dB, )
and a total loop DC resistance of 0.9 ohms. ( 总回路直流电阻为0.9欧姆。 )
In many cases the DC resistance is the limiting factor, not the RF peformance.
( 在许多情况下,直流电阻是限制因素,而不是射频性能。 )
These are the numbers I came up with and the maximums specified in the manual.
These are the numbers I came up with and the maximums specified in the manual.
( 这些是我想出的数字以及手册中指定的最大值。 )
RG6 is not recommended as it is 75 ohm, and certainly not for a run of over 100ft (30m) due to DC resistance.
( 不建议使用RG6,因为它的电阻为75欧姆,并且由于直流电阻的原因,在运行超过100ft(30m)时肯定不建议这样做。 )
LMR400 should suit most installations.
1700MHz | 10MHz | 36-54MHz | Loop DCresistance | Calculated Max | Recommended Max(manual) | |
dB/100ft | dB/100ft | dB/100ft | Ohms/100ft | Feet (m) | Feet (m) | |
RG223 | 18.00 | 1.20 | 2.60 | 1.11 | 81 ft (25 m) | 80 ft (24 m) |
RG214 | 10.80 | 0.55 | 1.30 | 0.24 | 185 ft(56 m) | 160 ft (50 m) |
LMR300 | 8.5 | 0.60 | 1.30 | 0.43 | 207.9 ft (63 m) | N/A |
LMR400 | 5.50 | 0.40 | 0.90 | 0.30 | 296 ft(90 m) | N/A |
LMR600 | 3.60 | 0.20 | 0.50 | 0.17 | 520 ft(160 m) | 440 ft (134 m) |
LDF4 /RFA | 2.97 | 0.21 | 0.46 | 0.13 | 660 ft (200 m) | N/A |
LDF4.5-50 | 2.22 | 0.15 | 0.33 | 0.06 | 900 ft (275 m) | 980 ft (300 m) |
( 不建议使用RG6,因为它的电阻为75欧姆,并且由于直流电阻的原因,在运行超过100ft(30m)时肯定不建议这样做。 )
LMR400 should suit most installations.
( LMR400应该适合大多数安装。 )
System requires 24VDC supply at ACU ( 系统需要ACU的24VDC电源 )
( 在订购天线时,请务必订购TT-6080A 28VDC电源,该电源必须单独订购,因为天线不会自动提供。 )
Most installations will use the TT-6080A power supply to run off AC power.
( 大多数安装将使用TT-6080A电源来关闭交流电源。 )
The antenna operates on 20-32VDC (23-14A) with a startup peak current of 35A. It can operate on ship's 24V battery supply fused with a 30A (Slowblow) breaker.
( 天线在20-32VDC(23-14A)上工作,启动峰值电流为35A。 它可以在装有30A(慢熔)断路器的船舶24V电池电源上运行。 )
Connect Modem IF cables ( 连接调制解调器中频电缆 )
( 用短F型RG6同轴电缆将调制解调器Tx连接到ACU Tx端口,并将调制解调器Rx连接到ACU Rx端口。 )

Connect Modem Console RJ45 to DB9 ( 将调制解调器控制台RJ45连接到DB9 )
( 控制台电缆承载的直流电压代表调制解调器(RSSI)的接收信号强度。 )
Voltages between 0 and 2.5V represent receive signal strength. Voltages between 2.5V and 5.0V represent signal strength and modem receive lock.
( 0至2.5V之间的电压表示接收信号强度。 2.5V至5.0V之间的电压表示信号强度,并且调制解调器接收锁定。 )
In an openAMIP installation, this is only used to display an RSSI bar graph on the GUI showing the modem receive signal. The cable is not required for normal operation. It is not supplied with the antenna.
( 在openAMIP安装中,这仅用于在GUI上显示RSSI条形图,显示调制解调器接收信号。 正常操作不需要电缆。 天线未提供。 )
The pinout is just 2 wires pins ( 引脚排列仅为2线引脚 )
5(RJ45) - 5 (DB9) and
8(RJ45) - 9(DB9)
The pinout is just 2 wires pins ( 引脚排列仅为2线引脚 )
5(RJ45) - 5 (DB9) and
8(RJ45) - 9(DB9)
Connect modem to ACU LAN1 ( 将调制解调器连接到ACU LAN1 )
( 将调制解调器的LAN A或LAN 1连接到ACU的LAN 1,然后将船舶的网络或路由器连接到通过LAN 1切换的LAN 2。 )
Alternatively, The modem LAN A and the ACU LAN and the ship's network can be connected to an external switch. The modem will act as gateway. The ACU address is determined by the [ANTENNA] address in the option file and the subnet and gateway are determined by the [ETH0_1] paragraph in the option file.
( 或者,可以将调制解调器LAN A和ACU LAN以及船舶的网络连接到外部交换机。 调制解调器将充当网关。 ACU地址由选项文件中的[ANTENNA]地址确定,子网和网关由选项文件中的[ETH0_1]段落确定。 )
Connect PC to the GUI in the ACU ( 将PC连接到ACU中的GUI )
( 将便携式计算机的以太网端口(已启用DHCP)连接到ACU后面板上的LAN 3,或者,如果LAN 3已跳线到前面板服务端口,则将便携式计算机连接到前面板端口。 )
The ACU LAN 3 will provide an IP address to the laptop in the range 192.168.0 XXX.
( ACU LAN 3将为笔记本电脑提供IP地址,范围为192.168.0 XXX。 )
With a browser (preferably Google Chrome) browse to Login as admin with password ****(default password is 1234).
( 使用浏览器(最好是Google Chrome)浏览到192.168.0.1。 使用密码****(默认密码: 1234)以admin身份登录。 ) guest/1234 or admin/1234
LAN 3 can be jumpered on the rear of the ACU to the service port on the front of the ACU for ease of access for service. This jumper can also be removed after service to prevent front panel access.
( LAN 3可以从ACU的背面跳到ACU前面的服务端口,以方便进行维修。 维修后也可以卸下此跳线,以防止前面板进入。 )
Configure NETWORK/ Lan port 1: VSAT Modem Unit ( 配置网络/局域网端口1:VSAT调制解调器单元 )
( 调制解调器连接到LAN端口1。要在LAN端口1中输入的地址是天线地址(不是调制解调器地址)。 )
Find the antenna IP address in the option file from the satellite provider, or downloaded from the modem via iSite or the modem web GUI.
( 在卫星提供商的选项文件中找到天线IP地址,或者通过iSite或调制解调器Web GUI从调制解调器下载。 )
LAN Port 1 IP address is in the option file paragraph under the heading [ANTENNA]. This is the address to be entered in LAN1 of the ACU.
( LAN端口1 IP地址位于[ANTENNA]标题下的选项文件段落中。 这是要在ACU的LAN1中输入的地址。 )
The subnet mask and gateway IP address is found in the option file under the paragraph [ETH0_1].
LAN Port 1 IP address is in the option file paragraph under the heading [ANTENNA]. This is the address to be entered in LAN1 of the ACU.
( LAN端口1 IP地址位于[ANTENNA]标题下的选项文件段落中。 这是要在ACU的LAN1中输入的地址。 )
The subnet mask and gateway IP address is found in the option file under the paragraph [ETH0_1].
( 子网掩码和网关IP地址位于选项文件[ETH0_1]下。 )
root/P@55w0rd! user/iDirect
VSAT modem root password iDirect serial login. Default: P@55w0rd!
VSAT modem user password iDirect serial login. Default: iDirect
Default login to iDirect modems are: User name: admin, Password: P@55w0rd!
Default login to iDirect modems are: User name: user, Password: iDirect
Edit VSAT Modem Profile ( 编辑VSAT调制解调器配置文件 )
( PROFILE NAME可以是任何名称(例如“ idirect openAMIP”)。 稍后将在EDIT SATELLITE PROFILE中选择此配置文件。 )
The port must match the port in the option file under [ANTENNA] paragraph. Example 2000 or 4001.
( 该端口必须与[ANTENNA]段落下选项文件中的端口匹配。 示例2000或4001。 )
Set Tracking Profile ( 设定追踪设定档 )
( 将跟踪配置文件“ RX频率”设置为“ VSAT调制解调器”。 )
Set to Narrow band
( 设为窄带 )
Edit Satellite Profile ( 编辑卫星配置文件 )
( 卫星配置文件名称可以是任何合适的名称,例如idirect调制解调器或idirect openAMIP。 )
Select the VSAT Modem profile created in previous step (example idirect openAMIP)
( 选择上一步中创建的VSAT调制解调器配置文件(例如idirect openAMIP) )
Elevation caut off defaults to 10 degrees but can be set lower if needed.
( 默认情况下,“俯仰角警告关闭”为10度,但可以根据需要将其设置得较低。 )
Tracking type select Narrow band
( 跟踪类型选择窄带 )
Rx Frequency VSAT Modem
( 接收频率VSAT调制解调器 )
Connect Gyro Heading ( 连接陀螺航向 )
( 天线可以在没有航向输入的情况下工作,但由于要进行空中搜索,因此需要更长的时间才能找到卫星。 通过陀螺仪输入,天线将立即瞄准卫星。 )
On the Web GUI, under SERVICE>Calibration> initially change the Heading input to None and let the antenna find the satellite and get receive lock on the modem.
( 在Web GUI上,在“服务”>“校准”下,首先将“航向”输入更改为“无”,然后让天线找到卫星并获得调制解调器的接收锁定。 )
NMEA 0183 heading from the gyro compass connects to pins 9(+) and 10(-) of the 11 pin connector on the back of the ACU. The BAUD rate is auto sensed and is not adjustable.
( 陀螺罗盘的NMEA 0183标题连接到ACU背面11针连接器的9(+)和10(-)针。 BAUD速率是自动检测到的,无法调节。 )
The antenna looks for the $HEHDT string from the compass.
( 天线从罗盘上寻找$HEHDT字符串。。 )
On the Web GUI, under SERVICE>Calibration>change heading to External and verify gyro update on the screen.
( 在Web GUI上的“服务”>“校准”>“标题”下,将其更改为“外部”,然后在屏幕上验证陀螺仪更新。 )
Azimuth Calibration ( 方位角校准 )
( 方位角校准可调整天线安装在容器上的方位角偏移。 )
The antenna must be tracking a known satellite, either the communications satellite confirmed by receive lock on the modem, or a DVB TV satellite configured in a satellite profile.
( 天线必须跟踪已知的卫星,或者是通过调制解调器上的接收锁定确认的通信卫星,还是在卫星配置文件中配置的DVB TV卫星。 )
Under SERVICE>Calibration> Azimuth Calibration, select the Satellite profile of the modem or enter tyhe DVB satellite parameters.
( 在“服务”>“校准”>“方位角校准”下,选择调制解调器的“卫星”配置文件或输入DVB卫星参数。 )
For US waters, a known test satelite would be 121W Vertical, Co-pol or Crosspol, 12016 MHz 20 Ms/s NID =0 but any suitable, linear DVB satelite can be used.
( 对于美国水域,已知的测试卫星为121W Vertical,Co-pol或Crosspol,12016 MHz 20 Ms / s NID = 0,但是可以使用任何合适的线性DVB卫星。 )
For azimuth calibration the heading must be set to External, if heading signal is present, or Fixed, if no heading source is available.
( 对于方位角校准,如果存在航向信号,则航向必须设置为“外部”,如果没有航向源,则将航向设置为“固定”。 )
Even if the antenna will eventually be operating in no gyro mode, it is essential to do an azimuth calibration in Fixed mode, before switching back to None for normal operation.
For US waters, a known test satelite would be 121W Vertical, Co-pol or Crosspol, 12016 MHz 20 Ms/s NID =0 but any suitable, linear DVB satelite can be used.
( 对于美国水域,已知的测试卫星为121W Vertical,Co-pol或Crosspol,12016 MHz 20 Ms / s NID = 0,但是可以使用任何合适的线性DVB卫星。 )
For azimuth calibration the heading must be set to External, if heading signal is present, or Fixed, if no heading source is available.
( 对于方位角校准,如果存在航向信号,则航向必须设置为“外部”,如果没有航向源,则将航向设置为“固定”。 )
Even if the antenna will eventually be operating in no gyro mode, it is essential to do an azimuth calibration in Fixed mode, before switching back to None for normal operation.
( 即使天线最终将在无陀螺仪模式下运行,也必须在固定模式下进行方位角校准,然后再切换回“无”才能正常运行。 )
Whenever changing from Fixed to External or External to Fixed, a new azimuth calibration needs to be conducted.
Whenever changing from Fixed to External or External to Fixed, a new azimuth calibration needs to be conducted.
( 每当从固定更改为外部或从外部更改为固定时,都需要执行新的方位角校准。 )
Under Azimuth calibration press [Start] and wait for the cable calibration to complete.
( 在方位角校准下,按[开始],然后等待电缆校准完成。 )
Cable Calibration ( 电缆校准 )
( 电缆校准可在5个不同的频率13825-14425MHz下在ACU和天线之间传输电缆损耗,并根据频率自动调整衰减,以使调制解调器在所有频率下具有相同的(〜-5dBm)最大输出(压缩点) 。确保在卫星之间切换时,调制解调器能够在衰减较大的较高频率下传输最大功率,并且在衰减较小的较低频率下不进入饱和状态,这一点很重要。相同的最大功率将应用于整个频带。 )
At the bottom of the page under SERVICE>Calibration> Cable calibration press [Start]. The antenna will move in elevation to the zenith (straight up) and then measure the line loss at 5 different frequencies while measuring the output power using a built in detector in the OMT. This masurement can be seen on a bar graph on the DASHBOARD under TX. It is best to use Chrome or Firefox browser, as IE had some issues with early versions of software.
( 在页面底部的“服务”>“校准”>“电缆校准”下,按[开始]。天线将垂直移动到天顶(向上),然后在5个不同的频率上测量线损,同时使用OMT中的内置检测器测量输出功率。可以在仪表板上TX下的条形图上看到此保证。最好使用Chrome或Firefox浏览器,因为IE在早期版本的软件中存在一些问题。 )
When the cable calibration is complete, the Attenuator margin will indicate the quality of the coax cable run, and how much extra margin remains. A low number (<5dB) indicates a coax run that is close to the maximum length limit or compromized connectors, and a high number ~20dB indicates a shorter cable run and good connectivity between ACU and antenna.
( 电缆校准完成后,衰减器余量将指示同轴电缆的质量,以及剩余多少余量。较小的数字(<5dB)表示接近最大长度限制或受损的连接器的同轴电缆走动,而较大的〜20dB表示电缆长度较短且ACU与天线之间的连接性良好。 )
There have been issues with some versions of Internet Explorer where Cable cal is grayed out, so it is recommended to use Chrome or Firefox.
( Internet Explorer的某些版本存在问题,其中Cable cal变灰了,因此建议使用Chrome或Firefox。 )
Confirm GPS latlong update to modem ( 确认GPS latlong更新到调制解调器 )
( Telnet到调制解调器IP地址,并确保[LAT LONG] GPS输出信息通过openAMIP从天线到调制解调器定期出现。 )
The modem must have GPS coordinates before it can transmit.
( 调制解调器在传输之前必须具有GPS坐标。 )
Satellite Line up with provider ( 卫星与供应商的联系 )
( 确认调制解调器上的接收锁定并致电NOC进行排队。它们将提供一个测试频率,可以在iSite(X5)或调制解调器webGUI(X7)中输入,也可以在天线webGUI中输入。 )
It is essential to enter the Modem CW frequency in the web interface Line up page under SERVICE/Line Up and click [ACTIVATE]. This allows the antenna to use the correct attenuation for that frequency. The test, Ku band, frequency is entered in both the antenna and the modem.
( 必须在Web界面“服务/排队”下的“排队”页面中输入调制解调器CW频率,然后单击[激活]。这允许天线针对该频率使用正确的衰减。在天线和调制解调器中都输入了测试(Ku频段)频率。 )
Polarization adjustment is seldom necessary. After peaking the polarization with the provider. Click [SAVE POLARIZATION OFFSET] and [DEACTIVATE] the CW carrier.
( 很少需要偏振调整。与供应商达到两极分化之后。单击[SAVE POLARIZATION OFFSET]并[停用] CW载体。 )
For the 1dB compression point test, the transmit power is adjusted with iSite, webGUI or telnet session as usual.
( 对于1dB压缩点测试,照常使用iSite,webGUI或telnet会话来调整发射功率。 )
Note that because of the multiplexing of the signals onto the signal cable, and the cable calibration, the BUC compression point will be much higher than other antennas, in the region of -10dBm to -5dBm output from the modem.
( 请注意,由于信号上信号的多路复用以及电缆的校准,从调制解调器输出的-10dBm至-5dBm范围内,BUC压缩点将比其他天线高得多。 )
Some NOCs can access the modem and Sailor antenna remotely to activate and deactivate the carrier and adjust power.
( 某些NOC可以远程访问调制解调器和Sailor天线,以激活和停用载波并调节功率。 )
Set Blockage Zones ( 设置封锁区域 )
Download Diagnostic and Statistic Report ( 下载诊断和统计报告 )
( 在webGUI中,转到HELPDESK / SUPPORT,然后单击诊断报告[Download]。 )
When the Diagnostic report is completed, click on Statistic report [Download].
( 诊断报告完成后,单击统计报告[下载]。 )
the statistic report is in a csv format and can be opened in MS Excel.
( 统计报告为csv格式,可以在MS Excel中打开。 )
================ End
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2018-09-09 养生箴言