

       在数据库设计完成之后, 常常需要在 wiki 或其他文档中保存一份数据库中所有表的 desc 描述, 尤其是每个字段的含义和用途。 手动去生成自然是不可取的。 因此, 我编写了一个简单的 python 程序,可以自动生成数据库中所有表的 desc 描述, 并以可读格式输出。


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Name:
# Purpose:       generate the tables that describe the meanings of fields in db
# Author:       qin.shuq
# Created:      2014/11/17
# Output:       desc.txt
#               recording the tables that describe the meanings of fields in db
#!/usr/bin/env python

import db

globalFieldDescs = ('Field', 'Type', 'Null', 'Key', 'Default', 'Extra')

globalDescFile = 'desc.txt'

conflictedWithMysqlKeywords = set(['group'])

fieldDescMapping = {
    'id':         '唯一标识',
    'is_deleted': '是否逻辑删除',
    'status':     '实体状态',
    'type':       '实体类型',
    'priority':   '优先级',
    'password':   '密码',
    'ip':         'ip 地址',
    'mac':        'mac 地址',
    'protocol':   '访问协议',
    'user_id':    '用户唯一标识'

def formatCols(fieldDesc):
    return  "%-16s %-24s %-5s %-8s %-8s %-30s" % fieldDesc

def withNewLine(astr):
    return astr + '\n'

def commonFieldsProcess(fieldDescList):
    fieldName = fieldDescList[0]
    fieldDesc = fieldDescMapping.get(fieldName)
    desclen =   len(fieldDescList)
    if fieldDesc is None:
        if fieldName.startswith('gmt_c'):
            fieldDesc = '创建时间'
        elif fieldName.startswith('gmt_m'):
            fieldDesc = '修改时间'
            fieldDesc = fieldDescList[desclen-1]
    fieldDescList[desclen-1] = fieldDesc

def formatF(fieldDescTuple):
    fieldDescList = list(fieldDescTuple)
    fieldLen = len(fieldDescList)
    for i in range(fieldLen):
        if fieldDescList[i] is None:
            fieldDescList[i] = 'NULL'
            fieldDescList[i] = str(fieldDescList[i])
    return formatCols(tuple(fieldDescList))

def format(tableDesc):
    desc = ''
    for fieldDescTuple in tableDesc:
        desc += withNewLine(formatF(fieldDescTuple))
    return desc

def descDb(givenDb):
    tablesRet = givenDb.query("show tables;")
    tableNames = [table[0] for table in tablesRet]
    desc = u''
    for tablename in tableNames:
        if tablename in conflictedWithMysqlKeywords:
            tablename = '`' + tablename + '`'
        descSql = "desc " + tablename
        tableDesc = givenDb.query(descSql)
        desc += withNewLine(tablename)
        desc += withNewLine(formatCols(globalFieldDescs)).decode('utf-8')
        desc += withNewLine(format(tableDesc)).decode('utf-8')
        desc += withNewLine('').decode('utf-8')
    return desc

def main():

    descFile = open(globalDescFile, 'w')

    desc = descDb(db.Mydb())


if __name__ == '__main__':

# coding=utf-8

'''Implements a database api to your db.

Example 1: Query SQL

a. Use execute() method to execute query sql:

    db.execute('select * from ip')

    # Get only the first two rows
    # result like [('', 'my'), ..]

    # Get the next two rows, but each row record is a dict
    db.get_rows(2, is_dict = True)
    # result like [{'address':'', 'name': 'my'}, ..]

b. Use query() method to execute query sql directly:

    # The query() method will get the result rows immediately
    db.query('select * from ip', size = 2, is_dict = True)

c. Use split_query() method to split long query into small ones:

   # Assume that the name_list's length is 10000
   # See the docstring of split_query() for more details
   db.split_query('select address from ip', 'name', name_list)

Example 2: Insert SQL

a. Insert a new record into ip table:

    db.execute("insert into ip('address','name') values('','vm-xxx')")

    # If auto commit set to false, call commit() method manually

b. Insert multi-records into ip table:

    db.executemany("insert into ip('address','name') values(%s,%s)", [
            ('', 'vm-xxx'),
            ('', 'vm-yyy'),
            ('', 'vm-zzz')])

Note: db.multi_insert is an alias for executemany method.
See test_main() method for more examples.

from database import DB

class Mydb(DB):
    '''A simple query interface of a specific database.'''
    def __init__(self, read_only = True,
                 auto_commit = False, timeout = 5, auto_connect = False,
                 max_idle_time = 28800):
        '''Initialize the database access object.'''
        # Get the database parameters
        args = {'host':'', 'user':'root','passwd':'123456','db':'mysql','port':3306,'charset':'utf8'}

        # Set extra connection parameters
        args['connect_timeout'] = timeout
        args['auto_commit'] = auto_commit
        args['max_idle_time'] = max_idle_time
        args['auto_connect'] = auto_connect

        DB.__init__(self, **args)

# coding=utf-8

'''Implements a simple database interface

Example 0: Create connection:

    # Set auto commit to false, default case
    db = DB(auto_commit = False, host = 'x', user = 'x', passwd = 'x', db = 'x')
    # Set auto commit to true
    db = DB(auto_commit = True, host = 'x', user = 'x', passwd = 'x', db = 'x')
    # Set auto connect to true, this will set auto commit to true too
    # This will enable auto connect when the connection is timeout
    db = DB(auto_connect = True, host = 'x', user = 'x', passwd = 'x', db = 'x')

Example 1: Query SQL

a. Use query() method to execute query sql directly:

    # The query() method will get the result rows immediately
    db.query('select * from ip', size = 2, is_dict = True)

c. Use split_query() method to split long query into small ones:

   # Assume that the name_list's length is 10000
   # See the docstring of split_query() for more details
   db.split_query('select address from ip', 'name', name_list)

Example 2: Insert SQL

a. Insert a new record into ip table:

    db.execute("insert into ip('address','name') values('','vm-xxx')")

    # If auto commit set to false, call commit() method manually

b. Insert multi-records into ip table:

    db.executemany("insert into ip('address','name') values(%s,%s)", [
            ('', 'vm-xxx'),
            ('', 'vm-yyy'),
            ('', 'vm-zzz')])

Note: db.multi_insert is an alias for executemany method.

# Can be 'Prototype', 'Development', 'Product'
__status__ = 'Development'
__author__ = ' <>'

import re
import time
import MySQLdb

from storage import Storage

OperationalError = MySQLdb.OperationalError

def _format(sql):
    '''Format the sql.'''
    return ' '.join(sql.split())

class DB():
    '''A simple database query interface.'''
    def __init__(self, auto_commit = False, auto_connect = False,
                 max_idle_time = 28800, **kwargs):
        '''Initialize the DB object.'''
        # Remember the max idle time (default: 28800)
        # You should set this value to mysql option 'wait_timeout'
        # mysql> show variables like 'wait_timeout';
        # +---------------+-------+
        # | Variable_name | Value |
        # +---------------+-------+
        # | wait_timeout  | 28800 |
        # +---------------+-------+
        self.max_idle_time = max_idle_time

        kwargs.setdefault('charset', 'utf8')             # set default charset to utf8
        kwargs['port'] = int(kwargs.get('port', '3306')) # set default port to 3306

        self._db = None                     # MySQLdb connection object
        self._db_cursor = None              # MySQLdb cursor object
        self.cursor = None                  # MySQLdb cursor object, deprecated
        self._db_args = kwargs              # MySQL db connection args
        self._last_use_time = time.time()   # Last active time

        self._auto_connect = auto_connect   # Auto connect when timeout
        self._auto_commit = auto_commit     # Auto commit

        # Open a new mysql connection

    def __del__(self):

    def close(self):
        '''Close the database connection.'''
        if self._db is not None:
            self._db = None

    def _reconnect(self):
        '''Close existing connection and re-open a new one.'''
        self._db = MySQLdb.connect(**self._db_args)

        # Override auto commit setting if auto connect is true
        if self._auto_connect:

        self._db_cursor = self._db.cursor()
        self.cursor = self._db_cursor

    def _ensure_connected(self):
        '''Ensure we connect to mysql.'''
        # Mysql by default closes client connections that are idle for
        # 8 hours, but the client library does not report this fact until
        # you try to perform a query and it fails.  Protect against this
        # case by preemptively closing and reopening the connection
        # if it has been idle for too long (8 hours by default).
        if (self._db is None or
            (time.time() - self._last_use_time > self.max_idle_time)):

        self._last_use_time = time.time()

    def _cursor(self):
        '''Get the cursor.'''
        if self._auto_connect:

        return self._db_cursor

    def execute(self, sql, args = None):
        '''Execute a sql and return the affected row number.

        You should call the get_rows method to fetch the rows manually.
        cursor = self._cursor()
        return cursor.execute(_format(sql), args)

    def execute_lastrowid(self, sql, args = None):
        '''Execute a sql and return the last row id.

        You should call the get_rows method to fetch the rows manually.
        cursor = self._cursor()
        cursor.execute(_format(sql), args)

        return cursor.lastrowid

    def executemany(self, sql, args):
        '''Execute a multi-row insert.

        You can use this method to do a multi-row insert:

              """INSERT INTO breakfast (name, spam, eggs, sausage, price)
              VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)""",
              ("Spam and Sausage Lover's Plate", 5, 1, 8, 7.95 ),
              ("Not So Much Spam Plate", 3, 2, 0, 3.95 ),
              ("Don't Wany ANY SPAM! Plate", 0, 4, 3, 5.95 )
              ] )

        See for more help.
        cursor = self._cursor()
        return cursor.executemany(_format(sql), args)

    # Execute a multi-row insert, the same as executemany()
    multi_insert = executemany

    def get_rows(self, size = None, is_dict = False):
        '''Get the result rows after executing.'''
        cursor = self._cursor()
        description = cursor.description

        if size is None:
            rows = cursor.fetchall()
            rows = cursor.fetchmany(size)

        if rows is None:
            rows = []

        if is_dict:
            dict_rows = []
            dict_keys = [ r[0] for r in description ]

            for row in rows:
                dict_rows.append(Storage(zip(dict_keys, row)))

            rows = dict_rows

        return list(rows)

    def query(self, sql, args = None, size = None, is_dict = False):
        '''Execute a query sql and return the rows immediately.'''
        self.execute(sql, args)
        return self.get_rows(size, is_dict)

    # Alias of query() method
    select = query

    def split_query(self, sql, in_attr, in_list, max_cnt = 3000):
        '''Split one long query into many small ones.

        For example, if you want to select the records whose attrname is in
        one long list (larger than 8000) of possible values. If you decide to
        use 'attr in (...)' syntax, the length will exceed the maximum length
        of one sql allowed. In this case you must split the long query into many
        small ones.

        in_attr is the attribute name of in operator, and in_list is the possible
        value list. max_cnt is the maximum count of values in one small query.
        total = len(in_list)

        start = 0
        end = max_cnt

        result = []

        if'\bwhere\b', sql.lower()):
        #if sql.lower().find('where ') != -1 or sql.lower().find('where\n') != -1:
            sql = '%s and %s in %%s' % (sql, in_attr)
            sql = '%s where %s in %%s' % (sql, in_attr)

        while start < total:
            if end < total:
                in_expr = "('%s')" % "','".join(in_list[start:end])
                in_expr = "('%s')" % "','".join(in_list[start:])

            result.extend(self.query(sql % in_expr))

            start = end
            end += max_cnt

        return result

    #def get_autoincrement_id(self, tbl):
    #    '''Get the next auto increment id of table.
    #    Return None if the table doesn't have an auto-increment id.
    #    '''
    #    self.execute('SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE %s', (tbl,))
    #    result = self.get_rows(is_dict = True)

    #    if result[0]:
    #        return result[0]['Auto_increment']
    #    else:
    #        return None

    def commit(self):
        '''Commits the current transaction.'''
        if self._db is not None:

    def rollback(self):
        '''Rollback the last transaction.'''
        if self._db is not None:

# vim: set expandtab smarttab shiftwidth=4 tabstop=4:

# coding=utf-8

'''Wrap an existing dict, or create a new one, and access with dot notation

See test_main() for more example.

# Can be 'Prototype', 'Development', 'Product'
__status__ = 'Development'
__author__ = ' <>'

# Taken from
class Storage(object):
    '''Wrap an existing dict, or create a new one, and access with dot notation.

    The attribute _data is reserved and stores the underlying dictionary.

        d: Existing dict to wrap, an empty dict created by default.
        create: Create an empty, nested dict instead of raising a KeyError.
    def __init__(self, d = None, create = True):
        '''Initialize storage object.'''
        if d is None: # Create empty storage object
            d = {}
        else: # create as a dictionary?
            d = dict(d)

        # Set storage attributes
        self.__dict__['__storage_data'] = d
        self.__dict__['__storage_create'] = create

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        '''Get the key value.'''
            value = self.__dict__['__storage_data'][name]

        except KeyError:
            # Create empty storage value if auto-create set to true
            if not self.__dict__['__storage_create']:

            value = {}
            self.__dict__['__storage_data'][name] = value

        # Create nested dict if the value has items attribute
        if isinstance(value, dict):
            value = Storage(value, self.__dict__['__storage_create'])
            self.__dict__['__storage_data'][name] = value

        return value

    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
        '''Set the storage key to value'''
        self.__dict__['__storage_data'][name] = value

    def __delattr__(self, name):
        '''Delete the storage key.'''
        del self.__dict__['__storage_data'][name]

    def __contains__(self, name):
        '''Check whether the key exists.'''
        return name in self.__dict__['__storage_data']

    def __nonzero__(self):
        '''Check whether the storage is empty.'''
        return bool(self.__dict__['__storage_data'])

    # Defines common dict api
    __getitem__ = __getattr__
    __setitem__ = __setattr__
    __delitem__ = __delattr__

    def get(self, name, default = None):
        '''Defines an get method.'''
        return self.__dict__['__storage_data'].get(name, default)

    # Define dictionary like methods
    def keys(self):
        return self.__dict__['__storage_data'].keys()

    def items(self):
        return self.__dict__['__storage_data'].items()

    def values(self):
        return self.__dict__['__storage_data'].values()

    def setdefault(self, name, default = None):
        return self.__dict__['__storage_data'].setdefault(name, default)

    def pop(self, name, *args):
        return self.__dict__['__storage_data'].pop(name, *args)

    def update(self, d, **kwargs):
        return self.__dict__['__storage_data'].update(d, **kwargs)

    def clear(self):

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.__dict__['__storage_data'])

    def __iter__(self):
        return self.__dict__['__storage_data'].__iter__()

    def __unicode__(self):
        return u'<Storage %s>' % str(self.__dict__['__storage_data'])

    def __str__(self):
        return '<Storage %s>' % str(self.__dict__['__storage_data'])

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<Storage %s>' % repr(self.__dict__['__storage_data'])

def test_main():
    # Create an empty storage
    d1 = Storage()
    d1.a.b = 1
    d1.b.c = 2

    # Iterate the items in storage object
    for k, v in d1.items():
       print k, v

    # Create a storage in a (key,value) tuple
    d3 = Storage(zip(['a','b','c'], [1,2,3]))
    print d3.a, d3.b, d3.c
    print d3

    # Create a storage from a existing dict
    d4 = Storage({'a':{'b':1}})
    print d4.a.b
    print d4

    # Check the attribute
    d5 = Storage()
    print 'a' in d5 # False
    print d5.a      # create attribute 'a'
    print 'a' in d5 # True
    print d5.get('c')
    print d5.get('d', 3)

    d5 = Storage(create = False)
    print 'a' in d5 # False
    print d5.get('a', 5)
    print d5.a      # raise KeyError
    print 'a' in d5 # False, also

if __name__ == '__main__':




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