Many of our key results in recent years have pertained to the design and analysis of algorithms for next-generation wireless sensor networks. These networks are envisioned to be unattended systems with applications ranging from environmental sensing, structural monitoring, and industrial process control to emergency response and mobile target tracking.
  1. Sahand H. A. Ahmad, Mingyan Liu, Tara Javidi, Qing Zhao, and Bhaskar Krishnamachari, 'Optimality of Myopic Sensing in Multi-Channel Opportunistic Access', IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, to appear, 2009.
  2. Andrea Gasparri, Bhaskar Krishnamachari, and Gaurav S. Sukhatme, 'A Framework for Multi-Robot Node Coverage in Sensor Networks',Annals of Math and Artificial Intelligence (AMAI), Special Issue on Multi-Robot Coverage, Search, and Exploration, 2009.
  3. Sameera Poduri, Sundeep Pattem, Bhaskar Krishnamachari, and Gaurav S. Sukhatme, 'Using Local Geometry and Position Control for Tunable Sensor Network Configuration', IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Volume 8, Issue 2, February 2009.

  1. Fariba Ariaei, Mingji Lou, Edmond Jonckheere, Bhaskar Krishnamachari, and Marco Zuniga, 'Curvature of Indoor Sensor Network: Clustering Coefficient', EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, November 2008.
  2. Marco Zuniga, Chen Avin, and Bhaskar Krishnamachari, 'Using Heterogeneity to Enhance Random Walk-based Queries', Journal of Signal Processing Systems, Published Online September 2008.
A Wireless Sensor Networks Bibliography

References are organized by topics and sub-topics. Please click on the subtopic below to see the relevant references.

Topic 1: Introduction

    1. Visions and Applications (27)

    2. Hardware (15)

    3. Surveys and Taxonomy (6)

Topic 2: Deployment, Localization, Synchronization, Calibration

    1. Deployment (99)

    2. Localization (83)

    3. Time Synchronization (26)

    4. Calibration (8)

Topic 3: Wireless Communication

    1. Wireless Radio and Link Characteristics (35)

    2. MAC Protocols (67)

    3. Link Layer Techniques (28)

    4. Power Control (18)

Topic 4: Networking

    1. Topology Control (43)

    2. Data Gathering (33)

    3. Geographic Routing (18)

    4. Robust Routing (34)

    5. Mobile Nodes (19)

    6. Resource Aware Routing (20)

    7. Autonomic Routing (5)

    8. Network Monitoring (14)

    9. Network Coding (4)

Topic 5: Data-centric Querying, Routing, and Storage

    1. Routing and Aggregation (105)

    2. Querying and Databases (36)

    3. Storage (23)

Topic 6: Capacity and Lifetime

    1. Capacity (23)

    2. Lifetime Optimization (34)

Topic 7: Transport

    1. Transport Layer (29)

Topic 8: Signal Processing and Computation

    1. Target Tracking (36)

    2. Diffuse Phenomena (10)

    3. Compression (18)

    4. Detection and Estimation (32)

    5. Middleware and Task Allocation (11)

    6. Distributed Algorithms (19)

    7. Programming (5)

Topic 9: Security

    1. Security (71)

Topic 10: Sensor Network Architecture

    1. Sensor Network Architecture (9)

Topic 11: Miscellaneous

    1. Software (35)

    2. Sensing (2)

- Total 1100 References included.


Topic 1: Introduction  [Back to Index]
1. Visions and Applications

[1] G. Pottie., Wireless Sensor Networks.Information Theory Workshop., June 1998

[2] Wayne Manges., It's Time for Sensors to Go Wireless. Part 1: Technological Underpinnings.Sensors Magazine., April 1999

[3] Wayne Manges., It's Time for Sensors to Go Wireless. Part 2: Take a Good Technology and Make It an Economic Success,Sensors Magazine., May 1999

[4] S. Meyer and A. Rakotonirainy, A survey of research on context-aware homesWearable, Invisible, Context-Aware, Ambient, Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing (WICAPUC), February 2003

[5] G.J. Pottie and W.J. Kaiser, Wireless integrated network sensorsCommunications of the ACM., 43, 5, 51-58., May 2000

[6] J.M. Rabaey, M.J. Ammer, J.L. da Silva Jr, D. Patel, S. Roundy., PicoRadio supports ad hoc ultra-low power wireless networking.IEEE Computer, 33, 7, 42-48, July 2000

[7] D. Estrin, L. Girod, G. Pottie, M. Srivastava., Instrumenting the world with wireless sensor networks.International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP '01), May 2001

[8] A. Cerpa, J. Elson, D. Estrin, L. Girod, M. Hamilton, and J. Zhao., Habitat Monitoring: Application Driver for Wireless Communications Technology.ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Data Communications in Latin America and the Caribbean, April 2001

[9] A. Mainwaring, J. Polastre, R. Szewczyk, D. Culler, and J. Anderson, Wireless Sensor Networks for Habitat Monitoring,WSNA'02, September 2002

[10] D. Estrin, R. Govindan, J. Heidemann, and S. Kumar, Next Century Challenges: Scalable Coordination in Sensor NetworksMOBICOM, August 1999

[11] J. Lundquist, D. Cayan, and M. Dettinger., Meteorology and Hydrology in Yosemite National Park: A Sensor Network Application.Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN), April 2003

[12] Ning Xu, Sumit Rangwala, Krishna Chintalapudi, Deepak Ganesan, Alan Broad, Ramesh Govindan, Deborah, A Wireless Sensor Network for Structural MonitoringACM Sensys, November 2004

[13] Robert Szewczyk, Alan Mainwaring, Joseph Polastre, David Culler, An Analysis of a Large Scale Habitat Monitoring ApplicationACM Sensys, November 2004

[14] Kansal, A.; Rahimi, M.; Estrin, D.; Kaiser, W.J.; Pottie, G.J.; Srivastava, M.B., Controlled Mobility for Sustainable Wireless Sensor NetworksIEEE SECON 2004, October 2003

[15] Timmons, N.F.; Scanlon, W.G., Analysis of the performance of IEEE 802.15.4 for medical sensor body area networking,IEEE SECON 2004, October 2004

[16] Jaein Jeong; Culler, D., ncremental Network Programming for Wireless SensorsIEEE SECON 2004, October 2004

[17] Cotterell, S.; Downey, K.; Vahid, F., Applications and Experiments with eBlocks ?Electronic Blocks for Basic Sensor-Based SystemsIEEE SECON 2004, October 2004

[18] Mark Sims, Jim Kurose and Victor Lesser, Streaming Versus Batch Processing of Sensor Data in a Hazardous Weather Detection SystemIEEE SECON, September 2005

[19] Victoria Manfredi, Sridhar Mahadevan and Jim Kurose, Switching Kalman Filters for Prediction and Tracking in an Adaptive Meteorological Sensing NetworkIEEE SECON, September 2005

[20] Leon Reznik, Gregory Von Pless and Tayeb Al Karim, Embedding Intelligent Sensor Signal Change Detection into Sensor Network ProtocolsIEEE SECON, September 2005

[21] Sergio D. Servetto, From "\small Sensor Networks" to "Sensor Networks"EmNets 2006, May 2006

[22] Gary V. Yee, Brian Shucker, Joe Dunn, Anmol Sheth, and Richard Han, Just-In-Time Sensor NetworksEmNets 2006, May 2006

[23] Andreas Terzis, Randal Burns, and Michael Franklin, Design Tools for Sensor-Based ScienceEmNets 2006, May 2006

[24] H-M Tsai, W. Viriyasitavat, O. Tonguz, C. Saraydar, T. Talty, and A. Macdonald, Feasibility of In-car Wireless Sensor Networks: A Statistical EvaluationIEEE Secon, June 2007

[25] M. Li and Y. Liu, Underground Structure Monitoring with Wireless Sensor NetworksIPSN, April 2007

[26] T. Wark, C. Crossman, W. Hu, P. Corke, P. Sikka, Y. Guo, P. Valencia, C. Lee, J. O'Grady, J. Henshal, The Design and Evaluation of a Mobile Sensor/Actuator Network for Autonomous Animal ControlIPSN, April 2007

[27] S.G. So, F. Koushanfar, A.A. Kosterev, F.K. Tittel, LaserSPECks: Laser spectroscopic trace gas sensor networks - sensor integration and applicationsIPSN, April 2007

Topic 1: Introduction  [Back to Index]
2. Hardware

[1] K. Bult, A. Burstein, D. Chang, M. Dong, M. Fielding, E. Kruglick, J. Ho, F. Lin, T.H. Lin, W.J. Kai, Low Power systems for Wireless Microsensors.ISLPED'96, August 1996

[2] J. M. Kahn, R. H. Katz, and K. S. J. Pister., Next Century Challenges: Mobile Networking for "Smart Dust".,Mobicom'99, August 1999

[3] J. Hill, R. Szewcyk, A. Woo, D. Culler, S. Hollar, K. Pister., System Architecture Directions for Networked Sensors.,Architecture Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS'00)., November 2000

[4] J.M. Rabaey, J. Ammer, t. Karalar, S. Li, B. Otis, M. Sheets, and T. Tuah., PicoRadios for Wireless Sensor Networks: The Next Challenge in Ultra-Low Power Design.IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC'00), February 2000

[5] G.T. Sibley, M.H. Rahimi, and G.S. Sukhatme., Robomote: a tiny mobile robot platform for large-scale ad-hoc sensor networks.IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA '02)., May 2002

[6] M. Perkins, N. Correal, and B. O'Dea., Emergent Wireless Sensor Network Limitations: A Plea for Advancement in Core Technologies.The first IEEE international conference on sensors (Sensors02), June 2002

[7] E. Welsh, W. Fish, J.P. Frantz., GNOMES: A Testbed for low power heterogeneous wireless sensor networks.ISCAS '03, May 2003

[8] H. Abrach, S. Bhatti, J. Carlson, H. Dai, J. Rose, A. Sheth, B. Shucker, J. Deng, and R. Han., MANTIS: System Support for MultimodAI NeTworks of In-situ Sensors.WSNA'03, September 2003

[9] M. Leopold, M.B. Dydensborg, and P. Bonnet., Bluetooth and Sensor Networks: A Reality Check.The First ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (Sensys03)., November 2003

[10] Christopher Sadler, Pei Zhang, Margaret Martonosi, Stephen Lyon, Hardware Design Experiences in ZebraNetACM Sensys, November 2004

[11] S. Choi, H. Cha, and S. Cho, A SoC-based Sensor Node: Evaluation of RETOS-enabled CC2430IEEE Secon, June 2007

[12] J. Lifton, M. Feldmeier, Y. Ono, C. Lewis, J.A. Paradiso, A Platform for Ubiquitous Sensor Deployment in Occupational and Domestic EnvironmentsIPSN, April 2007

[13] D. Lymberopoulos, B. Priyantha, and F. Zhao, mPlatform: A Reconfigurable Architecture and Efficient Data Sharing Mechanism for Modular Sensor NetIPSN, April 2007

[14] T. Hammel and M. Rich, A Higher Capability Sensor Node Platform Suitable for Demanding ApplicationsIPSN, April 2007

[15] X. Jiang, P. Dutta, D. Culler, and I. Stoica, Micro Power Meter for Energy Monitoring of Wireless Sensor Networks at ScaleIPSN, April 2007

Topic 1: Introduction  [Back to Index]
3. Surveys and Taxonomy

[1] M. Tubaishat and S. Madria., Sensor Networks: an Overview.IEEE Potentials, 22, 2, 20-23, April 2003

[2] A. Bharathidasan and V.A.S. Ponduru., Sensor Networks: an Overview., UC Davis

[3] I.F. Akyildiz, W. Su, Y. Sankarasubramaniam, and E. Cayirci., A Survey on Sensor Networks.IEEE Communication Magazine, August 2002

[4] S. Tilak, N.B. Abu-ghazaleh, and W. Heinzelman., A taxonomy of Wireless Micro-Sensor Network Models.ACM SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing and Communications Review, 6, 2, 28-36, April 2002

[5] M.A.M. Vieira, D.C. da Silva Jr., C.N. Coelho Jr., and J.M. da Mata., Survey on Wireless Sensor Network Devices.,Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation(ETFA03), September 2003

[6] John Serri, Reference Architecture and Management Model for Ad hoc Sensor NetworksIEEE SECON, October 2004

Topic 2: Deployment, Localization, Synchronization, and Calibration  [Back to Index]
1. Deployment

[1] A. Howard, M.J. Mataric¢¥, and G.S. Sukhatme, An Incremental Self-Deployment Algorithm for Mobile Sensor Networks,Autonomous Robots, Special Issue on Intelligent Embedded Systems, 13, 2, 113, January 2002

[2] S. Meguerdichian, F. Koushanfar, M. Potkonjak, and M.B. Srivastava, Coverage problems in wireless ad-hoc sensor networksInfocom, April 2001

[3] S. Meguerdichian, F. Koushanfar, G. Qu, M. Potkonjak, Exposure In Wireless Ad Hoc Sensor NetworksMobiCom, July 2001

[4] S. Meguerdichian, S. Slijepcevic, V. Karayan, and M. Potkonjak, Localized Algorithms In Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks: Location Discovery adn Sensor ExposureMobiHoc, October 2001

[5] M. J. McGlynn and S.A. Borbash, Birthday protocols for low energy deployment and flexible neighbor discovery in ad hoc wireless netwMobiHoc, October 2001

[6] D. Tian and N. Georganas, A coverage-Preserving Node Scheduling Scheme for Large Wireless Sensor NetworksWSNA, September 2002

[7] T. Clouqueur, V. Phipatanasuphorn, P. Ramanathan, and K.K. Saluja, Sensor Deployment Strategy for Target Detection,WSNA, September 2002

[8] S. Tilak, N.B. Abu-Ghazaleh, and W. Heinzelman, Infrastructure Tradeoffs for Sensor NetworksWSNA, September 2002

[9] A. Fanimokun and J. Frolik, Effects of natural propagation environments on wireless sensor network coverage area,Proceedings of the 35th Southeastern Symposium, March 2003

[10] B. Krishnamachari, S.B. Wicker, R. Bejar, and M. Pearlman, Critical Density Thresholds in Distributed Wireless NetworksKluwer PublishersCommunications, Information and Nework Security, December 2002

[11] J. Zhu and S. Papavassiliou, On the connectivity modeling and the tradeoffs between reliability and energy efficiency in large scWCNC, March 2003

[12] S. Adlakha and M. Srivastava, Critical density thresholds for coverage in wireless sensor networksWCNC, March 2003

[13] S.S. Dhillon, K. Chakrabarty, Sensor placement for effective coverage and surveillance in distributed sensor networksWCNC, March 2003

[14] M.A. Batalin and G.S. Sukhatme, Coverage, Exploration, and Deployment by a Mobile Robot and Communication Network,Information Processing in Sensor Networks: Second International Workshop, April 2003

[15] D.P. Mehta, M.A. Lopez, and L. Lin, Optimal coverage paths in ad-hoc sensor networksICC, May 2003

[16] M. Zuniga and B. Krishnamachari, Optimal Transmission Radius for Flooding in Large Scale Sensor Networks,International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshops, May 2003

[17] S. Shakkottai, R. Srikant, and N.B. Shroff, Unreliable sensor grids: coverage, connectivity and diameterInfoCom, March 2003

[18] J. Liu, X. Koutsoukos, J. Reich, and F. Zhao, Sensing field: coverage characterization in distributed sensor networksICASSP, November 2003

[19] H. Gupta, S.R. Das, Q. Gu, Connected Sensor Cover: Self-Organization of Sensor networks for Efficient Query ExecutionMobiHoc, June 2003

[20] X. Li, P. Wan, and O. Frieder, Coverage in wireless ad hoc sensor networksComputers, IEEE Transactions on, 52, 6, June 2003

[21] M. Rahimi, H. Shah, G.S. Sukhatme, J. Heideman, D. Estrin, Studying the Feasibility of Energy Harvesting in a Mobile Sensor NetworkProceedings of the 2003 IEEE International conference on Robotics & Automation, September 2003

[22] C. Huang and Y. Tseng, The coverage Problem in a Wireless Sensor NetworkWSNA, September 2003

[23] M. Inanc, M. Magdon-Ismail, and B. Yener, Power Optimal Connectivity and Coverage in Wireless Sensor Networks, RPI Computer Science, July 2003

[24] Y. Gao, K. Wu, and F. Li, Analysis on the Redundancy of Wireless Sensor NetworksWSNA, September 2003

[25] C. Bettstetter and C. Hartmann, Connectivity of Wireless Multihop Networks in a Shadow Fading EnvironmentMSWiM, September 2003

[26] A. Goel, S. Rai, and B. Krishnamachari, Sharp thresholds for monotone properties in random geometric graphs, report math.PR/0310232, October 2003

[27] N. Heo, P.K. Varshney, An intelligent deployment and clustering algorithm for a distributed mobile sensor network,IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, October 2003

[28] X. Wang, G. Xing, Y. Zhang, C. Lu, R. Pless, and C. Gill, Integrated Coverage and Connectivity Configuration in Wireless Sensor NetworksSensys, November 2003

[29] G. Veltri, Q. Huang, G. Qu, and M. Potkonjak, Minimal and Maximal Exposure Path Algorithms for Wireless Embedded Sensor NetworksSensys, November 2003

[30] T. Yan, T. He, and J.A. Stankovic, Differentiated Surveillance for Sensor NetworksSensys, November 2003

[31] B. Krishnamachari, S.B. Wicker, R. Bejar, Phase Transition Phenomena in Wireless Ad Hoc NetworksGlobeCom, November 2001

[32] Jeongyeup Paek (University of Southern California), Krishna Chintalapudi (University of Southern Cal, A Wireless Sensor Network for Structural Health Monitoring: Performance and ExperienceEmnets-II, May 2005

[33] Maxim Batalin, Mohammad Rahimi, Yan Yu, Steve Liu, Gaurav Sukhatme, William Kaiser, Call and Response: Experiments in Sampling the EnvironmentACM Sensys, November 2004

[34] Lewis Girod, Thanos Stathopoulos, Nithya Ramanathan, Eric Osterweil, Thomas Schoellhammer, Deborah E, A System for Simulation, Emulation, and Deployment of Heterogenous Sensor NetworksACM Sensys, November 2004

[35] X. Zhang and S. B. Wicker, How to distribute sensors in a random field?3rd International Symposium on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '04), April 2004

[36] G. Xing, C. Lu, R. Pless and J. A. O'sullivan, Co-grid: an efficient coverage maintenance protocol for distributed sensor networks3rd International Symposium on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '04), April 2004

[37] Z. Abrams, A. Goel and S. Plotkin, Set k-cover algorithms for energy efficient monitoring in wireless sensor networks3rd International Symposium on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '04), April 2004

[38] F. Ye, G. Zhong, S. Lu, and L. Zhang, PEAS, A robust Energy conserving Protocol for Long-lived Sensor Networks,International Conference on Network Protocols, November 2002

[39] C-F. Hsin and M. Liu, Network coverage using low duty-cycled sensors: random & coordinated sleep algorithms3rd International Symposium on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '04), April 2004

[40] P. B. Godfrey and D. Ratajczak, Naps: scalable, robust topology management in wireless ad hoc networks3rd International Symposium on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '04), April 2004

[41] Peng-Jun Wan, Chih-Wei Yi, Asymptotic Critical Transmission Radius And Critical Neighbor Number for k-Connectivity in WirelessMobiHoc, May 2004

[42] Santosh Kumar, Ten Hwang Lai, Jozsef Balogh, On k-Coverage in a Mostly Sleeping Sensor NetworkMobiCom, September 2004

[43] Fabian Kuhn, Thomas Moscibroda, Roger Wattenhofer, Initializing Newly Deployed Ad Hoc and Sensor NetworksMobiCom, September 2004

[44] Jie Wu, Wei Lou, Extended Multipoint Relays to Determine Connected Dominating Sets in MANETsIEEE SECON, October 2004

[45] Jae-Joon Lee, Bhaskar Krishnamachari, C.C. Jay Kuo, Impact of Heterogeneous Deployment on Lifetime Sensing Coverage in Sensor NetworksIEEE SECON 2004, October 2004

[46] Bogdan Carbunar, Ananth Grama, Jan Vitek, Octavian Carbunar, Coverage Preserving Redundancy Elimination in Sensor NetworksIEEE SECON 2004, October 2004

[47] Zongheng Zhou, Samir Das, Himanshu Gupta, Variable Radii Connected Sensor Cover in Sensor NetworksIEEE SECON 2004, October 2004

[48] Xiaoyan Li, Thu Nguyen, Richard Martin, Using Adaptive Range Control to Maximize 1-Hop Broadcast Coverage in Dense Wireless NetworksIEEE SECON 2004, October 2004

[49] G. Wang, G. Cao, and T.L. Porta, Movement-Assisted Sensor DeploymentINFOCOM'04, March 2004

[50] Phil Buonadonna (Intel Research Berkeley, USA), Brent Chun (Intel Research Berkeley, USA), Alvin AuY, Mirage: A Microeconomic Resource Allocation System for Sensornet TestbedsEmnets-II, May 2005

[51] Ian McCauley (Primary Industries Research Victoria, Australia), Brett Matthews (PIRVic, Australia),, Wired Pigs: Ad-Hoc Wireless Sensor Networks in Studies of Animal WelfareEmnets-II, May 2005

[52] B. Liu, P. Brass, and O. Dousse, Mobility Improves Coverage of Sensor NetworksACM Mobihoc, March 2005

[53] J.L. Bredin, E.D. Demaine, M.T. Hajiaghayi, and D. Rus, Deploying Sensor Networks with Guaranteed Capacity and Fault ToleranceACM Mobihoc, March 2005

[54] S. Vural and E. Ekici, Analysis of Hop-Distance Relationship in Spatially Random Sensor NetworksACM Mobihoc, March 2005

[55] Mauro Leoncini, Giovanni Resta, Paolo Santi, Analysis of a Wireless Sensor Dropping Problem in Wide-Area Environmental MonitoringFourth International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '05), April 2004

[56] Chao Gui, Prasant Mohapatra, Virtual Patrol: A New Power Conservation Design For Surveillance Using Sensor Networks,Fourth International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '05), April 2005

[57] Abubakr Muhammad, Robert Ghrist, Coverage And Hole-Detection In Sensor Networks Via HomologyFourth International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '05), April 2005

[58] Yong Guan, Zhen Yu, A Key Pre-Distribution Scheme Using Deployment Knowledge for Wireless Sensor NetworksFourth International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '05), April 2005

[59] G. Sharma and R. Mazumdar, Hybrid Sensor Networks: A Small WorldACM Mobihoc, March 2005

[60] Morteza Maleki, Massoud Pedram, QoM and Lifetime-constrained Random Deployment of Sensor Networks for Minimum Energy ConsumptionFourth International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '05), April 2005

[61] Toumpis, S.; Tassiulas, L., Packetostatics: deployment of massively dense sensor networks as an electrostatics problemIEEE Infocom, March 2005

[62] Wang, G.; Cao, G.; Porta, T.L.; Zhang, W., Sensor relocation in mobile sensor networksIEEE Infocom, March 2005

[63] Wu, J.; Yang, S., SMART: a scan-based movement-assisted sensor deployment method in wireless sensor networksIEEE Infocom, March 2005

[64] Ray, S.; Lai, W.; Paschalidis, I.Ch., Deployment optimization of sensornet-based stochastic location-detection systemsIEEE Infocom, March 2005

[65] Mukundan Venkataraman, Kartik Muralidharan and Puneet Gupta, Designing New Architectures and Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks: A PerspectiveIEEE SECON, September 2005

[66] Gilman Tolle, Joseph Polastre, Robert Szewczyk, David Culler, Neil Turner, Kevin Tu, Stephen Burgess, A macroscope in the redwoodsSensys 2005, Proceedings of the 3rd ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems, November 2005

[67] Lakshman Krishnamurthy, Robert Adler, Phil Buonadonna, Jasmeet Chhabra, Mick Flanigan, Nandakishore, Design and deployment of industrial sensor networks: experiences from a semiconductor plant and theSensys 2005, Proceedings of the 3rd ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems, November 2005

[68] Vipul Singhvi, Andreas Krause, Carlos Guestrin, Jim Garrett, H. Scott Matthews, Intelligent light control using sensor networksSensys 2005, Proceedings of the 3rd ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems, November 2005

[69] Pei-Ling Chiu, Frank Yeong-Sung Lin, Energy-Efficient Sensor Network Design Subject to Complete Coverage and Discrimination ConstraintsIEEE SECON, September 2005

[70] Guiling Wang, Guohong Cao, Tom La Porta, Proxy-Based Sensor Deployment for Mobile Sensor NetworksIEEE MASS, October 2004

[71] Denis Krivitski, Assaf Schuster, Ran Wolff, A Local Facility Location Algorithm for Sensor NetworksInternational Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems, June 2005

[72] Amitabha Ghosh, Sajal K. Das, Distributed Greedy Algorithm for Connected Sensor Cover in Dense Sensor Networks,International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems, June 2005

[73] Stefan Funke, Nikola Milosavljevic, Infrastructure-Establishment from Scratch in Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks,International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems, June 2005

[74] M. Kalantari and M. Shayman, Routing in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks by Analogy to Electrostatic TheoryIEEE International Conference on Communications, June 2004

[75] M. Kalantari and M. Shayman, Energy Efficient Routing in Wireless Sensor NetworksConference on Information Sciences and Systems, March 2004

[76] M. Kalantari and M. Shayman, Design Optimization of Multi-Sink Sensor Networks by Analogy to Electrostatic Theory,IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conferernce, April 2006

[77] A. Krause, C. Guestrin, A. Gupta, J. Kleinberg, Near-optimal Sensor Placements: Maximizing Information while Minimizing Communication CostProceedings of the fifth international conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN, April 2006

[78] Bian, F.; Kempe, D.; Govindan, R., Utility-based sensor selectionProceedings of the fifth international conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN, April 2006

[79] Singh, A.; Nowak, R.; Ramanathan, P., Active learning for adaptive mobile sensing networksProceedings of the fifth international conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN, April 2006

[80] Pavan Sikka and Peter Corke, Results from the FarmEmNets 2006, May 2006

[81] Razvan Musaloiu, Andreas Terzis, Katalin Szlavecz, Alex Szalay, Joshua Cogan, and Jim Gray, Life Under your Feet: A Wireless Soil Ecology Sensor NetworkEmNets 2006, May 2006

[82] Sameera Poduri, Sundeep Pattem, Bhaskar Krishnamachari, and Gaurav S. Sukhatme, Sensor Network Configuration and the Curse of DimensionalityEmNets 2006, May 2006

[83] Abhishek Kashyap, Samir Khuller and Mark Shayman, Relay Placement for Higher Order Connectivity in Wireless Sensor NetworksIEEE INFOCOM, April 2006

[84] Honghai Zhang and Jennifer C. Hou, Is Deterministic Deployment Worse than Random Deployment for Wireless Sensor Networks?IEEE INFOCOM, April 2005

[85] Thomas Moscibroda, Pascal von Rickenbach, Roger Wattenhofer, Analyzing the Energy-Latency Trade-off during the Deployment of Sensor NetworksIEEE INFOCOM, April 2006

[86] Xiaobing Wu; Guihai Chen; Sajal Das, On the Energy Hole Problem of Nonuniform Node Distribution in Wireless Sensor NetworksProceedings of IEEE MASS 2006, October 2006

[87] Jingbin Zhang, Ting Yan, and Sang H. Son, Deployment Strategies for Differentiated Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks, September 2006

[88] Jacob Adriaens; Seapahn Megerian; Miodrag Potkonjak, Optimal Worst-Case Coverage of Directional Field-of-View Sensor Networks, September 2006

[89] Cardei, Ionut, Energy-Efficient Target Coverage in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor NetworksIEEE Proceedings of MASS 2006, October 2006

[90] Rung-Hung Gau; Yi-Yang Peng, A Dual Approach for The Worst-Case-Coverage Deployment Problem in Ad-Hoc Wireless Sensor NetworksIEEE Proceedings of MASS 2006, October 2006

[91] Xiaole Bai, Santosh Kuma, Dong Xua, Ziqiu Yun, Ten H. La, Deploying wireless sensors to achieve both coverage and connectivityProceedings of the seventh ACM international symposium on Mobile ad hoc networking and computing (Mo, May 2006

[92] J. Branch, B. Szymanski, C. Giannella, R. Wolff, and H. Kargupta, In-Network Outlier Detection in Wireless Sensor NetworksICDCS, July 2006

[93] F. Kuhn, T. Moscibroda, and R. Wattenhofer, Fault-Tolerant Clustering in Ad Hoc and Sensor NetworksICDCS, July 2006

[94] Y. Shi and T. Hou, Approximation Algorithm for Base Station Placement in Wireless Sensor NetworksIEEE Secon, June 2007

[95] A. Sen, N. Das, L. Zhou, B.H. Shen, S. Murthy, P. Bhattacharya, Coverage Problem for Sensors Embedded in Temperature Sensitive EnvironmentsIEEE Secon, June 2007

[96] O. Younis, M. Krunz, and S. Ramasubramanian, A Framework for Resilient Online Coverage in Sensor NetworksIEEE Secon, June 2007

[97] W. Zhang, G. Xue, and S. Misra, Fault-Tolerant Relay Node Placement in Wireless Sensor Networks: Problems and AlgorithmsInfocom, May 2007

[98] X. Han, X. Cao, E. Lloyd, and C-C. Shen, Fault-tolerant Relay Node Placement in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor NetworksInfocom, May 2007

[99] X. Zhu, R. Sarkar, and J. Gao, Shape Segmentation and Applications in Sensor NetworksInfocom, May 2007

Topic 2: Deployment, Localization, Synchronization, and Calibration  [Back to Index]
2. Localization

[1] N. Bulusu, J. Heidemann, and D. Estrin, GPS-less Low-Cost Outdoor Localization for Very Small DevicesIEEE Personal Communication, October 2000

[2] N. Bulusu, J. Heidemann, and D. Estrin, Adaptive Beacon Placement21st International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, April 2001

[3] C. Savarese, J.M. Rabaey, and J. Beutel, Locationing in Distributed Ad-Hoc Wireless Sensor NetworksICASSP, May 2001

[4] A. Savvides, C.C. Han, and M.B. Srivastava, Dynamic Fine Grained Localization in Ad-Hoc Sensor NetworksProceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking, Mobicom 2001,, July 2001

[5] J. Heidemann and N. Bulusu, Using Geospatial Information in Sensor NetworksIn Proceedings of the Workshop on Intersections between Geospatial Information and Information Techn, October 2001

[6] J. Albowicz, A. Chen, and L. Zhang, Recursive position estimation in sensor networksNinth International Conference on Network Protocols, November 2001

[7] L. Girod and D. Estrin, Robust range estimation using acoustic and multimodal sensing.EEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, November 2001

[8] D. Niculescu and B. Nath, Ad Hoc Positioning System (APS)Global Telecommunications Conference, 2001. GLOBECOM '01. IEEE , Volume: 5, November 2001

[9] L. Doherty, K.S.J. Pister, and L.E. Ghaoui, Convex Position Estimation in Wireless Sensor NetworksINFOCOM'01, April 2001

[10] R. Nagpal, H. Shrobe, and J. Bachrach, Organizing a Global Coordinate System from Local Information on an Ad Hoc Sensor Network2nd International Workshop on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN 03), April 2003

[11] A. Nasipuri and K. Li, A Directionality based Location Discovery Scheme for Wireless Sensor NetworksWSNA'02, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, September 2002

[12] A. Savvides, H. Park, and M.B. Srivastava, The Bits and Flops of the N-hop Multilateration Primitive For Node Localization ProblemsWSNA'02, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, September 2002

[13] R. Iyengar and B. Sikdar, Scalable and Distributed GPS free Positioning for Sensor NetworksIEEE International Conference on Communications, 2003. ICC '03, Volume: 1

[14] S. Slijepcevic, S. Megerian, and M. Potkonjak, Characterization of Location Error in Wireless Sensor Networks: Analysis and Applications2nd International Workshop on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN 03), Palo Alto, CA, April 2003

[15] P. Bergamo and G. Mazzini, Localization in sensor networks with fading and mobilityPersonal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC'02), September 2002

[16] D. Niculescu and B. Nath, Localized positioning in ad hoc networksFirst IEEE International Workshop on Sensor Network Protocols and Applications, May 2003

[17] Y. Shang, W. Rumi, and Y. Zhang, Localization from Mere ConnectivityMobiHoc'03, Annapolis, Maryland, USA, June 2003

[18] T. He, C. Huang, B.M. Blum, J.A. stankovic, and T. Abdelzaher, Range-Free Localization Schemes for Large Scale Sensor NetworksMobiCom'03, San Diego, CA, USA, August 2003

[19] N. Patwari and A.O. Hero III, Using Proximity and Quantized RSS for Sensor Localization in Wireless Networks,WSNA'03. San Diego, CA, USA, September 2003

[20] D. Niculescu and B. Nath, Ad Hoc Positioning System (APS) Using AOAINFOCOM 2003. Twenty-Second Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societie, April 2003

[21] David Moore, John Leonard, Daniela Rus, Seth Teller, Robust distributed network localization with noisy range measurementsACM Sensys, November 2004

[22] Biswas, P.; Yinyu Ye, Semidefinite programming for ad hoc wireless sensor network localization3rd International Symposium on Information Processing in Sensor Networks, IPSN 2004, April 2004

[23] Lingxuan Hu, David Evans, Localization for Mobile Sensor NetworksMobiCom, September 2004

[24] Eiman Elnahrawy, Xiaoyan Li, Richard Martin, The Limits of Localization Using Signal Strength: A Comparative Study,IEEE SECON, October 2004

[25] Cheng Chang, Anant Sahai, Estimation Bounds for LocalizationIEEE SECON, October 2004

[26] Davide Dardari, Andrea Conti, A Sub-Optimal Hierarchical Maximum Likelihood Algorithm for Collaborative Localization in Ad-Hoc NetIEEE SECON, October 2004

[27] Radu Stoleru, John Stankovic, Probability Grid: A Location Estimation Scheme for Wireless Sensor NetworksIEEE SECON, October 2004

[28] T. Li, A. Ekpenyong, Y-F. Huang, A Location System Using Asynchronous Distributed SensorsINFOCOM'04, March 2004

[29] Y. Shang and W. Ruml, Improved MDS-Based LocalizationINFOCOM'04, March 2004

[30] X. Ji, H. Zha, Sensor Positioning in Wireless Ad-hoc Sensor Networks Using Multidimensional ScalingINFOCOM'04, March 2004

[31] K.K. Chintalapudi, A. Dhariwal, R. Govindan, G. sukhatme, Ad-Hoc Localization Using Ranging and Sectoring,INFOCOM'04, March 2004

[32] T. Eren, D.K. Goldenberg, W. Whiteley, and Y.R. Yang, Rigidity, Computation, and Randomization in Network LocalizationINFOCOM'04, March 2004

[33] X. Cheng, A. Thaeler, G. Xue and D. Chen, TPS: A Time-Based Positioning Scheme for Outdoor Wireless Sensor Networks,INFOCOM'04, March 2004

[34] Kamin Whitehouse, Alec Woo, Chris Karlof, Fred Jiang, David Culler, The Effects of Ranging Noise on Multi-hop Localization: An Empirical StudyFourth International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '05), April 2005

[35] Zang Li, Wade Trappe, Yanyong Zhang, Badri Nath, Robust Statistical Methods for Securing Wireless Localization in Sensor NetworksFourth International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '05), April 2005

[36] Donggang Liu, Peng Ning, Wenliang Du, Attack-Resistant Location Estimation in Sensor NetworksFourth International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '05), April 2005

[37] J. Bruck, J. Gao, and A. Jiang, Localization and Routing in Sensor Networks by Local angle InformationACM Mobihoc, May 2005

[38] Yoon Hak Kim, Antonio Ortega, Quantizer Design and Distributed Encoding Algorithm for Source Localization in Sensor NetworksFourth International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '05), April 2005

[39] Kiran Yedavalli, Bhaskar Krishnamachari, Sharmila Ravula, Bhaskar Srinivasan, Ecolocation: A Technique for RF Based Localization in Wireless Sensor NetworksFourth International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '05), April 2005

[40] Loukas Lazos, Srdjan Capkun , Radha Poovendran, ROPE: Robust Position Estimation in Wireless Sensor NetworksFourth International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '05), April 2005

[41] Hyuk Lim; Hou, J.C., Localization for anisotropic sensor networksIEEE Infocom, March 2005

[42] Caruso, A.; Chessa, S.; De, S.; Urpi, A., GPS free coordinate assignment and routing in wireless sensor networks,IEEE Infocom, March 2005

[43] Lei Fang; Wenliang Du; Peng Ning, A beacon-less location discovery scheme for wireless sensor networksIEEE Infocom, March 2005

[44] Priyantha, N.B.; Balakrishnan, H.; Demaine, E.D.; Teller, S., Mobile-assisted localization in wireless sensor networksIEEE Infocom, March 2005

[45] Miklos Maroti, Branislav Kusy, Gyorgy Balogh, Peter Volgyesi, Andras Nadas, Karoly Molnar, Sebestyen, Radio Interferometric GeolocationSensys 2005, Proceedings of the 3rd ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems, November 2005

[46] Radu Stoleru, Tian He, John A. Stankovic, David Luebke, A High-Accuracy, Low-Cost Localization System for Wireless Sensor NetworksSensys 2005, Proceedings of the 3rd ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems, November 2005

[47] Jyh-How Huang, Saqib Amjad, Shivakant Mishra, CenWits: a sensor-based loosely coupled search and rescue system using witnessesSensys 2005, Proceedings of the 3rd ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems, November 2005

[48] Ralf Salomon, Precise Localization in Coarse-Grained Localization Algorithms Through Local LearningIEEE SECON, September 2005

[49] Rong Peng, Mihail Sichitiu, Robust Probabilistic Constraint-Based Localization for Wireless Sensor NetworksIEEE SECON, September 2005

[50] Chen Wang, Li Xiao, Rong Jin, Sensor Localization in an Obstructed EnvironmentInternational Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems, June 2005

[51] Haowen Chan, Mark Luk, Adrian Perrig, Using Clustering Information for Sensor Network LocalizationInternational Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems, June 2005

[52] Xiaohui Cui , Tim Hardin , Rammohan Ragade , Adel Elmaghraby, A Swarm-based Fuzzy Logic Control Mobile Sensor Network for Hazardous Contaminants LocalizationIEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS), October 2004

[53] Yinzhe Yu , Guor-Huar Lu , Zhi-Li Zhang, Enhancing Location Service Scalability with HIGH-GRADEIEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS), October 2004

[54] Mihail Sichitiu , Vaidyanathan Ramadurai, Localization of Wireless Sensor Networks with a Mobile BeaconIEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS), October 2004

[55] Yi Shang , Hongchi Shi , Ahmed Ahmed, Performance Tradeoffs of Localization Methods in Ad-Hoc Sensor NetworksIEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS), October 2004

[56] Taylor, C.; Rahimi, A.; Bachrach, J.; Shrobe, H.; Grue, A., Simultaneous localization, calibration, and tracking in an ad hoc sensor networkProceedings of the fifth international conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN, April 2006

[57] Funiak, S.; Guestrin, C.; Paskin, M.; Sukthankar, R., Distributed localization of networked camerasProceedings of the fifth international conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN

[58] Terzis, A.; Anandarajah, A.; Moore, K.; Wang, I.-J., Slip surface localization in wireless sensor networks for landslide predictionProceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN, April 2006

[59] Wang, W.; Srinivasan, V.; Wang, B.; Chua, K.-C., Coverage for target localization in wireless sensor networks,Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN, April 2006

[60] Neal Patwari and Alfred O. Hero III, Indirect Radio Interferometric Localization via Pairwise DistanceEmNets 2006, May 2006

[61] Karthik Dantu and Gaurav Sukhatme, Rethinking data-fusion based services in tiered sensor networksEmNets 2006, May 2006

[62] Jun Luo, Hersh V. Shukla, Jean-Pierre Hubaux, Non-Interactive Location Surveying for Sensor Networks with Mobility-Differentiated ToAIEEE INFOCOM, April 2006

[63] Chiranjeeb Buragohain, Divyakant Agrawal, Subhash Suri, Distributed Navigation Algorithms for Sensor NetworksIEEE INFOCOM, April 2006

[64] Hyuk Lim, Lu-Chuan Kung, Jennifer C. Hou, and Haiyun Luo, Zero-Configuration, Robust Indoor Localization: Theory and ExperimentationIEEE INFOCOM, April 2006

[65] Chen Wang and Li Xiao, Locating Sensors in Concave AreasIEEE INFOCOM, April 2006

[66] Jessica Feng, Lewis Girod, Miodrag Potkonjak, Location Discovery using Data-Driven Statistical Error ModelingIEEE INFOCOM, April 2006

[67], Localization in Sensor Networks using Consistency-based Statistical Error Models, September 2006

[68] Yingying Chen Francisco, J.-A. Trappe, W. Martin, R.P., A Practical Approach to Landmark Deployment for Indoor Localization, September 2006

[69] Rong Peng and Mihail L. Sichitiu, Angle of Arrival Localization for Wireless Sensor Networks, September 2006

[70] Huang Lee, Hattie Dong, Hamid Aghajan, Robot-Assisted Localization Techniques for Wireless Image Sensor Networks, September 2006

[71] C. Westphal, On the Information Lifetime and the Localization Cost in Sensor Networks with Random Topologies, September 2006

[72] Drineas, P.; Javed, A.; Magdon-Ismail, M.; Pandurangant, G.; Virrankoski, R.; Savvides, A., Distance Matrix Reconstruction from Incomplete Distance Information for Sensor Network Localization, September 2006

[73] Yui-Wah Lee; Stuntebeck, E.; Miller, O.C., MERIT: MEsh of RF sensors for Indoor Tracking, September 2006

[74] Kleisounis, K.; Martin, R.P., Reducing the Computational Cost of Bayesian Indoor Positioning Systems, September 2006

[75] Chuang-wen You; Yi-Chao Chen; Ji-Rung Chiang; Huang, P.; Hao-hua Chu; Seng-Yong Lau, Sensor-Enhanced Mobility Prediction for Energy-Efficient Localization, September 2006

[76] Juan Liu, Ying Zhang, Feng Zhao, Robust distributed node localization with error managementProceedings of the seventh ACM international symposium on Mobile ad hoc networking and computing (Mo, May 2006

[77] Amitabh Basu, Jie Gao, Joseph S. B. Mitchell, Girishkumar Sabhnani, Distributed localization using noisy distance and angle informationProceedings of the seventh ACM international symposium on Mobile ad hoc networking and computing (Mo, May 2006

[78] R. Stoleru, P. Vicaire, T. He, J.A. Stankovic, StarDust: A Flexible Architecture for Passive Localization in Wireless Sensor NetworksACM Sensys, November 2006

[79] S. Yang, J. Yi, and H. Cha, HCRL: A Hop-Count-Ratio based Localization in Wireless Sensor NetworksIEEE Secon, June 2007

[80] J. Yi, S. Yang, and H. Cha, Multi-hop-based Monte Carlo Localization for Mobile Sensor NetworksIEEE Secon, June 2007

[81] A.M. Ali, T.C. Collier, L. Girod, K. Yao, C.E. Taylor, and D.T. Blumstein, An Empirical Study of Collaborative Acoustic Source LocalizationIPSN, April 2007

[82] M. Rudafshani and S. Datta, Localization in Wireless Sensor NetworksIPSN, April 2007

[83] J. Ash and L. Potter, Robust System Multiangulation Using Subspace MethodsIPSN, April 2007

Topic 2: Deployment, Localization, Synchronization, and Calibration  [Back to Index]
3. Time Synchronization

[1] J. Elson and D. Estrin, Time Synchronization for Wireless Sensor NetworksParallel and Distributed Processing Symposium., Proceedings 15th International, April 2001

[2] K. Romer, Time Synchronization in Ad Hoc NetworksProc. 2001 ACM Int. Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing (MobiHoc'01), Long Beach, CA, September 2001

[3] F. Mondinelli, Z.M.K. Vajna, Self Localizing Sensor Network ArchitecturesInstrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference(IMTC'02). Proceedings of the 19th IEEE, Volume, May 2002

[4] J. Elson, L. Girod, and D. Estrin, Short Paper: A Wireless Time-Synchronized COTS Sensor Platform, Part I: System ArchitectureIn Proceedings of the IEEE CAS Workshop on Wireless Communications and Networking, Pasadena, Califor, September 2002

[5] L. Girod, V. Bychkovskiy, J. Elson, and D. Estrin, Locating tiny sensors in time and space: A case studyIn Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD 2002), Freiburg, Germany, September 2002

[6] J. Elson and K. Romer, Wireless Sensor Networks: A New Regime for Time SynchronizationIn Proceedings of the First Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks (HotNets), Princeton, New Jersey, USA, October 2002

[7] J. Elson, L. Girod, and D. Estrin, Fine-Grained Network Time Synchronization using Reference BroadcastsIn Proceedings of the Fifth Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI 2002), Bo, December 2002

[8] M.L. Sichitiu and C. Veerarittiphan, Simple, accurate time synchronization for wireless sensor networksWireless Communications and Networking (WCNC'03), March 2003

[9] R. Karp, J. Elson, D. Estrin, and S. Shenker, Optimal and Global time Synchronization in Sensornets, CENS Technical Report 0012, April 2003

[10] J.V. Greunen and J. Rabaey, Lightweight Time Synchronization for Sensor NetworksWSNA'03, San Diego, California, USA, September 2003

[11] A. Hu and S.D. Servetto, Asymptotically Optimal Time Synchronization in Dense Sensor NetworksWSNA'03, San Diego, California, USA, September 2003

[12] S. Ganeriwal, R. Kumar, and M.B. Srivastava, Timing-Sync Protocol for Sensor NetworksSenSys'03, Los Angeles, California, USA, October 2003

[13] Miklos Maroti, Branislav Kusy, Gyula Simon, Akos Ledeczi, The Flooding Time Synchronization ProtocolACM Sensys, November 2004

[14] Dennis Lucarelli, Ijeng Wang, Decentralized synchronization protocols with nearest neighbor communicationACM Sensys, November 2004

[15] S. Palchaudhuri, A. K. Saha and D. B. Johnson, Adaptive clock synchronization in sensor networks3rd International Symposium on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '04), April 2004

[16] P. Blum, L. Meier and L. Thiele, Improved interval-based clock synchronization in sensor networks3rd International Symposium on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '04), April 2004

[17] Lennart Meier, Philipp Blum , Lothar Thiele, Internal Synchronization of Drift-Constraint Clocks in Ad-Hoc Sensor NetworksMobiHoc, May 2004

[18] Q. Li and D. Rus, Global Clock Synchronization in Sensor NetworksINFOCOM'04, March 2004

[19] Yabo Li, Xiang-Gen Xia, A Family of Distributed Space-Time Trellis Codes with Asynchronous Cooperative Diversity,Fourth International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '05), April 2005

[20] Ossama Younis and Sonia Fahmy, A Scalable Framework for Distributed Time Synchronization in Multi-hop Sensor NetworksSECON, September 2005

[21] Saurabh Ganeriwal, Deepak Ganesan, Hohyun Shim, Vlasios Tsiatsis, Mani B. Srivastava, Estimating clock uncertainty for efficient duty-cycling in sensor networksSensys 2005, Proceedings of the 3rd ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems, November 2005

[22] Geoffrey Werner-Allen, Geetika Tewari, Ankit Patel, Matt Welsh, Radhika Nagpal, Firefly-inspired sensor network synchronicity with realistic radio effectsSensys 2005, Proceedings of the 3rd ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems, November 2005

[23] Dong Zhou , Ten Hwang Lai, Analysis and Implementation of Scalable Clock Synchronization Protocols in IEEE 802.11 Ad Hoc NetworIEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS), October 2004

[24] Pai-Han Huang and Bhaskar Krishnamachari, Analysis of existing approaches and a new hybrid strategy for synchronization in sensor networksEmNets 2006, May 2006

[25] Omer Gurewitz (Technion, IL); IUrael Cidon (Technion, IL); MoUhe Sidi (Technion, IL), Network Clock Frequency SynchronizationIEEE Infocom, April 2006

[26] Affan Syed (USC/ISI, US); John Heidemann (USC/ISI, US), Time Synchronization for High Latency Acoustic NetworksIEEE Infocom, April 2006

Topic 2: Deployment, Localization, Synchronization, and Calibration  [Back to Index]
4. Calibration

[1] F. Koushanfar, M. Potkonjak, and A. Sangiovanni-Vincentell., Fault tolerance techniques for wireless ad hoc sensor networks.IEEE Sensors'02, June 2002

[2] K. Whitehouse and D. Culler., Calibration as Parameter Estimation in Sensor Networks.ACM Workshop on Wireless Sensor Networks and Applications (WSNA'02), September 2002

[3] B. Krishnamachari and S.S. Iyengar., Efficient and Fault-tolerant Feature Extraction in Sensor Networks.,International Workshop on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '03), April 2003

[4] V. Bychkovskiy, S. Megerian, D. Estrin, and M. Potkonjak., A Collaborative Approach to In-Place Sensor Calibration.,International Workshop on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN'03), April 2003

[5] K. Whitehouse and D. Culler., Macro-calibration in sensor/actuator networksMobile Networks and Applications (MONET), Special Issue on Wireless Sensor Networks., 8, 4, 463-472, August 2003

[6] E. Elnahrawy and B. Nath., Cleaning and Querying Noisy Sensors.WSNA'03, September 2003

[7] B. Krishnamachari and S. Iyengar., Distributed Bayesian Algorithms for Fault-tolerant Event Region Detection in Wireless Sensor NetworkIEEE Transactions on Computers, 53, 3, 241-250, March 2004

[8] A.T. Ihler, J. W. Fisher III, R. L. Moses and A. S. Willsky, Nonparametric belief propagation for self-calibration in sensor networks3rd International Symposium on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '04), April 2004

Topic 3: Wireless Communication  [Back to Index]
1. Wireless Radio and Link Characteristics

[1] J. Zhao and R. Govindan, Understanding Packet Delivery Performance In Dense Wireless Sensor NetworksThe First ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (Sensys'03), November 2003

[2] D. Ganesan, B. Krishnamachari, A. Woo, D. Culler, D. Estrin, and S. Wicker, Complex Behavior at Scale: An Experimental Study of Low-Power Wireless Sensor Networks, Technical Report UCLACSD-TR 02-0013, July 2002

[3] A. Chandrakasan, R. Min, M. Bhardwaj, S.H. Cho, and A. Wang, Power Aware Wireless Microsensor SystemsESSCIRC, September 2002

[4] D. Rakhmatov and S. Vrudhula, Energy Management for Battery-Powered Embedded SystemsACM Transactions on Embedded Computing systems, 2, August 2003

[5] A. Cerpa, N. Busek, and D. Estrin, SCALE: A tool for Simple Connectivity Assessment in Lossy Environments, CENS, September 2003

[6] R. Min and A. Chandrakasan, Top Five Myths about the Energy Consumption of Wireless CommunicationACM Sigmobile Mobile Computing and Communications Review (MC2R), January 2003

[7] D. Lal, A. Manjeshwar, F. Herrmann, E. Uysal-Biyikoglu, A. Keshavarzian., Measurement and Characterization of Link Quality Metrics in Energy Constrained Wireless Sensor NetwoProceedings of IEEE 2003 Global Communications Conference (Globecom),, December 2003

[8] Prince Samar , Stephen Wicker, On the Behavior of Communication Links of a Node in a Multi-Hop Mobile Environment,MobiHoc, May 2004

[9] Marco Zuniga, Bhaskar Krishnamachari, Analyzing the Transitional Region in Low Power Wireless LinksIEEE SECON, October 2004

[10] Horacio Lagar Cavilla, Gerard Baron, Thomas Hart, Lionel Litty, Eyal de Lara, Simplified Simulation Models for Indoor MANET Evaluation are not RobustIEEE SECON, October 2004

[11] Sudharman Jayaweera, An Energy-efficient Virtual MIMO Communications Architecture Based on V-BLAST Processing for DistribIEEE SECON 2004, October 2004

[12] Yasamin Mostofi, Effect of Narrowband Channels on the Control Performance of a Mobile Sensor NodeIEEE SECON 2004, October 2004

[13] Kamin Whitehouse (UC Berkeley, USA),Alec Woo (Microsoft Research, USA),Xiaofan Jiang (UC Berkeley, U, Exploiting the Capture Effect for Collision Detection and RecoveryEmnets-II, May 2005

[14] Alberto Cerpa, Jennifer Wong, Louane Kuang, Miodrag Potkonjak, Deborah Estrin, Statistical Model of Lossy Links in Wireless Sensor NetworksFourth International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '05), April 2005

[15] Yarvis, M.; Kushalnagar, N.; Singh, H.; Rangarajan, A.; Liu, Y.; Singh, S., Exploiting heterogeneity in sensor networksIEEE Infocom, March 2005

[16] Zhou, G.; He, T.; Stankovic, J.A.; Abdelzaher, T., RID: radio interference detection in wireless sensor networks,IEEE Infocom, March 2005

[17] Xiaowen Liu, Martin Haenggi, The Impact of the Topology on the Throughput of Interference-limited Sensor Networks with Rayleigh FIEEE SECON, September 2005

[18] Joseph Polastre, Jonathan Hui, Philip Levis, Jerry Zhao, David Culler, Scott Shenker, Ion Stoica, A unifying link abstraction for wireless sensor networksSensys 2005, Proceedings of the 3rd ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems, November 2005

[19] Niels Reijers , Gertjan Halkes , Koen Langendoen, Link Layer Measurements in Sensor NetworksIEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS), October 2004

[20] Scaglione, A.; Kirti, S.; Mergen, B.S., Error propagation in dense wireless networks with cooperationProceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN, April 2006

[21] Gang Zhou, John Stankovic, and Sang Son, Crowded Spectrum in Wireless Sensor NetworksEmNets 2006, May 2006

[22] Kannan Srinivasan and Philip Levis, RSSI is Under AppreciatedEmNets 2006, May 2006

[23] Qing Cao, Tian He, Lei Fang, Tarek Abdelzaher, John Stankovic, Sang Son, Efficiency Centric Communication Model for Wireless Sensor NetworksIEEE INFOCOM, April 2006

[24] Hung Nguyen, Patrick Thiran, Using End-to-End Data to Infer Lossy Links in Sensor networksIEEE INFOCOM, April 2006

[25] Kok-Kiong Yap (National University of Singapore, SG); Wai-Leong Yeow (National University of Singapo, Simple Directional Antennas: Improving Performance in Wireless Multihop NetworksIEEE Infocom, April 2006

[26] Hongqiang Zhai (University of Florida, US); Yuguang Fang (University of Florida, US), Physical Carrier Sensing and Spatial Reuse in Multirate and Multihop Wireless Ad Hoc NetworksIEEE Infocom, April 2006

[27] Marcelo Carvalho (University of California Santa Cruz, US); J.J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves (University of C, Modeling Wireless Ad Hoc Networks with Directional AntennasIEEE Infocom, April 2006

[28] Sanquan Song (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, US); Dennis Goeckel (University of Massachusett, Collaboration Improves the Connectivity of Wireless NetworksIEEE Infocom, April 2005

[29] Charles Reis, Ratul Mahajan, Maya Rodrig, David Wetherall, John Zahorjan, Measurement-based models of delivery and interference in static wireless networksProceedings of the 2006 conference on Applications, technologies, architectures, and protocols for c, September 2006

[30] D. Son, B. Krishnamachari, and J. Heidemann, Experimental Study of Concurrent Transmission in Wireless Sensor NetworksACM Sensys, November 2006

[31] T. Moscibroda, R. Wattenhofer, and Y. Weber, Protocol Design Beyond Graph-Based Modelshotnets, November 2006

[32] S. Kaul, K. Ramachandran, P. Shankar, s. Oh, M. Gruteser, I. Seskar, and T. Nadeem, Effect of Antenna Placement and Diversity on Vehicular Network CommunicationsIEEE Secon, June 2007

[33] H. Chang, V. Misra, and D. Rubenstein, Fairness and Physical Layer Capture in Random Access networksIEEE Secon, June 2007

[34] T. Moscibroda, The Worst-Case Capacity of Wireless Sensor NetworksIPSN, April 2007

[35] H. Lee, A.E. Cerpa, and P. Levis, Improving Wireless Simulation through Noise ModelingIPSN, April 2007

Topic 3: Wireless Communication  [Back to Index]
2. MAC protocols

[1] K. Sohrabi, J. Gao, V. Ailawadhi, and G.J. Pottie., Protocols for Self-Organization of a Wireless Sensor Network.,IEEE Personal Communications, 7, October 2000

[2] V. Srinivasan, P. Nuggehalli, and R. Rao., Design of optimal energy aware protocols for wireless sensor networks,Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC'01). IEEE VTS 53rd, May 2001

[3] E. Shih, S.H. Cho, N. Ickes, R. Min, A. Sinha, A. Wang, and A. Chandrakasan., Physical Layer Driven Protocol and Algorithm Design for Energy-Efficient Wireless Sensor Networks.Proceedings of the 7th annual international conference on Mobile computing and networking (MOBICOM), July 2001

[4] G. Pei and C. Chien., Low power TDMA in Large Wireless Sensor Networks.Military Communications Conference (MILCOM'01). Communications for Network-Centric Operations: Creat, October 2001

[5] C. Guo, L.C. Zhong, and J.M. Rabaey., Low power distributed MAC for ad hoc sensor radio networks.Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM '01)., November 2001

[6] G. Kulkarni, C. Schurgers, and M. Srivastava., Dynamic link labels for energy efficient MAC headers in wireless sensor networks.Sensors, 2002. Proceedings of IEEE, 2, June 2002

[7] W. Ye, J. Heidemann, and D. Estrin., An Energy-Efficient MAC Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks.In Proceedings of the 21st International Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communica, June 2002

[8] S. Coleri, A. Puri, and P. Varaiya., Power Efficient system for Sensor Networks.Eighth IEEE International Symposium on Computers and Communication Proceedings. (ISCC 2003)., July 2003

[9] W.S. Conner, J. Chhabra, M. Yarvis, and L. Krishnamurthy., Experimental Evaluation of Synchronization and Topology Control for In-Building Sensor Network AppliWSNA'03, September 2003

[10] U. Cetintemel, A. Flinders, and Y. Sun., Power-Efficient Data Dissemination in Wireless Sensor Networks.MobiDE'03, September 2003

[11] V. Rajendran, K. Obraczka, and J.J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves., Energy-Efficient, Collision-Free Medium Access Control for Wireless Sensor Networks.The First ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (Sensys'03), November 2003

[12] T.V. Dam and K. Langendoen, An Adaptive Energy-Efficient MAC Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks.The First ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (Sensys'03), November 2003

[13] R. Kannan, R. Kalidindi, S.S. Iyengar, and V. Kumar., Energy and Rate based MAC Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks.SIGMOD Record, December 2003

[14] G. Lu, B. Krishnamachari, and C. Raghavendra, Performance Evaluation of the IEEE 802.15.4 MAC for Low-Rate Low-Power Wireless NetworksWorkshop on Energy-Efficient Wireless Communications and Networks (EWCN '04), April 2004

[15] J. Li and G.Y. Lazarou, A bit-map-assisted energy-efficient mac scheme for wireless sensor networks3rd International Symposium on Information Processing in Sensor Networks, April 2004

[16] G. Lu, B. Krishnamachari, and C. Raghavendra., An Adaptive Energy-Efficient and Low-Latency MAC for Data Gathering in Sensor Networks.The 4th International Workshop on Algorithms for Wireless, Mobile, Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks (WMAN, April 2004

[17] Joseph Polastre, Jason` Hill, David Culler, Versatile Low Power Media Access for Wireless Sensor NetworksACM Sensys, November 2004

[18] A. Sridharan and B. Krishnamachari, Max-Min Fair Collision-Free Scheduling for Wireless Sensor NetworksThe Workshop on Multihop Wireless Networks (MWN'04), April 2004

[19] Olivier Dousse , Petteri Mannersalo , Patrick Thiran, Latency of wireless sensor networks with uncoordinated power saving mechanismsMobiHoc, May 2004

[20] Jungmin So, Nitin Vaidya, Multi-Channel MAC for Ad Hoc Networks: Handling Multi-Channel Hidden Terminals Using A Single TranscMobiHoc, May 2004

[21] Marcelo Carvalho, J. J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves, A Scalable Model for Channel Access Protocols in Multihop Ad Hoc NetworksMobiCom, May 2004

[22] Jayashree Subramanian, Manoj Bs, Siva Ram Murthy, On Using Battery State for Medium Access Control in Ad hoc Wireless NetworksMobiCom, May 2004

[23] Gil Zussman, Adrian Segall, Uri Yechiali, Bluetooth Time Division Duplex - Analysis as a Polling SystemIEEE SECON, October 2004

[24] Zhihui Chen, Ashfaq Khokhar, TDMA based Energy Efficient MAC Protocols for Wireless Sensor NetworksIEEE SECON 2004, October 2004

[25] Sharat C. Visweswara, Apurva A. Goel, Rudra Dutta, An Adaptive Ad-hoc Self-Organizing Scheduling for Quasi-Periodic Sensor TrafficIEEE SECON 2004, September 2004

[26] Xiaoxing Guo, Broadcasting for network lifetime maximization in wireless sensor networksIEEE SECON 2004, October 2004

[27] Jiawei Xie, Amitabha Das, Sukumar Nandi, An Improvement to the Reliability of IEEE 802.11 Broadcast Scheme for Multicasting in Mobile Ad hocIEEE SECON 2004, October 2004

[28] Nathaniel August, Dong Ha, An Efficient UWB Radio Architecture for Busy Signal MAC ProtocolsIEEE SECON 2004, October 2004

[29] Tao Wu, Subir Biswas, A Self-Reorganizing Slot Allocation Protocol for Multi-cluster Sensor NetworksFourth International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '05), April 2005

[30] Y. Zhu and R. Sivakumar, Challenges: communication through silence in wireless sensor networksMobicom, August 2005

[31] Injong Rhee, Ajit Warrier, Mahesh Aia, Jeongki Min, Z-MAC: a hybrid MAC for wireless sensor networksSensys 2005, Proceedings of the 3rd ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems, November 2005

[32] Haitao Wu, Xin Wang, Yunxin Liu, Qian Zhang, Zhi-Li Zhang, SoftMAC: Layer 2.5 MAC for VoIP Support in Multi-hop Wireless NetworksIEEE SECON, September 2005

[33] Ioannis Broustis, Srikanth Krishnamurthy, Michalis Faloutsos, Mart Molle, Jeffrey Foerster, A Multiband MAC Protocol for Impulse-based UWB Ad Hoc NetworksIEEE SECON, September 2005

[34] Arindam Kumar Das, Hamed Alazemi, Rajiv Vijaykumar, Sumit Roy, Optimization Models for Fixed Channel Assignment in Wireless Mesh Networks with Multiple RadiosIEEE SECON, September 2005

[35] Lili Cao, Haitao Zheng, Distributed Spectrum Allocation via Local BargainingIEEE SECON, September 2005

[36] ?mail G?enc , H?eyin Arslan , Sinan Gezici , Hisashi Kobayashi, Adaptation of Multiple Access Parameters in Time Hopping UWB Cluster Based Wireless Sensor NetworksIEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS), October 2004

[37] Dan Berger , Zhenqiang Ye , Prasun Sinha , Srikanth Krishnamurthy , Michalis Faloutsos , Satish Trip, TCP Friendly Medium Access Control for Ad-Hoc Wireless Networks: Alleviating Self ContentionIEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS), October 2004

[38] Dan Jurca , Jean-Pierre Hubaux, Joint Synchronization, Routing and Energy Saving in CSMA/CA Multi-Hop Hybrid NetworksIEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS), October 2004

[39] Charles Colbourn , Violet Syrotiuk, Scheduled Persistence for Medium Access Control in Sensor NetworksIEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS), October 2004

[40] Zhu Ji, K.J. Ray Liu, Belief-Assisted Pricing for Dynamic Spectrum Allocation in Wireless Networks with Selfish UsersIEEE SECON 2006, September 2006

[41] Daniele Puccinelli, Martin Haenggi, Spatial Diversity Benefits by Means of Induced FadingIEEE SECON 2006, September 2006

[42] Antonio Capone, Giuliana Carello, Scheduling Optimization in Wireless MESH Networks with Power Control and Rate AdaptationIEEE SECON 2006, September 2006

[43] Ahmed Sadek, Wei Yu, K.J. Ray Liu, When Does Cooperation Have Better Performance in Sensor Networks?IEEE SECON 2006, September 2006

[44] Sam Vakil, Ben Liang, Balancing Cooperation and Interference in Wireless Sensor NetworksIEEE SECON 2006, September 2006

[45] Xingkai Bao, Jing Li, Progressive Network Coding for Message-Forwarding in Ad-Hoc Wireless NetworksIEEE SECON 2006, September 2006

[46] Gang Zhou, Chengdu Huang, Ting Yan, Tian He, John A. Stankovic and Tarek F. Abdelzaher, MMSN: Multi-Frequency Media Access Control for Wireless Sensor NetworksIEEE INFOCOM, April 2006

[47] Xiaoqiao Meng, J.j. Garcia-Luna-Aceves, Channel Access Using Opportunistic Reservations in Ad Hoc Networks,Proceedings of IEEE MASS 2006, October 2006

[48] Ai Chen; Gayathri Chandrasekaran; Dongwook Lee; Prasun Sinha, HIMAC: High Throughput MAC Layer Multicasting in Wireless NetworksIEEE Proceedings of MASS 2006, October 2006

[49] Michael Liu; Chun Tung Chou, On the Fading and Shadowing Effects for Wireless Sensor NetworksIEEE Proceedings of MASS 2006, October 2006

[50] Zhiwei Cen; Matt Mutka, QoS Provision for Remote Sensing and Control in Heterogeneous EnvironmentsIEEE Proceedings of MASS 2006, October 2006

[51] Ritesh Maheshwari, Himanshu Gupta and Samir R. Das, Multichannel MAC Protocols for Wireless Networks, September 2006

[52] Anthony Rowe, Rahul Mangharam and Raj Rajkumar, RT-Link: A Time-Synchronized Link Protocol for Energy Constrained Multi-Hop Wireless Networks, September 2006

[53] Mathilde Durvy; Patrick Thiran, Understanding the Gap between the IEEE 802.11 Protocol Performance and the Theoretical Limits, September 2006

[54] Throughput-Oriented MAC for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks with Variable Packet Sizes, Throughput-Oriented MAC for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks with Variable Packet Sizes, September 2006

[55] Injong Rhee, Ajit Warrier, Jeongki Min, Lisong Xu, DRAND: distributed randomized TDMA scheduling for wireless ad-hoc networksProceedings of the seventh ACM international symposium on Mobile ad hoc networking and computing (Mo, May 2006

[56] Jingpu Shi, Theodoros Salonidis, Edward W. Knightly, Starvation mitigation through multi-channel coordination in CSMA multi-hop wireless networksProceedings of the seventh ACM international symposium on Mobile ad hoc networking and computing (Mo, May 2006

[57] G-S. Ahn, E. Miluzzo, A.T. Campbell, S.G. Hong, and F. Cuomo, Funneling-MAC: A Localized Sink-Oriented MAC for Boosting Fidelity in Sensor NetworksACM Sensys, November 2006

[58] M. Buettner, G.V. Yee, E. Anderson, and R. Han, X-MAC: A Short Preamble MAC Protocol for Duty-Cycled Wireless Sensor NetworksACM Sensys, November 2006

[59] Y. Ye, F. Silva, and J. Heidemann, Ultra-Low Duty Cycle MAC with Scheduled Channel PollingACM Sensys, November 2006

[60] S. Gandham, Y. Zhang, and Q. Huang, Distributed Minimal Time Convergecast Scheduling in Wireless Sensor Networks,ICDCS, July 2006

[61] S. Liu, K-W Fan, and P. Sinha, CMAC: An Energy Efficient MAC Layer Protocol Using Convergent Packet Forwarding for Wireless SensorIEEE Secon, June 2007

[62] C. Vigorito, D. Ganesan, and A. Barto, Adaptive Control of Duty Cycling in Energy-Harvesting Wireless Sensor NetworksIEEE Secon, June 2007

[63] R. Roy and N. Vaidya, MAC-Layer Capture: A Problem in Wireless Mesh Networks using Beamforming AntennasIEEE Secon, June 2007

[64] J. Degesys, I. Rose, A.B. Patel, and R. Nagpal, DESYNC: Self-Organizing Desynchronization and TDMA on Wireless Sensor networksIPSN, April 2007

[65] Y. Yi, G.D. Veciana, and S. Shakkottai, On Optimal MAC Scheduling With Physical InterferenceInfocom, May 2007

[66] S. Eisenman and A. Campbell, E-CSMA: Supporting Enhanced CSMA Performance in Experimental Sensor Networks using Per-neighbor TranInfocom, May 2007

[67] S. Du, A.K. Saha, and D.B. Johnson, RMAC: a Routing-Enhanced Duty-Cycle MAC Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks,Infocom, May 2007

Topic 3: Wireless Communication  [Back to Index]
3. Link Layer Techniques

[1] L.C. Zhong, J. Rabaey, C. Guo, and R. Shah., Data Link Layer Design for Wireless Sensor Networks.Military Communications Conference (MILCOM'01). Communications for Network-Centric Operations: Creat, October 2001

[2] Y. Sankarasubramaniam, I.F. Akyildiz, and S.W. McLaughlin., Energy Efficiency based Packet Size Optimization in Wireless Sensor Networks.Sensor Network Protocols and Applications (SNPA'03), May 2003

[3] A. Woo, T. Tong, and D. Culler., Taming the Underlying Challenges of Reliable Multihop Routing in Sensor Networks.,The First ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (Sensys'03), November 2003

[4] R.R. Kompella, and A.C. Snoeren., Practical Lazy Scheduling in Sensor Networks.The First ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (Sensys'03), November 2003

[5] Shoubhik Mukhopadhyay, Debashis Panigrahi, Sujit Dey, Model based error correction for wireless sensor networksIEEE SECON, October 2004

[6] Youngchul Sung, Lang Tong, H. Vincent Poor, Sensor Activation and Scheduling for Field Detection in Large Sensor ArraysFourth International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '05), April 2005

[7] Wang Ke, Salma Abu Ayyash , Thomas Little, Semantic Internetworking of Sensor Systems:IEEE MASS, October 2004

[8] Ping Chung Ng , Soung Chang Liew, Offered Load Control in IEEE802.11 Multi-hop Ad-hoc NetworksIEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems, October 2004

[9] Andrew Lyakhov, Vladimir Vishnevsky, Packet Fragmentation in Wi-Fi Ad Hoc Networks with Correlated Channel Failures,IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS), October 2004

[10] Caitlin Holman, Khaled Harras, Kevin Almeroth, Anderson Lam, A Proactive Data Bundling System for Intermittent Mobile ConnectionsIEEE SECON 2006, September 2006

[11] Natasa Sarafijanovic, Michal Pi?kowski, Matthias Grossglauser, Island Hopping: Efficient Mobility-Assisted Forwarding in Partitioned NetworksIEEE SECON 2006, September 2006

[12] Christoph Lindemann, Oliver Waldhorst, Effective Dissemination of Presence Information in Highly Partitioned Mobile Ad Hoc NetworksIEEE SECON 2006, September 2006

[13] Ece Gelal, Gentian Jakllari, Srikanth V. Krishnamurthy and Neal E. Young, Topology Control to Simultaneously Achieve Near-Optimal Node Degree and Low Path Stretch in Ad Hoc N, September 2006

[14] Zarifzadeh, S.; Nayyeri, A.; Yazdani, N., Joint Range and Load Considerations for Topology Control in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks, September 2006

[15] Torrent-Moreno, M.; Santi, P.; Hartenstein, H., Distributed Fair Transmit Power Adjustment for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks, September 2006

[16] Vilzmann, R.; Widmer, J.; Aad, I.; Hartmann, C., Lo~w-Comp-lexity Beamforming Techniques for Wireless Multihop Networks, September 2006

[17] Chao Wang; Ramnanathan, P., Energy Efficient Transmission Scheme for Data-Gathering in Mobile Sensor Networks, September 2006

[18] Yuan Li; Wei Ye; Heidemann, J., Energy Efficient Network Reconfiguration for Mostly-Off Sensor Networks, September 2006

[19] Lei Miao (Boston University, US); Christos Cassandras (Boston University, US), Optimal Transmission Scheduling for Energy-efficient Wireless NetworksIEEE Infocom, April 2006

[20] Ahmed Bader, Eylem Ekici, Throughput and delay optimization in interference-limited multihop networksProceedings of the seventh ACM international symposium on Mobile ad hoc networking and computing (Mo, May 2006

[21] Pablo Soldati, Bj?n Johansson, Mikael Johansson, Proportionally fair allocation of end-to-end bandwidth in STDMA wireless networksProceedings of the seventh ACM international symposium on Mobile ad hoc networking and computing (Mo, May 2006

[22] Karthikeyan Sundaresan, Weizhao Wang, Stephan Eidenbenz, Algorithmic aspects of communication in ad-hoc networks with smart antennasProceedings of the seventh ACM international symposium on Mobile ad hoc networking and computing (Mo, May 2006

[23] S. Qaisar and H. Radha, OPERA: An Optimal Progressive Error Recovery Algorithm for Wireless Sensor NetworksIEEE Secon, June 2007

[24] S. Vakil and B. Liang, Decentralized Multiuser Diversity with Cooperative Relaying in Wireless Sensor NetworksIEEE Secon, June 2006

[25] O. Dousse, Revising Buffering in Multihop CSMA/CA Wireless NetworksIEEE Secon, June 2006

[26] H.L. Khac, D. Henriksson, and . T.F. Abdelzaher, A Control Theory Approach to Throughput Optimization in Multi-Channel Collection Sensor NetworksIPSN, April 2007

[27] Y. Chen and E. Fleury, A Distributed Policy Scheduling for Wireless Sensor NetworksInfocom, May 2007

[28] Y. Wu, S. Fahmy, and N.B. Shroff, Energy Efficient Sleep/Wake Scheduling for Multi-hop Sensor Networks: Non-convexity and ApproximatioInfocom, May 2007

Topic 3: Wireless Communication  [Back to Index]
4. Power Control

[1] M. Kubisch, H. Karl, A. Wolisz, L.C. Zhong, and J. Rabaey, Distributed Algorithms for Transmission Power Control in Wireless Sensor NetworksWireless Communications and Networking (WCNC'03), March 2003

[2] L. Li and P. Sinha., Throughput and Energy Efficiency in Topology-controlled Multi-hop Wireless Sensor Networks.,WSNA'03, September 2003

[3] Hohlt, B.; Doherty, L.; Brewer, E., Flexible power scheduling for sensor networks3rd International Symposium on Information Processing in Sensor Networks, IPSN 2004, April 2004

[4] Alaa Muqattash , Marwan Krunz, A Single-Channel Solution for Transmission Power Control in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks,MobiHoc, May 2004

[5] Ivan Howitt, Jing Wang, Energy Efficient Power Control Policies for the Low Rate WPANIEEE SECON, October 2004

[6] Dongjin Son, Bhaskar Krishnamachari, John Heidemann, Experimental study of the effects of Transmission Power Control and Blacklisting in Wireless SensorIEEE SECON 2004, October 2004

[7] Olaf Landsiedel (University of Tuebingen, Germany), Klaus Wehrle (University of Tuebingen, Germany),, Accurate Prediction of Power Consumption in Sensor NetworksEmnets-II, May 2005

[8] Nithya Ramanathan (University of California Los Angeles, USA), Mark Yarvis (Intel Corporation, USA), A Stream-Oriented Power Management Protocol for Low Duty Cycle Sensor Network ApplicationsEmnets-II, May 2005

[9] Shanzhong Zhu; Wei Wang; Chinya Ravishankar, A New Power-Efficient Scheme to Deliver Time-Sensitive Data in Sensor NetworksProceedings of IEEE MASS 2006, October 2006

[10] Vincent, P.J.; Tummnala, M.; Mceachen, J., A New Method for Distributing Power Usage across a Sensor Network, September 2006

[11] Alaa Muqattash (University of Arizona, US); Tao Shu (University of Arizona, US); Marwan Krunz (Unive, On the Performance of Joint Rate/Power Control with Adaptive Modulation in Wireless CDMA NetworksIEEE Infocom 2006, April 2006

[12] Sabyasachi Roy (Purdue University, US); Y. Charlie Hu (Purdue University, US); Dimitrios Peroulis (P, Minimum-Energy Broadcast Using Practical Directional Antennas in All-Wireless NetworksIEEE Infocom, April 2006

[13] Christina Fragouli (EPFL, CH); Joerg Widmar (DoCoMo Euro-Labs, DE); Jean-Yves Le Boudec (EPFL, CH), A Network Coding Approach to Energy Efficient Broadcasting from Theory to PracticeIEEE Infocom, April 2005

[14] Yuxi Li (University of Alberta, CA); Janelle Harms (University of Alberta, CA); Robert Holte (Univer, Optimal Traffic-Oblivious Energy-Aware Routing For Multihop Wireless NetworksIEEE Infocom, April 2006

[15] Abtin Keshavarzian, Huang Lee, Lakshmi Venkatraman, Wakeup scheduling in wireless sensor networksProceedings of the seventh ACM international symposium on Mobile ad hoc networking and computing (Mo, May 2006

[16] S. Lin, T. He, J. Zhang, G. Zhou, L. Gu, and J.A. Stankovic, ATPC: Adaptive Transmission Power Control for Wireless Sensor NetworksACM Sensys, November 2006

[17] K. Klues, G. Xing, and C. Lu, Link Layer Support for Unified Radio Power Management in Wireless Sensor Networks,IPSN, April 2007

[18] C.J. Rozell and D.H. Johnson, Power Scheduling for Wireless Sensor and Actuator NetworksIPSN, April 2007

Topic 4: Networking  [Back to Index]
1. Topology Control

[1] Y. Xu, J. Heidemann, and D. Estrin, Adaptive Energy-Conserving Routing for Multihop Ad Hoc Networks, USC/Information Sciences Institute, October 2000

[2] A. Cerpa and D. Estrin, ASCENT: Adaptive Self-Configuring sEnsor Networks TopologiesINFOCOM'02, June 2002

[3] B. Chen, K. Jamieson, H. Balakrishnan, and R. Morris, Span: an Energy-Efficient Coordination Algorithm for Topology Maintenance in Ad Hoc Wireless NetworkACM Wireless Networks Journal, 8, 5, 481-494, September 2002

[4] Y. Xu, S. Bien, Y. Mori, J. Heidemann, and D. Estrin., Topology Control Protocols to Conserve Energy in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks, CENS Technical Report 0006, January 2003

[5] Wen-Zhan Song, Yu Wang , Xiang-Yang Li, Localized Algorithms for Energy Efficient Topology in Wireless Ad Hoc NetworksMobiHoc, May 2004

[6] Anindya Basu, Brian Boshes , Sayandev Mukherjee, Sharad Ramanathan, Network Deformation: Traffic-Aware Algorithms for Dynamically Reducing End-to-end Delay in MultihopMobiCom, September 2004

[7] Mihaela Cardei, Jie Wu, Shuhui Yang, Topology Control in Ad hoc Wireless Networks with Hitch-hikingIEEE SECON, October 2004

[8] Hartmut Ritter, Rolf Winter, Jochen Schiller, A Partition Detection System for Mobile Ad-Hoc NetworksIEEE SECON, October 2004

[9] Hossein Pishro-Nik, Kevin Chan, Faramarz Fekri, On Connectivity Properties of Large-Scale Sensor NetworksIEEE SECON, October 2004

[10] Xin Liu, R. Srikant, An Information-Theoretic View of Connectivity in Wireless Sensor NetworksIEEE SECON, October 2004

[11] N. Li and J.C. Hou, Topology Control in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks: Problems and SolutionsINFOCOM'04, March 2004

[12] S. De, C. Qiao, D.A. Pados, and M. Chatterjee, Topological and MAI Constraints on the Performance of Wireless CDMA sensor NetworksINFOCOM'04, March 2004

[13] A. Karnik and A. Kumar, Distributed Optimal Self-Organisation in a Class of Wireless Sensor NetworksINFOCOM'04, March 2004

[14] A. Bogdanov, E. Maneva, and S. Riesenfeld, Power-aware Base Station Positioning for Sensor NetworksINFOCOM'04, March 2004

[15] O. Younis and S. Fahmy, Distributed Clustering in Ad-hoc Sensor Networks: A Hybrid, Energy-Efficient Approach,INFOCOM'04, March 2004

[16] T. Melodia, D. Pompili, I.F. Akyildiz, Optimal Local Topology Knowledge for Energy Efficient Geographical Routing in Sensor NetworksINFOCOM'04, March 2004

[17] T. Melodia, D. Pompili, V.C. Gungor, and I.F. Akyildiz, A Distributed Coordination Framework for Wireless Sensor and Actor NetworksACM Mobihoc, May 2005

[18] T. Shu, M. Krunz, and S. Vrudhula, Power Balanced Coverage-Time Optimization for Clustered Wireless Sensor Networks,ACM Mobihoc, March 2005

[19] R. Iyengar, K. Kar, and S. Banerjee, Low-Coordination Topologies for Redundancy in Sensor NetworksACM Mobihoc, March 2005

[20] G. Xing, C. Lu, Y. Zhang, Q. Huang, and R. Pless, Minimum Power Configuration in Wireless Sensor NetworksACM Mobihoc, March 2005

[21] W-Z. Song and X-Y. Li, A Unified Energy-Efficient Topology for Unicast and BroadcastMobicom, August 2005

[22] Xiang-Yang Li, Kousha Moaveni-Nejad, Wen-Zhan Song and Wei-Zhao Wang, Interference-Aware Topology Control for Wireless Sensor NetworksIEEE SECON, September 2005

[23] S. Toumpis and G. A. Gupta, Optimal Placement of Nodes in Large Sensor Networks Under a General Physical Layer Model,IEEE SECON, September 2005

[24] Y. Thomas Hou, Yi Shi, Hanif D. Sherali and Scott F. Midkiff, Prolonging Sensor Network Lifetime with Energy Provisioning and Relay Node PlacementIEEE SECON, September 2005

[25] Sayandev Mukherjee, Dan Avidor, Outage Probabilities in Poisson and Clumped Poisson-distributed Hybrid Ad-Hoc NetworksIEEE SECON, September 2005

[26] Zongheng Zhou, Samir Das, Himanshu Gupta, Fault Tolerant Connected Sensor Cover with Variable Sensing and Transmission RangesIEEE SECON, September 2005

[27] Xiang-Yang Li, Wen-Zhan Song, Yu Wang, Localized Topology Control for Heterogeneous Wireless Ad-hoc NetworksIEEE MASS, October 2004

[28] Richard Tynan (University College Dublin, Ireland), Gregory O'Hare (University College Dublin, Irela, Interpolation for Wireless Sensor Network CoverageEmnets-II, May 2005

[29] Stefano Basagni , Michele Mastrogiovanni , Chiara Petrioli, A Performance Comparison of Protocols for Clustering and Backbone Formation in Large Scale Ad Hoc NeIEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems, October 2004

[30] Manki Min , Feng Wang , Dingzhu Du , Panos Pardalos, A Reliable Virtual Backbone Scheme in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks,IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems, October 2004

[31] Thomas Moscibroda , Roger Wattenhofer, Efficient Computation of Maximal Independent Sets in Unstructured Multi-Hop Radio NetworksIEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems, October 2004

[32] Haitao Liu , Rajiv Gupta, Selective Backbone Construction for Topology ControlIEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems, October 2004

[33] Xiang-Yang Li , Wen-Zhan Song , Yu Wang, Localized Topology Control for Heterogeneous Wireless Ad-hoc NetworksIEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS), October 2004

[34] Yafeng Wu , Yinlong Xu , Guoliang Chen , Kun Wang, On the Construction of Virtual Multicast Backbone for Wireless Ad Hoc NetworksIEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS), October 2004

[35] D'Souza, R.; Galvin, G.; Moore, C.; Randall, D., Global connectivity from local geometric constraints for sensor networks with various wireless footpProceedings of the fifth international conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN, April 2006

[36] Eric Wong, Rene Cruz, A Spatio-Temporal Model for Physical Carrier Sensing Wireless Ad-Hoc NetworksIEEE SECON 2006, September 2006

[37] Qin Wang, Mark Hempstead, Woodward Yang, A Realistic Power Consumption Model for Wireless Sensor Network Devices,IEEE SECON 2006, September 2006

[38] Hazer Inaltekin, Stephen Wicker, The Analysis of a Game Theoretic MAC Protocol for Wireless NetworksIEEE SECON 2006, September 2006

[39] Venkata K. Prasanthi M., Anurag Kumar, Optimizing Delay in Sequential Change Detection on Ad Hoc Wireless Sensor NetworksIEEE SECON 2006, September 2006

[40] Thomas Moscibroda (ETH Zurich, CH); Roger Wattenhofer (ETH Zurich, CH), The Complexity of Connectivity in Wireless NetworksIEEE Infocomm, April 2006

[41] Anand Srinivas, Gil Zussman, Eytan Modiano, Mobile backbone networks --: construction and maintenanceProceedings of the seventh ACM international symposium on Mobile ad hoc networking and computing (Mo, May 2006

[42] Ziv Bar-Yossef, Roy Friedman, Gabriel Kliot, RaWMS - random walk based lightweight membership service for wireless ad hoc networkProceedings of the seventh ACM international symposium on Mobile ad hoc networking and computing (Mo, May 2006

[43] Thomas Moscibroda, Roger Wattenhofer, Aaron Zollinger, Topology control meets SINR:: the scheduling complexity of arbitrary topologiesProceedings of the seventh ACM international symposium on Mobile ad hoc networking and computing (Mo, May 2006

Topic 4: Networking  [Back to Index]
2. Data Gathering

[1] W.R. Heinzelman, A. Chandrakasan, and H. Balakrishnan, Energy-Efficient Communication Protocol for Wireless Microsensor NetworksHawaii International Conference on System Sciences, January 2000

[2] A. Manjeshwar and D.P. Agrawal, TEEN: a routing protocol for enhanced efficiency in wireless sensor networks.,Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, April 2001

[3] S. Lindsey, C. Raghavendra, and K. Sivalingam, Data Gathering in Sensor Networks using the Energy*Delay Metric,Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, April 2001

[4] J. Mirkovic, G.P. Venkataramani, S. Lu, and L. Zhang., A Self-Organizing Approach to Data Forwarding in Large-Scale Sensor Networks.IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2001)., June 2001

[5] S. Goel and T. Imielinski, Prediction-based monitoring in Sensor Networks: Taking Lessons from MPEG.ACM Computer Communication Review, 31, 5, 82-98, October 2001

[6] X. Hong, M. Gerla, and R. Bagrodia, T.J. Kwon, P. Estabrook, and G. Pei, The Mars Sensor Network: Efficient, Energy Aware CommunicationsMilitary Communications Conference (MILCOM 2001), October 2001

[7] S. Lindsey and C.S. Raghavendra, PEGASIS: Power-Efficient GAthering in Sensor Information SystemsAerospace Conference Proceedings, March 2002

[8] M.A. Youssef, M.F. Younis, and K.A. Arisha, A Constrained Shortest-Path Energy-Aware Routing Algorithm for Wireless Sensor NetworksWireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC'02), March 2002

[9] Z. Cheng, M. Perillo, B. Tavli, W. Heinzelman, S. Tilak, N. Abu-Ghazaleh., Protocols for Local Data Delivery in Wireless Microsensor NetworksThe 2002 45th Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS'02), August 2002

[10] G. Gupta and M. Younis, Performance Evaluation of Load-Balanced Clustering of Wireless Sensor Networks10th International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT'03)., March 2003

[11] M.N. Halgamuge, S.M. Guru, and A. Jennings, Energy Efficient Cluster Formation in Wireless Sensor Networks10th International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT'03), March 2003

[12] K. Dasgupta, K. Kalpakis, and P. Namjoshi., An Efficient Clustering-based Heuristic for Data Gathering and Aggregation in Sensor NetworksWireless Communications and Networking (WCNC'03), March 2003

[13] R. Krishnan and D. Starobinski, Message-Efficient Self-Organization of Wireless Sensor NetworksWireless Communications and Networking (WCNC'03), March 2003

[14] G. Gupta and M. Younis, Fault-Tolerant Clustering of Wireless Sensor NetworksWireless Communications and Networking (WCNC'03), March 2003

[15] S. Bandyopadhyay and E.J. Coyle, An Energy Efficient Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks,INFOCOM'03, March 2003

[16] F. Ye, G. Zhong, S. Lu, and L. Zhang., A Robust Data Delivery Protocol for Large Scale Sensor Networks2nd International Workshop on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN'03), April 2003

[17] A. Boukerche, X. Cheng, and J. Linus, Energy-Aware Data-Centric Routing in Microsensor NetworksMSWiM'03, September 2003

[18] S. Tilak, A. Murphy, and W. Heinzelman, Non-uniform Information Dissemination for Sensor Networks11th IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP'03), November 2003

[19] C. Zhou and B. Krishnamachari, Localized Topology Generation Mechanisms for Self-Configuring Sensor NetworksIEEE Globecom, December 2003

[20] F. Ye, A. Chen, S. Lu, and L. Zhang, A Scalable Solution to Minimum Cost Forwarding in Large Scale Sensor Networks,10th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN'01), October 2001

[21] Basu, P.; Redi, J., Effect of overhearing transmissions on energy efficiency in dense sensor networks3rd International Symposium on Information Processing in Sensor Networks, IPSN 2004, April 2004

[22] Vikrant Sharma, Emilio Frazzoli, Petros Voulgaris, Improving Lifetime Data Gathering and Distortion for Mobile Sensing NetworksIEEE SECON, October 2004

[23] Y. Yu, B. Krishnamachari, and V.K. Prasanna, Energy-Latency Tradeoffs for Data Gathering in Wireless Sensor Networks,INFOCOM'04, March 2004

[24] S. Bandyopadhyay and E.J. Coyle, Spatio-Temporal Sampling Rates and Energy Efficiency in Wireless Sensor Networks,INFOCOM'04, March 2004

[25] Alex Dimakis, Vinod Prabhakaran, Kannan Ramchandran, Ubiquitous Access to Distributed Data in Large-scale Sensor Networks through Decentralized Erasure CFourth International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '05), April 2005

[26] H. Gupta, V. Navda, S.R. Das, and V. Chowdhary, Efficient Gathering of Correlated Data in Sensor NetworksACM Mobihoc, March 2005

[27] Wook Choi; Das, S.K., A novel framework for energy - conserving data gathering in wireless sensor networksIEEE Infocom, March 2005

[28] Dan Wang, Yan Long and Funda Ergun, A Layered Architecture for Delay Sensitive Sensor NetworksIEEE SECON, September 2005

[29] Skraba, P.; Fang, Q.; Nguyen, A.; Guibas, L., Sweeps over wireless sensor networksProceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN, April 2006

[30] Muhammad Mukarram Bin Tariq, Mostafa Ammar, Ellen Zegura, Message ferry route design for sparse ad hoc networks with mobile nodesProceedings of the seventh ACM international symposium on Mobile ad hoc networking and computing (Mo, May 2006

[31] N. Burri, P.v. Rickenbach, and R. Wattenhofer, Dozer: Ultra-Low Power Data Gathering in Sensor NetworksIPSN, April 2007

[32] J. Leskovec, D. Chakrabarti, C. Faloutsos, S. Madden, C. Guestrin, and M. Faloutsos, Information Survival Threshold in Sensor and P2P NetworksInfocom, May 2007

[33] Y. Lin, B. Liang, and B. Li, Data Persistence in Large-scale Sensor Networks with Decentralized Fountain Codes,Infocom, May 2007

Topic 4: Networking  [Back to Index]
3. Geographic Routing

[1] B. Karp and H.T. Kung, GPSR: Greedy Perimeter stateless Routing for Wireless NetworksMobicom'00, August 2000

[2] C.M. Okino and M.G. Corr, Statistically Accurate Sensor NetworkingWireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC'02), March 2002

[3] K. Seada, A. Helmy, and R. Govindan, On the effect of localization errors on geographic face routing in sensor networks3rd International Symposium on Information Processing in Sensor Networks, April 2004

[4] A. Rao, S. Ratnasamy, C. Papadimitriou, S. Shenker, and I. Stoica, Geographic Routing without Location Information,MobiCom'03, September 2003

[5] D. Niculescu and B. Nath, Trajectory Based Forwarding and Its ApplicationsMobiCom'03, September 2003

[6] J. Newsome and D. Song., GEM: Graph EMbedding for Routing and Data-Centric Storage in Sensor Networks Without Geographic InfoThe First ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (Sensys'03), November 2003

[7] Karim Seada, Marco Zuniga, Ahmed Helmy, Bhaskar Krishnamachari, Energy-Efficient Forwarding Strategies for Geographic Routing in Lossy Wireless Sensor NetworksACM Sensys, November 2004

[8] M. Zorzi and R.R. Rao, Energy and latency performance of geographic random forwarding for ad hoc and sensor network,Wireless Communications and Networking (WCNC'03), March 2003

[9] S. Lee, B. Bhattacharjee, and S. Banerjee, Efficient Geographic Routing in Multihop Wireless NetworksACM Mobihoc, May 2005

[10] Sundar Subramanian, Sanjay Shakkottai, Geographic Routing with Limited Information in Sensor NetworksFourth International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '05), April 2005

[11] Noa Arad, Yuval Shavitt, Minimizing recovery state In geographic ad-hoc routingProceedings of the seventh ACM international symposium on Mobile ad hoc networking and computing (Mo, May 2006

[12] P.-J. Wan, C.-W. Yi, F. Yao, X. Jia, Asymptotic critical transmission radius for greedy forward routing in wireless ad hoc networksProceedings of the seventh ACM international symposium on Mobile ad hoc networking and computing (Mo, May 2006

[13] Y. Kim, R. Govindan, B. Karp, and S. Shenker, Lazy Cross-Link Removal for Geographic RoutingACM Sensys, November 2006

[14] S. Wu and K.S. Candan, GMP: Distributed Geographic Multicast Routing in Wireless Sensor NetworksICDCS, July 2006

[15] J. Ortiz, D. Moon, C. Bker, R. Fonseca, and I. Stoica, Location Service for Point-to-Point Routing in Wireless Sensor NetworksIPSN, April 2007

[16] S. Nath and P.B. Gibbons, Communicating via Fireflies: Geographic Routing on Duty-Cycled SensorsIPSN, April 2007

[17] N. Milosavljevic, A. Nguyen, Q. Fang, J. Gao, and L. Guibas, Landmark Selection and Greedy Landmark-descent Routing for Sensor NetworksInfocom, May 2007

[18] M-J/ Tsai, H-Y. Yang, and W-Q. Huang, Axis Based Virtual Coordinate Assignment Protocol and Delivery Guaranteed Routing Protocol in WireleInfocom, May 2007

Topic 4: Networking  [Back to Index]
4. Robust Routing

[1] D. Ganesan, R. Govindan, S. Shenker, and D. Estrin, Highly-Resilient, Energy-Efficient Multipath Routing in Wireless Sensor NetworksMobile Computing and Communications Review (MC2R). Vol 1., No. 2. 2002, April 2002

[2] S.D. Servetto and G. Barrenechea, Constrained Random Walks on Random Graphs: routing Algorithms for Large Scale Wireless Sensor NetworWSNA'02, September 2002

[3] D. Tian and N.D. Georganas, Energy Efficient Routing with Guaranteed Delivery in Wireless Sensor NetworksWCNC 2003, March 2003

[4] S. Dulman, T. Nieberg, J. Wu, and P. Havinga, Trade-Off between Traffic Overhead and Reliability in Multipath Routing for Wireless Sensor NetworksIEEE WCNC'03, March 2003

[5] S. De, C. Qiao, and H. Wu, Meshed Multipath Routing: An Efficient Strategy in Sensor NetworksWCNC 2003, March 2003

[6] R. Kannan, S. Sarangi, S.S. Iyengar, and L. Ray, Sensor-Centric Quality of Routing in Sensor NetworksINFOCOM 2003, March 2003

[7] Krishnamachari, Y. Mourtada, and S. Wicker, The Energy-Robustness Tradeoff for Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks,ICC 2003, May 2003

[8] C.L. Barrett, S.J. Eidenbenz, and L. Kroc, Parametric Probabilistic Sensor Network RoutingWSNA'03, September 2003

[9] B. Deb, S. Bhatnagar, and B. Nath, Information Assurance in Sensor NetworksWSNA'03, September 2003

[10] D.S.J.D. Couto, D. Aguayo, J. Bicket, and R. Morris, A High-Throughput Path Metric for Multi-Hop Wireless Routing,MOBICOM 2003, September 2003

[11] B. Deb, S. Bhatnagar, and B. Nath, ReInForM: Reliable Information Forwarding Using Multiple Paths in Sensor Networks,LCN 2003, October 2003

[12] Thomas Clausen, Emmanuel Baccelli, Philippe Jacquet, OSPF-style Database Exchange and Reliable Synchronization in the Optimized Link-State Routing ProtocIEEE SECON 2004, October 2004

[13] Q. Fang, J. Gao, and L.J. Guibas, Locating and Bypassing Routing Holes in Sensor NetworksINFOCOM'04, March 2004

[14] Guillermo Barrenetxea, Baltasar Beferull-Lozano, Martin Vetterli, Efficient routing with small buffers in dense networksFourth International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '05), April 2005

[15] Q. Dong, M. Adler, S. Banerjee, and A. Misra, Minimum Energy Reliable Paths Using Unreliable Wireless LinksACM Mobihoc, May 2005

[16] J. Bruck, J. Gao, and A. Jiang, MAP: Medial Axis Based Geometric Routing in Sensor NetworksMobicom, August 2005

[17] Henri Dubois-Ferriere, Deborah Estrin, Martin Vetterli, Packet combining in sensor networksSensys 2005, Proceedings of the 3rd ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems, November 2005

[18] Gang Ding, Zafer Sahinoglu, Bharat Bhargava, Philip Orlik, Jinyun Zhang, Reliable Broadcast in ZigBee NetworksIEEE SECON, September 2005

[19] Kenan Xu, Hossam Hassanein, Glen Takahara, Relay Node Deployment Strategies in Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks: Multiple-Hop CommunicatiIEEE SECON, September 2005

[20] Divyasheel Sharma, Vladimir Zadorozhny, Panos K. Chrysanthis, Timely Data Delivery in Sensor Networks Using WhirlpoolSecond International VLDB Workshop on Data Management for Sensor Networks (DMSN 2005), August 2005

[21] Ravindra Vaishampayan , J.J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves, Efficient and Robust Multicast Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS), October 2004

[22] Chandramouli Balasubramanian , J.J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves, Shortest Multipath Routing using Labeled DistancesIEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS), October 2004

[23] Yijie Han (University of Maryland, College Park, US); Richard La(University of Maryland, US); Hongzi, Path Selection in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks and Distribution of Path DurationINFOCOMM, April 2006

[24] John Oommen (Carleton University, CA); Sudip Misra (Carleton University, CA); Ole-Christoffer Granmo, Maximum Throughput Routing of Traffic in the Hose ModelIEEE Infocom 2006, April 2006

[25] Abbas El Gamal (Stanford University, US); James Mammen (Stanford University, US), Optimal Hopping in Ad Hoc Wireless NetworksIEEE Infocom, April 2006

[26] Stefan Pleisch, Mahesh Balakrishnan, Ken Birman, Robbert van Renesse, MISTRAL: efficient flooding in mobile ad-hoc networksProceedings of the seventh ACM international symposium on Mobile ad hoc networking and computing, May 2006

[27] F. Stann, J. Heidemann, R. Shroff, M.Z. Murtaza, RBP: Robust Broadcast Propagation in Wireless NetworksACM Sensys, November 2006

[28] A. Keshavarz-Haddad, V. Ribeiro, and R. Riedi, DRB and DCCB: Efficient and Robust Dynamic Broadcast for Ad Hoc and Sensor NetworksIEEE Secon, June 2007

[29] R. Curtmola, C. Nita-Rotaru, BSMR: Byzantine-Resilient Secure Multicast Routing in Multi-hop Wireless NetworksIEEE Secon, June 2006

[30] M. Rossi, N. Bui, and M. Zorzi, Cost and Collision Minimizing Forwarding Schemes for Wireless Sensor Networks,Infocom, May 2007

[31] P. Thulasiraman, S. Ramasubramanian, and M. Krunz, Disjoint multipath routing to two distinct drains in a multi-drain sensor networkInfocom, May 2007

[32] M. Nassr, J. Jun, S. Eidenbenz , A. Hansson, and A. Mielke, Scalable and Reliable Sensor Network Routing: Performance Study from Field DeploymentInfocom, May 2007

[33] Y. Xu, W-C. Lee, and J. Xu, Analysis of a Loss-Resilient Proactive Data Transmission Protocol in Wireless Sensor NetworksInfocom, May 2007

[34] T. Stathopoulos, M. Lukac, D. McIntire, J. Heidemann, D. Estrin, and W. Kaiser, End-to-end Routing for Dual-Radio Sensor NetworksInfocom, May 2007

Topic 4: Networking  [Back to Index]
5. Mobile Nodes

[1] F. Ye, H. Luo, J. Cheng, S. Lu, and L. Zhang, A Two-Tier Data Dissemination Model for Large-scale Wireless Sensor NetworksMOBICOM'02, August 2002

[2] R.C. Shah, S. Roy, S. Jain, and W. Brunette, Data MULEs: Modeling a Three-tier Architecture for Sparse Sensor NetworksSNPA'03, May 2003

[3] Q. Huang, C. Lu, and G.C. Roman, Spatiotemporal Multicast in Sensor NetworksSensys'03, November 2003

[4] H.S. Kim, T.F. Abdelzaher, and W.H. Kwon, Minimum-Energy Asynchronous Dissemination to Mobile Sinks in Wireless Sensor NetworksSensys'03, November 2003

[5] H. Arora and L. Greenwald, Toward the use of local monitoring and network-wide correction to achieve QoS guarantees in mobile aIEEE Secon, October 2004

[6] Zaidi, Z.R.; Mark, B.L.; Thomas, R.K., A Two-tier Representation of Node Mobility in Ad Hoc NetworksIEEE SECON 2004, October 2004

[7] de Moraes, R.M.; Sadjadpour, H.R.; Garcia-Luna-Aceves, J.J., Throughput-Delay Analysis of Mobile Ad-hoc Networks with a Multi-Copy Relaying StrategyIEEE SECON 2004, October 2004

[8] Mats Rydstrom, Andreu Urruela, Erik Strom, Arne Svensson, Low Complexity Tracking for Ad-hoc Automotive Sensor NetworksIEEE SECON, October 2004

[9] Akis Spyropoulos, Konstantinos Psounis, Cauligi Raghavendra, Single-Copy Routing in Intermittently Connected Mobile NetworksIEEE SECON 2004, October 2004

[10] Archana Sekhar, Manoj BS, Siva Ram Murthy, MARVIN: Movement-Aware Routing oVer Interplanetary NetworksIEEE SECON 2004, October 2004

[11] Subir Biswas (Michigan State University, USA), Jayanthi Rao (Michigan State University, USA), Biologically Inspired Mobility Models for Energy Conservation in Sensor NetworksEmnets-II, May 2005

[12] Bin Zhang (University of Southern California, USA), Gaurav Sukhatme (University of Southern Californ, Controlling Sensor Density using MobilityEmnets-II, May 2005

[13] Cao, H.; Ertin, E.; Kulathumani, V.; Sridharan, M.; Arora, A., Differential games in large-scale sensor-actuator networksProceedings of the fifth international conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN, April 2006

[14] T Spyropoulos, K Psounis, CS Raghavendra, Performance analysis of mobility-assisted routingProceedings of the seventh ACM international symposium on Mobile ad hoc networking and computing (Mo, May 2006

[15] Dan Lelescu, Ulaş C. Kozat, Ravi Jain, Mahadevan Balakrishnan, Model T++:: an empirical joint space-time registration modelProceedings of the seventh ACM international symposium on Mobile ad hoc networking and computing (Mo, May 2006

[16] Michele Garetto, Emilio Leonardi, Analysis of random mobility models with PDE'sProceedings of the seventh ACM international symposium on Mobile ad hoc networking and computing (Mo, May 2006

[17] Roland Flury, Roger Wattenhofer, MLS: an efficient location service for mobile ad hoc networksProceedings of the seventh ACM international symposium on Mobile ad hoc networking and computing (Mo, May 2006

[18] Y. Wu, X. Chen, L. Zhang, and Z. Niu, Interest Dissemination with Directional Antenna for Wireless Sensor networks with Mobile SinksACM Sensys, November 2006

[19] D. Shah and S. Shakkottai, Oblivious Routing with Mobile Fusion Centers over a Sensor NetworkInfocom, May 2007

Topic 4: Networking  [Back to Index]
6. Resource Aware Routing

[1] A. Salhieh, J. Weinmann, M. Kochhal, and L. Schwiebert, Power Efficient Topologies for Wireless Sensor NetworksICPP 2001, September 2001

[2] C. Shurgers and M.B. Srivastava, Energy Efficient Routing in Wireless Sensor NetworksMILCOM'01, September 2001

[3] R.C. Shah and J.M. Rabaey, Energy Aware Routing for Low Energy Ad Hoc Sensor NetworksWCNC2002, March 2002

[4] A. Willig, R. Shah, J. Rabaey, and A. Wolisz, Altrusits in the PicoRadio Sensor Network4th IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems, August 2002

[5] F.J. Block and C.W. Baum, An Energy-Efficient Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks with Battery Level UncertaintyMILCOM 2002, October 2002

[6] A. Kansal and M.B. Srivastava, An Environmental Energy Harvesting Framework for Sensor NetworksISLPED'03, August 2003

[7] R. Kumar, V. Tsiatsis, and M.B. Srivastava, Computation Hierarchy for In-network ProcessingWSNA'03, September 2003

[8] W.S. Conner, J. Chhabra, M. Yarvis, and L. Krishnamurthy, Experimental Evaluation of Synchronization and Topology Control for In-Building Sensor Network AppliWSNA'03, September 2003

[9] Jaya Shankar Pathmasuntharam, Amitabha Das, Anil K. Gupta, Channel Assignment for Nullifying the Critically Exposed Node Problem in Ad Hoc Wireless NetworkIEEE SECON, October 2004

[10] Yue Fang, Bruce McDonald, Dynamic Codeword Routing (DCR): A cross-layer Approach for Performance Enhancement of General Multi-IEEE SECON 2004, October 2004

[11] Ke Wang, Prithwish Basu, Salma Abu Ayyash, Thomas Little, Attribute-Based Clustering for Information Dissemination in Wireless Sensor Networks NetworksIEEE SECON, September 2005

[12] Aman Kansal, James Carwana, William Kaiser, Mani Srivastava, Acquiring Medium Models for Sensing Performance EstimationIEEE SECON, September 2005

[13] Tamer Nadeem, Ashok Agrawala, IEEE 802.11 Fragmentation-Aware Energy-Efficient Ad-Hoc Routing ProtocolsIEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems, October 2004

[14] Yu Wang; Wen-Zhan Song; Weizhao Wang; Xiang-Yang Li; Dahlberg, T.A., LEARN: Localized Energy Aware Restricted Neighborhood Routing for Ad Hoc Networks, September 2006

[15] Jang-Won Lee (YonUei UniverUity, KR); Mung Chiang (Princeton UniverUity, US); A. Robert Calderbank (, Network Utility iaximization and Price-Based Distributed Algorithms for Rate-Reliability TradeoffIEEE Infocom, April 2006

[16] AUhraf Al Daoud (BoUton UniverUity, US); Murat Alanyali (BoUton UniverUity, US), Loss-cognizant Pricing in feed-forward Networks with Greedy UsersIEEE Infocom, April 2006

[17] Zhu Ji (University of Maryland, College Park, US); Wei Yu (University of Maryland, US); K.J. Ray Liu, An Optimal Dynamic Pricing Framework for Autonomous mobile Ad Hoc NetworksIEEE Infocom, April 2006

[18] Daron Acemoglu (MaUUachuUettU InUtitute of Technogloy, US); AUuman Ozdaglar (MaUUaUhuUettU InUtitute, Price Competition in Communication NetworksIEEE Infocom, April 2006

[19] Lijun Chen (California Institute of Technology, US); Steven Low (California Institute of Technology,, Cross-Layer Congestion Control Routing and Scheduling Design in Ad Hoc Wireless NetworksIEEE Infocom, April 2006

[20] Yijie Han (UniverUity of Maryland, College Park, US); Armand MakowUki(UniverUity of Maryland, US), Resequencing delays under multipath routing -- Asymptotics in a simple queueing modelIEEE Infocom, April 2006

Topic 4: Networking  [Back to Index]
7. Autonomic Routing

[1] Y. He, C.S. Raghavendra, S. Berson, and B. Braden, A Programmable Routing Framework for Autonomic Sensor Networks,AMS'03, June 2003

[2] Sankardas Roy, Venkata Gopala Addada, Sanjeev Setia, Sushil Jajodia, Securing MAODV: Attacks and CountermeasuresIEEE SECON, September 2005

[3] Chandramouli Balasubramanian, J.J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves, Shortest Multipath Routing using Labeled DistancesIEEE MASS, October 2004

[4] Michael Afergan, Using Repeated Games to Design Incentive-Based Routing SystemsIEEE Infocom 2006, April 2006

[5] R. Flury and R. Wattenhofer, Routing, Anycast, and Multicast for Mesh and Sensor NetworksInfocom, May 2007

Topic 4: Networking  [Back to Index]
8. Network Monitoring

[1] C. Jaikaeo, C. Srisathapornphat, and C.C. Shen, Diagnosis of Sensor NetworksICC'01, June 2001

[2] J. Zhao, R. Govindan, and D. Estrin, Sensor Network Tomography: Monitoring Wireless Sensor NetworksComputer Communication Review, January 2002

[3] J. Zhao, R. Govindan, and D. Estrin, Residual Energy Scans for Monitoring Wireless Sensor NetworksWCNC'02, March 2002

[4] J. Staddon, D. Balfanz, and G. Durfee, Efficient Tracing of Failed Nodes in Sensor NetworksWSNA'02, September 2002

[5] C.F. Hsin and M. Liu, A Distributed Monitoring Mechanism for Wireless Sensor NetworksWiSe'02, September 2002

[6] J. Zhao, R. Govindan, and D. Estrin, Computing Aggregates for Monitoring Wireless Sensor NetworksSNPA'03, May 2003

[7] B. Deb, S. Bhatnagar, and B. Nath, Multi-Resolution State Retrieval in Sensor NetworksSNPA'03, May 2003

[8] Bret Hull, Kyle Jamieson, Hari Balakrishnan, Techniques for Mitigating Congestion in Sensor NetworksACM Sensys, November 2004

[9] C. T. Ee and R. Bajcsy, Congestion Control and Fairness for Many-to-One Routing in Sensor NetworksACM Sensys, November 2004

[10] Jun Luo, Jean-Pierre Hubaux, NASCENT: Network Layer Service for Vicinity Ad-hoc GroupsIEEE SECON, October 2004

[11] Krishna Ramachandran, Elizabeth Belding-Royer, Kevin Almeroth, DAMON: A Distributed Architecture for Monitoring Multi-hop Mobile NetworksIEEE SECON, October 2004

[12] Ding, M.; Chen, D.; Xing, K.; Cheng, X., Localized fault-tolerant event boundary detection in sensor networksIEEE Infocom, March 2005

[13] Chieh-Yih Wan, Shane B. Eisenman, Andrew T. Campbell, Jon Crowcrof, Siphon: overload traffic management using multi-radio virtual sinks in sensor networksSensys 2005, Proceedings of the 3rd ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems, November 2005

[14] Ratul Mahajan, Maya Rodrig, David Wetherall, John Zahorjan, Analyzing the MAC-level behavior of wireless networks in the wildProceedings of the 2006 conference on Applications, technologies, architectures, and protocols for c, September 2006

Topic 4: Networking  [Back to Index]
9. Network Coding

[1] Sachin Katti, Hariharan Rahul, Wenjun Hu, Dina Katabi, Muriel M?ard, Jon Crowcroft, XORs in the air: practical wireless network codingProceedings of the 2006 conference on Applications, technologies, architectures, and protocols for c, September 2006

[2] A. Kamra, V. Misra, J. Feldman, and D. Rubenstein, Growth codes: maximizing sensor network data persistenceACM Sigcomm, September 2006

[3] K. Misra, S. Karande, and H. Radha, INPoD: In-Network Processing Over Sensor Networks based on Code DesignIEEE Secon, June 2007

[4] L. Ong and M. Motani, Optimal Routing for Decode-and-Forward based Cooperation in Wireless NetworksIEEE Secon, June 2007

Topic 5: Data-centric Querying, Routing, and Storage  [Back to Index]
1. Routing and Aggregation

[1] C. Intanagonwiwat, R. Govindan, and D. Estrin, Directed Diffusion: A Scalable and Robust Communication Paradigm for Sensor NetworksIn Proceedings of the Sixth Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networks (MobiCO, August 2000

[2] J. Elson and D. Estrin, Random, Ephemeral Transaction Identifiers in Dynamic Sensor NetworksProceedings of the Twenty First International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS-21), April 2001

[3] J. Heidemann, F. Silva, C. Intanagonwiwat, R. Govindan, D. Estrin, and D. Ganesan, Building Efficient Wireless Sensor Networks with Low-Level NamingIn Proceedings of the Symposium on Operating Systems Principles, October 2001

[4] M. Papadopouli and H. Schulzrinne, Effects of Power Conservation, Wireless Coverage and Cooperation on Data Dissemination among MobileMobiHOC'01, October 2001

[5] A. Manjeshwar and D.P. Agrawal, APTEEN: A Hybrid Protocol for Efficient Routing and Comprehensive Information Retrieval in WirelessParallel and Distributed Processing Symposium., Proceedings International (IPDPS 2002), April 2002

[6] S. Kim, S.H. Son, J.A. Stankovic, S. Li, and Y. Choi, SAFE: A Data Dissemination Protocol for Periodic Updates in Sensor Networks23rd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshops (ICDCSW'03), May 2003

[7] B. Krishnamachari, D. Estrin, and S. Wicker, The Impact of Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor NetworksInternational Workshop on Distributed Event-Based Systems, (DEBS '02), July 2002

[8] C. Intanagonwiwat, D. Estrin, R. Govindan, and J. Heidemann, Impact of Network Density on Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor NetworksIn Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, July 2002

[9] C. Lu, B.M. Blum, T.F. Abdelzaher, J.A. Stankovic, and T. He, C. Lu, B.M. Blum, T.F. Abdelzaher, J.A. Stankovic, and T. HeReal-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium, 2002. Proceedings. Eighth IEEE, September 2002

[10] D. Braginsky and D. Estrin, Rumor Routing Algorithm For Sensor NetworksThe First Workshop on Sensor Networks and Applications (WSNA'02), October 2002

[11] D. Petrovic, R.C. Shah, K. Ramchandran, and J. Rabaey, Data Funneling: Routing with Aggregation and Compression for Wireless Sensor NetworksSensor Network Protocols and Applications (SNPA'03), May 2003

[12] B. Krishnamachari and J. Heidemann, Application-Specific Modelling of Information Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks, ISI, August 2003

[13] U. Centinternel, A. Flinders, and Y. Sun, Power-Efficient Data Dissemination in Wireless Sensor NetworksMobiDE'03, August 2003

[14] J. Heidemann, F. Silva, and D. Estrin, Matching Data Dissemination Algorithms to Application RequirementsThe First ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (Sensys'03), November 2003

[15] S. Pattem, B. Krishnamachari, and R. Govindan, The Impact of Spatial correlation on Routing with Compression in Wireless Sensor NetworksACM/IEEE International Symposium on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN), April 2004

[16] R. Kumar, M. Wolenetz, B. Agarwalla, J. Shin, P. Hutto, A. Paul, and U. Ramachandran, DFuse: A Framework for Distributed Data FusionThe First ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (Sensys'03), October 2003

[17] D. Ganesan, A. Cerpa, W. Ye, Y. Yu, J. Zhao, and D. Estrin, Networking Issues in Wireless Sensor NetworksJournal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC), Special issue on Frontiers in Distributed Sens

[18] B. Krishnamachari, D. Estrin, and S. Wicker, Modelling Data-Centric Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks, USC, February 2002

[19] A. Boulis, S. Ganeriwal, and M.B. Srivastava, Aggregation in Sensor Networks: An Energy-Accuracy Trade-offSensor Network Protocols and Applications (SNPA'03), May 2003

[20] S. Biswas and R. Morris, ExOR: Opportunistic Multi-Hop Routing for Wireless NetworksACM Sigcomm, August 2005

[21] Nisheeth Shrivastava, Chiranjeeb Buragohain, Subhash Suri, Divyakant Agrawal, Medians and Beyond: New Aggregation Techniques for Sensor NetworksACM Sensys, November 2004

[22] Suman Nath, Phillip Gibbons, Zachary Anderson, Srinivasan Seshan, Synopsis Diffusion for Robust Aggregation in Sensor NetworksACM Sensys, November 2004

[23] T. Elbatt, On the scalability of hierarchical cooperation for dense sensor networks3rd International Symposium on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '04), April 2004

[24] Guestrin, C.; Bodik, P.; Thibaux, R.; Paskin, M.; Madden, S., Distributed regression: an efficient framework for modeling sensor network data3rd International Symposium on Information Processing in Sensor Networks, IPSN 2004, April 2004

[25] D. Ganesan, R. Cristescu, and B. Beferull-Lozano, Power-efficient sensor placement and transmission structure for data gathering under distortion cons3rd International Symposium on Information Processing in Sensor Networks, April 2004

[26] Gnawali, O.; Yarvis, M.; Heidemann, J.; Govindan, R., Interaction of retransmission, blacklisting, and routing metrics for reliability in sensor network rIEEE SECON 2004, October 2004

[27] Mizumoto, A.; Yamaguchi, H.; Taniguchi, K., Cost-Conscious Geographic Multicast on MANETIEEE SECON 2004, September 2004

[28] Pedro M. Ruiz, Antonio F. G?ez Skarmeta, Reducing Data-Overhead of Mesh-based Ad hoc Multicast Routing Protocols by Steiner Tree MeshesIEEE SECON 2004, October 2004

[29] Nurmi, P., Modelling routing in wireless ad hoc networks with dynamic bayesian gamesIEEE SECON 2004, October 2004

[30] Medidi, S.R.; Vik, K., QoS Aware Source-Initiated Ad-hoc RoutingIEEE SECON 2004, October 2004

[31] Lotfinezhad, M.; Liang, B., Effect of partially correlated data on clustering in wireless sensor networksIEEE SECON 2004, October 2004

[32] Patil, S.; Das, S.R.; Nasipuri, A., Serial Data Fusion Using Space-filling Curves in Wireless Sensor NetworksIEEE SECON 2004, October 2004

[33] Guoliang Xing, Chenyang Lu , Robert Pless , Qingfeng Huang, On Greedy Geographic Routing Algorithms in Sensing-Covered NetworksMobiHoc, May 2004

[34] Lorenzo Rossi, Bhaskar Krishnamachari, C.C. Jay Kuo, Distributed Parameter Estimation for Monitoring Diffusion Phenomena Using Physical ModelsIEEE SECON, October 2004

[35] Kurt Plarre, P. R. Kumar, Thomas Seidman, Increasingly Correct Message Passing Algorithms for Heat Source Detection in Sensor NetworksIEEE SECON, October 2004

[36] Vijay Erramilli, Ibrahim Matta, Azer Bestavros, On the Interaction between Data Aggregation and Topology Control in Wireless Sensor NetworksIEEE SECON, October 2004

[37] Haiguang Wang (Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore), Lek Heng Ngoh (Institute for Infocomm R, Fast Neighbor Join and Link Breakage Detection for METX-Based Routing in Wireless Sensor NetworksEmnets-II, May 2005

[38] Andre Barroso (University College Cork, Ireland), Utz Roedig (University College Cork, Ireland), Cor, Maintenance Efficient Routing in Wireless Sensor NetworksEmnets-II, May 2005

[39] Wook Choi (University of Texas at Arlington, USA), Hyun Jung Choe (University of Texas at Arlington,, Constrained Random Sensor Selection for Application-Specific Data Gathering in Wireless Sensor NetwoEmnets-II, May 2005

[40] Volkan Isler, Ruzena Bajcsy, The sensor selection problem for bounded uncertainty sensing modelsFourth International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '05) , April 2005

[41] Razvan Cristescu, Martin Vetterli, On the Optimal Density for Real-Time Data Gathering of Spatio-Temporal Processes in Sensor NetworksFourth International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '05), April 2005

[42] Razvan Cristescu, Baltasar Beferull-Lozano, Lossy Network Correlated Data Gathering with High-Resolution Coding,Fourth International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '05), April 2005

[43] Jun Luo; Hubaux, J.-P., Joint mobility and routing for lifetime elongation in wireless sensor networksIEEE Infocom, March 2005

[44] Paschalidis, I.Ch.; Lai, W.; Starobinski, D., Asymptotically optimal transmission policies for low-power wireless sensor networksIEEE Infocom, March 2005

[45] Yu He; Raghavendra, C.S., XVR: X visiting-pattern routing for sensor networksIEEE Infocom, March 2005

[46] Ferrara, D.; Galluccio, L.; Leonardi, A.; Morabito, G.; Palazzo, S., MACRO: an integrated MAC/routing protocol for geographic forwarding in wireless sensor networksIEEE Infocom, March 2005

[47] Yujie Zhu, Karthikeyan Sundaresan, Raghupathy Sivakumar, Practical Limits on Achievable Energy Improvements and Useable Delay Tolerance in Correlation AwareIEEE SECON, September 2005

[48] Yaoyao Gu, Doruk Bozdag, Eylem Ekici, Fusun Ozguner, Chang-Gun Lee, Partitioning-Based Mobile Element Scheduling in Wireless Sensor NetworksIEEE SECON, September 2005

[49] Dazhi Chen, Jing Deng and Pramod K. Varshney, On the Forwarding Area of Contention-Based Geographic Forwarding for Ad Hoc and Sensor NetworksIEEE SECON, September 2005

[50] Yashar Ganjali and Nick McKeown, Routing in a Highly Dynamic TopologyIEEE SECON, September 2005

[51] Jun Cheol Park and Sneha Kumar Kasera, Expected Data Rate: An Accurate High-Throughput Path Metric for Multi-Hop Wireless RoutingIEEE SECON, September 2005

[52] Chih-ping Li, Wei-jen Hsu, Bhaskar Krishnamachari and Ahmed Helmy, A Local Metric for Geographic Routing with Power Control in Wireless NetworksIEEE SECON, September 2005

[53] Thomas Fuhrmann, Scalable Routing for Networked Sensors and ActuatorsIEEE SECON, September 2005

[54] Srihari Nelakuditi, Sanghwan Lee, Yinzhe Yu, Junling Wang, Zifei Zhong, Guor-Huar Lu and Zhi-Li Zhan, Blacklist-Aided Forwarding in Static Multihop Wireless NetworksIEEE SECON, September 2005

[55] Arpita Ghosh, Dan Greene, Qingfeng Huang, Juan Liu, Variable Resolution Information DisseminationIEEE SECON, September 2005

[56] Wook Choi, Sajal Das, Trade-off Between Coverage and Data Reporting Latency for Energy-Conserving Data Gathering in WireleIEEE MASS, October 2004

[57] Johnson Kuruvila, Amiya Nayak ,Ivan Stojmenovic, Hop count optimal position based packet routing algorithms for ad hoc wireless networks with a realiIEEE MASS, October 2004

[58] Sophia Fotopoulou-Prigipa, Bruce McDonald, GCRP: Geographic Virtual Circuit Routing Protocol for Ad Hoc Networks,IEEE MASS, October 2004

[59] J.J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves, Hari Rangarajan, A New Framework for Loop-Free On-Demand Routing Using Destination Sequence NumbersIEEE MASS, October 2004

[60] Shu Jiang, Nitin Vaidya, Wei Zhao, A mix route algorithm for mix-net in wireless ad hoc networksIEEE MASS, October 2003

[61] David Jea, Arun Somasundara, Mani Srivastava, Multiple Controlled Mobile Elements (Data Mules) for Data Collection in Sensor NetworksInternational Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems, June 2005

[62] Jabed Faruque, Konstantinos Psounis, Ahmed Helmy, Analysis of Gradient-based Routing Protocols in Sensor Networks,International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems, June 2005

[63] Qinghui Tang, Naveen Tummala, Sandeep Gupta, Loren Schwiebert, Thermal-Aware Routing for Implanted Sensor Networks,International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems, June 2005

[64] Wensheng Zhang , Guohong Cao , Tom La Porta, Dynamic Proxy Tree-Based Data Dissemination Schemes for Wireless Sensor NetworksIEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems, October 2004

[65] Micha? Hauspie , Amandine Panier , David Simplot-Ryl, Localized probabilistic and dominating set based algorithm for efficient information dissemination iIEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems, October 2004

[66] Wei Yu , Thang Nam Le, Dong Xuan , Wei Zhao, Query Aggregation for Providing Efficient Data Services in Sensor NetworksIEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems, October 2004

[67] Venkata Giruka , Mukesh Singhal , Siva Prasad Yarravarapu, A Path Compression Technique for On-demand Ad-hoc Routing ProtocolsIEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS), October 2004

[68] Meliou, A.; Chu, D.; Guestrin, C.; Hellerstein, J.; Hong, W., Data gathering tours in sensor networksProceedings of the fifth international conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN, April 2006

[69] Rabbat, M.; Haupt, J.; Singh, A.; Nowak, R., Decentralized compression and predistribution via randomized gossiping,Proceedings of the fifth international conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN, April 2006

[70] Dimakis, A.G.; Sarwate, A.D.; Wainwright, M.J., Geographic gossip: efficient aggregation for sensor networks,Proceedings of the fifth international conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN, April 2006

[71] Huilong Huang (University of Arizona); John Hartman (University of Arizona); Terril Hurst (Universit, Data-Centric Routing in Sensor Networks using Biased WalkIEEE SECON 2006, September 2006

[72] Chiranjeeb Buragohain; Divyakant Agrawal; Subhash Suri;, Search-Quality Tradeoffs for Routing in Non-Ideal Wireless NetworksIEEE SECON 2006, September 2006

[73] Juan Sanchez, Pedro Ruiz, Ivan Stojmenovic, GMR: Geographic Multicast Routing for Wireless Sensor NetworksIEEE SECON 2006, September 2006

[74] Thomas Fuhrmann, Scalable Routing in Sensor Actuator Networks with ChurnIEEE SECON 2006, September 2006

[75] Xiaoli Ma, Min-Te Sun, Gang Zhao, Xiangqian Liu, Improving Geographical Routing for Wireless Networks with an Efficient Path Pruning AlgorithmIEEE SECON 2006, September 2006

[76] Yong Wang, Margaret Martonosi, Li-Shiuan Peh, Supervised Learning in Sensor Networks: New Approaches with Routing, Reliability OptimizationsIEEE SECON 2006, September 2006

[77] Antonio Ruzzelli, Michael O'Grady, Gregory O'Hare, Richard Tynan, MERLIN: A synergetic integration of MAC and Routing Protocol for Distributed Sensor NetworksIEEE SECON 2006, September 2006

[78] Yurong Xu, James Ford, and Fillia S. Makedon, A Variation on Hop-counting for Geographic RoutingEmNets 2006, May 2006

[79] Kai-Wei Fan, Sha Liu, and Prasun Sinha, On the Potential of Structure-free Data Aggregation in Sensor NetworksIEEE INFOCOM, April 2006

[80] Yu Wang, Hongyi Wu, DFT-MSN: The Delay Fault Tolerant Mobile Sensor Net work for Pervasive Information Gathering,IEEE INFOCOM, April 2006

[81] Xiang-Yang Li; Yantai Shu; Haiming Chen; Xiaowen Chu, Energy Efficient Routing With Unreliable Links in Wireless NetworksProceedings of IEEE MASS 2006, October 2006

[82] Stuart Kurkowski; Tracy Camp; William Navidi, Two Standards for Rigorous MANET Routing Protocol Evaluation,Proceedings of IEEE MASS 2006, October 2006

[83] Lichun Bao; Rex Chen; Denh Sy, ODAR: On-Demand Anonymous Routing in Ad Hoc NetworksProceedings of IEEE MASS 2006, October 2006

[84] Jiannong Cao, Lifan Zhang, Guojun Wang, Hui Cheng, SSR: Segment-by-Segment Routing in Large-Scale Mobile Ad Hoc NetworksIEEE Proceedings of MASS 2006, October 2006

[85] Francisco Ros, Pedro Ruiz, Low Overhead and Scalable Proxied Adaptive Gateway Discovery for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,IEEE Proceedings of MASS 2006, October 2006

[86] Yamin Li; Shietung Peng; Wanming Chu, An Efficient Algorithm for Finding an Almost Connected Dominating Set of Small Size on Wireless Ad HIEEE Proceedings of MASS 2006, October 2006

[87] Ke Liu; Nael Abu-Ghazaleh, Aligned Virtual Coordinates for Greedy Routing on WSNsIEEE Proceedings of MASS 2006, October 2006

[88] Huey-Ing Liu; Chi-Chuan Liu, An Intelligent Agent Routing over Wireless Sensor NetworksIEEE Proceedings of MASS 2006, October 2006

[89] Chih-Yung Chang; Kuei-Ping Shih; Shih-Chieh Lee; Sheng-Wen Chang, RGP: Active Route Guiding Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks with ObstaclesIEEE Proceedings of MASS 2006, October 2006

[90] Koen Langendoen, Apples, Oranges, and TestbedsIEEE Proceedings of MASS 2006, October 2006

[91] Ahmad Al Hanbali (INRIA Sophia-Antipolis, FR); Arzad Kherani (INRIA, IN); Robin Groenevelt (INRIA,FR, Impact of Mobility on the Performance of Relaying in Ad Hoc NetworksIEEE Infocom, April 2006

[92] Augustin Chaintreau (Thompson Research, FR); Pan Hui (Cambridge University, UK); Jon Crowcroft (Univ, Impact of Human Mobility on the Design of Opportunistic Forwarding AlgorithmsIEEE Infocom, April 2006

[93] Ben Liang, Min Dong, Balancing distance and lifetime in delay constrained ad hoc networksProceedings of the seventh ACM international symposium on Mobile ad hoc networking and computing (Mo, May 2006

[94] Yi Yang, Xinran Wang, Sencun Zhu, Guohong Cao, SDAP: a secure hop-by-Hop data aggregation protocol for sensor networksProceedings of the seventh ACM international symposium on Mobile ad hoc networking and computing (Mo, May 2006

[95] K-W Fan, S. Liu, and P. Sinha, Scalable Data Aggregation for Dynamic Events in Sensor NetworksACM Sensys, November 2006

[96] H. Jiang and S. Jin, Scalable and robust aggregation techniques for extracting statistical information in sensor networksICDCS, July 2006

[97] L.P. Cox, M. Castro, and A. Rowstron, POS: A Practical Order Statistics Service for Wireless Sensor NetworksICDCS, July 2006

[98] T. Parker and K. Langendoen, Foxtrot: Phase Space Data Representation for Correlation-Aware AggregationIEEE Secon, May 2007

[99] S. gandhi, J. Hershberger, and S. Suri, Approximate isocontours and Spatial Summaries for Sensor NetworksIPSN, April 2007

[100] R. Sarkar, X. Zhu, and J. Gao, Hierarchical Spatial Gossip for Multi-resolution Representations in Sensor Networks,IPSN, April 2007

[101] J. Gao, L. Guibas, J. Hershberger, and N. Milosavijevic, Sparse Data Aggregation in Sensor NetworksIPSN, April 2007

[102] R. Zheng and R. Barton, Toward Optimal Data Aggregation in Random Wireless Sensor NetworksInfocom, May 2007

[103] D. Starobinski, W. Xiao, X. Qin, and A. Trachtenberg, Near Optimal Data Dissemination Policies for Multi-Channel, Single Radio Wireless Sensor NetworksInfocom, May 2007

[104] Z. Ye, A. Abouzeid, and J. Ai, Optimal Policies for Distributed Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks,Infocom, May 2007

[105] W. He, X. Liu, H. Nguyen, K. Nahrstedt, and T. Abdelzaher, PDA: Privacy-preserving Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor NetworksInfocom, May 2007

Topic 5: Data-centric Querying, Routing, and Storage  [Back to Index]
2. Querying and Databases

[1] S. Kumar, C. Alaettinoglu, and D. Estrin, Scalable Object-tracking through Unattended Techniques (SCOUT)In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Network Protocols(ICNP), November 2000

[2] Y. Yao and J. Gehrke, The cougar Approach to In-Network Query Processing in Sensor NetworksSIGMOD, March 2002

[3] A. Faradjian, J. Gehrke, and P. Bonnett, GADT: A Probability Space ADT for Representing and Querying the Physical worldData Engineering (ICDE'02), March 2002

[4] Xin Liu, Qingfeng Huang, Ying Zhang, Combs, Needles, Haystacks: Balancing Push and Pull for Discovery in Large-Scale Sensor NetworksACM Sensys, November 2004

[5] J.M. Hellerstein, W. Hong, S. Madden, and K. Stanek, Beyond Average: Toward Sophisticated Sensing with Queries2nd International Workshop on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN 03), April 2003

[6] Y. Yao and J. Gehrke, Query Processing for Sensor NetworksFirst Biennial Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research (CIDR'03), January 2003

[7] S. Madden, M.J. Franklin, J.M. Hellerstein, and W. Hong, TAG: a Tiny AGgregation Service for Ad-Hoc Sensor Networks,5th Symposium on Operating System Design and Implementation (OSDI 2002), December 2002

[8] N. Sadagopan, B. Krishnamachari, and A. Helmy, The ACQUIRE Mechanism for Efficient Querying in Sensor NetworksIEEE International Workshop on Sensor Network Protocols and Applications (SNPA'03), May 2003

[9] S. Madden, M.J. Franklin, and J.M. Hellerstein, and W. Hong, The Design of an Acquisitional Query Processor For Sensor NetworksSIGMOD'03, June 2003

[10] M. Demirbas and H. Ferhatosmanoglu, Peer-to-Peer Spatial Queries in Sensor NetworksPeer-to-Peer Computing (P2P 2003). Third International Conference, September 2003

[11] J. Liu, F. Zhao, and D. Petrovic, Information-Directed Routing in Ad Hoc Sensor NetworksWSNA'03, September 2003

[12] Z. Cheng, and W.B. Heinzelman, Flooding Strategy for Target Discovery in Wireless NetworksMSWiM'03, September 2003

[13] B.J. Bonfils and P. Bonnet, Adaptive and Decentralized Operator Placement for In-Network Query Processing,Telecommunication Systems - Special Issue on Wireless Sensor Networks, January 2004

[14] S. Madden and M.J. Franklin, Fjording the Stream: An Architecture for Queries over Streaming Sensor DataData Engineering (ICDE'02), February 2002

[15] S. Madden, R. Szewczyk, M.J. Franklin, and D. Culler, Supporting Aggregate Queries Over Ad-Hoc Wireless Sensor NetworksMobile Computing Systems and Applications, June 2002

[16] R. Biswas, S. Thrun and L. J. Guibas, A probabilistic approach to inference with limited information in sensor networks3rd International Symposium on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '04), April 2004

[17] C. Avin and C. Brito, Efficient and robust query processing in dynamic environments using random walk techniques3rd International Symposium on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '04), April 2004

[18] B. Ananthasubramaniam and U. Madhow, Virtual radar imaging for sensor networks3rd International Symposium on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '04), April 2004

[19] L. Doherty and K. Pister, Scattered data selection for dense sensor networks3rd International Symposium on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '04), April 2004

[20] S. Shakkottai, Asymptotics of Query Strategies over a Sensor NetworkINFOCOM'04, March 2004

[21] Buragohain, C.; Agrawal, D.; Suri, S., Power aware routing for sensor databasesIEEE Infocom, March 2005

[22] Bogdan Carbunar, Murali Krishna Ramanathan, Mehmet Koyut?k, Christoph Hoffmann and Ananth Grama, Redundant Reader Elimination in RFID SystemsIEEE SECON, September 2005

[23] Iuliu Vasilescu, Keith Kotay, Daniela Rus, Peter Corke, Matthew Dunbabin, Data Collection, Storage, and Retrieval with an Underwater Sensor NetworkSensys 2005, Proceedings of the 3rd ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems, November 2005

[24] Kok Kiong Yap, Vikram Srinivasan, Mehul Motani, MAX: human-centric search of the physical worldSensys 2005, Proceedings of the 3rd ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems, November 2005

[25] J?g H?ner, Kurt Rothermel, Christian Becker, Update-Linearizability: A Consistency Concept for the Chronological Ordering of Events in MANETsIEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems, October 2004

[26] Sunho Lim , Wang-Chien Lee , Guohong Cao , Chita Das, Performance Comparison of Cache Invalidation Strategies for Internet-based Mobile Ad Hoc NetworksIEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems, October 2004

[27] Rong Zheng , Guanghui He , Indranil Gupta , Lui Sha, Time Indexing in Sensor NetworksIEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS), October 2004

[28] Sivanadyan, T.; Sayeed, A., Active wireless sensing for rapid information retrieval in sensor networksProceedings of the fifth international conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN, April 2006

[29] Wang, W.; Ramchandran, K., Random distributed multiresolution representations with significance queryingProceedings of the fifth international conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN, April 2006

[30] Liu Hai (City University of Hong Kong, HK); Xiaohua Jia (City Univ. of Hong Kong, HK); Xinxin Liu (C, Efficient Flooding Scheme Based on 1-hop Knowledge in Mobile Ad Hoc NetworksIEEE Infocomm, April 2006

[31] Tian He (UniverUity of Virginia, US); PaUcal Vicaire (UniverUity of Virginia, US); Ting Yan (Univers, Achieving Long-Term Surveillance in VigilNetIEEE Infocom, April 2006

[32] Qingjiang Tian (Purdue University, US); Edward Coyle (Purdue University, US), Optimal Distributed Detection in Clustered Wireless Sensor Networks: The Weighted medianIEEE Infocom, April 2006

[33] Narayanan Sriram (University of California, San Diego, US); Joseph Pasquale (University of Californi, Analysis of Long-Running Replicated SystemsIEEE Infocom, April 2006

[34] Nikolaos Laoutaris (Boston University, US); Georgios Smaragdakis (Boston University, US); Azer Besta, Mistreatment in Distributed Caching Groups: Causes and ImplicationsIEEE Infocom, April 2006

[35] Saurabh Tewari (University of California at Los Angeles, US); Leonard Kleinrock (University of Calif, Proportional Replication in Peer-to-Peer NetworksIEEE Infocom, April 2006

[36] S. Nath, and A. Kansai, FlashDB: Dynamic Self-Tuning Database for NAND FlashIPSN, April 2007

Topic 5: Data-centric Querying, Routing, and Storage  [Back to Index]
3. Storage

[1] S. Ratnasamy, B. Karp, L. Yin, F. Yu, D. Estrin, R. Govindan, and S.Shenker, GHT: A geographic Hash Table for Data-Centric StorageWSNA '02, September 2002

[2] D. Ganesan, D. Estrin, and J. Heidemann, DIMENSIONS: Why do we need a new Data Handling architecture for Sensor Networks?In Proceedings of the First Workshop on Hot Topics In Networks (HotNets-I), October 2002

[3] S. Shenker, S. Ratnasamy, B. Karp, R. Govindan, and D. Estrin, Data-Centric Storage in SensornetsACM SIGCOMM, Computer Communications Review, Vol. 33, Num. 1, January 2003

[4] B. Greenstein, D. Estrin, R. Govindan, S. Ratnasamy, and S. Shenker, DIFS: A Distributed Index for Features in Sensor NetworksProceedings of the First IEEE International Workshop on Sensor Network Protocols and Applications (S, May 2003

[5] S. Ratnasamy, B. Karp, S. Shenker, D. Estrin, R. Govindan, L. Yin, and F. Yu, Data-Centric Storage in Sensornets with GHT, A Geographic Hash TableIn Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET), Special Issue on Wireless Sensor Networks, 8:4, Kluwer, August 2003

[6] W. Zhang, G. Cao, and T.L. Porta, Data Dissemination with Ring-Based Index for Wireless Sensor Networks.Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP'03), November 2003

[7] D. Ganesan, B. Greenstein, D. Perelyubskiy, D. Estrin, and J. Heidemann, An Evaluation of Multi-resolution Storage for Sensor NetworksThe First ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (Sensys03), November 2003

[8] X. Li, Y.J. Kim, R. Govindan, and W. Hong, Multi-dimensional Range Queries in Sensor NetworksThe First ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (Sensys03), November 2003

[9] Hui Dai, Richard Han, Michael Neufeld, ELF: An Efficient Log-structured Flash File System for Micro Sensor NodesACM Sensys, November 2004

[10] J. Gao, L. J. Guibas, J. Hershberger and L. Zhang, Fractionally cascaded information in a sensor network3rd International Symposium on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '04), April 2004

[11] Stann, F.; Heidemann, J., BARD: Bayesian-assisted resource discovery in sensor networksIEEE Infocom, March 2005

[12] Ozgur Sanli, Rajesh Poornachandran, Hasan Cam, Collaborative Two-Level Task Scheduling for Wireless Sensor Nodes with Multiple Sensing UnitsIEEE SECON, September 2005

[13] Chong Liu, Kui Wu, Jian Pei, A Dynamic Clustering and Scheduling Approach to Energy Saving in Data Collection from Wireless SensoIEEE SECON, September 2005

[14] Jianliang Xu, Xueyan Tang, Wang-Chien Lee, EASE: An Energy-Efficient In-Network Storage Scheme for Object Tracking in Sensor NetworksIEEE SECON, September 2005

[15] A. Banerjee, A. Mitra, W. Najjar, D. Zeinalipour-Yazti, V. Kalogeraki1 and D. Gunopulos, RISE ?Co-S : High Performance Sensor Storage and Co-Processing ArchitectureSECON'05, September 2005

[16] Peter Desnoyers, Deepak Ganesan, Prashant Shenoy, TSAR: a two tier sensor storage architecture using interval skip graphsSensys 2005, Proceedings of the 3rd ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems, November 2005

[17] Mohamed Aly, Nicholas Morsillo, Panos K. Chrysanthis, Kirk Pruhs, Zone Sharing: A Hot-Spots Decomposition Scheme for Data-Centric Storage in Sensor NetworksSecond International VLDB Workshop on Data Management for Sensor Networks (DMSN 2005), August 2005

[18] Ratnabali Biswas, Kaushik Chowdhury, Deepti Nandiraju, Dharma P. Agrawal, Attribute Allocation in Large Scale Sensor NetworksSecond International VLDB Workshop on Data Management for Sensor Networks (DMSN 2005), August 2005

[19] Arcot Rajasekar, Frank Vernon, Kent Lindquist, John Orcutt, Sifang Lu, Accessing Sensor Data Using Meta data: A Virtual Object Ring Buffer FrameworkSecond International VLDB Workshop on Data Management for Sensor Networks (DMSN 2005), August 2005

[20] Liqian Luo (UniverUity of Virginia, US); Tian He (UniverUity of Virginia, US); Gang Zhou (UniverUity, Achieving Repeatability of Asynchronous Events in Wireless Sensor Networks with EnviroLogIEEE Infocom, April 2006

[21] Qing Fang (Stanford University, US); Jie Gao (Stony Brook University, US); Leonidas Guibas (Stanford, Landmark-Based Information Storage and Retrieval in Sensor NetworksIEEE Infocom, April 2006

[22] Bo Sheng, Qun Li, Weizhen Mao, Data storage placement in sensor networksProceedings of the seventh ACM international symposium on Mobile ad hoc networking and computing (Mo, May 2006

[23] G. Mathur, P. Desnoyers, D. Ganesan, and P. Shenoy, Capsule: An Energy-Optimized Object Storage System for Memory-Constrained Sensor DevicesACM Sensys, November 2006

Topic 6: Capacity and Lifetime  [Back to Index]
1. Capacity

[1] P. Gupta and P.R. Kumar, The Capacity of Wireless NetworksIEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 46, March 2000

[2] S. Toumpis and A. Goldsmith, Capacity Regions for Wireless Ad Hoc NetworksIEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2, July 2003

[3] C. Florens and R. McEliece, Packets Distribution Algorithms for Sensor NetworksINFOCOM 2003, March 2003

[4] A. Scaglione, Routing and Data Compression in Sensor Networks: Stochastic Models for Sensor Data that guarantee Sc,IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT'03), July 2003

[5] D. Marco, E.J. Duarte-Melo, M. Liu, and D.L. Neuhoff, On the Many-to-One Transport Capacity of a Dense Wireless Sensor Network and the Compressibility of2nd International Workshop on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN 03), April 2003

[6] U. Mitra and A. Sabharwal, Complexity Constrained Sensor Networks: Achievable Rates for Two Relay Networks and Generalizations3rd International Symposium on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '04), April 2004

[7] M. Gastpar and M. Vetterli, Power-bandwidth-distortion scaling laws for sensor networks3rd International Symposium on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '04), April 2004

[8] Chakrabarti, A.; Sabharwal, A.; Aazhang, B., Multi-hop communication is order-optimal for homogeneous sensor networks,3rd International Symposium on Information Processing in Sensor Networks, IPSN 2004, April 2004

[9] Barrenechea, G.; Beferull-Lozano, B.; Vetterli, M., Lattice sensor networks: capacity limits, optimal routing and robustness to failures3rd International Symposium on Information Processing in Sensor Networks, IPSN 2004, April 2004

[10] Sankaranarayanan, L.; Kramer, G.; Mandayam, N.B., Hierarchical Sensor Networks: Capacity Bounds and Cooperative Strategies using the Multiple-Access RIEEE SECON 2004, October 2004

[11] Stavros Toumpis, Capacity Bounds for Three Classes of Wireless Ad Hoc NetworksMobiHoc, May 2004

[12] Lalitha Sankaranarayanan, Gerhard Kramer, Narayan Mandayam, Hierarchical Sensor Networks: Capacity Bounds and Cooperative Strategies using the Multiple-Access RIEEE SECON 2004, October 2004

[13] Renato Moraes, Hamid Sadjadpour, J. J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves, Throughput-Delay Analysis of Mobile Ad-hoc Networks with a Multi-Copy Relaying StrategyIEEE SECON 2004, October 2004

[14] Tarik Tabet, Raymond Knopp, Bounds on the Throughput Capacity of Wireless Ad Hoc Networks with Non-Uniform Traffic,IEEE SECON 2004, October 2004

[15] Shi Chao Zhang, F. Irem Koprulu, Ralf Koetter, Douglas L. Jones, Feasibility Analysis of Stochastic Sensor Networks,IEEE SECON 2004, October 2004

[16] W. Zhao, M. Ammar, and E. Zegura, The Energy-Limited Capacity of Wireless NetworksIEEE SECON'04, October 2004

[17] P.K. Gopala and H.E. Gamal, On the Scaling Laws of Multi-modal Wireless Sensor NetworkINFOCOM'04, March 2004

[18] Yasamin Mostofi, Timothy Chung, Communication and Sensing Trade Offs in Decentralized Mobile Sensor Networks: A Cross-Layer Design AFourth International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '05), April 2005

[19] Yaron Rachlin, Rohit Negi, Pradeep Khosla, Sensing Capacity for Discrete Sensor Network ApplicationsFourth International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '05), April 2005

[20] Gaurav Sharma (Purdue University, US); Ravi Mazumdar (University of Waterloo,CA); Ness Shroff (Purdu, Delay and Capacity Trade-offs in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks: A Global PerspectiveIEEE Infocom, April 2006

[21] Joon Ahn, Bhaskar Krishnamachari, Fundamental scaling laws for energy-efficient storage and querying in wireless sensor networksProceedings of the seventh ACM international symposium on Mobile ad hoc networking and computing (Mo, May 2006

[22] P. Stuedi, and G. Alonso, Log-Normal Shadowing Meets SINR: A Numerical Study of Capacity in Wireless NetworksIEEE Secon, June 2007

[23] A. Keshavarz-Haddad and R. Riedi, On the Broadcast Capacity of Multihop Wireless Networks: Interplay of Power, Density and InterferencIEEE Secon, June 2007

Topic 6: Capacity and Lifetime  [Back to Index]
2. Lifetime Optimization

[1] Qunfeng Dong, Maximizing System Lifetime in Wireless Sensor NetworksFourth International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '05), April 2005

[2] T.X. Brown, H.N. Gabow, and Q. Zhang, Maximum Flow-Life Curve for a Wireless Ad Hoc NetworkMobiHOC'01, October 2001

[3] M. Bhardwaj and A.P. Chandrakasan, Bounding the Lifetime of Sensor Networks Via Optimal Role AssignmentsINFOCOM'02, June 2002

[4] K. Kalpakis, K. Dasgupta, and P. Namjoshi, Maximum Lifetime Data Gathering and Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks, University of Maryland Baltimore County(UMBC), August 2002

[5] M. Haenggi, Energy-balancing Strategies for Wireless Sensor NetworksProceedings of the 2003 International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS '03), May 2003

[6] K. Dasgupta, M. Kukreja, and K. Kalpakis, Topology-Aware Placement and Role Assignment for Energy-Efficient Information Gathering in Sensor NeComputers and Communication (ISCC 2003). Proceedings. Eighth IEEE International Symposium on Compute, July 2003

[7] J. Pan, Y.T. Hou, L. Cai, Y. Shi, and S.X. Shen, Topology Control for Wireless Sensor NetworksMobiCom'03, September 2003

[8] B. Krishnamachari and F. Ordonez, Analysis of Energy-Efficient, Fair Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks through Non-linear OptimizatiWorkshop on Wireless Ad hoc, Sensor, and Wearable Networks, in IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, October 2003

[9] F. Ordonez and B. Krishnamachari, Optimal Information Extraction in Energy-Limited Wireless Sensor Networks.IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, special issue on Fundamental Performance Limits of

[10] N. Sadagopan and B. Krishnamachari, Maximizing Data Extraction in Energy-Limited Sensor NetworksIEEE Infocom'04, March 2004

[11] Y. Yu, B. Krishnamachari, and V.K. Prasanna, Energy-Latency Tradeoffs for Data Gathering in Wireless Sensor Networks,IEEE Infocom'04

[12] Arvind Giridhar, P. R. Kumar, Maximizing the Functional Lifetime of Sensor NetworksFourth International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '05), April 2005

[13] M. Bhardwaj, T. Garnett, and A.P. Chandrakasan, Upper Bounds on the Lifetime of Sensor NetworksIEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2001), June 2001

[14] W-P Chen and L. Sha, An energy-aware data-centric generic utility based approach in wireless sensor networks3rd International Symposium on Information Processing in Sensor Networks, April 2004

[15] Thomas Hou, Yi Shi , Hanif Sherali, Rate Allocation in Wireless Sensor Networks with Network Lifetime Requirement,MobiHoc, May 2004

[16] Honghai Zhang , Jennifer Hou, On Deriving the Upper Bound of α-Lifetime for Large Sensor NetworksMobiHoc, May 2004

[17] C.-F. Chiasserini and M. Garetto, Modeling the Performance of Wireless Sensor NetworksINFOCOM'04, March 2004

[18] M.L. Sichitiu, Cross-Layer Scheduling for Power Efficiency in Wireless Sensor NetworksINFOCOM'04, March 2004

[19] Qing Cao, Tarek Abdelzaher, Tian He, John Stankovic, Towards Optimal Sleep Scheduling in Sensor Networks for Rare-Event DetectionFourth International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '05), April 2005

[20] Sangeeta Bhattacharya, Guoliang Xing, Chenyang Lu, Gruia-Catalin Roman, Brandon Harris, Octav Chipar, Dynamic Wake-up and Topology Maintenance Protocols with Spatiotemporal GuaranteesFourth International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '05), April 2005

[21] Ali Iranli, Hanif Fatemi, Massoud Pedram, Lifetime-Aware Intrusion Detection under Safeguarding ConstraintsFourth International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '05), April 2005

[22] Madan, R.; Shuguang Cui; Lall, S.; Goldsmith, A., Cross-layer design for lifetime maximization in interference-limited wireless sensor networksIEEE Infocom, March 2005

[23] Cardei, M.; Thai, M.T.; Yingshu Li; Weili Wu, Energy-efficient target coverage in wireless sensor networksIEEE Infocom, March 2005

[24] Kar, K.; Krishnamurthy, A.; Jaggi, N., Dynamic node activation in networks of rechargeable sensorsIEEE Infocom, March 2005

[25] Lu, G.; Sadagopan, N.; Krishnamachari, B.; Goel, A., Delay efficient sleep scheduling in wireless sensor networks,IEEE Infocom, March 2005

[26] Gandham, S.; Dawande, M.; Prakash, R., Link scheduling in sensor networks: distributed edge coloring revisitedIEEE Infocom, March 2005

[27] Hai Liu; Wan, P.; Yi, C.-W.; Xiaohua Jia; Makki, S.; Pissinou, N., Maximal lifetime scheduling in sensor surveillance networksIEEE Infocom, March 2005

[28] Stephan Olariu and Ivan Stojmenovi´c, Design guidelines for maximizing lifetime and avoiding energy holes in sensor networks with uniformIEEE INFOCOM, April 2005

[29] Limin Wang Kulkarni, S.S., Sacrificing a Little Coverage Can Substantially Increase Network Lifetime, September 2006

[30] Xueyan Tang (Nanyang Technological University, SG); Jianliang Xu (Hong Kong Baptist University, HK), Extending Network Lifetime for Precision-Constrained Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor NetworksIEEE Infocom, April 2006

[31] Sriram V. Pemmaraju, Imran A. Pirwani, Energy conservation via domatic partitionsProceedings of the seventh ACM international symposium on Mobile ad hoc networking and computing (Mo, May 2006

[32] R. Cohen and B. Kapchits, An Optimal Algorithm for Minimizing Energy Consumption while Limiting Maximum Delay in a Mesh SensorInfocom, May 2007

[33] J. Zhu, S. Chen, B. Bensaou, and K-L Hung, Tradeoff between Lifetime and Rate Allocation in Wireless Sensor Networks: A Cross Layer ApproachInfocom, May 2007

[34] Y. Cai, W. Lou, M. Li, and X-Y. Li, Target-Oriented Scheduling in Directional Sensor NetworksInfocom, May 2007

Topic 7: Transport  [Back to Index]
1. Transport Layer

[1] J. Byers and G. Nasser, Utility-Based Decision-Making in Wireless Sensor NetworksFirst Annual Workshop on Mobile and Ad Hoc Networking and Computing (MobiHOC'00), August 2000

[2] A. Woo and D. Culler, A Transmission Control Scheme for Media Access in Sensor NetworksMobicom 2001, July 2001

[3] C.Y. Wan, A.T. Campbell, and L. Krishnamurthy, PSFQ: A Reliable Transport Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks,WSNA'02, September 2002

[4] P. Agrawal, T.S. Teck, and A.L. Ananda, A Lightweight Protocol for Wireless Sensor NetworksWireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2003), March 2003

[5] T. He, J.A. Stankovic, C. Lu, T. Abdelzaher, SPEED: A Stateless Protocol for Real-Time Communication in Sensor NetworksProceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS'03), May 2003

[6] M. Perillo, W.B. Heinzelman, Providing Application QoS through Intelligent Sensor ManagementFirst IEEE International Workshop on Sensor Network Protocols and Applications, May 2003

[7] R. Iyer and L. Kleinrock, QoS Control for Sensor NetworksIEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC '03), May 2003

[8] F. Stann and J. Heidemann, RMST: Reliable Data Transport in Sensor NetworksProceedings of the First IEEE International Workshop on Sensor Network Protocols and Applications (S, May 2003

[9] C.Y. Wan, S.B. Eisenman, and A.T. Campbell, CODA: Congestion Detection and Avoidance in Sensor NetworksThe First ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (Sensys03), November 2003

[10] Yaling Yang; Kravets, R., Distributed QoS Guarantees for Realtime Traffic in Ad Hoc NetworksIEEE SECON 2004, October 2004

[11] Seung-Jong Park, Ramanuja Vedantham , Raghupathy Sivakumar , Ian Akyildiz, A Scalable Approach for Reliable Downstream Data Delivery in Wireless Sensor NetworksMobiHoc, May 2004

[12] Sukun Kim, Rodrigo Fonseca, David Culler, Reliable Transfer on Wireless Sensor NetworksIEEE SECON, October 2004

[13] Kyriakos Karenos (University of California, Riverside, USA), Vana Kalogeraki (University of Californ, Cluster-based Congestion Control for Supporting Multiple Classes of Traffic in Sensor NetworksEmnets-II, May 2005

[14] H. Zhang, A. Arora, Y. Choi, M.G. Gouda, Reliable Bursty Convergecast in Wireless Sensor NetworksACM Mobihoc, May 2005

[15] Kun Tan, Qian Zhang, Feng Jiang and Xuemin Shen, Congestion Control in Multi-Hop Wireless NetworksIEEE SECON, September 2005

[16] James Kay , Jeff Frolik, Quality of Service Analysis and Control for Wireless Sensor NetworksIEEE MASS, October 2004

[17] Yuan Sun , Xia Gao , Elizabeth Belding-Royer , James Kempf, Model-based Resource Prediction for Multi-hop Wireless NetworksIEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems, October 2004

[18] Junaid Qadir, Archan Misra, Chun Tung Chou, Minimum Latency Broadcasting in Multi-Radio Multi-Channel Multi-Rate Wireless MeshesIEEE SECON 2006, September 2006

[19] Seoung-Bum Lee, Kyung Joon Kwak, Andrew Campbell, Solicitation-Based Forwarding for Sensor NetworksIEEE SECON 2006, September 2006

[20] Eugene Chai, Mun Choon Chan, Akkihebbal L. Ananda, Coverage Aware Buffer Management and Scheduling for Wireless Sensor NetworksIEEE SECON 2006, September 2006

[21] Tommaso Melodia, Dario Pompili, Ian Akyildiz, A Communication Architecture for Mobile Wireless Sensor and Actor NetworksIEEE SECON 2006, September 2006

[22] Wen-Zhan Song, Time-Optimum Packet Scheduling for Many-to-One Routing in Wireless Sensor NetworksProceedings of IEEE MASS 2006, October 2006

[23] Rene Mueller; Gustavo Alonso, Efficient Sharing of Sensor NetworksProceedings of IEEE MASS 2006, October 2006

[24] Edith Ngai; Yangfan Zhou; Michael Lyu; Jiangchuan Liu, Reliable Reporting of Delay-Sensitive Events in Wireless Sensor-Actuator NetworksProceedings of IEEE MASS 2006, October 2006

[25] Pradeep Kyasanur; Romit Roy Choudhury; Indranil Gupta, Smart Gossip: An Adaptive Gossip-based Broadcasting Service for Sensor NetworksProceedings of IEEE MASS 2006, October 2006

[26] Tian Bu (Bell labs, Lucent, US); Li Li (Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies, US); Ramachandran Ramjee (Be, Generalized Proportional Fair Scheduling in Third Generation Wireless Data NetworksIEEE Infocom, April 2006

[27] Sumit Rangwala, Ramakrishna Gummadi, Ramesh Govindan, Konstantinos Psounis, Interference-aware fair rate control in wireless sensor networksProceedings of the 2006 conference on Applications, technologies, architectures, and protocols for c, September 2006

[28] R.K. Ganti, P. Jayachandran, H. Luo, and T.F. Abdelzaher, Datalink Streaming in Wireless Sensor NetworksACM Sensys, November 2006

[29] Q. Cao, T. Abdelzaher, T. He, and R. Kravets, Cluster-Based Forwarding for Reliable End-to-End Delivery in Wireless Sensor NetworksInfocom, May 2007

Topic 8: Signal Processing and Computation  [Back to Index]
1. Target Tracking

[1] M. Chu, H. Haussecker, and F. Zhao, Scalable Information-Driven Sensor Querying and Routing for ad hoc Heterogeneous Sensor Networks, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), July 2001

[2] D. Li, K.D. Wong, Y.H. Hu, and A.M. Sayeed, Detection, classification, and tracking of targetsIEEE Signal Processing Magazine, March 2002

[3] Q. Fang, F. Zhao, and L. Guibas, Counting Targets: Building and Managing Aggregates in Wireless Sensor Networks, Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) Technical Report, June 2002

[4] C. Meesookho, S. Narayanan, and C.S. Raghavendra, Collaborative Classification Applications in Sensor NetworksSensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop, August 2002

[5] P. Ramanathan, Location-centric Approach for Collaborative Target Detection, Classification, and TrackingIEEE CAS Workshop on Wireless Communication and Networking, September 2002

[6] H. Wang, L. Yip, D. Maniezzo, J.C. Chen, R.E. Hudson, J. Elson, and K. Yao, A Wireless Time-Synchronized COTS Sensor Platform, Part II: Applications to Beamformingthe IEEE CAS Workshop on Wireless Communication and Networking, September 2002

[7] D. McErlean and S. Narayanan, Distributed Detection and Tracking in Sensor Networks36th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, November 2002

[8] Y. Zou and K. Charkrabarty, Energy-Aware Target Localization in Wireless Sensor NetworksIEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom'03), March 2003

[9] S. Ray, R. Ungrangsi, F.D. Pellegrini, A. Trachtenberg, and D. Starobinski, Robust Location Detection in Emergency Sensor NetworksIEEE InfoCom, April 2003

[10] A.D'Costa and A.M. Sayeed, Data Versus Decision Fusion in Wireless Sensor NetworksIEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP'03), April 2003

[11] J. Liu, D. Petrovic, and F. Zhao, Multi-Step Information-Directed Sensor Querying in Distributed Sensor Networks,IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP'03), April 2003

[12] S. Pattem, S. Poduri, and B. Krishnamachari, Energy-Quality Tradeoffs for Target Tracking in Wireless Sensor Networks2nd Workshop on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '03), April 2003

[13] J. Shin, L.J. Guibas, and F. Zhao, A distributed Algorithm for Managing Multi-target Identities in Wireless Ad-hoc Sensor Networks2nd Workshop on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '03), April 2003

[14] A. D'Costa and A.M. Sayeed, Collaborative Signal Processing for Distributed Classification in Sensor Networks2nd Workshop on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '03), April 2003

[15] Y. Zou and K. Chakrabarty, Target Localization Based on Energy Considerations in Distributed Sensor Networks1st IEEE Workshop Sensor Network Protocols and Applications (SNPA'03), May 2003

[16] C. Tang, C.S. Raghavendra, and V.K. Prasanna, An Energy Efficient Adaptive Distributed Source Coding Scheme in Wireless Sensor NetworksIEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC '03), May 2003

[17] Q. Fang, F. Zhao, and L. Guibas, Lightweight Sensing and Communication Protocols for Target Enumeration and AggregationMobiHoc '03, June 2003

[18] Q. Li, M.D. Rosa, and D. Rus, Distributed Algorithms for Guiding Navigation across a Sensor NetworkMobiCom '03, September 2003

[19] P. Tao, A. Rudys, A.M. Ladd, and D.S. Wallach, Wireless LAN Location-Sensing for Security ApplicationsWiSE'03, September 2003

[20] J. Aslam, Z. Butler, F. Constantin, V. Crespi, G. Cybenko, and D. Rus, Tracking a Moving Object with a Binary Sensor NetworkThe First ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (Sensys03), November 2003

[21] W.P. Chen, J.C. Hou, and L. Sha, Dynamic Clustering for Acoustic Target Tracking in Wireless Sensor Networks11th IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP'03), November 2003

[22] Gyula Simon, Akos Ledeczi, Miklos Maroti, Sensor Network-Based Countersniper SystemACM Sensys 2004, November 2004

[23] J. Liu, M. Chu, J. Liu, J. Reich and F. Zhao, Distributed state representation for tracking problems in sensor networks3rd International Symposium on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '04), April 2004

[24] H. Wang, K. Yao, G. Pottie, and D. Estrin, Entropy-based sensor selection heuristic for target localization3rd International Symposium on Information Processing in Sensor Networks, April 2004

[25] Chao Gui, Prasant Mohapatra, Power Conservation and Quality of Surveillance in Target Tracking Sensor Networks,MobiHoc, May 2004

[26] Chao Gui, Prasant Mohapatra, Power Conservation and Quality of Surveillance in Target Tracking Sensor Networks,MobiCom, May 2004

[27] W. Zhang and G. Cao, Optimizing Tree Reconfiguration for Mobile Target Tracking in Sensor NetworksINFOCOM'04, March 2004

[28] Xiaohong Sheng, Yu Hen Hu, Distributed particle filter with GMM approximation for multiple targets localization and tracking inFourth International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '05), April 2005

[29] Songhwai Oh, Shankar Sastry, Tracking on a graphFourth International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '05), April 2005

[30] Wooyoung Kim, Kirill Mechitov, Jeung-Yoon Choi, Soo Kyung Ham, On Tracking Objects with Binary Proximity Sensors,Fourth International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '05), April 2005

[31] Shansi Ren, Qun Li, Haining Wang, Xiaodong Zhang, Design and Analysis of Wave Sensing Schedules for Object-Tracking ApplicationsInternational Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems, June 2005

[32] Chin, T.-L. Ramanathan, P. Saluja, K.K., Analytic modeling of detection latency in mobile sensor networks,Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN, April 2006

[33] Tanya Roosta; Mubaraq Mishra; Ali Ghazizadeh, Robust Estimation and Detection in Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks,Proceedings of IEEE MASS 2006, October 2006

[34] N. Shrivastava, R. Mudumbai, U. Madhow, and S. Suri, Target Tracking with Binary Proximity Sensors: Fundamental Limits, Minimal Description, and AlgorithACM Sensys, November 2006

[35] A.O. Ercan, A.E. Gamal, and L. Guibas, Object Tracking in the Presence of OcclusionsIPSN, April 2007

[36] J. Singh, U. Madhow, r. Kumar, and s. Suri, and R. Cagley, Tracking Multiple Targets Using Binary Proximity Sensors,IPSN, April 2007

Topic 8: Signal Processing and Computation  [Back to Index]
2. Diffuse Phenomena

[1] J. Liu, P. Cheung, L. Guibas, and F. Zhao, A Dual-Space Approach to Tracking and Sensor Management in Wireless Sensor Networks, Palo Alto Research Center, Technical Report P2002-10077, March 2002

[2] K.K. Chintalapudi and R. Govindan, Localized Edge Detection in Sensor FieldsAd-hoc Networks Journal

[3] R. Nowak and U. Mitra, Boundary Estimation in Sensor Networks: Theory and Methods2nd Workshop on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '03), April 2003

[4] A. K. Fletcher, S. Rangan and V. K. Goyal, Estimation from lossy sensor data: jump linear modeling and kalman filtering3rd International Symposium on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '04), April 2004

[5] B. Beferull-Lozano, R. L. Konsbruck and M. Vetterli, Rate-distortion problem for physics based distributed sensing,3rd International Symposium on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '04), April 2004

[6] Kumar, A.; Ishwar, P.; Ramchandran, K., On distributed sampling of smooth non-bandlimited fields3rd International Symposium on Information Processing in Sensor Networks, IPSN 2004, April 2004

[7] Perillo, M.; Ignjatovic, Z.; Heinzelman, W., An energy conservation method for wireless sensor networks employing a blue noise spatial sampling t3rd International Symposium on Information Processing in Sensor Networks, IPSN 2004, April 2004

[8] Willett, R.; Martin, A.; Nowak, R., Backcasting: adaptive sampling for sensor networks3rd International Symposium on Information Processing in Sensor Networks, IPSN 2004, April 2004

[9] Marco, D.; Neuhoff, D.L., Reliability vs. efficiency in distributed source coding for field-gathering sensor networks,3rd International Symposium on Information Processing in Sensor Networks, IPSN 2004, April 2004

[10] Anand Sarwate, Michael Gastpar, Fading observation alignment via feedbackFourth International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '05), April 2005

Topic 8: Signal Processing and Computation  [Back to Index]
3. Compression

[1] S.S. Pradhan and K. Ramchandran, Distributed source coding: Symmetric rates and applications to sensor networksIEEE Data Compression Conference (DCC), March 2000

[2] J. Kusuma, L. Doherty, and K. Ramchandran, Distributed Compression for Sensor NetworksInternational Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), October 2001

[3] S.S. Pradhan, J. Kusuma, and K. Ramchandran, Distributed Compression in a Dense Microsensor NetworkIEEE Signal processing Magazine, March 2002

[4] J. Chou, D. Petrovic, and K. Ramchandran, Tracking and Exploiting Correlations in Dense Sensor Networks36th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, November 2002

[5] J. Chou, D. Petrovic, and K. Ramchandran, A Distributed and Adaptive Signal Processing Approach to Reducing Energy Consumption in Sensor NetwoINFOCOM 2003, April 2003

[6] P. Ishwar, R. Puri, S.S. Pradhan, and K. Ramchandran, On Compression for Robust Estimation in Sensor NetworksISIT 2003, July 2003

[7] Mina Sartipi, Faramarz Fekri, Source and Channel Coding in Wireless Sensor Networks using LDPC CodesIEEE SECON 2004, September 2004

[8] Xin Zhang, Stephen Wicker, Robustness vs. Efficiency in Sensor NetworkFourth International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '05), April 2005

[9] Bo Hong , Viktor Prasanna, Optimizing a Class of In-network Processing Applications in Networked Sensor SystemsIEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS), October 2004

[10] Caimu Tang , Cauligi Raghavendra , Viktor Prasanna, Power Aware Coding for Spatio-Temporally Correlated Wireless Sensor DataIEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS), October 2004

[11] Huamin Chen , Jian Li , Prasant Mohapatra, RACE: Time Series Compression with Rate Adaptivity and Error Bound for Sensor NetworksIEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS), October 2004

[12] Bajwa, W.; Haupt, J.; Sayeed, A.; Nowak, R., Compressive wireless sensingProceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN, April 2006

[13] Duarte, M.R. Wakin, M.B. Baron, D. Baraniuk, R.G., Universal distributed sensing via random projectionsProceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN, April 2006

[14] C.M. Sadler and M. Martonosi, Data Compression Algorithms for Energy-Constrained Devices in Delay Tolerant Networks,ACM Sensys, November 2006

[15] M.E. Yildiz and A. Scaglione, Differential Nested Lattice encoding for Consensus ProblemsIPSN, April 2007

[16] S. Sundaram and C.N. Hadjicostis, Distributed Consensus and Linear Functional Calculation in Networks: An Observability PerspectiveIPSN, April 2007

[17] J. Schiff, D. Antonelli, A.G. Dimakis, D. Chu, and M.J. Wainwright, Robust Message-Passing for Statistical Inference in Sensor NetworksIPSN, April 2007

[18] D-U. Lee, H. Kim, S. Tu, M. Rahimi, D. Estrin, and J.D. Villasenor, Energy-Optimized Image Communication on Resource-Constrained Sensor PlatformsIPSN, April 2007

Topic 8: Signal Processing and Computation  [Back to Index]
4. Detection and Estimation

[1] R. Puri, P. Ishwar, S.S. Pradhan, and K. Ramchandran., Rate-constrained Robust Estimation for Unreliable Sensor Networks.Signals, Systems and Computers, 2002. Conference Record of the Thirty-Sixth Asilomar Conference on, November 2002

[2] N. Patwari and A.O. Hero., Hierarchical Censoring for Distributed Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks.IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP '03)., April 2003

[3] R. Nowak., Distributed EM Algorithms for Density Estimation in Sensor Networks.IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP '03), April 2003

[4] J.F. Chamberland and V.V. Veeravalli., Asymptotic Results for Detection in Power Constrained Wireless Sensor Networks.ISIT 2003, July 2003

[5] A. Kansal, E. Yuen, W. J. Kaiser, G. J. Pottie and M. B. Srivastava, Sensing uncertainty reduction using low complexity actuation3rd International Symposium on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '04), April 2004

[6] G. Hartl and B. Li, Loss inference in wireless sensor networks based on data aggregation3rd International Symposium on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '04), April 2004

[7] V. Delouille, R. Neelamani and R. Baraniuk, Robust distributed estimation in sensor networks using the embedded polygons algorithm3rd International Symposium on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '04), April 2004

[8] Aldosari, S.A.; Moura, J.M.F., Fusion in sensor networks with communication constraints3rd International Symposium on Information Processing in Sensor Networks, IPSN 2004, April 2004

[9] D.H. Goldberg, A.G. Andreou, P. Julian, P.O. Pouliquen, L. Riddle, and R. Rosasco, A wake-up detector for an acoustic surveillance sensor network: algorithm and vlsi implementation3rd International Symposium on Information Processing in Sensor Networks, April 2004

[10] Jin-Jun Xiao, Shuguang Cui, Zhi-Quan Luo, Andrea Goldsmith, Joint Estimation in Sensor Networks under Energy ConstraintsIEEE SECON 2004, October 2004

[11] Xiliang Luo, Georgios B. Giannakis, Energy-Constrained Optimal Quantization for Wireless Sensor NetworksIEEE SECON 2004, October 2004

[12] Erhan Ermis, Venkatesh Saligrama, Adaptive Statistical Sampling Methods for Decentralized Estimation and Detection of Localized PhenomFourth International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '05), April 2005

[13] Jaewon Shin, Nelson Lee, Sebastian Thrun and Leonidas Guibas, Lazy Inference on Object Identities in Wireless Sensor NetworksFourth International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '05), April 2005

[14] Haotian Zhang, Jose Moura, Bruce Krogh, Estimation in Sensor Networks: A Graph ApproachFourth International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '05), April 2005

[15] Nisheeth Shrivastava, Subhash Suri, Csaba Toth, Detecting Cuts in Sensor NetworksFourth International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '05), April 2005

[16] Waheed Uz Zaman Bajwa, Akbar Sayeed, Robert Nowak, Matched Source-Channel Communication for Field Estimation in Wireless Sensor NetworksFourth International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '05), April 2005

[17] Mohammad Rahimi, Rick Baer, Obimdinachi I. Iroezi, Juan C. Garcia, Jay Warrior, Deborah Estrin, Man, Cyclops: in situ image sensing and interpretation in wireless sensor networksSensys 2005, Proceedings of the 3rd ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems, November 2005

[18] Lin Gu, Dong Jia, Pascal Vicaire, Ting Yan, Liqian Luo, Ajay Tirumala, Qing Cao, Tian He, John A. St, Lightweight detection and classification for wireless sensor networks in realistic environmentsSensys 2005, Proceedings of the 3rd ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems, November 2005

[19] Qing Cao,Ting Yan, John Stankovic, Tarek Abdelzaher, Analysis of Target Detection Performance for Wireless Sensor NetworksInternational Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems, June 2005

[20] Kuang-Ching Wang, Parmesh Ramanathan, Collaborative Sensing Using Sensors of Uncoordinated MobilityInternational Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems, June 2005

[21] Rachlin, Y. Negi, R. Khosla, P., On the interdependence of sensing and estimation complexity in sensor networks,Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN, April 2006

[22] Xiao, L. Boyd, S. Lai, S., A space-time diffusion scheme for peer-to-peer least-squares estimationProceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN, April 2006

[23] Doshi, K. Chandrasekaran, S. Dewilde, P., Sensor networks and inverse scatteringProceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN, April 2006

[24] Ergen, S.C. Varaiya, P., Effects of A-D conversion nonidealities on distributed sampling in dense sensor networks,Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN, April 2006

[25] Das, A.K. Mesbahi, M., Distributed Linear Parameter Estimation in Sensor Networks Based on Laplacian Dynamics Consensus Alg, September 2006

[26] Vuran, M.C.; Akyildiz, I.F., Cross-Layer Analysis of Error Control in Wireless Sensor Networks, September 2006

[27] Gobriel, S.; Khattab, S.; Mosse, D.; Brustoloni, J.; Melhem, R., RideSharing: Fault Tolerant Aggregation in Sensor Networks Using Corrective Actions, September 2006

[28] Olivier Dousse, Christina Tavoularis, Patrick Thiran, Delay of intrusion detection in wireless sensor networks,Proceedings of the seventh ACM international symposium on Mobile ad hoc networking and computing (Mo, May 2006

[29] A. Sharma, L. Golubchik, and R. Govindan, On the Prevelance of Sensor Faults in Real-World DeploymentsIEEE Secon, June 2007

[30] L. Ralzano, R. Nowak, Blind Calibration of Sensor NetworksIPSN, April 2007

[31] L. Lazos, R. Poovendran, and J.A. Ritcey, Probabilistic Detection of Mobile Targets in Heterogeneous Sensor Networks,IPSN, April 2007

[32] S. Yoon and C. Qiao, A New Search Algorithm using Autonomous and Cooperative Multiple Sensor NodesInfocom, May 2007

Topic 8: Signal Processing and Computation  [Back to Index]
5. Middleware and Task Allocation

[1] J. Zhang, E.C. Kulasekere, K. Premaratne, and P.H. Bauer., Resource Management of Task Oriented Distributed Sensor Networks.IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP '01)., May 2001

[2] K. Romer, O. Kasten, and F. Mattern., Middleware Challenges for Wireless Sensor Networks.ACM Mobile Computing and Communication Review, October 2002

[3] A. Boulis and M.B. Srivastava., Node-level Energy Management for Sensor Networks in the Presence of Multiple Applications.IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom'03), March 2003

[4] Y. Yu, B. Krishnamachari, and V.K. Prasanna., Issues in Designing Middleware for Wireless Sensor Networks.IEEE Network Magazine, special issue on Middleware Technologies for Future Communication Networks., January 2004

[5] L. Ville and P. Dickman., Garnet: A Middleware Architecture for Distributing Data Streams Originating in Wireless Sensor Netwo23rd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshops (ICDCSW'03), May 2003

[6] M. Younis, K. Akkaya, and A. Kunjithapatham., Optimization of Task Allocation in a Cluster-Based Sensor Network.IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC'03), June 2003

[7] W.B. Heinzelman, A.L. Murphy, H.S. Carvalho and M.A. Perillo., Middleware to Support Sensor Network Applications.,IEEE Network Magazine Special Issue., January 2004

[8] Cotterell, S.; Downey, K.; Vahid, F., Applications and experiments with eblocks - electronic blocks for basic sensor-based systemsIEEE SECON 2004

[9] A. Wang and A. Chandrakasan, Energy Efficient System Partitioning for Distributed Wireless Sensor NetworksAcoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 2001. Proceedings. (ICASSP '01)., May 2001

[10] Christian Frank, Kay R?er, Algorithms for generic role assignment in wireless sensor networksSensys 2005, Proceedings of the 3rd ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems, November 2005

[11] Zhu Ti; Wei Yu; Liu, K.J.R., Cooperation Enforcement in Autonomous MANETs under Noise and Imperfect Observation, September 2006

Topic 8: Signal Processing and Computation  [Back to Index]
6. Distributed Algorithms

[1] R.S. Bhuvaneswaran, J.L. Bordim, J. Cui, and K. Nakano., Fundamental Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks.,Proceedings of the 15th International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS-01), April 2001

[2] J.L. Wong and M. Potkonjak., Search in Sensor Networks: Challenges, Techniques, and Applications.IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP '02)., May 2002

[3] J.L. Bordim, K. Nakano, and H. Shen., Sorting on single-Channel Wireless Sensor Networks.International Symposium on Parallel Architectures, Algorithms and Networks (ISPAN'02), May 2002

[4] H. Kautz, E. Horvitz, Y. Ruan, C. Gomes, and B. Selman., Dynamic Restart Policies.Proceedings of the Eighteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Fourteenth Conferen, July 2002

[5] C.F. Chiasserini., On the Concept of Distributed Digital Signal Processing in Wireless Sensor Networks.MILCOM 2002., October 2002

[6] B. Krishnamachari, S. Wicker, R. Bejar, and C. Fernandez., On the Complexity of Distributed Self-Configuration in Wireless Networks.Kluwer Journal on Telecommunication Systems, Special Issue on Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing, 22, 1, 33-59, January 2003

[7] M. Singh and V.K. Prasanna., Energy-Optimal and Energy-Balanced Sorting in a Single-Hop Wireless Sensor Network.IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PerCom'03), March 2003

[8] M. Singh and V.K. Prasanna., A Hierarchical Model for Distributed Collaborative Computation in Wireless Sensor Networks.International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS'03), April 2003

[9] M. Singh and V.K. Prasanna., Optimal Energy-Balanced Algorithm for Selection in a Single Hop Sensor Network.Sensor Network Protocols and Applications (SNPA'03), April 2003

[10] M. Rabbat and R. Nowak, Distributed optimization in sensor networks3rd International Symposium on Information Processing in Sensor Networks, April 2004

[11] D.S. Scherber and H.C. Papadopoulos, Locally constructed algorithms for distributed computations in ad-hoc networks,3rd International Symposium on Information Processing in Sensor Networks, April 2004

[12] Distributed beamforming for information transfer in sensor networks, Distributed beamforming for information transfer in sensor networks3rd International Symposium on Information Processing in Sensor Networks, IPSN 2004, April 2004

[13] Coates, M., Distributed particle filters for sensor networks3rd International Symposium on Information Processing in Sensor Networks, IPSN 2004, April 2004

[14] Qing Fang; Jie Liu; Guibas, L.; Feng Zhao, Roamhba: maintaining group connectivity in sensor networks3rd International Symposium on Information Processing in Sensor Networks, IPSN 2004, April 2004

[15] Mark Paskin, Carlos Guestrin, Jim McFadden, A Robust Architecture for Distributed Inference in Sensor Networks,Fourth International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '05), April 2005

[16] Lin Xiao, Stephen Boyd, Sanjay Lall, A Scheme for Asynchronous Distributed Sensor Fusion Based on Average Consensus,Fourth International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '05), April 2005

[17] Demetri Spanos, Reza Olfati-Saber, Richard Murray, Distributed Kalman Filtering in Sensor Networks with Quantifiable PerformanceFourth International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '05), April 2005

[18] Jen-Yeu Chen, Gopal Pandurangan, Dongyan Xu, Robust Aggregates Computation in Wireless Sensor Networks: Distributed Randomized Algorithms and AnaFourth International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '05), April 2005

[19] Abrams, Z.; Chen, H.-L.; Guibas, L.; Liu, J.; Zhao, F., Kinetically stable task assignment for networks of microserversProceedings of the fifth international conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN, April 2006

Topic 8: Signal Processing and Computation  [Back to Index]
7. Programming

[1] P. Levis and D. Culler., Mate: A Tiny Virtual Machine for Sensor Networks.Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages, October 2002

[2] E. Cheong, J. Liebman, J. Liu, and F. Zhao., TinyGALS: A Programming Model for Event-Driven Embedded Systems.ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC'03), March 2003

[3] D. Gay, P. Levis, R.V. Behren, M. Welsh, E. Brewer, and D. Culler., The nesC Language: A Holistic Approach to Networked Embedded Systems.PLDI'03, June 2003

[4] P. Baldwin, S. Kohli, E. A. Lee, X. Liu and Y. Zhao, Modeling of sensor nets in ptolemy II3rd International Symposium on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '04), April 2004

[5] S. Kogekar, S. Neema, B. Eames, X. Koutsoukos, A. Ledeczi and M. Maroti, Constraint-guided dynamic reconfiguration in sensor networks3rd International Symposium on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '04), April 2004

Topic 9: Security  [Back to Index]
1. Security

[1] L. Zhou and Z.J. Haas., Securing Ad Hoc Networks.IEEE Network Special Issue on Network Security., 13, 6, 24-30, November 1999

[2] A. Perrig, R. Szewczyk, V. Wen, D. Culler, and J.D. Tygar., SPINS: Security Protocols for Sensor Networks.ACM Mobile Computing and Networking, July 2001

[3] A.D. Wood, J.A. Stankovic, and S.H. Son, JAM: A Jammed-Area Mapping Service for Sensor NetworksIn The 24th IEEE International Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS), December 2003

[4] W. Du, J. Deng, Y.S. Han, and P.K. Varshney, A Pairwise Key Pre-distribution Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks,CCS'03, October 2003

[5] C. Yin, S. Huang, P. Su, and C. Gao., Secure Routing for Large-scale Wireless Sensor Networks.In Proc. of International Conference on Communication Technology (ICCT'03), April 2003

[6] J. Deng, R. Han, and S. Mishra., A Performance Evaluation of Intrusion-Tolerant Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks.,2nd International Workshop on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN 03), April 2003

[7] A.D. Wood and J.A. Stankovic, Denial of Service in Sensor NetworksIEEE Computer, 35, 54-62, September 2002

[8] C. Karlof and D. Wagner., Secure Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks: Attacks and Countermeasures.Sensor Network Protocols and Applications (SNPA'03), May 2003

[9] H. Chan, A. Perrig, and D. Song., Random Key Predistribution Schemes for Sensor Networks.IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP), May 2003

[10] G. Jolly, M.C. Kuscu, P. Kokate, and M. Younis., A Low-Energy Key Management Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks.,IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications(ISCC'03)., June 2003

[11] P. Ganesan, R. Venugopalan, P. Peddabachagari, A. Dean, F. Mueller, and M. Sichitiu., Analyzing and Modeling Encryption Overhead for Sensor Network Nodes.WSNA'03, September 2003

[12] Q. Huang, J. Cukier, H. Kobayashi, B. Liu, and J. Zhang., Fast Authenticated Key Establishment Protocols for Self-Organizing Sensor Networks.WSNA'03, September 2003

[13] Y.C. Hu, A. Perrig, and D.B. Johnson., Rushing Attacks and Defense in Wireless Ad Hoc Network Routing Protocols.,WiSe'03, September 2003

[14] M. Bohge and W. Trappe., An Authentication Framework for Hierarchical Ad Hoc Sensor Networks.WiSe'03, September 2003

[15] R.D. Pietro, L.V. Mancini, Y.W. Law, S. Etalle, and P. Havinga., LKHW: A Directed Diffusion-Based Secure Multicast Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks.2003 International Conference on Parallel Processing Workshops (ICPPW'03), October 2003

[16] S. Zhu, S. Setia, and S. Jajodia., LEAP: Efficient Security Mechanisms for Large-Scale Distributed Sensor Networks.,CCS'03, October 2003

[17] Y. W. Law, S. Dulman, S. Etalle, and P. Havinga, Assessing Security-Critical Energy-Efficient Sensor NetworksInt. Conf. on Information Security, Security and Privacy in the Age of Uncertainty (SEC), May 2003

[18] B. Przydatek, D. Song, and A. Perrig., SIA: Secure Information Aggregation in Sensor Networks.The First ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (Sensys03), November 2003

[19] S. Slijepcevic, V. Tsiatsis, and S. Zimbeck, On Communication Security in Wireless Ad-Hoc Sensor NetworksIEEE Eleventh International Workshops on Enabling Technologies, June 2002

[20] Chris Karlof, Naveen Sastry, David Wagner, TinySec: A Link Layer Security Architecture for Wireless Sensor Networks,ACM Sensys, November 2004

[21] J. Newsome, E. Shi, D. Song and A. Perrig, The sybil attack in sensor networks: analysis & defenses3rd International Symposium on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '04), April 2004

[22] Malan, D.J.; Welsh, M.; Smith, M.D., A Public-Key Infrastructure for Key Distribution in TinyOS Based on Elliptic Curve CryptographyIEEE SECON 2004, October 2004

[23] Martinez, K.; Ong, R.; Hart, J., Glacsweb: a sensor network for hostile environmentsIEEE SECON 2004, October 2004

[24] Song Li; Ephremides, A., A Network Layer Covert Channel in Ad-hoc Wireless NetworksIEEE SECON 2004, October 2004

[25] Subhadrabandhu, D.; Sarkar, S.; Anjum, F., Efficacy of Misuse Detection in Adhoc NetworksIEEE SECON 2004, October 2004

[26] W. Du, J. Deng, Y.S. Han, S. Chen, and P.K. Varshney, A Key Management Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks Using Deployment KnowledgeINFOCOM'04, March 2004

[27] F. Ye, H. Luo, S. Lu, and L. Zhang, Statistical En-route Filtering of Injected False Data in Sensor Networks,INFOCOM'04, March 2004

[28] H. Yang, F. Ye, Y. Yuan, S. Lu, and W. Arbaugh, Toward Resilient Security in Wireless Sensor NetworksACM Mobihoc, May 2005

[29] W. Du, R. Wang and P. Ning, An Efficient Scheme for Authenticating Public Keys in Sensor NetworksACM Mobihoc, May 2005

[30] W. Zhang, H. Song, S. Zhu, and G. Cao, Least Privilege and Privilege Deprivation: Towards Tolerating Mobile Sink Compromises in Wireless SeACM Mobihoc, March 2005

[31] Anuj Chadha, Yonghe Liu and Sajal K. Das, Group Key Distribution via Local Collaboration in Wireless Sensor Networks,IEEE SECON, September 2005

[32] Wei Yu and K. J. Ray Liu, Secure Cooperative Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Against injecting Traffic AttacksIEEE SECON, September 2005

[33] Wei Yu and K. J. Ray Liu, Stimulating Cooperation and Defending Against Attacks in Self-Organized Mobile Ad Hoc NetworksIEEE SECON, September 2005

[34] Mohamed Shehab, Elisa Bertino and Arif Ghafoor, Efficient Hierarchical Key Generation and Key Diffusion for Sensor NetworksIEEE SECON, September 2005

[35] Farshid Delgosha and Faramarz Fekri, Key Pre-Distribution on Wireless Sensor Networks Using Multivariate Polynomials,IEEE SECON, September 2005

[36] Arno Wacker, Mirko Knoll, Timo Heiber, Kurt Rothermel, A new approach for establishing pairwise keys for securing wireless sensor networksSensys 2005, Proceedings of the 3rd ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems, November 2005

[37] Yee Wei Law, Jeroen Doumen, Pieter Hartel, Benchmarking Block Ciphers for Wireless Sensor NetworksIEEE MASS, October 2004

[38] Madhukar Anand, Zachary Ives, Insup Lee, Quantifying Eavesdropping Vulnerability in Sensor NetworksSecond International VLDB Workshop on Data Management for Sensor Networks (DMSN 2005), June 2005

[39] Michael Manzo and Tanya Roosta, Time Synchronization Attacks in Sensor NetworksACM Workshop on Security of Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks (SASN 2005), August 2005

[40] Yinian Mao and Min Wu, Coordinated Sensor Deployment for Improving Secure Communications and Sensing CoverageACM Workshop on Security of Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks (SASN 2005), November 2005

[41] Jing Deng, Richard Han, and Shivakant Mishra, Defending against Path-based DoS Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks,ACM Workshop on Security of Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks (SASN 2005), November 2005

[42] Takashi Ito, Hidenori Ohta, Nori Matsuda, and Takeshi Yoneda, A Key Pre-Distribution Scheme for Secure Sensor Networks Using Probability Density Function of NodeACM Workshop on Security of Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks (SASN 2005), November 2005

[43] Sy, D. Bao, L., CAPTRA: coordinated packet tracebackProceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN, April 2006

[44] Farshid Delgosha, Erman ayday, Kevin Chan, Faramarz Fekri, Security Services in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Sparse Random CodingIEEE SECON 2006, September 2006

[45] Qing Li, Wade Trappe, Relationship-Based Detection of Spoofing-Related Anomalous Traffic in Ad Hoc NetworksIEEE SECON 2006, September 2006

[46] Wei Zhang, Sajal Das, Yonghe Liu, A Trust Based Framework for Secure Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks,IEEE SECON 2006, September 2006

[47] Bo Zhu, Sushil Jajodia, An Anonymous Routing Protocol with The Local-Repair Mechanism for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,IEEE SECON 2006, September 2006

[48] Farshid Delgosha and F. Fekri, Threshold Key-Establishment in Distributed Sensor Networks Using a Multivariate SchemeIEEE INFOCOM, April 2006

[49] Matthew J. Miller and Nitin H. Vaidya, Leveraging Channel Diversity for Key Establishment in Wireless Sensor NetworksIEEE INFOCOM, April 2006

[50] Patrick Traynor, Heesook Choi, Guohong Cao, Sencun Zhu and Tom La Porta, Establishing Pair-wise Keys in Heterogeneous Sensor NetworksIEEE INFOCOM, April 2006

[51] Li Zhou and Jinfeng Ni and Chinya V. Ravishankar, Supporting Secure Communication and Data Collection in Mobile Sensor NetworksIEEE INFOCOM, April 2006

[52] Srdjan Capkun, Mario Cagalj, Mani Srivastava, Secure Localization With Hidden and Mobile Base StationsIEEE INFOCOM, April 2006

[53] Kui Ren, Wenjing Lou, Yanchao Zhang, LEDS: Providing Location-aware End-to-end Data Security in Wireless Sensor NetworksIEEE INFOCOM, April 2006

[54] Zhen Yu, Yong Guan, A Dynamic En-route Scheme for Filtering False Data Injection in Wireless Sensor NetworksIEEE INFOCOM, April 2006

[55] Zhiying Yao; Daeyoung Kim; Yoonmee Doh, PLUS: Parameterized and Localized trUst management Scheme for sensor networks securityIEEE Proceedings of MASS 2006, October 2006

[56] Fang Liu; Xiuzhen Cheng, A Self-Configured Key Establishment Scheme for Large-Scale Sensor NetworksIEEE Proceedings of MASS 2006, October 2006

[57] Ida Savino; Gianluca Dini, S2RP: a Secure and Scalable Rekeying Protocol for Wireless Sensor NetworksIEEE Proceedings of MASS 2006, October 2006

[58] Timothy X Brown, Jesse E. James, Amita Sethi, Jamming and sensing of encrypted wireless ad hoc networksProceedings of the seventh ACM international symposium on Mobile ad hoc networking and computing (Mo, May 2006

[59] D. Wang, Q. Zhang, and J. Liu, Self-Protections for Sensor NetworksICDCS, July 2006

[60] P.E. Lanigan, R. Gandhi, and P. Narasimhan, Sluice: Secure Dissemination of Code Updates in Sensor NetworksICDCS, July 2006

[61] P. Traynor, R. Kumar, H.B. Saad, G. Cao, and T.L. Porta, LIGER: Implementing Efficient Hybrid Security Mechanisms for Heterogeneous Sensor NetworksMobisys, November 2006

[62] A. Wood, J. Stankovic, and G. Zhou, DEEJAM: Defeating Energy-Efficient Jamming in IEEE 802.15.4-based Wireless NetworksIEEE Secon, June 2007

[63] K. Ren, W. Lou, and Y. Zhang, Multi-user Broadcast Authentication in Wireless Sensor NetworksIEEE Secon, June 2007

[64] M. Luk, G. Mezzour, A. Perrig, and V. Gligor, MiniSec: A Secure Sensor Network Communication ArchitectureIPSN, April 2007

[65] W. Xu, W. Trappe, and Y. Zhang, Channel Surfing: Defending Wireless Sensor Networks from Jamming and Interference,IPSN, April 2007

[66] E. Ayday, F. Delgosha, and F. Fekri, Location-Aware Security Services for Wireless Sensor Networks using Network CodingInfocom, May 2007

[67] M. Shao, S. Zhu, W. Zhang, and G. Cao, pDCS: Security and Privacy Support for Data-Centric Sensor NetworksInfocom, May 2007

[68] M. Li, I. Koutsopoulos, and R. Poovendran, Optimal Jamming Attacks and Network Defense Policies in Wireless Sensor NetworksInfocom, May 2007

[69] F. Liu, X. Cheng, and D. Chen, Insider Attacker Detection in Wireless Sensor NetworksInfocom, May 2007

[70] Y. Jian, S. Chen, Z. Zhang, and L. Zhang, Protecting Receiver-Location Privacy in Wireless Sensor NetworksInfocom, May 2007

[71] Y. Chen, W. Trappe, and R. Martin, Attack Detection in Wireless LocalizationInfocom, May 2007

Topic 10: Sensor Network Architectures  [Back to Index]
1. Sensor Network architectures

[1] Rachel Cardell-Oliver (University of Western Australia, Australia), ROPE: A Reactive, Opportunistic Protocol for Environment Monitoring Sensor NetworksEmnets-II, May 2005

[2] Tatiana Bokareva (University of New South Wales, Australia), Nirupama Bulusu (Portland State Univers, SASHA: Towards a Self-Healing Hybrid Sensor Network ArchitectureEmnets-II, May 2005

[3] Leo Szumel (University of California at Davis, USA), Jason LeBrun (University of California, Davis,, Towards a Mobile Agent Framework for Sensor NetworksEmnets-II, May 2005

[4] Ramakrishna Gummadi, Omprakash Gnawali, Ramesh Govindan, Macro-programming Wireless Sensor Networks using Kairos,International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems, June 2005

[5] Shimin Chen, Phil Gibbons, Suman Nath, Database-Centric Programming for Wide-Area Sensor SystemsInternational Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems, June 2005

[6] Shimin Chen, Phil Gibbons, Suman Nath, Database-Centric Programming for Wide-Area Sensor SystemsInternational Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems, June 2005

[7] Santashil PalChaudhuri, Rajnish Kumar, Richard Baraniuk, David B. Johnson, Design of Adaptive Overlays for Multi-scale Communication in Sensor NetworksInternational Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems, June 2005

[8] Liqian Luo, Tarek Abdelzaher, Tian He, John Stankovic, Design and Comparison of Lightweight Group Management Strategies in EnviroSuiteInternational Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems, June 2005

[9] Ioannis Chatzigiannakis, Giorgos Mylonas, Sotiris Nikoletseas, jWebDust: A Java-based Generic Application Environment for Wireless Sensor NetworksInternational Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems, June 2005

[10] Stefen O Howard and Jason O Hallstrom, Specifying and Enforcing Resource Utilization ConstraintsEmNets 2006, May 2006

[11] Shondip Sen and Rachel Cardell-Oliver, A Rule-Based Language for Programming Wireless Sensor Actuator Networks using Frequency and CommunicEmNets 2006, May 2006

[12] Nicholas Lane and Andrew Campbell, The Influence of Microprocessor Instructions on the Energy Consumption of Wireless Sensor NetworksEmNets 2006, May 2006

[13] Arunabha Sen, Bao Hong Shen, Ling Zhou, Bin Hao, Fault Tolerance in Sensor Networks: A New Evaluation metricIEEE INFOCOM, April 2006

[14] Ramanuja Vedantham, Zhenyun Zhuang and Raghupathy Sivakumar, Mutual Exclusion in Wireless Sensor and Actor Networks

[15] Rost, S.; Balakrishnan, H., Memento: A Health Monitoring System for Wireless Sensor Networks, September 2006

[16] L. Girod, M.Lukac, V. Trifa, and D. Estrin, The Design and Implementation of a Self-Calibrating Distributed Acoustic Sensing PlatformACM Sensys, November 2006

[17] B. Hull, V. Bychkovsky, Y. Zhang, K. Chen, M. Goraczko, a. Miu, e. Shih, H. Balakrishnan, and S. Mad, CarTel: A Distributed Mobile Sensor Computing SystemACM Sensys, November 2006

[18] Y. Yu, L. Rittle, J. LeBrun, and V. Bhandari, MELETE: Supporting Concurrent Applications in Wireless Sensor Networks,ACM Sensys, November 2006

[19] O. Gnawali, B. Greenstein, K-Y. Jang, A. Joki, J. Paek, M. Vieira, d. Estrin, R. Govindan, and E. Ko, The Tenet Architecture for Tiered Sensor NetworksACM Sensys, November 2006

Topic 11: Miscellaneous  [Back to Index]
1. Software

[1] S. Park, A. Savvides, and M.B. Srivastava., SensorSim: A Simulation Framework for Sensor Networks.MSWiM'00, August 2000

[2] P. Levis, N. Lee, M. Welsh, and D. Culler., TOSSIM: Accurate and Scalable Simulation of Entire TinyOS Applications.,The First ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems (Sensys03), November 2003

[3] Benjamin Greenstein, Eddie Kohler, Deborah Estrin, A Sensor Network Application Construction Kit (SNACK)ACM Sensys, November 2004

[4] J. Hui and D. Culler, The Dynamic Behavior of a Data Dissemination Protocol for Network Programming at Scale.ACM Sensys, November 2004

[5] Victor Shnayder, Mark Hempstead, Bor-rong Chen, Geoff Werner-Allen, and Matt Welsh, Simulating the Power Consumption of Large-Scale Sensor Network ApplicationsACM Sensys, November 2004

[6] Natkunanathan, S.; Pham, J.; Kaiser, W.J.; Pottie, G., Embedded networked sensors: signal search engine for signal classificationIEEE SECON 2004, October 2004

[7] Polley, J.; Blazakis, D.; McGee, J.; Dan Rusk; Baras, J.S.; Karir, M., ATEMU: A Fine-Grained Sensor Network Simulator,IEEE SECON 2004, October 2004

[8] Jindal, A.; Psounis, K., Modeling spatially-correlated sensor network dataIEEE SECON 2004, October 2004

[9] Martin Turon(Crossbow Technology, Inc., USA), John Suh (Crossbow Technology, Inc., USA), MOTE-VIEW: A Sensor Network Monitoring and Management ToolEmnets-II, May 2005

[10] Ryan Newton, Arvind, Matt Welsh, Building up to Macroprogramming: an Intermediate Language for Sensor Networks,Fourth International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '05), April 2005

[11] Oliver Kasten, Kay R?er, Beyond Event Handlers: Programming Wireless Sensors with Attributed State MachinesFourth International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '05), April 2005

[12] C-C. Han, R. Kumar, R. Shea, E. Kohler, and M. Srivastava, A Dynamic Operating System for Sensor NodesMobisys, June 2005

[13] Joel Koshy, Raju Pandey, VMSTAR: synthesizing scalable runtime environments for sensor networksSensys 2005, Proceedings of the 3rd ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems, November 2005

[14] Nithya Ramanathan, Kevin Chang, Rahul Kapur, Lewis Girod, Eddie Kohler, Deborah Estrin, Sympathy for the sensor network debuggerSensys 2005, Proceedings of the 3rd ACM Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems, November 2005

[15] Ingwar Wirjawan, Joel Koshy, Raju Pandey, Yann Ramin, alancing Computation and Communication Costs: The Case for Hybrid Execution in Sensor NetworksIEEE SECON 2006, September 2006

[16] Chulsung Park, Pai Chou, EmPro: An Environment/Energy Emulation and Profiling Platform for Wireless Sensor Networks,IEEE SECON 2006, September 2006

[17] Chulsung Park, Pai Chou, AmbiMax: Efficient, Autonomous Energy Harvesting System for Multiple-Supply Wireless Sensor NodesIEEE SECON 2006, September 2006

[18] Eric Trumpler and Richard Han, A Systematic Framework for Evolving TinyOSEmNets 2006, May 2006

[19] Ram Kumar Rengaswamy, Eddie Kohler, and Mani Srivastava, Software-Based Memory Protection In Sensor NodesEmNets 2006, May 2006

[20] Joel W. Branch, Boleslaw K. Szymanski, Chatschik Bisdikian, Norman Cohen, John S. Davis, Maria R. Eb, Towards Middleware Components for Distributed Actuator CoordinationEmNets 2006, May 2006

[21] Joel W. Branch, Boleslaw K. Szymanski, Chatschik Bisdikian, Norman Cohen, John S. Davis, Maria R. Eb, Towards Middleware Components for Distributed Actuator CoordinationEmNets 2006, May 2006

[22] Minkyong Kim (Dartmouth College, US); David Kotz (Dartmouth College, US); Songkuk Kim (Xerox Corpora, Extracting a mobility model from real user tracesIEEE Infocom, April 2006

[23] David Johnson (University of Utah, US); Tim Stack (University of Utah,US); Russ Fish (University of, Mobile emulab: A Robotic Wireless and Sensor NetworkIEEE Infocom, April 2006

[24] Junlan Zhou (UCLA, US); Zhengrong Ji (UCLA, US); Rajive Bagrodia (UCLA, US), TWINE: A Hybrid Emulation Testbed for Wireless Networks and ApplicationsIEEE Infocom, April 2006

[25] Hua Yang (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, US); Fengji Ye (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, US); B, SIMPLE: using Swarm Intelligence Methodology to design Data Acquisition Protocol in Sensor NetworksIEEE Infocom, April 2006

[26] L. Gu and J.A. Stankovic, t-kernel: Providing Reliable OS Support to Wireless Sensor NetworksACM Sensys, November 2006

[27] A. Dunkels, N. Finne, J. Eriksson, and T. Voigt, Run-time Dynamic Linking for Reprogramming Wireless Sensor Networks,ACM Sensys, November 2006

[28] A. Dunkels, O. Schmidt, T. voigt, and M. Ali, Protothreads: Simplifying Event-Driven Programming of Memory-constrained Embedded SystemsACM Sensys, October 2006

[29] W.P. McCartney and N. Sridhar, Abstractions for Safe Concurrent Programming in Networked Embedded SystemsACM Sensys, November 2006

[30] H. Cha, S. Choi, I. Jung, H. Kim, H. Shin, J. Yoo, and C. Yoon, RETOS: Resilient, Expandable, and Threaded Operating System for Wireless Sensor NetworksIPSN, April 2007

[31] W. Archer, P. Levis, and J. Regehr, Interface Contracts for TinyOSIPSN, April 2007

[32] G. Chelius, E. Fleury, and A. Fraboulet, Worldsens: Development and Prototyping Tools for Application Specific Wireless Sensor NetworksIPSN, April 2007

[33] M. Varshney, D. Xu, M. Srivastava, and R. Bagrodia, sQualNet: An Accurate and Scalable Evaluation Framework for Sensor NetworksIPSN, April 2007

[34] R. Newton, G. Morrisett, and M. Welsh, The Regiment Macroprogramming SystemIPSN, April 2007

[35] R. Panta, I. Khalil, and S. Bagchi, Stream: Low Overhead Wireless ReprogrammingInfocom, May 2007

Topic 11: Miscellaneous  [Back to Index]
2. Sensing

[1] B. Greenstein, C. Mar, A. Pesterev, S. Farshchi, E. Kohler, J. Judy, and D. Estrin, Capturing High-Frequency Phenomena Using a bandwidth-Limited Sensor NetworkACM Sensys, November 2006

[2] A. Kansal, W.J. Kaiser, G.J. Pottie, M.B. Srivastava, and G. Sukhatme, Virtual High-resolution for Sensor Networks,ACM Sensys, November 2006

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