

ChatGPT大火,使得程序员对于”35岁危机“的担忧又加一层:如何在35岁之前避免被 AI 淘汰?因为 ChatGPT擅长语言逻辑类的工作,这不正是程序员擅长的事情么?这不是要先革了程序员的命么?哎,人生真难。



ChatGPT 擅长什么,不擅长什么

知己知彼,才能百战不殆。要想知道自己如何不被 ChatGPT淘汰,或者如何更好地与ChatGPT协作,首先得知道 ChatGPT 擅长什么,不擅长什么。



比如,我想写一个 python 并发计数单词的程序,输入”python concurrent count words“, 以下是 ChatGPT 的回答。不仅给出了一段完整的程序,还对程序作出了必要的说明。

Here is an example Python program that counts the occurrences of words in a text file using concurrent programming:

import concurrent.futures

# Define a function to count the occurrences of words in a file
def count_words(filename):
    word_counts = {}
    with open(filename, 'r') as f:
        for line in f:
            # Split the line into words
            words = line.strip().split()
            # Update the word count for each word
            for word in words:
                if word in word_counts:
                    word_counts[word] += 1
                    word_counts[word] = 1
    return word_counts

# Define a list of filenames to process
filenames = ['file1.txt', 'file2.txt', 'file3.txt']

# Use a ThreadPoolExecutor to process the files concurrently
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor:
    # Submit a count_words job for each filename
    futures = [executor.submit(count_words, filename) for filename in filenames]

    # Aggregate the results from all the jobs
    results = {}
    for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures):
        filename = future.result()
        for word, count in filename.items():
            if word in results:
                results[word] += count
                results[word] = count

# Print the final word counts
for word, count in results.items():
    print(word, count)

In this example, we define a function count_words() that takes a filename as input and returns a dictionary of word counts. This function reads the contents of the file, splits each line into individual words, and updates a dictionary of word counts.

We then define a list of filenames to process and use a ThreadPoolExecutor from the concurrent.futures module to submit a count_words() job for each filename. The submit() method returns a Future object, which represents the result of an asynchronous computation.

We use a loop to aggregate the results from all the jobs as they complete. The as_completed() function returns an iterator that yields Future objects as they finish. We extract the filename and word counts from each completed future and update a dictionary of aggregate word counts.

Finally, we print the final word counts to the console using a loop over the results dictionary.

顿时觉得我收集的那些命令、脚本、代码片段,都没啥用了(如果有 ChatGPT随身携带的话)。当然,也不必费尽心思在那些抄来抄去的千篇一律的博文中”徘徊“了。


另一个方面是寻求建议,比如:writing suggestions about how to write a technical essays。回答虽然是有点泛泛而谈,但有条有理。

Here are some suggestions for writing a technical essay:

Define your audience: Identify the target audience and tailor your writing style and language accordingly. A technical essay for developers might include more specialized terms than one for non-technical stakeholders.

Choose a specific topic: Select a specific and focused topic that you can cover in sufficient detail. Avoid broad or generic topics that would require a lot of background information and result in a shallow discussion.

Research thoroughly: Gather relevant and reliable sources of information, such as academic papers, books, articles, and reputable online resources. Use different sources to gain multiple perspectives on the topic.

Structure your essay: Start with an introduction that clearly states the topic, purpose, and scope of the essay. Organize the main body into sections or paragraphs that cover different aspects of the topic. End with a summary and conclusion that summarizes the key points and presents your conclusions.

Use clear language: Write in a clear, concise, and organized way. Use simple language and avoid unnecessary jargon or technical terms that may confuse the reader.

Use visuals: Use diagrams, charts, graphs, or other visual aids to illustrate your points and make your essay more engaging. However, make sure they are relevant and add value to the content.

Provide examples: Use real-world examples to demonstrate your points and show how the topic is applied in practice. This will make your essay more relatable and easier to understand.

Edit and review: Review your essay for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. Make sure it flows logically and has a consistent tone and style. Consider having someone else read and provide feedback on your work.

By following these suggestions, you can write a technical essay that is informative, well-structured, and engaging to the reader.

ChatGPT 不擅长的事情


  1. ChatGPT 不善于感知人类所处的语境,因此无法知道全景,很难完整地完成一件事;
  2. ChatGPT 不善于人类沟通,不了解人类所面临处境的深层次的困难,因此,在交流沟通的任务上暂时还未必能发挥充分的作用。比如心理咨询、组织活动等。
  3. 设计复杂的系统和解决复杂的问题。由于复杂的系统和问题都涉及错综复杂的语境,而ChatGPT难以感知这种语境,因此,ChatGPT目前应该是难于解决这些问题的。


ChatGPT VS 搜索引擎

ChatGPT 类似一个专家对话系统,能够回答很多问题。它提供问题的答案,这与搜索引擎的功能有点重合。相较搜索引擎而言,它给出的不是大量良莠不齐的待筛选的信息,而是一个足够好的答案。这更像是遵循 python 之禅的一句话:

There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it.

它给你一个很好的答案,但这个答案并不一定是唯一的。不能局限于此。因此,合理的做法是:将ChatGPT 和 搜索引擎结合起来使用。简单的问题,使用 ChatGPT 搞定就完了,复杂的问题,要结合 ChatGPT、搜索引擎乃至知识问答网站,不限于一家之言。



  • 最先的冲击,来自于对初级程序员的冲击。大概率初级程序员的需求会减少很多。
  • 其次,对高级程序员的冲击也是很强的。ChatGPT使得高级程序员的许多开发经验都快速失效,只能保留那些最精髓的部分。
  • 不会使用ChatGPT的程序员大概率会早早出局,或者做得比较苦。
  • 无论哪个级别的程序员,薪酬都可能会相应地降低。

只有那些掌握 ChatGPT 完成天才般工作的人,才能站在人群之上笑傲江湖。

如何与 ChatGPT 携手作战

切忌与ChatGPT正面作战。更积极的问法是:程序员如何与ChatGPT 携手作战,提升自己的工作效率,让自己工作省心一点?


  1. 提升英文读写能力。毕竟,ChatGPT 的训练素材应该更多是基于英文的,对英文语境更熟悉一些。
  2. 练习写好的prompts。借用朋友的一句话:Good prompts produce good results.
  3. 避免简单重复的编码工作。ChatGPT 可以有效地完成简单重复的工作,如果你还只限于做简单重复的编码工作,那必定迟早被淘汰无疑了。这对初级工程师是不利的。他们尚未建立对一个领域的初步的理解,就面临如此强大的对手,心有戚戚然焉!因此,初级工程师要站稳脚跟,不仅要花时间去熟悉一个领域,还需要掌握 ChatGPT 加速自己的工作效率和成长速度。也许,未来工程师的简历会加上这么一句:善于使用ChatGPT提升工作效能。这里的效能,不仅仅指效率,也指创造性。
  4. 综观全局,明确知道自己想要做什么。人类应当努力成为一个任务策划者,而非任务执行者。


最先想到的,就是用 ChatGPT 辅助编程,自动生成代码,尽可能减少手写代码。

比如,generate pojo class named ScriptSampleResultDO, with lombok Getter Setter annotation on class , base on fields of id, md5, sha256, version, detail, status, createTime, updateTime with Field annotation with value of under_line form and sha256 with background Index annotation with collection name of app_ids_script_sample_result . 【提问】


生成一个 ScriptSampleResultDO 类,字段有 id, md5, sha256, version, detail, status, createTime, updateTime。在类上加 Getter, Setter 注解。 字段上有 Field 注解,有 javadoc 注释,字段不要有 Getter, Setter 注解。sha256 加后台建索引,updateTime 加3个月过期索引, createTime 为 13 位 Long 型。这个类对应的表名为 app_ids_script_sample_result(定义成 ScriptSampleResultDO static 变量 COLLECTION_NAME)。加后台复合索引 status 正序, createTime 倒序,索引名类似 idx_索引名_1_索引名_-1。【提问】

ChatGPT 会自动生成类如下。注意,我并没有告诉它要对应 mongo 数据库啊,也没说要生成 Java 类,它却自动生成了与 mongo 数据库字段对应的 pojo Java 类。

以下是符合要求的 ScriptSampleResultDO 类:

import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.Setter;
import org.springframework.data.annotation.CreatedDate;
import org.springframework.data.annotation.LastModifiedDate;
import org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.index.CompoundIndex;
import org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.index.CompoundIndexes;
import org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.index.IndexDirection;
import org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.index.Indexed;
import org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.mapping.Document;
import org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.mapping.Field;

import java.util.Date;

 * Represents a record in the "app_ids_script_sample_result" collection.
@Document(collection = ScriptSampleResultDO.COLLECTION_NAME)
        @CompoundIndex(name = "idx_status_createTime", def = "{'status': 1, 'createTime': -1}")
public class ScriptSampleResultDO {

     * The name of the MongoDB collection that this class maps to.
    public static final String COLLECTION_NAME = "app_ids_script_sample_result";

     * The unique identifier of the script sample result.
    private String id;

     * The MD5 hash value of the script sample.
    private String md5;

     * The SHA256 hash value of the script sample. This field is indexed for faster querying.
    @Indexed(background = true)
    private String sha256;

     * The version string of the script sample.
    private String version;

     * Additional detail about the script sample.
    private String detail;

     * The status of the script sample result.
    private String status;

     * The timestamp when the script sample result was created, in Unix time (milliseconds since epoch).
    private Long createTime;

     * The time when the script sample result was last updated. This field is indexed with a 3-month expiration time.
    @Indexed(name = "idx_updateTime_ttl", expireAfterSeconds = 7889230)
    private Date updateTime;

基于 ScriptSampleResultDO 生成一个查询类,根据 sha256 version 查询 【提问】

import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Data;
public class ScriptSampleResultQuery {
    private String sha256;
    private String version;
上述代码使用了 Lombok 的 @Data 注解和 @AllArgsConstructor 注解,在编译时自动生成了字段的 getter 和 setter 方法以及带参数的构造函数。您可以使用这个类作为参数来执行查询,例如:
ScriptSampleResultQuery query = new ScriptSampleResultQuery("my-sha256", "1.0");
List<ScriptSampleResultDO> results = mongoTemplate.find(Query.query(
), ScriptSampleResultDO.class);
上述示例中,ScriptSampleResultQuery 类的实例 query 包含了要查询的 sha256 和 version 值。在执行查询时,我们将这个对象传入查询条件中,并使用 Spring Data MongoDB 提供的 mongoTemplate 执行查询操作。

基于 ScriptSampleResultDO 和 ScriptSampleResultQuery 生成对应的 Service , ServiceImpl, Repository, RepositoryImpl 【提问】

以下是基于 ScriptSampleResultDO 和 ScriptSampleResultQuery 自动生成的 Service、ServiceImpl、Repository 和 RepositoryImpl:
public interface ScriptSampleResultService {
    List<ScriptSampleResultDO> findBySha256AndVersion(String sha256, String version);
public class ScriptSampleResultServiceImpl implements ScriptSampleResultService {
    private final ScriptSampleResultRepository repository;
    public ScriptSampleResultServiceImpl(ScriptSampleResultRepository repository) {
        this.repository = repository;
    public List<ScriptSampleResultDO> findBySha256AndVersion(String sha256, String version) {
        return repository.findBySha256AndVersion(sha256, version);
public interface ScriptSampleResultRepository extends MongoRepository<ScriptSampleResultDO, String> {
    List<ScriptSampleResultDO> findBySha256AndVersion(String sha256, String version);
public class ScriptSampleResultRepositoryImpl implements ScriptSampleResultRepositoryCustom {
    private final MongoTemplate mongoTemplate;
    public ScriptSampleResultRepositoryImpl(MongoTemplate mongoTemplate) {
        this.mongoTemplate = mongoTemplate;
    public List<ScriptSampleResultDO> findBySha256AndVersion(String sha256, String version) {
        Query query = new Query();
        Criteria criteria = Criteria.where("sha256").is(sha256).and("version").is(version);
        return mongoTemplate.find(query, ScriptSampleResultDO.class);




比如我输入 ”how to interview a candidate understanding of distributing cache“,以下是 ChatGPT 的回答:

To assess a candidate's understanding of distributed cache, you can ask them the following questions:

1. What is caching, and why is it important for application performance?
2. What are the benefits of using distributed cache over local cache?
3. How does a distributed cache work, and what are some common implementation models?
4. Can you explain the concept of consistency models in distributed systems, and how they relate to distributed cache?
5. How do partitioning and sharding help improve performance and scalability in distributed cache systems?
6. What are the trade-offs between read-intensive and write-intensive caching workloads, and how might you design a distributed cache system to handle each type of workload?
7. Have you worked with any specific distributed cache technologies or frameworks? If so, can you describe your experience with them?
8. Can you discuss any challenges you've faced when implementing or scaling distributed cache systems in the past, and how you addressed those challenges?
These questions should help you gauge the candidate's knowledge of distributed cache concepts, implementation strategies, and real-world considerations. Additionally, you may consider providing hypothetical scenarios or technical assessments to evaluate the candidate's problem-solving skills and ability to apply their knowledge to practical situations.


ChatGPT可以用来协助排查问题和总结知识,比如输入”reasons why redis reading timeout“,回答:

There are several reasons why Redis may experience read timeouts:

Network latency: If the Redis server is located in a different network or data center, it may take longer for data to be transmitted over the network, resulting in slow response times and potential timeouts.

Blocking commands: Some Redis commands, such as BLPOP, BRPOP, and BRPOPLPUSH, are blocking commands that wait for new data to arrive before returning. If these commands are used excessively, they can cause other clients to experience read timeouts.

Server overload: When a Redis server becomes overloaded with requests or when it exceeds its available resources (e.g., CPU, memory), it may fail to respond to client requests in a timely manner, causing read timeouts.

Large datasets: If a Redis database contains large amounts of data, reading all the data at once may take longer than the specified timeout value, resulting in a timeout error.

Firewall issues: Sometimes, firewalls or proxy servers can introduce delays or block network traffic, causing Redis read operations to time out.

Misconfiguration: Improperly configured Redis settings or network configurations may also result in read timeouts, such as setting an overly short timeout value or using an incompatible Redis client library.

To troubleshoot and resolve Redis read timeouts, it's important to identify the underlying cause and take appropriate measures, such as optimizing network configurations, reducing the use of blocking commands, optimizing server performance, and adjusting Redis configuration parameters.




  • 改进和调试一个程序,使之完善并能完成指定功能。
  • 与产品意见不同时,理解对方的意图,有理有据说明自己的理由,达成共识。
  • 发现项目中存在的风险,并及时关注和管控。
  • 线上疑难问题的排查和解决。
  • 棘手问题的解决。
  • 遇到一个技术问题可以设想的技术方案选项,权衡取舍,作出最优的决策。
  • 设计能够避免错误和资损的业务流程。
  • 设计复杂有难度的系统。
  • 写出高质量代码的经验。
  • 设计高性能、高可用、可复用、可扩展、可维护性系统的开发经验。
  • 单机环境下的开发经验、踩过的坑和经历的故障等。
  • 分布式环境下的开发经验、踩过的坑和经历的故障等。
  • 集群环境下的开发经验、踩过的坑和经历的故障等。
  • 高并发、大流量场景下的开发经验、踩过的坑和经历的故障等。
  • 对业务和行业痛点的理解和应用等。
  • 带领团队成功完成项目和系统。

至于拿到产品需求,编码实现,熟悉项目流程,那只算是最初级的开发经验,玩过一两次就会了。而学会使用 redis, mongo,mysql 等工具来实现需求,并学会队列、分布式锁等,则是稍微进阶一点的经验,但也只是前进了一小步而已。



ChatGPT 的出现,对于程序员来说,既是利好也是挑战。利好之处在于,如果你善于设计系统、规划路线图,那么 ChatGPT将能帮助你完成那些琐碎基础的事情;挑战在于,如果你只是满足于基本的编码工作,那将会面临最大的对手,而且这个对手几乎是碾压性的不可战胜的。你必须学会富有创造性地设计和工作,高质量的思考和决策,才能与这个强大的对手携手前行,去战胜更多的未知的障碍和挑战。

posted @ 2023-04-08 19:23  琴水玉  阅读(331)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报