

来源 :https://www.zhihu.com/question/41812714/answer/92575811
  1. qyvlik/sqml qml 的简易 sqlite orm 工具
  2. qyvlik/QmlThread: More powerful Thread module in QML. Like WorkerScript but can use c++ native method in WorkerScript.
  3. GitHub - qyvlik/ShaderToy.qml: ShaderToy demo by QML.
  4. GitHub - qyvlik/QtQuickAppDemo: QtQuickAppDemo, implement some animation effect reference by AE.参考 AE 做应用。
  5. GitHub - qyvlik/Flat.qml: FlatUI by qml, 参考FlatUI设计的一套qml控件GitHub -
  6. GDPURJYFS/WellChat: WellChat is a Application that is a WeChat-like APP by qml.好吧~原谅我的英语。这个一个使用qml来仿制安卓weix的Qt程序,可以运行在安卓上。





  1. quickly/quickly ES6 and Node.js-like environment for QML
  2. GitHub - MidoriYakumo/learnopengl-qt3d: QML/Qt3D version of http://learnopengl.com examples Qt3D 的学习项目
  3. GitHub - qmlbook/qmlbook: The source code for the upcoming qml book 强烈推荐,然后有中文的哦~

GitHub - trollixx/node.qml: A port of Node.js to QMLGitHub - papyros/qml-material: Material Design implemented in QtQuick

  1. 彩阳的 Qt3D 教程配套代码:GitHub - jiangcaiyang/Tutorial3D: This tutorial mainly focuses on Qt 3D and its usages, Every commit is a step that tells how to build a project from scratch.
  2. GitHub - wearyinside/qmlparticleeditorQML 制作的例子编辑器。

GitHub - wearyinside/qmlcreator

  1. GitHub - jan0e/QMLemoji: An Emoji picker written in QML 不过我只在电脑上测试通过,安卓手机上效果不佳或者没有效果。
  2. GitHub - 188080501/QmlDesignerPlus QmlDisigner二次开发计划,显著提升 QmlDisigner 用户体验。
  3. 188080501/JQTools 基于Qt开发的小工具包

GitHub - neterror/qmlhex: QML hex editorGitHub - toby20130333/qmlpathview: 基于QML PathView实现的一些效果

  1. GitHub - toby20130333/qtquickqrencode: qrencode plugins use in qml QtQuick 上二维码解决办法之一。
  2. GitHub - retf/qt-android-native-web-view-example: Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/qt-android-native-web-view-example 现在 Qt 官方对于手机应用的网页支持,一般解决方案是在 QSuface 上绘制原生网页。
  3. GitHub - toby20130333/qtioswebview: a qtquick application using ios UIView
  4. GitHub - brexis/qml-bootstrap: Sweet Qml compoments inspired from Ionic framework style for mobile and desktop Qt/Qml projects
  5. GitHub - bckmnn/qml-qt-snippets: collection of useful snippets for qt/qml
  6. GitHub - xiangzhai/qwx: WeChat Qt frontend 微信Qt前端
  7. GitHub - penk/qml-handwriting: Open source handwriting recognition keyboard written in QML/JavaScript qml 手写支持。
  8. GitHub - 15th/qmlStyle: qt qml样式 最近一次更新大概是半年前。
  9. GitHub - MartinBriza/2048.qml: 2048 clone written in pure QML. No C++ wrappers needed.
  10. GitHub - yeatse/moebox: 萌音盒子 虽然使用的是塞班 + Qt4,但是项目组织和设计上可以学习学习。
  11. Ecohnoch/Mota-Editor 魔塔编辑器,一款游戏框架


推荐一些 github 用户吧

  1. iBelieve (Michael Spencer)
  2. trollixx (Oleg Shparber) · GitHub
  3. iBeliever (Michael Spencer) · GitHub
  4. wearyinside (Oleg Yadrov) · GitHub
  5. foruok · GitHub 安晓辉老师
  6. toby20130333 (一衣带水) · GitHub
  7. yeatse (Yeatse CC) · GitHub PS 在塞班时代就使用 qml 开发应用,所以如果要开发手机应用,可以参照这位大神的项目。
  8. jiangcaiyang · GitHub
  9. Ecohnoch (xcy) game maker
  10. MidoriYakumo (MidoriYakumo)
  11. 188080501 (Jason)
  12. 恩,还有我。















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posted @ 2020-03-26 21:24  lsgxeva  阅读(8745)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报