sharding-proxy5.X 分库分表和根据时间分表
schemaName: edu_yjx dataSources: ds_0: url: jdbc:mysql:// username: root password: 123456 connectionTimeoutMilliseconds: 30000 idleTimeoutMilliseconds: 60000 maxLifetimeMilliseconds: 1800000 maxPoolSize: 50 ds_1: url: jdbc:mysql:// username: root password: 123456 connectionTimeoutMilliseconds: 30000 idleTimeoutMilliseconds: 60000 maxLifetimeMilliseconds: 1800000 maxPoolSize: 50 rules: - !SHARDING tables: t_user: actualDataNodes: ds_${0..1}.t_user_${0..31} databaseStrategy: standard: shardingColumn: openId shardingAlgorithmName: user_database_inline tableStrategy: standard: shardingColumn: openId shardingAlgorithmName: user_table_inline t_msg: actualDataNodes: ds_${0..1}.t_msg_${(0..6).collect{"yyyy_MM_dd"))}} databaseStrategy: standard: shardingColumn: id shardingAlgorithmName: msg_database_inline tableStrategy: standard: shardingColumn: openId shardingAlgorithmName: msg_table_inline bindingTables: - t_user shardingAlgorithms: user_database_inline: type: INLINE props: algorithm-expression: ds_${(int)(Math.abs(openId.hashCode()) % 64/32)} user_table_inline: type: INLINE props: algorithm-expression: t_user_${Math.abs(openId.hashCode())%32} msg_database_inline: type: INLINE props: algorithm-expression: ds_${(id>>24)%2} msg_table_inline: type: INLINE props: algorithm-expression: t_msg_${new Date((id >> 24) + 1484754361114L).format("yyyy_MM_dd")}
rules: - !AUTHORITY users: - root@%:123456 # 启动该服务的用户密码 - sharding@:123456 # 启动该服务的用户密码 意思就是用这个密码来登录shardingshare生成的模拟mysql provider: type: NATIVE props: max-connections-size-per-query: 1 # 一次查询请求在每个数据库实例中所能使用的最大连接数。 kernel-executor-size: 16 # 线程池大小 默认值: CPU核数 kernel-acceptor-size: 16 # 用于设置接收客户端请求的工作线程个数,默认为CPU核数*2 proxy-frontend-flush-threshold: 128 # 设置传输数据条数的 IO 刷新阈值 proxy-opentracing-enabled: false #是否开启链路追踪功能,默认为不开启 proxy-hint-enabled: false #是否启用hint算法强制路由 默认false sql-show: ture #是否打印sql 默认falsefalse # show-process-list-enabled: false # Proxy backend query fetch size. A larger value may increase the memory usage of ShardingSphere Proxy. # The default value is -1, which means set the minimum value for different JDBC drivers. proxy-backend-query-fetch-size: -1 check-duplicate-table-enabled: false sql-comment-parse-enabled: false proxy-frontend-executor-size: 0 # Proxy frontend executor size. The default value is 0, which means let Netty decide. # Available options of proxy backend executor suitable: OLAP(default), OLTP. The OLTP option may reduce time cost of writing packets to client, but it may increase the latency of SQL execution # if client connections are more than proxy-frontend-netty-executor-size, especially executing slow SQL. proxy-backend-executor-suitable: OLAP # proxy-frontend-max-connections: 0 # Less than or equal to 0 means no limitation. # sql-federation-enabled: false