Dr. Jinjun Chen

Lecturer in Information Technology

CS3 - Centre for Complex Software Systems and Services
Faculty of Information & Communication Technologies
Swinburne University of Technology



Research Interests

  • Scientific Workflow Management and Applications
  • Workflow Management and Applications in Web Service or SOC Environments
  • Workflow Management and Applications in Grid (Service)/Cloud Computing Environments
  • Software Verification and Validation in Workflow Systems
  • QoS and Resource Scheduling in Distributed Computing Systems such as Cloud Computing.
  • Service Oriented Computing (SLA, Negotiation, Engineering, Composition)
  • Semantics and Knowledge Management
  • Cloud Computing
  • J. Cao, J. Chen, H. Zhao, M. Li, A Policy based Authorization Model for Workflow-enabled Dynamic Process Management. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, ISSN: 1084-8045, Elsevier, accepted, 2008, to appear.
  •   W. Dou,  J. Chen, S. Fan, and S.C. Chueng. A Context- and Role-driven Scientific Workflow Development Pattern. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, ISSN: 1532-0626, Wiley, 2008, to appear.
  • K. Liu, J. Chen, Y. Yang and H. Jin. A Throughput Maximisation Strategy for Scheduling Transaction Intensive Workflows on SwinDeW-G. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, ISSN: 1532-0626, Wiley,  2008, to appear.
  •  X. Liu, W. Dou, J. Chen, S. Fan, S. C.  Cheung, and S. Cai, On Design, Verification, and Dynamic Modification of the Problem-Based Scientific Workflow Model. Simulation Modeling Practice and Theory, Elsevier, 15(9), 1068-1088, 2007.


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