## EMQ X Configuration R3.0
## Cluster
## Cluster name.
## Value: String
cluster.name = emqxcl
## Cluster auto-discovery strategy.
## Value: Enum
## - manual: Manual join command
## - static: Static node list
## - mcast: IP Multicast
## - dns: DNS A Record
## - etcd: etcd
## - k8s: Kubernates
## Default: manual
cluster.discovery = manual
## Enable cluster autoheal from network partition.
## Value: on | off
## Default: on
cluster.autoheal = on
## Autoclean down node. A down node will be removed from the cluster
## if this value > 0.
## Value: Duration
## -h: hour, e.g. '2h' for 2 hours
## -m: minute, e.g. '5m' for 5 minutes
## -s: second, e.g. '30s' for 30 seconds
## Default: 5m
cluster.autoclean = 5m
## Cluster using static node list
## Node list of the cluster.
## Value: String
## cluster.static.seeds = emqx1@,emqx2@
## Cluster using IP Multicast.
## IP Multicast Address.
## Value: IP Address
## cluster.mcast.addr =
## Multicast Ports.
## Value: Port List
## cluster.mcast.ports = 4369,4370
## Multicast Iface.
## Value: Iface Address
## Default:
## cluster.mcast.iface =
## Multicast Ttl.
## Value: 0-255
## cluster.mcast.ttl = 255
## Multicast loop.
## Value: on | off
## cluster.mcast.loop = on
## Cluster using DNS A records.
## DNS name.
## Value: String
## cluster.dns.name = localhost
## The App name is used to build 'node.name' with IP address.
## Value: String
## cluster.dns.app = emqx
## Cluster using etcd
## Etcd server list, seperated by ','.
## Value: String
## cluster.etcd.server =
## The prefix helps build nodes path in etcd. Each node in the cluster
## will create a path in etcd: v2/keys/<prefix>/<cluster.name>/<node.name>
## Value: String
## cluster.etcd.prefix = emqxcl
## The TTL for node's path in etcd.
## Value: Duration
## Default: 1m, 1 minute
## cluster.etcd.node_ttl = 1m
## Path to a file containing the client's private PEM-encoded key.
## Value: File
## cluster.etcd.ssl.keyfile = etc/certs/client-key.pem
## The path to a file containing the client's certificate.
## Value: File
## cluster.etcd.ssl.certfile = etc/certs/client.pem
## Path to the file containing PEM-encoded CA certificates. The CA certificates
## are used during server authentication and when building the client certificate chain.
## Value: File
## cluster.etcd.ssl.cacertfile = etc/certs/ca.pem
## Cluster using Kubernates
## Kubernates API server list, seperated by ','.
## Value: String
## cluster.k8s.apiserver =
## The service name helps lookup EMQ nodes in the cluster.
## Value: String
## cluster.k8s.service_name = emqx
## The address type is used to extract host from k8s service.
## Value: ip | dns | hostname
## cluster.k8s.address_type = ip
## The app name helps build 'node.name'.
## Value: String
## cluster.k8s.app_name = emqx
## The suffix added to dns and hostname get from k8s service
## Value: String
## cluster.k8s.suffix = pod.cluster.local
## Kubernates Namespace
## Value: String
## cluster.k8s.namespace = default
## Node
## Node name.
## See: http://erlang.org/doc/reference_manual/distributed.html
## Value: <name>@<host>
## Default: emqx@
node.name = emqx@
## Cookie for distributed node communication.
## Value: String
node.cookie = emqxsecretcookie
## Node Max Clients Size.
## @@最大客户端数,没有效果
## Value: String
node.max_clients = 1024000
## Data dir for the node
## Value: Folder
node.data_dir = data
## Heartbeat monitoring of an Erlang runtime system. Comment the line to disable
## heartbeat, or set the value as 'on'
## Value: on
## vm.args: -heart
## node.heartbeat = on
## Sets the number of threads in async thread pool. Valid range is 0-1024.
## See: http://erlang.org/doc/man/erl.html
## Value: 0-1024
## vm.args: +A Number
node.async_threads = 32
## Sets the maximum number of simultaneously existing processes for this
## system if a Number is passed as value.
## See: http://erlang.org/doc/man/erl.html
## Value: Number [1024-134217727]
## @@erlang的进程数,如果超过指定,程序将直接奔溃
## vm.args: +P Number
node.process_limit = 2048000
## Sets the maximum number of simultaneously existing ports for this system.
## See: http://erlang.org/doc/man/erl.html
## Value: Number [1024-134217727]
## @@网络文件句柄数,=接入的客户端数量+集群的TCP连接数量+其他的网络文件句柄
## vm.args: +Q Number
node.max_ports = 1024000
## Set the distribution buffer busy limit (dist_buf_busy_limit).
## See: http://erlang.org/doc/man/erl.html
## Value: Number [1KB-2GB]
## vm.args: +zdbbl size
node.dist_buffer_size = 8MB
## Sets the maximum number of ETS tables. Note that mnesia and SSL will
## create temporary ETS tables.
## Value: Number
## vm.args: +e Number
node.max_ets_tables = 256000
## Tweak GC to run more often.
## Value: Number [0-65535]
## vm.args: -env ERL_FULLSWEEP_AFTER Number
node.fullsweep_after = 1000
## Crash dump log file.
## Value: Log file
node.crash_dump = log/crash.dump
## Specify the erlang distributed protocol.
## Value: Enum
## - inet_tcp: the default; handles TCP streams with IPv4 addressing.
## - inet6_tcp: handles TCP with IPv6 addressing.
## - inet_tls: using TLS for Erlang Distribution.
## @@集群的TCP通信协议,如果修改为inet6_tcp,node.name必须按照IPV6格式修改,否则无法正常停止
## @@配置inet_tls将采用IPV4地址,不过感觉意义不大,这是集群内部通信
## vm.args: -proto_dist inet_tcp
node.proto_dist = inet_tcp
## Specify SSL Options in the file if using SSL for Erlang Distribution.
## Value: File
## vm.args: -ssl_dist_optfile <File>
## node.ssl_dist_optfile = etc/ssl_dist.conf
## Sets the net_kernel tick time. TickTime is specified in seconds.
## Notice that all communicating nodes are to have the same TickTime
## value specified.
## See: http://www.erlang.org/doc/man/kernel_app.html#net_ticktime
## Value: Number
## vm.args: -kernel net_ticktime Number
node.dist_net_ticktime = 60
## Sets the port range for the listener socket of a distributed Erlang node.
## Note that if there are firewalls between clustered nodes, this port segment
## for nodes’ communication should be allowed.
## See: http://www.erlang.org/doc/man/kernel_app.html
## Value: Port [1024-65535]
node.dist_listen_min = 6369
node.dist_listen_max = 6369
## RPC
## RPC Mode.
## Value: sync | async
rpc.mode = async
## Max batch size of async RPC requests.
## Value: Integer
## Zero or negative value disables rpc batching.
## NOTE: RPC batch won't work when rpc.mode = sync
rpc.async_batch_size = 256
## TCP server port for RPC.
## Value: Port [1024-65535]
rpc.tcp_server_port = 5369
## TCP port for outgoing RPC connections.
## Value: Port [1024-65535]
rpc.tcp_client_port = 5369
## Number of utgoing RPC connections.
## Value: Interger [1-256]
rpc.tcp_client_num = 32
## RCP Client connect timeout.
## Value: Seconds
rpc.connect_timeout = 5s
## TCP send timeout of RPC client and server.
## Value: Seconds
rpc.send_timeout = 5s
## Authentication timeout
## Value: Seconds
rpc.authentication_timeout = 5s
## Default receive timeout for call() functions
## Value: Seconds
rpc.call_receive_timeout = 15s
## Socket idle keepalive.
## Value: Seconds
rpc.socket_keepalive_idle = 900s
## TCP Keepalive probes interval.
## Value: Seconds
rpc.socket_keepalive_interval = 75s
## Probes lost to close the connection
## Value: Integer
rpc.socket_keepalive_count = 9
## Size of TCP send buffer.
## Value: Bytes
rpc.socket_sndbuf = 1MB
## Size of TCP receive buffer.
## Value: Seconds
rpc.socket_recbuf = 1MB
## Size of user-level software socket buffer.
## Value: Seconds
rpc.socket_buffer = 1MB
## Log
## Where to emit the logs.
## Enable the console (standard output) logs.
## Value: off | file | console | both
## - off: disable logs entirely
## - file: write logs only to file
## - console: write logs only to standard I/O
## - both: write logs both to file and standard I/O
log.to = both
## The log severity level.
## Value: debug | info | notice | warning | error | critical | alert | emergency
## Note: Only the messages with severity level higher than or equal to
## this level will be logged.
## Default: warning
log.level = warning
## The dir for log files.
## Value: Folder
log.dir = log
## The log filename for logs of level specified in "log.level".
## Value: String
## Default: emqx.log
log.file = emqx.log
## Limits the total number of characters printed for each log event.
## Value: Integer
## Default: No Limit
#log.chars_limit = 8192
## Maximum size of each log file.
## Value: Number
## Default: 10M
## Supported Unit: KB | MB | G
log.rotation.size = 10MB
## Maximum rotation count of log files.
## Value: Number
## Default: 5
log.rotation.count = 5
## To create additional log files for specific log levels.
## Value: File Name
## Format: log.$level.file = $filename,
## where "$level" can be one of: debug, info, notice, warning,
## error, critical, alert, emergency
## Note: Log files for a specific log level will only contain all the logs
## that higher than or equal to that level
#log.info.file = info.log
#log.error.file = error.log
## Authentication/Access Control
## Allow anonymous authentication by default if no auth plugins loaded.
## Notice: Disable the option in production deployment!
## Value: true | false
allow_anonymous = true
## Allow or deny if no ACL rules matched.
## Value: allow | deny
acl_nomatch = allow
## Default ACL File.
## Value: File Name
acl_file = etc/acl.conf
## Whether to enable ACL cache.
## If enabled, ACLs roles for each client will be cached in the memory
## Value: on | off
enable_acl_cache = on
## The maximum count of ACL entries can be cached for a client.
## Value: Integer greater than 0
## Default: 32
acl_cache_max_size = 32
## The time after which an ACL cache entry will be deleted
## Value: Duration
## Default: 1 minute
acl_cache_ttl = 1m
## The action when acl check reject current operation
## Value: ignore | disconnect
## Default: ignore
acl_deny_action = ignore
## The cleanning interval for flapping
## Value: Duration
## -d: day
## -h: hour
## -m: minute
## -s: second
## Default: 1h, 1 hour
## flapping_clean_interval = 1h
## MQTT Protocol
## Maximum MQTT packet size allowed.
## Value: Bytes
## Default: 1MB
mqtt.max_packet_size = 1MB
## Maximum length of MQTT clientId allowed.
## Value: Number [23-65535]
mqtt.max_clientid_len = 65535
## Maximum topic levels allowed. 0 means no limit.
## Value: Number
mqtt.max_topic_levels = 0
## Maximum QoS allowed.
## Value: 0 | 1 | 2
mqtt.max_qos_allowed = 2
## Maximum Topic Alias, 0 means no topic alias supported.
## Value: 0-65535
mqtt.max_topic_alias = 0
## Whether the Server supports MQTT retained messages.
## Value: boolean
mqtt.retain_available = true
## Whether the Server supports MQTT Wildcard Subscriptions
## Value: boolean
mqtt.wildcard_subscription = true
## Whether the Server supports MQTT Shared Subscriptions.
## Value: boolean
mqtt.shared_subscription = true
## Whether to ignore loop delivery of messages.(for mqtt v3.1.1)
## Value: true | false
mqtt.ignore_loop_deliver = false
## Zones
## External Zone
## Idle timeout of the external MQTT connections.
## Value: duration
zone.external.idle_timeout = 15s
## Publish limit for the external MQTT connections.
## Value: Number,Duration
## Example: 10 messages per minute.
## zone.external.publish_limit = 10,1m
## Enable ACL check.
## Value: Flag
zone.external.enable_acl = on
## Enable ban check.
## Value: Flag
zone.external.enable_ban = on
## Enable per connection statistics.
## Value: on | off
zone.external.enable_stats = on
## The action when acl check reject current operation
## Value: ignore | disconnect
## Default: ignore
zone.external.acl_deny_action = ignore
## Force MQTT connection/session process GC after this number of
## messages | bytes passed through.
## Numbers delimited by `|'. Zero or negative is to disable.
zone.external.force_gc_policy = 1000|1MB
## Max message queue length and total heap size to force shutdown
## connection/session process.
## Message queue here is the Erlang process mailbox, but not the number
## of queued MQTT messages of QoS 1 and 2.
## Numbers delimited by `|'. Zero or negative is to disable.
## @@erlang的进程通信的消息数量阀值,超过将强制关闭进程,根据现场状况而已,预计默认值已经足够使用
## Default:
## - 8000|800MB on ARCH_64 system
## - 1000|100MB on ARCH_32 sytem
zone.external.force_shutdown_policy = 100000|800MB
## Maximum MQTT packet size allowed.
## Value: Bytes
## Default: 1MB
## zone.external.max_packet_size = 64KB
## Maximum length of MQTT clientId allowed.
## Value: Number [23-65535]
## zone.external.max_clientid_len = 1024
## Maximum topic levels allowed. 0 means no limit.
## Value: Number
## zone.external.max_topic_levels = 7
## Maximum QoS allowed.
## Value: 0 | 1 | 2
## zone.external.max_qos_allowed = 2
## Maximum Topic Alias, 0 means no limit.
## Value: 0-65535
## zone.external.max_topic_alias = 0
## Whether the Server supports retained messages.
## Value: boolean
## zone.external.retain_available = true
## Whether the Server supports Wildcard Subscriptions
## Value: boolean
## zone.external.wildcard_subscription = false
## Whether the Server supports Shared Subscriptions
## Value: boolean
## zone.external.shared_subscription = false
## Server Keep Alive
## Value: Number
zone.external.server_keepalive = 1
## The backoff for MQTT keepalive timeout. The broker will kick a connection out
## until 'Keepalive * backoff * 2' timeout.
## Value: Float > 0.5
zone.external.keepalive_backoff = 0.75
## Maximum number of subscriptions allowed, 0 means no limit.
## Value: Number
zone.external.max_subscriptions = 0
## Force to upgrade QoS according to subscription.
## Value: on | off
zone.external.upgrade_qos = off
## Maximum size of the Inflight Window storing QoS1/2 messages delivered but unacked.
## @@飞行窗口数,指Broker分发消息的并发数,数值越大,并发量越大
## Value: Number
zone.external.max_inflight = 1024
## Retry interval for QoS1/2 message delivering.
## Value: Duration
zone.external.retry_interval = 20s
## Maximum QoS2 packets (Client -> Broker) awaiting PUBREL, 0 means no limit.
## @@Broker中等待Qos2消息的PUBREL报文的最大排队数量
## Value: Number
zone.external.max_awaiting_rel = 102400
## The QoS2 messages (Client -> Broker) will be dropped if awaiting PUBREL timeout.
## Value: Duration
zone.external.await_rel_timeout = 300s
## Default session expiry interval for MQTT V3.1.1 connections.
## Value: Duration
## -d: day
## -h: hour
## -m: minute
## -s: second
## Default: 2h, 2 hours
zone.external.session_expiry_interval = 2h
## Maximum queue length. Enqueued messages when persistent client disconnected,
## or inflight window is full. 0 means no limit.
## @@消息队列长度,待发消息超过阀值,conn将会被关闭
## Value: Number >= 0
zone.external.max_mqueue_len = 102400
## Topic priorities.
## 'none' to indicate no priority table (by default), hence all messages
## are treated equal
## Priority number [1-255]
## Example: topic/1=10,topic/2=8
## NOTE: comma and equal signs are not allowed for priority topic names
## NOTE: messages for topics not in the priority table are treated as
## either highest or lowest priority depending on the configured
## value for mqueue_default_priority
zone.external.mqueue_priorities = none
## Default to highest priority for topics not matching priority table
## Value: highest | lowest
zone.external.mqueue_default_priority = highest
## Whether to enqueue QoS0 messages.
## @@Qos0级别消息是否存储到队列,false可以提高q0的传输效率
## Value: false | true
zone.external.mqueue_store_qos0 = false
## Whether to turn on flapping detect
## Value: on | off
zone.external.enable_flapping_detect = off
## The times of state change per min, specifying the threshold which is used to
## detect if the connection starts flapping
## Value: number
zone.external.flapping_threshold = 10, 1m
## Flapping expiry interval for connections.
## This config entry is used to determine when the connection
## will be unbanned.
## Value: Duration
## -d: day
## -h: hour
## -m: minute
## -s: second
## Default: 1h, 1 hour
zone.external.flapping_banned_expiry_interval = 1h
## All the topics will be prefixed with the mountpoint path if this option is enabled.
## Variables in mountpoint path:
## - %c: clientid
## - %u: username
## Value: String
## zone.external.mountpoint = devicebound/
## Whether use username replace client id
## Value: boolean
## Default: false
zone.external.use_username_as_clientid = false
## Whether to ignore loop delivery of messages.(for mqtt v3.1.1)
## Value: true | false
zone.external.ignore_loop_deliver = false
## Internal Zone
zone.internal.allow_anonymous = true
## Enable per connection stats.
## Value: Flag
zone.internal.enable_stats = on
## Enable ACL check.
## Value: Flag
zone.internal.enable_acl = off
## The action when acl check reject current operation
## Value: ignore | disconnect
## Default: ignore
zone.internal.acl_deny_action = ignore
## See zone.$name.wildcard_subscription.
## Value: boolean
## zone.internal.wildcard_subscription = true
## See zone.$name.shared_subscription.
## Value: boolean
## zone.internal.shared_subscription = true
## See zone.$name.max_subscriptions.
## Value: Integer
zone.internal.max_subscriptions = 0
## See zone.$name.max_inflight
## Value: Number
zone.internal.max_inflight = 32
## See zone.$name.max_awaiting_rel
## Value: Number
zone.internal.max_awaiting_rel = 100
## See zone.$name.max_mqueue_len
## Value: Number >= 0
zone.internal.max_mqueue_len = 1000
## Whether to enqueue Qos0 messages.
## Value: false | true
zone.internal.mqueue_store_qos0 = true
## Whether to turn on flapping detect
## Value: on | off
zone.internal.enable_flapping_detect = off
## The times of state change per second, specifying the threshold which is used to
## detect if the connection starts flapping
## Value: number
zone.internal.flapping_threshold = 10, 1m
## Flapping expiry interval for connections.
## This config entry is used to determine when the connection
## will be unbanned.
## Value: Duration
## -d: day
## -h: hour
## -m: minute
## -s: second
## Default: 1h, 1 hour
zone.internal.flapping_banned_expiry_interval = 1h
## All the topics will be prefixed with the mountpoint path if this option is enabled.
## Variables in mountpoint path:
## - %c: clientid
## - %u: username
## Value: String
## zone.internal.mountpoint = cloudbound/
## Whether use username replace client id
## Value: boolean
## Default: false
zone.internal.use_username_as_clientid = false
## Whether to ignore loop delivery of messages.(for mqtt v3.1.1)
## Value: true | false
zone.internal.ignore_loop_deliver = false
## Listeners
## MQTT/TCP - External TCP Listener for MQTT Protocol
## listener.tcp.$name is the IP address and port that the MQTT/TCP
## listener will bind.
## Value: IP:Port | Port
## Examples: 1883,, ::1:1883
listener.tcp.external =
## The acceptor pool for external MQTT/TCP listener.
## Value: Number
listener.tcp.external.acceptors = 8
## Maximum number of concurrent MQTT/TCP connections.
## @@最大客户端连接数
## Value: Number
listener.tcp.external.max_connections = 1024000
## Maximum external connections per second.
## @@conn增速,如果太小,无法支撑短时间内的大量接入,出现接入超时
## Value: Number
listener.tcp.external.max_conn_rate = 1024
## Specify the {active, N} option for the external MQTT/TCP Socket.
## Value: Number
listener.tcp.external.active_n = 100
## Zone of the external MQTT/TCP listener belonged to.
## See: zone.$name.*
## Value: String
listener.tcp.external.zone = external
## Rate limit for the external MQTT/TCP connections. Format is 'rate,burst'.
## Value: rate,burst
## - rate: The average limit value for per second
## - burst: The maximum allowed for each check, To avoid frequent restriction
## this value is recommended to be set to `(max_packet_size * active_n)/2`
## Unit: Bps
## listener.tcp.external.rate_limit = 1024,52428800
## The access control rules for the MQTT/TCP listener.
## See: https://github.com/emqtt/esockd#allowdeny
## Value: ACL Rule
## Example: allow
listener.tcp.external.access.1 = allow all
## Enable the Proxy Protocol V1/2 if the EMQ X cluster is deployed
## behind HAProxy or Nginx.
## See: https://www.haproxy.com/blog/haproxy/proxy-protocol/
## Value: on | off
## listener.tcp.external.proxy_protocol = on
## Sets the timeout for proxy protocol. EMQ X will close the TCP connection
## if no proxy protocol packet recevied within the timeout.
## Value: Duration
## listener.tcp.external.proxy_protocol_timeout = 3s
## Enable the option for X.509 certificate based authentication.
## EMQX will use the common name of certificate as MQTT username.
## Value: cn | dn
## listener.tcp.external.peer_cert_as_username = cn
## The TCP backlog defines the maximum length that the queue of pending
## connections can grow to.
## @@tcp半开连接等待队列,配置太小,无法支撑短时间内的大量接入,出现接入超时
## Value: Number >= 0
listener.tcp.external.backlog = 1024
## The TCP send timeout for external MQTT connections.
## Value: Duration
listener.tcp.external.send_timeout = 15s
## Close the TCP connection if send timeout.
## Value: on | off
listener.tcp.external.send_timeout_close = on
## The TCP receive buffer(os kernel) for MQTT connections.
## See: http://erlang.org/doc/man/inet.html
## Value: Bytes
## listener.tcp.external.recbuf = 2KB
## The TCP send buffer(os kernel) for MQTT connections.
## See: http://erlang.org/doc/man/inet.html
## Value: Bytes
## listener.tcp.external.sndbuf = 2KB
## The size of the user-level software buffer used by the driver.
## Not to be confused with options sndbuf and recbuf, which correspond
## to the Kernel socket buffers. It is recommended to have val(buffer)
## >= max(val(sndbuf),val(recbuf)) to avoid performance issues because
## of unnecessary copying. val(buffer) is automatically set to the above
## maximum when values sndbuf or recbuf are set.
## See: http://erlang.org/doc/man/inet.html
## Value: Bytes
## listener.tcp.external.buffer = 2KB
## Sets the 'buffer = max(sndbuf, recbuf)' if this option is enabled.
## Value: on | off
## listener.tcp.external.tune_buffer = off
## The TCP_NODELAY flag for MQTT connections. Small amounts of data are
## sent immediately if the option is enabled.
## @@tcp数据包接收后,直接发送,不等待缓冲区满的在发送,提高消息的及时性
## Value: true | false
listener.tcp.external.nodelay = true
## The SO_REUSEADDR flag for TCP listener.
## Value: true | false
listener.tcp.external.reuseaddr = true
## Internal TCP Listener for MQTT Protocol
## The IP address and port that the internal MQTT/TCP protocol listener
## will bind.
## Value: IP:Port, Port
## Examples: 11883,, ::1:11883
listener.tcp.internal =
## The acceptor pool for internal MQTT/TCP listener.
## Value: Number
listener.tcp.internal.acceptors = 4
## Maximum number of concurrent MQTT/TCP connections.
## Value: Number
listener.tcp.internal.max_connections = 1024000
## Maximum internal connections per second.
## Value: Number
listener.tcp.internal.max_conn_rate = 1000
## Specify the {active, N} option for the internal MQTT/TCP Socket.
## Value: Number
listener.tcp.internal.active_n = 1000
## Zone of the internal MQTT/TCP listener belonged to.
## Value: String
listener.tcp.internal.zone = internal
## Rate limit for the internal MQTT/TCP connections.
## See: listener.tcp.$name.rate_limit
## Value: rate,burst
## - rate: The average limit value for per second
## - burst: The maximum allowed for each check, To avoid frequent restriction
## this value is recommended to be set to `(max_packet_size * active_n)/2`
## Unit: Bps
## listener.tcp.internal.rate_limit = 1000000,524288000
## The TCP backlog of internal MQTT/TCP Listener.
## See: listener.tcp.$name.backlog
## Value: Number >= 0
listener.tcp.internal.backlog = 512
## The TCP send timeout for internal MQTT connections.
## See: listener.tcp.$name.send_timeout
## Value: Duration
listener.tcp.internal.send_timeout = 5s
## Close the MQTT/TCP connection if send timeout.
## See: listener.tcp.$name.send_timeout_close
## Value: on | off
listener.tcp.internal.send_timeout_close = on
## The TCP receive buffer(os kernel) for internal MQTT connections.
## See: listener.tcp.$name.recbuf
## Value: Bytes
## listener.tcp.internal.recbuf = 16KB
## The TCP send buffer(os kernel) for internal MQTT connections.
## See: http://erlang.org/doc/man/inet.html
## Value: Bytes
## listener.tcp.internal.sndbuf = 16KB
## The size of the user-level software buffer used by the driver.
## See: listener.tcp.$name.buffer
## Value: Bytes
## listener.tcp.internal.buffer = 16KB
## Sets the 'buffer = max(sndbuf, recbuf)' if this option is enabled.
## See: listener.tcp.$name.tune_buffer
## Value: on | off
## listener.tcp.internal.tune_buffer = off
## The TCP_NODELAY flag for internal MQTT connections.
## See: listener.tcp.$name.nodelay
## Value: true | false
listener.tcp.internal.nodelay = false
## The SO_REUSEADDR flag for MQTT/TCP Listener.
## Value: true | false
listener.tcp.internal.reuseaddr = true
## MQTT/SSL - External SSL Listener for MQTT Protocol
## listener.ssl.$name is the IP address and port that the MQTT/SSL
## listener will bind.
## Value: IP:Port | Port
## Examples: 8883,, ::1:8883
listener.ssl.external = 8883
## The acceptor pool for external MQTT/SSL listener.
## Value: Number
listener.ssl.external.acceptors = 16
## Maximum number of concurrent MQTT/SSL connections.
## Value: Number
listener.ssl.external.max_connections = 102400
## Maximum MQTT/SSL connections per second.
## Value: Number
listener.ssl.external.max_conn_rate = 500
## Specify the {active, N} option for the internal MQTT/SSL Socket.
## Value: Number
listener.ssl.external.active_n = 100
## Zone of the external MQTT/SSL listener belonged to.
## Value: String
listener.ssl.external.zone = external
## The access control rules for the MQTT/SSL listener.
## See: listener.tcp.$name.access
## Value: ACL Rule
listener.ssl.external.access.1 = allow all
## Rate limit for the external MQTT/SSL connections.
## Value: rate,burst
## - rate: The average limit value for per second
## - burst: The maximum allowed for each check, To avoid frequent restriction
## this value is recommended to be set to `(max_packet_size * active_n)/2`
## Unit: Bps
## listener.ssl.external.rate_limit = 1024,52428800
## Enable the Proxy Protocol V1/2 if the EMQ cluster is deployed behind
## HAProxy or Nginx.
## See: listener.tcp.$name.proxy_protocol
## Value: on | off
## listener.ssl.external.proxy_protocol = on
## Sets the timeout for proxy protocol.
## See: listener.tcp.$name.proxy_protocol_timeout
## Value: Duration
## listener.ssl.external.proxy_protocol_timeout = 3s
## TLS versions only to protect from POODLE attack.
## See: http://erlang.org/doc/man/ssl.html
## Value: String, seperated by ','
## listener.ssl.external.tls_versions = tlsv1.2,tlsv1.1,tlsv1
## TLS Handshake timeout.
## Value: Duration
listener.ssl.external.handshake_timeout = 15s
## Path to the file containing the user's private PEM-encoded key.
## See: http://erlang.org/doc/man/ssl.html
## Value: File
listener.ssl.external.keyfile = etc/certs/key.pem
## Path to a file containing the user certificate.
## See: http://erlang.org/doc/man/ssl.html
## Value: File
listener.ssl.external.certfile = etc/certs/cert.pem
## Path to the file containing PEM-encoded CA certificates. The CA certificates
## are used during server authentication and when building the client certificate chain.
## Value: File
## listener.ssl.external.cacertfile = etc/certs/cacert.pem
## The Ephemeral Diffie-Helman key exchange is a very effective way of
## ensuring Forward Secrecy by exchanging a set of keys that never hit
## the wire. Since the DH key is effectively signed by the private key,
## it needs to be at least as strong as the private key. In addition,
## the default DH groups that most of the OpenSSL installations have
## are only a handful (since they are distributed with the OpenSSL
## package that has been built for the operating system it’s running on)
## and hence predictable (not to mention, 1024 bits only).
## In order to escape this situation, first we need to generate a fresh,
## strong DH group, store it in a file and then use the option above,
## to force our SSL application to use the new DH group. Fortunately,
## OpenSSL provides us with a tool to do that. Simply run:
## openssl dhparam -out dh-params.pem 2048
## Value: File
## listener.ssl.external.dhfile = etc/certs/dh-params.pem
## A server only does x509-path validation in mode verify_peer,
## as it then sends a certificate request to the client (this
## message is not sent if the verify option is verify_none).
## You can then also want to specify option fail_if_no_peer_cert.
## More information at: http://erlang.org/doc/man/ssl.html
## Value: verify_peer | verify_none
## listener.ssl.external.verify = verify_peer
## Used together with {verify, verify_peer} by an SSL server. If set to true,
## the server fails if the client does not have a certificate to send, that is,
## sends an empty certificate.
## Value: true | false
## listener.ssl.external.fail_if_no_peer_cert = true
## This is the single most important configuration option of an Erlang SSL
## application. Ciphers (and their ordering) define the way the client and
## server encrypt information over the wire, from the initial Diffie-Helman
## key exchange, the session key encryption ## algorithm and the message
## digest algorithm. Selecting a good cipher suite is critical for the
## application’s data security, confidentiality and performance.
## The cipher list above offers:
## A good balance between compatibility with older browsers.
## It can get stricter for Machine-To-Machine scenarios.
## Perfect Forward Secrecy.
## No old/insecure encryption and HMAC algorithms
## Most of it was copied from Mozilla’s Server Side TLS article
## Value: Ciphers
## Ciphers for TLS PSK.
## Note that 'listener.ssl.external.ciphers' and 'listener.ssl.external.psk_ciphers' cannot
## be configured at the same time.
## See 'https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4279#section-2'.
#listener.ssl.external.psk_ciphers = PSK-AES128-CBC-SHA,PSK-AES256-CBC-SHA,PSK-3DES-EDE-CBC-SHA,PSK-RC4-SHA
## SSL parameter renegotiation is a feature that allows a client and a server
## to renegotiate the parameters of the SSL connection on the fly.
## RFC 5746 defines a more secure way of doing this. By enabling secure renegotiation,
## you drop support for the insecure renegotiation, prone to MitM attacks.
## Value: on | off
## listener.ssl.external.secure_renegotiate = off
## A performance optimization setting, it allows clients to reuse
## pre-existing sessions, instead of initializing new ones.
## Read more about it here.
## See: http://erlang.org/doc/man/ssl.html
## Value: on | off
## listener.ssl.external.reuse_sessions = on
## An important security setting, it forces the cipher to be set based
## on the server-specified order instead of the client-specified order,
## hence enforcing the (usually more properly configured) security
## ordering of the server administrator.
## Value: on | off
## listener.ssl.external.honor_cipher_order = on
## Use the CN, EN or CRT field from the client certificate as a username.
## Notice that 'verify' should be set as 'verify_peer'.
## Value: cn | en | crt
## listener.ssl.external.peer_cert_as_username = cn
## TCP backlog for the SSL connection.
## See listener.tcp.$name.backlog
## Value: Number >= 0
## listener.ssl.external.backlog = 1024
## The TCP send timeout for the SSL connection.
## See listener.tcp.$name.send_timeout
## Value: Duration
## listener.ssl.external.send_timeout = 15s
## Close the SSL connection if send timeout.
## See: listener.tcp.$name.send_timeout_close
## Value: on | off
## listener.ssl.external.send_timeout_close = on
## The TCP receive buffer(os kernel) for the SSL connections.
## See: listener.tcp.$name.recbuf
## Value: Bytes
## listener.ssl.external.recbuf = 4KB
## The TCP send buffer(os kernel) for internal MQTT connections.
## See: listener.tcp.$name.sndbuf
## Value: Bytes
## listener.ssl.external.sndbuf = 4KB
## The size of the user-level software buffer used by the driver.
## See: listener.tcp.$name.buffer
## Value: Bytes
## listener.ssl.external.buffer = 4KB
## Sets the 'buffer = max(sndbuf, recbuf)' if this option is enabled.
## See: listener.tcp.$name.tune_buffer
## Value: on | off
## listener.ssl.external.tune_buffer = off
## The TCP_NODELAY flag for SSL connections.
## See: listener.tcp.$name.nodelay
## Value: true | false
## listener.ssl.external.nodelay = true
## The SO_REUSEADDR flag for MQTT/SSL Listener.
## Value: true | false
listener.ssl.external.reuseaddr = true
## External WebSocket listener for MQTT protocol
## listener.ws.$name is the IP address and port that the MQTT/WebSocket
## listener will bind.
## Value: IP:Port | Port
## Examples: 8083,, ::1:8083
listener.ws.external = 8083
## The path of WebSocket MQTT endpoint
## Value: URL Path
listener.ws.external.mqtt_path = /mqtt
## The acceptor pool for external MQTT/WebSocket listener.
## Value: Number
listener.ws.external.acceptors = 4
## Maximum number of concurrent MQTT/WebSocket connections.
## Value: Number
listener.ws.external.max_connections = 102400
## Maximum MQTT/WebSocket connections per second.
## Value: Number
listener.ws.external.max_conn_rate = 1000
## Rate limit for the MQTT/WebSocket connections.
## Value: rate,burst
## - rate: The average limit value for per second
## - burst: The maximum allowed for each check, To avoid frequent restriction
## this value is recommended to be set to `(max_packet_size * 1)/2`
## Unit: Bps
## listener.ws.external.rate_limit = 1024,524288
## Zone of the external MQTT/WebSocket listener belonged to.
## Value: String
listener.ws.external.zone = external
## The access control for the MQTT/WebSocket listener.
## See: listener.ws.$name.access
## Value: ACL Rule
listener.ws.external.access.1 = allow all
## Verify if the protocol header is valid. Turn off for WeChat MiniApp.
## Value: on | off
listener.ws.external.verify_protocol_header = on
## Use X-Forwarded-For header for real source IP if the EMQ X cluster is
## deployed behind NGINX or HAProxy.
## Value: String
## listener.ws.external.proxy_address_header = X-Forwarded-For
## Use X-Forwarded-Port header for real source port if the EMQ X cluster is
## deployed behind NGINX or HAProxy.
## Value: String
## listener.ws.external.proxy_port_header = X-Forwarded-Port
## Enable the Proxy Protocol V1/2 if the EMQ cluster is deployed behind
## HAProxy or Nginx.
## See: listener.ws.$name.proxy_protocol
## Value: on | off
## listener.ws.external.proxy_protocol = on
## Sets the timeout for proxy protocol.
## See: listener.ws.$name.proxy_protocol_timeout
## Value: Duration
## listener.ws.external.proxy_protocol_timeout = 3s
## The TCP backlog of external MQTT/WebSocket Listener.
## See: listener.ws.$name.backlog
## Value: Number >= 0
listener.ws.external.backlog = 1024
## The TCP send timeout for external MQTT/WebSocket connections.
## See: listener.ws.$name.send_timeout
## Value: Duration
listener.ws.external.send_timeout = 15s
## Close the MQTT/WebSocket connection if send timeout.
## See: listener.ws.$name.send_timeout_close
## Value: on | off
listener.ws.external.send_timeout_close = on
## The TCP receive buffer(os kernel) for external MQTT/WebSocket connections.
## See: listener.ws.$name.recbuf
## Value: Bytes
## listener.ws.external.recbuf = 2KB
## The TCP send buffer(os kernel) for external MQTT/WebSocket connections.
## See: listener.ws.$name.sndbuf
## Value: Bytes
## listener.ws.external.sndbuf = 2KB
## The size of the user-level software buffer used by the driver.
## See: listener.ws.$name.buffer
## Value: Bytes
## listener.ws.external.buffer = 2KB
## Sets the 'buffer = max(sndbuf, recbuf)' if this option is enabled.
## See: listener.ws.$name.tune_buffer
## Value: on | off
## listener.ws.external.tune_buffer = off
## The TCP_NODELAY flag for external MQTT/WebSocket connections.
## See: listener.ws.$name.nodelay
## Value: true | false
listener.ws.external.nodelay = true
## The compress flag for external MQTT/WebSocket connections.
## If this Value is set true,the websocket message would be compressed
## Value: true | false
## listener.ws.external.compress = true
## The level of deflate options for external MQTT/WebSocket connections.
## See: listener.ws.$name.deflate_opts.level
## Value: none | default | best_compression | best_speed
## listener.ws.external.deflate_opts.level = default
## The mem_level of deflate options for external MQTT/WebSocket connections.
## See: listener.ws.$name.deflate_opts.mem_level
## Valid range is 1-9
## listener.ws.external.deflate_opts.mem_level = 8
## The strategy of deflate options for external MQTT/WebSocket connections.
## See: listener.ws.$name.deflate_opts.strategy
## Value: default | filtered | huffman_only | rle
## listener.ws.external.deflate_opts.strategy = default
## The deflate option for external MQTT/WebSocket connections.
## See: listener.ws.$name.deflate_opts.server_context_takeover
## Value: takeover | no_takeover
## listener.ws.external.deflate_opts.server_context_takeover = takeover
## The deflate option for external MQTT/WebSocket connections.
## See: listener.ws.$name.deflate_opts.client_context_takeover
## Value: takeover | no_takeover
## listener.ws.external.deflate_opts.client_context_takeover = takeover
## The deflate options for external MQTT/WebSocket connections.
## See: listener.ws.$name.deflate_opts.server_max_window_bits
## Valid range is 8-15
## listener.ws.external.deflate_opts.server_max_window_bits = 15
## The deflate options for external MQTT/WebSocket connections.
## See: listener.ws.$name.deflate_opts.client_max_window_bits
## Valid range is 8-15
## listener.ws.external.deflate_opts.client_max_window_bits = 15
## The idle timeout for external MQTT/WebSocket connections.
## See: listener.ws.$name.idle_timeout
## Value: Duration
## listener.ws.external.idle_timeout = 60s
## The max frame size for external MQTT/WebSocket connections.
## Value: Number
## listener.ws.external.max_frame_size = 0
## External WebSocket/SSL listener for MQTT Protocol
## listener.wss.$name is the IP address and port that the MQTT/WebSocket/SSL
## listener will bind.
## Value: IP:Port | Port
## Examples: 8084,, ::1:8084
listener.wss.external = 8084
## The path of WebSocket MQTT endpoint
## Value: URL Path
listener.wss.external.mqtt_path = /mqtt
## The acceptor pool for external MQTT/WebSocket/SSL listener.
## Value: Number
listener.wss.external.acceptors = 4
## Maximum number of concurrent MQTT/Webwocket/SSL connections.
## Value: Number
listener.wss.external.max_connections = 16
## Maximum MQTT/WebSocket/SSL connections per second.
## See: listener.tcp.$name.max_conn_rate
## Value: Number
listener.wss.external.max_conn_rate = 1000
## Rate limit for the MQTT/WebSocket/SSL connections.
## Value: rate,burst
## - rate: The average limit value for per second
## - burst: The maximum allowed for each check, To avoid frequent restriction
## this value is recommended to be set to `(max_packet_size * 1)/2`
## Unit: Bps
## listener.wss.external.rate_limit = 1024,524288
## Zone of the external MQTT/WebSocket/SSL listener belonged to.
## Value: String
listener.wss.external.zone = external
## The access control rules for the MQTT/WebSocket/SSL listener.
## See: listener.tcp.$name.access.<no>
## Value: ACL Rule
listener.wss.external.access.1 = allow all
## See: listener.ws.external.verify_protocol_header
## Value: on | off
listener.wss.external.verify_protocol_header = on
## See: listener.ws.external.proxy_address_header
## Value: String
## listener.wss.external.proxy_address_header = X-Forwarded-For
## See: listener.ws.external.proxy_port_header
## Value: String
## listener.wss.external.proxy_port_header = X-Forwarded-Port
## Enable the Proxy Protocol V1/2 support.
## See: listener.tcp.$name.proxy_protocol
## Value: on | off
## listener.wss.external.proxy_protocol = on
## Sets the timeout for proxy protocol.
## See: listener.tcp.$name.proxy_protocol_timeout
## Value: Duration
## listener.wss.external.proxy_protocol_timeout = 3s
## TLS versions only to protect from POODLE attack.
## See: listener.ssl.$name.tls_versions
## Value: String, seperated by ','
## listener.wss.external.tls_versions = tlsv1.2,tlsv1.1,tlsv1
## Path to the file containing the user's private PEM-encoded key.
## See: listener.ssl.$name.keyfile
## Value: File
listener.wss.external.keyfile = etc/certs/key.pem
## Path to a file containing the user certificate.
## See: listener.ssl.$name.certfile
## Value: File
listener.wss.external.certfile = etc/certs/cert.pem
## Path to the file containing PEM-encoded CA certificates.
## See: listener.ssl.$name.cacert
## Value: File
## listener.wss.external.cacertfile = etc/certs/cacert.pem
## See: listener.ssl.$name.dhfile
## Value: File
## listener.ssl.external.dhfile = etc/certs/dh-params.pem
## See: listener.ssl.$name.vefify
## Value: vefify_peer | verify_none
## listener.wss.external.verify = verify_peer
## See: listener.ssl.$name.fail_if_no_peer_cert
## Value: false | true
## listener.wss.external.fail_if_no_peer_cert = true
## See: listener.ssl.$name.ciphers
## Value: Ciphers
## Ciphers for TLS PSK.
## Note that 'listener.wss.external.ciphers' and 'listener.wss.external.psk_ciphers' cannot
## be configured at the same time.
## See 'https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4279#section-2'.
## listener.wss.external.psk_ciphers = PSK-AES128-CBC-SHA,PSK-AES256-CBC-SHA,PSK-3DES-EDE-CBC-SHA,PSK-RC4-SHA
## See: listener.ssl.$name.secure_renegotiate
## Value: on | off
## listener.wss.external.secure_renegotiate = off
## See: listener.ssl.$name.reuse_sessions
## Value: on | off
## listener.wss.external.reuse_sessions = on
## See: listener.ssl.$name.honor_cipher_order
## Value: on | off
## listener.wss.external.honor_cipher_order = on
## See: listener.ssl.$name.peer_cert_as_username
## Value: cn | dn | crt
## listener.wss.external.peer_cert_as_username = cn
## TCP backlog for the WebSocket/SSL connection.
## See: listener.tcp.$name.backlog
## Value: Number >= 0
listener.wss.external.backlog = 1024
## The TCP send timeout for the WebSocket/SSL connection.
## See: listener.tcp.$name.send_timeout
## Value: Duration
listener.wss.external.send_timeout = 15s
## Close the WebSocket/SSL connection if send timeout.
## See: listener.tcp.$name.send_timeout_close
## Value: on | off
listener.wss.external.send_timeout_close = on
## The TCP receive buffer(os kernel) for the WebSocket/SSL connections.
## See: listener.tcp.$name.recbuf
## Value: Bytes
## listener.wss.external.recbuf = 4KB
## The TCP send buffer(os kernel) for the WebSocket/SSL connections.
## See: listener.tcp.$name.sndbuf
## Value: Bytes
## listener.wss.external.sndbuf = 4KB
## The size of the user-level software buffer used by the driver.
## See: listener.tcp.$name.buffer
## Value: Bytes
## listener.wss.external.buffer = 4KB
## The TCP_NODELAY flag for WebSocket/SSL connections.
## See: listener.tcp.$name.nodelay
## Value: true | false
## listener.wss.external.nodelay = true
## The compress flag for external WebSocket/SSL connections.
## If this Value is set true,the websocket message would be compressed
## Value: true | false
## listener.wss.external.compress = true
## The level of deflate options for external WebSocket/SSL connections.
## See: listener.wss.$name.deflate_opts.level
## Value: none | default | best_compression | best_speed
## listener.wss.external.deflate_opts.level = default
## The mem_level of deflate options for external WebSocket/SSL connections.
## See: listener.wss.$name.deflate_opts.mem_level
## Valid range is 1-9
## listener.wss.external.deflate_opts.mem_level = 8
## The strategy of deflate options for external WebSocket/SSL connections.
## See: listener.wss.$name.deflate_opts.strategy
## Value: default | filtered | huffman_only | rle
## listener.wss.external.deflate_opts.strategy = default
## The deflate option for external WebSocket/SSL connections.
## See: listener.wss.$name.deflate_opts.server_context_takeover
## Value: takeover | no_takeover
## listener.wss.external.deflate_opts.server_context_takeover = takeover
## The deflate option for external WebSocket/SSL connections.
## See: listener.wss.$name.deflate_opts.client_context_takeover
## Value: takeover | no_takeover
## listener.wss.external.deflate_opts.client_context_takeover = takeover
## The deflate options for external WebSocket/SSL connections.
## See: listener.wss.$name.deflate_opts.server_max_window_bits
## Valid range is 8-15
## listener.wss.external.deflate_opts.server_max_window_bits = 15
## The deflate options for external WebSocket/SSL connections.
## See: listener.wss.$name.deflate_opts.client_max_window_bits
## Valid range is 8-15
## listener.wss.external.deflate_opts.client_max_window_bits = 15
## The idle timeout for external WebSocket/SSL connections.
## See: listener.wss.$name.idle_timeout
## Value: Duration
## listener.wss.external.idle_timeout = 60s
## The max frame size for external WebSocket/SSL connections.
## Value: Number
## listener.wss.external.max_frame_size = 0
## Modules
## Presence Module
## Enable Presence Module.
## Value: on | off
module.presence = on
## Sets the QoS for presence MQTT message.
## Value: 0 | 1 | 2
module.presence.qos = 1
## Subscription Module
## Enable Subscription Module.
## Value: on | off
module.subscription = off
## Subscribe the Topics automatically when client connected.
## module.subscription.1.topic = $client/%c
## Qos of the subscription: 0 | 1 | 2
## module.subscription.1.qos = 1
## module.subscription.2.topic = $user/%u
## module.subscription.2.qos = 1
## Rewrite Module
## Enable Rewrite Module.
## Value: on | off
module.rewrite = off
## {rewrite, Topic, Re, Dest}
## module.rewrite.rule.1 = x/# ^x/y/(.+)$ z/y/$1
## module.rewrite.rule.2 = y/+/z/# ^y/(.+)/z/(.+)$ y/z/$2
## Plugins
## The etc dir for plugins' config.
## Value: Folder
plugins.etc_dir = etc/plugins/
## The file to store loaded plugin names.
## Value: File
plugins.loaded_file = data/loaded_plugins
## File to store loaded plugin names.
plugins.expand_plugins_dir = plugins/
## Broker
## System interval of publishing $SYS messages.
## Value: Duration
## Default: 1m, 1 minute
broker.sys_interval = 1m
## System heartbeat interval of publishing following heart beat message:
## - "$SYS/brokers/<node>/uptime"
## - "$SYS/brokers/<node>/datetime"
## Value: Duration
## Default: 30s
broker.sys_heartbeat = 30s
## Enable global session registry.
## Value: on | off
broker.enable_session_registry = on
## Session locking strategy in a cluster.
## Value: Enum
## - local
## - one
## - quorum
## - all
broker.session_locking_strategy = quorum
## Dispatch strategy for shared subscription
## Value: Enum
## - random
## - round_robin
## - sticky
## - hash
broker.shared_subscription_strategy = random
## Enable/disable shared dispatch acknowledgement for QoS1 and QoS2 messages
## This should allow messages to be dispatched to a different subscriber in
## the group in case the picked (based on shared_subscription_strategy) one # is offline
## Value: Enum
## - true
## - false
broker.shared_dispatch_ack_enabled = false
## Enable batch clean for deleted routes.
## Value: Flag
broker.route_batch_clean = off
## System Monitor
## Enable Long GC monitoring. Disable if the value is 0.
## Notice: don't enable the monitor in production for:
## https://github.com/erlang/otp/blob/feb45017da36be78d4c5784d758ede619fa7bfd3/erts/emulator/beam/erl_gc.c#L421
## Value: Duration
## - h: hour
## - m: minute
## - s: second
## - ms: milliseconds
## Examples:
## - 2h: 2 hours
## - 30m: 30 minutes
## - 0.1s: 0.1 seconds
## - 100ms : 100 milliseconds
## Default: 0ms
sysmon.long_gc = 0
## Enable Long Schedule(ms) monitoring.
## See: http://erlang.org/doc/man/erlang.html#system_monitor-2
## Value: Duration
## - h: hour
## - m: minute
## - s: second
## - ms: milliseconds
## Examples:
## - 2h: 2 hours
## - 30m: 30 minutes
## - 0.1s: 0.1 seconds
## - 100ms: 100 milliseconds
## Default: 0ms
sysmon.long_schedule = 240ms
## Enable Large Heap monitoring.
## See: http://erlang.org/doc/man/erlang.html#system_monitor-2
## Value: bytes
## Default: 8M words. 32MB on 32-bit VM, 64MB on 64-bit VM.
sysmon.large_heap = 8MB
## Enable Busy Port monitoring.
## See: http://erlang.org/doc/man/erlang.html#system_monitor-2
## Value: true | false
sysmon.busy_port = false
## Enable Busy Dist Port monitoring.
## See: http://erlang.org/doc/man/erlang.html#system_monitor-2
## Value: true | false
sysmon.busy_dist_port = true
## The time interval for the periodic cpu check
## Value: Duration
## -h: hour, e.g. '2h' for 2 hours
## -m: minute, e.g. '5m' for 5 minutes
## -s: second, e.g. '30s' for 30 seconds
## Default: 60s
os_mon.cpu_check_interval = 60s
## The threshold, as percentage of system cpu, for how much system cpu can be used before the corresponding alarm is set.
## Default: 80%
os_mon.cpu_high_watermark = 80%
## The threshold, as percentage of system cpu, for how much system cpu can be used before the corresponding alarm is clear.
## Default: 60%
os_mon.cpu_low_watermark = 60%
## The time interval for the periodic memory check
## Value: Duration
## -h: hour, e.g. '2h' for 2 hours
## -m: minute, e.g. '5m' for 5 minutes
## -s: second, e.g. '30s' for 30 seconds
## Default: 60s
os_mon.mem_check_interval = 60s
## The threshold, as percentage of system memory, for how much system memory can be allocated before the corresponding alarm is set.
## Default: 70%
os_mon.sysmem_high_watermark = 70%
## The threshold, as percentage of system memory, for how much system memory can be allocated by one Erlang process before the corresponding alarm is set.
## Default: 5%
os_mon.procmem_high_watermark = 5%
## The time interval for the periodic process limit check
## Value: Duration
## Default: 30s
vm_mon.check_interval = 30s
## The threshold, as percentage of processes, for how many processes can simultaneously exist at the local node before the corresponding alarm is set.
## Default: 80%
vm_mon.process_high_watermark = 80%
## The threshold, as percentage of processes, for how many processes can simultaneously exist at the local node before the corresponding alarm is clear.
## Default: 60%
vm_mon.process_low_watermark = 60%