0. 简介
1. Reference
Introuction to Algorithms
2. MergeSort
void merge(int a[], int b[], const int left, const int middle,
const int right) {
int li, ri, i;
li = left;
ri = middle + 1;
i = 0;
while (li <= middle && ri <= right) {
if (a[li] < a[ri])
b[i++] = a[li++];
b[i++] = a[ri++];
while (li <= middle)
b[i++] = a[li++];
while (ri <= right)
b[i++] = a[ri++];
void copy(int dst[], int dleft, int src[], int sleft, int sright) {
memcpy(dst + dleft, src + sleft,
sizeof(int) * (sright - sleft + 1));
void _merge_sort(int a[], int b[], const int left, const int right) {
if (left >= right)
int middle = (left + right) / 2;
_merge_sort(a, b, left, middle);
_merge_sort(a, b, middle + 1, right);
merge(a, b, left, middle, right);
copy(a, left, b, 0, right - left);
void merge_sort(int a[], const int size) {
int *b = (int *)malloc(size * sizeof(int));
_merge_sort(a, b, 0, size - 1);
3. More Efficient MergeSort
We can save some time by copy half when merge()
. In merge()
, we copy from
left to right, but in MergeKai()
we can only copy from left to
middle. The merge()
has NlgN
duplications which the MergeKai()
1/2 * NlgN
normal merge sort
more efficient merge sort
Just as the previous example, the efficient merge sort does not need to copy
1, 3, 7, 8
to the assit array.
// Merge the two list in [left, mid], and (mid, right]. Then, write
// the result to [left, right]
static void MergeKai(int a[], int assist[], const int left,
const int mid, const int right) {
int l = left;
int r = mid + 1;
int assist_index = 0;
// Copy [left, mid] to assit[0, mid - left]
memcpy(assist, a + left, (mid - left + 1) * sizeof(int));
while (assist_index <= mid - left && r <= right) {
if (assist[assist_index] <= a[r]) {
a[l++] = assist[assist_index++];
} else if (assist[assist_index] > a[r]) {
a[l++] = a[r++];
while (assist_index <= mid - left) {
a[l++] = assist[assist_index++];
while (r <= right) {
a[l++] = a[r++];
static void MergeSortKaiImpl(int a[], int assist[], const int left,
const int right) {
if (left >= right) {
const int mid = (left + right) / 2;
MergeSortKaiImpl(a, assist, left, mid);
MergeSortKaiImpl(a, assist, mid + 1, right);
MergeKai(a, assist, left, mid, right);
void MergeSortKai(int a[], const int size) {
int* assist= (int *)malloc(size * sizeof(int));
MergeSortKaiImpl(a, assist, 0, size - 1);
4. Experiments
It takes 1524.61 ms to generate arrays: 1000000 * 20
Sort Function Total Run Time Array Size
merge_sort_iteratively 826 ms 1000000 * 20
merge_sort 840 ms 1000000 * 20
MergeSortIterativelyKai 826 ms 1000000 * 20
MergeSortKai 809 ms 1000000 * 20
It takes 15028.2 ms to generate arrays: 10000000 * 20
Sort Function Total Run Time Array Size
merge_sort_iteratively 8717 ms 10000000 * 20
merge_sort 8820 ms 10000000 * 20
MergeSortIterativelyKai 8425 ms 10000000 * 20
MergeSortKai 8389 ms 10000000 * 20
It takes 1929.31 ms to generate arrays: 100000 * 200
Sort Function Total Run Time Array Size
merge_sort_iteratively 1245 ms 100000 * 200
merge_sort 1347 ms 100000 * 200
MergeSortIterativelyKai 1246 ms 100000 * 200
MergeSortKai 1275 ms 100000 * 200
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