HDU1010 Tempter of the Bone dfs(奇偶减枝)
#include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> int n,m,t; char map[7][7]; int x0,y0,x1,y1; int flag; int abs(int a) { a>0?:a=-a; return a; } void dfs(int time,int x,int y) { int temp=time-(abs(x1-x)+abs(y1-y)); if(temp<0||temp%2) return;//剩余时间-距离终点的最小步数 小于0(够不到终点)或者 为奇数(最多能到终点前一个位置)则返回 else if(time==0) { if(x==x1&&y==y1) flag=1; else return; } if(flag) return; if(x-1>=0&&map[x-1][y]!='X') { map[x-1][y]='X'; dfs(time-1,x-1,y); map[x-1][y]='.'; } if(y-1>=0&&map[x][y-1]!='X') { map[x][y-1]='X'; dfs(time-1,x,y-1); map[x][y-1]='.'; } if(x+1<n&&map[x+1][y]!='X') { map[x+1][y]='X'; dfs(time-1,x+1,y); map[x+1][y]='.'; } if(y+1<m&&map[x][y+1]!='X') { map[x][y+1]='X'; dfs(time-1,x,y+1); map[x][y+1]='.'; } return; } int main(void) { int count; while(scanf("%d%d%d",&n,&m,&t)) { if(n==0&&m==0&&t==0) break; flag=0; count=0; getchar(); for(int i=0;i<n;i++) { for(int j=0;j<m;j++) { scanf("%c",&map[i][j]); if(map[i][j]=='S') { x0=i; y0=j; map[i][j]='X'; } if(map[i][j]=='D') { x1=i; y1=j; count++; } if(map[i][j]=='.') count++; } getchar(); } if(t>count||t<abs(x1-x0)+abs(y1-y0)) { printf("NO\n"); continue; } dfs(t,x0,y0); if(flag) printf("YES\n"); else printf("NO\n"); } }