1. 指出编程开发活动中存在模式,提出总结设计模式需要关注的四要素 "名称-问题-解决方案-效果“ ,并给出描述一套模式的格式模板。
2. 提出了面向对象开发中”针对接口编程优于针对实现编程”,”组合优于继承”的总体设计思路
3. 选取了现实开发中基于上述设计思路所形成的23种常见设计模式作为例子详细描述
1. 书中的模式不是作者的发明创造或独门秘籍,而是早已存在并已经广泛使用的做法,只不过没有被系统地加以记录。换而言之,只要遵循某些原则,这些所谓模式完全可能在无意识的状态下自发出现在产品代码中。
2. 这些模式在各种系统被多次使用。换而言之,你只要接触足够多的代码,必然会大量接触到这些模式的实际应用。只不过在看过《设计模式》一书之前,你可能意识不到这是一个成体系的设计手段。
3. 作者认为《设计模式》这本书的价值在于对设计模式进行了有效的组织和便于理解的描述。换而言之,这本书的写作出发点是”便于理解“,并且是面向”设计新手“的。而不少初学者却恰恰觉得这本书难以理解,这说明,作者已经在保证准确性的前提下,选用了他们所认为最便于理解的描述。比本书描述更为显浅的描述,很可能会牺牲准确性(不准确的描述对于新手来说是显然是害处大于好处)。当然某些人认为是作者表达能力有限,这种事情无法求证,但我倾向于前者。
正如前面所言,只要你对面向对象一些基本原则有充分的理解,你甚至可能在没看过《设计模式》之前就开始使用某种模式了,如果你已经达到这种程度自然能无压力看懂描述。退一步假如你还没达到这种程度,既然《设计模式》中的模式非常常见,你只要有心多看代码,在现有代码中必然能接触到。通过实际应用的代码与书中的描述互相印证,要理解亦不难。再退一步,假如你接触的代码就一直没遇到 某个模式,你也一直无法自发理解某个模式,那么这个模式就对你没用,你没必要一定要找机会用。
1. 需要额外引入哪些新的概念。要明白一段代码涉及的概念越多,就越难理解。
2. 设计模式自身的实现复杂度
3. 一旦引入后,为了保持设计所带来的灵活性,后续开发需要注意的地方。是否能通过代码层面的限制来保证灵活性不会被破坏。
4. 团队中其他人对这个设计模式的理解程度
5. 对排错调试,代码静态分析可能造成的影响 (例如Observer模式和Visitor模式往往会打乱静态分析,难以通过阅读代码确定执行状态)
- 工厂模式与抽象工厂模式 (Factory Pattern)(Abstract Factory Pattern):不同条件下创建不同实例
- 单例模式 (Singleton Pattern):保证一个类仅有一个实例
- 建造者模式 (Builder Pattern):将一个复杂的构建过程与其具表示细节相分离,使得同样的构建过程可以创建不同的表示
- 原型模式 (Prototype Pattern):通过拷贝原型创建新的对象
- 适配器模式 (Adapter Pattern):使得原本由于接口不兼容而不能一起工作的那些类可以一起工作
- 装饰器模式 (Decorator Pattern):保持接口,增强性能:修饰类继承被修饰对象的抽象父类,依赖被修饰对象的实例(被修饰对象依赖注入),以实现接口扩展
- 桥接模式 (Bridge Pattern):两个维度独立变化,依赖方式实现抽象与实现分离:需要一个作为桥接的接口/抽象类,多个角度的实现类依赖注入到抽象类,使它们在抽象层建立一个关联关系
- 外观模式 (Facade Pattern):在客户端和复杂系统之间再加一层,这一次将调用顺序、依赖关系等处理好。即封装底层实现,隐藏系统的复杂性,并向客户端提供了一个客户端可以访问系统的高层接口
- 代理模式 (Proxy Pattern):为其他对象提供一种代理以控制对这个对象的访问:增加中间层(代理层),代理类与底层实现类实现共同接口,并创建底层实现类对象(底层实现类对象依赖注入代理类),以便向外界提供功能接口
- 过滤器模式 (Filter、Criteria Pattern):使用不同的标准来过滤一组对象,通过逻辑运算以解耦的方式把它们连接起来
- 组合模式 (Composite Pattern):用户对单个对象和组合对象的使用具有一致性的统一接口
- 享元模式 (Flyweight Pattern):享元工厂类控制;HashMap实现缓冲池重用现有的同类对象,如果未找到匹配的对象,则创建新对象
- 责任链模式(Chain of Responsibility Pattern):拦截的类都实现统一接口,每个接收者都包含对下一个接收者的引用。将这些对象连接成一条链,并且沿着这条链传递请求,直到有对象处理它为止。
- 观察者模式(Observer Pattern):一对多的依赖关系,在观察目标类里有一个 ArrayList 存放观察者们。当观察目标对象的状态发生改变,所有依赖于它的观察者都将得到通知,使这些观察者能够自动更新(即使用推送方式)
- 模板模式(Template Pattern):将这些通用算法抽象出来,在一个抽象类中公开定义了执行它的方法的方式/模板。它的子类可以按需要重写方法实现,但调用将以抽象类中定义的方式进行
- 命令模式(Command Pattern):将"行为请求者"与"行为实现者"解耦:调用者依赖命令,命令依赖接收者,调用者Invoker→命令Command→接收者Receiver
- 解释器模式(Interpreter Pattern):给定一个语言,定义它的文法表示,并定义一个解释器,这个解释器使用该标识来解释语言中的句子
- 迭代器模式(Iterator Pattern):集合中含有迭代器:分离了集合对象的遍历行为,抽象出一个迭代器类来负责,无须暴露该对象的内部表示
- 中介者模式(Mediator Pattern):对象与对象之间存在大量的关联关系,将对象之间的通信关联关系封装到一个中介类中单独处理,从而使其耦合松散,可以独立地改变它们之间的交互
- 策略模式(Strategy Pattern):策略对象依赖注入到context对象,context对象根据它的策略改变而改变它的相关行为(可通过调用内部的策略对象实现相应的具体策略行为)
- 状态模式(State Pattern):状态对象依赖注入到context对象,context对象根据它的状态改变而改变它的相关行为(可通过调用内部的状态对象实现相应的具体行为)
- 备忘录模式(Memento Pattern):通过一个备忘录类专门存储对象状态。客户通过备忘录管理类管理备忘录类。
- 空对象模式(Null Object Pattern):创建一个未对该类做任何实现的空对象类,该空对象类将无缝地使用在需要检查空值的地方。不要为了屏蔽null而使用空对象,应保持用null,远比用非null的值来替代“无值”要好。(慎用)
除非你还在写 Java,否则设计模式真没多大用处。
---- 补充几句 ----
首先明确一点,这里说的“设计模式”,是“面向对象设计模式”的简称,以 GoF 书中列出的 23 个模式为代表。
不要把什么都归为模式,比如 “if-then-else 模式”、“for each 模式”就不是(面向对象设计)模式。Like, the inverse, reverse, double-back-flip pattern—whatever. Oh, you mean a loop? OK. --- Jamie Zawinski
类似的,thread pool、thread-per-connection、process-per-connection、thread local storage、scoped locking、readers-writer lock 等等也不是面向对象设计模式。
说的 “建议不要泛泛地讨论和学习‘设计模式’,而是具体到每一个模式。”
如果你用的语言 style 反对叠床架屋的 class hierarchy,很多结构模式就没用了。
1. C# 内置了 delegate/event,Observer 模式就没用了。
2. 如果你的语言的 typeof 操作符能得到 runtime type,那么 Prototype 模式就没用了。比如class Base(object):
class Derived(Base):
def clone(x):
return type(x)()
if __name__ == '__main__':
d = Derived()
print type(d) # <class '__main__.Derived'>
c = clone(d)
print type(c) # <class '__main__.Derived'>
b = Base()
print type(b) # <class '__main__.Base'>
a = clone(b)
print type(a) # <class '__main__.Base'>
3. 如果类型能像变量一样赋值和传递,Factory method 模式就没用了。比如
class Base(object):
class Derived(Base):
def getCreator(ty):
def create():
obj = ty()
# initialize obj
return obj
return create
if __name__ == '__main__':
d = getCreator(Derived)
b = getCreator(Base)
print type(d()) # <class '__main__.Derived'>
print type(b()) # <class '__main__.Base'>
# 这个例子做作了一些,可以看第二个链接里的例子。
4. 如果函数能像变量一样赋值和传递,Command、Strategy 等模式就没用了。
5. EventHandler/ConcreteEventHandler 这种 callback API 风格在现代语言里基本绝迹,C++ 有 std::function、C# 有 delegate、连 Java 8 都有了 Lambda,更别说动态语言了。
6. 有的语言有全局变量,Singleton 模式就没用了。Singleton 是最简单也最被滥用的模式。
7. 有的语言有 multiple dispatch,Vistor 模式就没用了。其实 Vistor 模式一直就没啥用。using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; public class robotControl2 : MyBehaviour { // Use this for initialization // 设置成单例模式,便于调用 public static robotControl2 _instance; //动画,包括avatar ,state machine. private Animator anim; private Vector3 OffsetV = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); // 角色控制器 private CharacterController controller; private Vector3[] preFrameJoints = new Vector3[25]; // 移动速度 public float speed = 0.3f; private void Awake() { _instance = this; } private void OnEnable() { // float a, b = 0; // Vector3 p1 = new Vector3 (0, 0, 0); // Vector3 p2 = new Vector3 (3, 4, 5); // Vector3 p3 = new Vector3 (1, 0, 0); // Vector3 p4 = new Vector3 (3, 4, 9); // // Vector3 ret = NewP (p1, p2, p3, p4); // // Debug.Log (ret.x); // Debug.Log (ret.y); // Debug.Log (ret.z); StartCoroutine(test()); } private IEnumerator test() { List<List<APPHelper.MyPoint>> records = APPHelper.GetRecords(); foreach (List<APPHelper.MyPoint> listJoints in records) { //update avater motion Vector3[] realVector = new Vector3[25]; for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++) { realVector [i].x = (float)listJoints [i].x; realVector [i].y = (float)listJoints [i].y; realVector [i].z = (float)listJoints [i].z; } UpdataAvaterMotion (realVector); //move avater moveAvatar(listJoints[0]); //MoveRoot(listJoints[0]); //MoveRoot() ////Vector3[] avatarPos = GenerateAvatarJointsPos(listJoints.ToArray()); //avatarPos = GenerateAvatarJointsPos_forAvatarSize(avatarPos); //UpdateAvatar(avatarPos); //Move(listJoints.ToArray()); yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.033333f); } } private void moveAvatar(APPHelper.MyPoint rootPos) { GameObject.Find(APPHelper.gameobject_root).GetComponent<Transform>().position = new Vector3((float)rootPos.x, (float)rootPos.y, (float)rootPos.z); } private void UpdataAvaterMotion(Vector3[] realVector) { //get all avaterJoints Vector3[] AvatarVector=GetAllAvaterJoints(); Vector3 temp1 = NewP (realVector [12], realVector [13], AvatarVector [12], AvatarVector [13]); AvatarVector [13] = temp1; UpdateAvatar (AvatarVector); temp1 = NewP (realVector [13], realVector [14], AvatarVector [13], AvatarVector [14]); AvatarVector [14] = temp1; UpdateAvatar (AvatarVector); temp1 = NewP (realVector [14], realVector [15], AvatarVector [14], AvatarVector [15]); AvatarVector [15] = temp1; UpdateAvatar (AvatarVector); //update motion } public void UpdateAvatar(Vector3[] receiveJoints) { APPHelper.MyJoint[] JointsInfo = APPHelper.InitJoints(); for (int i=0;i< receiveJoints.Length;++i) { if (JointsInfo[i].GBPath!="") { GameObject.Find(JointsInfo[i].GBPath).GetComponent<Transform>().position = new Vector3((float)receiveJoints[i].x, (float)receiveJoints[i].y, (float)receiveJoints[i].z); } } } private Vector3[] GetAllAvaterJoints() { Vector3[] ret = new Vector3[25]; APPHelper.MyJoint[] allJoints = APPHelper.InitJoints(); for (int i = 0; i < allJoints.Length; i++) { if (allJoints[i].GBPath != "") { try { ret[i] = GameObject.Find(allJoints[i].GBPath).GetComponent<Transform>().position; } catch (System.Exception _e) { Debug.Log(_e.Message); } } } return ret; } ////// ////private Vector3[] GenerateAvatarJointsPos(APPHelper.MyPoint[] realPos) ////{ //// Vector3[] ret = null; //// if (realPos.Length== 25) //// { //// if (OffsetV.x == 0 && OffsetV.y == 0 && OffsetV.z == 0) //// { //// if (true)//CheckStartInitAvatar. //// { //// //offset=real-avatar //// Vector3 avatarV = GetAvaterRootPosition(); //// OffsetV = new Vector3((float)realPos[0].x - avatarV.x, (float)realPos[0].y - avatarV.y, (float)realPos[0].z - avatarV.z); //// ret = new Vector3[25]; //// for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++) //// { //// ret[i] = new Vector3((float)realPos[i].x - OffsetV.x, (float)realPos[0].y - OffsetV.y, (float)realPos[0].z - OffsetV.z); //// } //// } //// } //// else //// { //// ret = new Vector3[25]; //// for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++) //// { //// ret[i] = new Vector3((float)realPos[i].x - OffsetV.x, (float)realPos[0].y - OffsetV.y, (float)realPos[0].z - OffsetV.z); //// } //// } //// } //// return ret; ////} //// //private Vector3 GetAvaterRootPosition() //{ // return GameObject.Find(APPHelper.gameobject_root).GetComponent<Transform>().position; //} //private void UpdateAvatar(Vector3[] avatarPos) //{ // //MoveRoot(avatarPos[0]); // //GetALL // TestMoveAllJoints(avatarPos); //} //private void MoveRoot(Vector3 rootPos) //{ // GameObject.Find(APPHelper.gameobject_root).GetComponent<Transform>().position = new Vector3(rootPos.x , rootPos.y , rootPos.z); //} //private void MoveRoot(APPHelper.MyPoint rootPos) //{ // GameObject.Find(APPHelper.gameobject_root).GetComponent<Transform>().position = new Vector3((float)rootPos.x, (float)rootPos.y, (float)rootPos.z); //} //private Vector3[] GetJointsAvater() //{ // Vector3[] ret = new Vector3[25]; // APPHelper.MyJoint[] allJoints = APPHelper.InitJoints(); // for (int i = 0; i < allJoints.Length; i++) // { // if (allJoints[i].GBPath != "") // { // try // { // ret[i] = GameObject.Find(allJoints[i].GBPath).GetComponent<Transform>().position; // } // catch (System.Exception _e) // { // Debug.Log(_e.Message); // } // } // } // return ret; //} //private Vector3[] GenerateAvatarJointsPos_forAvatarSize(Vector3[] avatarPos) //{ // Vector3[] vv = GetJointsAvater(); // Vector3[] ret = null; // if(avatarPos.Length==25) // { // ret = avatarPos; // ret[0] = avatarPos[0]; // ret[1] = NewP(avatarPos[0], avatarPos[1], vv[0], vv[1]); // } // return ret; //} private Vector3 NewP(Vector3 pp1, Vector3 pp2, Vector3 vp1, Vector3 vp2) { Vector3 ret = new Vector3(); float xyc, zc = 0; GetV(out xyc, out zc, pp1, pp2); ret = GetNewPosition2 (xyc, zc, vp1, vp2, pp1, pp2); return ret; } private void GetV(out float xyMianCos, out float zMianCos, Vector3 p1, Vector3 p2) { Vector3 offsetV = p2 - p1; xyMianCos = offsetV.y / offsetV.x; zMianCos = (float)(offsetV.z / System.Math.Sqrt((offsetV.x * offsetV.x + offsetV.y * offsetV.y))); } private Vector3 GetNewPosition2(float xyMianCos, float zMianCos, Vector3 p1, Vector3 p2,Vector3 pp1,Vector3 pp2 ) { Vector3 offsetV = p2 - p1; Vector3 preOffsetv = pp2 - pp1; float rr = offsetV.x * offsetV.x + offsetV.y * offsetV.y + offsetV.z * offsetV.z; float a = rr / (1 + xyMianCos * xyMianCos); a = (float)(System.Math.Sqrt (a / (1 + zMianCos * zMianCos))); if (preOffsetv.x < 0) { a = -a; } float x = a; float y = xyMianCos * x; float z = (float)(zMianCos * (System.Math.Sqrt (x * x *(1 + xyMianCos * xyMianCos)))); Vector3 ret = new Vector3(x, y, z); ret = ret + p1; return ret; } // private Vector3 GetNewPosition(float xyMianCos, float zMianCos, Vector3 p1, Vector3 p2) // { // Vector3 offsetV = p2 - p1; // // float x = 0; // float y = 0; // GetPosChangeAnger(offsetV.x, offsetV.y, xyMianCos, out x, out y); // // float x1 = 0; // float y1 = 0; // GetPosChangeAnger(offsetV.z, (float)System.Math.Sqrt(offsetV.x * offsetV.x + offsetV.y * offsetV.y), zMianCos, out x1, out y1); // // float z = x1; // // Vector3 ret = new Vector3(x, y, z); // return ret; // // } // // // private void GetPosChangeAnger(float x, float y, float newCos, out float newx, out float newy) // { // newx = 1; // newy = 1; // // float RoundPingfang = x * x + y * y; // newx = RoundPingfang / (1 + newCos * newCos); // newx = (float)System.Math.Sqrt(newx); // // newy = newx * newCos; // } //private void TestMoveAllJoints(Vector3[] avatarPos) //{ // APPHelper.MyJoint[] allJoints = APPHelper.InitJoints(); // for(int i=0;i< avatarPos.Length;i++) // { // if(allJoints[i].GBPath!="") // { // try // { // GameObject.Find(allJoints[i].GBPath).GetComponent<Transform>().position = new Vector3(avatarPos[i].x, avatarPos[i].y, avatarPos[i].z); // } // catch (System.Exception _e) // { // Debug.Log(_e.Message); // } // } // } //} ////public void Move(APPHelper.MyPoint[] receiveJoints) ////{ //// APPHelper.MyJoint[] JointsInfo = APPHelper.InitJoints(); //// for (int i=0;i< receiveJoints.Length;++i) //// { //// if (JointsInfo[i].GBPath!="") //// { //// GameObject.Find(JointsInfo[i].GBPath).GetComponent<Transform>().position = new Vector3((float)receiveJoints[i].x, (float)receiveJoints[i].y, (float)receiveJoints[i].z); //// } //// } ////} ////private void Start() ////{ //// anim = this.GetComponent<Animator>(); //// controller = this.GetComponent<CharacterController>(); //// APPHelper.MyJoint[] allJoints = APPHelper.InitJoints(); //// int index = 0; //// foreach (APPHelper.MyJoint joint in allJoints) //// { //// if (joint.GBPath != "") //// { //// preFrameJoints[index] = GameObject.Find(joint.GBPath).GetComponent<Transform>().position; //// index++; //// } //// } //// StartCoroutine(CheckJoint()); ////} ////private void Update() ////{ ////} ////private IEnumerator CheckJoint() ////{ //// APPHelper.MyJoint[] allJoints = APPHelper.InitJoints(); //// Vector3[] newPosition = new Vector3[25]; //// int index = 0; //// foreach (APPHelper.MyJoint joint in allJoints) //// { //// if (joint.GBPath!="") //// { //// try //// { //// Debug.Log(joint.GBPath); //// //Vector3 tempVector = GameObject.Find(joint.GBPath).GetComponent<Transform>().position; //// GameObject.Find(joint.GBPath).GetComponent<Transform>().position = new Vector3(preFrameJoints[index].x, preFrameJoints[index].y, preFrameJoints[index].z+1); //// preFrameJoints[index] = GameObject.Find(joint.GBPath).GetComponent<Transform>().position; //// index++; //// } //// catch(System.Exception _e) //// { //// Debug.Log(_e.Message); //// } //// } //// yield return new WaitForSeconds(1); //// } ////} }
using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; public class robotControl2 : MyBehaviour { // Use this for initialization // 设置成单例模式,便于调用 public static robotControl2 _instance; //动画,包括avatar ,state machine. private Animator anim; private Vector3 OffsetV = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); // 角色控制器 private CharacterController controller; private Vector3[] preFrameJoints = new Vector3[25]; // 移动速度 public float speed = 0.3f; private void Awake() { _instance = this; } private void OnEnable() { // float a, b = 0; // Vector3 p1 = new Vector3 (0, 0, 0); // Vector3 p2 = new Vector3 (3, 4, 5); // Vector3 p3 = new Vector3 (1, 0, 0); // Vector3 p4 = new Vector3 (3, 4, 9); // // Vector3 ret = NewP (p1, p2, p3, p4); // // Debug.Log (ret.x); // Debug.Log (ret.y); // Debug.Log (ret.z); StartCoroutine(test()); } private void checkOffset(Vector3 realRoot,Vector3 avaRoot) { if (OffsetV.x == 0 && OffsetV.y == 0 && OffsetV.z == 0) { if (true) { OffsetV=realRoot - avaRoot; } } } public void updataAvater1(Vector3[] realVector) { checkOffset (realVector [0], GameObject.Find (APPHelper.gameobject_root).GetComponent<Transform> ().position); UpdataAvaterMotion (realVector); //move avater MoveRoot(realVector [0]-OffsetV); } private IEnumerator test() { List<List<APPHelper.MyPoint>> records = APPHelper.GetRecords(); foreach (List<APPHelper.MyPoint> listJoints in records) { //update avater motion Vector3[] realVector = new Vector3[25]; for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++) { realVector [i].x = (float)listJoints [i].x; realVector [i].y = (float)listJoints [i].y; realVector [i].z = (float)listJoints [i].z; } UpdataAvaterMotion (realVector); //move avater APPHelper.MyPoint movePoint=new APPHelper.MyPoint(); movePoint.x = (float)listJoints [0].x; movePoint.y = (float)(listJoints [0].y+1); movePoint.z = (float)listJoints [0].z; moveAvatar(movePoint); //MoveRoot(listJoints[0]); //MoveRoot() ////Vector3[] avatarPos = GenerateAvatarJointsPos(listJoints.ToArray()); //avatarPos = GenerateAvatarJointsPos_forAvatarSize(avatarPos); //UpdateAvatar(avatarPos); //Move(listJoints.ToArray()); yield return new WaitForSeconds(0.033333f); } } private void moveAvatar(APPHelper.MyPoint rootPos) { GameObject.Find(APPHelper.gameobject_root).GetComponent<Transform>().position = new Vector3((float)rootPos.x, (float)rootPos.y, (float)rootPos.z); } private void UpdataAvaterMotion(Vector3[] realVector) { //get all avaterJoints Vector3[] AvatarVector=GetAllAvaterJoints(); APPHelper.MyJoint[] JointsInfo = APPHelper.InitJoints(); RotationParentP (2, 1, AvatarVector, realVector, JointsInfo); AvatarVector=GetAllAvaterJoints(); //RotationParentP (4, 1, AvatarVector, realVector, JointsInfo); //AvatarVector=GetAllAvaterJoints(); //RotationParentP (8, 1, AvatarVector, realVector, JointsInfo); //AvatarVector=GetAllAvaterJoints(); RotationParentP (5, 4, AvatarVector, realVector, JointsInfo); AvatarVector=GetAllAvaterJoints(); RotationParentP (6, 5, AvatarVector, realVector, JointsInfo); AvatarVector=GetAllAvaterJoints(); RotationParentP (5, 4, AvatarVector, realVector, JointsInfo); AvatarVector=GetAllAvaterJoints(); RotationParentP (6, 5, AvatarVector, realVector, JointsInfo); AvatarVector=GetAllAvaterJoints(); RotationParentP (9, 8, AvatarVector, realVector, JointsInfo); AvatarVector=GetAllAvaterJoints(); RotationParentP (10, 9, AvatarVector, realVector, JointsInfo); AvatarVector=GetAllAvaterJoints(); RotationParentP (13, 12, AvatarVector, realVector, JointsInfo); AvatarVector=GetAllAvaterJoints(); RotationParentP (14, 13, AvatarVector, realVector, JointsInfo); AvatarVector=GetAllAvaterJoints(); RotationParentP (15, 14, AvatarVector, realVector, JointsInfo); AvatarVector=GetAllAvaterJoints(); RotationParentP (17, 16, AvatarVector, realVector, JointsInfo); AvatarVector=GetAllAvaterJoints(); RotationParentP (18, 17, AvatarVector, realVector, JointsInfo); AvatarVector=GetAllAvaterJoints(); RotationParentP (19, 18, AvatarVector, realVector, JointsInfo); AvatarVector=GetAllAvaterJoints(); //update motion } private void RotationParentP(int childindex,int paIndex,Vector3[] AvatarVector,Vector3[] realVector,APPHelper.MyJoint[] alljoint) { Vector3 AvatarV = AvatarVector [childindex] - AvatarVector [paIndex]; Vector3 realV = realVector [childindex] - realVector [paIndex]; GameObject.Find (alljoint[paIndex].GBPath).transform.rotation = OneLine (realV, AvatarV,GameObject.Find (alljoint[paIndex].GBPath).transform.rotation); } private Quaternion OneLine(Vector3 descPoint, Vector3 sourcePoint,Quaternion qq) { Quaternion q = new Quaternion (); q.SetFromToRotation(sourcePoint, descPoint); return q * qq ; } public void UpdateAvatar(Vector3[] receiveJoints) { APPHelper.MyJoint[] JointsInfo = APPHelper.InitJoints(); for (int i=0;i< receiveJoints.Length;++i) { if (JointsInfo[i].GBPath!="") { GameObject.Find(JointsInfo[i].GBPath).GetComponent<Transform>().position = new Vector3((float)receiveJoints[i].x, (float)receiveJoints[i].y, (float)receiveJoints[i].z); } } } private Vector3[] GetAllAvaterJoints() { Vector3[] ret = new Vector3[25]; APPHelper.MyJoint[] allJoints = APPHelper.InitJoints(); for (int i = 0; i < allJoints.Length; i++) { if (allJoints[i].GBPath != "") { try { ret[i] = GameObject.Find(allJoints[i].GBPath).GetComponent<Transform>().position; } catch (System.Exception _e) { Debug.Log(_e.Message); } } } return ret; } // // // private Vector3[] GenerateAvatarJointsPos(APPHelper.MyPoint[] realPos) // { // Vector3[] ret = null; // if (realPos.Length== 25) // { // if (OffsetV.x == 0 && OffsetV.y == 0 && OffsetV.z == 0) // { // if (true)//CheckStartInitAvatar. // { // //offset=real-avatar // Vector3 avatarV = GetAvaterRootPosition(); // OffsetV = new Vector3((float)realPos[0].x - avatarV.x, (float)realPos[0].y - avatarV.y, (float)realPos[0].z - avatarV.z); // // ret = new Vector3[25]; // for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++) // { // ret[i] = new Vector3((float)realPos[i].x - OffsetV.x, (float)realPos[0].y - OffsetV.y, (float)realPos[0].z - OffsetV.z); // } // } // } // else // { // ret = new Vector3[25]; // for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++) // { // ret[i] = new Vector3((float)realPos[i].x - OffsetV.x, (float)realPos[0].y - OffsetV.y, (float)realPos[0].z - OffsetV.z); // } // } // } // return ret; // } //// //private Vector3 GetAvaterRootPosition() //{ // return GameObject.Find(APPHelper.gameobject_root).GetComponent<Transform>().position; //} //private void UpdateAvatar(Vector3[] avatarPos) //{ // //MoveRoot(avatarPos[0]); // //GetALL // TestMoveAllJoints(avatarPos); //} private void MoveRoot(Vector3 rootPos) { GameObject.Find(APPHelper.gameobject_root).GetComponent<Transform>().position = new Vector3(rootPos.x , rootPos.y , rootPos.z); } //private void MoveRoot(APPHelper.MyPoint rootPos) //{ // GameObject.Find(APPHelper.gameobject_root).GetComponent<Transform>().position = new Vector3((float)rootPos.x, (float)rootPos.y, (float)rootPos.z); //} //private Vector3[] GetJointsAvater() //{ // Vector3[] ret = new Vector3[25]; // APPHelper.MyJoint[] allJoints = APPHelper.InitJoints(); // for (int i = 0; i < allJoints.Length; i++) // { // if (allJoints[i].GBPath != "") // { // try // { // ret[i] = GameObject.Find(allJoints[i].GBPath).GetComponent<Transform>().position; // } // catch (System.Exception _e) // { // Debug.Log(_e.Message); // } // } // } // return ret; //} //private Vector3[] GenerateAvatarJointsPos_forAvatarSize(Vector3[] avatarPos) //{ // Vector3[] vv = GetJointsAvater(); // Vector3[] ret = null; // if(avatarPos.Length==25) // { // ret = avatarPos; // ret[0] = avatarPos[0]; // ret[1] = NewP(avatarPos[0], avatarPos[1], vv[0], vv[1]); // } // return ret; //} private Vector3 NewP(Vector3 pp1, Vector3 pp2, Vector3 vp1, Vector3 vp2) { Vector3 ret = new Vector3(); float xyc, zc = 0; GetV(out xyc, out zc, pp1, pp2); ret = GetNewPosition2 (xyc, zc, vp1, vp2, pp1, pp2); return ret; } private void GetV(out float xyMianCos, out float zMianCos, Vector3 p1, Vector3 p2) { Vector3 offsetV = p2 - p1; xyMianCos = offsetV.y / offsetV.x; zMianCos = (float)(offsetV.z / System.Math.Sqrt((offsetV.x * offsetV.x + offsetV.y * offsetV.y))); } private Vector3 GetNewPosition2(float xyMianCos, float zMianCos, Vector3 p1, Vector3 p2,Vector3 pp1,Vector3 pp2 ) { Vector3 offsetV = p2 - p1; Vector3 preOffsetv = pp2 - pp1; float rr = offsetV.x * offsetV.x + offsetV.y * offsetV.y + offsetV.z * offsetV.z; float a = rr / (1 + xyMianCos * xyMianCos); a = (float)(System.Math.Sqrt (a / (1 + zMianCos * zMianCos))); if (preOffsetv.x < 0) { a = -a; } float x = a; float y = xyMianCos * x; float z = (float)(zMianCos * (System.Math.Sqrt (x * x *(1 + xyMianCos * xyMianCos)))); Vector3 ret = new Vector3(x, y, z); ret = ret + p1; return ret; } // private Vector3 GetNewPosition(float xyMianCos, float zMianCos, Vector3 p1, Vector3 p2) // { // Vector3 offsetV = p2 - p1; // // float x = 0; // float y = 0; // GetPosChangeAnger(offsetV.x, offsetV.y, xyMianCos, out x, out y); // // float x1 = 0; // float y1 = 0; // GetPosChangeAnger(offsetV.z, (float)System.Math.Sqrt(offsetV.x * offsetV.x + offsetV.y * offsetV.y), zMianCos, out x1, out y1); // // float z = x1; // // Vector3 ret = new Vector3(x, y, z); // return ret; // // } // // // private void GetPosChangeAnger(float x, float y, float newCos, out float newx, out float newy) // { // newx = 1; // newy = 1; // // float RoundPingfang = x * x + y * y; // newx = RoundPingfang / (1 + newCos * newCos); // newx = (float)System.Math.Sqrt(newx); // // newy = newx * newCos; // } //private void TestMoveAllJoints(Vector3[] avatarPos) //{ // APPHelper.MyJoint[] allJoints = APPHelper.InitJoints(); // for(int i=0;i< avatarPos.Length;i++) // { // if(allJoints[i].GBPath!="") // { // try // { // GameObject.Find(allJoints[i].GBPath).GetComponent<Transform>().position = new Vector3(avatarPos[i].x, avatarPos[i].y, avatarPos[i].z); // } // catch (System.Exception _e) // { // Debug.Log(_e.Message); // } // } // } //} ////public void Move(APPHelper.MyPoint[] receiveJoints) ////{ //// APPHelper.MyJoint[] JointsInfo = APPHelper.InitJoints(); //// for (int i=0;i< receiveJoints.Length;++i) //// { //// if (JointsInfo[i].GBPath!="") //// { //// GameObject.Find(JointsInfo[i].GBPath).GetComponent<Transform>().position = new Vector3((float)receiveJoints[i].x, (float)receiveJoints[i].y, (float)receiveJoints[i].z); //// } //// } ////} ////private void Start() ////{ //// anim = this.GetComponent<Animator>(); //// controller = this.GetComponent<CharacterController>(); //// APPHelper.MyJoint[] allJoints = APPHelper.InitJoints(); //// int index = 0; //// foreach (APPHelper.MyJoint joint in allJoints) //// { //// if (joint.GBPath != "") //// { //// preFrameJoints[index] = GameObject.Find(joint.GBPath).GetComponent<Transform>().position; //// index++; //// } //// } //// StartCoroutine(CheckJoint()); ////} ////private void Update() ////{ ////} ////private IEnumerator CheckJoint() ////{ //// APPHelper.MyJoint[] allJoints = APPHelper.InitJoints(); //// Vector3[] newPosition = new Vector3[25]; //// int index = 0; //// foreach (APPHelper.MyJoint joint in allJoints) //// { //// if (joint.GBPath!="") //// { //// try //// { //// Debug.Log(joint.GBPath); //// //Vector3 tempVector = GameObject.Find(joint.GBPath).GetComponent<Transform>().position; //// GameObject.Find(joint.GBPath).GetComponent<Transform>().position = new Vector3(preFrameJoints[index].x, preFrameJoints[index].y, preFrameJoints[index].z+1); //// preFrameJoints[index] = GameObject.Find(joint.GBPath).GetComponent<Transform>().position; //// index++; //// } //// catch(System.Exception _e) //// { //// Debug.Log(_e.Message); //// } //// } //// yield return new WaitForSeconds(1); //// } ////} }
using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using UnityEngine; using System.IO; //范围局限在这个程序中的 可复用代码和全局定义 public class APPHelper { //资源定义 public static string globalsorce_bullet_profebs_path = "Profebs/profebs_bullet"; public static string globalsource_stone = "Profebs/Stone"; //游戏对象定义 public static string globalgameobject_bulltePosition = "player/bulltePosition"; public static string globalgameobject_box = "Box"; public static string gameobject_canvas = "Canvas"; public static string gameobject_socoreLabel = "Canvas/Text"; public static string gameobject_btn_restart = "Canvas/Restart"; public static string gameobject_palyer = "player"; public static string gameobject_ball = "Ball"; public static string gameobject_camera = "Main Camera"; public static string gameobject_root = "Robot/Root"; //游戏tag定义 public static string global_stone_tag = "stone"; public static string global_bullet_tag = "bullet"; public static string global_palyer_tag = "player"; public static string global_pin_tag = "tag_pin"; //全局变量定义 public static float bulletSpeed = 3; public static float playerSpeed = 3; public static int stone_minx = -5; public static int stone_maxx = 5; public static int stone_y = 1; public static int stone_z = 8; public static int stone_speed = 3; public static bool newRoad = true; public static bool audioPlay = false; public static List<List<GAMEMSG.Joint>> alljoints = new List<List<GAMEMSG.Joint>>(); public static List<MyPoint> records = new List<MyPoint>(); public struct MyJoint { public string SensorJoint { get; set; } public int SensorInt { get; set; } public string GBPath { get; set; } } public static MyJoint[] InitJoints() { MyJoint[] ret = new MyJoint[25]; ret[0].SensorJoint = ""; ret[0].SensorInt = 0; ret[0].GBPath = "Robot/Root"; ret[1].SensorJoint = ""; ret[1].SensorInt = 1; ret[1].GBPath = "Robot/Root/Ribs"; ret[2].SensorJoint = ""; ret[2].SensorInt = 2; ret[2].GBPath = "Robot/Root/Ribs/Neck"; ret[3].SensorJoint = ""; ret[3].SensorInt =3; ret[3].GBPath = "Robot/Root/Ribs/Neck/Head"; ret[4].SensorJoint = ""; ret[4].SensorInt = 4; ret[4].GBPath = "Robot/Root/Ribs/Left_Shoulder_Joint_01"; ret[5].SensorJoint = ""; ret[5].SensorInt = 5; ret[5].GBPath = "Robot/Root/Ribs/Left_Shoulder_Joint_01/Left_Upper_Arm_Joint_01/Left_Forearm_Joint_01"; ret[6].SensorJoint = ""; ret[6].SensorInt = 6; ret[6].GBPath = "Robot/Root/Ribs/Left_Shoulder_Joint_01/Left_Upper_Arm_Joint_01/Left_Forearm_Joint_01/Left_Wrist_Joint_01"; ret[7].SensorJoint = ""; ret[7].SensorInt = 7; ret[7].GBPath = ""; ret[8].SensorJoint = ""; ret[8].SensorInt = 8; ret[8].GBPath = "Robot/Root/Ribs/Right_Shoulder_Joint_01"; ret[9].SensorJoint = ""; ret[9].SensorInt = 9; ret[9].GBPath = "Robot/Root/Ribs/Right_Shoulder_Joint_01/Right_Upper_Arm_Joint_01/Right_Forearm_Joint_01"; ret[10].SensorJoint = ""; ret[10].SensorInt = 10; ret[10].GBPath = "Robot/Root/Ribs/Right_Shoulder_Joint_01/Right_Upper_Arm_Joint_01/Right_Forearm_Joint_01/Right_Wrist_Joint_01"; ret[11].SensorJoint = ""; ret[11].SensorInt = 11; ret[11].GBPath = ""; ret[12].SensorJoint = ""; ret[12].SensorInt = 12; ret[12].GBPath = "Robot/Root/Hip/Left_Thigh_Joint_01"; ret[13].SensorJoint = ""; ret[13].SensorInt = 13; ret[13].GBPath = "Robot/Root/Hip/Left_Thigh_Joint_01/Left_Knee_Joint_01"; ret[14].SensorJoint = ""; ret[14].SensorInt = 14; ret[14].GBPath = "Robot/Root/Hip/Left_Thigh_Joint_01/Left_Knee_Joint_01/Left_Ankle_Joint_01"; ret[15].SensorJoint = ""; ret[15].SensorInt = 15; ret[15].GBPath = "Robot/Root/Hip/Left_Thigh_Joint_01/Left_Knee_Joint_01/Left_Ankle_Joint_01/Left_Toe_Joint_01"; ret[16].SensorJoint = ""; ret[16].SensorInt = 16; ret[16].GBPath = "Robot/Root/Hip/Right_Thigh_Joint_01"; ret[17].SensorJoint = ""; ret[17].SensorInt = 17; ret[17].GBPath = "Robot/Root/Hip/Right_Thigh_Joint_01/Right_Knee_Joint_01"; ret[18].SensorJoint = ""; ret[18].SensorInt = 18; ret[18].GBPath = "Robot/Root/Hip/Right_Thigh_Joint_01/Right_Knee_Joint_01/Right_Ankle_Joint_01"; ret[19].SensorJoint = ""; ret[19].SensorInt = 19; ret[19].GBPath = "Robot/Root/Hip/Right_Thigh_Joint_01/Right_Knee_Joint_01/Right_Ankle_Joint_01/Right_Toe_Joint_01"; ret[20].SensorJoint = ""; ret[20].SensorInt = 20; ret[20].GBPath = ""; ret[21].SensorJoint = ""; ret[21].SensorInt = 21; ret[21].GBPath = ""; ret[22].SensorJoint = ""; ret[22].SensorInt = 22; ret[22].GBPath = ""; ret[23].SensorJoint = ""; ret[23].SensorInt =23; ret[23].GBPath = ""; ret[24].SensorJoint = ""; ret[24].SensorInt = 24; ret[24].GBPath = ""; return ret; } public abstract class MessageType { public static byte main_appData = 0x01; public static byte main_appSystem = 0x02; public static byte sub_body = 0x01; public static byte sub_color = 0x02; public static byte sub_hand = 0x03; } //处理消息 public static void OnProcessMsg(List<Message> msgs) { if(GlobalDefine.isNeedNetwork==false) { return; } foreach (Message msg in msgs) { //Debug.Log("msg cmd:" + msg.mainCmd + "." + msg.subCmd + "."); try { if (msg.mainCmd == MessageType.main_appData) { if (msg.subCmd == MessageType.sub_color) { GAMEMSG.DataColor dc = GAMEMSG.DataColor.ParseFrom(msg.msgBody); //Debug.Log("color IMGData:" + dc.IMGData.ToStringUtf8()); } else if (msg.subCmd == MessageType.sub_body) { GAMEMSG.DataBody dc = GAMEMSG.DataBody.ParseFrom(msg.msgBody); List<GAMEMSG.Joint> joints = dc.BodyJointList.ToList(); Vector3[] tempPoint=new Vector3[25]; try { if(joints.Count==25) { for(int i=0;i<25;i++) { tempPoint[i].x=(float)joints[i].JointPoint.X; tempPoint[i].y=(float)joints[i].JointPoint.Y; tempPoint[i].x=(float)joints[i].JointPoint.Z; } } robotControl2._instance.updataAvater1(tempPoint); } catch { } } } else { } } catch (Exception _e) { Debug.Log("except:" + _e.Message); } } } public struct MyPoint { public int id { get; set; } public double x { get; set; } public double y { get; set; } public double z { get; set; } } public static List<List<MyPoint>> GetRecords() { List<List<MyPoint>> ret = new List<List<MyPoint>>(); System.IO.FileStream fs = new FileStream("records54.txt", FileMode.Open); StreamReader mysr = new StreamReader(fs); int readed = 0; List<MyPoint> tempList = new List<MyPoint>(); while (!mysr.EndOfStream) { string tempLine = mysr.ReadLine(); readed++; MyPoint tempPoint = new MyPoint(); string[] splitRet= tempLine.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); = int.Parse(splitRet[0]); tempPoint.x = float.Parse(splitRet[1]); tempPoint.y = float.Parse(splitRet[2]); tempPoint.z = -float.Parse(splitRet[3]); tempList.Add(tempPoint); //tempList.Add(new ) get joint .and add to tempList if (readed==25) { ret.Add(tempList); tempList = new List<MyPoint>(); readed = 0; } } return ret; } }