Journal/Magazine Papers (7)

  • Yuhong Yan, Yong Liang, Abhijeet Roy, Xinge Du, "Web Service Enabled Online Laboratory", International Journal on Web Service Research, 6(4), Oct.-Dec. 2009.
  • Han Liang, Yuhong Yan, Huajie Zhang, "Learning Decision Trees With Log Conditional Likelihood", International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, accepted in Jan 2009.
  • Daniel Lemire, Martin Brooks and Yuhong Yan, "An Optimal Linear Time Algorithm for Quasi-Monotonic Segmentation", accepted by International Journal on Computer Mathematics, Feb, 2008.
  • Yuhong Yan and Han Liang, "Lazy Learner on Decision Tree for Ranking" , the International Journal on Tools with AI (IJTAI), Vol. 17 No. 1, Feb. 2008, p139-158.
  • Yuhong Yan, Philippe Dague, Yannick Pencole, and Marie-Odile Cordier, "A Model-based Approach for Diagnosing Faults in Web Service Processes", the International Journal on Web Service Research, 6(1), January-March 2009, p87-110.
  • Yuhong Yan, Yong Liang, Xinge Du, Hamadou Saliah-Hasane and Ali Ghorbani, "Put Labs Online with Web Services", IEEE IT Professional, Mar/Apr 2006, p37-44. (NRC 48517).
  • Yuhong Yan, Torsten Kuphal, and Juergen Bode, "Application of Intelligent Agents in Project Management" International Journal of Production Economics, 68(2000), p185-197, Elsevier. (Sample available)

Book Chapters (2)

  • Yuhong Yan, "Description Language and Formal Methods for Web Service Process Modeling", book chapter in "Business Process Management: Concepts, Technologies and Applications", Volume: Advances in Management Information Systems, Publisher: M.E Sharpe Inc., 2008.
  • Yuhong Yan, Matthias Klein, "Web Services vs. ebXML, An Evaluation of Web Services and ebXML for e-Business Applications", book chapter in Enterprise Service Computing: From Concept to Deployment , edited by Robin G. Qiu, published by Idea Group, Inc, Oct. 2006, (NRC49338).

Peer Reviewed Conference Papers (16)


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