第一篇 Nginx使用介绍
一. 简单使用 介绍
1. nginx介绍
Nginx("engine x")是一款是由俄罗斯的程序设计师Igor Sysoev所开发高性能的 Web和 反向代理 服务器,也是一个 IMAP/POP3/SMTP 代理服务器。 在高连接并发的情况下,Nginx是Apache服务器不错的替代品。
2. 安装
依赖包: yum -y install gcc gcc-c++ autoconf automake yum -y install zlib zlib-devel openssl openssl-devel pcre pcre-devel yum -y install gcc automake autoconf libtool make 安装流程 1 .wget http://nginx.org/download/nginx-1.16.1.tar.gz 下载 2. tar zxvf nginx-1.16.1.tar.gz 解压 3. cd nginx-1.16.1 进入解压好的nginx 下 [root@localhost src]# cd nginx-1.16.1 4. ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/nginx 安装路径 [root@localhost nginx-1.16.1]# ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/nginx 5. make && make install 安装编译 [root@localhost nginx-1.16.1]# make && make install 6. cd nginx/ 进入到nginx安装目录下 [root@localhost local]# cd nginx/ [root@localhost nginx]# ls conf 配置文件 html 网页文件 logs 日志文件 sbin 主要进程文件(二进制文件) 7. ./sbin/nginx 启动 [root@localhost nginx]# ./sbin/nginx(报的错误表示80端口被站 有时候 其他服务站了或者 系统服务站了) nginx: [emerg] bind() to failed (98: Address already in use) nginx: [emerg] bind() to failed (98: Address already in use) nginx: [emerg] bind() to failed (98: Address already in use) nginx: [emerg] bind() to failed (98: Address already in use) nginx: [emerg] bind() to failed (98: Address already in use) nginx: [emerg] still could not bind() 8. netstat -ant 或 netstat -antp 查看端口命令 端口详情 9. kill -9 进程号 杀掉进程 10. 防火墙 查看防火状态 systemctl status firewalld service iptables status 暂时关闭防火墙 systemctl stop firewalld service iptables stop 永久关闭防火墙 systemctl disable firewalld chkconfig iptables off
11. ps -ef | grep nginx ps命令将某个进程显示出来
root 4991 1 0 08:18 ? 00:00:00 nginx: master process ./sbin/nginx
nobody 4992 4991 0 08:18 ? 00:00:00 nginx: worker process
root 5166 2176 0 08:40 pts/0 00:00:00 grep nginx