bsd pkg install gcc gmake cmake gdb cgdb
bsd pkg install gcc gmake cmake gdb cgdb
# pkg help install
# man pkg-install
# pkg search // 搜索软件包
# pkg update // 更新本地pkg数据库
# pkg add ./pkg.txz // 安装本地软件包txz文件
# pkg info pkg // pkg安装版本信息
# pkg install packagename // 安装软件包
# pkg info // 已安装软件列表信息
# pkg delete curl // 删除指定的软件包
# pkg audit -F // 查看日志信息
# pkg autoremove // 删除已经不需要的依赖包
# pkg backup -d pkgng.db // 备份软件包
# pkg backup -r /path/to/pkgng.db // 删除备份软件包
# pkg clean // 清除多余的软件缓存包
# pkg set -o lang/php5:lang/php53 // 修改软件源
# pkg install -Rf graphics/freeglut // 安装指定的软件源
# fetch ${PACKAGESITE}/Latest/pkg.txz
# fetch ${PACKAGESITE}/Latest/pkg.sig
# fetch ${PACKAGESITE}/Latest/pkg-devel.txz
# pkg help add
# pkg add ./pkg.txz
# pkg add -f ./pkg-devel.txz
# pkg help install
# pkg install wget
# pkg install curl
# pkg install tree
# pkg install xterm
# pkg install tmux
# pkg install vim
# pkg install gawk
# pkg install gsed
# pkg install nano
# pkg install bash
# pkg install bash-completion
# pkg install dbus
# pkg install git
# pkg install cmake
# pkg install gcc5
# pkg install gcc5-aux
# pkg install gcc5-devel
# pkg install gmake
# pkg install gdb
# pkg install cgdb
# pkg install valgrind
# pkg install perl
# pkg install bison
# pkg install m4
# pkg install automake
# pkg install autoconf
# pkg install ncurses
# pkg install libiconv
root@lsgxbsd8:~/opt # pkg install cmake Updating FreeBSD repository catalogue... Fetching meta.txz: 100% 968 B 1.0kB/s 00:01 Fetching packagesite.txz: 100% 5 MiB 357.6kB/s 00:15 Processing entries: 100% FreeBSD repository update completed. 24207 packages processed. Updating database digests format: 100% New version of pkg detected; it needs to be installed first. The following 1 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked): Installed packages to be REINSTALLED: pkg-1.5.5 (provided shared library changed) 2 MiB to be downloaded. Proceed with this action? [y/N]: y Fetching pkg-1.5.5.txz: 100% 2 MiB 347.0kB/s 00:06 Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting) [1/1] Reinstalling pkg-1.5.5... You may need to manually remove /usr/local/etc/pkg.conf if it's no longer needed. [1/1] Extracting pkg-1.5.5: 100% Message for pkg-1.5.5: If you are upgrading from the old package format, first run: # pkg2ng Updating FreeBSD repository catalogue... pkg: Unable to downgrade "FreeBSD" repo schema version 2012 (target version 2011) -- change not found pkg: need to re-create repo FreeBSD to upgrade schema version Fetching meta.txz: 100% 968 B 1.0kB/s 00:01 Fetching packagesite.txz: 100% 5 MiB 447.1kB/s 00:12 Processing entries: 100% FreeBSD repository update completed. 24207 packages processed. pkg: warning: database version 32 is newer than libpkg(3) version 31, but still compatible The following 8 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked): New packages to be INSTALLED: cmake: 3.2.3_2 expat: 2.1.0_2 curl: 7.43.0_2 ca_root_nss: 3.19.2 jsoncpp: 0.6.0.r2_2 cmake-modules: 3.2.3 libarchive: 3.1.2_3,1 lzo2: 2.09 The process will require 30 MiB more space. 6 MiB to be downloaded. Proceed with this action? [y/N]: y Fetching cmake-3.2.3_2.txz: 100% 3 MiB 416.1kB/s 00:09 Fetching expat-2.1.0_2.txz: 100% 99 KiB 101.9kB/s 00:01 Fetching curl-7.43.0_2.txz: 100% 1 MiB 478.2kB/s 00:03 Fetching ca_root_nss-3.19.2.txz: 100% 336 KiB 344.7kB/s 00:01 Fetching jsoncpp-0.6.0.r2_2.txz: 100% 103 KiB 106.0kB/s 00:01 Fetching cmake-modules-3.2.3.txz: 100% 504 KiB 516.6kB/s 00:01 Fetching libarchive-3.1.2_3,1.txz: 100% 597 KiB 611.5kB/s 00:01 Fetching lzo2-2.09.txz: 100% 89 KiB 91.5kB/s 00:01 Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting) [1/8] Installing expat-2.1.0_2... [1/8] Extracting expat-2.1.0_2: 100% [2/8] Installing ca_root_nss-3.19.2... [2/8] Extracting ca_root_nss-3.19.2: 100% [3/8] Installing lzo2-2.09... [3/8] Extracting lzo2-2.09: 100% [4/8] Installing curl-7.43.0_2... [4/8] Extracting curl-7.43.0_2: 100% [5/8] Installing jsoncpp-0.6.0.r2_2... [5/8] Extracting jsoncpp-0.6.0.r2_2: 100% [6/8] Installing cmake-modules-3.2.3... [6/8] Extracting cmake-modules-3.2.3: 100% [7/8] Installing libarchive-3.1.2_3,1... [7/8] Extracting libarchive-3.1.2_3,1: 100% [8/8] Installing cmake-3.2.3_2... [8/8] Extracting cmake-3.2.3_2: 100% Message for ca_root_nss-3.19.2: ********************************* WARNING ********************************* FreeBSD does not, and can not warrant that the certification authorities whose certificates are included in this package have in any way been audited for trustworthiness or RFC 3647 compliance. Assessment and verification of trust is the complete responsibility of the system administrator. *********************************** NOTE ********************************** This package installs symlinks to support root certificates discovery by default for software that uses OpenSSL. This enables SSL Certificate Verification by client software without manual intervention. If you prefer to do this manually, replace the following symlinks with either an empty file or your site-local certificate bundle. * /etc/ssl/cert.pem * /usr/local/etc/ssl/cert.pem * /usr/local/openssl/cert.pem *************************************************************************** root@lsgxbsd8:~/opt # root@lsgxbsd8:~/opt # root@lsgxbsd8:~/opt # pkg install gcc5 Updating FreeBSD repository catalogue... FreeBSD repository is up-to-date. All repositories are up-to-date. pkg: warning: database version 32 is newer than libpkg(3) version 31, but still compatible The following 9 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked): New packages to be INSTALLED: gcc5: 5.2.0 indexinfo: 0.2.3 mpfr: 3.1.2_2 gmp: 5.1.3_2 mpc: 1.0.3 gcc-ecj: 4.5 binutils: 2.25.1 gettext-runtime: 0.19.4 libiconv: 1.14_8 The process will require 452 MiB more space. 85 MiB to be downloaded. Proceed with this action? [y/N]: y Fetching gcc5-5.2.0.txz: 100% 79 MiB 542.6kB/s 02:34 Fetching indexinfo-0.2.3.txz: 100% 4 KiB 4.8kB/s 00:01 Fetching mpfr-3.1.2_2.txz: 100% 342 KiB 351.1kB/s 00:01 Fetching gmp-5.1.3_2.txz: 100% 440 KiB 450.5kB/s 00:01 Fetching mpc-1.0.3.txz: 100% 79 KiB 81.3kB/s 00:01 Fetching gcc-ecj-4.5.txz: 100% 1 MiB 1.4MB/s 00:01 Fetching binutils-2.25.1.txz: 100% 3 MiB 288.8kB/s 00:12 Fetching gettext-runtime-0.19.4.txz: 100% 140 KiB 143.4kB/s 00:01 Fetching libiconv-1.14_8.txz: 100% 590 KiB 605.0kB/s 00:01 Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting) [1/9] Installing indexinfo-0.2.3... [1/9] Extracting indexinfo-0.2.3: 100% [2/9] Installing gmp-5.1.3_2... [2/9] Extracting gmp-5.1.3_2: 100% [3/9] Installing libiconv-1.14_8... [3/9] Extracting libiconv-1.14_8: 100% [4/9] Installing mpfr-3.1.2_2... [4/9] Extracting mpfr-3.1.2_2: 100% [5/9] Installing gettext-runtime-0.19.4... [5/9] Extracting gettext-runtime-0.19.4: 100% [6/9] Installing mpc-1.0.3... [6/9] Extracting mpc-1.0.3: 100% [7/9] Installing gcc-ecj-4.5... [7/9] Extracting gcc-ecj-4.5: 100% [8/9] Installing binutils-2.25.1... [8/9] Extracting binutils-2.25.1: 100% [9/9] Installing gcc5-5.2.0... [9/9] Extracting gcc5-5.2.0: 100% Message for gcc5-5.2.0: To ensure binaries built with this toolchain find appropriate versions of the necessary run-time libraries, you may want to link using -Wl,-rpath=/usr/local/lib/gcc5 For ports leveraging USE_GCC, USES=compiler, or USES=fortran this happens transparently. root@lsgxbsd8:~/opt # root@lsgxbsd8:~/opt # root@lsgxbsd8:~/opt # pkg install gcc5-aux Updating FreeBSD repository catalogue... FreeBSD repository is up-to-date. All repositories are up-to-date. pkg: warning: database version 32 is newer than libpkg(3) version 31, but still compatible The following 1 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked): New packages to be INSTALLED: gcc5-aux: 20150716 The process will require 230 MiB more space. 46 MiB to be downloaded. Proceed with this action? [y/N]: y Fetching gcc5-aux-20150716.txz: 100% 46 MiB 652.1kB/s 01:15 Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting) [1/1] Installing gcc5-aux-20150716... [1/1] Extracting gcc5-aux-20150716: 100% root@lsgxbsd8:~/opt # root@lsgxbsd8:~/opt # root@lsgxbsd8:~/opt # pkg install gcc5-devel Updating FreeBSD repository catalogue... FreeBSD repository is up-to-date. All repositories are up-to-date. pkg: warning: database version 32 is newer than libpkg(3) version 31, but still compatible The following 1 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked): New packages to be INSTALLED: gcc5-devel: 5.2.1.s20150721 The process will require 413 MiB more space. 79 MiB to be downloaded. Proceed with this action? [y/N]: y Fetching gcc5-devel-5.2.1.s20150721.txz: 100% 79 MiB 518.1kB/s 02:41 Checking integrity... done (1 conflicting) Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting) Conflicts with the existing packages have been found. One more solver iteration is needed to resolve them. The following 2 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked): Installed packages to be REMOVED: gcc5-5.2.0 New packages to be INSTALLED: gcc5-devel: 5.2.1.s20150721 The process will require 142 KiB more space. Proceed with this action? [y/N]: y [1/2] Deinstalling gcc5-5.2.0... [1/2] Deleting files for gcc5-5.2.0: 100% [2/2] Installing gcc5-devel-5.2.1.s20150721... [2/2] Extracting gcc5-devel-5.2.1.s20150721: 100% Message for gcc5-devel-5.2.1.s20150721: To ensure binaries built with this toolchain find appropriate versions of the necessary run-time libraries, you may want to link using -Wl,-rpath=/usr/local/lib/gcc5 For ports leveraging USE_GCC, USES=compiler, or USES=fortran this happens transparently. root@lsgxbsd8:~/opt # root@lsgxbsd8:~/opt # root@lsgxbsd8:~/opt # pkg install gmake Updating FreeBSD repository catalogue... FreeBSD repository is up-to-date. All repositories are up-to-date. pkg: warning: database version 32 is newer than libpkg(3) version 31, but still compatible The following 1 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked): New packages to be INSTALLED: gmake: 4.1_2 The process will require 1 MiB more space. 363 KiB to be downloaded. Proceed with this action? [y/N]: y Fetching gmake-4.1_2.txz: 100% 363 KiB 372.5kB/s 00:01 Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting) [1/1] Installing gmake-4.1_2... [1/1] Extracting gmake-4.1_2: 100% root@lsgxbsd8:~/opt # root@lsgxbsd8:~/opt # root@lsgxbsd8:~/opt # pkg install gdb Updating FreeBSD repository catalogue... FreeBSD repository is up-to-date. All repositories are up-to-date. pkg: warning: database version 32 is newer than libpkg(3) version 31, but still compatible The following 2 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked): New packages to be INSTALLED: gdb: 7.9.1 readline: 6.3.8 The process will require 23 MiB more space. 4 MiB to be downloaded. Proceed with this action? [y/N]: Yy Please type 'Y[es]' or 'N[o]' to make selection Proceed with this action? [y/N]: y Fetching gdb-7.9.1.txz: 100% 3 MiB 389.1kB/s 00:10 Fetching readline-6.3.8.txz: 100% 303 KiB 310.7kB/s 00:01 Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting) [1/2] Installing readline-6.3.8... [1/2] Extracting readline-6.3.8: 100% [2/2] Installing gdb-7.9.1... [2/2] Extracting gdb-7.9.1: 100% root@lsgxbsd8:~/opt # root@lsgxbsd8:~/opt # root@lsgxbsd8:~/opt # pkg install cgdb Updating FreeBSD repository catalogue... FreeBSD repository is up-to-date. All repositories are up-to-date. pkg: warning: database version 32 is newer than libpkg(3) version 31, but still compatible The following 1 package(s) will be affected (of 0 checked): New packages to be INSTALLED: cgdb: 0.6.8 The process will require 358 KiB more space. 94 KiB to be downloaded. Proceed with this action? [y/N]: y Fetching cgdb-0.6.8.txz: 100% 94 KiB 97.0kB/s 00:01 Checking integrity... done (0 conflicting) [1/1] Installing cgdb-0.6.8... [1/1] Extracting cgdb-0.6.8: 100% root@lsgxbsd8:~/opt #
============== End
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