self-confidence,the source of all the power


clearcase command (windows 常用的几个)


  1. setview  指定某个view你可以操作,否则你将看不到文件,ls,cd 等其它命令无效

    setview  viewname

  2. rename branch type name

    steps :  telnet server ->cleartool setview xxx -> cd /vobs/...  

        -> cleartool rename brtype: old_branch_name  brtype: new_branch_name

  3.  updated file changed list(FCL)

    steps:   telnet server ->cleartool setview xxx -> cd /vobs/...  

        -> cleartool find /vobs/project_folder  -ver “version(…/your_branch_name/LATEST)” -print  

  4.  edit config spec

    steps : right click a folder/file -> enter command line window ->input "edcs"   ->    edit config spec

  5. new a branch type

    steps : right click a folder/file -> enter command line window -> mkbrtype  branch_typename 
   6. remove private file
    cleartool lsprivate –tag your_tag | xargs rm –rf

config spec rule

   element * .../branch_typename /LATEST   

      - get the latest files of branch_typename

   element * .../main/latest    

      - get the latest files of main branch

   element  /folder/changed_file.c    /main/branch_typename/5    

      - get changed_file.c which located in the 5th node of branch_typename, this command format comes from FCL.

how to create a new branch?

  1. create new branch from clearcase   注:这个方法只适应于修改少数文件时使用,针对每一个文件单独操作,缺点是每修改一个文件都需要重复以下所有步骤


      right click a folder/file -> enter command line window -> mkbrtype -nc  branchtype_name :  create a new branchtype

      ->  mkbranch -nc branchtype_name dstfile  : checkout dstfile

   2. 这个方法主要用于新增项目(需要添加/修改大量文件),这个方法简单且不易出错,创建新分支后,可以随时checkout你所需要修改的文件, it is more smarter.


      click right button -> command prompt -> mkbrtype  branch_typename  : new a branch type ->

      config spec rule as below.

      config spec rule :
        element * .../branch_typename /LATEST
        element *  /main/xx/LATEST  -mkbranch branch_typename   
      config spec rule :
        element * .../branch_typename /LATEST
        element *  your_base_branch_type(label)  -mkbranch branch_typename   



posted on 2013-08-24 19:01  漩涡鸣人  阅读(438)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报