


Reaching Elements in a Document
document.getElementById('id'): Retrieves the element with the given id as an object
document.getElementsByTagName('tagname'): Retrieves all elements with the tag name tagname and stores them in an array-like list

Reading Element Attributes, Node Values, and Other Node Data
node.getAttribute('attribute'): Retrieves the value of the attribute with the name attribute
node.setAttribute('attribute', 'value'): Sets the value of the attribute with the name attribute to value
node.nodeType: Reads the type of the node (1 = element, 3 = text node)
node.nodeName: Reads the name of the node (either element name or #textNode)
node.nodeValue: Reads or sets the value of the node (the text content in the case of text nodes)

Navigating Between Nodes
node.previousSibling: Retrieves the previous sibling node and stores it as an object.
node.nextSibling: Retrieves the next sibling node and stores it as an object.
node.childNodes: Retrieves all child nodes of the object and stores them in an list.
  There are shortcuts for the first and last child node, named node.firstChild and node.lastChild.
node.parentNode: Retrieves the node containing node.


Creating New Nodes
document.createElement(element): Creates a new element node with the name element.
   You provide the element name as a string.
document.createTextNode(string): Creates a new text node with the node value of string.
newNode =node.cloneNode(bool): Creates newNode as a copy (clone) of node. If bool is true, the clone includes clones of all the child nodes of the original.
node.appendChild(newNode): Adds newNode as a new (last) child node to node.
node.insertBefore(newNode,oldNode): Inserts newNode as a new child node of node before oldNode.
node.removeChild(oldNode): Removes the child oldNode from node.
node.replaceChild(newNode, oldNode): Replaces the child node oldNode of node with newNode.
element.innerHTML: Reads or writes the HTML content of the given element as a string—
   including all child nodes with their attributes and text content.

posted @ 2010-07-30 17:09  碧青_Kwok  阅读(387)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报