User Stories Applied 读书笔记


User stories are a popular technique used in Agile software development to capture and communicate requirements. They are concise, informal descriptions of a software feature, written from the perspective of an end user or stakeholder. User stories serve as placeholders for conversations between the development team and the stakeholders, allowing for flexibility and adaptability throughout the development process. One advantage of user stories is that they can be written at different levels of detail, allowing for progressive elaboration. They start with high-level, goal-oriented statements, known as epic stories, and then get broken down into smaller, more specific stories. This allows for a more incremental and iterative approach to development. User stories also encourage deferring the details until they become important, which makes them ideal for time-constrained projects. Teams can quickly write a set of stories to get an overall understanding of the system, and then dive into the details of a few key stories. This helps teams get started with development sooner, compared to traditional requirements gathering approaches. Another advantage of user stories is their focus on the user's perspective and goals. They emphasize the "what" and "why" of a feature, rather than the "how". This allows for more creative thinking and collaboration between the development team and the stakeholders. Additionally, user stories are flexible and adaptable. They can be easily modified or reprioritized as new information or changes arise. This promotes a more collaborative and responsive approach to development. Overall, user stories provide a lightweight and effective way to capture requirements, promote collaboration and flexibility, and drive the development process in an Agile environment.

​ 用户故事是敏捷软件开发中用于捕获和传达需求的流行技术。它们是从最终用户或利益相关者的角度编写的软件功能的简明、非正式描述。


​ 用户故事还鼓励推迟细节,直到它们变得重要,这使得它们成为时间受限项目的理想选择。团队可以快速编写一组故事,以全面了解系统,然后深入了解几个关键故事的细节。与传统的需求收集方法相比,这有助于团队更快地开始开发。

​ 用户故事的另一个优点是它们关注用户的观点和目标。他们强调功能的“内容”和“为什幺”,而不是“如何”。这允许开发团队和利益相关者之间进行更具创造性的思维和协作。

​ 此外,用户故事具有灵活性和适应性。随着新信息或变化的出现,可以轻松修改它们或重新确定优先级。这促进了对发展采取更具协作性和反应性更强的办法。总体而言,用户故事提供了一种轻量级且有效的方式来捕获需求,促进协作和灵活性,并在敏捷环境中推动开发过程。

文章来源:刘俊涛的博客 欢迎关注公众号、留言、评论,一起学习。

Don’t reinvent the wheel, library code is there to help.


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