Srividya kona (Srividya Kona-Semantic service D&C)


 Ph.D. in Computer Science, The University of Texas at Dallas (2004-2007)

Journal Publications:
1. S Kona, A Bansal, L Simon, A Mallya, G Gupta, and T.D. Hite.
USDL: A Service-Semantics Description Language for Automatic Service Discovery and Composition
Intl. Journal of Web Services Research (IJWSR) (accepted - to appear).
2. B Blake, D Cummings, A Bansal, S Kona.
Workflow Composition of Service Level Agreements and Web Services
ACM Transactions on the Web (TWeb), (under 2nd review).
3. S Kona, A Bansal, G Gupta.
Semantics-based Web Service Discovery and Composition
(in preparation, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing (TSC)).

Conference Publications:
1. S Kona, A Bansal, M. B. Blake, G. Gupta.
Weaving Functional and Non-Functional attributes for Trusted Composition
submitted to 18th Intl. World Wide Web Conference (WWW), 2009.
2. B Blake, M Nowlan, A Bansal, S Kona.
Annotating UDDI Registries to Support the Management of Composite Services
to appear in  Proc. of 24th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC), 2009.
3. S Kona, A Bansal, G Gupta, M. B. Blake.
Generalized Semantics-based Service Composition
in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS), September 2008 (16% Acceptance Rate).
4. S Kona, A Bansal, G Gupta, B Blake;
Towards a General Framework for Web Service Composition in proc. of IEEE International Conference on Services Computing (SCC), July 2008.
5.  A Bansal, M. B. Blake, S Kona, M Jaeger, et al.
WSC-08: The Web Services Challenge
in Proc. of IEEE Intl. Conference on E-Technology, E-Commerce and E-Services (CEC/EEE), 2008.
6. A Bansal, S Kona, M. B. Blake, G Gupta.
An Agent-based Approach for Composition of Semantic Web Services
in Proc. of 17th IEEE International Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructures for Collaborative Enterprises (ACEC) at WETICE, June 2008.
7. S Kona, A Bansal, and G Gupta.
Automatic Composition of Semantic Web Services
in Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS), July, 2007 (18% Acceptance Rate). [PDF]
8. S Kona, A Bansal, G Gupta, and T. D. Hite.
Semantics-based Web Service Composition engine (Short paper)
in Proc. of IEEE Conf. on E-Commerce Technology and Conf. on Enterprise Computing, E-Commerce and E-Service (CEC/EEE), July 2007 [PDF]
9. S Kona, A Bansal, G Gupta, and T. D. Hite.
Efficient Web Service Discovery and Composition using Constraint Logic Programming
in Proc. of Intl. Workshop on Applied Logic Programming Semantic Web and Services (ALPSWS) at FLoC, August 2006. [PDF]

10. S Kona, A Bansal, G Gupta, and T. D. Hite.
Web Service Discovery and Composition using USDL (Short paper)
in Proc. of IEEE Conf. on E-Commerce Technology and Conf. on Enterprise Computing, E-Commerce and E-Service (CEC/EEE), June, 2006 [PDF]

11. A Bansal, S Kona, L Simon, A Mallya, G Gupta, and T. D. Hite.
Universal Service-Semantics Description Language
in Proc. of IEEE European Conference On Web Services (ECOWS) November 2005
(Received Best Paper Award) [PDF]

12. L Simon, A Bansal, A Mallya, S Kona, G Gupta, and T. D. Hite.
Towards a Universal Service Description Language
in Proc. of Next Generation Web Services Practices (NWeSP), September 2005 [PDF]

* Jonsson School Forum (JSF) April 20, 2006
Universal Service-Semantics Description Language [PPT]
(Won 2nd prize)
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