C-S-backspace的作用是删除当前行,因为在windows的终端不支持将Ctrl+<SPC>, Ctrl+S这种快捷键远程传递给emacs,所以这些快捷键必须在本地才有效,特别是在linux系统环境下才有效 这种方法可行,但是需要多个组合键 C-a # Go to beginning of 阅读全文
Is there a way to map Shift-left or other arrow keys to custom functions in term-char-mode? I tried, but without luck: (define-key term-mode-map [s-le 阅读全文
Weirdly, ctrl-space to start a mark works on the command line in putty and on X on the machine, just not in putty. What configuration did I break? Tha 阅读全文